language: scala env: matrix: - TEST_COMMAND="bitcoindRpcTest/test bitcoindRpc/coverageReport bitcoindRpc/coverageAggregate bitcoindRpc/coveralls" - TEST_COMMAND="chainTest/test chain/coverageReport chain/coverageAggregate chain/coveralls" - TEST_COMMAND="eclairRpcTest/test eclairRpc/coverageReport eclairRpc/coverageAggregate eclairRpc/coveralls" - TEST_COMMAND="walletTest/test wallet/coverageReport wallet/coverageAggregate wallet/coveralls" - TEST_COMMAND="nodeTest/test node/coverageReport node/coverageAggregate node/coveralls" - TEST_COMMAND="coreTest/test core/coverageReport core/coverageAggregate core/coveralls secp256k1jni/test zmq/test zmq/coverageReport zmq/coverageAggregate zmq/coveralls" os: linux scala: - 2.12.10 - 2.13.0 # Fiddling with Travis config is not fun:-( # To avoid spending too much time waiting on Travis, you # can use this tool to parse the config file locally: # After getting it set up, do: # $ curl -X POST --data-binary @.travis.yml localhost:9292/v1/parse | jq # this should return a big JSON object, where especially # config.matrix.include tells you a lot about what the build # is going to look like matrix: include: # this way of including jobs is not ideal... unfortunately it's not # possible to nest env.matrix. could a better solution be to write # a small script that generates a Travis config for us? - os: linux name: "Linux compile for 2.11" env: - TEST_COMMAND="test:compile" scala: - 2.11.12 - os: osx name: "macOS bitcoind tests" env: - TEST_COMMAND="bitcoindRpcTest/test bitcoindRpc/coverageReport bitcoindRpc/coverageAggregate bitcoindRpc/coveralls" scala: - 2.13.0 - os: osx name: "macOS Eclair tests" env: - TEST_COMMAND="eclairRpcTest/test eclairRpc/coverageReport eclairRpc/coverageAggregate eclairRpc/coveralls" scala: - 2.13.0 - os: osx name: "macOS wallet tests" env: - TEST_COMMAND="walletTest/test wallet/coverageReport wallet/coverageAggregate wallet/coveralls" scala: - 2.13.0 # skip all test tagged as UsesExperimentalBitcoind # TODO remove this condition once we have a neutrino enabled bitcoind binary for OSX - os: osx name: "macOS node tests" env: - TEST_COMMAND="nodeTest/test node/coverageReport node/coverageAggregate node/coveralls" scala: - 2.13.0 # compile website, to check for documentation regressions - stage: test name: Compile website and check formatting script: - sbt docs/mdoc - sbt scalafmtCheck # Release snapshots/versions of all libraries # run ci-release only if previous stages passed - stage: release jdk: openjdk8 name: Publish library script: sbt ci-release # run website push only if website compilation passed # we use custom sbt task that first compiles Scaladocs # and then calls the docusaurusPublishGhpages task - script: sbt docs/publishWebsite name: Publish website # These directories are cached to S3 at the end of the build # cache: directories: - $HOME/.ivy2/cache - $HOME/.sbt/boot/ - $PWD/binaries/bitcoind/ - $PWD/binaries/eclair/ # before_cache: # Cleanup the cached directories to avoid unnecessary cache updates - rm -r $PWD/binaries/bitcoind/bitcoin-0.18.99 - rm -fv $HOME/.ivy2/.sbt.ivy.lock - find $HOME/.ivy2/cache -name "ivydata-*.properties" -print -delete - find $HOME/.sbt -name "*.lock" -print -delete before_script: - git fetch --tags - git submodule sync stages: - name: test if: commit_message !~ /^Docs:/ AND NOT ((branch = master AND type = push) OR (tag IS present)) # don't run tests on merge builds, just publish library # and website - name: release if: ((branch = master AND type = push) OR (tag IS present)) AND NOT fork script: # Modify PATH to include binaries we are about to download - sbt ++$TRAVIS_SCALA_VERSION downloadBitcoind downloadEclair coverage $TEST_COMMAND