import sbt.Keys.excludeLintKeys import scala.util.Properties val scala2_12 = "2.12.15" val scala2_13 = "2.13.8" ThisBuild / scalafmtOnCompile := !Properties.envOrNone("CI").contains("true") ThisBuild / scalaVersion := scala2_13 ThisBuild / crossScalaVersions := List(scala2_13, scala2_12) // // Global / excludeLintKeys ++= Set( com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys.maintainer, Keys.mainClass, com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.GitKeys.gitRemoteRepo ) //needed so that we can use our versions with docker //see: // ThisBuild / dynverSeparator := "-" //don't require the leading 'v' on dynver versioning //as that doesn't work with windows or mac versioning ThisBuild / dynverVTagPrefix := false