* Fixed PSBT.verifyFinalizedInput to allow NonWitnessUTXO to be set with a WitnessUTXO
* Added unit test
* Fixed bug where verifyFinalizedInput was also broken for P2SH(Segwit)
* Implement StringFactory on the companion object for BtcHumanReadablePart
* Make Bech32.checkHrpvalidity() take in a string rather than a Bech32HumanReadablePart as a parameter, now we check validity _just_ according to the bech32 standard, not specific applications light lightning / bitcoin
* Add missing override
* Overload Bech32.checkHrpValidity() to pass in a 'StringFactory' in cases where you know what HRP you expect
* Do nadav's suggestion on Bech32.splitToHrpAndData() -- allow a factory to be passed in parameterized with the type you expect
* Introduce 'FilterSyncMarker' to ChainApi, make it clearier what exactly the (Int,DoubleSha256Digest) tuple is returned from ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange()
* Fix doc
* Add scaladoc to FilterSyncMarker
* Rebase onto master, fix conflicts to use FilterSyncMarker
* Pull over test cases, WIP
* Rework ChainHandler.nextBlockHeaderRange() to use hashes rather than heights to very integrity of header chain, add test case
* Modify test case to make sure we are generating the 'heaviest chain work' header as first in the tuple that is used in reorg test cases
* Refactor to helper method called 'findNextHeader()' to make things simpler
* Add scaladoc to ChainHandler.findNextHeader()
* Fix bugs in ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange(), now return (startHeight,stopHash) rather than (stopHeight,stopHash)
* Get chain handler tests passing, remove genesis filter header/fitler from default chain project fixture, make it a specialized one to have genesis filter header/filter in the database. Use that specialized fixture in ChainHandlerTest for now
* FilterSync work without having the genesis filter and filter header inserted into the database
* fix bug in DataMessageHandler where we were using sendNextGetCompactFilterHeadersCommand rather than using peerMsgSender.sendGetCompactFilterHeadersMessage
* Refactor ChainHandler.findNextHeader() to centralize where chains are fetched
* Address ben's code review
* Create FeeUnitFactory and functions to calculate tx fee rates
* Remove useless override, use factory
* doc
* Scaladocs + use vals
* Fix scaleFactor being set as default value
* Apply string factory to a bunch of easy things
* Refactor HDPath, ExtKey, and LnTagPrefix to use StringFactory
* Implemen StringFactory on LnHumanReadablePart, ScriptType, ServiceIdentifier
* Implement StringFactory on AesCrypt, NodeUri, AddressTag, PSBT, TxoState
* Fix failing tests, fix website compile
* Apply StringFactory to all ScriptOperations, ChannelState, Script Parsing
* Output logger configuration on startup now
* Remove core-test/logback-test.xml and core/common-logback.xml, consolidate and move them into testkit/src/main/resources/logback.xml
* Add comment for logging configuration
* Added signing with entropy to the JNI and implemented low R signing
* Added check for determinism of low R signing
* Cleaned up test
* Implemented signing with entropy in Bouncy Castle
* Added docs for signing with entropy
* Fixed things after rebase
* De-parallelized signLowR and added scaladoc warnings to signWithEntropy