Wallet Get Address APIs
The Bitcoin-S wallet has a few different functions for getting a wallet address that all server different purposes.
First, there is getNewAddress
. This function will always return a new a address
determined by the next address available address index.
Second, we have getUnusedAddress
. This function will return an address that has
not ever received funds.
Third, there is getAddress
. This function takes in an AccountDb
, HDChainType
and an Int
. This will return the address associated with the pubkey at
the resulting BIP32Path
Address Queue
The Bitcoin-S wallet uses a background thread meant to ensure safety when fetching addresses.
This is to ensure independent calls to getNewAddress don't result in a race condition to the database that would generate the same address and cause an error.
With this background thread, we poll the addressRequestQueue
seeing if there are any elements in it, if there are, we process them and complete the Promise in the queue.
There are two ways to configure the wallet's address queue.
: How big the address queue size is before we throw an overflow exceptionaddressQueueTimeout
: How long we attempt to generate an address for before it times out
For an example configuration, checkout the [example config](/docs/next/config/configuration title: Application Configuration#example-configuration-file).