* Create 'fundRawTransaction' and 'fundRawTransactionInternal'
* Move TransactionTestUtil to testkit, begin writing tests for fundrawtransaction
* Add FundTransactionTests
* Move things to 'FundTransactionHandling' trait
* Start segregating things by HDAccount in the wallet, this gives us the ability to query for balances based on account, fund a transaction based on an account, generate a new address based on an account etc. All old api calls are now based on the default account, i.e. getBalance() returns the balance for account 0, fundRawTransaction funds the transaction from account 0 etc.
* Fix compile issue with 2.11.x
* Bump address generation Thread.sleep() to 500ms
* Address ben code review
* Address code review
* Introduced UTXOSpendingInfoSingle
* Implemented constructors for UTXOSpendingInfoSingle
* Introduced BitcoinSignerSingle
* Implemented SingleSigner
* Added property-based test for SingleSigner, it fails
* Fixed SignerTest :)
* Responded to code review
* Added scaladocs
* Fixed p2sh(p2wsh) signing
* Responded to code review and separated UTXOSpendingInfoSingle from UTXOSpendingInfoFull
* Fixed outputGen after rebase
* Fixed txbuilder.md to show this branch's changes
* Create 'fundRawTransaction' and 'fundRawTransactionInternal'
* Move TransactionTestUtil to testkit, begin writing tests for fundrawtransaction
* Add FundTransactionTests
* Move things to 'FundTransactionHandling' trait
* Address code review
* Run scalafmt
* Create MaskedToString, implement it in ECPrivateKey, ExtPrivateKey, MnemonicCode
* Add MaskedToString to AesPassword, AesKey, and BIP39Seed
* Add final to MaskedToString.toString() so it can't be overriden
* Add more expressive txo states for the wallet
* Rename 'PendingReceived/PendingSpent' -> 'UnconfirmedReceived/UnconfirmedSent'
* Address code review
* Fix posInt implementation to work with older scala versions
* Rename to PendingConfirmationReceived/PendingConfirmationSpent
* Create ExtSign, use it on ExtPrivateKey
* Add documentation on how to Sign things with ExtSign
* Add ExtSign.sign for a bip32 path
* Make sign(bytes,path) not return a Future, add documentation
* Address nadav's code review
* Fix mdoc sign.md
* Fix CLTV bug where timestamps using seconds are not allowed in TxBuilder
* Added test for CLTV second timestamp and ran scalafmt
* Fixed another bug
* Fixed bug where calcLockTime was not looking past first CLTV tx
* Redid conditional interpreting without binary trees
* Fixed ControlOperationsInterpreterTest
* Implemented O(1) conditional handling as proposed here https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16902 because Ben Carman pointed it out
* Added some docs
* Responded to code review
* Introduced ConditionalScriptPubKey
Some more progress
Added Conditional signing infrastracture, tests do not pass and there are no Conditional tests
Fixed tests!
* Redid calcLockTime and calcSequenceForInputs in TxBuilder (added Conditional support)
* Added ScriptGenerators for Conditional scripts, only one test to go!
* Fixed CLTV(Empty) tests
* Responded to code review
* responded to code review
* ScriptSignature only types Policy-compliant script signatures
* Fixed md doc
* Replace scriptPubKeyToSatisfy with spendingInfoToSatisfy and made UTXOSpendingInfo ADT nicer
Tightened up types on Signer with a type parameter
Factored out common functionality in Signer
Responded to code review
* More review
* Update script_tests.json, fix bugs that were unveiled with that update. Specifically around handling negative zero in Script, and cleanstack behavior for segwit scripts. We were not checking for equality at the byte level for negative zero. With cleanstack, we were failing the script, but not failing with the correct error. If you look at interpreter.cpp in bitcoin core, cleanstack check is done before checking if the stacktop is true or false
* Address code review
* Make ChainApi to scan the block filters in order to find matches
* performance improvements, unit test
* some parallelization
* addressed comments
* parallelism level
* fix parallelism computation
* Scala 2.11 compatibility
* increased test coverage
* cleanup
* more checks and cleanup
* change ChainApi.getMatchingBlocks signature
* some more changes
* Tightened up types, only allowing ExecutionInProgressScriptPrograms to be executed in Script OPs and having output type that cannot be PreExecutionScriptProgram
* Fixed all tests!
* Replaced all calls to loop and loopOrComplete with a single one at the bottom to retain the tailrec property
* Added a couple docs
* Use the fact that network headers specify the number of bytes in the payload rather than just parsing from bytes.size, this should allow us to be more precise when parsing NetworkPayloads rather than _hoping_ that bytes.size does not land on pseudo-valid NetworkPayload. This hopefully resolves#782
* Add safety check around HeadersMessage.toString()
* Add invariant to NetworkMessage saying payloadSize in header must be the actual payload size
* Create base traits for async tests called BaseAsyncTest, and then create two subtypes, BitcoinSAsyncTest and BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest to make it easier to manage resources related to test cases. Now it is easier to shutdown things like an actor system in a structured manner
* Remove two bitcoind tests that don't make sense, 'duration' in the parameter is _really_ an interval (bad naming by usTesting an interval does not make sense inside of TestRpcUtilTest
* Turn log off for ChainAppConfigTest we expect to fail
* Bump timeout for BitcoinSUnitTest, use builtint sbt scalafmtCheck
* Remove hardcoded scalafmt binary
* reduce generator size to attempt to fix#768
* Update scalafmt to 2.0.1
* Scalafmt
In this commit we
1) Reconfigure the .scalafmt.conf file
2) Add a scalafmt binary (same version as specified in conf file)
3) Use said binary on CI to check that everything is formatted correctly
* Ran scalafmt
* Update scalafmt ignore
* Add scalafmt plugin to project/plugins.sbt, run it
* run scalafmt
* Bump Scala versions
Support Scala 2.12.9
and 2.13.0.
To make this easier, we delete the `scripts` project. Everything
that was in here was covered by content on the website. We also
delete the `doc` folder, as that was a remnant from when `scripts`
was called `doc`.
* Crib uPickle akka-http support while we wait for publish
* Fix compiler warnings
* Add note on test logging to contribution guide
* Reduce duplication in Blockchain implementation
* Use Scala 2.12 for website
* Introduce compat package object for collections converters
* Fix Either compiler warnings
* Add sync-chain and create-wallet docs from deleted scripts
* Fix rebase goofup
* Add logging to data directory
In this commit we add the ability for the node, chain
and wallet projects (+ the server) to log to the users
data directory instead of whatever directory the
binaries was launched from. This is inherently a bit
more complicated than our previous setup, because
we need to read the user directory before we can create
loggers. As a result of this, some files/methods were
moved around, so the relevant app config could be
found in scope.
We also introduce several logging categories that can be
tuned individually through user configuration. These logggers
are exposed both as traits that give a field `logger`, or
as methods that return the required logger.
* Add datadir configuration to AppConfig
In this commit we add support for AppConfig to pick up
the data directory configuration file. We also add
a section to the contributing guide on how to tune
logging levels.
* Pass data directories explicitly for configuration