nkohen 03729103a1 Added secp256k1_schnorrsig_sign to JNI
Added secp256k1_schnorrsig_verify to the JNI

Added new schnorrSignWithNonce

Fixed schnorr signing and added a test making sure schnorrSign and schnorrSignWithNonce agree

Fixed binding, doesn't work yet

Added tests, they fail

Added BIP 340 test vectors

Implemented sigpoint computation using group operators. I believe the nonce is being incorrectly parsed half the time as it should not be treated as an xonly_pubkey

Added tests

Added Bouncy Castle implementation and further integration

Implemented bouncy castle fallback for all secp schnorr functions

Implemented FieldElement to abstract modular BigInt computations in the Secp256k1 field

Implemented sig in SchnorrDigitalSignature as a FieldElement

Vamped up testing

Added windows binaries

Added osx binaries

added windows binaries

Responded to review

Cleaned up secp commits

Responded to review

Replaced custom modInverse implementation in FieldElement with java.math.BigInteger.modInverse

Cleaned up a couple things for coverage purposes

Set bitcoin-s-schnorr to secp branch
2020-04-20 12:55:02 -05:00

32 KiB
Executable file