--- id: version-v0.4-server title: Application Server original_id: server --- ### App server The server project is the aggregation of these three sub projects 1. [Wallet](../wallet/wallet.md) 2. [Chain](../chain/chain.md) 3. [Node](../node/node.md) The server project provides a away to access information from these three projects via a JSON RPC. ### Building the server You can build the server with the [sbt native packager](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager). The native packager offers [numerous ways to package the project](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager#examples). In this example we are going to use `stage` which will produce bash scripts we can easily execute. You can stage the server with the following command. ```bash $ sbt appServer/universal:stage ``` This will produce a script to execute bitcoin-s which you can start with ```bash $ ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server ``` ### Configuration If you would like to pass in a custom datadir for your server, you can do ```bash ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --datadir /path/to/datadir/ ``` To use a config file that is not the `bitcoin-s.conf` file in your datadir, you can do ```bash ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --conf /path/to/file.conf ``` You can also pass in a custom `rpcport` to bind to ```bash ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --rpcport 12345 ``` For more information on configuring the server please see our [configuration](../config/configuration.md) document For more information on how to use our built in `cli` to interact with the server please see [cli.md](cli.md) ### Server Endpoints #### Blockchain - `getblockcount` - Get the current block height - `getfiltercount` - Get the number of filters - `getfilterheadercount` - Get the number of filter headers - `getbestblockhash` - Get the best block hash #### Wallet - `rescan` `[options]` - Rescan for wallet UTXOs - `--force` - Clears existing wallet records. Warning! Use with caution! - `--batch-size ` - Number of filters that can be matched in one batch - `--start ` - Start height - `--end ` - End height - `--ignorecreationtime` - Ignores the wallet creation date and will instead do a full rescan - `isempty` - Checks if the wallet contains any data - `getbalance` `[options]` - Get the wallet balance - `--sats ` - Display balance in satoshis - `getconfirmedbalance` `[options]` - Get the wallet balance of confirmed utxos - `--sats ` - Display balance in satoshis - `getunconfirmedbalance` `[options]` - Get the wallet balance of unconfirmed utxos - `--sats ` - Display balance in satoshis - `getutxos` - Returns list of all wallet utxos - `getaddresses` - Returns list of all wallet addresses currently being watched - `getspentaddresses` - Returns list of all wallet addresses that have received funds and been spent - `getfundedaddresses` - Returns list of all wallet addresses that are holding funds - `getunusedaddresses` - Returns list of all wallet addresses that have not been used - `getaccounts` - Returns list of all wallet accounts - `createnewaccount` - Creates a new wallet account - `getaddressinfo` `address` - Returns list of all wallet accounts - `address` - Address to get information about - `getnewaddress` - Get a new address - `sendtoaddress` `address` `amount` `[options]` - Send money to the given address - `address` - Address to send to - `amount` - Amount to send in BTC - `--feerate ` - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte - `sendfromoutpoints` `outpoints` `address` `amount` `[options]` - Send money to the given address - `outpoints` - Out Points to send from - `address` - Address to send to - `amount` - Amount to send in BTC - `--feerate ` - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte - `sendwithalgo` `address` `amount` `algo` `[options]` - Send money to the given address using a specific coin selection algo - `address` - Address to send to - `amount` - Amount to send in BTC - `algo` - Coin selection algo - `--feerate ` - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte - `opreturncommit` `message` `[options]` - Creates OP_RETURN commitment transaction - `message` - message to put into OP_RETURN commitment - `--hashMessage` - should the message be hashed before commitment - `--feerate ` - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte #### Network - `getpeers` - List the connected peers - `stop` - Request a graceful shutdown of Bitcoin-S - `sendrawtransaction` `tx` `Broadcasts the raw transaction` - `tx` - Transaction serialized in hex #### PSBT - `combinepsbts` `psbts` - Combines all the given PSBTs - `psbts` - PSBTs serialized in hex or base64 format - `joinpsbts` `psbts` - Combines all the given PSBTs - `psbts` - PSBTs serialized in hex or base64 format - `finalizepsbt` `psbt` - Finalizes the given PSBT if it can - `psbt` - PSBT serialized in hex or base64 format - `extractfrompsbt` `psbt` - Extracts a transaction from the given PSBT if it can - `psbt` - PSBT serialized in hex or base64 format - `converttopsbt` `unsignedTx` - Creates an empty psbt from the given transaction - `unsignedTx` - serialized unsigned transaction in hex