* Create CachedBitcoind, implement it in FundTransactionHandlingTest
* Add BaseWalletTest, extend it with BitcoinSWalletTest & BitcoinSWalletTestCachedBitcoind, add CachedBitcoinV19 and use it RescanHandlingTest
* Make ProcessBlockTest work with cached bitcoind
* Make trait for CachedBitcoindNewest for the newest version of bitcoind
* Make UTXOLifeCycleTest use cached bitcoind
* Add WalletBloom, WalletSyncTest to use cached bitcoinds
* Add WalletIntegrationTest
* Rework beforeAll() and afterAll() into the super trait like BaseWalletTest
* Add standlone BitcoindFixtures, use it in BitcoindBackendTest
* Use new BitcoindFixtures in BitcoindBlockPollingTest
* Introduce BaseNodeTest, start implementing the usage of cached bitcoinds in the nodeTest project
* Use cached bitcoind's with SpvNodeTest & SpvNodeWithWalletTest
* Fix bug on postgres with reusing database, upsert the genesis header rather than create it
* Get NeutrinoNode tests workign with cached bitcoinds
* Fix NeutrinoNodeWithWallet by destroying wallet state for Postgres
* Add teardown helper method for bitcoind
* Teardown chain project when using node fixtures since node is dependent upon the chain project.
* Turn off parallelExecution again
* Switch the parallelExecution flag to only be set on CI, so we can get better performance when running locally
* Start implementing BitcoindFixtures, use BitcoindFixturesCachedTriple on TestUtilRpcTest
* Fix compiler errors, begin implementing NodePair
* Refactor TestRpcUtilTest to use 2 bitcoinds rather than 2
* Reduce the number of bitcoinds that MultiWalletRpcTest needs from 3 -> 1
* Reduce number of bitcoinds used in WalletRpcTest from 3 -> 2
* Add some documentation
* Try to re-add parallelExecution
* Reduce the number of bitcoinds used in PsbtRpcTest from 3 -> 2
* Disable parallelExecution in Test again
* Make BitcoindV21RpcClientTest & BitcoindV20RpcClientTest reduce bitcoind usage from 2 -> 1
* Make BitcoindV19RpcClienttest reduce bitcoind usage from 2 -> 1
* Rework MempoolRpcTest to use fixtures, add BitcoindVersion to CachedBitcoindCollection
* Make sure clientAccumm has to be specified as a paramter now rather than filling in by default
* Begin parameterizing NodePair/NodeTriple to retain type information for the specific version of bitcoind that was used
* Don't implement version in super trait
* Fix docs
* Fix async issue in V21 test suite
* Append to vectors in CachedBitcoinCollection rather than replace
* Fix rebase issues
* Add scaladocs
* Fix BitcoindV18RpcClient address info test
* Implement fixtures in BitcoindV17RpcClientTest fixtures
* Cleanup v17 PsbtRpcTest
* Reduce bitcoind usage from 3 -> 1 in BitcoindV18RpcClientTest
* Remove abandon transaction test, this allows us to reduce the number of bitcoind's used in MempoolRpcTest from 3 -> 2
* Remove the requirement to inject BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest, add it in the test traits explicitly to make things easier. Also add explicit afterAll() method to tear down both the CachedBitcoind & BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest
* Fix missing Await.result() in BitcoindRpcTest.afterAll()
* Rework MultiWalletRpcTest to use a NodePair
* Rework BlockchainRpcTest to use fixtures
* Rework Client start()/stop() methods. Now use an AtomicBoolean to indicate when a user has requested a client to start/stop rather than sending pings to bitcoind that can fail because the conneciton pool has been shutdown in test cases
* Try my luck with turning on parallelExecution in CI again
* Revert parallelExecution, now testes do not run in parallel on CI
* Only turn off parallelExecution for bitcoindRpcTest
* Adjust build to only have bitcoindRpcTest NOT in run parallel on mac, reduce number of blocks used in BitcoindRpcTestUtil.createNodeSequence
* Run less tests in the rpc test suite as that takes the longest, move them over to node/wallet/dlc test suite on mac osx CI
* Don't run eclair tests in parallel either
* Remove CachedBitcoind from BitcoinSWalletTest
* Fix async bug in test case
* Push to github to force re-run of CI
* Push to github to force re-run of CI
* Push to github to force re-run of CI
* Get cryptoTest,coreTest projects working with scala-js
Get build working, now moving onto compile
Move jvm specific cryptoTest's into the .jvm sub project
Rework build definition names to be more concise
Fix missing cryptoTest refactor
Move logback-test.xml into jvm specific resource folder so it doesn't get ignored
Make coreTest a crossProject
Rework ci matrix to work with new project structure
Try to fix CI matrix
CI fix part 2
* Apply commonSettings to all cross projects
* Address part of roman's code review, make coreJS, make cryptoTest.dependOn(crypto)
* WIP to share with scala-js community
* Fix scalac compiler settings to be additive in CommonSettings.settings
* Remove BCryptoTest
* Fix unidoc issue with scala-js modules, this now ignores them from unidoc
* Add comment referencing the issue so we have documentation of why this needs to be done
* Fix issue referenced
* Refactor AsyncUtil to just use an execution context rather than an actor system
* Create testkit-core, start moving data structures over to testkit-core
* WIP, getting rid of the hard dependency on BitcoinSAsyncTest and akka
* Rework test traits to not be dependnent on akka, move BaseAsyncTest into testkitCore, add a test trait that just uses the default scala executionContext
* Get everything compiling
* Move logback-test.xml to testkit-core so it applies to coreTest,cryptoTest as well
* Cleanup rebase issues
* Fix Deps.scala
* Address ben's code review
* Segregate jvm settings and compiler settings
* Filter out -Xfatal-warning for scalajs for now since there is a ton of errors
* Move maintainer settings into CommonSettings.settings
* Move CryptoParams to shared crypto project, make BouncyCastleCryptoParams for bouncy castle specific things
* Rework build structure to work better with scalajs
* Add unit test to make sure CryptoParams & BouncyCastleCryptoParams are consistent
* Refactor crypto module to be compatible with Scala.js
* more changes
* some more changes
* abstract out Schnorr stuff
* abstract out adapter stuff
* cleanup
* some more cleanup
* fix build
* Removed references to ECPoint outside of .jvm scope
* remove references to ECPoint from the shared code
* cleanup
* remove cirlular dependencies
* more cleanup
* cleanup
* move SipHash to CryptoContext
* scaladoc
* scalafmt
Co-authored-by: nkohen <nadavk25@gmail.com>
* Refactor AsyncUtil to just use an execution context rather than an actor system
* Create async util project, use it in various projects that depend on it
* App Server docker configuration w/ refactors
Get app server configuration working with docker
Add section for building the appServer for docker
* Remove compile commands
* Get basic docker image working with oracle server
* Get docker file working with custom configuration
* Switch base image to generic openjdk
* Add docker documentation
* Add basic DLC Oracle
* Respond to review
* Respond to more review
* Add maturation time
* Add to testkit, tag hashes, better val names
* More clear vals, version tagged hashes
* Signing key clean up
* Add pubkey to db
* Added crypto project and decoupled BitcoinSLogger from NetworkElement
Decoupled BitcoinSLogger from Factory
Moved NetworkElement into crypto project
Moved Factory and BitcoinSUtil (renamed to BytesUtil) to crypto project
Moved MaskedToString to crypto project
Added BytesUtil to imports and cleaned up CryptoUtil.recoverPoint
Moved the rest of crypto stuff to the crypto project
Moved crypto tests to crypto-test project
* Added documentation for crypto project
* Constructed simple Bitcoin-S wallet GUI
* Added note about bitcoin-s server in doc
* Removed wallet dep from gui
* Replaced lambdas with constructors for compatibility with scala 2.11
* Fixed after rebase
* Add flyway migrations
* Make different project's migrations independent of each other
* Rework all AppConfig.initialize() to use migrations rather than what we were doing before
* TXO State migration
* Move to new file, drop old column
* Add block hash column
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Segregate key manager from wallet
* More consistent naming in build.sbt, run scalafmt
* Add test case making sure we don't overwrite a mnemonic seed
* Add key-manager.md
* Fix compile issues with older scala versions
* Address code review