--- id: configuration title: Application Configuration --- Bitcoin-S uses [HOCON](https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/master/HOCON.md) to configure various parts of the application the library offers. HOCON is a superset of JSON, that is, all valid JSON is valid HOCON. All configuration for Bitcoin-S is under the `bitcoin-s` key. If you have a file `application.conf` anywhere on your classpath when using bitcoin-s, the values there take precedence over the ones found in our `reference.conf`. We also look for the file `bitcoin-s.conf` in the current Bitcoin-S data directory. The resolved configuration gets parsed by [`AppConfig`](../../db-commons/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/db/AppConfig.scala). `AppConfig` is an abstract class that's implemented by corresponding case classes in the `wallet`, `chain` and `node` projects. Here's some examples of how to construct a wallet configuration: ```scala mdoc:compile-only import org.bitcoins.wallet.config.WalletAppConfig import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import java.nio.file.Paths import scala.util.Properties import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global // reads $HOME/.bitcoin-s/ val defaultConfig = WalletAppConfig.fromDefaultDatadir(false) // reads a custom data directory val customDirectory = Paths.get(Properties.userHome, "custom-bitcoin-s-directory") val configFromCustomDatadir = WalletAppConfig(customDirectory, false) // reads a custom data directory and overrides the network to be testnet3 val customOverride = ConfigFactory.parseString("bitcoin-s.network = testnet3") val configFromCustomDirAndOverride = WalletAppConfig(customDirectory, false, customOverride) ``` You can pass as many `com.typesafe.config.Config`s as you'd like. If any keys appear multiple times the last one encountered takes precedence. ## Internal configuration Database connections are also configured by using HOCON. This is done in [`db.conf`](../../db-commons/src/main/resources/db.conf). The options exposed here are **not** intended to be used by users of Bitcoin-S, and are internal only. ## Database Migrations All of our modules that require databases now have database migrations. The tool we use for these migrations is called [flyway](https://flywaydb.org/). To find your projects migraitons, you need to look inside of the `[project-name]/src/main/resources/[database-name]/migration/`. For example, the chain projects migrations live under the path `chain/src/main/resources/chaindb/migration/V1__chain_db_baseline.sql`. Migrations can be executed by calling the [`DbManagement.migrate()`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/e387d075b0ff2e0a0fec15788fcb48e4ddc4d9d5/db-commons/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/db/DbManagement.scala#L92) method. Migrations are applied by default on server startup, via the [`AppConfig.initialize()`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/master/db-commons/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/db/AppConfig.scala#L49) method. These migrations are setup so that project's databases and migrations are independent of each other. Therefore if you want to use the `bitcoin-s-chain` project, but not the `bitcoin-s-wallet` project, wallet migrations are not applied. It should be noted if you are using a module as a library, you are responsible for configuring the database via [slick's configuration](https://scala-slick.org/doc/3.3.1/database.html#using-typesafe-config) and calling [`AppConfig.initialize()`](https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/master/db-commons/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/db/AppConfig.scala#L49) to ensure the entire module is initialized correctly. ## Example Configuration File ```$xslt bitcoin-s { datadir = ${HOME}/.bitcoin-s network = regtest # regtest, testnet3, mainnet logging { # Ignore bitcoin-s logging config and use a logback config logback = false level = WARN # trace, debug, info, warn, error, off # You can also tune specific module loggers. # They each take the same levels as above. # If they are commented out (as they are # by default), `logging.level` gets used # instead. # The available loggers are: # incoming and outgoing P2P messages # p2p = info # verification of block headers, merkle trees # chain-verification = info # generation of addresses, signing of TXs # key-handling = info # wallet operations not related to key management # wallet = info # HTTP RPC server # http = info # Database interactions # database = info # whether or not to write to the log file disable-file = false # whether or not to log to stdout disable-console = false } node { mode = neutrino # neutrino, spv peers = [] # a list of peer addresses in form "hostname:portnumber" # (e.g. "neutrino.testnet3.suredbits.com:18333") # Port number is optional, the default value is 8333 for mainnet, # 18333 for testnet and 18444 for regtest. } chain { neutrino { filter-header-batch-size = 2000 filter-header-batch-size.regtest = 10 # You can set a network specific filter-header-batch-size # by adding a trailing `.networkId` (main, test, regtest) # It is recommended to keep the main and test batch size high # to keep the sync time fast, however, for regtest it should be small # so it does not exceed the chain size. filter-batch-size = 100 } } # settings for wallet module wallet { defaultAccountType = legacy # legacy, segwit, nested-segwit bloomFalsePositiveRate = 0.0001 # percentage addressGapLimit = 20 discoveryBatchSize = 100 requiredConfirmations = 6 # How big the address queue size is before we throw an exception # because of an overflow addressQueueSize = 10 # How long we attempt to generate an address for # before we timeout addressQueueTimeout = 5 seconds } server { # The port we bind our rpc server on rpcport = 9999 } } akka { loglevel = "OFF" stdout-loglevel = "OFF" http { client { # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed. # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle connection timeouts. # some requests potentially take a long time, like generate and prune idle-timeout = 5 minutes } } actor { debug { # enable DEBUG logging of all AutoReceiveMessages (Kill, PoisonPill etc.) autoreceive= off # enable function of LoggingReceive, which is to log any received message at # DEBUG level receive = on # enable DEBUG logging of unhandled messages unhandled = off # enable DEBUG logging of actor lifecycle changes lifecycle = off event-stream=off } } } ``` ## Database configuration By default, bitcoin-s uses Sqlite to store its data. It creates three Sqlite databases in `~/.bitcoin-s/${network}`: `chain.sqlite` for `chain` project, `node.sqlite` for `node` project and `wallet.sqlite` the wallet. This is the default configuration, it doesn't require additional changes in the config file. `bitcoin-s` also supports PostgreSQL as a database backend. In order to use a PostgreSQL database for all project you need to add following into your config file: ```$xslt bitcoin-s { common { profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$" db { url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database" driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" username = "user" password = "topsecret" } } } ``` Also you can use mix databases and drivers in one configuration. For example, This configuration file enables Sqlite for `node` project (it's default, so its configuration is omitted), and `walletdb` and `chaindb` PostgreSQL databases for `wallet` and `chain` projects: ```$xslt bitcoin-s { chain { profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$" db { url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/chaindb" driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" username = "user" password = "topsecret" } } wallet { profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$" db { url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/walletdb" driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" username = "user" password = "topsecret" } } } ```