Bitcoin-s command line interface
The cli project is meant to be a bitcoin-s command line interface (cli). It uses graalvm native image to create a native executable that circumvents the jvm for fast start up time.
Building the command line interface
Installing graalvm native image
First to build the command line interface you need to have the graal jdk installed. This can be installed on graalvm's github.
Make sure you install the prerequisites for installing the native-image
If you do not have the native-image
executable installed, you need to install it with
./graalvm-ce-java8-19.3.0/bin/gu install native-image
Once you have the graalvm installed you should be able to verify you have the native-image
exeuctable installed by running
$ native-image --help
If your command did not work, make sure you can find the native-image
executable on your PATH
Building the native image
Now that you have graalvm native image installed, you should be able to build the cli with. It is important to note that
this only works with Scala 2.12.x
. I'm unsure of why the native image build fails with Scala 2.13.x
$ sbt ++2.12.10 cli/graalvm-native-image:packageBin
After running that command you should find the executable here:
Executing commands
You can ask the client for help with
./app/cli/target/graalvm-native-image/bitcoin-s-cli --help
Usage: bitcoin-s-cli [options] [<cmd>]
-n, --network <value> Select the active network.
--debug Print debugging information
-h, --help Display this help message and exit
<cmd> The command and arguments to be executed. Try bitcoin-s-cli help for a list of all commands
Now you are are ready to start the server that the cli sends commands to. Take a look at our server documentation on how to build and start the server.