Application Server
App server
The server project is the aggregation of these three sub projects
The server project provides a away to access information from these three projects via a JSON RPC.
Building the server
You can build the server with the sbt native packager. The native packager offers numerous ways to package the project.
In this example we are going to use stage
which will produce bash scripts we can easily execute. You can stage the server with the following command
$ sbt appServer/universal:stage
This will produce a script to execute bitcoin-s which you can start with
$ ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server
If you would like to pass in a custom datadir for your server, you can do
./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --datadir /path/to/datadir/
For more information on configuring the server please see our [configuration](/docs/0.3.0/config/configuration title: Application Configuration) document
For more information on how to use our built in cli
to interact with the server please see /docs/0.3.0/applications/cli