Chris Stewart
Removing the 'n' field from our TransactionOutput definition. This should not have been here - it is not in the bitcoin developer reference
2016-03-30 10:07:48 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Refactoring factories for Transaction components to explicitly use their factories instead of implictly using them through Transaction companion objects
2016-03-30 09:52:27 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
All tests pass in script_valid.json as of this point - starting script_invalid.json
2016-03-30 08:51:12 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding more error handling inside of decodeSignature to handle improperly encoded DER Signatures found in script_valid.json
2016-03-30 08:47:13 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing a couple bugs with signature checking non standard txs, adding a object to hold our crypto params
2016-03-29 09:59:27 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding StackPushOperationFactory - this contains all of the push operations inside of the Script language
2016-03-28 20:12:30 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding code to implement the script flag NULLDUMMy, changing how mulsignature script sigs are assigned in the factory. Now it can be ANY script number operation. When the script is evaluated it checks the NULLDUMMY flag and if the scriptsig starts with an OP_0
2016-03-28 09:22:52 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Changing SIGHASH_ALL to be a case class so it can hold the byte of whatever the last byte in a signature is. This is needed because if the last byte does not match any other hash types it is classified as a SIGHASH_ALL
2016-03-27 12:05:41 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Factoring out TransactionSignatureCheckerResult into it's own file
2016-03-27 10:48:42 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Changing hash type factory to default to SIGHASH_ALL if the input does not match any other SIGHASH types
2016-03-27 10:35:45 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding three result types for transaction signature checker - can succeeed, can fail because of der encoding, and can fail because of incorrect signatures. This takes care of issues of BIP66 examples
2016-03-26 15:01:18 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing bug of finding hash type of the empty digital signature
2016-03-26 14:34:02 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing more bugs with calculating maxSigs & requiredSigs inside of multisignatureScriptPubKey
2016-03-25 17:58:19 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding restrictions inside of ScriptPubKeyFactory for MultiSignaturePubKeys, now need to have atleast 2 ScriptNumberOperations
2016-03-25 14:22:23 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Refactoring functionality inside of TranasctionSignatureChecker to reuse the same code for both p2sh multisig redeem scripts & regular multisig scripts. Also redoing how maxSigs is calculated for MultiSignatureScriptPubKeys
2016-03-25 13:48:03 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding empty signature to ECDigitalSignature, adding unit tests for empty signature. Factoring DER signature encoding out of TransactionSignatureChecker
2016-03-25 12:03:47 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Putting band aid on bip66 example 6 right now using a Try type if public key verification fails inside of bitcoinj
2016-03-24 21:02:14 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing bug where isStrictDerEncoding was not working for the empty signature
2016-03-24 20:20:55 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding functionality inside of OP_CHECKSIG to see if the DERSIG flag is set
2016-03-24 19:35:16 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding function to detect if a signature is strictly der encoded according to BIP66
2016-03-24 17:43:18 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding ScriptVerifyFlag to indicate if CLTV is enforced or not
2016-03-24 11:23:19 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Creating ScriptFlagFactory to parse script flags and create them from strings
2016-03-23 15:25:57 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding ScriptVerify flags for script evaluation
2016-03-23 13:40:54 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Decoding (r,s) from DER signatures
2016-03-23 11:25:48 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding functionality to check if a signature isDEREncoded'
2016-03-22 20:05:45 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding spongycastle as a dependency, cleaning up more usages of ScalacoinUtil
2016-03-22 08:15:16 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing bug where single OP_0 was being classified as a MultiSignatureScriptSig
2016-03-21 15:41:15 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Switching to explicitly parsing redeemScripts now instead of parsing them while they are running through ScriptParser - this is how bitcoin core treats redeemScripts. This will make it easier for evaluating scriptSigs with redeemScripts in them
2016-03-21 14:02:04 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Slightly modifying line in script_valid.json to separate an OP_PUSHDATA op from the size of the data being pushed
2016-03-21 09:39:24 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding new hash types to the available hashtypes inside of HashTypeFactory
2016-03-20 13:04:12 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Successfully building crediting tx and spending tx for bitcoin core tests inside of script_valid.json
2016-03-19 21:12:40 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
adding requirement to buildSpendingTransaction to make sure it is the same as bitcoin core's buildSpendingTransaction
2016-03-19 15:12:32 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding code to mimic how transactions are built for script_valid.json inside of bitcoin core
2016-03-18 13:12:42 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing bug in how p2pk are evaluated in opCheckSig
2016-03-17 11:26:59 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing bug where p2pk scriptPubKeys were not being assigned the correct case class
2016-03-16 13:14:56 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding functionality to parse a p2pk scriptSig into the correct case class
2016-03-16 13:01:33 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Refactoring codebase back to use explicit ScriptPubKeyFactory & ScriptSignatureFactory - I think this will be better for long term maintainability
2016-03-16 09:46:34 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing bug in finding requiredSigs for MultiSignatureScriptPubKey - the number of sigs always follows the OP_0 that has to be placed in the scriptPubKey
2016-03-15 13:05:29 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Addign case object to represent the empty script sig
2016-03-15 12:07:23 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding case inside of ECDigitalSignature for empty digital signatures - these are used inside of Bitcoin Core's script_valid.json test cases
2016-03-15 10:09:12 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Refactoring interface for script interpreter - now clients are responsible for building ScriptPrograms. Also adding another parameter for scriptSigs/scriptPubKeys to pass in the parsed asm representation along with the hexadecimal representation
2016-03-14 15:56:28 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding a wrapper scriptSig/scriptPubKey from core test cases
2016-03-14 12:52:23 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Merge pull request #2 from Christewart/checksig_implementation
Checksig implementation
2016-03-14 10:13:14 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Cleaning up some compiler warnings
2016-03-14 10:08:48 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Validating 2/3 p2sh scriptSig and making sure it fails to validate a 2/3 scriptSig that doesn't have enough sigs
2016-03-14 09:46:52 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding scaladocs for traits
2016-03-13 19:37:00 -05:00 |
Chris Stewart
Removing ScriptSignatureFactory companion object - creating dependency inside of ScriptSignatureFactory to be injected with a ScriptSignature
2016-03-12 07:02:32 -06:00 |
Chris Stewart
Fixing compiler warnings about matching exhaustiveness inside of TransactionSignatureChecker - adding BitcoinSLogger trait for common logging across the implementation
2016-03-11 10:24:58 -06:00 |
Chris Stewart
Removing ScriptPubKeyFactory companion objecting - creating dependency of ScriptPubKeyFactory to be injected with a ScriptPubKey
2016-03-11 09:44:39 -06:00 |
Chris Stewart
Adding case to handle p2pk scriptSignature type inside of TransactionSignatureChecker
2016-03-10 07:08:10 -06:00 |