--- title: Wallet Sync id: wallet-sync --- ## High level wallet state Our wallet infrastructure has a specific table called `state_descriptors`. This tracks chain state for our wallet. Here is an example of the contents of this table >sqlite> select * from state_descriptors; SyncHeight|0000000000000000000134aa9e949ea1d053042b8dfa59bdc73b0322a88f009e 665741 If you look carefully in the second column, you will see a string encoding indicating what the wallet state is. In this case, the last block hash seen by the wallet is >0000000000000000000134aa9e949ea1d053042b8dfa59bdc73b0322a88f009e and height >665741 If you have access to a wallet, you can call [`wallet.getSyncDescriptorOpt`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/36b5fc142715f8ab3ad053465d53dc29ab319790/wallet/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/wallet/Wallet.scala#L160) to get access to this information #### Wallet state from the cli Alternatively, you can retrieve this information with `bitcoin-s-cli` ``` ./bitcoin-s-cli walletinfo { "wallet": { "keymanager": { "rootXpub": "..." }, "xpub": "...", "hdPath": "...", "height": 1906239, "blockHash": "00000000dcf1066b8cd764a6104a9b5e95a55cd31adf9107974b2581ac90fdb9" } } ``` ## Syncing a wallet Bitcoin-s provides a utility object called [`WalletSync`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/f3e81d027dfdda79e26642d5c29d381874ee72da/wallet/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/wallet/sync/WalletSync.scala#L10) that provides useful utilities for syncing a bitcoin-s wallet. ### Syncing wallet for with access to full blocks Inside of `WalletSync` we have a method called [`WalletSync.syncFullBlocks`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/f3e81d027dfdda79e26642d5c29d381874ee72da/wallet/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/wallet/sync/WalletSync.scala#L18) This method takes 4 parameters - a [Wallet](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/36b5fc142715f8ab3ad053465d53dc29ab319790/wallet/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/wallet/Wallet.scala#L46) to sync - `getBlockHeaderFunc` is a function to retrieve a block header based on a blockHash - `getBestBlockHashFunc` is a function to retrieve the best block hash for our blockchain - `getBlockFunc` is a function to retrieve a full [`Block`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/8a148357d560a40bf21e7c0e3f4074cd276534fe/core/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/core/protocol/blockchain/Block.scala#L18) that corresponds to a block hash Given these for things, we can use [`WalletSync.syncFullBlocks`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/f3e81d027dfdda79e26642d5c29d381874ee72da/wallet/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/wallet/sync/WalletSync.scala#L18) to sync our entire wallet. Here is a code example ```scala mdoc:invisible import akka.actor.ActorSystem import scala.concurrent._ import java.io._ import org.bitcoins.core.api.feeprovider._ import org.bitcoins.rpc.client.common._ import org.bitcoins.crypto._ import org.bitcoins.feeprovider._ import org.bitcoins.keymanager.config._ import org.bitcoins.keymanager.bip39._ import org.bitcoins.wallet._ import org.bitcoins.wallet.config._ import org.bitcoins.wallet.sync._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ ``` ```scala mdoc:compile-only implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(s"wallet-sync-example") implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher // this reads authentication credentials and // connection details from the default data // directory on your platform val client = BitcoindRpcClient.fromDatadir(binary=new File("/path/to/bitcoind"), datadir=new File("/path/to/bitcoind-datadir")) //yay! Now we have a started bitcoind. //We will use this as our datasource for syncing our wallet val bitcoindRpcClientF: Future[BitcoindRpcClient] = client.start() //wait for bitcoind to get started val bitcoind = Await.result(bitcoindRpcClientF, 10.seconds) val getBestBlockHashFunc = () => bitcoind.getBestBlockHash val getBlockHeaderFunc = { hash: DoubleSha256DigestBE => bitcoind.getBlockHeaderRaw(hash) } val getBlockFunc = {hash: DoubleSha256DigestBE => bitcoind.getBlockRaw(hash) } //yay! We are now all setup. Using our 3 functions above and a wallet, we can now sync //a fresh wallet implicit val walletAppConfig = WalletAppConfig.fromDefaultDatadir() val feeRateProvider: FeeRateApi = MempoolSpaceProvider.fromBlockTarget(6, proxyParams = None) val wallet = Wallet(bitcoind, bitcoind, feeRateProvider) //yay! we have a synced wallet val syncedWalletF = WalletSync.syncFullBlocks(wallet, getBlockHeaderFunc, getBestBlockHashFunc, getBlockFunc) ```