* Add walletinfo rpc
* Move rootXpub to key manager obj
* Make configuration keys for getinfo the same as the ones in our configuration files
* Cleanup
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Multi Wallet support
* Fix Oracle tests
* Fix some CI errors
* Increase KeyManagerAppConfig code coverage
* Add test for multiple seeds in seed folder
* Move things in reference.conf files
* Lower key manager coverage requirement
* Fix postgres test issues
* Create DbAppConfig
* Add some docs, fix hardcoded postgres db name
* Clarify db vs schema
* Add character types
* Fix chaindb in conf
* Always copy default seed
* Remove need for driverName config
* Introduce ChainHandlerCached which behaves like the old ChainHandler. Now Chainhandler.getBestBlockHeader() will read headers from the database
* Remove ChainHandler.blockchains field, now it's only available in ChainHandlerCached
* De-futurify ChainHandler.fromDatabase()
* Adjust logging
* Patch test case
* Use BlockHeaderDAO.chainTips when getting best header rather thean BlockHeaderDAO.getBlockchains(). Implement a helper method ChainHandler.toChainHandlerCached()
* Fix chain.md,wallet.md
* Make ChainHandler.getBestBlockHeader() consider time of header if chainwork is the same. Make test cases less strict on what header is the best header when both chainwork and time are the same on the eader
* Only execute callbacks on headers that are going to be created in the database, not all headers passed into ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains()
* Turn up log level again
* Small optimizations, check if we have seen a header before before processing it in ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains(). Fix FilterSyncMarker.toString(). Use ChainHandlerCached in Node
* Remove ChainHandlerCached in appServer, re-add it in Node.scala
* Update Oracle to use new TLVs
* Rename things to use new names, scaladoc, small clean ups
* Add descomposition tests, docs, sign numbers outside of range
* Make aesPassword option for wallet config
* Add to docs
* Make AesPassword optional
* Small touchups
* Fix for oracle server
* Fix docs
* Increase code coverage
* Remove requirement for ZMQ with bitcoind backend
* Add test, move poller to BitcoindRpcBackendUtil
* Add docs & logs, fix niche case
* Use AtomicReference, reset prevCount on failure