* Add wallet sync documentation
* Put bitcoin-s-cli call in the right place
* Add wallet.getSyncDescriptorOpt and heading for bitcoin-s-cli walletinfo
* Add walletinfo informations
* Introduce ChainHandlerCached which behaves like the old ChainHandler. Now Chainhandler.getBestBlockHeader() will read headers from the database
* Remove ChainHandler.blockchains field, now it's only available in ChainHandlerCached
* De-futurify ChainHandler.fromDatabase()
* Adjust logging
* Patch test case
* Use BlockHeaderDAO.chainTips when getting best header rather thean BlockHeaderDAO.getBlockchains(). Implement a helper method ChainHandler.toChainHandlerCached()
* Fix chain.md,wallet.md
* Make ChainHandler.getBestBlockHeader() consider time of header if chainwork is the same. Make test cases less strict on what header is the best header when both chainwork and time are the same on the eader
* Only execute callbacks on headers that are going to be created in the database, not all headers passed into ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains()
* Turn up log level again
* Small optimizations, check if we have seen a header before before processing it in ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains(). Fix FilterSyncMarker.toString(). Use ChainHandlerCached in Node
* Remove ChainHandlerCached in appServer, re-add it in Node.scala
* Make aesPassword option for wallet config
* Add to docs
* Make AesPassword optional
* Small touchups
* Fix for oracle server
* Fix docs
* Increase code coverage
* Introduce 'FilterSyncMarker' to ChainApi, make it clearier what exactly the (Int,DoubleSha256Digest) tuple is returned from ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange()
* Fix doc
* Add scaladoc to FilterSyncMarker
* Rebase onto master, fix conflicts to use FilterSyncMarker
* Apply string factory to a bunch of easy things
* Refactor HDPath, ExtKey, and LnTagPrefix to use StringFactory
* Implemen StringFactory on LnHumanReadablePart, ScriptType, ServiceIdentifier
* Implement StringFactory on AesCrypt, NodeUri, AddressTag, PSBT, TxoState
* Fix failing tests, fix website compile
* Apply StringFactory to all ScriptOperations, ChannelState, Script Parsing
* Give the different outcome amounts a val for clarity in documentation, add a missing import, and change the hash being signed by the oracle to more descriptive of a specific event
* Fix missing amounts
* Clarify comment even more
* Added crypto project and decoupled BitcoinSLogger from NetworkElement
Decoupled BitcoinSLogger from Factory
Moved NetworkElement into crypto project
Moved Factory and BitcoinSUtil (renamed to BytesUtil) to crypto project
Moved MaskedToString to crypto project
Added BytesUtil to imports and cleaned up CryptoUtil.recoverPoint
Moved the rest of crypto stuff to the crypto project
Moved crypto tests to crypto-test project
* Added documentation for crypto project
* Add wallet creation time for rescans
* Fix docs
* Clean up and add test
* Remove account bday
* Fix compile issue and docs
* Add more chain handler tests
* Use Instant over Long, add docs
* Fix docs
* GetAddress Wallet API call
* Add ability to get unfunded address
* Generate new address if no unfunded addresses
* Add test
* Add wallet get address documentation
* Change NodeCallbacks to Future[Unit] s
* Fix compile issue
* Change try to future
* Change Future.sucessful(()) to FutureUtil.unit
* Callback failure handling, callback docs
* Create functions for executing callbacks, make merkleblock a future
* Convert MerkleBuffersTest to BitcoinSAsyncTest
* Fix compiler errors
* Reorder UpdateBloomFilter tests so that txFromWalletP is a success for both calls and the other test does not wait on the promise to complete
* Add disclaimers to the wallet/key-manager around API breaking changes and limitations of the current iteration of the wallet
* Reword as Ben suggests
* Add wallet rescan tests
* Create FilterSync, which gives us an API inside of the chain project to sync filters with
Add another unit test to filter sync
Add more unit tests for ChainSync and FilterSync
Clean up some docs, remove some extra lines of code
Run scalafmt
Add filter-sync.md
Cleanup some nits
Add more information of how FilterSync.syncFilters() works
Add 'FilterWithHeaderHash' type so that we can actually validate/verify block headers that are being fed into the chain project
Run scalafmt, hide imports in filter-sync.md so code appears cleaner
Move implicits out of invisible block as it seems to cause errors
Make it so FilterSync processes filters in batches rather than fetching them all at once
Fix compile error
* WIP bitcoind implement ChainQueryApi
* rework fixtures to be able to support injecting ChainQueryApi implemented by bitcoind into our fixture infrastructure for creating wallets
* Fix rebase problem
* Implement getFiltersBetweenHeight() with ben's solution
* WIP Start implementing NodeApi against bitcoind
* Actually inject the bitcoind backed nodeApi into our fixture
* Get first rescan test working for rescanning the entire blockchain
* Implement test case for rescanning from a specific height
* Fix NeutrinoNodeWalletTest test case that uses a experimental version of bitcoind, for now i believe our experimental binary is on v18
* Add wallet-rescan.md, add helper method to WalletApi that allows you to clear out the wallet's utxos/addresses
* Add another log to try to debug CI
* Address code review
* Fix wrong ordering of deletion of tables in clearUtxosAndAddresses()
* reset logging level