* Cleanup a bunch of imports in test
* Use @nowarn annotation for testing things that are deprecated
* Fix base58 test
* Cleanup crypto-test
* Use scala collection compat dependency to get access to the @nowarn annotation on scala 2.12.x
* Rework more scala 2.13.x compile failures in chain-test and key-manager-test
* Optimize imports for entire project
* Fix nits
* Add Wallet State Descriptors
* Sync blocks while offline w/ bitcoind backend
* Add to WalletDbManagement
* Update db management test
* Respond to review
* Rename function
* Remove requirement for ZMQ with bitcoind backend
* Add test, move poller to BitcoindRpcBackendUtil
* Add docs & logs, fix niche case
* Use AtomicReference, reset prevCount on failure
* Use absolute paths for resolving configurations
Make log level OFF again
WIP: Move resolution of config into AppConfig.start(), things are totally broken
WIP: Make AppConfig.config private
Get all tests passing again but using absolute path in configuration
* Cherry-pick onto master
* Fix BitcoinSAppConfig configuration keys to use the full path
* Apply code review
* Fix log, move invariant for requiredConfirmations back into the lazy val
* Fix DlcOracleAppConfig to use absolute path
* Introduce 'FilterSyncMarker' to ChainApi, make it clearier what exactly the (Int,DoubleSha256Digest) tuple is returned from ChainApi.nextBlockHeaderRange()
* Fix doc
* Add scaladoc to FilterSyncMarker
* Rebase onto master, fix conflicts to use FilterSyncMarker
* Apply string factory to a bunch of easy things
* Refactor HDPath, ExtKey, and LnTagPrefix to use StringFactory
* Implemen StringFactory on LnHumanReadablePart, ScriptType, ServiceIdentifier
* Implement StringFactory on AesCrypt, NodeUri, AddressTag, PSBT, TxoState
* Fix failing tests, fix website compile
* Apply StringFactory to all ScriptOperations, ChannelState, Script Parsing
* Clean up code for BroadcastDAO test
* Extend StartStopAsync with BitcoinSAppConfig, create 'CachedAppConfig' test trait, clean up P2PClientTest
* Make MerkleBuffersTest use CachedAppConfig
* Start cleaning up after ourselves in the chainTest test suite
* Cancel background runnable for generating blocks after test case, add nodeAppConfig.stop() to tests in NodeAppConfigTest
* Stop mainnet nodeAppConfig in test as per ben's code review