--- id: adaptor-signatures title: Adaptor Signatures --- Bitcoin-S now has support for an old experimental version of [ECDSA Adaptor Signatures](https://github.com/jonasnick/secp256k1/pull/14). This old version will soon be replaced by a newer version which is [being specified](https://github.com/discreetlogcontracts/dlcspecs/blob/03bf7095c2016e1ce9c9fb612920872d4456f179/ECDSA-adaptor.md) but in the meantime, bitcoin-s' version can still be used to experiment with applications of ECDSA adaptor signatures as it has a similar interface. There are four relevant functions to adaptor signatures: * `sign` * This function belongs to `ECPrivateKey` and creates an adaptor signature given a message (`ByteVector`) and an adaptor point (`ECPublicKey`). * `verify` * Verifies an adaptor signature given the signing public key, the message and the adaptor point. * `complete` * This function belongs to `ECPrivateKey` and computes a valid ECDSA signature given a valid adaptor signature whose adaptor point is this private key's public key. * `extract` * This function belongs to `ECPublicKey` and computes the adaptor secret (private key to this public key) given a valid adaptor signature for this adaptor point, and the valid ECDSA signature computed using `complete`. The following code shows each function to do with adaptor signature usage: ```scala mdoc:invisible import org.bitcoins.crypto.ECPrivateKey val privKey = ECPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey val pubKey = privKey.publicKey val adaptorSecret = ECPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey val adaptorPoint = adaptorSecret.publicKey val msg = scodec.bits.ByteVector.fromValidHex("010101010101") ``` ```scala mdoc:compile-only // Alice generages an adaptor signature using her private key and the adaptor point val adaptorSig = privKey.adaptorSign(adaptorPoint, msg) // Bob verifies this adaptor signature using Alice's public key and the adaptor point require(pubKey.adaptorVerify(msg, adaptorPoint, adaptorSig)) // Bob computes a valid ECDSA signature using the adaptorSignature, which he knows val sig = adaptorSecret.completeAdaptorSignature(adaptorSig) // Anyone can validate this signature require(pubKey.verify(msg, sig)) // Alice can compute the adaptor secret from the signatures val secret = adaptorPoint.extractAdaptorSecret(adaptorSig, sig) require(secret == adaptorSecret) ```