id: psbts
title: Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions
Creating unsigned or partially signed transactions to be passed 
around to other signers can be a useful for many applications.
PSBTs offer a standardized format to serialize the necessary data
for signing the transaction, as well as, validating that you in fact 
want to sign this transaction.
> If you want to jump into the details of the specification,
> you should checkout
> [BIP 174](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki).

Bitcoin-S fully supports PSBTs with functionality for
creation, updating, combining, signing, finalizing, 
and transaction extraction.

An example on a typical PSBT workflow:

```scala mdoc:to-string
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ECPrivateKey
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, Transaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.psbt.PSBT
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.HashType
import scodec.bits._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor}
implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = ExecutionContext.global

// First you need an unsigned transaction,
// here we have a standard 2 input, 2 output transaction
// This transaction must be of type BaseTransaction
// and have empty ScriptSignatures for all of it's inputs
val unsignedTransaction = BaseTransaction(

// To create the initial PSBT all we need to do is
 val emptyPSBT = PSBT.fromUnsignedTx(unsignedTransaction)

// Now that we have an empty PSBT we can start updating it with data we know

// First, we want to fill the UTXO fields that we will need for signing and extraction
// The transactions we add are the fully serialized transaction that we are spending from
val utxo0 = Transaction(

val utxo1 = Transaction(

val psbtWithUTXOs = emptyPSBT
    .addUTXOToInput(utxo0, index = 0)
    .addUTXOToInput(utxo1, index = 1)

// After we have the relevant UTXOs we can add the
// redeem scripts, witness scripts, and BIP 32 derivation paths if needed

// In this transaction the first input is a P2SH 2-of-2 multisig
// so we need to add its corresponding redeem script.
// Here we are just using a deserialized version of the redeem script but
// you may generate your ScriptPubKey another way in practice

val redeemScript0 = ScriptPubKey.fromAsmBytes(

val psbtWithUpdatedFirstInput =
    psbtWithUTXOs.addRedeemOrWitnessScriptToInput(redeemScript0, index = 0)

// The second input in this transaction is a P2SH(P2WSH) 2-of-2 multisig
// so we need to add its corresponding redeem script and witness script.
// Here we add them both using the same function, the PSBT updater will
// be able to figure out, based on the available data, where to correctly

val redeemScript1 = ScriptPubKey.fromAsmBytes(

val witnessScript = ScriptPubKey.fromAsmBytes(

// put the data in the PSBT
  val psbtWithUpdatedSecondInput = psbtWithUpdatedFirstInput
    .addRedeemOrWitnessScriptToInput(redeemScript1, index = 1)
    .addRedeemOrWitnessScriptToInput(witnessScript, index = 1)

// Before signing we need to add the needed SigHash flags so we know how to sign the transaction
// If one is not provided it will be assumed to be SigHashAll

val psbtWithSigHashFlags = psbtWithUpdatedSecondInput
    .addSigHashTypeToInput(HashType.sigHashAll, index = 0)
    .addSigHashTypeToInput(HashType.sigHashAll, index = 1)

// Next, we can now sign the PSBT
// Signing a PSBT will return a Future[PSBT] so this will need to be handled
// correctly in an application
// Here we use the relevant private keys to sign the first input
  val privKey0 = ECPrivateKey.fromWIFToPrivateKey(

val privKey1 = ECPrivateKey.fromWIFToPrivateKey(

val psbtFirstSigF =
      .sign(inputIndex = 0, signer = privKey0)
      .flatMap(_.sign(inputIndex = 0, signer = privKey1))

psbtFirstSigF.map { psbtFirstSig =>
    // In this scenario, let's say that the second input does not belong to us and we need
    // another party to sign it. In this case we would need to send the PSBT to the other party.
    // The two standard formats for this are in byte form or in base64 you can access these easily.
    val bytes = psbtFirstSig.bytes
    val base64 = psbtFirstSig.base64

    // After the other party has signed their input they can send us back the PSBT with the signatures
    // To import we can use any of these functions
    val fromBytes = PSBT.fromBytes(

    val fromBase64 = PSBT.fromBase64(

    // After we've imported the PSBT we can combine it with our own signed PSBT so we can
    // have one PSBT with all of the necessary data
    val combinedPSBT = fromBase64.combinePSBT(psbtFirstSig)

    // Now that the PSBT has all the necessary data, we can finalize it and extract the transaction
    // This will return a Try[PSBT] and will fail if you do not have all the required fields filled
    val finalizedPSBT = combinedPSBT.finalizePSBT

    // After it has been finalized we can extract the fully signed transaction that is ready
    // to be broadcast to the network.
    // You can also use extractTransactionAndValidate that will validate if the transaction is valid
    val transaction = finalizedPSBT.get.extractTransaction