* Change ScriptConstant members from def to val
change all stuff in org.bitcoins.script.constant._ to actually be constant , this seems to improve performance from rudimentary bench marks by 2x
* rework RawSerializerHelper.writeCmpctSizeUInt to remove extra loop
* Fix bug where P2WPKHWitnessV0/P2WSHWitnessV0 didn't extend ScritpWitnessV0, add a few optimizations in ScriptWitness
fix bug in P2SHScriptSignature.redeemScript
uncommenting the fuzz tests
Add p2sh(p2wsh) test vectors from BIP143
Fix possible index out of bounds exception w/ updating an EmptyWitness
Migration to scodec
Src is compiling
tests compiling
All unit tests passing now
fix compiler issue in ScriptParser
bump timeout to run on travis ci
Fixing two unit tests that had types failing
Turn down excessive logging
Uncomment rpc tests
fixing nits
- separate Java source copied from libsecp256k1 into separate module
- split main module into core core-gen core-test
- generators can be published separated to core code for use in
3rd-party tests
- code coverage needs to be aggregated