In this commit we update our AesCrypt
functionality to work with AES keys rather
than passphrases that are extended to keys.
This makes it easier to integrate with other
languages, as the key stretching introduces
a bunch of additional parameters to the
actual AES encryption.
We also include tests that verify that we're
able to encrypt/decrypt using Bitcoin-S,
Crypto-JS (JavaScript), pycrypto (Python)
and OpenSSL CLI.
In this commit we add:
1) A program for dumping a bunch of address
information from a running Trezor
2) A test in the wallet module that verifies
that our addresses line up with the ones
Trezor generates
* Attempt to sync with sendheaders
Fix sync with headers by generating one block in regtest to get out of IBD
Fix comment
Add more comments
Add missing actor system import
more clean up
* refactor test case to avoid sleeping the thread
* Log messages more granularely in node
* Add pong message
* Rework P2P service identifier
The old implementation didn't catch the notion
that service identifiers was a bit field where
multiple services could be set at the same time.
* Make Peer take InetSocketAddress
Previously it took NetworkIpAddress.
This doesn't make any sense, as we
need to know the services bitfield
to construct a NetworkIpAddress.
* Clean up logs and toString methods
* Clean up node README and main method
* Make all networks final case objects
* Skip publishing of wallet, node and chain
* Clean up logging of node and chain modules
* Add logging of max height in SpvNodeMain
* Clean up Scaladoc and toStrings
* Add logging configuration as symlinks in node
We'll have to figure out a more stable solution to
configure logging for the SPV node, but for the time
being this is an acceptable solution.
* Fix 2.11 compiler error
* Implemented GCS (WIP)
Added some of Chris' tests for golombEncode and golombDecode
Fixed GCS.golombDecodeSet
Separated GCS object from GolombFilter class
Added hanging test for set encoding
Fixed property test for encoding and decoding arbitrary sets
Added test for GCS.buildGCS and hashing function consistency
Added method to construct a Block Filter from a Block
Added scaladocs in GCS.scala
Added TempUtxoProvider to make BlockFilter testable
Wrote a test for GolombFilter.matchesHash
Added test for arbitrary data matching in bip 158 filter
Added optional right-padding on GCS BitVector, BlockFilter.fromHex, and got started on BlockFilterTest
Cleaned up Bip158TestCase.fromJsArray
Fixed parsing of test vectors for bip 158
Wrote test for BlockFilter (doesn't pass)
Responded to some code review
Included CompactSizeUInt in filter
Created BitcoinScriptUtil.getDataTokens for output serialization
Wrote test for BitcoinScriptUtil.getDataTokens
Added test for BitcoinScriptUtil on the genesis block
Fixed name
* Fixed SipHash and block serialization!
* Fixed bugs relating to empty scripts, all tests passgit push --force-with-lease nadav 2019-05-28-bip158 !
* Cleaned up BitcoinScriptUtil.getDataTokens and its test
* Responded to code review
* Factored out common code from BlockFilter apply methods
* Some cleanup
* Add getAddressInfo to Wallet API
* Add Bloom filter and event callbacks to SPV node
* Move wallet test trait to testkit
* Test for connecting SPV node with wallet
* Tune logging in SPV node
* Clean up BloomFilter
* Proper toString in inventory and inventorymessage
* Actually pass in callbacks to SPV node
* Fix rebase screwup and partially respond to code review
* Default to file based databases in tests
This is due to issues with deadlocks with
in-memory based databases. We need DBs
to stay alive between connections, but
not across tests.
In DB intensive chain validation tests we
use in-memory databases instead. This
seems like a reasonable tradeoff between
simplicity and speed.
* Make SpvNodeCallbacks contain sequence of functions within
* Make Bloom filter non-optional in SpvNode
* Revampt README
Users are now deferred to for instructions
on how to use the library. Added a logo that'll hopefully
appear in social media sharing posts.
* Remove IRC, add Maven Central badge to README
This is due to issues with deadlocks with
in-memory based databases. We need DBs
to stay alive between connections, but
not across tests.
In DB intensive chain validation tests we
use in-memory databases instead. This
seems like a reasonable tradeoff between
simplicity and speed.
* Add findAll() to CRUD
* Add getAddressInfo to Wallet API
* Insert pubkey into bloomfilter also inserts hash
In this commit we also simplify parts of
BloomFilterTest, and move what used to be in
BloomFilterSpec into BloomFilterTest.
* Add bloom filter generation to wallet
* Add bloom false positive rate to wallet config
* Add logging to SQL errors
* Fix a bug where returned the wrong path
* Add FutureUtil.sequentially
* Make bloom filter size calculation more explicit
* Return Vector of pubkeys instead of Seq
* Verbose handling of address fetching in test
* Rename P2P tests and move generators into correct package
* Add more tests for P2P messages
* Add note on coverage to contributing guide
* Replace network in P2P header with typed network
* Add more P2P tests
* Add more tests for ECPriv and ECPub
I though I had solved our logging problem:
We want projects to pick up logging config
in core, without it being published.
The previous attempt was filtering out XML files
from unmanagedResources. That caused the XML
files to not get published, and when running
tests through Bloop everything worked fine.
However, when running them through sbt the
config did not get picked up. I suspect this
is because of a bug in how Bloop exports sbt
In this attempt we instead move the XML files
to test resources in core, and then make the
test projects depend on test sources in core,
with the awkward syntax 'core % "test->test"'.
* Reshuffle package location of P2P messages
Previously the companion objects for P2P messages
and the actual messages were in different pacakges.
This made them more awkward to use than necessary.
We also clean up some Scaladocs in this commit.
* Move all P2P messages to core