* appServer: Add missing server.stop() in BitcoinSServerMainBitcoindTest
* Adjust test case order to avoid false positive ERROR logs
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Try bumping timeout of 'receive updates when an address is generated' to avoid spurious failures on CI
* Set logging to DEBUG
* Add more logging
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* More println
* Fix race conditions in WebsocketTests
* remove println
* Refactor TransactionProcessing.processTransaction() to use BlockHashWithConfs
Create WalletUtil.getBlockHashWithConfs(), use it in various places through the codebase
* Fix docs
* Pull over simple syntax changes for {nodeTest,keyManager,keyManagerTest,chainTest,bitcoind,bitcoindRpcTest,appServer,appServerTest,tor,zmq} from #5713
* Fix tor/compile
* refactor: Rework codebase so that DLCWallet has-a instance of Wallet rather than is-a via inheritance
* Fix cast
* Fix RescanHandling in DLCWallet
* Remove default implementation of WalletApi.broadcastTransaction()
* fix broadcast callback for DLCWallet
* Add DLCWalletDAOs.fromDLCAppConfig()
* Fix scaladoc for AddressHandlingApi.getUnusedAddress
* Refactor codebase to have has-a relationship with RescanHandling rather than is-a
get everything compiling
Get all tests passing
* Revert and clean up files
* Fix docs
Refactor TransactionProcessing into case class
Get walletTest/test passing
Get dlcWalletTest/test passing
Small cleanups
Fix RoutesSpec gettransaction unit test
revert logback-test.xml
* Make WebsocketTests rescan test more robust
* Bump timeout on WebsocketTests address generated unit test
* Rework importseed endpoint to return a bool indicating if the import was successful
* Reduce Server.httpBadRequest() log level from ERROR -> INFO
* Remove adhoc json for walletinfo
* Implement creatnewaccount rpc
# Conflicts:
# app-commons/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/commons/serializers/Picklers.scala
# app/cli/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/cli/ConsoleCli.scala
# app/server-test/src/test/scala/org/bitcoins/server/WalletRoutesSpec.scala
* Get WalletRoutesSpec createnewaccount unit test passing
* Rename HDPurposes -> HDPurpose
* Implement ConsoleCli arg, change HDPurpose json serialization to be a json string instead of a num
* Refactor BitcoinSServerMain to use return Unit rather than WalletHolder
* Generate block in sync flag unit test
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* refactor: Change interval param of BitcoindRpcBackendUtil.startBitcoindBlockPolling to be an Option, if none given we select a sane parameter based on the network we are on
* Fix compile
* Implement creatnewaccount rpc
* Get WalletRoutesSpec createnewaccount unit test passing
* Rename HDPurposes -> HDPurpose
* Fix docs
* Implement ConsoleCli arg, change HDPurpose json serialization to be a json string instead of a num
* Add NodeApiCallbacks
* Add BitcoindCallbacks
* Add BitcoindRpcAppConfig
* fix docs
* Add helper method for construction
* Add helper constructor method to avoid explicitly passing BitcoindRpcAppConfig parameter to BitcoindRpcClient when we have a BitcoindInstanceLocal
* Fix docs
* Upgrade clightning to 24.02.2
* Fix download hash
* Fix version
* Change CLightningInfo.fees_collected_msat from String -> Long
* Fix channels parsing, add support for p2tr address type and remove nested-segwit for clightning
* Revert version
* amount_msats -> amount_msat
* Fix more json parsing
* Try commenting out asserts for midChannelsA being completed in CLightningChannelOpenerTest
* scalafmt
* msatoshi -> amount_msat
* Change assertion to check assert the channel is not active in CLightningChannelOpenerTest
* Fix CLightningPayResult
* Ignore test case that uses sendtoaddress until we upgrade to psbt v2
* Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1
* Update .scalafmt.conf settings to be factory default settings
* Fix typo
* scalafmt
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Revert some scalafmt back to original scalafmt.conf
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Add delay to wait for zmq to get setup in chainTest
* Add println
* only run zmq tests on CI
* Bump Thread.sleep from 1ms -> 10ms
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Revert things
* try making thread names more unique
* try no sleep
* Remove println
* Put logging back
* Try removing ZMQ.NOBLOCK
* turn off parallelExecution to see if it matters
* Add more logging
* Re-enable parallelExecution
* Try catching all NonFatal exns
* Bump timeout
* Bump maxTries
* Try downgrading jeromq back to 0.5.4
* Revert things
* scalafmt
* Get dependencies resolving, get tor module compiling
* Get everything compiling with pekko
* Rework configs/logging to use pekko namespace
* Rename AkkaUtil -> PekkoUtil, BitcoinSAkkaAsyncTest -> BitcoinSPekkoAsyncTest
* Conslidate PeerFinder.start() logic into peerConnectionScheduler, add bitcoins-s.node.try-peers-start-delay config settig to indicate how long until we start attempting to connect to peers in PeerFinder
* Cleanup
* Revert logback-test.xml
* Add documentation
* Empty commit to run CI
* Rework NodeAppConfig.peers to return Vector[Peer] rather than Vector[String]
* Add higher priority to paramPeers