import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.GitKeys._ import scala.util.Properties cancelable in Global := true //don't allow us to wipe all of our prod databases flywayClean / aggregate := false //allow us to wipe our test databases Test / flywayClean / aggregate := true lazy val commonCompilerOpts = { List( "-Xsource:2.12", "-target:jvm-1.8" ) } val scala2_13CompilerOpts = Seq("-Xlint:unused") val nonScala2_13CompilerOpts = Seq( "-Xmax-classfile-name", "128", "-Ywarn-unused", "-Ywarn-unused-import" ) // def compilerOpts(scalaVersion: String) = Seq( "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-unchecked", "-feature", "-deprecation", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-value-discard", "-Ywarn-unused", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-feature" ) ++ commonCompilerOpts ++ { if (scalaVersion.startsWith("2.13")) scala2_13CompilerOpts else nonScala2_13CompilerOpts } val testCompilerOpts = commonCompilerOpts lazy val isCI = { sys.props .get("CI") .isDefined } lazy val commonSettings = List( organization := "org.bitcoin-s", homepage := Some(url("")), developers := List( Developer( "christewart", "Chris Stewart", "", url("") ) ), //// // scaladoc settings Compile / doc / scalacOptions ++= List( "-doc-title", "Bitcoin-S", "-doc-version", version.value ), // Set apiURL to define the base URL for the Scaladocs for our library. // This will enable clients of our library to automatically link against // the API documentation using autoAPIMappings. apiURL := + "/api").map(url(_)), // scaladoc settings end //// scalacOptions in Compile := compilerOpts(scalaVersion.value), scalacOptions in Test := testCompilerOpts, Compile / compile / javacOptions ++= { if (isCI) { //jdk11 is used on CI, we need to use the --release flag to make sure //byte code is compatible with jdk 8 // Seq("--release", "8") } else { Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8") } }, //show full stack trace of failed tests testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oF"), //show duration of tests testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oD"), licenses += ("MIT", url("")), // Travis has performance issues on macOS Test / parallelExecution := !(Properties.isMac && isCI) ) lazy val commonTestSettings = Seq( publish / skip := true ) ++ commonSettings lazy val commonTestWithDbSettings = Seq( // To make in-memory DBs work properly Test / fork := true, // To avoid deadlock issues with SQLite Test / parallelExecution := false ) ++ commonTestSettings lazy val commonProdSettings = commonSettings lazy val Benchmark = config("bench") extend Test lazy val benchSettings: Seq[Def.SettingsDefinition] = { //for scalameter // //you can add benchmarking to a project by adding these to lines //to the projects build definition // .settings(benchSettings: _*) // .configs(Benchmark) List( unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test += baseDirectory.value / "src" / "bench" / "scala", testFrameworks += new TestFramework("org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework"), parallelExecution in Benchmark := false, outputStrategy in Benchmark := Some(StdoutOutput), fork in Benchmark := true, connectInput in Benchmark := true, inConfig(Benchmark)(Defaults.testSettings) ) } // quoting the val name this way makes it appear as // 'bitcoin-s' in sbt/bloop instead of 'bitcoins' lazy val `bitcoin-s` = project .in(file(".")) .aggregate( secp256k1jni, chain, chainTest, cli, cliTest, core, coreTest, dbCommons, bitcoindRpc, bitcoindRpcTest, bench, eclairRpc, eclairRpcTest, node, nodeTest, picklers, wallet, walletTest, walletServer, walletServerTest, testkit, zmq ) .settings(commonSettings: _*) // crossScalaVersions must be set to Nil on the aggregating project .settings(crossScalaVersions := Nil) // unidoc aggregates Scaladocs for all subprojects into one big doc .enablePlugins(ScalaUnidocPlugin) .settings( // we modify the unidoc task to move the generated Scaladocs into the // website directory afterwards Compile / unidoc := { import java.nio.file._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val logger = streams.value.log def cleanPath(path: Path, isRoot: Boolean = true): Unit = { if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { path.toFile.list().map { file => val toClean = path.resolve(file) cleanPath(toClean, isRoot = false) } if (isRoot) () else Files.deleteIfExists(path) } else if (isRoot) { () } else if (path.toString.endsWith(".gitkeep")) { () } else { Files.deleteIfExists(path) } } val websiteScaladocDir = Paths.get("website", "static", "api").toAbsolutePath"Cleaning website Scaladoc directory $websiteScaladocDir") cleanPath(websiteScaladocDir) // returned value is a list of files, // list has one element val generatedDir = (Compile / unidoc).value.head"Moving files in $generatedDir to $websiteScaladocDir") try { Files .walk(generatedDir.toPath) .iterator() .asScala .drop(1) // skip the root directory .foreach { child => val pathDiff = generatedDir.toPath.relativize(child) Files.copy(child, websiteScaladocDir.resolve(pathDiff), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) } } catch { case e: Throwable => logger.err( "Error when copying Scaladocs to website folder: ${e.toString}") throw e } Seq(generatedDir) } ) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s", gitRemoteRepo := "", publish / skip := true ) lazy val secp256k1jni = project .in(file("secp256k1jni")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.secp256k1jni, // we place lib files in this directory unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile += baseDirectory.value / "natives", //since this is not a scala module, we have no code coverage //this also doesn't place nice with scoverage, see // coverageEnabled := false ) /** * If you want sbt projects to depend on each other in * slighly nonstandard ways, the way to do it is through * stringly typed syntax. * * Suppose you have a module A and a module B: * {{{ * lazy val A ="A")) * lazy val B ="B")) * .dependsOn(A) * // .dependsOn(A % "compile->compile") * // the line above is equivalent to the one * // above it * }}} * * With this setup, main sources in B can access * main sources in A * * To make test sources in A available to test * sources in B, you'd write this: * {{{ * lazy val A ="A")) * lazy val B ="B")) * .dependsOn(A % "test->test") * }}} * * And finally, to make main sources able to access * main sources as well as test sources able to * access test sources: * {{{ * lazy val A ="A")) * lazy val B ="B")) * .dependsOn(A % "compile->compile;test->test") * }}} * * We use this to make logging configuration in core * propagate to tests in the other modules, without * being published in the generated JARs. */ val testAndCompile = "compile->compile;test->test" lazy val core = project .in(file("core")) .settings(commonProdSettings: _*) .dependsOn( secp256k1jni ) lazy val coreTest = project .in(file("core-test")) .settings(commonTestSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-core-test" ) .dependsOn( core % testAndCompile, testkit ) lazy val walletServer = project .in(file("app/server")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .dependsOn( picklers, node, chain, wallet, bitcoindRpc ) lazy val walletServerTest = project .in(file("app/server-test")) .settings(commonTestSettings) .dependsOn( walletServer, testkit ) // internal picklers used by server // and CLI lazy val picklers = project .in(file("app/picklers")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .dependsOn(core % testAndCompile) lazy val cli = project .in(file("app/cli")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .dependsOn( picklers ) lazy val cliTest = project .in(file("app/cli-test")) .settings(commonTestSettings: _*) .dependsOn( cli, testkit ) lazy val chainDbSettings = dbFlywaySettings("chaindb") lazy val chain = project .in(file("chain")) .settings(commonProdSettings: _*) .settings(chainDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-chain", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.chain ) .dependsOn(core, dbCommons) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val chainTest = project .in(file("chain-test")) .settings(commonTestWithDbSettings: _*) .settings(chainDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-chain-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.chainTest ) .dependsOn(chain, core % testAndCompile, testkit, zmq) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val dbCommons = project .in(file("db-commons")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-db-commons", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.dbCommons ) .dependsOn(core) lazy val zmq = project .in(file("zmq")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-zmq", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bitcoindZmq) .dependsOn( core % testAndCompile ) lazy val bitcoindRpc = project .in(file("bitcoind-rpc")) .settings(commonProdSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-bitcoind-rpc", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bitcoindRpc) .dependsOn(core) lazy val bitcoindRpcTest = project .in(file("bitcoind-rpc-test")) .settings(commonTestSettings: _*) .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bitcoindRpcTest(scalaVersion.value), name := "bitcoin-s-bitcoind-rpc-test") .dependsOn(core % testAndCompile, testkit) lazy val bench = project .in(file("bench")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bench, name := "bitcoin-s-bench", skip in publish := true ) .dependsOn(core % testAndCompile) lazy val eclairRpc = project .in(file("eclair-rpc")) .settings(commonProdSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-eclair-rpc", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.eclairRpc) .dependsOn( core, bitcoindRpc ) lazy val eclairRpcTest = project .in(file("eclair-rpc-test")) .settings(commonTestSettings: _*) .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.eclairRpcTest, name := "bitcoin-s-eclair-rpc-test") .dependsOn(core % testAndCompile, testkit) lazy val nodeDbSettings = dbFlywaySettings("nodedb") lazy val node = project .in(file("node")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .settings(nodeDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-node", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.node ) .dependsOn( core, chain, dbCommons, bitcoindRpc ) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val nodeTest = project .in(file("node-test")) .settings(commonTestWithDbSettings: _*) .settings(nodeDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-node-test", // There's a weird issue with forking // in node tests, for example this CI // error: // It seems to be related to this // Scalatest issue: // Test / fork := false, libraryDependencies ++= Deps.nodeTest ) .dependsOn( core % testAndCompile, node, testkit ) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val testkit = project .in(file("testkit")) .settings(commonSettings: _*) .dependsOn( core % testAndCompile, walletServer, chain, bitcoindRpc, eclairRpc, node, wallet, zmq ) lazy val docs = project .in(file("bitcoin-s-docs")) // important: it must not be docs/ .settings(commonTestSettings: _*) .dependsOn( bitcoindRpc, core, eclairRpc, secp256k1jni, testkit, zmq ) lazy val walletDbSettings = dbFlywaySettings("walletdb") lazy val wallet = project .in(file("wallet")) .settings(commonProdSettings: _*) .settings(walletDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-wallet", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.wallet(scalaVersion.value) ) .dependsOn(core, dbCommons) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val walletTest = project .in(file("wallet-test")) .settings(commonTestWithDbSettings: _*) .settings(walletDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-wallet-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.walletTest ) .dependsOn(core % testAndCompile, testkit, wallet) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) /** Given a database name, returns the appropriate * Flyway settings we apply to a project (chain, node, wallet) */ def dbFlywaySettings(dbName: String): List[Setting[_]] = { lazy val DB_HOST = "localhost" lazy val DB_NAME = s"${dbName}.sqlite" lazy val network = "unittest" //mainnet, testnet3, regtest, unittest lazy val mainnetDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/mainnet/" lazy val testnetDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/testnet3/" lazy val regtestDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/regtest/" lazy val unittestDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/unittest/" lazy val dirs = List(mainnetDir, testnetDir, regtestDir, unittestDir) //create directies if they DNE dirs.foreach { d => val file = new File(d) file.mkdirs() val db = new File(d + DB_NAME) db.createNewFile() } def makeNetworkSettings(directoryPath: String): List[Setting[_]] = List( Test / flywayUrl := s"jdbc:sqlite:$directoryPath$DB_NAME", Test / flywayLocations := List("nodedb/migration"), Test / flywayUser := "nodedb", Test / flywayPassword := "", flywayUrl := s"jdbc:sqlite:$directoryPath$DB_NAME", flywayUser := "nodedb", flywayPassword := "" ) lazy val mainnet = makeNetworkSettings(mainnetDir) lazy val testnet3 = makeNetworkSettings(testnetDir) lazy val regtest = makeNetworkSettings(regtestDir) lazy val unittest = makeNetworkSettings(unittestDir) network match { case "mainnet" => mainnet case "testnet3" => testnet3 case "regtest" => regtest case "unittest" => unittest case unknown: String => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown network=${unknown}") } }