mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 10:46:42 +01:00
Wallet on top UI, minWidth on DLC View fields (#3540)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 96 additions and 121 deletions
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
-fx-pref-width: 90;
/* Adjust divider visibility and padding */
/* Adjust SplitPane divider visibility and padding */
.split-pane > .split-pane-divider {
-fx-padding: 0;
@ -101,6 +101,15 @@
-fx-border-color: black;
/* View DLC Dialog */
.view-dlc-label {
-fx-min-width: 115; /* Counterparty payout */
-fx-alignment: center-right;
.view-dlc-textfield {
-fx-pref-width: 300;
/* New Offer Dialog */
.enum-outcome-textfield, .numeric-outcome-textfield {
-fx-pref-width: 120;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ abstract class WalletGUI extends Logging {
private def getSatsLabel(): Label = new Label("sats")
private lazy val walletGrid = new GridPane() {
// Could force minWidth here to avoid text/value compression from SplitPane
minWidth = 490 // avoid text/value compression from SplitPane
styleClass += "no-text-input-readonly-style"
nextRow = 0
add(new Label("Confirmed Balance"), 0, nextRow)
@ -156,6 +156,18 @@ abstract class WalletGUI extends Logging {
private lazy val sidebarAccordian = new VBox {
padding = Insets(4)
val walletUI = new TitledPane {
content = wallet
text = "Wallet"
val eventUI = new TitledPane {
graphic = eventsTitleHbox
content = contractGUI.eventPane
expanded = false
eventsTitleHbox.minWidth <== eventUI.width - TITLEPANE_RIGHT_GUTTER
val contractUI = new TitledPane {
graphic = contractsTitleHbox
content = dlcPane.tableView
@ -168,22 +180,10 @@ abstract class WalletGUI extends Logging {
contractsTitleHbox.minWidth <== contractUI.width - TITLEPANE_RIGHT_GUTTER
val eventUI = new TitledPane {
graphic = eventsTitleHbox
content = contractGUI.eventPane
expanded = false
eventsTitleHbox.minWidth <== eventUI.width - TITLEPANE_RIGHT_GUTTER
val walletUI = new TitledPane {
content = wallet
text = "Wallet"
children = Vector(
@ -222,13 +222,13 @@ abstract class WalletGUI extends Logging {
styleClass = Seq("scroll-pane")
fitToHeight = true
fitToWidth = true
// minWidth = 300 // May want this set only if there is content
minWidth = 270
hbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.Never
content = rightPaneContent
lazy val splitPane: SplitPane = new SplitPane {
items ++= Seq(sidebarAccordian, rightPane)
setDividerPosition(0, 0.6)
lazy val bottomStack: HBox = new HBox {
@ -38,6 +38,29 @@ object ViewDLCDialog {
val _ = dialog.showAndWait()
private def getLabel(label: String): Label = {
new Label {
styleClass += "view-dlc-label"
text = label
private def getTextField(value: String): TextField = {
new TextField {
styleClass += "view-dlc-textfield"
text = value
editable = false
private def getTextField(property: StringProperty): TextField = {
new TextField {
styleClass += "view-dlc-textfield"
text <== property
editable = false
def buildView(status: DLCStatus, model: DLCPaneModel) = {
val closingTxId: StringProperty = StringProperty(
@ -45,107 +68,67 @@ object ViewDLCDialog {
alignment = Pos.Center
padding = Insets(10)
hgap = 10
vgap = 10
vgap = 5
private var row = 0
add(new Label("DLC Id"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = status.dlcId.hex
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
add(getLabel("DLC Id"), 0, row)
add(getTextField(status.dlcId.hex), columnIndex = 1, rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Event Id"), 0, row)
add(getLabel("Event Id"), 0, row)
new TextField() {
text =
editable = false
minWidth = 300
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Initiator"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = if (status.isInitiator) "Yes" else "No"
editable = false
add(getLabel("Initiator"), 0, row)
add(getTextField(if (status.isInitiator) "Yes" else "No"),
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("State"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = status.statusString
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
add(getLabel("State"), 0, row)
add(getTextField(status.statusString), columnIndex = 1, rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Contract Id"), 0, row)
add(getLabel("Contract Id"), 0, row)
val contractId: String = DLCStatus
add(new TextField() {
text = contractId
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
add(getTextField(contractId), columnIndex = 1, rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Contract Info"), 0, row)
add(getLabel("Contract Info"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = status.contractInfo.toTLV.hex
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
status match {
case closed: ClosedDLCStatus =>
row += 1
add(new Label("My payout"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = s"${closed.myPayout}"
editable = false
add(getLabel("My payout"), 0, row)
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Counter party payout"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = s"${closed.counterPartyPayout}"
editable = false
add(getLabel("Counterparty payout"), 0, row)
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("PNL"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = s"${closed.pnl}"
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
add(getLabel("PNL"), 0, row)
add(getTextField(s"${closed.pnl}"), columnIndex = 1, rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Rate of Return"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = s"${closed.rateOfReturnPrettyPrint}"
editable = false
add(getLabel("Rate of Return"), 0, row)
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
case _: AcceptedDLCStatus | _: Offered =>
@ -153,56 +136,37 @@ object ViewDLCDialog {
row += 1
add(new Label("Fee Rate"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = s"${status.feeRate.toLong} sats/vbyte"
editable = false
add(getLabel("Fee Rate"), 0, row)
add(getTextField(s"${status.feeRate.toLong} sats/vbyte"),
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Contract Timeout"), 0, row)
add(getLabel("Contract Timeout"), 0, row)
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(getLabel("Collateral"), 0, row)
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(getLabel("Funding TxId"), 0, row)
new TextField() {
text = GUIUtil.epochToDateString(status.timeouts.contractTimeout)
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Collateral"), 0, row)
new TextField() {
text = status.totalCollateral.satoshis.toLong.toString
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row
add(getLabel("Closing TxId"), 0, row)
add(getTextField(closingTxId), columnIndex = 1, rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Funding TxId"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text = DLCStatus.getFundingTxId(status).map(_.hex).getOrElse("")
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Closing TxId"), 0, row)
add(new TextField() {
text <== closingTxId
editable = false
columnIndex = 1,
rowIndex = row)
row += 1
add(new Label("Oracle Signatures"), 0, row)
add(getLabel("Oracle Signatures"), 0, row)
val sigsOpt: Option[String] = DLCStatus
@ -229,6 +193,8 @@ object ViewDLCDialog {
add(node, columnIndex = 1, rowIndex = row)
// TODO : Refund button and discriminator
row += 1
status.contractInfo.contractDescriptor match {
case _: EnumContractDescriptor => ()
Add table
Reference in a new issue