* Call syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue inside of generatetoaddress,generateblock to guarantee that bitcoind is internally consistent before we do other things against it
* Empty commit
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Segregate P2PClientTest and P2PClientActorTest to make it easier to test the actor
* Fix cleanup code
* Clean up tables for postgres test case
* Fix BitcoinSAppConfigBitcoinFixtureStarted.afterAll()
* Empty commit
* Add forceNamedWallet parameter to for postgres test cases where we need multiple wallets. This prevents them from writing to the same postgres schema by making unique wallet names
* Cleanup:
* Empty commit
* Make PeerManager.finder private
* Make PeerManager.supervisor private
* Write unit test to see if default peer is added to PeerManager
* Use withNeutrinoNodeUnstarted fixture
* Get unit tests passing
* Add println to try and debug CI
* Add more println
* more println
* Adjust nodeTest / parallelExecution = false
* Try to make error logged to figure out why failure is happening on CI
* Adjust log level to ERROR
* Add catch to try and log failure messages
* Add log for sending messages to peers
* Try to increase threadpool size to see if we are deadlocking
* Add more logs
* Add another log to detect where failure is
* Try using Actor.tell() with explicit ActorRef.noSender
* Very detailed logging
* Remove duplicate method from rebase
* Revert things
* Revert build.sbt
* Empty commit
* Bump timeout
* Empty commit to run CI
* Revert more files
* Move handle network received message into awaitNetworkRequest() context
* Fix bug where I wasn't wrapping in NetworkMessageReceived
* revert logging
* remove more uncessary logs
* Empty commit
* Pull things over from 4950 that shouldn't cause issues to reduce size of 4950
* Reduce timeout for processing a batch of messages from 1000 seconds -> 60 seconds
* scalafmt
* Empty commit
* WIP2
* Get all DataMessageHandlerTest passing
* Get NeutrinoNodeTest passing
* Fix NeutrinoNodeWithUncachedBitcoindTest unit test
* Use chainApi to detect if we are in IBD
* Empty commit
* Revert logging levels