* Replaced secp256k1 with secp256k1-zkp as submodule pointing to my java-bindings branch
* Built new binaries for schnorr signing and adaptor signing and integrated into LibSecp256k1CryptoRuntime
* Added public key compression function with tests, removed old adaptor signature point serializers
* Implemented ECDSA adaptor signatures in scala according to the most recent spec
* Added static test vectors for adaptor signing from spec
* Moved bouncy castle adaptor signing tests to .jvm
* Added scaladocs and responded to nits
* Added scaladocs with legends to spec naming
* Responded to Ben's review
* Fixed scala 2.12 compile issue
* Fixed BouncyCastle secKeyVerify
* Updated add-to-jni build instructions
* Updated secp256k1-zkp to target bitcoin-s-master
* Add windows binary (#14)
* Added Mac OS binaries
Co-authored-by: benthecarman <benthecarman@live.com>
* Add ability to publish to bintray, take on the org.scijava native-lib-loader dependenency so we can bundle secp256k1 natively in a jar file and publish. This dependency will allow us to link the correct secp256k1 version dependending on the os and arch in the future
* Add sbt-pgp plugin to sign binaries, modify project names to all have the 'bitcoin-s-' prefix.
* Adding linux 32 bit secp256k1 natives to secp256k1jni project
* Add mising linux_64 binaries
* remove unused symlinks