Torkel Rogstad 2640b3dc77 Add main method for running Mdoc
This allows working on the website without
opening sbt at all. bloop run docs -- --watch
compiles all Mdoc sources and outputs it into
the correct directory.
2019-07-03 16:04:17 +02:00

37 lines
872 B

lazy val bitcoins = RootProject(file("."))
lazy val publishWebsite = taskKey[Unit]("Publish website")
publishWebsite := Def
bitcoins / Compile / unidoc,
Compile / docusaurusPublishGhpages
name := "bitcoin-s-docs"
publish / skip := true
/// Mdoc
// Without this we get errors on bad links,
// but those links are to other parts of
// the website, AKA false errors.
// See this issue:
mdocExtraArguments := List("--no-link-hygiene")
mdocVariables := Map(
"STABLE_VERSION" -> previousStableVersion.value.get,
"UNSTABLE_VERSION" -> version.value
enablePlugins(MdocPlugin, DocusaurusPlugin, BuildInfoPlugin)
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](mdocVariables, mdocExtraArguments)
buildInfoPackage := ""
// Mdoc end
libraryDependencies ++=