* Introduce ChainHandlerCached which behaves like the old ChainHandler. Now Chainhandler.getBestBlockHeader() will read headers from the database
* Remove ChainHandler.blockchains field, now it's only available in ChainHandlerCached
* De-futurify ChainHandler.fromDatabase()
* Adjust logging
* Patch test case
* Use BlockHeaderDAO.chainTips when getting best header rather thean BlockHeaderDAO.getBlockchains(). Implement a helper method ChainHandler.toChainHandlerCached()
* Fix chain.md,wallet.md
* Make ChainHandler.getBestBlockHeader() consider time of header if chainwork is the same. Make test cases less strict on what header is the best header when both chainwork and time are the same on the eader
* Only execute callbacks on headers that are going to be created in the database, not all headers passed into ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains()
* Turn up log level again
* Small optimizations, check if we have seen a header before before processing it in ChainHandler.processHeadersWithChains(). Fix FilterSyncMarker.toString(). Use ChainHandlerCached in Node
* Remove ChainHandlerCached in appServer, re-add it in Node.scala
* Update Oracle to use new TLVs
* Rename things to use new names, scaladoc, small clean ups
* Add descomposition tests, docs, sign numbers outside of range
* Update Oracle TLVs
* Change string size to be BigSizeUInt
* Move nonces to oracle event tlv
* Introduced EventDescriptor tests and NumericEventDescriptor methods to query possible outcome data
* Added contains function
* Added tests for containsToPrecision
* Remove EventDescriptor.outcomes and other related fields
* remove unused formatNum method
* Address code review from Ben
* Move oracle pub key to announcement
Co-authored-by: nkohen <nadavk25@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: christewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Make aesPassword option for wallet config
* Add to docs
* Make AesPassword optional
* Small touchups
* Fix for oracle server
* Fix docs
* Increase code coverage
* Cleanup a bunch of imports in test
* Use @nowarn annotation for testing things that are deprecated
* Fix base58 test
* Cleanup crypto-test
* Use scala collection compat dependency to get access to the @nowarn annotation on scala 2.12.x
* Rework more scala 2.13.x compile failures in chain-test and key-manager-test
* Optimize imports for entire project
* Fix nits
* Fixed P2SH(Segwit) bug and allowed redeem scripts when calling addFinalizedScriptWitnessToInput
* Add test
Co-authored-by: Ben Carman <benthecarman@live.com>
* Fixed PSBT.verifyFinalizedInput to allow NonWitnessUTXO to be set with a WitnessUTXO
* Added unit test
* Fixed bug where verifyFinalizedInput was also broken for P2SH(Segwit)
* Implement StringFactory on the companion object for BtcHumanReadablePart
* Make Bech32.checkHrpvalidity() take in a string rather than a Bech32HumanReadablePart as a parameter, now we check validity _just_ according to the bech32 standard, not specific applications light lightning / bitcoin
* Add missing override
* Overload Bech32.checkHrpValidity() to pass in a 'StringFactory' in cases where you know what HRP you expect
* Do nadav's suggestion on Bech32.splitToHrpAndData() -- allow a factory to be passed in parameterized with the type you expect
* Introduce 'FilterSyncMarker' to ChainApi, make it clearier what exactly the (Int,DoubleSha256Digest) tuple is returned from ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange()
* Fix doc
* Add scaladoc to FilterSyncMarker
* Rebase onto master, fix conflicts to use FilterSyncMarker
* Pull over test cases, WIP
* Rework ChainHandler.nextBlockHeaderRange() to use hashes rather than heights to very integrity of header chain, add test case
* Modify test case to make sure we are generating the 'heaviest chain work' header as first in the tuple that is used in reorg test cases
* Refactor to helper method called 'findNextHeader()' to make things simpler
* Add scaladoc to ChainHandler.findNextHeader()
* Fix bugs in ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange(), now return (startHeight,stopHash) rather than (stopHeight,stopHash)
* Get chain handler tests passing, remove genesis filter header/fitler from default chain project fixture, make it a specialized one to have genesis filter header/filter in the database. Use that specialized fixture in ChainHandlerTest for now
* FilterSync work without having the genesis filter and filter header inserted into the database
* fix bug in DataMessageHandler where we were using sendNextGetCompactFilterHeadersCommand rather than using peerMsgSender.sendGetCompactFilterHeadersMessage
* Refactor ChainHandler.findNextHeader() to centralize where chains are fetched
* Address ben's code review
* Create FeeUnitFactory and functions to calculate tx fee rates
* Remove useless override, use factory
* doc
* Scaladocs + use vals
* Fix scaleFactor being set as default value
* Apply string factory to a bunch of easy things
* Refactor HDPath, ExtKey, and LnTagPrefix to use StringFactory
* Implemen StringFactory on LnHumanReadablePart, ScriptType, ServiceIdentifier
* Implement StringFactory on AesCrypt, NodeUri, AddressTag, PSBT, TxoState
* Fix failing tests, fix website compile
* Apply StringFactory to all ScriptOperations, ChannelState, Script Parsing