* version 0.0.3
* Fix cross compile issues so we can now compile and publish a dependency for the scala 2.11 series
* bump versions on readme, try to fix scoverage crossversion issue
* Downgrade scoverage to try and get it to work with ci
* Tinker with scoverage versions
* Add suggestion from scoverage people to exclude secp256k1jni from build coverage
* Add ability to publish to bintray, take on the org.scijava native-lib-loader dependenency so we can bundle secp256k1 natively in a jar file and publish. This dependency will allow us to link the correct secp256k1 version dependending on the os and arch in the future
* Add sbt-pgp plugin to sign binaries, modify project names to all have the 'bitcoin-s-' prefix.
* Adding linux 32 bit secp256k1 natives to secp256k1jni project
* Add mising linux_64 binaries
* remove unused symlinks
- separate Java source copied from libsecp256k1 into separate module
- split main module into core core-gen core-test
- generators can be published separated to core code for use in
3rd-party tests
- code coverage needs to be aggregated