* Reduce pg connections from 300 -> 50 in test cases
* Reduce connection count to 25
* Push to github to force re-run of CI
* Switch explorer over to prod for now as test is down to get CI passing
* Reduce shared buffers memory size
* Push to github to force re-run of CI 2
* Fix bug introduced in PR 2597, we need to explicitly call WalletAppConfig.stop() now rather than transitively calling it via Wallet.stop()
* Fix calls to wallet.stop() -> wallet.walletAppConfig.stop() in BitcoindBlockPolling,BitcoindBackend. Also add some explicit type annotations
* Take ben's suggestion for parsing the entire tx hex
* Add assertion that the secondSPK is NOT a P2SHScriptPubKey, revert the classification of P2SHScriptPubKey in P2SHScriptSignature.isStandardNonP2SH()
* Revert conditionalSPK match logic
* Fixed ConditionalScriptPubKeyTest.scala (#32)
Co-authored-by: Nadav Kohen <nadavk25@gmail.com>
* Get FilterSync test working with cached bitcoind in chainTest project
* Small refactor to be DRY
* Fix docs
* Refactor ChainSyncTest to use 1 cached bitcoind, as a by product add ChainWithBitcoindNewestCachedUnitTest
* Remove unecessary mixin trait
* Fix missing ChainWithBitcoindNewestCachedUnitTest.afterAll()
* Reduce thread pool size for akka's internal dispatcher in unit tests from 2 -> 1. Same with the blocking dispatcher
* Add comment
* Add new app/scripts project which is meant to store useful bitcoin-s scripts
* Add ScanBitcoind with an example of counting segwit txs between a range
* Fix bug of creating a new actor system everytime BitcoindRpcClient.apply(instance) is called
* Add BitcoindRpcClient.fromVersionNoSystem()
* Take ben's suggestions
* Fix compile
* Rework P2SHScriptSignature.isStandardNonP2SH() to account for nesting p2sh script inside of it
* fix compile on java8
* Enable app packaging in scripts project
* Fix missing super.stop() to shutdown DbAppConfig db connection pool inside of all DbAppConfig subclasses that override stop()
* Fix import
* Remove implicit modifier to NodeUnitTest.getFreshConfig(), make sure we are shutting down chainAppConfig inside NodeUnitTest
* Remove chainTest subclasses implementing ActorSystem, make sure we do correct cleanup in ChainUnitTest
* Decouple CachedChainAppConfig & CachedAppConfig. When using only one sub module in the CachedAppConfig, teardown may fail as the other modules might not be started such as using chainAppConfig in chainTest, BitcoinSAppConfig.stop() requires us to call nodAppConfig.stop() first, which isn't started.
* Push to github to force re-run of CI 4
* Move wallet scheuler into WalletAppConfig, use scheduler.shutdownNow() so we actually shutdown the scheduler rather than wait for all queued tasks to finish executing before shutting down
* Fix typo
* Move rescan thread pool in to walletAppConfig, shut it down on wallet shutdown
* Fix compile
* Replaced secp256k1 with secp256k1-zkp as submodule pointing to my java-bindings branch
* Built new binaries for schnorr signing and adaptor signing and integrated into LibSecp256k1CryptoRuntime
* Added public key compression function with tests, removed old adaptor signature point serializers
* Implemented ECDSA adaptor signatures in scala according to the most recent spec
* Added static test vectors for adaptor signing from spec
* Moved bouncy castle adaptor signing tests to .jvm
* Added scaladocs and responded to nits
* Added scaladocs with legends to spec naming
* Responded to Ben's review
* Fixed scala 2.12 compile issue
* Fixed BouncyCastle secKeyVerify
* Updated add-to-jni build instructions
* Updated secp256k1-zkp to target bitcoin-s-master
* Add windows binary (#14)
* Added Mac OS binaries
Co-authored-by: benthecarman <benthecarman@live.com>
* Add invariant to spendingInfoDb to that requires if the spendinginfodb is in a TxoState.spentStates, the SpendingInfoDb.spendingTxIdOpt is defined
* Remove unused SpendingInfoDAO.updateTxoState()
* Fix bug that doesn't revert TxoState to TxoState.BroadcastSpent when overwriting the spendingTxId
* Remove unecessary transition from TxoState.Reserved -> TxoState.PendingConfirmationsReceived inside of processSpentUtxos()
* Update TransactionProcessing.markAsSpent() to treat TxoState.PendingConfirmationsSpent and TxoState.ConfirmedSpent the same way
* Remove unecessary comment
* Initial implementation of wallet sync with bitcoind with akka streams
* Make BitcoindRpcBackendUtil.startBitcoindBlockPolling use akka streams
* rework BitcoindRpcBackendUtil.syncWalletToBitcoind() to use akka streams
* Fix missing database shutdown on WalletAppConfig.stop()
* Cleanup BitcoindBlockPollingTest
* Cleanup ProcessBlockTest and all tests that use CachedBitcoind
* Cleanup BitcoindBackendTest
* Cache rescan thread pool rather than creating a new one everytime
* Add invariant to spendingInfoDb to that requires if the spendinginfodb is in a TxoState.spentStates, the SpendingInfoDb.spendingTxIdOpt is defined
* Remove unused SpendingInfoDAO.updateTxoState()
* Tighten up TxoState -> ReceivedState types we are using in the wallet. The ensures we are talking specific class of states (receiving a txo) rather than accounting for the case of spending and receiving since there is different information required for the spending states
* Add TxoState.ImmatureCoinbase to ReceivedStates
* Add invariant to spendingInfoDb to that requires if the spendinginfodb is in a TxoState.spentStates, the SpendingInfoDb.spendingTxIdOpt is defined
* Remove unused SpendingInfoDAO.updateTxoState()
* Remove comment
* Make TxoState and explicit parameter for test methods. Most test methods depend on a sample utxo state, so make the caller of the method specify what state they want the txo to be in
* Fix github actions config
* Fix RoutesSpec test
* Implement BIP32Path.fromHardenedString(). This will throw exceptions a non hardened path in the string exists
* Do what ben says rather than re-implementing BIP32Path.fromString