Bitcoin Implementation in Scala
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Torkel Rogstad 37c8018e8e WIP: Docusaurus website (#465)
* Docs: Introduce new Docusaurus-based website

This commit is the result of running
npx docusaurus-init, and nothing more.
Further changes will happen on top of
this, to make it easier to review changes
and update to newer versions of Docusaurus
in the future.

* WIP: Add Bitcoin-S website

Change the default Docusaurus template to a custom website. Goes
off of existing documentation, and moves it into the new docs and
website directories. Deletes some unused files, such as

* Initial mdoc support

* Add Scaladoc to website

* Add SVG assets

* Change colors, flesh out pages, correct Scaladoc links

* Rename doc project to scripts, move security doc to website

* Add copy buttons to website code snippets

* Add doc and tasks for publishing website

* Refactor how paths get copied after generating Scaladocs

* Add Get Started button

* Replace bitcoin-s logo with white text

* Add Montserrat font for headers

* flesh out user showcase and landing page

* Change Scaladoc URL to bitcoins package
2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
bench Creates a package for the bench project, moves BlockBench into that package (#472) 2019-05-14 09:21:50 -05:00
bitcoind-rpc WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
bitcoind-rpc-test/src/test Add support for Bitcoin Core 0.17 (#384) 2019-03-26 12:41:05 -05:00
core WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
core-test BIP84 and BIP49 (#444) 2019-05-03 04:47:10 -05:00
docs WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
eclair-rpc WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
eclair-rpc-test/src/test Ignore eclair test case for now as it almost always fails on CI (#456) 2019-05-02 09:18:57 -05:00
project WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
scripts WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
secp256k1@2e16ac7d6c Changing TxSigComponent to take a TransactionOutput instead of a ScriptPubKey, refactoring ScriptProgram into 3 companion objects PreExecutionScriptProgram, ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, ExecutedScriptProgram 2018-05-19 09:25:32 -05:00
secp256k1jni updates osx binaries (#308) 2019-01-28 09:55:56 -06:00
testkit BIP84 and BIP49 (#444) 2019-05-03 04:47:10 -05:00
website WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
zmq Updates READMEs for root, testkit and zmq (#356) 2019-02-21 07:44:33 -06:00
.dockerignore WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
.gitignore WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
.gitmodules Adding specific commit for secp256k1 2018-04-25 16:44:48 -05:00
.jvmopts Reduce number of requests we send to eclair in testkits, add commandN… (#343) 2019-02-19 14:18:37 -06:00
.scalafmt.conf Added scalafmt and ran it (#264) 2018-12-09 14:43:31 -05:00
.travis.yml move upload to coveralls into test script, add GitVersioning plugin to various sub projects (#466) 2019-05-09 13:18:30 -05:00
build.sbt WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00 WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
docker-compose.yml WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
Dockerfile WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00
inThisBuild.sbt Bump scalac to 2.12.8 (#340) 2019-02-16 14:52:04 -06:00
LICENSE updating license 2018-01-17 17:15:18 -06:00 Adds Ammonite REPL in test scope (#323) 2019-02-26 06:16:12 -06:00 WIP: Docusaurus website (#465) 2019-05-14 18:05:14 -05:00

Build Status Coverage Status IRC NetworkGitter chat


Design Principles

  • Immutable data structures everywhere
  • Algebraic Data Types to allow the compiler to check for exhaustiveness on match statements
  • Using property based testing to test robustness of code
  • Minimize dependencies to reduce attack surface


  1. core - this is where protocol data structures live, like Transactions, Blocks, or PrivateKeys. For more info read core/

  2. core-test - this is where all test cases for the core project live

  3. bitcoind-rpc - this is a RPC client implementation for bitcoind. For more info read bitcoind-rpc/

  4. bitcoind-rpc-test - this is where all test cases for the bitcoind-rpc project live

  5. eclair-rpc - this is a RPC client implementation for Eclair, which is a Lightning Network implementation. For more information please read eclair-rpc/

  6. eclair-rpc-test - this is where all test cases for the eclair-rpc project live

  7. bench - benchmarks for Bitcoin-S. For more information please read bench/

  8. testkit - This is a useful testkit for testing Bitcoin related applications. You can spin up Bitcoin and Lightning nodes arbitrarily and set them in specific states. For more information please read testkit/

  9. zmq - bitcoind has a setting that publishes information about the state of the network over ZMQ. This project implements a subscriber that allows you to read and parse that information. For more information see zmq/ as well as the official Bitcoin Core ZMQ documentation

  10. secp256k1jni - JNI (Java Native Interface) for secp256k1, a optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1. It has support for a wide range of cryptographic operations used in the Bitcoin protocol. Fore more information please read secp256k1jni/


In any given sub project, it's possible to open a REPL session. This session has both main and test sources from Bitcoin-S available, as well as all dependencies for the given sub project. To do this:

// core project 
$ sbt coreTest/test:run // we do coreTest instead of core to have all test sources available

// this works as well
$ sbt
> project coreTest
> amm
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 1.6.2
(Scala 2.12.7 Java 1.8.0_191)
If you like Ammonite, please support our development at
@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.ln.currency.MilliSatoshis 
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.ln.currency.MilliSatoshis

@ MilliSatoshis(100) 
res1: MilliSatoshis = MilliSatoshisImpl(100)

// Bitcoind RPC project
$ sbt bitcoindRpcTest/test:run

// this works as well
$ sbt
> project bitcoindRpcTest
> amm

// Similarly for other projects


You need to add the Bitcoin-S Bintray to your resolvers to be able to access published artifacts.


With sbt, this can be done like this:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("bitcoin-s", "bitcoin-s-core"),

Now you should be able to add Bitcoin-S artifacts like this:

"org.bitcoins" % "bitcoin-s-secp256k1jni" % "0.0.4"

"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-core" % "0.0.4" withSources() withJavadoc()

"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-bitcoind-rpc" % "0.0.4" withSources() withJavadoc()

"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-eclair-rpc" % "0.0.4" withSources() withJavadoc()

"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-testkit" % "0.0.4" withSources() withJavadoc()

"org.bitcoins" %% "bitcoin-s-zmq" % "0.0.4" withSources() withJavadoc()


Ammonite is (among other things) a modernized Scala REPL with syntax highlighting, multi-line editing, the ability to load artifacts directly in the REPL, and many other quality-of-life improvements missing in the default Scala REPL.

Ammonite is a project by Li Haoyi, and you can get it at

With Ammonite, this can be done like this:

@ import coursier.MavenRepository
import coursier.MavenRepository

@ interp.repositories() ++= Seq(MavenRepository(""))

@ import $ivy.`org.bitcoins::bitcoin-s-core:0.0.4`
import $ivy.$

@ import org.bitcoins.core.currency.Bitcoins
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.Bitcoins

@ Bitcoins(10)
res0: Bitcoins = BitcoinsImpl(10) // 🎉

This is only necessary one time, Ammonite remembers your resolvers across sessions.

Published artifacts

Versioned artifacts are available online.

Snapshots (not necessarily stable, use for local development) are available at JFrog.

Tagged versions are available at Bintray.