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synced 2025-03-03 18:47:38 +01:00
Add Taproot PSBT fields (#4420)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 412 additions and 14 deletions
@ -7,19 +7,16 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction._
import org.bitcoins.core.psbt.GlobalPSBTRecord.{UnsignedTransaction, Version}
import org.bitcoins.core.psbt.InputPSBTRecord.{
import org.bitcoins.core.psbt.InputPSBTRecord._
import org.bitcoins.core.psbt.PSBTGlobalKeyId.XPubKeyKeyId
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{ConditionalPath, InputInfo}
import org.bitcoins.crypto.{HashType, _}
import org.bitcoins.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.testkitcore.util.BitcoinSUnitTest
import org.bitcoins.testkitcore.util.TransactionTestUtil._
import scodec.bits._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.util._
class PSBTUnitTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
@ -549,7 +546,6 @@ class PSBTUnitTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
it must "correctly add a non-witness utxo when there is a witness v0 redeem script" in {
val witScript = P2PKHScriptPubKey(ECPublicKey.freshPublicKey)
val witness = P2WSHWitnessV0(witScript)
val redeemScript = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(witScript)
@ -571,4 +567,79 @@ class PSBTUnitTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
// -- BIP 371 tests --
it must "PSBT with one P2TR key only input with internal key and its derivation path" in {
val bytes =
val psbt = PSBT.fromBytes(bytes)
assert(PSBT.fromBytes(psbt.bytes) == psbt)
it must "PSBT with one P2TR key only input with internal key, its derivation path, and signature" in {
val bytes =
assert(PSBT.fromBytes(bytes).bytes == bytes)
val psbt = PSBT.fromBytes(bytes)
val finalizedT = psbt.finalizePSBT
// todo can't verify taproot yet
// val finalized = finalizedT.get
// assert(finalized.extractTransactionAndValidate.isSuccess)
it must "PSBT with one P2TR key only output with internal key and its derivation path" in {
val bytes =
val psbt = PSBT.fromBytes(bytes)
assert(PSBT.fromBytes(psbt.bytes) == psbt)
it must "PSBT with one P2TR script path only input with dummy internal key, scripts, derivation paths for keys in the scripts, and merkle root" in {
val bytes =
val psbt = PSBT.fromBytes(bytes)
assert(PSBT.fromBytes(psbt.bytes) == psbt)
it must "PSBT with one P2TR script path only output with dummy internal key, taproot tree, and script key derivation paths" in {
val bytes =
val psbt = PSBT.fromBytes(bytes)
assert(PSBT.fromBytes(psbt.bytes) == psbt)
it must "PSBT with one P2TR script path only input with dummy internal key, scripts, script key derivation paths, merkle root, and script path" in {
val bytes =
val psbt = PSBT.fromBytes(bytes)
assert(PSBT.fromBytes(psbt.bytes) == psbt)
it must "pass BIP 371 negative tests" in {
val vec = Vector(
assert(vec.forall(b => Try(PSBT.fromBytes(b)).isFailure))
@ -86,6 +86,12 @@ object PSBTInputKeyId extends PSBTKeyIdFactory[PSBTInputKeyId] {
case SHA256PreImageKeyId.byte => SHA256PreImageKeyId
case HASH160PreImageKeyId.byte => HASH160PreImageKeyId
case HASH256PreImageKeyId.byte => HASH256PreImageKeyId
case TRKeySpendSignatureKeyId.byte => TRKeySpendSignatureKeyId
case TRScriptSpendSignatureKeyId.byte => TRScriptSpendSignatureKeyId
case TRLeafScriptKeyId.byte => TRLeafScriptKeyId
case TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId.byte => TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId
case TRInternalKeyKeyId.byte => TRInternalKeyKeyId
case TRMerkelRootKeyId.byte => TRMerkelRootKeyId
case _: Byte => UnknownKeyId
@ -160,6 +166,36 @@ object PSBTInputKeyId extends PSBTKeyIdFactory[PSBTInputKeyId] {
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.HASH256PreImage
final case object TRKeySpendSignatureKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x13.byteValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.TRKeySpendSignature
final case object TRScriptSpendSignatureKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x14.byteValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.TRScriptSpendSignature
final case object TRLeafScriptKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x15.byteValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.TRLeafScript
final case object TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x16.byteValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.TRBIP32DerivationPath
final case object TRInternalKeyKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x17.byteValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.TRInternalKey
final case object TRMerkelRootKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x18.byteValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.TRMerkelRoot
final case object UnknownKeyId extends PSBTInputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = Byte.MaxValue
type RecordType = InputPSBTRecord.Unknown
@ -179,6 +215,9 @@ object PSBTOutputKeyId extends PSBTKeyIdFactory[PSBTOutputKeyId] {
case RedeemScriptKeyId.byte => RedeemScriptKeyId
case WitnessScriptKeyId.byte => WitnessScriptKeyId
case BIP32DerivationPathKeyId.byte => BIP32DerivationPathKeyId
case TRInternalKeyKeyId.byte => TRInternalKeyKeyId
case TaprootTreeKeyId.byte => TaprootTreeKeyId
case TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId.byte => TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId
case _: Byte => UnknownKeyId
@ -197,6 +236,21 @@ object PSBTOutputKeyId extends PSBTKeyIdFactory[PSBTOutputKeyId] {
type RecordType = OutputPSBTRecord.BIP32DerivationPath
final case object TRInternalKeyKeyId extends PSBTOutputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x05.byteValue
type RecordType = OutputPSBTRecord.TRInternalKey
final case object TaprootTreeKeyId extends PSBTOutputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x06.byteValue
type RecordType = OutputPSBTRecord.TRInternalKey
final case object TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId extends PSBTOutputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = 0x07.byteValue
type RecordType = OutputPSBTRecord.TRBIP32DerivationPath
final case object UnknownKeyId extends PSBTOutputKeyId {
override val byte: Byte = Byte.MaxValue
type RecordType = OutputPSBTRecord.Unknown
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ case class InputPSBTMap(elements: Vector[InputPSBTRecord])
// todo maybe rethink return type
/** The HASH160 of each public key that could be used to sign the input,
* if calculable. [[Sha256Hash160Digest]] is used because we won't know the
* raw public key for P2PKH scripts
@ -205,7 +206,15 @@ case class InputPSBTMap(elements: Vector[InputPSBTRecord])
spk: ScriptPubKey): Vector[Sha256Hash160Digest] = {
spk match {
case spk: TaprootScriptPubKey =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Taproot not yet supported: $spk")
leafScriptOpt match {
case Some(script) =>
case None =>
// key spend 1 signature
if (partialSignatures.isEmpty) {
} else Vector.empty
case EmptyScriptPubKey | _: WitnessCommitment |
_: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey =>
@ -318,6 +327,26 @@ case class InputPSBTMap(elements: Vector[InputPSBTRecord])
def keySpendSignatureOpt: Option[TRKeySpendSignature] = {
def scriptSpendSignatureOpt: Option[TRScriptSpendSignature] = {
def leafScriptOpt: Option[TRLeafScript] = {
def taprootInternalKey: Option[TRInternalKey] = {
def taprootMerkelRoot: Option[TRMerkelRoot] = {
def getRecords(key: PSBTInputKeyId): Vector[key.RecordType] = {
super.getRecords(key, PSBTInputKeyId)
@ -606,8 +635,22 @@ case class InputPSBTMap(elements: Vector[InputPSBTRecord])
case EmptyScriptPubKey =>
val scriptSig = TrivialTrueScriptSignature
case _: TaprootScriptPubKey =>
keySpendSignatureOpt match {
case Some(keySpendSignature) =>
val sig = keySpendSignature.signature
val hashType =
val witnessScript = TaprootKeyPath(sig, hashType, None)
Success(wipeAndAdd(EmptyScriptSignature, Some(witnessScript)))
case None =>
// todo add script spend support
Failure(new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Cannot finalize the following input because no key spend signature was provided: $this"))
case _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey |
_: WitnessCommitment | _: TaprootScriptPubKey =>
_: WitnessCommitment =>
new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"$spkToSatisfy is not yet supported"))
@ -948,6 +991,10 @@ case class OutputPSBTMap(elements: Vector[OutputPSBTRecord])
def taprootInternalKey: Option[TRInternalKey] = {
def getRecords(key: PSBTOutputKeyId): Vector[key.RecordType] = {
super.getRecords(key, PSBTOutputKeyId)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.psbt
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ExtPublicKey
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.BIP32Path
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int32, UInt32}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int32, UInt32, UInt64}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BytesUtil
import org.bitcoins.crypto.{HashType, _}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait PSBTRecord extends NetworkElement {
type KeyId <: PSBTKeyId
@ -321,6 +323,79 @@ object InputPSBTRecord extends Factory[InputPSBTRecord] {
override val value: ByteVector = preImage
case class TRKeySpendSignature(signature: SchnorrDigitalSignature)
extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRKeySpendSignatureKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector = ByteVector(TRKeySpendSignatureKeyId.byte)
override val value: ByteVector = signature.bytes
case class TRScriptSpendSignature(
xOnlyPubKey: XOnlyPubKey,
leafHash: Sha256Digest,
signature: SchnorrDigitalSignature)
extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRScriptSpendSignatureKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector = ByteVector(
TRScriptSpendSignatureKeyId.byte) ++ xOnlyPubKey.bytes ++ leafHash.bytes
override val value: ByteVector = signature.bytes
case class TRLeafScript(
controlBlock: ControlBlock,
script: RawScriptPubKey,
leafVersion: Byte)
extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRLeafScriptKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector = {
ByteVector(TRLeafScriptKeyId.byte) ++ controlBlock.bytes
override val value: ByteVector = {
script.asmBytes ++ ByteVector.fromByte(leafVersion)
case class TRBIP32DerivationPath(
xOnlyPubKey: XOnlyPubKey,
hashes: Vector[Sha256Digest],
masterFingerprint: ByteVector,
path: BIP32Path)
extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector =
ByteVector(TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId.byte) ++ xOnlyPubKey.bytes
override val value: ByteVector = {
val hashesBytes = if (hashes.isEmpty) {
} else {
CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(hashes.length)).bytes ++
hashes.map(_.bytes).reduce(_ ++ _)
hashesBytes ++ path.foldLeft(masterFingerprint)(_ ++ _.toUInt32.bytesLE)
case class TRInternalKey(xOnlyPubKey: XOnlyPubKey) extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRInternalKeyKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector = ByteVector(TRInternalKeyKeyId.byte)
override val value: ByteVector = xOnlyPubKey.bytes
case class TRMerkelRoot(hash: Sha256Digest) extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRMerkelRootKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector = ByteVector(TRMerkelRootKeyId.byte)
override val value: ByteVector = hash.bytes
case class Unknown(key: ByteVector, value: ByteVector)
extends InputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = UnknownKeyId.type
@ -421,6 +496,63 @@ object InputPSBTRecord extends Factory[InputPSBTRecord] {
require(record.hash.bytes == hash,
"Received invalid HASH256PreImage, hash does not match")
case TRKeySpendSignatureKeyId =>
require(key.size == 1,
s"The key must only contain the 1 byte type, got: ${key.size}")
val sig = SchnorrDigitalSignature.fromBytes(value)
case TRScriptSpendSignatureKeyId =>
key.size == 65,
s"The key must only contain the 65 bytes type, got: ${key.size}")
val (xOnlyPubKey, leafHash) = key.tail.splitAt(32)
val sig = SchnorrDigitalSignature.fromBytes(value)
case TRLeafScriptKeyId =>
val controlBlock = ControlBlock(key.tail)
val script = RawScriptPubKey.fromAsmBytes(value.init)
TRLeafScript(controlBlock, script, value.last)
case TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId =>
val pubKey = XOnlyPubKey(key.tail)
val numHashes = CompactSizeUInt.fromBytes(value)
val hashes = value
.take(numHashes.num.toInt * 32)
val remaining = value.drop(numHashes.byteSize + hashes.size * 32)
val fingerprint = remaining.take(4)
val path = BIP32Path.fromBytesLE(remaining.drop(4))
TRBIP32DerivationPath(xOnlyPubKey = pubKey,
hashes = hashes,
masterFingerprint = fingerprint,
path = path)
case TRInternalKeyKeyId =>
require(key.size == 1,
s"The key must only contain the 1 byte type, got: ${key.size}")
value.size == 32,
s"The value must contain the 32 byte x-only public key, got: ${value.size}")
case TRMerkelRootKeyId =>
require(key.size == 1,
s"The key must only contain the 1 byte type, got: ${key.size}")
value.size == 32,
s"The value must contain the 32 byte x-only public key, got: ${value.size}")
case UnknownKeyId =>
InputPSBTRecord.Unknown(key, value)
@ -464,6 +596,57 @@ object OutputPSBTRecord extends Factory[OutputPSBTRecord] {
path.foldLeft(masterFingerprint)(_ ++ _.toUInt32.bytesLE)
case class TaprootTree(
leafs: Vector[
(Byte, Byte, ByteVector)
] // todo change to TapScriptPubKey when we have a TapScriptPubKey type
) extends OutputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TaprootTreeKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector =
override val value: ByteVector = {
leafs.foldLeft(ByteVector.empty) { (acc, leaf) =>
val spk = leaf._3
acc ++ ByteVector.fromByte(leaf._1) ++ ByteVector.fromByte(
leaf._2) ++ CompactSizeUInt.calc(spk).bytes ++ spk
case class TRBIP32DerivationPath(
xOnlyPubKey: XOnlyPubKey,
hashes: Vector[Sha256Digest],
masterFingerprint: ByteVector,
path: BIP32Path)
extends OutputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector =
ByteVector(TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId.byte) ++ xOnlyPubKey.bytes
override val value: ByteVector = {
val hashesBytes = if (hashes.isEmpty) {
} else {
CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(hashes.size)).bytes ++
hashes.map(_.bytes).reduce(_ ++ _)
hashesBytes ++ path.foldLeft(masterFingerprint)(_ ++ _.toUInt32.bytesLE)
case class TRInternalKey(xOnlyPubKey: XOnlyPubKey) extends OutputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = TRInternalKeyKeyId.type
override val key: ByteVector = ByteVector(TRInternalKeyKeyId.byte)
override val value: ByteVector = xOnlyPubKey.bytes
case class Unknown(key: ByteVector, value: ByteVector)
extends OutputPSBTRecord {
override type KeyId = UnknownKeyId.type
@ -491,6 +674,49 @@ object OutputPSBTRecord extends Factory[OutputPSBTRecord] {
val path = BIP32Path.fromBytesLE(value.drop(4))
OutputPSBTRecord.BIP32DerivationPath(pubKey, fingerprint, path)
case PSBTOutputKeyId.TRInternalKeyKeyId =>
require(key.size == 1,
s"The key must only contain the 1 byte type, got: ${key.size}")
val xOnlyPubKey = XOnlyPubKey.fromBytes(value)
case TaprootTreeKeyId =>
def loop(
bytes: ByteVector,
accum: Vector[(Byte, Byte, ByteVector)]): Vector[
(Byte, Byte, ByteVector)] = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) {
} else {
val depth = bytes.head
val version = bytes.tail.head
val spkLen = CompactSizeUInt.fromBytes(bytes.drop(2))
val spk = bytes.drop(spkLen.byteSize + 2)
val remaining = bytes.drop(2 + spkLen.byteSize + spk.length)
loop(remaining, accum :+ (depth, version, spk))
val leafs = loop(value, Vector.empty)
case PSBTOutputKeyId.TRBIP32DerivationPathKeyId =>
val pubKey = XOnlyPubKey(key.tail)
val numHashes = CompactSizeUInt.fromBytes(value)
val hashes = value
.take(numHashes.num.toInt * 32)
val remaining = value.drop(numHashes.byteSize + hashes.size * 32)
val fingerprint = remaining.take(4)
val path = BIP32Path.fromBytesLE(remaining.drop(4))
OutputPSBTRecord.TRBIP32DerivationPath(xOnlyPubKey = pubKey,
hashes = hashes,
masterFingerprint = fingerprint,
path = path)
case UnknownKeyId =>
OutputPSBTRecord.Unknown(key, value)
Add table
Reference in a new issue