* Attempt to optimize block tests more to avoid timeouts
* Fix asm.tail bug
* Make parseRedeemScript just return a ScriptPubKey rather than a Try[ScriptPubKey]
* Make encoding a UInt64 to hex more efficient
* Cache Transaction.bytesSize so we don't need to serialize everything again to estimate the byteSize
* Refactor CryptoBytesUtil.addPadding() and it's usage in UInt64
* Use StringBuilder.append() rather than StringBuilder.addAll() which is not supported in scala 2.11 & 2.12
* Address nadav's code review
* Implemented parseDERLax signature parsing and bumped bouncy castle version to most recent
* implemented using iterators
* Factored out common functionality and added comments, it is readable now! Deleted C-like version in place of this one after property based tests showed them to be equivalent
* Made compatible with scala 2.12
* Make compatible with scala 2.11
* Added tests for lax DER signatures
* Refactored Transaction
Created RawTxBuilder
Created RawTxFinalizer as layer on top of RawTxBuilder
Introduced RawTxSigner and replaced TxBuilder!
Deleted TxBuilder!
* fixed things after rebase
* Made RawTxBuilder compatible with older versions of scala
* Began responding to review
* Made Finalizer take a Builder rather than the other way around
* Added composition for finalizers
* Ran scalafmt
* Updated txbuilder example documentation
* Moved tests from old TxBuilderTest files to relevant new test files
* Added scaladocs
* Reduce number of property based tests on BIP32PathTest and add a Future to NetworkPayloadTest's property based tests so it hopefully runs faster on CI
* Run scalafmt
* Make a few more property based tests async
* Make forAllParallel, refactor some test cases to use it
* Make BlockMessageTest async
* Bump timeout
* Make ScriptOperationFactory subclasses use a val to cache operaetions rather than operations
* Make ScriptOperation's use a Vector rather than Seq. Seq is a trait that can sometimes be backed by a List which can have some O(n) behavior
* Remove BlockTest benchamarking test case
* Put popular opcodes at beginning of ScriptOperations.operations for an optimization
* Remove Try() allocation on ECPublicKey.isFullyValid()
* Fix how CompactSizeUInt was serialized to be more efficient, move isMultiSig() and isLocktimeSPK() to be inline so we don't evaluate it unless we absolutely need to
* Use Map inside of ScriptOperation.fromByte()
* Update map to look up script operation rather than iterating
* Remove the clause in Transction.fromHex() where we throw in the case of a witness transaction, do something smarter and look at bytes in the byte vector
* WIP add test case
* Add back try/catch as it's still necessary for cases of unsigned base transactions
* Add permalink to example test case
* Try and improve reliability of UpdateBloomFilterTest, also add getMemPoolEntryOpt() that returns an Option indicating if a tx was in the mempool
* Fix nits
Added OutputReference and introduced public key computation on SPKs
Made InputInfo into an ADT
Made UTXOSpendingInfo use InputInfo
Replaced UTXOSpendingInfo with NewSpendingInfo and got non-test things compiling
Made aliases for (NewSpendingInfo/NewSpendingInfoFull/NewSpendingInfoSingle)[InputInfo]
Got rid of source code mention of UTXOSpendingInfo
sbt compile passes
tests compile
Fixed all coreTest tests
Renamed to UTXOInfo
Some cleanup
Moved redeem script and script witness accessors to companion object
Responded to code review
Added OutputReference and scaladocs
Moved p2pkhPreImageOpt downstream and generalized to hashPreImages
Fixed adding-spks.md
Fixed psbts.md and txbuilder.md
Renamed UTXOInfo
Apply renaming to docs
* Make Bech32Address.toString actually print the string representation not the object one
* Remove Bech32Address.toString all together and use the super class definition
* Add test case
* Run scalafmt
* Give the different outcome amounts a val for clarity in documentation, add a missing import, and change the hash being signed by the oracle to more descriptive of a specific event
* Fix missing amounts
* Clarify comment even more
* Added crypto project and decoupled BitcoinSLogger from NetworkElement
Decoupled BitcoinSLogger from Factory
Moved NetworkElement into crypto project
Moved Factory and BitcoinSUtil (renamed to BytesUtil) to crypto project
Moved MaskedToString to crypto project
Added BytesUtil to imports and cleaned up CryptoUtil.recoverPoint
Moved the rest of crypto stuff to the crypto project
Moved crypto tests to crypto-test project
* Added documentation for crypto project
* Add wallet creation time for rescans
* Fix docs
* Clean up and add test
* Remove account bday
* Fix compile issue and docs
* Add more chain handler tests
* Use Instant over Long, add docs
* Fix docs