--- id: contributing-website title: Contributing to the website --- This website is built using [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/). For simple changes to the documentation, click on the `Edit` button at the top of each page and submit those changes directly on GitHub. ## Scaladoc One of the goals of Bitcoin-S is having useful and well-formatted Scaladoc comments on classes, objects and functions. Here are some useful resources on how to properly format your Scaladoc comments: - [Scaladoc for library authors](https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/scaladoc/for-library-authors.html) - [Guidelines](https://docs.scala-lang.org/style/scaladoc.html) used by the official Scala language Scaladoc - [Alvin Alexander guide](https://alvinalexander.com/scala/how-to-generate-scala-documentation-scaladoc-command-examples) on writing Scaladoc To generate Scaladocs: ```bash $ sbt > unidoc > docs/mdoc ``` This gets placed in `website/static/api`. When viewing the Docusaurus site the generated Scaladocs appear under the API tab in the header bar, or in the "API reference" link in the footer. ## Running the site locally For running the website locally, you'll need: - `yarn` (https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install-ci/) - `sbt` (https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.0/docs/Setup.html) > In case you want to contribute substantial structural changes to the website, > we suggest to read > [Docusaurus' documentation](https://docusaurus.io/docs/en/installation.html) > first. You can now build and launch the website using these commands: ```sh cd website yarn install # only the first time, to install the dependencies yarn start ``` In a separate shell: ```bash $ bloop run docs -- --watch ``` The above commands compiles our Mdoc Markdown files every time you change them, and puts them in the correct directory for Docusaurus to find them. Now visit http://localhost:3000/ and you should see a local version of the website. ## Adding a new page Whenever you add a new markdown page to the documentation, you'll have to manually include it in the side menu. You can do this by editing the `website/sidebars.json` file. The name to use is the `id` specified in the page metadata (see the existing pages for an example). ## Publishing the site ```bash $ sbt > docs/publishWebsite ``` This command first generates Scaladocs, then invokes `docs/docusaurusPublishGhPages`, which in turn compile our mdoc files, build the site and push them to GH pages. Before running those commands, you might have to change a few constants in `siteConfig.js`. These are specifed in the comments of that file. ### CI Bitcoin-S uses Travis to run tests and deploy library and website builds. Generally speaking CI has to pass for a PR to get merged. If you make documentation/website only changes, you can start your PR title with `Docs:`. This skips running tests on CI.