Philosophy of Testkit
The high level of of the bitcoin-s testkit is to mimic and provide functionality to test 3rd party applications.
There are other examples of these in the Scala ecosystem like the akka-testkit
and slick-testkit
We use this testkit to test bitcoin-s it self.
Testkit for bitcoind
This gives the ability to create and destroy bitcoind
on the underlying operating system to test against.
Make sure you have run sbt downloadBitcoind
before running this example, as you need access to the bitcoind binaries.
Our BitcoindRpcClient is tested with the functionality provided in the testkit. A quick example of a useful utility method is BitcoindRpcTestUtil.startedBitcoindRpcClient(). This spins up a bitcoind regtest instance on machine and generates 101 blocks on that node.
This gives you the ability to start spending money immediately with that bitcoind node.
implicit val system = ActorSystem("bitcoind-testkit-example")
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
//pick our bitcoind version we want to spin up
//you can pick older versions if you want
//we support versions 16-19
val bitcoindV = BitcoindVersion.V19
//create an instance
val instance = BitcoindRpcTestUtil.instance(versionOpt = Some(bitcoindV))
//now let's create an rpc client off of that instance
val bitcoindRpcClientF = BitcoindRpcTestUtil.startedBitcoindRpcClient(instance, Vector.newBuilder)
//yay! it's started. Now you can run tests against this.
//let's just grab the block count for an example
val blockCountF = for {
bitcoind <- bitcoindRpcClientF
count <- bitcoind.getBlockCount
} yield {
//run a test against the block count
assert(count > 0, s"Block count was not more than zero!")
//when you are done, don't forget to destroy it! Otherwise it will keep running on the underlying os
val stoppedF = for {
rpc <- bitcoindRpcClientF
_ <- blockCountF
stopped <- BitcoindRpcTestUtil.stopServers(Vector(rpc))
} yield stopped
For more information on how the bitcoind rpc client works, see our bitcoind rpc docs
Testkit for eclair
We have similar utility methods for eclair. Eclair's testkit requires a bitcoind running (which we can spin up thanks to our bitcoind testkit).
Here is an example of spinning up an eclair lightning node, that is connected to a bitcoind and testing your lightning application.
Make sure to run sbt downloadBitcoind downloadEclair
before running this so you have access to the underlying eclair binares
//1. Open and confirm channel on the underlying blockchain (regtest)
//2. pay an invoice
//3. Await until the payment is processed
//4. assert the node has received the payment
//5. cleanup
implicit val system = ActorSystem("eclair-testkit-example")
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
//we need a bitcoind to connect eclair nodes to
lazy val bitcoindRpcClientF: Future[BitcoindRpcClient] = {
for {
cli <- EclairRpcTestUtil.startedBitcoindRpcClient()
// make sure we have enough money to open channels
address <- cli.getNewAddress
_ <- cli.generateToAddress(200, address)
} yield cli
//let's create two eclair nodes now
val clientF = for {
bitcoind <- bitcoindRpcClientF
e <- EclairRpcTestUtil.randomEclairClient(Some(bitcoind))
} yield e
val otherClientF = for {
bitcoind <- bitcoindRpcClientF
e <- EclairRpcTestUtil.randomEclairClient(Some(bitcoind))
} yield e
//great, setup done! Let's run the test
//to verify we can send a payment over the channel
for {
client <- clientF
otherClient <- otherClientF
_ <- EclairRpcTestUtil.openAndConfirmChannel(clientF, otherClientF)
invoice <- otherClient.createInvoice("abc", 50.msats)
info <- otherClient.getInfo
_ = assert(info.nodeId == invoice.nodeId)
infos <- client.getSentInfo(invoice.lnTags.paymentHash.hash)
_ = assert(infos.isEmpty)
paymentId <- client.payInvoice(invoice)
_ <- EclairRpcTestUtil.awaitUntilPaymentSucceeded(client, paymentId)
sentInfo <- client.getSentInfo(invoice.lnTags.paymentHash.hash)
} yield {
assert(sentInfo.head.amount == 50.msats)
//don't forget to shutdown everything!
val stop1F = clientF.map(c => EclairRpcTestUtil.shutdown(c))
val stop2F = otherClientF.map(o => EclairRpcTestUtil.shutdown(o))
val stoppedBitcoindF = for {
bitcoind <- bitcoindRpcClientF
_ <- BitcoindRpcTestUtil.stopServers(Vector(bitcoind))
} yield ()
val resultF = for {
_ <- stop1F
_ <- stop2F
_ <- stoppedBitcoindF
_ <- system.terminate()
} yield ()
Await.result(resultF, 180.seconds)
Other modules
You may find useful testkit functionality for other modules here
In general, you will find constructors and destructors of fixtures that can be useful when testing your applications if yo uare using any of those modules.