* Fix bug where compact filters weren't being processed in order of block height during IBD
* Use sorted compact filter messages in chainApi.processFilters()
* Modify DataMessageHandler to use Set for filter batch, fix test case
* revert log level
* Remove duplicate filters test
* Re-add test to make sure we don't throw an exception when processing a filter we've seen before
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Fix NeutrinoNodeTest
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Make PeerManager.finder private
* Make PeerManager.supervisor private
* Write unit test to see if default peer is added to PeerManager
* Use withNeutrinoNodeUnstarted fixture
* Get unit tests passing
* Add println to try and debug CI
* Add more println
* more println
* Adjust nodeTest / parallelExecution = false
* Try to make error logged to figure out why failure is happening on CI
* Adjust log level to ERROR
* Add catch to try and log failure messages
* Add log for sending messages to peers
* Try to increase threadpool size to see if we are deadlocking
* Add more logs
* Add another log to detect where failure is
* Try using Actor.tell() with explicit ActorRef.noSender
* Very detailed logging
* Remove duplicate method from rebase
* Revert things
* Revert build.sbt
* Empty commit
* Bump timeout
* Empty commit to run CI
* Revert more files
* Pull things over from 4950 that shouldn't cause issues to reduce size of 4950
* Reduce timeout for processing a batch of messages from 1000 seconds -> 60 seconds
* scalafmt
* Empty commit
* upgrade to scala 2.13.10
* Remove 2.13.8 from CI
* Try upgrading to sbt 1.8.0-RC1 to see if build works on CI
* Try to update scoverage to 2.0.6
* Upgrade sbt native packager to 1.9.11
* Upgrade to sbt 1.8.0
* implement chain callbacks for compact filter headers / compact filters
* Wire it up through the websocket
* Fix type for compactfilterprocessed
* Fix bug to write json rather than write a string
* Implement isinitialblockdownload flag in databaes
* Change to IsInitialBlockDownload to be less confusing
* Fix missing refactors, add ChainApi.isIBD()
* Implement logic for ChainApi.isIBD(), add configuration flag to toggle whether to emit websocket events while IBD is ongoing or not, add isinitialblockdownload field to getinfo endpoint
* Remove confusing ChainApi.isIBD() that didn't accurately account for the case where IBD wasn't set in the database
* Fix bug around emitting the websocket events
* Add some documentation
* Check if bitcoind is syncing before running scheduled job to poll bitcoind
* Set syncing flag to true if initialblockdownload is true
* Implement logic so we only emit websocket events when state is changed, rather than everytime we poll bitcoind
* Implement logic to only emit websocket event when descriptor flag changes rather than when it is set
* removed logger parameter from where it's used with callbacks
* removed logger from onTXRecived... and onBlockRecived...
* removed unused imports
* removed logger from walletCallbacks
* Add `sync` JSON field to the `getinfo` endpoint output
* improve test coverage
* update docs
* rename sync flag
* WebSocket notifications
* fix unit tests
* fix unit tests
* increase test timout
* Try to add block generate to address in fixture setup to get around the case where block headers & filter headers are synced but compact filters are not
* Push to github to force re-run of CI 2
* Add ChainApi.getBestFilter(), use it in sync to determine if filter headers & filters are in sync
* Push to github to force re-run of CI 3
* Simplify getBestFilter, add unit test
* Add more comments, clean up some code
Turn off logging again
Try to move things around even more to make sure zmq is started
Turn logging level down to ERROR to hopefully get some meaningful output
Adjust both valdiation & ChainHandler to be ERROR level logging
switch zmqpubrawblock to be the port we know is free
Reduce logging to WARN
Bump bitcoind max retries to 120
Fix rebase
Revert logging
Remove some noisy logs
Restore logs to trace level
Add explicit tag
* Get FilterSync test working with cached bitcoind in chainTest project
* Small refactor to be DRY
* Fix docs
* Refactor ChainSyncTest to use 1 cached bitcoind, as a by product add ChainWithBitcoindNewestCachedUnitTest
* Remove unecessary mixin trait
* Fix missing ChainWithBitcoindNewestCachedUnitTest.afterAll()
* Reduce thread pool size for akka's internal dispatcher in unit tests from 2 -> 1. Same with the blocking dispatcher
* Add comment
* Fix missing super.stop() to shutdown DbAppConfig db connection pool inside of all DbAppConfig subclasses that override stop()
* Fix import
* Remove implicit modifier to NodeUnitTest.getFreshConfig(), make sure we are shutting down chainAppConfig inside NodeUnitTest
* Remove chainTest subclasses implementing ActorSystem, make sure we do correct cleanup in ChainUnitTest
* Decouple CachedChainAppConfig & CachedAppConfig. When using only one sub module in the CachedAppConfig, teardown may fail as the other modules might not be started such as using chainAppConfig in chainTest, BitcoinSAppConfig.stop() requires us to call nodAppConfig.stop() first, which isn't started.
* Push to github to force re-run of CI 4
* Reduce number of rows selected by best filter header/best filter query
* Remove benchmarking code
* use same queries for best height and best filter so we don't repeat ourselves
* join by blockhash
* Apply optimization to compact filter table
Co-authored-by: Ben Carman <benthecarman@live.com>
* Give connection pool example config
* Get hikari logging working on postgres
* fix 2.12.x
* Bump metrics core to a supported version
* Add hikari-logging and hikari-logging-interval configuration options to turn off/on hikari and schedule how often logs appear
* Turn off hikari logging in the db-commons/reference.conf and add it to appserver/reference.conf
* default the logging to off in scala code
* Make sure connection pool is enabled in db-commons, add default database configuration to website
* Address code review, fix things that didn't need to be changed
* Add walletinfo rpc
* Move rootXpub to key manager obj
* Make configuration keys for getinfo the same as the ones in our configuration files
* Cleanup
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Rename NodeUnitTest.confg -> NodeUnitTest.getFreshConfig()
* Rename CachedBitcoinSAppConfig.config -> CachedBitcoinSAppConfig.cachedConfig
* Make CachedChainAppConfig extend CachedBitcoinSAppConfig
* Make ChainApi.processHeaders() return a failed future in the case we have no valid headers
* Run scalafmt
* Fix test case to check if promise is completed yet
* WIP: Get something working that isn't network specific
Start putting things back in place
Add comment
Revert logback file
Remove BitcoinSLogger object
* Fix unused import
* Get rid of annoying diff
* Fix spacing nit
* Get neutrino node with wallet 'receive information about received payments' working again
* Fix compile
* Remove initial sync logic from test case
* Remove sync logic in NeutrinoNodeWithWallet test cases
* Improve logging and rename a few things
* WIP2
* WIP3
* Get NeutrinoNodeWithWallet tests working
* Implement WalletSync, which allows you to sync a wallet from a arbitrary data source
* Get all tests passing again
* Use spv.appConfig in DataMessageHandlerTest rather than caching the config
* Modify cleanup to hopefully get CI passing
* Fix postgres tests by cleaning the table during the destroy phase of the test fixture. This is needed because the same postgres database is shared between tests in the same test suite
* Revert logback-test.xml
* Get sqlite/postgres tests passing pt 2
* syncHeight -> syncDescriptorOpt()
* Add case for genesis block hash in WalletSync
* Fix SpvNodeWithWallet test case to actually test spv functionality
* Remove nodeCallbacks parameters, callbacks should be registered on nodeAppConfig