import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.GitKeys._ import scala.util.Properties Global / cancelable := true //don't allow us to wipe all of our prod databases flywayClean / aggregate := false //allow us to wipe our test databases Test / flywayClean / aggregate := true lazy val Benchmark = config("bench") extend Test lazy val benchSettings: Seq[Def.SettingsDefinition] = { //for scalameter // //you can add benchmarking to a project by adding these to lines //to the projects build definition // .settings(benchSettings: _*) // .configs(Benchmark) List( Test / unmanagedSourceDirectories += baseDirectory.value / "src" / "bench" / "scala", testFrameworks += new TestFramework("org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework"), Benchmark / parallelExecution := false, Benchmark / outputStrategy := Some(StdoutOutput), Benchmark / fork := true, Benchmark / connectInput := true, inConfig(Benchmark)(Defaults.testSettings) ) } lazy val commonJsSettings = { Seq( scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= { _.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.CommonJSModule) } ) ++ CommonSettings.settings } lazy val crypto = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-crypto", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.crypto.value ) .settings(CommonSettings.settings: _*) .jvmSettings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.cryptoJVM ) .jsSettings( Compile / npmDependencies ++= Seq( "bcrypto" -> "5.4.0" ) ) .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .in(file("crypto")) lazy val cryptoJS = crypto.js .settings(Compile / scalacOptions += { //Added to supress all of the dead code and unused variable warnings //inside of org.bitcoins.crypto.facade which is used with scalajs //see: //see: if (scalaVersion.value.startsWith("2.13")) { "-Wconf:cat=unused:site=org\\.bitcoins\\.crypto\\.facade\\..*:silent,cat=w-flag-dead-code:site=org\\.bitcoins\\.crypto\\.facade\\..*:silent" } else { //-Wconf doesn't work on Scala 2.12.x until we get 2.12.13 //which is currently blocked on a scoverage bug "" } }) .enablePlugins(ScalaJSBundlerPlugin) lazy val cryptoJVM = crypto.jvm .dependsOn(secp256k1jni) lazy val core = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-core") .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.core.value) .settings(CommonSettings.settings: _*) .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .in(file("core")) .dependsOn(crypto) lazy val coreJVM = core.jvm lazy val coreJS = core.js .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.coreJs.value) .enablePlugins(ScalaJSBundlerPlugin) lazy val asyncUtils = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .in(file("async-utils")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-async-utils") .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .dependsOn(core) lazy val asyncUtilsJVM = asyncUtils.jvm lazy val asyncUtilsJS = asyncUtils.js lazy val asyncUtilsTest = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .in(file("async-utils-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-async-utils-test") .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .dependsOn(asyncUtils, testkitCore) lazy val asyncUtilsTestJVM = asyncUtilsTest.jvm lazy val asyncUtilsTestJS = asyncUtilsTest.js lazy val testkitCore = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .in(file("testkit-core")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-testkit-core", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.testkitCore.value) .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .dependsOn(asyncUtils, core, crypto) lazy val testkitCoreJVM = testkitCore.jvm lazy val testkitCoreJS = testkitCore.js lazy val bitcoindRpc = project .in(file("bitcoind-rpc")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .dependsOn( asyncUtilsJVM, appCommons ) lazy val eclairRpc = project .in(file("eclair-rpc")) .dependsOn(asyncUtilsJVM, bitcoindRpc) lazy val lndRpc = project .in(file("lnd-rpc")) .dependsOn(asyncUtilsJVM, bitcoindRpc) lazy val jsProjects: Vector[ProjectReference] = Vector(asyncUtilsJS, asyncUtilsTestJS, cryptoJS, coreJS, cryptoTestJS, coreTestJS, testkitCoreJS) // quoting the val name this way makes it appear as // 'bitcoin-s' in sbt/bloop instead of 'bitcoins' lazy val `bitcoin-s` = project .in(file(".")) .aggregate( asyncUtilsJVM, secp256k1jni, chain, chainTest, cli, cliTest, coreJVM, coreJS, coreTestJVM, coreTestJS, cryptoJVM, cryptoJS, cryptoTestJVM, cryptoTestJS, dbCommons, dbCommonsTest, feeProvider, feeProviderTest, dlcOracle, dlcOracleTest, bitcoindRpc, bitcoindRpcTest, bench, eclairRpc, eclairRpcTest, bundle, gui, keyManager, keyManagerTest, node, nodeTest, wallet, walletTest, appServer, appServerTest, appCommons, appCommonsTest, testkitCoreJVM, testkitCoreJS, testkit, zmq, oracleExplorerClient, oracleServer, oracleServerTest, serverRoutes, lndRpc, lndRpcTest ) .dependsOn( secp256k1jni, chain, chainTest, cli, cliTest, coreJVM, coreJS, coreTestJVM, coreTestJS, cryptoJVM, cryptoJS, cryptoTestJVM, cryptoTestJS, dbCommons, dbCommonsTest, feeProvider, feeProviderTest, dlcOracle, dlcOracleTest, bitcoindRpc, bitcoindRpcTest, bench, eclairRpc, eclairRpcTest, bundle, gui, keyManager, keyManagerTest, node, nodeTest, wallet, walletTest, appServer, appServerTest, appCommons, appCommonsTest, testkit, zmq, oracleExplorerClient, oracleServer, oracleServerTest, serverRoutes, lndRpc, lndRpcTest ) .settings(CommonSettings.settings: _*) // unidoc aggregates Scaladocs for all subprojects into one big doc .enablePlugins(ScalaUnidocPlugin) .settings( ) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s", gitRemoteRepo := "", publish / skip := true ) lazy val secp256k1jni = project .in(file("secp256k1jni")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.secp256k1jni, // we place lib files in this directory Compile / unmanagedResourceDirectories += baseDirectory.value / "natives", //since this is not a scala module, we have no code coverage //this also doesn't place nice with scoverage, see // coverageEnabled := false ) val testAndCompile = "compile->compile;test->test" lazy val cryptoTest = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .in(file("crypto-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-crypto-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.cryptoTest.value ) .dependsOn(crypto) lazy val cryptoTestJVM = cryptoTest.jvm lazy val cryptoTestJS = cryptoTest.js .enablePlugins(ScalaJSBundlerPlugin) lazy val coreTest = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform) .crossType(CrossType.Pure) .in(file("core-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-core-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.coreTest.value ) .jvmSettings(CommonSettings.jvmSettings: _*) .jsSettings(commonJsSettings: _*) .dependsOn( core, testkitCore ) lazy val coreTestJVM = coreTest.jvm .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.coreTestJVM.value) lazy val coreTestJS = coreTest.js .enablePlugins(ScalaJSBundlerPlugin) lazy val appCommons = project .in(file("app-commons")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .dependsOn( coreJVM % testAndCompile ) lazy val appCommonsTest = project .in(file("app-commons-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .dependsOn(appCommons, testkit) lazy val oracleServer = project .in(file("app/oracle-server")) .settings(CommonSettings.appSettings: _*) .settings(CommonSettings.dockerSettings: _*) .dependsOn( dlcOracle, serverRoutes ) .enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, DockerPlugin) lazy val oracleServerTest = project .in(file("app/oracle-server-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings) .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.walletServerTest) .dependsOn( oracleServer, testkit ) lazy val serverRoutes = project .in(file("app/server-routes")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-server-routes") .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.serverRoutes) .dependsOn(appCommons, dbCommons) lazy val appServer = project .in(file("app/server")) .settings(CommonSettings.appSettings: _*) .settings(CommonSettings.dockerSettings: _*) .dependsOn( serverRoutes, appCommons, node, chain, wallet, bitcoindRpc, feeProvider, zmq ) .enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, DockerPlugin) lazy val appServerTest = project .in(file("app/server-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings) .settings(libraryDependencies ++= Deps.walletServerTest) .dependsOn( appServer, testkit ) lazy val cli = project .in(file("app/cli")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-cli" ) .dependsOn( appCommons ) lazy val cliTest = project .in(file("app/cli-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .dependsOn( cli, testkit ) lazy val bundle = project .in(file("app/bundle")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .dependsOn(appServer, gui) lazy val gui = project .in(file("app/gui")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .dependsOn( cli ) lazy val chainDbSettings = dbFlywaySettings("chaindb") lazy val chain = project .in(file("chain")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(chainDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-chain", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.chain ) .dependsOn(coreJVM, dbCommons) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val chainTest = project .in(file("chain-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(chainDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-chain-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.chainTest ) .dependsOn(chain, coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit, zmq) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val dbCommons = project .in(file("db-commons")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-db-commons", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.dbCommons.value ) .dependsOn(coreJVM, appCommons) lazy val dbCommonsTest = project .in(file("db-commons-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-db-commons-test" ) .dependsOn(testkit) lazy val feeProvider = project .in(file("fee-provider")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-fee-provider", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.feeProvider.value ) .dependsOn(coreJVM, appCommons) lazy val feeProviderTest = project .in(file("fee-provider-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-fee-provider-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.feeProviderTest.value ) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit) lazy val zmq = project .in(file("zmq")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-zmq", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bitcoindZmq.value) .dependsOn( coreJVM % testAndCompile ) def isCI = { Properties .envOrNone("CI") .isDefined } lazy val bitcoindRpcTest = project .in(file("bitcoind-rpc-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-bitcoind-rpc-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bitcoindRpcTest.value, parallelExecution := !(isCI && Properties.isMac)) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit) lazy val bench = project .in(file("bench")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.bench, name := "bitcoin-s-bench", publish / skip := true ) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit) lazy val eclairRpcTest = project .in(file("eclair-rpc-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.eclairRpcTest.value, name := "bitcoin-s-eclair-rpc-test", parallelExecution := !(isCI && Properties.isMac) ) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit) lazy val lndRpcTest = project .in(file("lnd-rpc-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Deps.eclairRpcTest.value, name := "bitcoin-s-lnd-rpc-test", parallelExecution := !(isCI && Properties.isMac) ) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit, lndRpc) lazy val nodeDbSettings = dbFlywaySettings("nodedb") lazy val node = project .in(file("node")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(nodeDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-node", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.node ) .dependsOn( asyncUtilsJVM, coreJVM, chain, dbCommons, bitcoindRpc ) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val nodeTest = project .in(file("node-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(nodeDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-node-test", // There's a weird issue with forking // in node tests, for example this CI // error: // It seems to be related to this // Scalatest issue: // Test / fork := false, libraryDependencies ++= Deps.nodeTest.value ) .dependsOn( coreJVM % testAndCompile, node, testkit ) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val testkit = project .in(file("testkit")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-testkit", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.testkit.value ) .dependsOn( asyncUtilsJVM, coreJVM % testAndCompile, appServer, chain, bitcoindRpc, eclairRpc, lndRpc, node, wallet, zmq, dlcOracle, testkitCoreJVM ) lazy val docs = project .in(file("bitcoin-s-docs")) // important: it must not be docs/ .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(libraryDependencies ++= .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-docs", moduleName := name.value, //removes scalajs projects from unidoc, see // ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / unidocProjectFilter := { inAnyProject -- inProjects(jsProjects: _*) }, ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / target := (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value / "website" / "static" / "api", cleanFiles += (ScalaUnidoc / unidoc / target).value, docusaurusCreateSite := docusaurusCreateSite .dependsOn(Compile / unidoc) .value, docusaurusPublishGhpages := docusaurusPublishGhpages .dependsOn(Compile / unidoc) .value ) .enablePlugins(MdocPlugin, DocusaurusPlugin, ScalaUnidocPlugin, BuildInfoPlugin) .dependsOn( appCommons, asyncUtilsJVM, appServer, bitcoindRpc, chain, cli, cryptoJVM, coreJVM, dbCommons, oracleExplorerClient, feeProvider, dlcOracle, eclairRpc, keyManager, node, secp256k1jni, testkitCoreJVM, testkit, wallet, zmq ) lazy val keyManager = project .in(file("key-manager")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .dependsOn(coreJVM, dbCommons) lazy val keyManagerTest = project .in(file("key-manager-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(name := "bitcoin-s-keymanager-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.keyManagerTest) .dependsOn(keyManager, testkit) lazy val walletDbSettings = dbFlywaySettings("walletdb") lazy val wallet = project .in(file("wallet")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings(walletDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-wallet", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.wallet(scalaVersion.value) ) .dependsOn(coreJVM, appCommons, dbCommons, keyManager, asyncUtilsJVM) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val walletTest = project .in(file("wallet-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings(walletDbSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-wallet-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.walletTest ) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, testkit, wallet) .enablePlugins(FlywayPlugin) lazy val dlcOracle = project .in(file("dlc-oracle")) .settings(CommonSettings.prodSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-dlc-oracle", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.dlcOracle ) .dependsOn(coreJVM, keyManager, dbCommons) lazy val dlcOracleTest = project .in(file("dlc-oracle-test")) .settings(CommonSettings.testSettings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-dlc-oracle-test", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.dlcOracleTest ) .dependsOn(coreJVM % testAndCompile, dlcOracle, testkit) lazy val oracleExplorerClient = project .in(file("oracle-explorer-client")) .settings(CommonSettings.settings: _*) .settings( name := "bitcoin-s-oracle-explorer-client", libraryDependencies ++= Deps.oracleExplorerClient ) .dependsOn(coreJVM, appCommons, testkit % "test->test") /** Given a database name, returns the appropriate * Flyway settings we apply to a project (chain, node, wallet) */ def dbFlywaySettings(dbName: String): List[Setting[_]] = { lazy val DB_HOST = "localhost" lazy val DB_NAME = s"${dbName}.sqlite" lazy val network = "unittest" //mainnet, testnet3, regtest, unittest lazy val mainnetDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/mainnet/" lazy val testnetDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/testnet3/" lazy val regtestDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/regtest/" lazy val signetDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/signet/" lazy val unittestDir = s"${System.getenv("HOME")}/.bitcoin-s/unittest/" lazy val dirs = List(mainnetDir, testnetDir, regtestDir, signetDir, unittestDir) //create directies if they DNE dirs.foreach { d => val file = new File(d) file.mkdirs() val db = new File(d + DB_NAME) db.createNewFile() } def makeNetworkSettings(directoryPath: String): List[Setting[_]] = List( Test / flywayUrl := s"jdbc:sqlite:$directoryPath$DB_NAME", Test / flywayLocations := List("nodedb/migration"), Test / flywayUser := "nodedb", Test / flywayPassword := "", flywayUrl := s"jdbc:sqlite:$directoryPath$DB_NAME", flywayUser := "nodedb", flywayPassword := "" ) lazy val mainnet = makeNetworkSettings(mainnetDir) lazy val testnet3 = makeNetworkSettings(testnetDir) lazy val regtest = makeNetworkSettings(regtestDir) lazy val signet = makeNetworkSettings(signetDir) lazy val unittest = makeNetworkSettings(unittestDir) network match { case "mainnet" => mainnet case "testnet3" => testnet3 case "regtest" => regtest case "signet" => signet case "unittest" => unittest case unknown: String => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown network=${unknown}") } }