--- id: server title: Application Server --- ### App server The [server](../../app/server) project is the aggregation of these three sub projects 1. [Wallet](../wallet/wallet.md) 2. [Chain](../chain/chain.md) 3. [Node](../node/node.md) The server project provides a away to access information from these three projects via a JSON RPC. ### Building the server You can build the server with the [sbt native packager](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager). The native packager offers [numerous ways to package the project](https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager#examples). In this example we are going to use `stage` which will produce bash scripts we can easily execute. You can stage the server with the following command ```bash $ sbt appServer/universal:stage ``` This will produce a script to execute bitcoin-s which you can start with ```bash $ ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server ``` If you would like to pass in a custom datadir for your server, you can do ```bash ./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --datadir /path/to/datadir/ ``` For more information on configuring the server please see our [configuration](../config/configuration.md) document For more information on how to use our built in `cli` to interact with the server please see [cli.md](cli.md)