* Add signed outcome to get event rpc, fix other small api bugs
* Create separate type for decomp DLCAttestationType
* Add DLCOutcomeType to Oracle Event
* Calculate dlcOutcome, add invariant
* Fix test
* Rework docker configuration to pass in a custom configuration file
* Add default user of bitcoin-s for docker images
* Add runtime docker configuration to website
* App Server docker configuration w/ refactors
Get app server configuration working with docker
Add section for building the appServer for docker
* Remove compile commands
* Get basic docker image working with oracle server
* Get docker file working with custom configuration
* Switch base image to generic openjdk
* Add docker documentation
* Update Oracle to use new TLVs
* Rename things to use new names, scaladoc, small clean ups
* Add descomposition tests, docs, sign numbers outside of range