* Replace BoundedSourceQueueWithComplete with SourceQueueWithComplete so we can use the returned Future
* Recover the expected exceptions in CallBackUtilTest
* add P2PClientSupervisor
* changes from comments: made P2PClient Future
* empty commit to see if mac failures are consistent on ci
* changes from comments
* changes from comments
* Fix bug where we prune unused addreses on rescan. This doesn't let us discover funds for addresses sent that were not paid to until after the rescan was completed
* Add test case
* Fix neutrino node test case
* Some cleanup
* Refactor testkit tests to use same nodeCallbacks that BitcoinSServerMain uses for neutrino
* Add test case
* Add logs for callbacks
* Cleanup
* Add test case for when funds are spent when we are offline
* Turn off logging again
* Cleanup more logs and comments
* Get cryptoTest,coreTest projects working with scala-js
Get build working, now moving onto compile
Move jvm specific cryptoTest's into the .jvm sub project
Rework build definition names to be more concise
Fix missing cryptoTest refactor
Move logback-test.xml into jvm specific resource folder so it doesn't get ignored
Make coreTest a crossProject
Rework ci matrix to work with new project structure
Try to fix CI matrix
CI fix part 2
* Apply commonSettings to all cross projects
* Address part of roman's code review, make coreJS, make cryptoTest.dependOn(crypto)
* WIP to share with scala-js community
* Fix scalac compiler settings to be additive in CommonSettings.settings
* Remove BCryptoTest