Chris Stewart 2287c6ced9 Implement caching of bitcoind in the walletTest,nodeTest, and partially bitcoindRpcTest project (#2792)
* Create CachedBitcoind, implement it in FundTransactionHandlingTest

* Add BaseWalletTest, extend it with BitcoinSWalletTest & BitcoinSWalletTestCachedBitcoind, add CachedBitcoinV19 and use it RescanHandlingTest

* Make ProcessBlockTest work with cached bitcoind

* Make trait for CachedBitcoindNewest for the newest version of bitcoind

* Make UTXOLifeCycleTest use cached bitcoind

* Add WalletBloom, WalletSyncTest to use cached bitcoinds

* Add WalletIntegrationTest

* Rework beforeAll() and afterAll() into the super trait like BaseWalletTest

* Add standlone BitcoindFixtures, use it in BitcoindBackendTest

* Use new BitcoindFixtures in BitcoindBlockPollingTest

* Introduce BaseNodeTest, start implementing the usage of cached bitcoinds in the nodeTest project

* Use cached bitcoind's with SpvNodeTest & SpvNodeWithWalletTest

* Fix bug on postgres with reusing database, upsert the genesis header rather than create it

* Get NeutrinoNode tests workign with cached bitcoinds

* Fix NeutrinoNodeWithWallet by destroying wallet state for Postgres

* Add teardown helper method for bitcoind

* Teardown chain project when using node fixtures since node is dependent upon the chain project.

* Turn off parallelExecution again

* Switch the parallelExecution flag to only be set on CI, so we can get better performance when running locally

* Start implementing BitcoindFixtures, use BitcoindFixturesCachedTriple on TestUtilRpcTest

* Fix compiler errors, begin implementing NodePair

* Refactor TestRpcUtilTest to use 2 bitcoinds rather than 2

* Reduce the number of bitcoinds that MultiWalletRpcTest needs from 3 -> 1

* Reduce number of bitcoinds used in WalletRpcTest from 3 -> 2

* Add some documentation

* Try to re-add parallelExecution

* Reduce the number of bitcoinds used in PsbtRpcTest from 3 -> 2

* Disable parallelExecution in Test again

* Make BitcoindV21RpcClientTest & BitcoindV20RpcClientTest reduce bitcoind usage from 2 -> 1

* Make BitcoindV19RpcClienttest reduce bitcoind usage from 2 -> 1

* Rework MempoolRpcTest to use fixtures, add BitcoindVersion to CachedBitcoindCollection

* Make sure clientAccumm has to be specified as a paramter now rather than filling in by default

* Begin parameterizing NodePair/NodeTriple to retain type information for the specific version of bitcoind that was used

* Don't implement version in super trait

* Fix docs

* Fix async issue in V21 test suite

* Append to vectors in CachedBitcoinCollection rather than replace

* Fix rebase issues

* Add scaladocs

* Fix BitcoindV18RpcClient address info test

* Implement fixtures in BitcoindV17RpcClientTest fixtures

* Cleanup v17 PsbtRpcTest

* Reduce bitcoind usage from 3 -> 1 in BitcoindV18RpcClientTest

* Remove abandon transaction test, this allows us to reduce the number of bitcoind's used in MempoolRpcTest from 3 -> 2

* Remove the requirement to inject  BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest, add it in the test traits explicitly to make things easier. Also add explicit afterAll() method to tear down both the CachedBitcoind & BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest

* Fix missing Await.result() in BitcoindRpcTest.afterAll()

* Rework MultiWalletRpcTest to use a NodePair

* Rework BlockchainRpcTest to use fixtures

* Rework Client start()/stop() methods. Now use an AtomicBoolean to indicate when a user has requested a client to start/stop rather than sending pings to bitcoind that can fail because the conneciton pool has been shutdown in test cases

* Try my luck with turning on parallelExecution in CI again

* Revert parallelExecution, now testes do not run in parallel on CI

* Only turn off parallelExecution for bitcoindRpcTest

* Adjust build to only have bitcoindRpcTest NOT in run parallel on mac, reduce number of blocks used in BitcoindRpcTestUtil.createNodeSequence

* Run less tests in the rpc test suite as that takes the longest, move them over to node/wallet/dlc test suite on mac osx CI

* Don't run eclair tests in parallel either

* Remove CachedBitcoind from BitcoinSWalletTest

* Fix async bug in test case

* Push to github to force re-run of CI

* Push to github to force re-run of CI

* Push to github to force re-run of CI
2021-03-19 06:37:53 -05:00

180 lines
5.5 KiB

// these two imports are needed for sbt syntax to work
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager.Docker
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager.autoImport.packageName
import java.nio.file.Paths
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys.{
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin.autoImport.dockerBaseImage
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import scala.util.Properties
object CommonSettings {
private def isCI = {
lazy val settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Vector(
organization := "org.bitcoin-s",
homepage := Some(url("")),
maintainer := "Chris Stewart <>",
developers := List(
"Chris Stewart",
scalacOptions in Compile ++= compilerOpts(scalaVersion =
Test / scalacOptions ++= testCompilerOpts(scalaVersion =
//remove annoying import unused things in the scala console
scalacOptions in (Compile, console) ~= (_ filterNot (s =>
s == "-Ywarn-unused-import"
|| s == "-Ywarn-unused"
|| s == "-Xfatal-warnings"
//for 2.13 -- they use different compiler opts
|| s == "-Xlint:unused")),
//we don't want -Xfatal-warnings for publishing with publish/publishLocal either
scalacOptions in (Compile, doc) ~= (_ filterNot (s =>
s == "-Xfatal-warnings")),
scalacOptions in (Test, console) ++= (scalacOptions in (Compile, console)).value,
scalacOptions in Test ++= testCompilerOpts(scalaVersion.value),
licenses += ("MIT", url(""))
lazy val jvmSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = List(
// scaladoc settings
Compile / doc / scalacOptions ++= List(
// Set apiURL to define the base URL for the Scaladocs for our library.
// This will enable clients of our library to automatically link against
// the API documentation using autoAPIMappings.
apiURL := + "/api").map(url(_)),
// scaladoc settings end
Compile / compile / javacOptions ++= {
if (isCI) {
//jdk11 is used on CI, we need to use the --release flag to make sure
//byte code is compatible with jdk 8
Seq("--release", "8")
} else {
Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8")
private val commonCompilerOpts = {
/** Linting options for scalac */
private val scala2_13CompilerLinting = {
/** Compiler options for source code */
private val scala2_13SourceCompilerOpts = {
Seq("-Xfatal-warnings") ++ scala2_13CompilerLinting
private val nonScala2_13CompilerOpts = Seq(
def compilerOpts(scalaVersion: String): Seq[String] = {
) ++ commonCompilerOpts ++ {
if (scalaVersion.startsWith("2.13")) {
} else nonScala2_13CompilerOpts
def testCompilerOpts(scalaVersion: String): Seq[String] = {
(commonCompilerOpts ++
//initialization checks:
Vector("-Xcheckinit") ++
.filterNot(_ == "-Xfatal-warnings")
lazy val testSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
//show full stack trace (-oF) of failed tests and duration of tests (-oD)
testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oDF"),
logBuffered in Test := false, := true
) ++ settings
lazy val prodSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = settings
lazy val appSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = prodSettings ++ Vector(
//gives us the 'universal' directory in build artifacts
Compile / unmanagedResourceDirectories += baseDirectory.value / "src" / "universal"
lazy val dockerSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = {
dockerBaseImage := "openjdk:15.0.2-jdk-buster",
dockerRepository := Some("bitcoinscala"),
//set the user to be 'bitcoin-s' rather than
//the default provided by sbt native packager
//which is 'demiourgos728'
daemonUser in Docker := "bitcoin-s",
packageName in Docker := packageName.value,
version in Docker := version.value,
dockerUpdateLatest := isSnapshot.value
lazy val binariesPath =
Paths.get(Properties.userHome, ".bitcoin-s", "binaries")