* Refactor TransactionProcessing.processTransaction() to use BlockHashWithConfs
Create WalletUtil.getBlockHashWithConfs(), use it in various places through the codebase
* Fix docs
* Refactor codebase to have has-a relationship with RescanHandling rather than is-a
get everything compiling
Get all tests passing
* Revert and clean up files
* Fix docs
* Get dependencies resolving, get tor module compiling
* Get everything compiling with pekko
* Rework configs/logging to use pekko namespace
* Rename AkkaUtil -> PekkoUtil, BitcoinSAkkaAsyncTest -> BitcoinSPekkoAsyncTest
* WIP: Implement WalletCallbackStreamManager
* Implement stopping of WalletCallbackStreamManager in WalletAppConfig
* WIP: DLCWalletCallbackStreamManager
* Refactor DLCWalletCallbacks to be a trait
* Integrate DLCWalletCallbackStreamManager into WebsocketUtil
* Use java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean rather than monix
* Remove logger param from dlc callbacks
* fix docs
* Call super.stop() in DLCappConfig
* Empty commit to run CI
* Try to debug
* Empty commit to run CI
* Revert things
* Remove support for v19 of bitcoind
* Remove downloading v19 bitcoind inside of bitcoind-rpc.sbt
* Clean up docs
* Move unit tests in BitcoindV19RpcClientTest into other test files so we don't remove them, these rpcs are supported in future versions of bitcoind
* Move MockChainQueryApi/NodeApi out of BaseWalletTest
* refactor BitcoinSServerMain.start() to return WalletHolder
* Add walletConfig to WalletWithBitcoind
* Move findOutputsBeingSpent into WalletApi
* Add WalletApi.clearAllAddresses(), HDWalletApi.{findAccount, getnewaddress(account)}
* Add HDWalletApi.fundRawTransaction() with an account as parameter
* Add WalletApi.findByScriptPubKey()
* Fix lots of tests in WalletIntegrationTest
* Create WalletApi.processOurTransaction()
* Get things compiling
* Fix tag integration test
* Refactor AnyDLCHDWalletApi -> DLCNeutrinoHDWalletApi
* Fix docs
* Get postgres tests passing locally
* Move initBalance map before calling callback in CallBackUtilTest
* Get compile working, rename to destroyOnlyWalletWithBitcoindCached
* Fix docs
* Fix missing destroyWalletAppConfig
* Fix scalafmt
* Fix bug in dlcWalletTest where wallet db thread pools weren't being shutdown after unit test completes
* Empty commit
* Add `sync` JSON field to the `getinfo` endpoint output
* improve test coverage
* update docs
* rename sync flag
* WebSocket notifications
* fix unit tests
* fix unit tests
* increase test timout
* Added createDLCOffer endpoint which doesn't take a locktime and uses current block height instead
* Made cetLocktime an option instead of an argument to the CLI, updated docs
* fix compile
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Implement DLC wallet callbacks
Add callbacks and tests for Claimed/RemoteClaimed
Add unit test for confirmed state
* Add some docs
* Address ben's code review
* Fix scalafmt
* Implement payout function reader and tlv points reader/writer
* Add support for numeric contract infos in the createcontractinfo rpc
* Adjust logging level
* Remove unused endpoint
* Add new format to site
* Add contract info/offer section
* Start accept section
* Add example to sidebar
* Adjust locktimes on the exmaples to 0
Write intro and requirements section
start contractinfo section
Finish offer section
Finish first draft of the wallet election example writeup
Add page to sidebar
* Encapsulate initialization of DLCOracle.start() method
* Use internal WalletAppConfig.kmConf rather than passing in custom key manager parameters
* Add KeyManagerAppConfig.defaultAccountType
* Get all tests passing besides TrezorAddressTest
* Get TrezorAddressTest passing with provided entropy
* Add unit test to make sure we can always derive the seed
* Get docs compiling
* Fix dlcWalletTest test cases
* Add more test cases to keymanager
* Add the new configuration to the example configuration
* Add more test cases
* Remove coverage on 2.12 as it isn't accurate
* Rework DLCOracleAppConfig.start() to call kmConf.start() so the oracle can use entropy provided via bitcoin-s.conf
* Refactor MultiWalletTest to actually shutdown the walletAppConfigs
* Remove 'implicit' modifier from getFreshWalletConfig. This is a problem as it can be used implicitly to bind resources (threads, files etc) that need to be cleaned up. Since it is implicitly passed, it is very hard to remember to clean up these resources
* Cleanup TrezorAddressTest
* Remove unecessary BitcoinSWalletTest.afterAll()
* Fix docs
* Removal of datadir race condition
* Cleanup nodeTest to shutdown the transitive chainAppConfig required by NodeAppConfig
* remove experimental tag on NeutrinoNodeTest
* Remove extra line
* Cleanup after BitcoindChainhandlerViaZmqTest
* Push to github to force re-run of CI 2
* Wallet Rebroadcast Logic
* Use wallet scheduler for address queue rather than it's own thread
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Bump default
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Add wallet sync documentation
* Put bitcoin-s-cli call in the right place
* Add wallet.getSyncDescriptorOpt and heading for bitcoin-s-cli walletinfo
* Add walletinfo informations
* Introduce ChainHandlerCached which behaves like the old ChainHandler. Now Chainhandler.getBestBlockHeader() will read headers from the database
* Remove ChainHandler.blockchains field, now it's only available in ChainHandlerCached
* De-futurify ChainHandler.fromDatabase()
* Adjust logging
* Patch test case
* Use BlockHeaderDAO.chainTips when getting best header rather thean BlockHeaderDAO.getBlockchains(). Implement a helper method ChainHandler.toChainHandlerCached()
* Fix chain.md,wallet.md
* Make ChainHandler.getBestBlockHeader() consider time of header if chainwork is the same. Make test cases less strict on what header is the best header when both chainwork and time are the same on the eader
* Only execute callbacks on headers that are going to be created in the database, not all headers passed into ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains()
* Turn up log level again
* Small optimizations, check if we have seen a header before before processing it in ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains(). Fix FilterSyncMarker.toString(). Use ChainHandlerCached in Node
* Remove ChainHandlerCached in appServer, re-add it in Node.scala
* Make aesPassword option for wallet config
* Add to docs
* Make AesPassword optional
* Small touchups
* Fix for oracle server
* Fix docs
* Increase code coverage
* Introduce 'FilterSyncMarker' to ChainApi, make it clearier what exactly the (Int,DoubleSha256Digest) tuple is returned from ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange()
* Fix doc
* Add scaladoc to FilterSyncMarker
* Rebase onto master, fix conflicts to use FilterSyncMarker