* Make WebsocketTests rescan test more robust
* Bump timeout on WebsocketTests address generated unit test
* Rework importseed endpoint to return a bool indicating if the import was successful
* Reduce Server.httpBadRequest() log level from ERROR -> INFO
* Remove adhoc json for walletinfo
* Implement creatnewaccount rpc
* Get WalletRoutesSpec createnewaccount unit test passing
* Rename HDPurposes -> HDPurpose
* Fix docs
* Implement ConsoleCli arg, change HDPurpose json serialization to be a json string instead of a num
* Upgrade clightning to 24.02.2
* Fix download hash
* Fix version
* Change CLightningInfo.fees_collected_msat from String -> Long
* Fix channels parsing, add support for p2tr address type and remove nested-segwit for clightning
* Revert version
* amount_msats -> amount_msat
* Fix more json parsing
* Try commenting out asserts for midChannelsA being completed in CLightningChannelOpenerTest
* scalafmt
* msatoshi -> amount_msat
* Change assertion to check assert the channel is not active in CLightningChannelOpenerTest
* Fix CLightningPayResult
* Ignore test case that uses sendtoaddress until we upgrade to psbt v2
* Fix open, audit commands for v0.10.0
* Get all unit tests passing
* Add logger.error() to try to debug channel state
* Try adding delay to see if dual funding process can complete before we generate blocks
* scalafmt
* Try bumping number of blocks generated
* Try disabling dual funding
* Cleanup
* Rework EclairRpcTestUtil.shutdown() to shutdown eclair/bitcoind separately
* Fix keysend test
* Add new eclair websocket events
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* First bug where we weren't shutting down a bitcoind in eclairRpcTest
* Get build started for 26.1
* Start introducing v26 data structures
* Switch BitcoindVersion.newest = V26
* Fix GetTxOutSetInfoResult to use hash_serialized_3
* Fix WalletRpcTest
* Refactor PeerInfoResponse to add transport_protocol_type and session_id fields in v25
* Add ServiceIdentifier.NODE_P2P_V2, add support for v2transport to addnode, add default config setting for bitcoind to have v2transport=1 in test framework, add unit test to make sure we can establish a v2 connection
* Remove V20AssortedRpc
* Add loadtxoutset
* Implement getchainstates
* Add getprioritisedtransactions
* Add getaddrmaninfo
* Add importmempool
* Cleanup println
* Implement downloading of bitcoind 25.2
* Add aarch64 hash
* Update x86 macos hash, windows hash
* WIP: scanblocks RPC
* Get in progress scanblocks state working
* Get scanblocks start request working
* Fix BitcoindRpcTestUtil.signRawTransaction
* Implement scanblocks abort
* Remove println
* Switch newest version of bitcoind to v25
* Fix BitcoindV25RpcClient.version
* move decodescript test to WalletRpcTest, rework decodescript test to use descriptors, fix LoadWalletResult
* Empty commit to run CI
* sendrawtransaction maxburnamount param
* Modify testmempoolaccept RPC return type to have two new fields for fee information
* Add test for base too
* WIP: Remove v22
* Remove TestMempoolAcceptRpc, move it into MempoolRpc
* Remove downloading of bitcoind v22 from bitcoind-rpc.sbt
* move test case above where other test cases create wallets
* Remove duplicate test
* Remove duplicate test
* Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1
* Update .scalafmt.conf settings to be factory default settings
* Fix typo
* scalafmt
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Revert some scalafmt back to original scalafmt.conf
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Remove support for v21 of bitcoind
* WIP: Remove deprecated rpcs wit legacy wallets
* WIP: Work up to importdescriptor
* Get low-r test case passing
* Simplify test case
* Remove BitcoindV21RpcClientTest and move test cases to BitcoindV24RpcClientTest
* Remove RpcTransactionRpcTest that only works on legacy wallet
* Fix MempoolRpcTest
* Delete MultisigRpcTest that depends on legacy wallet
* Get WalletRpcTest passing, ignore keypoolrefill test case for now until https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/29924 is resolved
* Integrate Descriptor class into 'getdescriptorinfo' RPC
* WIP: Invalid checksum that is valid according to bitcoin core
* Add descriptor.py in comments
* Get deriveaddresses RPC working with descriptors
* Parse descriptors in DescriptorsResult to Descriptor data type
* Rework DataMessageHandler to consider syncing filterheaders if we receive a headers message with 0 block headers
* scalafmt
* Remove syncfilter job
* Cleanup
* Reduce received headers log to DEBUG
* Rework SyncNodeState.toString()
* Call PeerManager.startFilterSync() in DataMessageHandler
* Don't test MTP in unrelated test
* Remove support for v19 of bitcoind
* Remove downloading v19 bitcoind inside of bitcoind-rpc.sbt
* Clean up docs
* Move unit tests in BitcoindV19RpcClientTest into other test files so we don't remove them, these rpcs are supported in future versions of bitcoind
This lets us generate a block with a transaction without having to
broadcast to the mempool first, useful for testing non-standard txs as
well as wallets without mempool support
* Network notifications
* add more tests
* don't drop futures on the floor
* Improve logging, don't drop futures on floor
* scalafmt
* add error messages to the failure notifications
* update unit tests
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* implement chain callbacks for compact filter headers / compact filters
* Wire it up through the websocket
* Fix type for compactfilterprocessed
* Fix bug to write json rather than write a string
* Allow LnMessage(tlv) & raw tlv to be used in DLCRoutes from when reading binary files
* Implement actual fix with test case
* Fix try deserializing to tlv in a few more places
* Turn logging off
* Implement isinitialblockdownload flag in databaes
* Change to IsInitialBlockDownload to be less confusing
* Fix missing refactors, add ChainApi.isIBD()
* Implement logic for ChainApi.isIBD(), add configuration flag to toggle whether to emit websocket events while IBD is ongoing or not, add isinitialblockdownload field to getinfo endpoint
* Remove confusing ChainApi.isIBD() that didn't accurately account for the case where IBD wasn't set in the database
* Fix bug around emitting the websocket events
* Add some documentation
* Add more JSON serializers
* use PicklerKeys for consistent field names across codebase
* scalafmt
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* duplicate data structures in (ConsoleCli.scala) and (ServerJsonModels.scala) moved to (Command.scala)
* removed unused imports
* rebase for merge conflitcts
* change output type for Accept DLC
* more error fixes
* error fixes
* fixed destintaion error
* scala reformatting
* send from outpoints test runs and passes
* removed unnecessary braces, removed incorrect extensions on objects
* scala reformatting
* removed commented out code
* bitcoind rpc client v22
* addresses and reqSigs deprecation
* getNodeAddresses rpc now returns a network field
* fixed so that support for V23
* debuggging changed extends BitcoindRpcClient to extends BitcoindV21RpcClient
* added network input to getnodeaddresses which makes it so only outputs addresses with that specified network
* getnodeaddresses accepts a network input and outputs addresses with that network. Test did not run on previous commit now it passes.
* added (listdescriptors rpc testing in progress), added descriptors flag to getwallet info rpc (testing in progress), added include unsafe option for fundrawtransaction and walletcreatefundedpsbt rpcs (testing in progrss), adding test for createwallet with descriptors enabled (not complete)
* fix so that getwalletinfo works with descriptors flag, fix so now can create descriptor wallet, test for create descriptor wallet now runs and passes
* added tests, bug in listdescriptors implmentation
* listDescriptors rpc is implmented and passes all tests
* listDescriptors test was previously causing (be able to decode a redeem script) test in the suite to fail becasue of createwallet, the bug is now resolved
* bug fix in V17AssortedRpc
* bug fixes
* fixed listdescriptors test, create descriptor wallet test, wallet with priv keys enabled test, decode redeem script test, so that no longer use await return and await result
* fix for tests failing
* listDescriptors Rpc implmented and passes tests
* cleanup
* scala formating changes
* generate block to address test uncommented V22 changed to PostV22 in some of the names of the case classes
Co-authored-by: shruthii625 <shruthii1410@gmail.com>