* P2PClient refactor (#10)
* Add to CI
* Remove unused
* Attempt to create DLCNode and Tests
* Full Tor support
* Get DLCNegotiationTest passing
* Config options, connect & send func
* Test for DLCNode
* Add createDLCNode to config
* Fix formatting
* Update DLC state after all other data is set
* Remove unneeded line
* Respond to some review
* 2021 07 26 dlc node code review (#13)
* WIP2
* Rewrite tests not use Await.result()
* Skip Tor test on CI
* Cleanup threadpool leaks in tests
* Handle actor pattern matching better
* Respond to review
* Implement DLCNode.stop
* sock5 -> socks5
* Use Tcp.Unbind
* Respond to review
* Implement postStop
* Switch to unbind
Co-authored-by: rorp <rorp@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Implement createCETsAndCETSigsAsync(), use this inside of TestDLCClient.setupDLCAccept()
* Switch to lazy val to cache sig point computation
* Add FutureUtil.batchAndParallelExecute() that does not take batchSize parameter, just compute it inside as a sane deafult
* Fix 2.12.x compiler error
* Pulled down dlc and dlcTest projects into core and dlcTest
Added dlcTest to CI runs and fixed compilation issues
* Fixed docs
* loosened fee rate bound assertions to only sanity test
* Removed ExecutionContext from ECKey
* Refactored ECPublicKey to remove compression state and introduced ECPublicKeyBytes to handle cases where serialization of input is important
* Fixed the rest of bitcoin-s so that it passes all tests
* Made all ECKeys into case classes
* Successfully added isFullyValid invariant to ECPublicKey!
* Fixed docs
* Added scaladocs and fixed a RpcPsbtResult bug
* Reject private keys of length < 32 and fix WIF parsing bug
* Replaced secp256k1 with secp256k1-zkp as submodule pointing to my java-bindings branch
* Built new binaries for schnorr signing and adaptor signing and integrated into LibSecp256k1CryptoRuntime
* Added public key compression function with tests, removed old adaptor signature point serializers
* Implemented ECDSA adaptor signatures in scala according to the most recent spec
* Added static test vectors for adaptor signing from spec
* Moved bouncy castle adaptor signing tests to .jvm
* Added scaladocs and responded to nits
* Added scaladocs with legends to spec naming
* Responded to Ben's review
* Fixed scala 2.12 compile issue
* Fixed BouncyCastle secKeyVerify
* Updated add-to-jni build instructions
* Updated secp256k1-zkp to target bitcoin-s-master
* Add windows binary (#14)
* Added Mac OS binaries
Co-authored-by: benthecarman <benthecarman@live.com>
* Schnorr sigs for Scala.js
* fix build
* put BIP340 test vectors in a shared space
* remove teskit dependency, fix point edge cases
* fix build
* add unit tests for point addition
* scaladoc
* cleanup
* respond to the comments
* Fix usage of BitcoinSLogger
Co-authored-by: christewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Update all deps that failed because of bad build
* Revert jvmopts
* Try bumping jvmopts max heap size to get mac builds to work
* Double up timeout in ScriptGenerators
* Use Future.successful() in signFunction to try and reduce overload on executionContext
* Push to github to force re-run of CI
* Upgrade sbt to 1.4.9
* Get cryptoTest,coreTest projects working with scala-js
Get build working, now moving onto compile
Move jvm specific cryptoTest's into the .jvm sub project
Rework build definition names to be more concise
Fix missing cryptoTest refactor
Move logback-test.xml into jvm specific resource folder so it doesn't get ignored
Make coreTest a crossProject
Rework ci matrix to work with new project structure
Try to fix CI matrix
CI fix part 2
* Apply commonSettings to all cross projects
* Address part of roman's code review, make coreJS, make cryptoTest.dependOn(crypto)
* WIP to share with scala-js community
* Fix scalac compiler settings to be additive in CommonSettings.settings
* Remove BCryptoTest
* Refactor AsyncUtil to just use an execution context rather than an actor system
* Create testkit-core, start moving data structures over to testkit-core
* WIP, getting rid of the hard dependency on BitcoinSAsyncTest and akka
* Rework test traits to not be dependnent on akka, move BaseAsyncTest into testkitCore, add a test trait that just uses the default scala executionContext
* Get everything compiling
* Move logback-test.xml to testkit-core so it applies to coreTest,cryptoTest as well
* Cleanup rebase issues
* Fix Deps.scala
* Address ben's code review
* Segregate jvm settings and compiler settings
* Filter out -Xfatal-warning for scalajs for now since there is a ton of errors
* Move maintainer settings into CommonSettings.settings