All tests passing in ControlOperationsInterpreterTest

This commit is contained in:
Chris Stewart 2017-09-22 12:59:26 -05:00
parent 59186e08d5
commit c7a0cded92
2 changed files with 27 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -142,19 +142,13 @@ trait ControlOperationsInterpreter {
/** Parses a list of [[ScriptToken]]s into its corresponding [[BinaryTree]] */
def parseBinaryTree(script : List[ScriptToken]) : BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def parseBinaryTree(script : List[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def l(remaining: List[ScriptToken], parentTree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): (BinaryTree[ScriptToken], List[ScriptToken]) = {
if (remaining.isEmpty) (parentTree,Nil)
else {
logger.debug("remaining: " + remaining + " parentTree: " + parentTree)
if (parentTree.right.isDefined && parentTree.right.get.value == Some(OP_ELSE)) {
//for the case of OP_IF OP_1 OP_ELSE OP_2 OP_ELSE OP_3 ... OP_ELSE OP_N OP_ENDIF
/* val (elseTree,newRemaining) = loop(remaining,parentTree.right.get)
val n = Node(parentTree.value.get, parentTree.left.getOrElse(Empty), elseTree)
logger.debug("n: " + n)
val (elseTree,newRemaining) = l(remaining, parentTree.right.getOrElse(Empty))
val n = Node(parentTree.value.get, parentTree.left.getOrElse(Empty), elseTree)
@ -166,98 +160,29 @@ trait ControlOperationsInterpreter {
val (t, remaining) = l(script,Empty)
require(remaining.isEmpty, "Should not have any script tokens after parsing a binary tree, got: " + remaining)
logger.debug("fullTree: " + t)
/** The loop that parses a list of [[ScriptToken]]s into a [[BinaryTree]]. */
private def loop(script : List[ScriptToken], tree : BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): (BinaryTree[ScriptToken], List[ScriptToken]) = {
/* logger.debug("Script : " + script) */
logger.debug("Tree: " + tree)
logger.debug("script: " + (if (script.nonEmpty) script else Nil))
script match {
case OP_ENDIF :: t =>
//require(t.isEmpty, "Must not have any tail after parsing an OP_ENDIF, got: "+ t)
/* require(tree.value.isDefined && Seq(OP_IF,OP_NOTIF,OP_ELSE).contains(tree.value.get),
"Can only insert an OP_ENDIF on a tree root of OP_IF/NOTIF/ELSE, got: " + tree.value)*/
//require(tree.right == Some(Empty), "Must have an empty right branch when inserting an OP_ENDIF onto our btree, got: " + tree.right)
//base case, doesn't matter what we return since call insertSubTree(tree,Leaf(OP_ENDIF))
val ifTree = insertSubTree(tree,Leaf(OP_ENDIF))
logger.debug("ifTree: " + ifTree + " t: " + t)
case h :: t if (h == OP_IF || h == OP_NOTIF) =>
//find last OP_ENDIF in t
/* val endifs = t.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == OP_ENDIF)
logger.debug("endifs: " + endifs)
val endif = if (endifs.size == 0) {
} else if (endifs.size % 2 == 0) {
//this means we need to take the first ENDIF, since we are nested inside of a parent OP_IF
logger.debug("Even amount of OP_ENDIFs")
val x = endifs.head
(x._1,x._2 + 1)
} else {
//this means we need to take the last endif since we are not nested inside a parent OP_IF
logger.debug("Odd amoutns of OP_ENDIFs")
val nestedEndIfIndex = endif._2
logger.debug("nestedEndIfIndex: " + nestedEndIfIndex)
val nestedIf = t.take(nestedEndIfIndex)
logger.debug("nestedIf: " + nestedIf)
val opIfTree = loop(nestedIf,Leaf(h))
logger.debug("opIfTree: " + opIfTree)
val remaining = t.splitAt(nestedEndIfIndex)._2
logger.debug("remaining: " + remaining)
if (endifs.size % 2 == 0) {
//this means we need to take the first ENDIF, since we are nested inside of a parent OP_IF
logger.debug("Even amount of OP_ENDIFs")
val subTree = insertSubTree(tree,opIfTree)
logger.debug("subTree: " + subTree)
//we need to pass in the opIfTree here because there are remaining elements nested inside the OP_IF tree
val fullTree = loop(remaining,subTree)
logger.debug("Done with even amounts OP_ENDIFs")
logger.debug("fullTree: " + fullTree)
} else {
//this means we need to take the last endif since we are not nested inside a parent OP_IF
logger.debug("odd amounts of OP_ENDIFs")
val subTree = loop(remaining,opIfTree)
logger.debug("subTree: " + subTree)
//need to insert remainingTree in the OP_IF tree correctly, not sure if this is right
//now insert into the parent tree
val fullTree = tree match {
case Empty => subTree
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] =>
if (subTree == Empty) l
else Node(l.v,subTree,Empty)
case n: Node[ScriptToken] =>
//require(n.l == Empty, "We can only insert an OP_IF on a left branch, it was not empty: " + n.l)
logger.debug("Done with odd amounts of OP_ENDIFS")
logger.debug("fullTree: " + fullTree)
val (ifTree,remaining) = loop(t, Leaf(h))
val fullTree = insertSubTree(tree,ifTree)
logger.debug("fullTree: " + ifTree)
case h :: t if h == OP_ELSE =>
/* require(tree.value.isDefined && Seq(OP_IF, OP_NOTIF, OP_ELSE).contains(tree.value.get),
"Parent of OP_ELSE has to be an OP_IF/NOTIF/ELSE, got: " + tree.value)
require(tree.right.getOrElse(Empty) == Empty,"Right branch of tree should be Empty for an OP_ELSE, got: " + tree.right.get)*/
val (subTree,remaining) = loop(t,Node(OP_ELSE,Empty,Empty))
logger.debug("subTree else: " + subTree)
val opElseTree = tree match {
case Empty => subTree
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => Node(l.v,Empty,subTree)
case n: Node[ScriptToken] => Node(n.v,n.l,insertSubTree(n.r,subTree))
logger.debug("opElseTree: " + opElseTree)
case h :: t => loop(t,insertSubTree(tree,Leaf(h)))
case Nil =>
@ -299,7 +224,7 @@ trait ControlOperationsInterpreter {
case OP_ENDIF :: t => loop(t,counter-1)
case OP_IF :: t => loop(t, counter + 1)
case OP_NOTIF :: t => loop(t, counter + 1)
case (token : ScriptToken) :: t => loop(t, counter)
case (_: ScriptToken) :: t => loop(t, counter)
case Nil => counter == 0
@ -332,36 +257,25 @@ trait ControlOperationsInterpreter {
/** Removes the first [[OP_ELSE]] expression encountered in the script. */
def removeFirstOpElse(script : List[ScriptToken]) : List[ScriptToken] = {
if (script.contains(OP_ELSE)) {
val firstOpElseIndex = findFirstOpElse(script)
val scriptWithoutFirstOpElse = script.zipWithIndex.filter(_._2 != firstOpElseIndex.get).map(_._1)
val nextOpElseIndex = findFirstOpElse(scriptWithoutFirstOpElse)
if(nextOpElseIndex.isDefined) {
script.slice(0,firstOpElseIndex.get) ++ script.slice(nextOpElseIndex.get + 1, script.size)
} else {
val firstOpEndIfIndex = findFirstOpEndIf(script)
script.slice(0,firstOpElseIndex.get) ++ script.slice(firstOpEndIfIndex.get, script.size)
} else script
/** Removes the first [[OP_ELSE]] in a [[BinaryTree]]. */
def removeFirstOpElse(tree : BinaryTree[ScriptToken]) : BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def loop(child: BinaryTree[ScriptToken], parent: Node[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = child match {
case Empty => Empty
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => Node(parent.v,Empty,l)
case Node(OP_ELSE,_,r) => Node(parent.v,parent.l,r)
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => l
case Node(OP_ELSE,_,r) => r
case n: Node[ScriptToken] =>
logger.debug("n: " + n)
logger.debug("tree: " + tree)
tree match {
case Empty => Empty
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => l
case n: Node[ScriptToken] => loop(n.r, n)
case n: Node[ScriptToken] =>
val result = Node(n.v,n.l,loop(n.r, n))

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@ -499,6 +499,7 @@ class ControlOperationsInterpreterTest extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers with C
it must "mechanically evaluate this entire script correctly" in {
val stack = List(
val script = List(OP_NOTIF, OP_0,
@ -542,7 +543,8 @@ class ControlOperationsInterpreterTest extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers with C
newProgram5.script must be (List(OP_ADD, OP_2, OP_EQUAL))
it must "mark a transaction as invalid if it is trying to spend an OP_RETURN output" in {
val stack = Seq()
val script = Seq(OP_RETURN)
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ class ControlOperationsInterpreterTest extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers with C
it must "remove an OP_ELSE from the left branch from a binary tree if an OP_IF DNE on the left branch" in {
val tree = Node(OP_0,Node(OP_ELSE,Empty,Empty),Empty)
val tree = Node(OP_0,Empty,Node(OP_ELSE,Empty,Empty))
removeFirstOpElse(tree) must be (Node(OP_0,Empty,Empty))
@ -567,24 +569,6 @@ class ControlOperationsInterpreterTest extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers with C
val asm = List(OP_IF,OP_0,OP_ELSE,OP_1,OP_ENDIF)
removeFirstOpIf(asm) must be (Seq(OP_ELSE,OP_1,OP_ENDIF))
it must "remove the else statement but leave the OP_CHECKSIG after the OP_ENDIF in a RefundHTLC" in {
val tree = Node(OP_IF,Node(BytesToPushOntoStack(33),
Node(OP_ENDIF, Leaf(OP_CHECKSIG),Empty),Empty),Empty),Empty),Empty),Empty), Empty), Empty))
val result = removeFirstOpElse(tree)
result.toList must be (List(OP_IF, BytesToPushOntoStack(33),
ScriptConstant("02a46b47ef58133c1539f30c12fce4ab01def25afc19c234f9da84f0bf1b2005c9"), OP_ENDIF, OP_CHECKSIG))