import java.nio.file._ import scala.util.Properties name := "bitcoin-s-lnd-rpc" libraryDependencies ++= Deps.lndRpc CommonSettings.prodSettings enablePlugins(AkkaGrpcPlugin) // Disable deprecation warning otherwise protobuf deprecation warnings will cause errors scalacOptions in Compile += { //Added to supress all of the deprecation warnings inside of the //generated scala code by the grpc plugin. Two packages have deprecations //inside of them, 'signrpc' and 'lnrpc' //see: if (scalaVersion.value.startsWith("2.13")) { "-Wconf:cat=deprecation:site=lnrpc\\..*:silent,cat=deprecation:site=signrpc\\..*:silent" } else { //-Wconf doesn't work on Scala 2.12.x until we get 2.12.13 //which is currently blocked on a scoverage bug "" } } TaskKeys.downloadLnd := { val logger = streams.value.log import scala.sys.process._ val binaryDir = CommonSettings.binariesPath.resolve("lnd") if (Files.notExists(binaryDir)) {"Creating directory for lnd binaries: $binaryDir") Files.createDirectories(binaryDir) } val version = "0.12.1-beta" val (platform, suffix) = if (Properties.isLinux) ("linux-amd64", "tar.gz") else if (Properties.isMac) ("darwin-amd64", "tar.gz") else if (Properties.isWin) ("windows-amd64", "zip") else sys.error(s"Unsupported OS: ${Properties.osName}") logger.debug(s"(Maybe) downloading lnd binaries for version: $version") val versionDir = binaryDir resolve version val location = s"$version/lnd-$platform-v$version.$suffix" if (Files.exists(versionDir)) { logger.debug( s"Directory $versionDir already exists, skipping download of lnd $version") } else { val archiveLocation = binaryDir resolve s"$version.$suffix""Downloading lnd version $version from location: $location")"Placing the file in $archiveLocation") val downloadCommand = url(location) #> archiveLocation.toFile downloadCommand.!!"Download complete, unzipping result") val extractCommand = s"tar -xzf $archiveLocation --directory $binaryDir""Extracting archive with command: $extractCommand") extractCommand.!!"Deleting archive") Files.delete(archiveLocation) } }