* core: Use ArrayBuffer instead of Vector inside of ScriptParser.parse() to avoid Array copies
* Avoid O(N) behavior in ArrayBuffer by always appending rather than prepending
* Use '+=' and '++=' operations as they don't require ineffeciently copying the collection
* Use ArrayBuffer rather than Vector to take advantage of operations in ArrayBuffer.addAll()
* core: Make BytesUtil.writeCmpctSizeUInt() faster by avoiding BitInt allocations in CompactSizeUInt
* Add invariant that CompactSizeUInt from long cannot be negative
* wallet: Refactor AddressHandling to be account specific
* fix compile
* Add test
* Fix AddressType.fromPurpose() for HDPurpose.Multisig
* Fix nodeTest/test
* Don't use HDPurpose.Multisig in test
* Return None for HDPurpose.Multisig inside of AddressType.fromPurpose()
* wallet: Get UTXOHandlingApi.listUtxos() to be account specific
* wallet: Add UTXOHandlingApi.{getBalance(), getUnconfirmedBalance(), getConfirmedBalance(), getBalance(account), getUnconfirmedBalance(account), getConfirmedBalance(account)}
* wallet: Remove listDefaultAccountUtxos(), use listUtxos() instead
* core: Fix bug where we weren't checking for valid hash types in TaprootKeyPath.isValid()
* Fix TaprootWitness generator to use valid taproot hash types
* Add test case and add invariant to RawTxSigner.sign()
* Add InputInfo.sortPreviousOutputMap()
* Fix bug where we were sorting prevoutputmap when it didn't need to be sorted
* WIP: Remove isDummySignature
* Add ECDigitalSignature.LOW_R_SIZE, use it in ECDigitalSignature.dummyLowR
* Regenerated dlc_test.json and dlc_tx_test.json to add hash type to dummy ecdsa signatures in static test vectors
* Regenerated dlc_test.json and dlc_tx_test.json to add hash type to dummy ecdsa signatures in static test vectors
* Fix InputInfoTest maxWitnessLengths checks to be >=
* Fix docs
* Add DigitalSignature, extend it with ECDigitaSignature,SchnorrDigitalSignature
* WIP: Remove EmptyDigitalSignature case object in favor of val
* Fix byte representation of ECDigitalSignature.emptyDigitalSignature
* Simplify names to ECDigitalSignature.{empty, dummy, dummyLowR}
* Fix docs
Add checks if recursiveRescanP is completed before attempting to fail the Future
Fix potential deadlock in RescanStarted.stop(), add RescanState test
Add unit test to make sure we propagate exceptions correctly
Move RescanStateTest to jvm only
Link completeRescanEarlyP and blocksMatchedF together in RescanStateTest
Revert DLCWalletLoaderApi.scala
* Refactor TransactionProcessing.processTransaction() to use BlockHashWithConfs
Create WalletUtil.getBlockHashWithConfs(), use it in various places through the codebase
* Fix docs
* Update to bitcoind v28
* Add macOS arm64 hash
* Add 28.0 version for windows
* Fix windows hash
* Replace 'port' with 'bind' in bitcoin.conf
* Fix BitcoindConfig.bind, add -deprecatedrpc=warnings
* Add version specific warnings handling for V28
* Add pattern matching based on version to support new json format for warnings fields in Info RPCs
* Fix pattern match on V28
* Remove infinite loop w/ 'getnetworkinfo' when determing the version of a BitcoindRpcClient
* Pin lndRpcTest to bitcoind v27 until v28 is supported
* Add mempoolconflicts to 'gettransaction' RPC
* init 'gethdkeys' rpc
* WIP: createwalletdescriptor
* Get createwalletdescriptor test passing
* Revert files