mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 21:42:48 +01:00
Generate bloom filters from wallet (#501)
* Add findAll() to CRUD * Add getAddressInfo to Wallet API * Insert pubkey into bloomfilter also inserts hash In this commit we also simplify parts of BloomFilterTest, and move what used to be in BloomFilterSpec into BloomFilterTest. * Add bloom filter generation to wallet * Add bloom false positive rate to wallet config * Add logging to SQL errors * Fix a bug where HDPath.next returned the wrong path * Add FutureUtil.sequentially * Make bloom filter size calculation more explicit * Return Vector of pubkeys instead of Seq * Verbose handling of address fetching in test
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 388 additions and 87 deletions
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.bloom
import org.bitcoins.testkit.core.gen.BloomFilterGenerator
import org.scalacheck.{Prop, Properties}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
* Created by chris on 8/3/16.
class BloomFilterSpec extends Properties("BloomFilterSpec") {
property("No false negatives && serialization symmetry") =
Prop.forAll(BloomFilterGenerator.loadedBloomFilter) {
case (loadedFilter: BloomFilter, byteVectors: Seq[ByteVector]) =>
val containsAllHashes =
byteVectors.map(bytes => loadedFilter.contains(bytes))
!containsAllHashes.exists(_ == false) &&
BloomFilter(loadedFilter.hex) == loadedFilter
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey
class HDPathTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
override implicit val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =
behavior of "HDAccount"
it must "fail to make accounts with negative indices" in {
@ -79,6 +76,16 @@ class HDPathTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest {
behavior of "HDPath"
it must "generate the next path" in {
forAll(HDGenerators.hdPath) { path =>
val next = path.next
assert(next != path)
// all elements except the last one should be the same
assert(next.path.init == path.path.init)
assert(next.address.index == path.address.index + 1)
it must "have toString/fromString symmetry" in {
forAll(HDGenerators.hdPath) { path =>
val pathFromString = HDPath.fromString(path.toString)
@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ECPublicKey
import org.bitcoins.core.util.CryptoUtil
* Created by chris on 8/2/16.
* Implements a bloom fitler that abides by the semantics of
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki BIP37]].
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/bloom.h]]
* Implements a bloom filter that abides by the semantics of BIP37
* @see [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki BIP37]].
* @see [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/bloom.h Bitcoin Core bloom.h]]
sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
* A set of flags that control how outpoints corresponding to a matched pubkey script are added to the filter.
* See the 'Comparing Transaction Elements to a Bloom Filter' section in this
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#filterload link]]
* @see [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#filterload link]]
def flags: BloomFlag
@ -73,20 +75,43 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
BloomFilter(filterSize, newData, hashFuncs, tweak, flags)
/** Inserts a [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.HashDigest HashDigest]] into `data` */
/** Inserts a hash into the filter */
def insert(hash: HashDigest): BloomFilter = insert(hash.bytes)
/** Inserts a sequence of [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.HashDigest HashDigest]]'s into our BloomFilter */
/** Inserts a sequence of hashes into the filter */
def insertHashes(hashes: Seq[HashDigest]): BloomFilter = {
val byteVectors = hashes.map(_.bytes)
/** Inserts a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionOutPoint TransactionOutPoint]] into `data` */
/** Inserts a transaction outpoint into the filter */
def insert(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint): BloomFilter =
/** Checks if `data` contains the given sequence of bytes */
* Inserts a public key and it's corresponding hash into the bloom filter
* @note The rationale for inserting both the pubkey and its hash is that
* in most cases where you have an "interesting pubkey" that you
* want to track on the P2P network what you really need to do is
* insert the hash of the public key, as that is what appears on
* the blockchain and that nodes you query with bloom filters will
* see.
* @see The
* [[https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/blob/806afa04419ebdc3c15d5adf065979aa7303e7f6/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/BloomFilter.java#L244 BitcoinJ]]
* implementation of this function
def insert(pubkey: ECPublicKey): BloomFilter = {
val pubkeyBytes = pubkey.bytes
val hash = CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(pubkeyBytes)
/** Checks if the filter contains the given public key */
def contains(pubkey: ECPublicKey): Boolean = contains(pubkey.bytes)
/** Checks if the filter contains the given bytes */
def contains(bytes: ByteVector): Boolean = {
val bitIndexes = (0 until hashFuncs.toInt).map(i => murmurHash(i, bytes))
@ -290,7 +315,29 @@ object BloomFilter extends Factory[BloomFilter] {
* Creates a bloom filter based on the number of elements to be inserted into the filter
* and the desired false positive rate.
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format BIP37]]
* @see [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format BIP37]]
// todo provide default flag?
def apply(
numElements: Int,
falsePositiveRate: Double,
flags: BloomFlag): BloomFilter = {
val random = Math.floor(Math.random() * UInt32.max.toLong).toLong
val tweak = UInt32(random)
apply(numElements, falsePositiveRate, tweak, flags)
// todo: provide a apply method where you can pass in bloom-able filters
// through a type class
* Creates a bloom filter based on the number of elements to be inserted into the filter
* and the desired false positive rate.
* @see [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format BIP37]]
* @param tweak A random value that only acts to randomize the filter and increase privacy
def apply(
numElements: Int,
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ private[bitcoins] trait HDPath extends BIP32Path {
* [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ExtKey ExtKey]]
def next: NextPath =
HDAddress(chain, account.index + 1).toPath.asInstanceOf[NextPath]
HDAddress(chain, address.index + 1).toPath.asInstanceOf[NextPath]
def account: HDAccount = address.account
@ -1,8 +1,26 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.util
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
object FutureUtil {
* Executes a series of futures sequentially
* @param items The elements we want to transform into futures
* @param fun A function that transforms each element into a future
* @return The processed elements
def sequentially[T, U](items: Seq[T])(fun: T => Future[U])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[U]] = {
val init = Future.successful(List.empty[U])
items.foldLeft(init) { (f, item) =>
f.flatMap { x =>
fun(item).map(_ :: x)
} map (_.reverse)
val unit: Future[Unit] = Future.successful(())
@ -5,5 +5,7 @@ bitcoin-s {
# settings for wallet module
wallet {
defaultAccountType = legacy # legacy, segwit, nested-segwit
bloomFalsePositiveRate = 0.0001 # percentage
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
import slick.jdbc.SQLiteProfile.api._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import java.sql.SQLException
import org.bitcoins.core.config.MainNet
* Created by chris on 9/8/16.
@ -122,6 +124,10 @@ abstract class CRUD[T, PrimaryKeyType] extends BitcoinSLogger {
protected def findAll(ts: Vector[T]): Query[Table[_], T, Seq]
/** Finds all elements in the table */
def findAll(): Future[Vector[T]] =
case class SafeDatabase(config: AppConfig) extends BitcoinSLogger {
@ -135,16 +141,28 @@ case class SafeDatabase(config: AppConfig) extends BitcoinSLogger {
private val foreignKeysPragma = sqlu"PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE;"
def run[R](action: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _]): Future[R] = {
/** Logs the given action and error, if we are not on mainnet */
private def logAndThrowError(
action: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, _]): PartialFunction[Throwable, Nothing] = {
case err: SQLException =>
if (config.network != MainNet) {
s"Error when executing query ${action.getDumpInfo.getNamePlusMainInfo}")
throw err
def run[R](action: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, _])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[R] = {
val result = database.run[R](foreignKeysPragma >> action)
result.recoverWith { logAndThrowError(action) }
def runVec[R](action: DBIOAction[Seq[R], NoStream, _])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Vector[R]] = {
val result = database.run[Seq[R]](foreignKeysPragma >> action)
result.map(_.toVector).recoverWith { logAndThrowError(action) }
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package org.bitcoins.db
import scala.concurrent.Future
import slick.jdbc.SQLiteProfile.api._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
sealed abstract class SlickUtil {
@ -9,7 +10,8 @@ sealed abstract class SlickUtil {
def createAllNoAutoInc[T, U <: Table[T]](
ts: Vector[T],
database: SafeDatabase,
table: TableQuery[U]): Future[Vector[T]] = {
table: TableQuery[U])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Vector[T]] = {
val actions = ts.map(t => (table += t).andThen(DBIO.successful(t)))
val result = database.run(DBIO.sequence(actions))
@ -8,6 +8,15 @@ import org.bitcoins.wallet.api.UnlockWalletError.JsonParsingError
import org.bitcoins.wallet.api.UnlockWalletSuccess
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.AesPassword
import org.bitcoins.wallet.api.UnlockWalletError.MnemonicNotFound
import scala.concurrent.Future
import org.bitcoins.core.util.FutureUtil
import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.HDChainType
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.HDChainType.Change
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.HDChainType.External
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.BitcoinAddress
import org.bitcoins.wallet.models.AddressDb
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.HDChain
class WalletUnitTest extends BitcoinSWalletTest {
@ -40,6 +49,92 @@ class WalletUnitTest extends BitcoinSWalletTest {
it should "know what the last address index is" in { walletApi =>
val wallet = walletApi.asInstanceOf[Wallet]
def getMostRecent(
chain: HDChainType,
acctIndex: Int
): Future[AddressDb] = {
val recentOptFut: Future[Option[AddressDb]] = chain match {
case Change => wallet.addressDAO.findMostRecentChange(acctIndex)
case External => wallet.addressDAO.findMostRecentExternal(acctIndex)
recentOptFut.map {
case Some(addr) => addr
case None => fail(s"Did not find $chain address!")
def assertIndexIs(
chain: HDChainType,
addrIndex: Int,
accountIndex: Int): Future[Assertion] = {
getMostRecent(chain, accountIndex) map { addr =>
assert(addr.path.address.index == addrIndex)
val addressesToGenerate = 10
val addrRange = 0 to addressesToGenerate
* Generate some addresse, and verify that the correct address index is
* being reported
def testChain(chain: HDChainType, accIdx: Int): Future[Assertion] = {
val getAddrFunc: () => Future[BitcoinAddress] = chain match {
case Change => wallet.getNewChangeAddress _
case External => wallet.getNewAddress _
for {
_ <- {
val addrF = chain match {
case Change => wallet.addressDAO.findMostRecentChange(accIdx)
case External => wallet.addressDAO.findMostRecentExternal(accIdx)
addrF.map {
case Some(addr) =>
s"Found ${addr.address} $chain address although there was no previous addreses generated")
case None =>
_ <- FutureUtil.sequentially(addrRange)(_ => getAddrFunc())
_ <- assertIndexIs(chain,
accountIndex = accIdx,
addrIndex = addressesToGenerate)
newest <- getAddrFunc()
res <- getMostRecent(chain, accIdx).map { found =>
assert(found.address == newest)
assert(found.path.address.index == addressesToGenerate + 1)
} yield res
for {
account <- wallet.getDefaultAccount()
accIdx = account.hdAccount.index
_ <- testChain(External, accIdx)
res <- testChain(Change, accIdx)
} yield res
it should "generate a bloom filter" in { walletApi: UnlockedWalletApi =>
val wallet = walletApi.asInstanceOf[Wallet]
for {
_ <- FutureUtil.sequentially(0 until 10)(_ => wallet.getNewAddress())
bloom <- wallet.getBloomFilter()
pubkeys <- wallet.listPubkeys()
} yield {
pubkeys.foldLeft(succeed) { (_, pub) =>
it should "lock and unlock the wallet" in { wallet: UnlockedWalletApi =>
val passphrase = wallet.passphrase
val locked = wallet.lock()
@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import org.bitcoins.wallet.ReadMnemonicError.DecryptionError
import org.bitcoins.wallet.ReadMnemonicError.JsonParsingError
import org.bitcoins.wallet.config.WalletAppConfig
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomFilter
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomUpdateAll
abstract class LockedWallet extends LockedWalletApi with BitcoinSLogger {
protected val addressDAO: AddressDAO = AddressDAO()
protected val accountDAO: AccountDAO = AccountDAO()
protected val utxoDAO: UTXOSpendingInfoDAO = UTXOSpendingInfoDAO()
private[wallet] val addressDAO: AddressDAO = AddressDAO()
private[wallet] val accountDAO: AccountDAO = AccountDAO()
private[wallet] val utxoDAO: UTXOSpendingInfoDAO = UTXOSpendingInfoDAO()
override def getBalance(): Future[CurrencyUnit] = listUtxos().map { utxos =>
utxos.map(_.value).fold(0.bitcoin)(_ + _)
@ -73,6 +75,43 @@ abstract class LockedWallet extends LockedWalletApi with BitcoinSLogger {
override def listAddresses(): Future[Vector[AddressDb]] =
/** Enumerates the public keys in this wallet */
private[wallet] def listPubkeys(): Future[Vector[ECPublicKey]] =
/** Gets the size of the bloom filter for this wallet */
private def getBloomFilterSize(): Future[Int] = {
for {
pubkeys <- listPubkeys()
} yield {
// when a public key is inserted into a filter
// both the pubkey and the hash of the pubkey
// gets inserted
pubkeys.length * 2
// todo: insert TXIDs? need to track which txids we should
// ask for, somehow
override def getBloomFilter(): Future[BloomFilter] = {
for {
pubkeys <- listPubkeys()
filterSize <- getBloomFilterSize()
} yield {
// todo: Is this the best flag to use?
val bloomFlag = BloomUpdateAll
val baseBloom =
BloomFilter(numElements = filterSize,
falsePositiveRate = walletConfig.bloomFalsePositiveRate,
flags = bloomFlag)
pubkeys.foldLeft(baseBloom) { _.insert(_) }
* Tries to convert the provided spk to an address, and then checks if we have
* it in our address table
@ -186,6 +225,7 @@ abstract class LockedWallet extends LockedWalletApi with BitcoinSLogger {
account: AccountDb,
chainType: HDChainType
): Future[BitcoinAddress] = {
logger.debug(s"Getting new $chainType adddress for ${account.hdAccount}")
val accountIndex = account.hdAccount.index
@ -199,12 +239,17 @@ abstract class LockedWallet extends LockedWalletApi with BitcoinSLogger {
lastAddrOptF.flatMap { lastAddrOpt =>
val addrPath: HDPath = lastAddrOpt match {
case Some(addr) =>
val next = addr.path.next
s"Found previous address at path=${addr.path}, next=$next")
case None =>
val account = HDAccount(DEFAULT_HD_COIN, accountIndex)
val chain = account.toChain(chainType)
val address = HDAddress(chain, 0)
val path = address.toPath
logger.debug(s"Did not find previous address, next=$path")
val addressDb = {
@ -235,9 +280,10 @@ abstract class LockedWallet extends LockedWalletApi with BitcoinSLogger {
logger.debug(s"Writing $addressDb to DB")
val writeF = addressDAO.create(addressDb)
writeF.foreach { written =>
s"Got ${chainType} address ${written.address} at key path ${written.path} with pubkey ${written.ecPublicKey}")
@ -251,7 +297,21 @@ abstract class LockedWallet extends LockedWalletApi with BitcoinSLogger {
* @inheritdoc
override def getNewAddress(account: AccountDb): Future[BitcoinAddress] = {
getNewAddressHelper(account, HDChainType.External)
val addrF = getNewAddressHelper(account, HDChainType.External)
override def getAddressInfo(
address: BitcoinAddress): Future[Option[AddressInfo]] = {
val addressOptF = addressDAO.findAddress(address)
addressOptF.map { addressOpt =>
addressOpt.map { address =>
AddressInfo(pubkey = address.ecPublicKey,
network = address.address.networkParameters,
path = address.path)
/** Generates a new change address */
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package org.bitcoins.wallet.api
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ECPublicKey
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.HDPath
import org.bitcoins.core.config.NetworkParameters
* This class represents the result of querying for address info
* from our wallet
case class AddressInfo(
pubkey: ECPublicKey,
network: NetworkParameters,
path: HDPath)
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import org.bitcoins.wallet.models.{AccountDb, AddressDb, UTXOSpendingInfoDb}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import org.bitcoins.wallet.config.WalletAppConfig
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomFilter
* API for the wallet project.
@ -38,6 +39,12 @@ sealed trait WalletApi {
trait LockedWalletApi extends WalletApi {
* Retrieves a bloom filter that that can be sent to a P2P network node
* to get information about our transactions, pubkeys and scripts.
def getBloomFilter(): Future[BloomFilter]
* Adds the provided UTXO to the wallet, making it
* available for spending.
@ -81,6 +88,14 @@ trait LockedWalletApi extends WalletApi {
} yield address
* Mimics the `getaddressinfo` RPC call in Bitcoin Core
* @return If the address is found in our database `Some(address)`
* is returned, otherwise `None`
def getAddressInfo(address: BitcoinAddress): Future[Option[AddressInfo]]
/** Generates a new change address */
protected[wallet] def getNewChangeAddress(
account: AccountDb): Future[BitcoinAddress]
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ case class WalletAppConfig(private val conf: Config*) extends AppConfig {
throw new RuntimeException(s"$other is not a valid account type!")
lazy val bloomFalsePositiveRate: Double =
override def initialize()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
logger.debug(s"Initializing wallet setup")
@ -38,8 +38,4 @@ case class AccountDAO()(
accounts.map(acc => (acc.hdAccount.coin, acc.hdAccount.index)))
def findAll(): Future[Vector[AccountDb]] = {
val query = table.result
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import slick.sql.SqlAction
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import org.bitcoins.core.hd.HDChainType
import org.bitcoins.wallet.config.WalletAppConfig
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ECPublicKey
case class AddressDAO()(
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
@ -35,21 +36,25 @@ case class AddressDAO()(
def findAll(): Future[Vector[AddressDb]] = {
val query = table.result
private def addressesForAccountQuery(
accountIndex: Int): Query[AddressTable, AddressDb, Seq] =
table.filter(_.accountIndex === accountIndex)
* Finds the most recent change address in the wallet, if any
def findMostRecentChange(accountIndex: Int): Future[Option[AddressDb]] = {
val query = findMostRecentForChain(accountIndex, HDChainType.Change)
/** Finds all public keys in the wallet */
def findAllPubkeys(): Future[Vector[ECPublicKey]] = {
val query = table.map(_.ecPublicKey).distinct
private def findMostRecentForChain(
accountIndex: Int,
chain: HDChainType): SqlAction[Option[AddressDb], NoStream, Effect.Read] = {
@ -61,6 +66,9 @@ case class AddressDAO()(
* Finds the most recent external address in the wallet, if any
def findMostRecentExternal(accountIndex: Int): Future[Option[AddressDb]] = {
val query = findMostRecentForChain(accountIndex, HDChainType.External)
Add table
Reference in a new issue