mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 13:25:49 +01:00
Reformatting using scalariform
This commit is contained in:
281 changed files with 8457 additions and 8296 deletions
@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.0.3")
addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.3.5")
addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-coveralls" % "1.1.0")
addSbtPlugin("org.scalariform" % "sbt-scalariform" % "1.8.2")
@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.bloom
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{DoubleSha256Digest, HashDigest, Sha256Hash160Digest}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt64}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, P2PKScriptPubKey, ScriptPubKey}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionOutPoint}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ScriptConstant, ScriptToken}
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ DoubleSha256Digest, HashDigest, Sha256Hash160Digest }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ UInt32, UInt64 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, P2PKScriptPubKey, ScriptPubKey }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ Transaction, TransactionOutPoint }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ ScriptConstant, ScriptToken }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.bloom.RawBloomFilterSerializer
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, Factory }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* Created by chris on 8/2/16.
* Implements a bloom fitler that abides by the semantics of BIP37
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/bloom.h]]
* Created by chris on 8/2/16.
* Implements a bloom fitler that abides by the semantics of BIP37
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/bloom.h]]
sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
/** How large the bloom filter is, in Bytes */
@ -33,16 +32,17 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
/** An arbitrary value to add to the seed value in the hash function used by the bloom filter. */
def tweak: UInt32
/** A set of flags that control how outpoints corresponding to a matched pubkey script are added to the filter.
* See the 'Comparing Transaction Elements to a Bloom Filter' section in this link
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#filterload]]
* A set of flags that control how outpoints corresponding to a matched pubkey script are added to the filter.
* See the 'Comparing Transaction Elements to a Bloom Filter' section in this link
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#filterload]]
def flags: BloomFlag
/** Inserts a sequence of bytes into the [[BloomFilter]] */
def insert(bytes: Seq[Byte]): BloomFilter = {
//these are the bit indexes that need to be set inside of data
val bitIndexes = (0 until hashFuncs.toInt).map(i => murmurHash(i,bytes))
val bitIndexes = (0 until hashFuncs.toInt).map(i => murmurHash(i, bytes))
def loop(remainingBitIndexes: Seq[Int], accum: Seq[Byte]): Seq[Byte] = {
if (remainingBitIndexes.isEmpty) accum
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
//we need to calculate the bitIndex we need to set inside of our byte
val bitIndex = (1 << (7 & currentIndex)).toByte
val byte = accum(byteIndex)
val setBitByte: Byte = (byte | bitIndex ).toByte
val setBitByte: Byte = (byte | bitIndex).toByte
//replace old byte with new byte with bit set
val newAccum: Seq[Byte] = accum.updated(byteIndex,setBitByte)
val newAccum: Seq[Byte] = accum.updated(byteIndex, setBitByte)
loop(remainingBitIndexes.tail, newAccum)
val newData = loop(bitIndexes,data)
val newData = loop(bitIndexes, data)
BloomFilter(filterSize, newData, hashFuncs, tweak, flags)
/** Inserts a [[HashDigest]] into [[data]] */
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
/** Checks if [[data]] contains the given sequence of bytes */
def contains(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
val bitIndexes = (0 until hashFuncs.toInt).map(i => murmurHash(i,bytes))
val bitIndexes = (0 until hashFuncs.toInt).map(i => murmurHash(i, bytes))
def loop(remainingBitIndexes: Seq[Int], accum: Seq[Boolean]): Boolean = {
if (remainingBitIndexes.isEmpty) !accum.exists(_ == false)
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
loop(remainingBitIndexes.tail, isBitSet +: accum)
loop(bitIndexes, Nil)
/** Checks if [[data]] contains a [[DoubleSha256Digest]] */
@ -103,54 +103,58 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
/** Checks if [[data]] contains a [[Sha256Hash160Digest]] */
def contains(hash: Sha256Hash160Digest): Boolean = contains(hash.bytes)
/** Checks if the transaction's txid, or any of the constants in it's scriptPubKeys/scriptSigs match our BloomFilter
* See BIP37 for exact details on what is relevant to a bloom filter and what is not relevant
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
* */
* Checks if the transaction's txid, or any of the constants in it's scriptPubKeys/scriptSigs match our BloomFilter
* See BIP37 for exact details on what is relevant to a bloom filter and what is not relevant
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
def isRelevant(transaction: Transaction): Boolean = {
val scriptPubKeys = transaction.outputs.map(_.scriptPubKey)
//pull out all of the constants in the scriptPubKey's
val constantsWithOutputIndex = scriptPubKeys.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (scriptPubKey, index) =>
val constants = scriptPubKey.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant])
constants.map(c => (c,index))
val constantsWithOutputIndex = scriptPubKeys.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (scriptPubKey, index) =>
val constants = scriptPubKey.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant])
constants.map(c => (c, index))
//check if the bloom filter contains any of the script constants in our outputs
val constantsOutput = constantsWithOutputIndex.filter {
case (c,_) => contains(c.bytes)
case (c, _) => contains(c.bytes)
val scriptSigs = transaction.inputs.map(_.scriptSignature)
val constantsWithInputIndex = scriptSigs.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (scriptSig, index) =>
val constants = scriptSig.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant])
constants.map(c => (c,index))
val constantsWithInputIndex = scriptSigs.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (scriptSig, index) =>
val constants = scriptSig.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant])
constants.map(c => (c, index))
//check if the filter contains any of the prevouts in this tx
val containsOutPoint = transaction.inputs.filter(i => contains(i.previousOutput))
//check if the bloom filter contains any of the script constants in our inputs
val constantsInput = constantsWithInputIndex.filter {
case (c,_) => contains(c.bytes)
case (c, _) => contains(c.bytes)
constantsOutput.nonEmpty || constantsInput.nonEmpty ||
containsOutPoint.nonEmpty || contains(transaction.txId)
/** Updates this bloom filter to contain the relevant information for the given Transaction
* See BIP37 for the exact details on what parts of a transaction is added to the bloom filter
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
* */
* Updates this bloom filter to contain the relevant information for the given Transaction
* See BIP37 for the exact details on what parts of a transaction is added to the bloom filter
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
def update(transaction: Transaction): BloomFilter = flags match {
case BloomUpdateAll =>
val scriptPubKeys = transaction.outputs.map(_.scriptPubKey)
//a sequence of outPoints that need to be inserted into the filter
val outPoints: Seq[TransactionOutPoint] = scriptPubKeys.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (scriptPubKey,index) =>
case (scriptPubKey, index) =>
//constants that matched inside of our current filter
val constants = scriptPubKey.asm.filter(c => c.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant] && contains(c.bytes))
//we need to create a new outpoint in the filter if a constant in the scriptPubKey matched
constants.map(c => TransactionOutPoint(transaction.txId,UInt32(index)))
constants.map(c => TransactionOutPoint(transaction.txId, UInt32(index)))
logger.debug("Inserting outPoints: " + outPoints)
@ -167,45 +171,46 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
//update the filter with the outpoint if the filter matches any of the constants in a p2pkh or multisig script pubkey
val scriptPubKeysWithIndex = transaction.outputs.map(_.scriptPubKey).zipWithIndex
updateP2PKOnly(scriptPubKeysWithIndex, transaction.txId)
/** Updates a bloom filter according to the rules specified by the [[BloomUpdateP2PKOnly]] flag
* See BIP37 for the exact rules on updating a bloom filter with this flag set
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
* */
def updateP2PKOnly(scriptPubKeysWithIndex: Seq[(ScriptPubKey,Int)],txId: DoubleSha256Digest): BloomFilter = {
* Updates a bloom filter according to the rules specified by the [[BloomUpdateP2PKOnly]] flag
* See BIP37 for the exact rules on updating a bloom filter with this flag set
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
def updateP2PKOnly(scriptPubKeysWithIndex: Seq[(ScriptPubKey, Int)], txId: DoubleSha256Digest): BloomFilter = {
def loop(constantsWithIndex: Seq[(ScriptToken,Int)], accumFilter: BloomFilter): BloomFilter = constantsWithIndex match {
def loop(constantsWithIndex: Seq[(ScriptToken, Int)], accumFilter: BloomFilter): BloomFilter = constantsWithIndex match {
case h :: t if (accumFilter.contains(h._1.bytes)) =>
logger.debug("Found constant in bloom filter: " + h._1.hex)
val filter = accumFilter.insert(TransactionOutPoint(txId,UInt32(h._2)))
val filter = accumFilter.insert(TransactionOutPoint(txId, UInt32(h._2)))
loop(t, filter)
case h :: t => loop(t,accumFilter)
case Nil => accumFilter
case h :: t => loop(t, accumFilter)
case Nil => accumFilter
val p2pkOrMultiSigScriptPubKeys: Seq[(ScriptPubKey,Int)] = scriptPubKeysWithIndex.filter {
case (s,index) => s.isInstanceOf[P2PKScriptPubKey] ||
val p2pkOrMultiSigScriptPubKeys: Seq[(ScriptPubKey, Int)] = scriptPubKeysWithIndex.filter {
case (s, index) => s.isInstanceOf[P2PKScriptPubKey] ||
//gets rid of all asm operations in the scriptPubKey except for the constants
val scriptConstantsWithOutputIndex: Seq[(ScriptToken,Int)] = p2pkOrMultiSigScriptPubKeys.flatMap { case (scriptPubKey,index) =>
(scriptPubKey.asm.map(token => (token,index))).filter {
case (token,index) => token.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant]
val scriptConstantsWithOutputIndex: Seq[(ScriptToken, Int)] = p2pkOrMultiSigScriptPubKeys.flatMap {
case (scriptPubKey, index) =>
(scriptPubKey.asm.map(token => (token, index))).filter {
case (token, index) => token.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant]
loop(scriptConstantsWithOutputIndex, this)
* Performs the [[MurmurHash3]] on the given hash
* @param hashNum the nth hash function we are using
* @param bytes the bytes of the data that needs to be inserted into the [[BloomFilter]]
* @return the index of the bit inside of [[data]] that needs to be set to 1
* Performs the [[MurmurHash3]] on the given hash
* @param hashNum the nth hash function we are using
* @param bytes the bytes of the data that needs to be inserted into the [[BloomFilter]]
* @return the index of the bit inside of [[data]] that needs to be set to 1
private def murmurHash(hashNum: Int, bytes: Seq[Byte]): Int = {
//TODO: The call of .toInt is probably the source of a bug here, need to come back and look at this
//since this isn't consensus critical though I'm leaving this for now
@ -216,8 +221,10 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
/** See BIP37 to see where this number comes from
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format]] */
* See BIP37 to see where this number comes from
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format]]
private def murmurConstant = UInt32("fba4c795")
/** Adds a sequence of byte vectors to our bloom filter then returns that new filter*/
@ -225,18 +232,17 @@ sealed abstract class BloomFilter extends NetworkElement {
def loop(remainingByteVectors: Seq[Seq[Byte]], accumBloomFilter: BloomFilter): BloomFilter = {
if (remainingByteVectors.isEmpty) accumBloomFilter
else loop(remainingByteVectors.tail,accumBloomFilter.insert(remainingByteVectors.head))
else loop(remainingByteVectors.tail, accumBloomFilter.insert(remainingByteVectors.head))
loop(bytes, this)
override def bytes = RawBloomFilterSerializer.write(this)
object BloomFilter extends Factory[BloomFilter] {
private case class BloomFilterImpl(filterSize: CompactSizeUInt, data: Seq[Byte], hashFuncs : UInt32,
private case class BloomFilterImpl(filterSize: CompactSizeUInt, data: Seq[Byte], hashFuncs: UInt32,
tweak: UInt32, flags: BloomFlag) extends BloomFilter
/** Max bloom filter size as per [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#filterload]] */
val maxSize = UInt32(36000)
@ -245,23 +251,23 @@ object BloomFilter extends Factory[BloomFilter] {
val maxHashFuncs = UInt32(50)
* Creates a bloom filter based on the number of elements to be inserted into the filter
* and the desired false positive rate
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format]]
* Creates a bloom filter based on the number of elements to be inserted into the filter
* and the desired false positive rate
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format]]
def apply(numElements: Int, falsePositiveRate: Double, tweak: UInt32, flags: BloomFlag): BloomFilter = {
import scala.math._
//m = number of bits in the array
//n = number of elements in the array
//from https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#bloom-filter-format
val optimalFilterSize : Double = (-1 / pow(log(2),2) * numElements * log(falsePositiveRate)) / 8
val optimalFilterSize: Double = (-1 / pow(log(2), 2) * numElements * log(falsePositiveRate)) / 8
logger.debug("optimalFilterSize " + optimalFilterSize)
//BIP37 places limitations on the filter size, namely it cannot be > 36,000 bytes
val actualFilterSize: Int = max(1,min(optimalFilterSize, maxSize.toInt * 8)).toInt
val actualFilterSize: Int = max(1, min(optimalFilterSize, maxSize.toInt * 8)).toInt
logger.debug("actualFilterSize: " + actualFilterSize)
val optimalHashFuncs: Double = (actualFilterSize * 8 / numElements * log(2))
//BIP37 places a limit on the amount of hashFuncs we can use, which is 50
val actualHashFuncs: Int = max(1,min(optimalHashFuncs, maxHashFuncs.toInt)).toInt
val actualHashFuncs: Int = max(1, min(optimalHashFuncs, maxHashFuncs.toInt)).toInt
val emptyByteArray = Seq.fill(actualFilterSize)(0.toByte)
BloomFilter(CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(actualFilterSize)), emptyByteArray, UInt32(actualHashFuncs), tweak, flags)
@ -271,7 +277,6 @@ object BloomFilter extends Factory[BloomFilter] {
BloomFilterImpl(filterSize, data, hashFuncs, tweak, flags)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): BloomFilter = RawBloomFilterSerializer.read(bytes)
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.bloom
import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
* Created by chris on 8/3/16.
* Specifies how to update a bloom filter
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
* Created by chris on 8/3/16.
* Specifies how to update a bloom filter
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#filter-matching-algorithm]]
sealed trait BloomFlag {
def byte: Byte
@ -17,23 +17,22 @@ case object BloomUpdateNone extends BloomFlag {
* If the filter matches any data element in a pubkey script,
* the corresponding outpoint is added to the filter.
* If the filter matches any data element in a pubkey script,
* the corresponding outpoint is added to the filter.
case object BloomUpdateAll extends BloomFlag {
def byte = 1.toByte
* If the filter matches any data element in a pubkey script and that
* scriptPubKey is either a P2PKH or non-P2SH pay-to-multisig script,
* the outpoint for this transaction is added to the filter.
* If the filter matches any data element in a pubkey script and that
* scriptPubKey is either a P2PKH or non-P2SH pay-to-multisig script,
* the outpoint for this transaction is added to the filter.
case object BloomUpdateP2PKOnly extends BloomFlag {
def byte = 2.toByte
object BloomFlag extends Factory[BloomFlag] {
private def flags = Seq(BloomUpdateNone, BloomUpdateAll, BloomUpdateP2PKOnly)
def apply(byte: Byte): BloomFlag = {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.channels
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.policy.Policy
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.EscrowTimeoutHelper
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.builder.TxBuilderError
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by tom on 2/9/17.
* Created by tom on 2/9/17.
sealed abstract class Channel {
val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** Commitment transaction initializing the payment channel depositing funds into it. */
@ -25,14 +25,15 @@ sealed abstract class Channel {
/** The index of the output that is the [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] in the [[anchorTx]] */
def outputIndex: Int = {
val expectedLock = witSPK
val outputOpt = anchorTx.outputs.zipWithIndex.find { case (o, _) =>
o.scriptPubKey == expectedLock
val outputOpt = anchorTx.outputs.zipWithIndex.find {
case (o, _) =>
o.scriptPubKey == expectedLock
require(outputOpt.isDefined, "We do not have the correct locking output on our anchor transasction")
def outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(anchorTx.txId,UInt32(outputIndex))
def outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(anchorTx.txId, UInt32(outputIndex))
/** The [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] that needs to be satisfied to spend from the [[anchorTx]] */
def lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey
@ -54,49 +55,52 @@ sealed trait ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx extends Channel {
/** The number of confirmations on the anchor transaction */
def confirmations: Long
/** Creates a [[ChannelInProgress]] from this ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx,
* starts with [[Policy.minChannelAmount]] being paid to the server
* HashType is hard coded as SIGHASH_SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY -- this allows the tx to commit to the client's refund
* output. When the payment is actually redeemed the server will add one output that pays the server
* and possibly add another input & output that pays a network fee.
* */
* Creates a [[ChannelInProgress]] from this ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx,
* starts with [[Policy.minChannelAmount]] being paid to the server
* HashType is hard coded as SIGHASH_SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY -- this allows the tx to commit to the client's refund
* output. When the payment is actually redeemed the server will add one output that pays the server
* and possibly add another input & output that pays a network fee.
def clientSign(clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey, amount: CurrencyUnit,
privKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgressClientSigned,TxBuilderError] = {
privKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgressClientSigned, TxBuilderError] = {
require(confirmations >= Policy.confirmations, "Need " + Policy.confirmations + " confirmations on the anchor tx before " +
"we can create a payment channel in progress, got " + confirmations + " confirmations")
require(amount >= Policy.minChannelAmount, "First payment channel payment amount must be: " + Policy.minChannelAmount + " got: " + amount)
val o1 = TransactionOutput(lockedAmount - amount, clientChangeSPK)
val outputs = Seq(o1)
val p2shScriptSig = P2SHScriptSignature(witSPK)
val i1 = TransactionInput(outPoint,p2shScriptSig,TransactionConstants.sequence)
val partiallySigned = EscrowTimeoutHelper.clientSign(outPoint, anchorTx, outputs,(privKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),None),
val i1 = TransactionInput(outPoint, p2shScriptSig, TransactionConstants.sequence)
val partiallySigned = EscrowTimeoutHelper.clientSign(outPoint, anchorTx, outputs, (privKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), None),
lock, HashType.sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay)
val inProgress = partiallySigned.left.map(tx => ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx,lock,clientChangeSPK, tx, Nil))
val inProgress = partiallySigned.left.map(tx => ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, tx, Nil))
/** Useful for the server to create a [[org.bitcoins.core.channels.ChannelInProgressClientSigned]]
* after we receive a partially signed transaction from the client.
* If None is returned, that means we did not find an output that has the clientSPK
* Useful for the server to create a [[org.bitcoins.core.channels.ChannelInProgressClientSigned]]
* after we receive a partially signed transaction from the client.
* If None is returned, that means we did not find an output that has the clientSPK
def createClientSigned(partiallySigned: WitnessTransaction, clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey): Option[ChannelInProgressClientSigned] = {
val inputOpt = partiallySigned.inputs.zipWithIndex.find(_._1.previousOutput.txId == anchorTx.txId)
val inputIndex = inputOpt.map(i => UInt32(i._2))
val txSigComponent = inputIndex.map { i =>
WitnessTxSigComponent(partiallySigned, i, scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags, lockedAmount)
txSigComponent.map(t => ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx,lock,clientChangeSPK,t,Nil))
txSigComponent.map(t => ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, t, Nil))
/** Attempts to close the [[Channel]] because the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* has timed out.
* Note that this does not require any confirmations on the anchor tx,
* this is because the Client is essentially refunding himself the money
* Attempts to close the [[Channel]] because the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* has timed out.
* Note that this does not require any confirmations on the anchor tx,
* this is because the Client is essentially refunding himself the money
def closeWithTimeout(clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey, clientKey: ECPrivateKey,
fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithTimeout,TxBuilderError] = {
fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithTimeout, TxBuilderError] = {
ChannelClosedWithTimeout.closeWithTimeout(this, clientChangeSPK, clientKey, fee)
@ -107,9 +111,10 @@ sealed trait BaseInProgress { this: Channel =>
/** The most recent [[TxSigComponent]] in the payment channel */
def current: WitnessTxSigComponent
/** The previous states of the payment channel.
* The first item in the Seq is the most recent [[TxSigComponent]] in the [[Channel]]
* The previous states of the payment channel.
* The first item in the Seq is the most recent [[TxSigComponent]] in the [[Channel]]
def old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent]
/** The [[ScriptPubKey]] that pays the client it's change */
@ -129,16 +134,18 @@ sealed trait BaseInProgress { this: Channel =>
/** The amount that will be refunded to the client */
def clientAmount: Option[CurrencyUnit] = clientOutput.map(_.value)
/** The amount the server will be paid, note this amount will not be the exact amount paid
* to the server because the network's transaction fee is deducted from the server output
* The amount the server will be paid, note this amount will not be the exact amount paid
* to the server because the network's transaction fee is deducted from the server output
def serverAmount: Option[CurrencyUnit] = clientAmount.map(a => lockedAmount - a)
/** Attempts to close the [[Channel]] because the [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* has timed out
def closeWithTimeout(clientKey: ECPrivateKey, fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithTimeout,TxBuilderError] = {
* Attempts to close the [[Channel]] because the [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* has timed out
def closeWithTimeout(clientKey: ECPrivateKey, fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithTimeout, TxBuilderError] = {
ChannelClosedWithTimeout.closeWithTimeout(this, clientChangeSPK, clientKey, fee)
@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ sealed trait ChannelInProgress extends Channel with BaseInProgress {
val newClientAmount = c.value - amount
if (newClientAmount < CurrencyUnits.zero) Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Client is spending more money than was locked in the output"))
else if (newClientAmount <= Policy.dustThreshold) Success(None)
else Success(Some(TransactionOutput(newClientAmount,c.scriptPubKey)))
else Success(Some(TransactionOutput(newClientAmount, c.scriptPubKey)))
case None =>
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Client has already spent all of it's money to the server"))
@ -174,12 +181,12 @@ sealed trait ChannelInProgress extends Channel with BaseInProgress {
val check = checkAmounts(os)
check match {
case Some(err) => Right(err)
case None => updateChannel(outPoint, anchorTx,os,clientKey)
case None => updateChannel(outPoint, anchorTx, os, clientKey)
result match {
case Success(err) => err
case Failure(_) => Right(TxBuilderError.MintsMoney)
case Failure(_) => Right(TxBuilderError.MintsMoney)
@ -202,23 +209,24 @@ sealed trait ChannelInProgress extends Channel with BaseInProgress {
/** Updates the payment channel with the given parameters */
private def updateChannel(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, creditingTx: Transaction,
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput],
clientKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgressClientSigned,TxBuilderError] = {
val sign = (clientKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),None)
val partiallySigned = EscrowTimeoutHelper.clientSign(outPoint, creditingTx,outputs,
sign,lock, HashType.sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay)
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput],
clientKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgressClientSigned, TxBuilderError] = {
val sign = (clientKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), None)
val partiallySigned = EscrowTimeoutHelper.clientSign(outPoint, creditingTx, outputs,
sign, lock, HashType.sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay)
val inProgress = partiallySigned.left.map(tx =>
ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx,lock,clientChangeSPK, tx, current +: old))
ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, tx, current +: old))
/** Useful for the server to create a [[org.bitcoins.core.channels.ChannelInProgressClientSigned]]
* after we receive a partially signed transaction from the client
* Useful for the server to create a [[org.bitcoins.core.channels.ChannelInProgressClientSigned]]
* after we receive a partially signed transaction from the client
def createClientSigned(partiallySigned: WitnessTransaction): ChannelInProgressClientSigned = {
val txSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(partiallySigned,current.inputIndex, scriptPubKey,
ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx,lock, clientChangeSPK,txSigComponent, current +: old)
val txSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(partiallySigned, current.inputIndex, scriptPubKey,
current.flags, lockedAmount)
ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, txSigComponent, current +: old)
@ -229,42 +237,46 @@ sealed trait ChannelInProgressClientSigned extends Channel with BaseInProgress {
private def partiallySignedTx: WitnessTransaction = current.transaction
/** Signs the payment channel transaction with the server's [[ECPrivateKey]] */
def serverSign(serverKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgress,TxBuilderError] = {
val unsignedTxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(partiallySignedTx,
current.inputIndex, scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags,lockedAmount)
def serverSign(serverKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgress, TxBuilderError] = {
val unsignedTxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(
current.inputIndex, scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags, lockedAmount
val signedTxSigComponent: Either[WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, TxBuilderError] = EscrowTimeoutHelper.serverSign(serverKey,
unsignedTxSigComponent, HashType.sigHashAllAnyoneCanPay)
val signedTxSigComponent: Either[WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, TxBuilderError] = EscrowTimeoutHelper.serverSign(
unsignedTxSigComponent, HashType.sigHashAllAnyoneCanPay
signedTxSigComponent.left.map { s =>
ChannelInProgress(anchorTx,lock, clientChangeSPK, s, old)
ChannelInProgress(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, s, old)
/** Closes this payment channel, paying the server's amount to the given [[ScriptPubKey]] */
def close(serverSPK: ScriptPubKey, serverKey: ECPrivateKey, fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithEscrow,TxBuilderError] = {
def close(serverSPK: ScriptPubKey, serverKey: ECPrivateKey, fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithEscrow, TxBuilderError] = {
val c = clientOutput
val clientAmount = c.map(_.value).getOrElse(CurrencyUnits.zero)
val serverAmount = lockedAmount - clientAmount - fee
val serverOutput = TransactionOutput(serverAmount,serverSPK)
val serverOutput = TransactionOutput(serverAmount, serverSPK)
//if the client is refunding itself less than the dust threshold we should just remove the output
val outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = if (clientAmount <= Policy.dustThreshold || c.isEmpty) {
} else {
Seq(c.get, serverOutput)
val invariant = checkCloseOutputs(outputs,fee, serverSPK)
val invariant = checkCloseOutputs(outputs, fee, serverSPK)
if (invariant.isDefined) {
} else {
val oldTx = partiallySignedTx
val updatedTx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version,oldTx.inputs,outputs,oldTx.lockTime,oldTx.witness)
val txSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(updatedTx,current.inputIndex,
scriptPubKey,current.flags, current.amount)
val updatedInProgressClientSigned = ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx,lock,clientChangeSPK,txSigComponent,old)
val updatedTx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version, oldTx.inputs, outputs, oldTx.lockTime, oldTx.witness)
val txSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(updatedTx, current.inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, current.flags, current.amount)
val updatedInProgressClientSigned = ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, txSigComponent, old)
val serverSigned = updatedInProgressClientSigned.serverSign(serverKey)
serverSigned.left.map(s => ChannelClosedWithEscrow(s,serverSPK))
serverSigned.left.map(s => ChannelClosedWithEscrow(s, serverSPK))
@ -316,29 +328,32 @@ sealed trait ChannelClosedWithEscrow extends ChannelClosed {
object ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx {
private case class ChannelAwaitAnchorTxImpl(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey,
confirmations: Long) extends ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx {
confirmations: Long) extends ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx {
private val expectedScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(lock)
require(anchorTx.outputs.exists(_.scriptPubKey == expectedScriptPubKey),
"One output on the Anchor Transaction has to have a P2SH(P2WSH(EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey))")
anchorTx.outputs.exists(_.scriptPubKey == expectedScriptPubKey),
"One output on the Anchor Transaction has to have a P2SH(P2WSH(EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey))"
require(lockedAmount >= Policy.minChannelAmount, "We need to lock at least " + Policy.minChannelAmount +
" in the payment channel, got: " + lockedAmount)
/** Initializes a payment channel with the given anchor transaction and [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* Assumes that the anchor transaction has zero confirmations
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey): Either[ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx,TxBuilderError] = {
* Initializes a payment channel with the given anchor transaction and [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* Assumes that the anchor transaction has zero confirmations
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey): Either[ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx, TxBuilderError] = {
ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx(anchorTx, lock, 0)
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, confirmations: Long): Either[ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx,TxBuilderError] = {
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, confirmations: Long): Either[ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx, TxBuilderError] = {
val expectedScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(lock)
val output = anchorTx.outputs.find(_.scriptPubKey == expectedScriptPubKey)
if (output.isEmpty) {
} else if (output.get.value < Policy.minChannelAmount) {
} else Left(ChannelAwaitAnchorTxImpl(anchorTx,lock,confirmations))
} else Left(ChannelAwaitAnchorTxImpl(anchorTx, lock, confirmations))
@ -347,15 +362,14 @@ object ChannelInProgress {
clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey, current: WitnessTxSigComponent,
old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent]) extends ChannelInProgress
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, clientSPK: ScriptPubKey,
current: WitnessTxSigComponent): ChannelInProgress = {
ChannelInProgress(anchorTx,lock,clientSPK, current,Nil)
ChannelInProgress(anchorTx, lock, clientSPK, current, Nil)
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, clientSPK: ScriptPubKey,
current: WitnessTxSigComponent, old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent]): ChannelInProgress = {
current: WitnessTxSigComponent, old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent]): ChannelInProgress = {
ChannelInProgressImpl(anchorTx, lock, clientSPK, current, old)
@ -366,12 +380,12 @@ object ChannelInProgressClientSigned {
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, clientSPK: ScriptPubKey,
current: WitnessTxSigComponent): ChannelInProgressClientSigned = {
ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx,lock, clientSPK, current,Nil)
ChannelInProgressClientSigned(anchorTx, lock, clientSPK, current, Nil)
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey,
current: WitnessTxSigComponent, old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent]): ChannelInProgressClientSigned = {
ChannelInProgressClientSignedImpl(anchorTx,lock, clientChangeSPK, current,old)
ChannelInProgressClientSignedImpl(anchorTx, lock, clientChangeSPK, current, old)
@ -385,11 +399,11 @@ object ChannelClosedWithEscrow {
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, current: WitnessTxSigComponent,
old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent], clientSPK: ScriptPubKey, serverSPK: ScriptPubKey): ChannelClosedWithEscrow = {
ChannelClosedWithEscrowImpl(anchorTx,lock,current,old,clientSPK, serverSPK)
ChannelClosedWithEscrowImpl(anchorTx, lock, current, old, clientSPK, serverSPK)
def apply(i: ChannelInProgress, serverSPK: ScriptPubKey): ChannelClosedWithEscrow = {
ChannelClosedWithEscrowImpl(i.anchorTx, i.lock, i.current, i.old, i.clientChangeSPK, serverSPK)
@ -397,33 +411,36 @@ object ChannelClosedWithTimeout {
private case class ChannelClosedWithTimeoutImpl(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey,
current: WitnessTxSigComponent, old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent],
clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey) extends ChannelClosedWithTimeout {
require(current.transaction.outputs.exists(_.scriptPubKey == clientChangeSPK),
"Client SPK was not defined on a output. This is SPK that is suppose to refund the client it's money")
current.transaction.outputs.exists(_.scriptPubKey == clientChangeSPK),
"Client SPK was not defined on a output. This is SPK that is suppose to refund the client it's money"
def apply(anchorTx: Transaction, lock: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey,
current: WitnessTxSigComponent, old: Seq[WitnessTxSigComponent],
clientSPK: ScriptPubKey): ChannelClosedWithTimeout = {
ChannelClosedWithTimeoutImpl(anchorTx, lock, current, old, clientSPK)
/** Attempts to close the [[Channel]] because the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* has timed out.
* Note that this does not require any confirmations on the anchor tx,
* this is because the Client is essentially refunding himself the money
* Attempts to close the [[Channel]] because the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* has timed out.
* Note that this does not require any confirmations on the anchor tx,
* this is because the Client is essentially refunding himself the money
def closeWithTimeout(chan: Channel, clientChangeSPK: ScriptPubKey,
clientKey: ECPrivateKey, fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithTimeout,TxBuilderError] = {
clientKey: ECPrivateKey, fee: CurrencyUnit): Either[ChannelClosedWithTimeout, TxBuilderError] = {
val timeout = chan.lock.timeout
val scriptNum = timeout.locktime
val sequence = UInt32(scriptNum.toLong)
val outputs = Seq(TransactionOutput(chan.lockedAmount - fee, clientChangeSPK))
val outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(chan.anchorTx.txId,UInt32(chan.outputIndex))
val input = TransactionInput(outPoint,EmptyScriptSignature,sequence)
val outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(chan.anchorTx.txId, UInt32(chan.outputIndex))
val input = TransactionInput(outPoint, EmptyScriptSignature, sequence)
val inputs = Seq(input)
val inputIndex = UInt32(inputs.indexOf(input))
val signed: Either[WitnessTxSigComponent,TxBuilderError] = EscrowTimeoutHelper.closeWithTimeout(inputs,outputs, inputIndex, clientKey,
signed.left.map(t => ChannelClosedWithTimeout(chan.anchorTx,chan.lock,t,Nil,clientChangeSPK))
val signed: Either[WitnessTxSigComponent, TxBuilderError] = EscrowTimeoutHelper.closeWithTimeout(inputs, outputs, inputIndex, clientKey,
chan.lock, chan.lockingOutput, HashType.sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay)
signed.left.map(t => ChannelClosedWithTimeout(chan.anchorTx, chan.lock, t, Nil, clientChangeSPK))
@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.config
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain._
* Created by chris on 7/27/15.
sealed abstract class NetworkParameters {
/** The parameters of the blockchain we are connecting to */
def chainParams: ChainParams
@ -14,19 +13,19 @@ sealed abstract class NetworkParameters {
def p2shNetworkByte: Seq[Byte] = chainParams.base58Prefix(Base58Type.ScriptAddress)
def privateKey: Seq[Byte] = chainParams.base58Prefix(Base58Type.SecretKey)
def port : Int
def port: Int
def rpcPort: Int
def name: String = chainParams.networkId
/** The seeds used to bootstrap the network */
def dnsSeeds : Seq[String]
def dnsSeeds: Seq[String]
* The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
* The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
* a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L108
def magicBytes : Seq[Byte]
* The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
* The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
* a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L108
def magicBytes: Seq[Byte]
/** In bitcoin, the network recaculates the difficulty for the network every 2016 blocks */
def difficultyChangeThreshold: Int
@ -44,8 +43,8 @@ sealed abstract class MainNet extends BitcoinNetwork {
override def rpcPort = 8332
//mainnet doesn't need to be specified like testnet or regtest
override def name = ""
override def dnsSeeds = Seq("seed.bitcoin.sipa.be","dnsseed.bluematt.me","dnsseed.bitcoin.dashjr.org",
override def dnsSeeds = Seq("seed.bitcoin.sipa.be", "dnsseed.bluematt.me", "dnsseed.bitcoin.dashjr.org",
"seed.bitcoinstats.com", "bitseed.xf2.org", "seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch")
override def magicBytes = Seq(0xf9.toByte, 0xbe.toByte, 0xb4.toByte, 0xd9.toByte)
@ -58,8 +57,10 @@ sealed abstract class TestNet3 extends BitcoinNetwork {
override def chainParams = TestNetChainParams
override def port = 18333
override def rpcPort = 18332
override def dnsSeeds = Seq("testnet-seed.bitcoin.petertodd.org",
override def dnsSeeds = Seq(
"testnet-seed.bluematt.me", "testnet-seed.bitcoin.schildbach.de"
override def magicBytes = Seq(0x0b.toByte, 0x11.toByte, 0x09.toByte, 0x07.toByte)
override def difficultyChangeThreshold: Int = 2016
@ -78,7 +79,6 @@ sealed abstract class RegTest extends BitcoinNetwork {
object RegTest extends RegTest
object Networks {
val knownNetworks: Seq[NetworkParameters] = Seq(MainNet, TestNet3, RegTest)
val secretKeyBytes = knownNetworks.map(_.privateKey)
@ -94,6 +94,6 @@ object Networks {
TestNet3.p2shNetworkByte -> TestNet3,
TestNet3.privateKey -> TestNet3
//ommitting regtest as it has the same network bytes as testnet3
//ommitting regtest as it has the same network bytes as testnet3
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.consensus
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, Satoshis }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.Int64
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.Block
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, WitnessTransaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ BaseTransaction, WitnessTransaction }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.RawBaseTransactionParser
* Created by chris on 5/13/16.
* Created by chris on 5/13/16.
sealed abstract class Consensus {
def maxBlockSize: Long = 1000000
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ sealed abstract class Consensus {
def maxBlockWeight: Long = maxBlockSize * weightScalar
* BIP141 changes this from 20,000 -> 80,000, to see how sigops are counted please see BIP 141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#sigops]]
* BIP141 changes this from 20,000 -> 80,000, to see how sigops are counted please see BIP 141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#sigops]]
def maxSigOps = 80000
def maxMoney : CurrencyUnit = Satoshis(Int64(2100000000000000L))
def maxMoney: CurrencyUnit = Satoshis(Int64(2100000000000000L))
object Consensus extends Consensus
@ -2,47 +2,48 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.consensus
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.Block
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, Transaction, WitnessTransaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ BaseTransaction, Transaction, WitnessTransaction }
import org.bitcoins.core.util._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 5/24/16.
* This trait contains all functionality related to computing merkle trees
* Mimics this functionality inside of bitcoin core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/consensus/merkle.cpp]]
* Created by chris on 5/24/16.
* This trait contains all functionality related to computing merkle trees
* Mimics this functionality inside of bitcoin core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/consensus/merkle.cpp]]
trait Merkle extends BitcoinSLogger {
type MerkleTree = BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest]
* Computes the merkle root for the given block
* @param block the given block that needs the merkle root computed
* @return the hash representing the merkle root for this block
def computeBlockMerkleRoot(block : Block) : DoubleSha256Digest = computeMerkleRoot(block.transactions)
* Computes the merkle root for the given block
* @param block the given block that needs the merkle root computed
* @return the hash representing the merkle root for this block
def computeBlockMerkleRoot(block: Block): DoubleSha256Digest = computeMerkleRoot(block.transactions)
* Computes the merkle root for the given sequence of transactions
* @param transactions the list of transactions whose merkle root needs to be computed
* @return the merkle root for the sequence of transactions
def computeMerkleRoot(transactions : Seq[Transaction]) : DoubleSha256Digest = transactions match {
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have zero transactions in the block. There always should be ATLEAST one - the coinbase tx")
* Computes the merkle root for the given sequence of transactions
* @param transactions the list of transactions whose merkle root needs to be computed
* @return the merkle root for the sequence of transactions
def computeMerkleRoot(transactions: Seq[Transaction]): DoubleSha256Digest = transactions match {
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have zero transactions in the block. There always should be ATLEAST one - the coinbase tx")
case h :: Nil => h.txId
case h :: t =>
val leafs = transactions.map(tx => Leaf(tx.txId))
val merkleTree = build(leafs,Nil)
val merkleTree = build(leafs, Nil)
/** Builds a [[MerkleTree]] from sequence of sub merkle trees.
* This subTrees can be individual txids (leafs) or full blown subtrees
* @param subTrees the trees that need to be hashed
* @param accum the accumulated merkle trees, waiting to be hashed next round
* @return the entire Merkle tree computed from the given merkle trees
* Builds a [[MerkleTree]] from sequence of sub merkle trees.
* This subTrees can be individual txids (leafs) or full blown subtrees
* @param subTrees the trees that need to be hashed
* @param accum the accumulated merkle trees, waiting to be hashed next round
* @return the entire Merkle tree computed from the given merkle trees
final def build(subTrees: Seq[MerkleTree], accum: Seq[MerkleTree]): MerkleTree = subTrees match {
case Nil =>
@ -51,46 +52,48 @@ trait Merkle extends BitcoinSLogger {
else build(accum.reverse, Nil)
case h :: h1 :: t =>
logger.debug("Subtrees: " + subTrees)
val newTree = computeTree(h,h1)
val newTree = computeTree(h, h1)
build(t, newTree +: accum)
case h :: t =>
logger.debug("Subtrees: " + subTrees)
//means that we have an odd amount of txids, this means we duplicate the last hash in the tree
val newTree = computeTree(h,h)
val newTree = computeTree(h, h)
build(t, newTree +: accum)
/** Builds a merkle tree from a sequence of hashes */
def build(hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): MerkleTree = {
val leafs = hashes.map(Leaf(_))
build(leafs, Nil)
/** Computes the merkle tree of two sub merkle trees */
def computeTree(tree1: MerkleTree, tree2: MerkleTree): MerkleTree = {
val bytes = tree1.value.get.bytes ++ tree2.value.get.bytes
val hash = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes)
Node(hash, tree1, tree2)
/** Computes the commitment of the block to the wtxids
* See the definition of a block commitment in BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/7490ae8b699d2955b665cf849d86ff5bb5245c28/src/consensus/merkle.cpp#L168]]
* Computes the commitment of the block to the wtxids
* See the definition of a block commitment in BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/7490ae8b699d2955b665cf849d86ff5bb5245c28/src/consensus/merkle.cpp#L168]]
def computeBlockWitnessMerkleTree(block: Block): MerkleTree = {
val coinbaseWTxId = CryptoUtil.emptyDoubleSha256Hash
val hashes = block.transactions.tail.map {
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => wtx.wTxId
case btx: BaseTransaction => btx.txId
case btx: BaseTransaction => btx.txId
build(coinbaseWTxId +: hashes)
/** Computes the merkle root for the committment inside of a coinbase txs scriptPubKey
* See BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
* */
* Computes the merkle root for the committment inside of a coinbase txs scriptPubKey
* See BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
def computeBlockWitnessMerkleRoot(block: Block): DoubleSha256Digest = {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* NOTE: This will fail if this signature contains the hash type appended to the end of it
* @return boolean representing if the signature is a valid
def isDEREncoded(signature : ECDigitalSignature) : Boolean = isDEREncoded(signature.bytes)
def isDEREncoded(signature: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = isDEREncoded(signature.bytes)
* Checks if the bytes are encoded to DER correctly
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* This will fail if this signature contains the hash type appended to the end of it
* @return boolean representing if the signature is a valid
def isDEREncoded(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Boolean = {
def isDEREncoded(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
//signature is trivially valid if the signature is empty
if (bytes.nonEmpty && bytes.size < 9) false
else if (bytes.nonEmpty) {
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
//second byte must indicate the length of the remaining byte array
val signatureSize = bytes(1).toLong
//checks to see if the signature length is the same as the signatureSize val
val signatureLengthIsCorrect = signatureSize == bytes.slice(2,bytes.size).size
val signatureLengthIsCorrect = signatureSize == bytes.slice(2, bytes.size).size
//third byte must be 0x02
val thirdByteIs0x02 = bytes(2) == 0x02
//this is the size of the r value in the signature
val rSize = bytes(3)
//r value in the signature
val r = bytes.slice(3,rSize+3)
val r = bytes.slice(3, rSize + 3)
//this 0x02 separates the r and s value )in the signature
val second0x02Exists = bytes(rSize + 4) == 0x02
//this is the size of the s value in the signature
@ -52,13 +52,12 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
} else true
* Decodes the given digital signature into it's r and s points
* @param signature
* @return
def decodeSignature(signature : ECDigitalSignature) : (BigInt,BigInt) = decodeSignature(signature.bytes)
def decodeSignature(signature: ECDigitalSignature): (BigInt, BigInt) = decodeSignature(signature.bytes)
* Decodes the given sequence of bytes into it's r and s points
@ -66,30 +65,30 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* @param bytes
* @return
def decodeSignature(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : (BigInt,BigInt) = {
def decodeSignature(bytes: Seq[Byte]): (BigInt, BigInt) = {
logger.debug("Signature to decode: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
val asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(bytes.toArray)
//TODO: this is nasty, is there any way to get rid of all this casting???
//TODO: Not 100% this is completely right for signatures that are incorrectly DER encoded
//the behavior right now is to return the defaults in the case the signature is not DER encoded
val seq : DLSequence = Try(asn1InputStream.readObject.asInstanceOf[DLSequence]) match {
val seq: DLSequence = Try(asn1InputStream.readObject.asInstanceOf[DLSequence]) match {
case Success(seq) => seq
case Failure(err) => new DLSequence()
val default = new ASN1Integer(0)
val r : ASN1Integer = Try(seq.getObjectAt(0).asInstanceOf[ASN1Integer]) match {
val r: ASN1Integer = Try(seq.getObjectAt(0).asInstanceOf[ASN1Integer]) match {
case Success(r) =>
//this is needed for a bug inside of bouncy castle where zero length values throw an exception
//we need to treat these like zero
Try(r.getValue) match {
case Success(_) => r
case Failure(_) => default
case Failure(_) => default
logger.debug("r: " + r)
val s : ASN1Integer = Try(seq.getObjectAt(1).asInstanceOf[ASN1Integer]) match {
val s: ASN1Integer = Try(seq.getObjectAt(1).asInstanceOf[ASN1Integer]) match {
case Success(s) =>
//this is needed for a bug inside of bouncy castle where zero length values throw an exception
//we need to treat these like zero
@ -111,14 +110,13 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* @param signature the signature to check if they are strictly der encoded
* @return boolean indicating whether the signature was der encoded or not
def isValidSignatureEncoding(signature : ECDigitalSignature) : Boolean = {
def isValidSignatureEncoding(signature: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = {
signature match {
case EmptyDigitalSignature => true
case signature : ECDigitalSignature => isValidSignatureEncoding(signature.bytes)
case EmptyDigitalSignature => true
case signature: ECDigitalSignature => isValidSignatureEncoding(signature.bytes)
* This functions implements the strict der encoding rules that were created in BIP66
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0066.mediawiki
@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* @param bytes the bytes to check if they are strictly der encoded
* @return boolean indicating whether the bytes were der encoded or not
def isValidSignatureEncoding(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Boolean = {
def isValidSignatureEncoding(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
// Format: 0x30 [total-length] 0x02 [R-length] [R] 0x02 [S-length] [S] [sighash]
// * total-length: 1-byte length descriptor of everything that follows,
// excluding the sighash byte.
@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
// Null bytes at the start of R are not allowed, unless R would
// otherwise be interpreted as a negative number.
if (rSize > 1 && (bytes(4) == 0x00) && !((bytes(5) & 0x80) != 0 )) return false
if (rSize > 1 && (bytes(4) == 0x00) && !((bytes(5) & 0x80) != 0)) return false
//logger.debug("There were not any null bytes at the start of R")
// Check whether the S element is an integer.
if (bytes(rSize + 4) != 0x02) return false
@ -207,6 +205,13 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* Requires the S value in signatures to be the low version of the S value
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki#low-s-values-in-signatures
* @param signature
* @return if the S value is the low version
def isLowS(signature: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = isLowS(signature.bytes)
* Requires the S value in signatures to be the low version of the S value
@ -214,29 +219,21 @@ sealed abstract class DERSignatureUtil {
* @param signature
* @return if the S value is the low version
def isLowS(signature : ECDigitalSignature) : Boolean = isLowS(signature.bytes)
* Requires the S value in signatures to be the low version of the S value
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki#low-s-values-in-signatures
* @param signature
* @return if the S value is the low version
def isLowS(signature : Seq[Byte]) : Boolean = {
def isLowS(signature: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
val result = Try {
val (r,s) = decodeSignature(signature)
val (r, s) = decodeSignature(signature)
s.bigInteger.compareTo(CryptoParams.halfCurveOrder) <= 0
result match {
case Success(bool) => bool
case Failure(_) => false
case Failure(_) => false
/** Checks if the given digital signature uses a low s value, if it does not it converts it to a low s value and returns it */
def lowS(signature: ECDigitalSignature): ECDigitalSignature = {
val sigLowS = if (isLowS(signature)) signature
else ECDigitalSignature(signature.r,CryptoParams.curve.getN().subtract(signature.s.bigInteger))
else ECDigitalSignature(signature.r, CryptoParams.curve.getN().subtract(signature.s.bigInteger))
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, Factory }
* Created by chris on 2/26/16.
sealed abstract class ECDigitalSignature {
private val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
def hex : String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes)
def hex: String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes)
def bytes : Seq[Byte]
def bytes: Seq[Byte]
def isEmpty = bytes.isEmpty
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ sealed abstract class ECDigitalSignature {
* https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/1795/how-can-i-convert-a-der-ecdsa-signature-to-asn-1
* @return boolean representing if the signature is a valid
def isDEREncoded : Boolean = DERSignatureUtil.isDEREncoded(this)
def isDEREncoded: Boolean = DERSignatureUtil.isDEREncoded(this)
/** Checks if the signature is strictly der encoded as per BIP66
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0066.mediawiki]]
* */
* Checks if the signature is strictly der encoded as per BIP66
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0066.mediawiki]]
def isStrictEncoded: Boolean = DERSignatureUtil.isValidSignatureEncoding(this)
@ -33,13 +33,11 @@ sealed abstract class ECDigitalSignature {
* throws an exception if the given sequence of bytes is not a DER encoded signature
* @return the (r,s) values for the elliptic curve digital signature
def decodeSignature : (BigInt,BigInt) = DERSignatureUtil.decodeSignature(this)
def decodeSignature: (BigInt, BigInt) = DERSignatureUtil.decodeSignature(this)
/** Represents the r value found in a elliptic curve digital signature */
def r = decodeSignature._1
/** Represents the s value found in a elliptic curve digital signature */
def s = decodeSignature._2
@ -51,11 +49,10 @@ case object EmptyDigitalSignature extends ECDigitalSignature {
override def s = r
object ECDigitalSignature extends Factory[ECDigitalSignature] {
private case class ECDigitalSignatureImpl(bytes : Seq[Byte]) extends ECDigitalSignature
private case class ECDigitalSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends ECDigitalSignature
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ECDigitalSignature = {
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ECDigitalSignature = {
//this represents the empty signature
if (bytes.size == 1 && bytes.head == 0x0) EmptyDigitalSignature
else if (bytes.size == 0) EmptyDigitalSignature
@ -68,20 +65,20 @@ object ECDigitalSignature extends Factory[ECDigitalSignature] {
def apply(r : BigInt, s : BigInt) = fromRS(r,s)
def apply(r: BigInt, s: BigInt) = fromRS(r, s)
* Takes in the r and s component of a digital signature and gives back a ECDigitalSignature object
* The ECDigitalSignature object complies with strict der encoding as per BIP62
* note: That the hash type for the signature CANNOT be added to the digital signature
* @param r the r component of the digital signature
* @param s the s component of the digital signature
* @return
def fromRS(r : BigInt, s : BigInt) : ECDigitalSignature = {
* Takes in the r and s component of a digital signature and gives back a ECDigitalSignature object
* The ECDigitalSignature object complies with strict der encoding as per BIP62
* note: That the hash type for the signature CANNOT be added to the digital signature
* @param r the r component of the digital signature
* @param s the s component of the digital signature
* @return
def fromRS(r: BigInt, s: BigInt): ECDigitalSignature = {
val rsSize = r.toByteArray.size + s.toByteArray.size
val totalSize = 4 + rsSize
val bytes : Seq[Byte] = Seq(0x30.toByte, totalSize.toByte, 0x2.toByte, r.toByteArray.size.toByte) ++
val bytes: Seq[Byte] = Seq(0x30.toByte, totalSize.toByte, 0x2.toByte, r.toByteArray.size.toByte) ++
r.toByteArray.toSeq ++ Seq(0x2.toByte, s.toByteArray.size.toByte) ++ s.toByteArray.toSeq
@ -17,36 +17,37 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
sealed abstract class BaseECKey extends NetworkElement {
* Signs a given sequence of bytes with the signingKey
* @param dataToSign the bytes to be signed
* @param signingKey the key to sign the bytes with
* @return the digital signature
private def sign(dataToSign : Seq[Byte], signingKey : BaseECKey): ECDigitalSignature = {
* Signs a given sequence of bytes with the signingKey
* @param dataToSign the bytes to be signed
* @param signingKey the key to sign the bytes with
* @return the digital signature
private def sign(dataToSign: Seq[Byte], signingKey: BaseECKey): ECDigitalSignature = {
require(dataToSign.length == 32 && signingKey.bytes.length <= 32)
val signature = NativeSecp256k1.sign(dataToSign.toArray, signingKey.bytes.toArray)
def sign(dataToSign: Seq[Byte]): ECDigitalSignature = sign(dataToSign,this)
def sign(dataToSign: Seq[Byte]): ECDigitalSignature = sign(dataToSign, this)
def sign(hash: HashDigest, signingKey: BaseECKey): ECDigitalSignature = sign(hash.bytes,signingKey)
def sign(hash: HashDigest, signingKey: BaseECKey): ECDigitalSignature = sign(hash.bytes, signingKey)
def sign(hash: HashDigest): ECDigitalSignature = sign(hash,this)
def sign(hash: HashDigest): ECDigitalSignature = sign(hash, this)
@deprecated("Deprecated in favor of signing algorithm inside of secp256k1", "2/20/2017")
private def oldSign(dataToSign: Seq[Byte], signingKey: BaseECKey): ECDigitalSignature = {
val signer: ECDSASigner = new ECDSASigner(new HMacDSAKCalculator(new SHA256Digest()))
val privKey: ECPrivateKeyParameters = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(
new BigInteger(1,signingKey.bytes.toArray), CryptoParams.curve)
new BigInteger(1, signingKey.bytes.toArray), CryptoParams.curve
signer.init(true, privKey)
val components : Array[BigInteger] = signer.generateSignature(dataToSign.toArray)
val (r,s) = (components(0),components(1))
val signature = ECDigitalSignature(r,s)
val components: Array[BigInteger] = signer.generateSignature(dataToSign.toArray)
val (r, s) = (components(0), components(1))
val signature = ECDigitalSignature(r, s)
//make sure the signature follows BIP62's low-s value
//bitcoinj implementation
@ -58,24 +59,24 @@ sealed abstract class BaseECKey extends NetworkElement {
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
sealed abstract class ECPrivateKey extends BaseECKey {
/** Signifies if the this private key corresponds to a compressed public key */
def isCompressed : Boolean
def isCompressed: Boolean
/** Derives the public for a the private key */
def publicKey : ECPublicKey = {
val pubKeyBytes : Seq[Byte] = NativeSecp256k1.computePubkey(bytes.toArray, isCompressed)
def publicKey: ECPublicKey = {
val pubKeyBytes: Seq[Byte] = NativeSecp256k1.computePubkey(bytes.toArray, isCompressed)
require(NativeSecp256k1.isValidPubKey(pubKeyBytes.toArray), "secp256k1 failed to generate a valid public key, got: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(pubKeyBytes))
* Converts a [[ECPrivateKey]] to WIF
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format
* @return
* Converts a [[ECPrivateKey]] to WIF
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format
* @return
def toWIF(network: NetworkParameters): String = {
val networkByte = network.privateKey
//append 1 byte to the end of the priv key byte representation if we need a compressed pub key
@ -86,28 +87,27 @@ sealed abstract class ECPrivateKey extends BaseECKey {
override def toString = "ECPrivateKey(" + hex + "," + isCompressed +")"
override def toString = "ECPrivateKey(" + hex + "," + isCompressed + ")"
object ECPrivateKey extends Factory[ECPrivateKey] {
private case class ECPrivateKeyImpl(override val bytes : Seq[Byte], isCompressed: Boolean) extends ECPrivateKey {
private case class ECPrivateKeyImpl(override val bytes: Seq[Byte], isCompressed: Boolean) extends ECPrivateKey {
require(NativeSecp256k1.secKeyVerify(bytes.toArray), "Invalid key according to secp256k1, hex: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ECPrivateKey = fromBytes(bytes,true)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ECPrivateKey = fromBytes(bytes, true)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte], isCompressed: Boolean): ECPrivateKey = {
if (bytes.size == 32) ECPrivateKeyImpl(bytes,isCompressed)
if (bytes.size == 32) ECPrivateKeyImpl(bytes, isCompressed)
else if (bytes.size < 32) {
//means we need to pad the private key with 0 bytes so we have 32 bytes
val paddingNeeded = 32 - bytes.size
val padding = for { _ <- 0 until paddingNeeded} yield 0.toByte
val padding = for { _ <- 0 until paddingNeeded } yield 0.toByte
ECPrivateKey.fromBytes(padding ++ bytes, isCompressed)
//this is for the case when java serialies a BigInteger to 33 bytes to hold the signed num representation
else if (bytes.size == 33) ECPrivateKey.fromBytes(bytes.slice(1,33), isCompressed)
} //this is for the case when java serialies a BigInteger to 33 bytes to hold the signed num representation
else if (bytes.size == 33) ECPrivateKey.fromBytes(bytes.slice(1, 33), isCompressed)
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Private keys cannot be greater than 33 bytes in size, got: " +
BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes) + " which is of size: " + bytes.size)
@ -115,47 +115,47 @@ object ECPrivateKey extends Factory[ECPrivateKey] {
def fromHex(hex: String, isCompressed: Boolean): ECPrivateKey = fromBytes(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex), isCompressed)
/** Generates a fresh [[ECPrivateKey]] that has not been used before. */
def apply() : ECPrivateKey = ECPrivateKey(true)
def apply(): ECPrivateKey = ECPrivateKey(true)
def apply(isCompressed: Boolean) = freshPrivateKey(isCompressed)
/** Generates a fresh [[ECPrivateKey]] that has not been used before. */
def freshPrivateKey : ECPrivateKey = freshPrivateKey(true)
def freshPrivateKey: ECPrivateKey = freshPrivateKey(true)
def freshPrivateKey(isCompressed: Boolean): ECPrivateKey = {
val secureRandom = new SecureRandom
val generator : ECKeyPairGenerator = new ECKeyPairGenerator
val keyGenParams : ECKeyGenerationParameters = new ECKeyGenerationParameters(CryptoParams.curve, secureRandom)
val generator: ECKeyPairGenerator = new ECKeyPairGenerator
val keyGenParams: ECKeyGenerationParameters = new ECKeyGenerationParameters(CryptoParams.curve, secureRandom)
val keypair : AsymmetricCipherKeyPair = generator.generateKeyPair
val keypair: AsymmetricCipherKeyPair = generator.generateKeyPair
val privParams: ECPrivateKeyParameters = keypair.getPrivate.asInstanceOf[ECPrivateKeyParameters]
val priv : BigInteger = privParams.getD
val priv: BigInteger = privParams.getD
val bytes = priv.toByteArray
ECPrivateKey.fromBytes(bytes, isCompressed)
* Takes in a base58 string and converts it into a private key.
* Private keys starting with 'K', 'L', or 'c' correspond to compressed public keys.
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format
* @param WIF Wallet Import Format. Encoded in Base58
* @return
def fromWIFToPrivateKey(WIF : String): ECPrivateKey = {
* Takes in a base58 string and converts it into a private key.
* Private keys starting with 'K', 'L', or 'c' correspond to compressed public keys.
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format
* @param WIF Wallet Import Format. Encoded in Base58
* @return
def fromWIFToPrivateKey(WIF: String): ECPrivateKey = {
val isCompressed = ECPrivateKey.isCompressed(WIF)
val privateKeyBytes = trimFunction(WIF)
ECPrivateKey.fromBytes(privateKeyBytes, isCompressed)
* Takes in WIF private key as a sequence of bytes and determines if it corresponds to a compressed public key.
* If the private key corresponds to a compressed public key, the last byte should be 0x01, and
* the WIF string will have started with K or L instead of 5 (or c instead of 9 on testnet).
* @param bytes private key in bytes
* @return
def isCompressed(bytes : Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
* Takes in WIF private key as a sequence of bytes and determines if it corresponds to a compressed public key.
* If the private key corresponds to a compressed public key, the last byte should be 0x01, and
* the WIF string will have started with K or L instead of 5 (or c instead of 9 on testnet).
* @param bytes private key in bytes
* @return
def isCompressed(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
val validCompressedBytes: Seq[Seq[Byte]] = Networks.secretKeyBytes
val validCompressedBytesInHex: Seq[String] = validCompressedBytes.map(b => BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(b))
val firstByteHex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes.head)
@ -163,19 +163,19 @@ object ECPrivateKey extends Factory[ECPrivateKey] {
else false
def isCompressed(WIF : String) : Boolean = {
def isCompressed(WIF: String): Boolean = {
val bytes = Base58.decode(WIF)
* When decoding a WIF private key, we drop the first byte (network byte), and the last 4 bytes (checksum).
* If the private key corresponds to a compressed public key, we drop the last byte again.
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format
* @param WIF Wallet Import Format. Encoded in Base58
* @return
private def trimFunction(WIF : String): Seq[Byte] = {
* When decoding a WIF private key, we drop the first byte (network byte), and the last 4 bytes (checksum).
* If the private key corresponds to a compressed public key, we drop the last byte again.
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format
* @param WIF Wallet Import Format. Encoded in Base58
* @return
private def trimFunction(WIF: String): Seq[Byte] = {
val bytesChecked = Base58.decodeCheck(WIF)
//see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/List_of_address_prefixes
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ object ECPrivateKey extends Factory[ECPrivateKey] {
def compressedKeyPrefixes = Seq(Some('K'), Some('L'), Some('c'))
/** The Base58 prefixes that represent uncompressed private keys */
def uncompressedKeyPrefixes = Seq(Some('5'),Some('9'))
def uncompressedKeyPrefixes = Seq(Some('5'), Some('9'))
/** Returns the [[NetworkParameters]] from a serialized WIF key */
def parseNetworkFromWIF(wif: String): Try[NetworkParameters] = {
@ -211,15 +211,14 @@ object ECPrivateKey extends Factory[ECPrivateKey] {
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
sealed abstract class ECPublicKey extends BaseECKey {
def verify(hash : HashDigest, signature : ECDigitalSignature) : Boolean = verify(hash.bytes, signature)
def verify(hash: HashDigest, signature: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = verify(hash.bytes, signature)
/** Verifies if a given piece of data is signed by the [[ECPrivateKey]]'s corresponding [[ECPublicKey]]. */
def verify(data : Seq[Byte], signature : ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = {
def verify(data: Seq[Byte], signature: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = {
logger.debug("PubKey for verifying: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
logger.debug("Data to verify: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(data))
logger.debug("Signature to check against data: " + signature.hex)
@ -231,11 +230,11 @@ sealed abstract class ECPublicKey extends BaseECKey {
//bitcoin core implements this functionality here:
//TODO: Implement functionality in Bitcoin Core linked above
oldVerify(data, signature)
} else result
def verify(hex : String, signature : ECDigitalSignature) : Boolean = verify(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex),signature)
def verify(hex: String, signature: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = verify(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex), signature)
override def toString = "ECPublicKey(" + hex + ")"
@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ sealed abstract class ECPublicKey extends BaseECKey {
object ECPublicKey extends Factory[ECPublicKey] {
private case class ECPublicKeyImpl(override val bytes : Seq[Byte]) extends ECPublicKey {
private case class ECPublicKeyImpl(override val bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends ECPublicKey {
//unfortunately we cannot place ANY invariants here
//because of old transactions on the blockchain that have weirdly formatted public keys. Look at example in script_tests.json
@ -280,23 +279,23 @@ object ECPublicKey extends Factory[ECPublicKey] {
//we cannot do this. If there ever is a hard fork this would be a good thing to add.
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ECPublicKey = ECPublicKeyImpl(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ECPublicKey = ECPublicKeyImpl(bytes)
def apply() = freshPublicKey
/** Generates a fresh [[ECPublicKey]] that has not been used before. */
def freshPublicKey = ECPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey.publicKey
/** Checks if the public key is valid according to secp256k1
* Mimics this function in bitcoin core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/27765b6403cece54320374b37afb01a0cfe571c3/src/pubkey.cpp#L207-L212]]
* Checks if the public key is valid according to secp256k1
* Mimics this function in bitcoin core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/27765b6403cece54320374b37afb01a0cfe571c3/src/pubkey.cpp#L207-L212]]
def isFullyValid(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = Try(NativeSecp256k1.isValidPubKey(bytes.toArray)).isSuccess && isValid(bytes)
* Mimics the CPubKey::IsValid function in Bitcoin core, this is a consensus rule
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/27765b6403cece54320374b37afb01a0cfe571c3/src/pubkey.h#L158]]
* Mimics the CPubKey::IsValid function in Bitcoin core, this is a consensus rule
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/27765b6403cece54320374b37afb01a0cfe571c3/src/pubkey.h#L158]]
def isValid(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = bytes.nonEmpty
@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
import java.math.BigInteger
import org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt8}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ UInt32, UInt8 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.util._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
/** Represents an extended key as defined by BIP32
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki]]
* Represents an extended key as defined by BIP32
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki]]
sealed abstract class ExtKey extends NetworkElement {
require(bytes.size == 78, "ExtKey must be 78 bytes in size, got: " + bytes.size)
/** The network and private/public key identifier for this key */
@ -20,14 +21,18 @@ sealed abstract class ExtKey extends NetworkElement {
def depth: UInt8
/** The fingerprint of the parent key */
def fingerprint: Seq[Byte]
/** Child number. This is ser32(i) for i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized.
* (0x00000000 if master key) */
* Child number. This is ser32(i) for i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized.
* (0x00000000 if master key)
def childNum: UInt32
/** In order to prevent these from depending solely on the key itself,
* we extend both private and public keys first with an extra 256 bits of entropy.
* This extension, called the chain code,
* is identical for corresponding private and public keys, and consists of 32 bytes. */
* In order to prevent these from depending solely on the key itself,
* we extend both private and public keys first with an extra 256 bits of entropy.
* This extension, called the chain code,
* is identical for corresponding private and public keys, and consists of 32 bytes.
def chainCode: ChainCode
/** The key at this path */
@ -70,20 +75,20 @@ object ExtKey extends Factory[ExtKey] {
require(bytes.size == 78, "Not 78 bytes")
val version: Try[ExtKeyVersion] = ExtKeyVersion(bytes.take(4)) match {
case Some(v) => Success(v)
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid version for ExtKey"))
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid version for ExtKey"))
val depth = UInt8(bytes.slice(4,5))
val fp = bytes.slice(5,9)
val childNum = UInt32(bytes.slice(9,13))
val chainCode = ChainCode(bytes.slice(13,45))
val depth = UInt8(bytes.slice(4, 5))
val fp = bytes.slice(5, 9)
val childNum = UInt32(bytes.slice(9, 13))
val chainCode = ChainCode(bytes.slice(13, 45))
val key: Try[ExtKey] = version.map {
case x @ (MainNetPub | TestNet3Pub) =>
val pub = ECPublicKey(bytes.slice(45,78))
val pub = ECPublicKey(bytes.slice(45, 78))
ExtPublicKey(x, depth, fp, childNum, chainCode, pub)
case x @ (MainNetPriv | TestNet3Priv) =>
require(bytes(45) == 0, "Byte at index 46 must be zero for a ExtPrivateKey, got: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes(45)))
val priv = ECPrivateKey(bytes.slice(46,78))
val priv = ECPrivateKey(bytes.slice(46, 78))
ExtPrivateKey(x, depth, fp, childNum, chainCode, priv)
@ -99,7 +104,6 @@ object ExtKey extends Factory[ExtKey] {
sealed abstract class ExtPrivateKey extends ExtKey {
override def key: ECPrivateKey
@ -111,19 +115,19 @@ sealed abstract class ExtPrivateKey extends ExtKey {
//derive non hardened key
key.publicKey.bytes ++ idx.bytes
val hmac = CryptoUtil.hmac512(chainCode.bytes,data)
val (il,ir) = hmac.splitAt(32)
val hmac = CryptoUtil.hmac512(chainCode.bytes, data)
val (il, ir) = hmac.splitAt(32)
//should be ECGroup addition
//parse256(IL) + kpar (mod n)
val childKey = ECPrivateKey(NativeSecp256k1.privKeyTweakAdd(il.toArray, key.bytes.toArray))
val fp = CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(key.publicKey.bytes).bytes.take(4)
ExtPrivateKey(version, depth + UInt8.one, fp, idx,
ChainCode(ir), childKey)
def extPublicKey: ExtPublicKey = version match {
case MainNetPriv => ExtPublicKey(MainNetPub,depth,fingerprint,childNum,chainCode,key.publicKey)
case TestNet3Priv => ExtPublicKey(TestNet3Pub,depth,fingerprint,childNum,chainCode,key.publicKey)
case MainNetPriv => ExtPublicKey(MainNetPub, depth, fingerprint, childNum, chainCode, key.publicKey)
case TestNet3Priv => ExtPublicKey(TestNet3Pub, depth, fingerprint, childNum, chainCode, key.publicKey)
case MainNetPub | TestNet3Pub => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have pubkey version in ExtPrivateKey, got: " + version)
@ -143,8 +147,8 @@ object ExtPrivateKey extends Factory[ExtPrivateKey] {
val base58 = Base58.encode(bytes ++ CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes).bytes.take(4))
ExtKey.fromString(base58) match {
case Success(priv: ExtPrivateKey) => priv
case Success(_: ExtPublicKey) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create ext public in ExtPrivateKey")
case f: Failure[_] => throw f.exception
case Success(_: ExtPublicKey) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create ext public in ExtPrivateKey")
case f: Failure[_] => throw f.exception
def apply(version: ExtKeyVersion, depth: UInt8,
@ -153,24 +157,24 @@ object ExtPrivateKey extends Factory[ExtPrivateKey] {
ExtPrivateKeyImpl(version, depth, fingerprint, child, chainCode, privateKey)
/** Generates a master private key
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki#master-key-generation
* */
* Generates a master private key
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki#master-key-generation
def apply(version: ExtKeyVersion, seedOpt: Option[Seq[Byte]] = None): ExtPrivateKey = {
val seed = seedOpt match {
case Some(bytes) => bytes
case None => ECPrivateKey().bytes
case None => ECPrivateKey().bytes
val i = CryptoUtil.hmac512("Bitcoin seed".map(_.toByte), seed)
val (il,ir) = i.splitAt(32)
val (il, ir) = i.splitAt(32)
val masterPrivKey = ECPrivateKey(il)
val fp = UInt32.zero.bytes
ExtPrivateKey(version, UInt8.zero, fp, UInt32.zero,
ChainCode(ir), masterPrivKey)
sealed abstract class ExtPublicKey extends ExtKey {
override def key: ECPublicKey
@ -180,20 +184,22 @@ sealed abstract class ExtPublicKey extends ExtKey {
} else {
val data = key.bytes ++ idx.bytes
val hmac = CryptoUtil.hmac512(chainCode.bytes, data)
val (il,ir) = hmac.splitAt(32)
val (il, ir) = hmac.splitAt(32)
val priv = ECPrivateKey(il)
val tweaked = NativeSecp256k1.pubKeyTweakAdd(key.bytes.toArray,
val tweaked = NativeSecp256k1.pubKeyTweakAdd(
val childPubKey = ECPublicKey(tweaked)
val bi = BigInt(new BigInteger(1,priv.bytes.toArray))
val bi = BigInt(new BigInteger(1, priv.bytes.toArray))
//we do not handle this case since it is impossible
//In case parse256(IL) ≥ n or Ki is the point at infinity, the resulting key is invalid,
//and one should proceed with the next value for i.
val cc = ChainCode(ir)
val fp = CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(key.bytes).bytes.take(4)
Success(ExtPublicKey(version,depth + UInt8.one, fp,idx,cc,childPubKey))
Success(ExtPublicKey(version, depth + UInt8.one, fp, idx, cc, childPubKey))
@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ object ExtPublicKey extends Factory[ExtPublicKey] {
chainCode: ChainCode, key: ECPublicKey) extends ExtPublicKey
def apply(version: ExtKeyVersion, depth: UInt8,
fingerprint: Seq[Byte], child: UInt32, chainCode: ChainCode, publicKey: ECPublicKey): ExtPublicKey = {
fingerprint: Seq[Byte], child: UInt32, chainCode: ChainCode, publicKey: ECPublicKey): ExtPublicKey = {
ExtPublicKeyImpl(version, depth, fingerprint, child, chainCode, publicKey)
@ -215,11 +221,8 @@ object ExtPublicKey extends Factory[ExtPublicKey] {
case Success(_: ExtPrivateKey) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create ext privatkey in ExtPublicKey")
case Success(pub: ExtPublicKey) => pub
case f: Failure[_] => throw f.exception
case f: Failure[_] => throw f.exception
@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ case object MainNetPub extends ExtKeyVersion {
case object MainNetPriv extends ExtKeyVersion {
override def bytes = Seq(0x04,0x88,0xAD,0xE4).map(_.toByte)
override def bytes = Seq(0x04, 0x88, 0xAD, 0xE4).map(_.toByte)
case object TestNet3Pub extends ExtKeyVersion {
override def bytes = Seq(0x04,0x35,0x87,0xCF).map(_.toByte)
override def bytes = Seq(0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xCF).map(_.toByte)
case object TestNet3Priv extends ExtKeyVersion {
override def bytes = Seq(0x04,0x35,0x83,0x94).map(_.toByte)
override def bytes = Seq(0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94).map(_.toByte)
object ExtKeyVersion {
private val all: Seq[ExtKeyVersion] = Seq(MainNetPriv,MainNetPub,TestNet3Pub, TestNet3Priv)
private val all: Seq[ExtKeyVersion] = Seq(MainNetPriv, MainNetPub, TestNet3Pub, TestNet3Priv)
def apply(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Option[ExtKeyVersion] = all.find(_.bytes == bytes)
@ -1,34 +1,33 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{Factory, BitcoinSUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ Factory, BitcoinSUtil }
* Created by chris on 5/24/16.
* Created by chris on 5/24/16.
sealed trait HashDigest {
/** The message digest represented in bytes */
def bytes : Seq[Byte]
def bytes: Seq[Byte]
/** The message digest represented in hexadecimal */
def hex : String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes)
def hex: String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes)
* Represents the result of SHA1()
* Represents the result of SHA1()
sealed trait Sha1Digest extends HashDigest
object Sha1Digest extends Factory[Sha1Digest] {
private case class Sha1DigestImpl(bytes : Seq[Byte]) extends Sha1Digest {
private case class Sha1DigestImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends Sha1Digest {
override def toString = "Sha1DigestImpl(" + hex + ")"
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]) : Sha1Digest = Sha1DigestImpl(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Sha1Digest = Sha1DigestImpl(bytes)
* Represents the result of SHA256()
* Represents the result of SHA256()
sealed trait Sha256Digest extends HashDigest
object Sha256Digest extends Factory[Sha256Digest] {
@ -36,12 +35,12 @@ object Sha256Digest extends Factory[Sha256Digest] {
require(bytes.length == 32, "Sha256Digest must be 32 bytes in size, got: " + bytes.length)
override def toString = "Sha256DigestImpl(" + hex + ")"
override def fromBytes(bytes:Seq[Byte]) : Sha256Digest = Sha256DigestImpl(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Sha256Digest = Sha256DigestImpl(bytes)
* Represents the result of SHA256(SHA256())
* Represents the result of SHA256(SHA256())
sealed trait DoubleSha256Digest extends HashDigest
object DoubleSha256Digest extends Factory[DoubleSha256Digest] {
@ -49,32 +48,32 @@ object DoubleSha256Digest extends Factory[DoubleSha256Digest] {
require(bytes.length == 32, "DoubleSha256Digest must always be 32 bytes, got: " + bytes.length)
override def toString = "DoubleSha256DigestImpl(" + hex + ")"
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256DigestImpl(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256DigestImpl(bytes)
* Represents the result of RIPEMD160()
* Represents the result of RIPEMD160()
sealed trait RipeMd160Digest extends HashDigest
object RipeMd160Digest extends Factory[RipeMd160Digest] {
private case class RipeMd160DigestImpl(bytes : Seq[Byte]) extends RipeMd160Digest {
private case class RipeMd160DigestImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends RipeMd160Digest {
require(bytes.length == 20, "RIPEMD160Digest must always be 20 bytes, got: " + bytes.length)
override def toString = "RipeMd160DigestImpl(" + hex + ")"
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : RipeMd160Digest = RipeMd160DigestImpl(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): RipeMd160Digest = RipeMd160DigestImpl(bytes)
* Represents the result of RIPEMD160(SHA256())
* Represents the result of RIPEMD160(SHA256())
sealed trait Sha256Hash160Digest extends HashDigest
object Sha256Hash160Digest extends Factory[Sha256Hash160Digest] {
private case class Sha256Hash160DigestImpl(bytes : Seq[Byte]) extends Sha256Hash160Digest {
private case class Sha256Hash160DigestImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends Sha256Hash160Digest {
require(bytes.length == 20, "Sha256Hash160Digest must always be 20 bytes, got: " + bytes.length)
override def toString = "Sha256Hash160DigestImpl(" + hex + ")"
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]): Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160DigestImpl(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160DigestImpl(bytes)
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptToken
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.{ScriptFlag, ScriptFlagUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.{ ScriptFlag, ScriptFlagUtil }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result.ScriptErrorWitnessPubKeyType
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
trait TransactionSignatureChecker extends BitcoinSLogger {
* Checks the signature of a scriptSig in the spending transaction against the
* given scriptPubKey & explicitly given public key
* This is useful for instances of non standard scriptSigs
* @param txSignatureComponent the relevant transaction information for signature checking
* @param script the current script state inside the interpreter - this is needed in the case of OP_CODESEPARATORS
* @param pubKey the public key the signature is being checked against
* @param signature the signature which is being checked against the transaction & the public key
* @param flags the script flags used to check validity of the signature
* @return a boolean indicating if the signature is valid or not
def checkSignature(txSignatureComponent : TxSigComponent, script : Seq[ScriptToken],
pubKey: ECPublicKey, signature : ECDigitalSignature, flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : TransactionSignatureCheckerResult = {
* Checks the signature of a scriptSig in the spending transaction against the
* given scriptPubKey & explicitly given public key
* This is useful for instances of non standard scriptSigs
* @param txSignatureComponent the relevant transaction information for signature checking
* @param script the current script state inside the interpreter - this is needed in the case of OP_CODESEPARATORS
* @param pubKey the public key the signature is being checked against
* @param signature the signature which is being checked against the transaction & the public key
* @param flags the script flags used to check validity of the signature
* @return a boolean indicating if the signature is valid or not
def checkSignature(txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent, script: Seq[ScriptToken],
pubKey: ECPublicKey, signature: ECDigitalSignature, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): TransactionSignatureCheckerResult = {
logger.debug("Signature: " + signature)
val pubKeyEncodedCorrectly = BitcoinScriptUtil.isValidPubKeyEncoding(pubKey,flags)
val pubKeyEncodedCorrectly = BitcoinScriptUtil.isValidPubKeyEncoding(pubKey, flags)
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requiresStrictDerEncoding(flags) && !DERSignatureUtil.isValidSignatureEncoding(signature)) {
logger.error("Signature was not stricly encoded der: " + signature.hex)
@ -48,28 +48,30 @@ trait TransactionSignatureChecker extends BitcoinSLogger {
logger.error("The public key given for signature checking was not encoded correctly, err: " + result)
} else {
val sigsRemovedScript = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculateScriptForChecking(txSignatureComponent,signature,script)
val sigsRemovedScript = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculateScriptForChecking(txSignatureComponent, signature, script)
val hashTypeByte = if (signature.bytes.nonEmpty) signature.bytes.last else 0x00.toByte
val hashType = HashType(Seq(0.toByte, 0.toByte, 0.toByte, hashTypeByte))
val hashForSignature = txSignatureComponent match {
case b : BaseTxSigComponent =>
case b: BaseTxSigComponent =>
sigsRemovedScript, hashType)
case w : WitnessTxSigComponent =>
TransactionSignatureSerializer.hashForSignature(w.transaction,w.inputIndex,sigsRemovedScript, hashType,
sigsRemovedScript, hashType
case w: WitnessTxSigComponent =>
TransactionSignatureSerializer.hashForSignature(w.transaction, w.inputIndex, sigsRemovedScript, hashType,
w.amount, w.sigVersion)
case r: WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt =>
TransactionSignatureSerializer.hashForSignature(r.transaction,r.inputIndex,sigsRemovedScript, hashType,
TransactionSignatureSerializer.hashForSignature(r.transaction, r.inputIndex, sigsRemovedScript, hashType,
r.amount, r.sigVersion)
logger.debug("Hash for signature: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(hashForSignature.bytes))
val sigWithoutHashType = stripHashType(signature)
val isValid = pubKey.verify(hashForSignature,sigWithoutHashType)
val isValid = pubKey.verify(hashForSignature, sigWithoutHashType)
if (isValid) SignatureValidationSuccess
else nullFailCheck(Seq(signature),SignatureValidationErrorIncorrectSignatures, flags)
else nullFailCheck(Seq(signature), SignatureValidationErrorIncorrectSignatures, flags)
@ -85,9 +87,9 @@ trait TransactionSignatureChecker extends BitcoinSLogger {
* @return a boolean indicating if all of the signatures are valid against the given public keys
final def multiSignatureEvaluator(txSignatureComponent : TxSigComponent, script : Seq[ScriptToken],
sigs : List[ECDigitalSignature], pubKeys : List[ECPublicKey], flags : Seq[ScriptFlag],
requiredSigs : Long) : TransactionSignatureCheckerResult = {
final def multiSignatureEvaluator(txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent, script: Seq[ScriptToken],
sigs: List[ECDigitalSignature], pubKeys: List[ECPublicKey], flags: Seq[ScriptFlag],
requiredSigs: Long): TransactionSignatureCheckerResult = {
logger.debug("Signatures inside of helper: " + sigs)
logger.debug("Public keys inside of helper: " + pubKeys)
if (sigs.size > pubKeys.size) {
@ -95,44 +97,42 @@ trait TransactionSignatureChecker extends BitcoinSLogger {
//signatures than public keys remaining we immediately return
//false https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/8c1dbc5e9ddbafb77e60e8c4e6eb275a3a76ac12/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L943-L945
logger.warn("We have more sigs than we have public keys remaining")
else if (requiredSigs > sigs.size) {
nullFailCheck(sigs, SignatureValidationErrorIncorrectSignatures, flags)
} else if (requiredSigs > sigs.size) {
//for the case when we do not have enough sigs left to check to meet the required signature threshold
logger.warn("We do not have enough sigs to meet the threshold of requireSigs in the multiSignatureScriptPubKey")
else if (sigs.nonEmpty && pubKeys.nonEmpty) {
nullFailCheck(sigs, SignatureValidationErrorSignatureCount, flags)
} else if (sigs.nonEmpty && pubKeys.nonEmpty) {
val sig = sigs.head
val pubKey = pubKeys.head
val result = checkSignature(txSignatureComponent,script,pubKey,sig,flags)
val result = checkSignature(txSignatureComponent, script, pubKey, sig, flags)
result match {
case SignatureValidationSuccess =>
multiSignatureEvaluator(txSignatureComponent, script, sigs.tail,pubKeys.tail,flags, requiredSigs - 1)
multiSignatureEvaluator(txSignatureComponent, script, sigs.tail, pubKeys.tail, flags, requiredSigs - 1)
case SignatureValidationErrorIncorrectSignatures | SignatureValidationErrorNullFail =>
//notice we pattern match on 'SignatureValidationErrorNullFail' here, this is because
//'checkSignature' may return that result, but we need to continue evaluating the signatures
//in the multisig script, we don't check for nullfail until evaluation the OP_CHECKMULTSIG is completely done
multiSignatureEvaluator(txSignatureComponent, script, sigs, pubKeys.tail,flags, requiredSigs)
multiSignatureEvaluator(txSignatureComponent, script, sigs, pubKeys.tail, flags, requiredSigs)
case x @ (SignatureValidationErrorNotStrictDerEncoding | SignatureValidationErrorSignatureCount |
SignatureValidationErrorPubKeyEncoding | SignatureValidationErrorHighSValue |
SignatureValidationErrorHashType | SignatureValidationErrorWitnessPubKeyType) =>
SignatureValidationErrorPubKeyEncoding | SignatureValidationErrorHighSValue |
SignatureValidationErrorHashType | SignatureValidationErrorWitnessPubKeyType) =>
nullFailCheck(sigs, x, flags)
} else if (sigs.isEmpty) {
//means that we have checked all of the sigs against the public keys
//validation succeeds
} else nullFailCheck(sigs,SignatureValidationErrorIncorrectSignatures,flags)
} else nullFailCheck(sigs, SignatureValidationErrorIncorrectSignatures, flags)
/** If the NULLFAIL flag is set as defined in BIP146, it checks to make sure all failed signatures were an empty byte vector
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0146.mediawiki#NULLFAIL]]
* */
private def nullFailCheck(sigs: Seq[ECDigitalSignature], result: TransactionSignatureCheckerResult,flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): TransactionSignatureCheckerResult = {
* If the NULLFAIL flag is set as defined in BIP146, it checks to make sure all failed signatures were an empty byte vector
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0146.mediawiki#NULLFAIL]]
private def nullFailCheck(sigs: Seq[ECDigitalSignature], result: TransactionSignatureCheckerResult, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): TransactionSignatureCheckerResult = {
logger.info("Result before nullfail check:" + result)
val nullFailEnabled = ScriptFlagUtil.requireScriptVerifyNullFail(flags)
if (nullFailEnabled && !result.isValid && sigs.exists(_.bytes.nonEmpty)) {
@ -143,10 +143,9 @@ trait TransactionSignatureChecker extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Removes the hash type from the [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.ECDigitalSignature]] */
private def stripHashType(sig: ECDigitalSignature): ECDigitalSignature = {
ECDigitalSignature(sig.bytes.slice(0, sig.bytes.length - 1))
object TransactionSignatureChecker extends TransactionSignatureChecker
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
* The result type returned by checking a signature
@ -8,10 +7,9 @@ sealed trait TransactionSignatureCheckerResult {
* Indicates if the transaction signature checker was successful or failed
def isValid : Boolean
def isValid: Boolean
* Represents the case that the signatures checked inside of the transaction were
* all validly encoded as per the script verify flag & that the signatures
@ -61,13 +59,15 @@ case object SignatureValidationErrorHighSValue extends SignatureValidationError
case object SignatureValidationErrorHashType extends SignatureValidationError
/** Fails the script if the given public key was not compressed and the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType]]
* flag was set */
* Fails the script if the given public key was not compressed and the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType]]
* flag was set
case object SignatureValidationErrorWitnessPubKeyType extends SignatureValidationError
* Fails the script if a an invalid signature is not an empty byte vector
* See BIP146
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0146.mediawiki#nullfail]]
* Fails the script if a an invalid signature is not an empty byte vector
* See BIP146
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0146.mediawiki#nullfail]]
case object SignatureValidationErrorNullFail extends SignatureValidationError
@ -3,35 +3,35 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.HashType
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
* Created by chris on 7/21/16.
* Created by chris on 7/21/16.
sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureCreator {
private val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
* Creates a signature from a tx signature component
* @param txSignatureComponent contains the tx, inputIndex which specify which input we are creating a sig for
* @param privateKey the private key which we are signing the hash with
* @param hashType the procedure to use for hashing to transaction
* @return
* Creates a signature from a tx signature component
* @param txSignatureComponent contains the tx, inputIndex which specify which input we are creating a sig for
* @param privateKey the private key which we are signing the hash with
* @param hashType the procedure to use for hashing to transaction
* @return
def createSig(txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent, privateKey: ECPrivateKey, hashType: HashType): ECDigitalSignature = {
val sign: Seq[Byte] => ECDigitalSignature = privateKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte])
createSig(txSignatureComponent,sign, hashType)
createSig(txSignatureComponent, sign, hashType)
* This is intended to be a low level hardware wallet API.
* At a fundamental level, a hardware wallet expects a Seq[Byte] as input, and returns an [[ECDigitalSignature]]
* if it is able to sign the Seq[Byte]'s correctly.
* @param component - the information needed to sign the transaction
* @param sign - the implementation of the hardware wallet protocol to sign the Seq[Byte] w/ the given public key
* @param hashType - the hash type to be appended on the digital signature when the hardware wallet is done being signed
* @return the digital signature returned by the hardware wallet
* This is intended to be a low level hardware wallet API.
* At a fundamental level, a hardware wallet expects a Seq[Byte] as input, and returns an [[ECDigitalSignature]]
* if it is able to sign the Seq[Byte]'s correctly.
* @param component - the information needed to sign the transaction
* @param sign - the implementation of the hardware wallet protocol to sign the Seq[Byte] w/ the given public key
* @param hashType - the hash type to be appended on the digital signature when the hardware wallet is done being signed
* @return the digital signature returned by the hardware wallet
def createSig(component: TxSigComponent, sign: Seq[Byte] => ECDigitalSignature, hashType: HashType): ECDigitalSignature = {
val hash = TransactionSignatureSerializer.hashForSignature(component, hashType)
val signature = sign(hash.bytes)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptToken
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.RawTransactionOutputParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil, CryptoUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil, CryptoUtil }
* Created by chris on 2/16/16.
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureSerializer {
* Bitcoin Core's bug is that SignatureHash was supposed to return a hash and on this codepath it
* actually returns the constant "1" to indicate an error
private def errorHash : DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"))
private def errorHash: DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"))
* Serializes a transaction to be signed by an ECKey
* follows the bitcoinj implementation
* hashing is done in the [[hashForSignature]] function
def serializeForSignature(spendingTransaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32, script : Seq[ScriptToken], hashType : HashType) : Seq[Byte] = {
def serializeForSignature(spendingTransaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32, script: Seq[ScriptToken], hashType: HashType): Seq[Byte] = {
logger.debug("Serializing for signature")
logger.debug("Script: " + script)
// Clear input scripts in preparation for signing. If we're signing a fresh
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureSerializer {
val inputSigsRemoved = for {
input <- spendingTransaction.inputs
s = input.scriptSignature
} yield TransactionInput(input.previousOutput,NonStandardScriptSignature(s.compactSizeUInt.hex), input.sequence)
} yield TransactionInput(input.previousOutput, NonStandardScriptSignature(s.compactSizeUInt.hex), input.sequence)
//make sure all scriptSigs have empty asm
inputSigsRemoved.map(input =>
require(input.scriptSignature.asm.isEmpty,"Input asm was not empty " + input.scriptSignature.asm))
require(input.scriptSignature.asm.isEmpty, "Input asm was not empty " + input.scriptSignature.asm))
// This step has no purpose beyond being synchronized with Bitcoin Core's bugs. OP_CODESEPARATOR
// is a legacy holdover from a previous, broken design of executing scripts that shipped in Bitcoin 0.1.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureSerializer {
// ever put into scripts. Deleting OP_CODESEPARATOR is a step that should never be required but if we don't
// do it, we could split off the main chain.
logger.debug("Before Bitcoin-S Script to be connected: " + script)
val scriptWithOpCodeSeparatorsRemoved : Seq[ScriptToken] = removeOpCodeSeparators(script)
val scriptWithOpCodeSeparatorsRemoved: Seq[ScriptToken] = removeOpCodeSeparators(script)
logger.debug("After Bitcoin-S Script to be connected: " + scriptWithOpCodeSeparatorsRemoved)
@ -66,25 +66,24 @@ sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureSerializer {
// the signature covers the hash of the prevout transaction which obviously includes the output script
// already. Perhaps it felt safer to him in some way, or is another leftover from how the code was written.
val scriptSig = ScriptSignature.fromAsm(scriptWithOpCodeSeparatorsRemoved)
val inputWithConnectedScript = TransactionInput(inputToSign.previousOutput,scriptSig, inputToSign.sequence)
val inputWithConnectedScript = TransactionInput(inputToSign.previousOutput, scriptSig, inputToSign.sequence)
//update the input at index i with inputWithConnectScript
val updatedInputs = for {
(input,index) <- inputSigsRemoved.zipWithIndex
(input, index) <- inputSigsRemoved.zipWithIndex
} yield {
if (UInt32(index) == inputIndex) {
else input
if (UInt32(index) == inputIndex) {
} else input
val txWithInputSigsRemoved = BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version,updatedInputs, spendingTransaction.outputs, spendingTransaction.lockTime)
val txWithInputSigsRemoved = BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version, updatedInputs, spendingTransaction.outputs, spendingTransaction.lockTime)
val sigHashBytes = hashType.num.bytes.reverse
//check the hash type
//TODO: could probably be optimized w/ HO function
hashType match {
case _: SIGHASH_NONE =>
val sigHashNoneTx : Transaction = sigHashNone(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputIndex)
val sigHashNoneTx: Transaction = sigHashNone(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputIndex)
sigHashNoneTx.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
@ -100,72 +99,73 @@ sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureSerializer {
// actually returns the constant "1" to indicate an error, which is never checked for. Oops.
} else {
val sigHashSingleTx = sigHashSingle(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputIndex)
val sigHashSingleTx = sigHashSingle(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputIndex)
sigHashSingleTx.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
case _: SIGHASH_ALL =>
val sigHashAllTx : Transaction = sigHashAll(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputIndex)
val sigHashAllTx: Transaction = sigHashAll(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputIndex)
sigHashAllTx.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
val txWithInputsRemoved = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputWithConnectedScript)
val txWithInputsRemoved = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputWithConnectedScript)
txWithInputsRemoved.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
val sigHashAllTx = sigHashAll(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputIndex)
val sigHashAllAnyoneCanPayTx = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(sigHashAllTx,inputWithConnectedScript)
val sigHashAllTx = sigHashAll(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputIndex)
val sigHashAllAnyoneCanPayTx = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(sigHashAllTx, inputWithConnectedScript)
sigHashAllAnyoneCanPayTx.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
val sigHashNoneTx = sigHashNone(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputIndex)
val sigHashNoneAnyoneCanPay = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(sigHashNoneTx,inputWithConnectedScript)
val sigHashNoneTx = sigHashNone(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputIndex)
val sigHashNoneAnyoneCanPay = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(sigHashNoneTx, inputWithConnectedScript)
sigHashNoneAnyoneCanPay.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
val sigHashSingleTx = sigHashSingle(txWithInputSigsRemoved,inputIndex)
val sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(sigHashSingleTx,inputWithConnectedScript)
sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
val sigHashSingleTx = sigHashSingle(txWithInputSigsRemoved, inputIndex)
val sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay = sigHashAnyoneCanPay(sigHashSingleTx, inputWithConnectedScript)
sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay.bytes ++ sigHashBytes
* Serializes then hashes a transaction for signing
* this is an implementation of it's bitcoinj equivalent found here
* [[https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/Transaction.java#L924]]
* @param spendingTransaction the transaction we are hashing
* @param inputIndex the inputIndex we are hashing for signing
* @param script the script which we are spending
* @param hashType the hash type we are serializing this tx for
* @return
def hashForSignature(spendingTransaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32, script : Seq[ScriptToken],
hashType : HashType) : DoubleSha256Digest = {
* Serializes then hashes a transaction for signing
* this is an implementation of it's bitcoinj equivalent found here
* [[https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/bitcoinj/core/Transaction.java#L924]]
* @param spendingTransaction the transaction we are hashing
* @param inputIndex the inputIndex we are hashing for signing
* @param script the script which we are spending
* @param hashType the hash type we are serializing this tx for
* @return
def hashForSignature(spendingTransaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32, script: Seq[ScriptToken],
hashType: HashType): DoubleSha256Digest = {
//these first two checks are in accordance with behavior in bitcoin core
if (inputIndex >= UInt32(spendingTransaction.inputs.size)) {
logger.warn("Our inputIndex is out of the range of the inputs in the spending transaction")
} else if((hashType.isInstanceOf[SIGHASH_SINGLE] || hashType.isInstanceOf[SIGHASH_SINGLE_ANYONECANPAY]) &&
} else if ((hashType.isInstanceOf[SIGHASH_SINGLE] || hashType.isInstanceOf[SIGHASH_SINGLE_ANYONECANPAY]) &&
inputIndex >= UInt32(spendingTransaction.outputs.size)) {
logger.warn("When we have a SIGHASH_SINGLE we cannot have more inputs than outputs")
} else {
val serializedTxForSignature = serializeForSignature(spendingTransaction,inputIndex,script,hashType)
val serializedTxForSignature = serializeForSignature(spendingTransaction, inputIndex, script, hashType)
logger.debug("Serialized tx for signature: " + BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(serializedTxForSignature))
logger.debug("HashType: " + hashType.num)
/** Implements the new serialization algorithm defined in BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f8528134fc188abc5c7175a19680206964a8fade/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1113]]
* Implements the new serialization algorithm defined in BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f8528134fc188abc5c7175a19680206964a8fade/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1113]]
def serializeForSignature(spendingTx: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32, script: Seq[ScriptToken], hashType: HashType,
amount: CurrencyUnit, signatureVersion: SignatureVersion): Seq[Byte] = signatureVersion match {
case SigVersionBase =>
serializeForSignature(spendingTx, inputIndex, script, hashType)
case SigVersionWitnessV0 =>
val isNotAnyoneCanPay = !HashType.isAnyoneCanPay(hashType)
val isNotSigHashSingle = !(HashType.isSIGHASH_SINGLE(hashType.num))
@ -203,91 +203,89 @@ sealed abstract class TransactionSignatureSerializer {
/** Hashing function for a [[SigVersionWitnessV0]] as specified by BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* NOTE: This covers the amount of [[CurrencyUnit]] we are spending in the output
* */
* Hashing function for a [[SigVersionWitnessV0]] as specified by BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* NOTE: This covers the amount of [[CurrencyUnit]] we are spending in the output
def hashForSignature(spendingTx: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32, script: Seq[ScriptToken], hashType: HashType,
amount: CurrencyUnit, sigVersion: SignatureVersion): DoubleSha256Digest = {
val serialization = serializeForSignature(spendingTx,inputIndex,script,hashType,amount,sigVersion)
val serialization = serializeForSignature(spendingTx, inputIndex, script, hashType, amount, sigVersion)
/** Wrapper function for hashForSignature. */
def hashForSignature(txSigComponent: TxSigComponent, hashType: HashType): DoubleSha256Digest = {
val script = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculateScriptForSigning(txSigComponent,txSigComponent.scriptPubKey.asm)
val script = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculateScriptForSigning(txSigComponent, txSigComponent.scriptPubKey.asm)
txSigComponent match {
case t: BaseTxSigComponent =>
hashForSignature(t.transaction, t.inputIndex, script, hashType)
case w: WitnessTxSigComponent =>
hashForSignature(w.transaction,w.inputIndex, script, hashType,w.amount, w.sigVersion)
hashForSignature(w.transaction, w.inputIndex, script, hashType, w.amount, w.sigVersion)
case r: WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt =>
hashForSignature(r.transaction, r.inputIndex, script, hashType, r.amount, r.sigVersion)
/** Sets the input's sequence number to zero EXCEPT for the input at inputIndex. */
private def setSequenceNumbersZero(inputs : Seq[TransactionInput], inputIndex : UInt32) : Seq[TransactionInput] = for {
(input,index) <- inputs.zipWithIndex
private def setSequenceNumbersZero(inputs: Seq[TransactionInput], inputIndex: UInt32): Seq[TransactionInput] = for {
(input, index) <- inputs.zipWithIndex
} yield {
if (UInt32(index) == inputIndex) input
else TransactionInput(input.previousOutput, input.scriptSignature,UInt32.zero)
else TransactionInput(input.previousOutput, input.scriptSignature, UInt32.zero)
/** Executes the [[SIGHASH_NONE]] procedure on a spending transaction for the input specified by inputIndex. */
private def sigHashNone(spendingTransaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32) : Transaction = {
private def sigHashNone(spendingTransaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32): Transaction = {
//following this implementation from bitcoinj
//means that no outputs are signed at all
//set the sequence number of all inputs to 0 EXCEPT the input at inputIndex
val updatedInputs : Seq[TransactionInput] = setSequenceNumbersZero(spendingTransaction.inputs,inputIndex)
val sigHashNoneTx = BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version,updatedInputs,Nil,spendingTransaction.lockTime)
val updatedInputs: Seq[TransactionInput] = setSequenceNumbersZero(spendingTransaction.inputs, inputIndex)
val sigHashNoneTx = BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version, updatedInputs, Nil, spendingTransaction.lockTime)
//append hash type byte onto the end of the tx bytes
/** Executes the [[SIGHASH_SINGLE]] procedure on a spending transaction for the input specified by inputIndex */
private def sigHashSingle(spendingTransaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32) : Transaction = {
private def sigHashSingle(spendingTransaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32): Transaction = {
//following this implementation from bitcoinj
// In SIGHASH_SINGLE the outputs after the matching input index are deleted, and the outputs before
// that position are "nulled out". Unintuitively, the value in a "null" transaction is set to -1.
val updatedOutputsOpt : Seq[Option[TransactionOutput]] = for {
(output,index) <- spendingTransaction.outputs.zipWithIndex
val updatedOutputsOpt: Seq[Option[TransactionOutput]] = for {
(output, index) <- spendingTransaction.outputs.zipWithIndex
} yield {
if (UInt32(index) < inputIndex) {
logger.debug("Updating tx output to null in bitcoin core")
else if (UInt32(index) == inputIndex) Some(output)
} else if (UInt32(index) == inputIndex) Some(output)
else None
val updatedOutputs : Seq[TransactionOutput] = updatedOutputsOpt.flatten
val updatedOutputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = updatedOutputsOpt.flatten
//create blank inputs with sequence numbers set to zero EXCEPT
//the input at the inputIndex
val updatedInputs : Seq[TransactionInput] = setSequenceNumbersZero(spendingTransaction.inputs,inputIndex)
val updatedInputs: Seq[TransactionInput] = setSequenceNumbersZero(spendingTransaction.inputs, inputIndex)
val sigHashSingleTx = BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version, updatedInputs, updatedOutputs, spendingTransaction.lockTime)
/** Executes the [[SIGHASH_ALL]] procedure on a spending transaction at inputIndex. */
private def sigHashAll(spendingTransaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32) : Transaction = {
private def sigHashAll(spendingTransaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32): Transaction = {
/** Executes the [[SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY]] procedure on a spending transaction at inputIndex. */
private def sigHashAnyoneCanPay(spendingTransaction : Transaction, input : TransactionInput) : Transaction = {
BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version,Seq(input), spendingTransaction.outputs, spendingTransaction.lockTime)
private def sigHashAnyoneCanPay(spendingTransaction: Transaction, input: TransactionInput): Transaction = {
BaseTransaction(spendingTransaction.version, Seq(input), spendingTransaction.outputs, spendingTransaction.lockTime)
/** Removes [[OP_CODESEPARATOR]] operations then returns the script. */
def removeOpCodeSeparators(script : Seq[ScriptToken]) : Seq[ScriptToken] = {
def removeOpCodeSeparators(script: Seq[ScriptToken]): Seq[ScriptToken] = {
if (script.contains(OP_CODESEPARATOR)) {
//TODO: This needs to be tested
val scriptWithoutOpCodeSeparators : Seq[ScriptToken] = script.filterNot(_ == OP_CODESEPARATOR)
val scriptWithoutOpCodeSeparators: Seq[ScriptToken] = script.filterNot(_ == OP_CODESEPARATOR)
} else script
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.crypto
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.CurrencyUnit
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionInput, WitnessTransaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ Transaction, TransactionInput, WitnessTransaction }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 4/6/16.
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
sealed abstract class TxSigComponent {
/** The transaction being checked for the validity of signatures */
def transaction : Transaction
def transaction: Transaction
/** The index of the input whose script signature is being checked */
def inputIndex : UInt32
def inputIndex: UInt32
def input: TransactionInput = transaction.inputs(inputIndex.toInt)
@ -26,28 +26,30 @@ sealed abstract class TxSigComponent {
def scriptSignature: ScriptSignature = input.scriptSignature
/** The scriptPubKey for which the input is being checked against */
def scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey
def scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey
/** The flags that are needed to verify if the signature is correct*/
def flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]
/** The flags that are needed to verify if the signature is correct */
def flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]
/** Represents the serialization algorithm used to verify/create signatures for Bitcoin */
def sigVersion: SignatureVersion
/** The [[TxSigComponent]] used to evaluate the the original Satoshi transaction digest algorithm.
* Basically this is every spk that is not a [[WitnessScriptPubKey]] EXCEPT in the case of a
* P2SH(witness script) [[ScriptPubKey]]
* */
* The [[TxSigComponent]] used to evaluate the the original Satoshi transaction digest algorithm.
* Basically this is every spk that is not a [[WitnessScriptPubKey]] EXCEPT in the case of a
* P2SH(witness script) [[ScriptPubKey]]
sealed abstract class BaseTxSigComponent extends TxSigComponent {
override def sigVersion = SigVersionBase
/** The [[TxSigComponent]] used to represent all the components necessarily for BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* Examples of these [[ScriptPubKey]]'s are [[P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0]],
* [[P2WSHWitnessSPKV0]], and P2SH(witness script)
* The [[TxSigComponent]] used to represent all the components necessarily for BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* Examples of these [[ScriptPubKey]]'s are [[P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0]],
* [[P2WSHWitnessSPKV0]], and P2SH(witness script)
sealed abstract class WitnessTxSigComponent extends TxSigComponent {
override def transaction: WitnessTransaction
@ -82,24 +84,25 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH extends WitnessTxSigComponent {
def witnessScriptPubKey: Try[WitnessScriptPubKey] = scriptSignature.redeemScript match {
case w: WitnessScriptPubKey => Success(w)
case x @ (_: P2PKScriptPubKey | _: P2PKHScriptPubKey | _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey | _: P2SHScriptPubKey
| _: CSVScriptPubKey | _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | EmptyScriptPubKey) =>
| _: CSVScriptPubKey | _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | EmptyScriptPubKey) =>
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Must have a witness scriptPubKey as redeemScript for P2SHScriptPubKey in WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH, got: " + x))
override def witnessVersion: WitnessVersion = witnessScriptPubKey match {
case Success(w) => w.witnessVersion
case Success(w) => w.witnessVersion
case Failure(err) => throw err
/** This represents a 'rebuilt' [[ScriptPubKey]] that was constructed from [[WitnessScriptPubKey]]
* After the [[ScriptPubKey]] is rebuilt, we need to use that rebuilt scriptpubkey to evaluate the [[ScriptSignature]]
* See BIP141 for more info on rebuilding P2WSH and P2WPKH scriptpubkeys
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#witness-program]]
* This represents a 'rebuilt' [[ScriptPubKey]] that was constructed from [[WitnessScriptPubKey]]
* After the [[ScriptPubKey]] is rebuilt, we need to use that rebuilt scriptpubkey to evaluate the [[ScriptSignature]]
* See BIP141 for more info on rebuilding P2WSH and P2WPKH scriptpubkeys
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#witness-program]]
sealed abstract class WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt extends TxSigComponent {
override def scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey
@ -115,12 +118,12 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt extends TxSigComponent {
object BaseTxSigComponent {
private case class BaseTxSigComponentImpl(transaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32,
scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey, flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) extends BaseTxSigComponent
private case class BaseTxSigComponentImpl(transaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]) extends BaseTxSigComponent
def apply(transaction : Transaction, inputIndex : UInt32,
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]): BaseTxSigComponent = {
def apply(transaction: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): BaseTxSigComponent = {
BaseTxSigComponentImpl(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags)
@ -129,46 +132,49 @@ object WitnessTxSigComponent {
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32, scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): WitnessTxSigComponent = {
WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(transaction,inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
def apply(transaction : WitnessTransaction, inputIndex : UInt32, scriptPubKey : P2SHScriptPubKey,
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) : WitnessTxSigComponent = {
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): WitnessTxSigComponent = {
WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
object WitnessTxSigComponentRaw {
private case class WitnessTxSigComponentRawImpl(transaction: WitnessTransaction,inputIndex: UInt32,
private case class WitnessTxSigComponentRawImpl(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag],
amount: CurrencyUnit) extends WitnessTxSigComponentRaw
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction,inputIndex: UInt32,
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): WitnessTxSigComponentRaw = {
WitnessTxSigComponentRawImpl(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
object WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH {
private case class WitnessTxSigComponentP2SHImpl(transaction: WitnessTransaction,inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag],
amount: CurrencyUnit) extends WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction,inputIndex: UInt32, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag],
private case class WitnessTxSigComponentP2SHImpl(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag],
amount: CurrencyUnit) extends WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag],
amount: CurrencyUnit): WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH = {
WitnessTxSigComponentP2SHImpl(transaction,inputIndex,scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
WitnessTxSigComponentP2SHImpl(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
object WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt {
private case class WitnessTxSigComponentRebuiltImpl(transaction: WitnessTransaction,inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, witnessScriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) extends WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt
private case class WitnessTxSigComponentRebuiltImpl(transaction: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32,
scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, witnessScriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) extends WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt
def apply(wtx: WitnessTransaction, inputIndex: UInt32, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, witScriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt = {
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt = {
WitnessTxSigComponentRebuiltImpl(wtx, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, witScriptPubKey, flags, amount)
@ -1,94 +1,100 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.currency
import org.bitcoins.core.consensus.Consensus
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{BaseNumbers, Int64}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ BaseNumbers, Int64 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawSatoshisSerializer
import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
sealed abstract class CurrencyUnit extends NetworkElement {
type A
protected def underlying : A
def satoshis: Satoshis
def >=(c : CurrencyUnit) : Boolean = {
def >=(c: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = {
satoshis.underlying >= c.satoshis.underlying
def >(c : CurrencyUnit) : Boolean = {
def >(c: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = {
satoshis.underlying > c.satoshis.underlying
def <(c : CurrencyUnit) : Boolean = {
def <(c: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = {
satoshis.underlying < c.satoshis.underlying
def <=(c : CurrencyUnit) : Boolean = {
def <=(c: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = {
satoshis.underlying <= c.satoshis.underlying
def !=(c : CurrencyUnit) : Boolean = !(this == c)
def !=(c: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = !(this == c)
def ==(c: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = satoshis == c.satoshis
def +(c : CurrencyUnit) : CurrencyUnit = {
def +(c: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = {
Satoshis(satoshis.underlying + c.satoshis.underlying)
def -(c : CurrencyUnit) : CurrencyUnit = {
def -(c: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = {
Satoshis(satoshis.underlying - c.satoshis.underlying)
def *(c : CurrencyUnit) : CurrencyUnit = {
def *(c: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = {
Satoshis(satoshis.underlying * c.satoshis.underlying)
def unary_- : CurrencyUnit = {
Satoshis(- satoshis.underlying)
override def bytes = satoshis.bytes
def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal
protected def underlying: A
sealed abstract class Satoshis extends CurrencyUnit {
override type A = Int64
override def bytes = RawSatoshisSerializer.write(this)
override def satoshis: Satoshis = this
def toLong = underlying.toLong
override def toBigDecimal = BigDecimal(toBigInt)
def toBigInt: BigInt = BigInt(toLong)
override def toBigDecimal = BigDecimal(toBigInt)
def toLong = underlying.toLong
def ==(satoshis: Satoshis): Boolean = underlying == satoshis.underlying
object Satoshis extends Factory[Satoshis] with BaseNumbers[Satoshis] {
private case class SatoshisImpl(underlying : Int64) extends Satoshis
val min = Satoshis(Int64.min)
val max = Satoshis(Int64.max)
val zero = Satoshis(Int64.zero)
val one = Satoshis(Int64.one)
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]): Satoshis = RawSatoshisSerializer.read(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Satoshis = RawSatoshisSerializer.read(bytes)
def apply(int64: Int64): Satoshis = SatoshisImpl(int64)
private case class SatoshisImpl(underlying: Int64) extends Satoshis
sealed abstract class Bitcoins extends CurrencyUnit {
override type A = BigDecimal
override def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal = underlying
override def hex = satoshis.hex
override def satoshis: Satoshis = {
val sat = underlying * CurrencyUnits.btcToSatoshiScalar
override def toBigDecimal: BigDecimal = underlying
override def hex = satoshis.hex
object Bitcoins extends BaseNumbers[Bitcoins] {
@ -97,16 +103,15 @@ object Bitcoins extends BaseNumbers[Bitcoins] {
val zero = Bitcoins(Satoshis.zero)
val one = Bitcoins(1)
private case class BitcoinsImpl(underlying: BigDecimal) extends Bitcoins
def apply(underlying: BigDecimal): Bitcoins = BitcoinsImpl(underlying)
def apply(satoshis: Satoshis): Bitcoins = {
val b: BigDecimal = satoshis.toLong * CurrencyUnits.satoshisToBTCScalar
def apply(underlying: BigDecimal): Bitcoins = BitcoinsImpl(underlying)
private case class BitcoinsImpl(underlying: BigDecimal) extends Bitcoins
object CurrencyUnits {
@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ object CurrencyUnits {
val zero: CurrencyUnit = Satoshis.zero
val negativeSatoshi = Satoshis(Int64(-1))
def toSatoshis(unit : CurrencyUnit): Satoshis = unit match {
def toSatoshis(unit: CurrencyUnit): Satoshis = unit match {
case b: Bitcoins => b.satoshis
case x: Satoshis => x
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{Bech32Address, BitcoinAddress, P2PKHAddress, P2SHAddress}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ Bech32Address, BitcoinAddress, P2PKHAddress, P2SHAddress }
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 6/12/17.
* Created by chris on 6/12/17.
sealed trait AddressGenerator {
def p2pkhAddress: Gen[P2PKHAddress] = for {
hash <- CryptoGenerators.sha256Hash160Digest
network <- ChainParamsGenerator.networkParams
addr = P2PKHAddress(hash,network)
addr = P2PKHAddress(hash, network)
} yield addr
def p2shAddress: Gen[P2SHAddress] = for {
hash <- CryptoGenerators.sha256Hash160Digest
network <- ChainParamsGenerator.networkParams
addr = P2SHAddress(hash,network)
addr = P2SHAddress(hash, network)
} yield addr
def bech32Address: Gen[Bech32Address] = for {
(witSPK,_) <- ScriptGenerators.witnessScriptPubKey
(witSPK, _) <- ScriptGenerators.witnessScriptPubKey
network <- ChainParamsGenerator.networkParams
addr = Bech32Address(witSPK,network)
addr = Bech32Address(witSPK, network)
} yield addr.get
def address: Gen[BitcoinAddress] = Gen.oneOf(p2pkhAddress,p2shAddress,bech32Address)
def address: Gen[BitcoinAddress] = Gen.oneOf(p2pkhAddress, p2shAddress, bech32Address)
object AddressGenerator extends AddressGenerator
@ -3,33 +3,35 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.bitcoins.core.consensus.Merkle
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.{Block, BlockHeader}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.{ Block, BlockHeader }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by tom on 7/6/16.
* Created by tom on 7/6/16.
sealed abstract class BlockchainElementsGenerator {
/** Generates a block that contains the given txs, plus some more randomly generated ones */
def block(txs: Seq[Transaction]): Gen[Block] = for {
randomNum <- Gen.choose(1,10)
randomNum <- Gen.choose(1, 10)
neededTxs = if ((randomNum - txs.size) >= 0) randomNum else 0
genTxs <- Gen.listOfN(neededTxs, TransactionGenerators.transaction)
allTxs = genTxs ++ txs
header <- blockHeader(allTxs)
} yield Block(header,allTxs)
/** Generates a random [[Block]], note that we limit this
* to 10 transactions currently */
def block : Gen[Block] = for {
} yield Block(header, allTxs)
* Generates a random [[Block]], note that we limit this
* to 10 transactions currently
def block: Gen[Block] = for {
header <- blockHeader
txs <- TransactionGenerators.smallTransactions
} yield Block(header, txs)
/** Generates a random [[BlockHeader]] */
def blockHeader : Gen[BlockHeader] = for {
def blockHeader: Gen[BlockHeader] = for {
previousBlockHash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
b <- blockHeader(previousBlockHash)
} yield b
@ -37,14 +39,14 @@ sealed abstract class BlockchainElementsGenerator {
/** Generates a random [[BlockHeader]] with the specified previousBlockHash */
def blockHeader(previousBlockHash: DoubleSha256Digest): Gen[BlockHeader] = for {
nBits <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
b <- blockHeader(previousBlockHash,nBits)
b <- blockHeader(previousBlockHash, nBits)
} yield b
/** Generates a random [[BlockHeader]] where you can specify the previousBlockHash and nBits */
def blockHeader(previousBlockHash: DoubleSha256Digest, nBits: UInt32): Gen[BlockHeader] = for {
numTxs <- Gen.choose(1,10)
numTxs <- Gen.choose(1, 10)
txs <- Gen.listOfN(numTxs, TransactionGenerators.transaction)
header<- blockHeader(previousBlockHash,nBits,txs)
header <- blockHeader(previousBlockHash, nBits, txs)
} yield header
/** Generates a [[BlockHeader]]] that has the fields set to the given values */
@ -53,21 +55,23 @@ sealed abstract class BlockchainElementsGenerator {
merkleRootHash = Merkle.computeMerkleRoot(txs)
time <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
nonce <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
} yield BlockHeader(version, previousBlockHash,merkleRootHash,time,nBits,nonce)
} yield BlockHeader(version, previousBlockHash, merkleRootHash, time, nBits, nonce)
/** Generates a [[BlockHeader]] that has a merkle root hash corresponding to the given txs */
def blockHeader(txs: Seq[Transaction]): Gen[BlockHeader] = for {
previousBlockHash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
nBits <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
header <- blockHeader(previousBlockHash,nBits,txs)
header <- blockHeader(previousBlockHash, nBits, txs)
} yield header
/** Generates a chain of valid headers of the size specified by num,
* 'valid' means their nBits are the same and each header properly
* references the previous block header's hash */
* Generates a chain of valid headers of the size specified by num,
* 'valid' means their nBits are the same and each header properly
* references the previous block header's hash
def validHeaderChain(num: Long): Gen[Seq[BlockHeader]] = {
val startHeader = blockHeader.sample.get
validHeaderChain(num, startHeader)
def validHeaderChain(num: Long, startHeader: BlockHeader): Gen[Seq[BlockHeader]] = {
@ -75,11 +79,11 @@ sealed abstract class BlockchainElementsGenerator {
def loop(remainingHeaders: Long, accum: Seq[BlockHeader]): Seq[BlockHeader] = {
if (remainingHeaders == 0) accum.reverse
else {
val nextHeader = blockHeader(accum.head.hash,accum.head.nBits).sample.get
loop(remainingHeaders-1, nextHeader +: accum)
val nextHeader = blockHeader(accum.head.hash, accum.head.nBits).sample.get
loop(remainingHeaders - 1, nextHeader +: accum)
loop(num-1, Seq(startHeader))
loop(num - 1, Seq(startHeader))
@ -4,34 +4,33 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.bloom._
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 8/7/16.
* Created by chris on 8/7/16.
abstract class BloomFilterGenerator {
/** Builds a generic bloom filter loaded with no hashes and returns it */
def bloomFilter: Gen[BloomFilter] = for {
size <- Gen.choose(1,100)
size <- Gen.choose(1, 100)
falsePositiveRate <- Gen.choose(0.00001, 0.99999)
tweak <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
flags <- bloomFlag
} yield BloomFilter(size,falsePositiveRate, tweak, flags)
} yield BloomFilter(size, falsePositiveRate, tweak, flags)
/** Loads a generic bloom filter with the given byte vectors and returns it */
def bloomFilter(byteVectors : Seq[Seq[Byte]]): Gen[BloomFilter] = for {
def bloomFilter(byteVectors: Seq[Seq[Byte]]): Gen[BloomFilter] = for {
filter <- bloomFilter
} yield filter.insertByteVectors(byteVectors)
/** Returns a bloom filter loaded with randomly generated byte vectors */
def loadedBloomFilter: Gen[(BloomFilter,Seq[Seq[Byte]])] = for {
def loadedBloomFilter: Gen[(BloomFilter, Seq[Seq[Byte]])] = for {
filter <- bloomFilter
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0,filter.filterSize.num.toInt)
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0, filter.filterSize.num.toInt)
hashes <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256DigestSeq(randomNum)
loaded = filter.insertHashes(hashes)
} yield (loaded,hashes.map(_.bytes))
} yield (loaded, hashes.map(_.bytes))
/** Generates a random bloom flag */
def bloomFlag: Gen[BloomFlag] = Gen.oneOf(BloomUpdateNone,BloomUpdateAll,BloomUpdateP2PKOnly)
def bloomFlag: Gen[BloomFlag] = Gen.oneOf(BloomUpdateNone, BloomUpdateAll, BloomUpdateP2PKOnly)
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.config._
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 6/6/17.
* Created by chris on 6/6/17.
sealed abstract class ChainParamsGenerator {
def networkParams: Gen[NetworkParameters] = bitcoinNetworkParams
@ -13,86 +13,88 @@ import org.scalacheck.Gen
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 4/18/17.
* Created by chris on 4/18/17.
sealed trait ChannelGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Creates an [[Transaction]], [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] and the [[ECPrivateKey]] need to spend from the SPK */
def anchorTx: Gen[(Transaction, EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(redeemScript,privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey2Of2
(redeemScript, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey2Of2
amount <- CurrencyUnitGenerator.satoshis.suchThat(_ >= Policy.minChannelAmount)
p2wsh = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(redeemScript)
(aTx,_) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,p2wsh,amount)
} yield (aTx,redeemScript,privKeys)
(aTx, _) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, p2wsh, amount)
} yield (aTx, redeemScript, privKeys)
def channelAwaitingAnchorTxNotConfirmed: Gen[(ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(aTx,redeemScript,privKeys) <- anchorTx
} yield (ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx(aTx,redeemScript,0).left.get,privKeys)
(aTx, redeemScript, privKeys) <- anchorTx
} yield (ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx(aTx, redeemScript, 0).left.get, privKeys)
/** Creates a [[ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx]] and
* the private keys needed to spend from the locked output.
* This generator assumes that the anchor tx has sufficient confirmations */
* Creates a [[ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx]] and
* the private keys needed to spend from the locked output.
* This generator assumes that the anchor tx has sufficient confirmations
def channelAwaitingAnchorTx: Gen[(ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(aTx,redeemScript,privKeys) <- anchorTx
} yield (ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx(aTx,redeemScript,Policy.confirmations).left.get,privKeys)
(aTx, redeemScript, privKeys) <- anchorTx
} yield (ChannelAwaitingAnchorTx(aTx, redeemScript, Policy.confirmations).left.get, privKeys)
/** A [[ChannelInProgress]] that has paid the server exactly one time */
def freshChannelInProgress: Gen[(ChannelInProgress, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(awaiting,privKeys) <- channelAwaitingAnchorTx
(s1,_) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
(awaiting, privKeys) <- channelAwaitingAnchorTx
(s1, _) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
amount = Policy.minChannelAmount
clientSigned = awaiting.clientSign(s1,amount,privKeys.head).left.get
clientSigned = awaiting.clientSign(s1, amount, privKeys.head).left.get
fullySigned = clientSigned.serverSign(privKeys(1))
} yield (fullySigned.left.get,privKeys)
} yield (fullySigned.left.get, privKeys)
/** A [[ChannelInProgress]] that has paid the server between 1 and 10 times */
def channelInProgress: Gen[(ChannelInProgress, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(old,privKeys) <- freshChannelInProgress
runs <- Gen.choose(1,10)
(old, privKeys) <- freshChannelInProgress
runs <- Gen.choose(1, 10)
amount = Policy.dustThreshold
inProgress = simulate(runs,old,amount,privKeys.head,privKeys(1))
inProgress = simulate(runs, old, amount, privKeys.head, privKeys(1))
} yield (inProgress.left.get, privKeys)
/** Creates a Channel that has been signed by the client */
def channelInProgressClientSigned: Gen[(ChannelInProgressClientSigned, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(old,privKeys) <- freshChannelInProgress
clientSigned = old.clientSign(Policy.dustThreshold,privKeys.head).left.get
} yield (clientSigned,privKeys)
(old, privKeys) <- freshChannelInProgress
clientSigned = old.clientSign(Policy.dustThreshold, privKeys.head).left.get
} yield (clientSigned, privKeys)
def baseInProgress: Gen[(BaseInProgress, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = Gen.oneOf(channelInProgress, channelInProgressClientSigned)
/** Generator for a payment channel that opened, simulated, then closed */
def channelClosed: Gen[(ChannelClosed, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(inProgress, privKeys) <- channelInProgress
(serverScriptPubKey,_) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
(clientKey,serverKey) = (privKeys.head, privKeys(1))
(serverScriptPubKey, _) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
(clientKey, serverKey) = (privKeys.head, privKeys(1))
amount = Policy.dustThreshold
fee = amount
clientSigned = inProgress.clientSign(amount,clientKey)
closed = clientSigned.left.flatMap(_.close(serverScriptPubKey,serverKey,fee))
} yield (closed.left.get,privKeys)
clientSigned = inProgress.clientSign(amount, clientKey)
closed = clientSigned.left.flatMap(_.close(serverScriptPubKey, serverKey, fee))
} yield (closed.left.get, privKeys)
/** Simulates the execution of a [[Channel]]
* @param runs the number of times the client pays the server
* @param inProgress the [[ChannelInProgress]] to simulate
* @param amount the amount we pay to the server every time
* @param clientKey key the client uses to sign the payment channel output
* @param serverKey key the server uses to sign the payment channel output
* @return
* Simulates the execution of a [[Channel]]
* @param runs the number of times the client pays the server
* @param inProgress the [[ChannelInProgress]] to simulate
* @param amount the amount we pay to the server every time
* @param clientKey key the client uses to sign the payment channel output
* @param serverKey key the server uses to sign the payment channel output
* @return
def simulate(runs: Int, inProgress: ChannelInProgress, amount: CurrencyUnit,
clientKey: ECPrivateKey, serverKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgress,TxBuilderError] = {
clientKey: ECPrivateKey, serverKey: ECPrivateKey): Either[ChannelInProgress, TxBuilderError] = {
def loop(old: Either[ChannelInProgress,TxBuilderError], remaining: Int): Either[ChannelInProgress,TxBuilderError] = {
def loop(old: Either[ChannelInProgress, TxBuilderError], remaining: Int): Either[ChannelInProgress, TxBuilderError] = {
if (old.isRight || remaining == 0) old
else {
val clientSigned = old.left.flatMap(_.clientSign(amount,clientKey))
val clientSigned = old.left.flatMap(_.clientSign(amount, clientKey))
val serverSigned = clientSigned.left.flatMap(c => c.serverSign(serverKey))
loop(serverSigned,remaining - 1)
loop(serverSigned, remaining - 1)
loop(Left(inProgress), runs)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sealed abstract class CreditingTxGen {
private val max = 3
/** Note this generator does NOT generate outputs with negative values */
private def nonEmptyOutputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = Gen.choose(1,5).flatMap { n =>
private def nonEmptyOutputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = Gen.choose(1, 5).flatMap { n =>
Gen.listOfN(n, TransactionGenerators.realisticOutput)
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ sealed abstract class CreditingTxGen {
Gen.oneOf(p2pkOutput, p2pkhOutput, multiSigOutput, cltvOutput, csvOutput)
def rawOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,rawOutput))
def rawOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, rawOutput))
def basicOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = {
Gen.oneOf(p2pkOutput, p2pkhOutput, multiSigOutput)
@ -29,44 +29,48 @@ sealed abstract class CreditingTxGen {
def nonP2WSHOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = rawOutput
def output: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = Gen.oneOf(p2pkOutput,
def output: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = Gen.oneOf(
p2pkhOutput, multiSigOutput, p2shOutput,
csvOutput, cltvOutput,
p2wpkhOutput, p2wshOutput)
p2wpkhOutput, p2wshOutput
def outputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = {
Gen.choose(min,5).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,output))
Gen.choose(min, 5).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, output))
/** Generates a crediting tx with a p2pk spk at the returned index */
def p2pkOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = ScriptGenerators.p2pkScriptPubKey.flatMap { p2pk =>
val signer = (p2pk._2.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),None)
build(p2pk._1,Seq(signer), None, None)
val signer = (p2pk._2.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), None)
build(p2pk._1, Seq(signer), None, None)
/** Generates multiple crediting txs with p2pk spks at the returned index */
def p2pkOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = {
Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,p2pkOutput))
Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, p2pkOutput))
/** Generates a transaction that has a p2pkh output at the returned index. This
* output can be spent by the returned ECPrivateKey */
* Generates a transaction that has a p2pkh output at the returned index. This
* output can be spent by the returned ECPrivateKey
def p2pkhOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey.flatMap { p2pkh =>
val signer = (p2pkh._2.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),Some(p2pkh._2.publicKey))
build(p2pkh._1,Seq(signer), None, None)
val signer = (p2pkh._2.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), Some(p2pkh._2.publicKey))
build(p2pkh._1, Seq(signer), None, None)
/** Generates a sequence of p2pkh outputs at the returned index */
def p2pkhOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = {
Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,p2pkhOutput))
Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, p2pkhOutput))
def multiSigOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = ScriptGenerators.multiSigScriptPubKey.flatMap { multisig =>
val signer = multisig._2.map(p => (p.sign(_ : Seq[Byte]),None))
val signer = multisig._2.map(p => (p.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), None))
build(multisig._1, signer, None, None)
def multiSigOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = {
Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,multiSigOutput))
Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, multiSigOutput))
def p2shOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = rawOutput.flatMap { o =>
@ -75,102 +79,106 @@ sealed abstract class CreditingTxGen {
val oldOutput = oldTx.outputs(o._2)
val redeemScript = oldTx.outputs(o._2).scriptPubKey
val p2sh = P2SHScriptPubKey(redeemScript)
val updatedOutput = TransactionOutput(oldOutput.value,p2sh)
val updatedOutput = TransactionOutput(oldOutput.value, p2sh)
val tx = oldTx match {
case btx: BaseTransaction => BaseTransaction(btx.version, btx.inputs,
btx.outputs.updated(o._2,updatedOutput), btx.lockTime)
btx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), btx.lockTime)
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => WitnessTransaction(wtx.version, wtx.inputs,
wtx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), wtx.lockTime, wtx.witness)
(tx,o._2,o._3,Some(redeemScript), o._5, hashType)
(tx, o._2, o._3, Some(redeemScript), o._5, hashType)
def p2shOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = {
Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,p2shOutput))
Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, p2shOutput))
def cltvOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = TransactionGenerators.spendableCLTVValues.flatMap { case (scriptNum,_) =>
basicOutput.flatMap { o =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.map { hashType =>
val oldTx = o._1
val oldOutput = oldTx.outputs(o._2)
val csvSPK = CLTVScriptPubKey(scriptNum,oldOutput.scriptPubKey)
val updatedOutput = TransactionOutput(oldOutput.value,csvSPK)
val tx = oldTx match {
case btx: BaseTransaction => BaseTransaction(btx.version, btx.inputs,
btx.outputs.updated(o._2,updatedOutput), btx.lockTime)
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => WitnessTransaction(wtx.version, wtx.inputs,
wtx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), wtx.lockTime, wtx.witness)
def cltvOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = TransactionGenerators.spendableCLTVValues.flatMap {
case (scriptNum, _) =>
basicOutput.flatMap { o =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.map { hashType =>
val oldTx = o._1
val oldOutput = oldTx.outputs(o._2)
val csvSPK = CLTVScriptPubKey(scriptNum, oldOutput.scriptPubKey)
val updatedOutput = TransactionOutput(oldOutput.value, csvSPK)
val tx = oldTx match {
case btx: BaseTransaction => BaseTransaction(btx.version, btx.inputs,
btx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), btx.lockTime)
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => WitnessTransaction(wtx.version, wtx.inputs,
wtx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), wtx.lockTime, wtx.witness)
(tx, o._2, o._3, o._4, o._5, hashType)
(tx,o._2,o._3,o._4, o._5, hashType)
def cltvOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,cltvOutput))
def cltvOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, cltvOutput))
def csvOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = TransactionGenerators.spendableCSVValues.flatMap { case (scriptNum, _) =>
basicOutput.flatMap { o =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.map { hashType =>
val oldTx = o._1
val oldOutput = oldTx.outputs(o._2)
val csvSPK = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum,oldOutput.scriptPubKey)
val updatedOutput = TransactionOutput(oldOutput.value,csvSPK)
val tx = oldTx match {
case btx: BaseTransaction => BaseTransaction(btx.version, btx.inputs,
btx.outputs.updated(o._2,updatedOutput), btx.lockTime)
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => WitnessTransaction(wtx.version, wtx.inputs,
wtx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), wtx.lockTime, wtx.witness)
def csvOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = TransactionGenerators.spendableCSVValues.flatMap {
case (scriptNum, _) =>
basicOutput.flatMap { o =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.map { hashType =>
val oldTx = o._1
val oldOutput = oldTx.outputs(o._2)
val csvSPK = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum, oldOutput.scriptPubKey)
val updatedOutput = TransactionOutput(oldOutput.value, csvSPK)
val tx = oldTx match {
case btx: BaseTransaction => BaseTransaction(btx.version, btx.inputs,
btx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), btx.lockTime)
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => WitnessTransaction(wtx.version, wtx.inputs,
wtx.outputs.updated(o._2, updatedOutput), wtx.lockTime, wtx.witness)
(tx, o._2, o._3, o._4, o._5, hashType)
(tx,o._2,o._3,o._4, o._5, hashType)
def csvOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,csvOutput))
def csvOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, csvOutput))
def p2wpkhOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = ScriptGenerators.p2wpkhSPKV0.flatMap { witSPK =>
val signers = witSPK._2.map(p => (p.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), Some(p.publicKey)))
val scriptWit = P2WPKHWitnessV0(witSPK._2.head.publicKey)
build(witSPK._1, signers, None, Some(scriptWit))
def p2wpkhOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,p2wpkhOutput))
def p2wpkhOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, p2wpkhOutput))
def p2wshOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = nonP2WSHOutput.flatMap { case (tx,outputIndex,signer,redeemScriptOpt,scriptWitOpt, _) =>
val spk = tx.outputs(outputIndex).scriptPubKey
val scriptWit = P2WSHWitnessV0(spk)
val witSPK = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(spk)
def p2wshOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = nonP2WSHOutput.flatMap {
case (tx, outputIndex, signer, redeemScriptOpt, scriptWitOpt, _) =>
val spk = tx.outputs(outputIndex).scriptPubKey
val scriptWit = P2WSHWitnessV0(spk)
val witSPK = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(spk)
build(witSPK, signer, None, Some(scriptWit))
def p2wshOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,p2wshOutput))
def p2wshOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, p2wshOutput))
/** A nested output is a p2sh/p2wsh wrapped output */
def nestedOutput: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = Gen.oneOf(p2wshOutput, p2shOutput)
def nestedOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,nestedOutput))
def nestedOutputs: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, nestedOutput))
def random: Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = nonEmptyOutputs.flatMap { outputs =>
Gen.choose(0,outputs.size-1).flatMap { outputIndex: Int =>
ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey.flatMap { case (spk,keys) =>
WitnessGenerators.scriptWitness.flatMap { wit: ScriptWitness =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.map { hashType: HashType =>
val tc = TransactionConstants
val signers: Seq[Signer.Sign] = keys.map(k => (k.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), Some(k.publicKey)))
val creditingTx = BaseTransaction(tc.validLockVersion, Nil, outputs, tc.lockTime)
(creditingTx,outputIndex,signers, Some(spk), Some(wit),hashType)
Gen.choose(0, outputs.size - 1).flatMap { outputIndex: Int =>
ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey.flatMap {
case (spk, keys) =>
WitnessGenerators.scriptWitness.flatMap { wit: ScriptWitness =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.map { hashType: HashType =>
val tc = TransactionConstants
val signers: Seq[Signer.Sign] = keys.map(k => (k.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), Some(k.publicKey)))
val creditingTx = BaseTransaction(tc.validLockVersion, Nil, outputs, tc.lockTime)
(creditingTx, outputIndex, signers, Some(spk), Some(wit), hashType)
def randoms: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min,max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,random))
def randoms: Gen[Seq[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo]] = Gen.choose(min, max).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, random))
private def build(spk: ScriptPubKey, signers: Seq[Signer.Sign],
redeemScript: Option[ScriptPubKey],
redeemScript: Option[ScriptPubKey],
scriptWitness: Option[ScriptWitness]): Gen[CreditingTxGen.CreditingTxInfo] = nonEmptyOutputs.flatMap { outputs =>
CryptoGenerators.hashType.flatMap { hashType =>
Gen.choose(0, outputs.size - 1).map { idx =>
@ -178,7 +186,7 @@ sealed abstract class CreditingTxGen {
val updated = outputs.updated(idx, TransactionOutput(old.value, spk))
val tc = TransactionConstants
val btx = BaseTransaction(tc.version, Nil, updated, tc.lockTime)
val data = (btx, idx, signers, redeemScript, scriptWitness,hashType)
val data = (btx, idx, signers, redeemScript, scriptWitness, hashType)
@ -7,74 +7,71 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.CryptoUtil
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 6/22/16.
* Created by chris on 6/22/16.
sealed abstract class CryptoGenerators {
def privateKey : Gen[ECPrivateKey] = Gen.const(ECPrivateKey())
def privateKey: Gen[ECPrivateKey] = Gen.const(ECPrivateKey())
* Generate a sequence of private keys
* @param num maximum number of keys to generate
* @return
def privateKeySeq(num : Int): Gen[Seq[ECPrivateKey]] = Gen.listOfN(num,privateKey)
* Generate a sequence of private keys
* @param num maximum number of keys to generate
* @return
def privateKeySeq(num: Int): Gen[Seq[ECPrivateKey]] = Gen.listOfN(num, privateKey)
* Generates a sequence of private keys, and determines an amount of 'required' private keys
* that a transaction needs to be signed with
* @param num the maximum number of keys to generate
* @return
* Generates a sequence of private keys, and determines an amount of 'required' private keys
* that a transaction needs to be signed with
* @param num the maximum number of keys to generate
* @return
def privateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs(num: Int): Gen[(Seq[ECPrivateKey], Int)] = {
val privateKeys = privateKeySeq(num)
for {
keys <- privateKeys
requiredSigs <- Gen.choose(0,keys.size-1)
} yield (keys,requiredSigs)
requiredSigs <- Gen.choose(0, keys.size - 1)
} yield (keys, requiredSigs)
* Generates a random number of private keys less than the max public keys setting in [[ScriptSettings]]
* also generates a random 'requiredSigs' number that a transaction needs to be signed with
* Generates a random number of private keys less than the max public keys setting in [[ScriptSettings]]
* also generates a random 'requiredSigs' number that a transaction needs to be signed with
def privateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs: Gen[(Seq[ECPrivateKey], Int)] = for {
num <- Gen.choose(0,15)
num <- Gen.choose(0, 15)
keysAndRequiredSigs <- privateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs(num)
} yield keysAndRequiredSigs
/** A generator with 7 or less private keys -- useful for creating smaller scripts */
def smallPrivateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs: Gen[(Seq[ECPrivateKey], Int)] = for {
num <- Gen.choose(0,7)
num <- Gen.choose(0, 7)
keysAndRequiredSigs <- privateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs(num)
} yield keysAndRequiredSigs
/** Generates a random public key */
def publicKey : Gen[ECPublicKey] = for {
def publicKey: Gen[ECPublicKey] = for {
privKey <- privateKey
} yield privKey.publicKey
/** Generates a random digital signature */
def digitalSignature : Gen[ECDigitalSignature] = for {
def digitalSignature: Gen[ECDigitalSignature] = for {
privKey <- privateKey
hash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
} yield privKey.sign(hash)
/** Generates a random [[DoubleSha256Digest]] */
def doubleSha256Digest : Gen[DoubleSha256Digest] = for {
def doubleSha256Digest: Gen[DoubleSha256Digest] = for {
hex <- StringGenerators.hexString
digest = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(hex)
} yield digest
* Generates a sequence of [[DoubleSha256Digest]]
* @param num the number of digets to generate
* @return
def doubleSha256DigestSeq(num : Int): Gen[Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]] = Gen.listOfN(num,doubleSha256Digest)
* Generates a sequence of [[DoubleSha256Digest]]
* @param num the number of digets to generate
* @return
def doubleSha256DigestSeq(num: Int): Gen[Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]] = Gen.listOfN(num, doubleSha256Digest)
/** Generates a random [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.Sha256Hash160Digest]] */
def sha256Hash160Digest: Gen[Sha256Hash160Digest] = for {
@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoGenerators {
def extPublicKey: Gen[ExtPublicKey] = extPrivateKey.map(_.extPublicKey)
def extKey: Gen[ExtKey] = Gen.oneOf(extPrivateKey,extPublicKey)
def extKey: Gen[ExtKey] = Gen.oneOf(extPrivateKey, extPublicKey)
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{Bitcoins, CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ Bitcoins, CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits, Satoshis }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.Int64
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 6/23/16.
* Created by chris on 6/23/16.
trait CurrencyUnitGenerator {
def satoshis : Gen[Satoshis] = for {
def satoshis: Gen[Satoshis] = for {
int64 <- NumberGenerator.int64s
} yield Satoshis(int64)
@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ trait CurrencyUnitGenerator {
sat <- satoshis
} yield Bitcoins(sat)
def currencyUnit: Gen[CurrencyUnit] = Gen.oneOf(satoshis,bitcoins)
def currencyUnit: Gen[CurrencyUnit] = Gen.oneOf(satoshis, bitcoins)
def positiveSatoshis: Gen[Satoshis] = satoshis.suchThat(_ >= CurrencyUnits.zero)
/** Generates a postiive satoshi value that is 'realistic'. This current 'realistic' range
* is from 0 to 1,000,000 bitcoin
def positiveRealistic: Gen[Satoshis] = Gen.choose(0,Bitcoins(1000000).satoshis.toLong).map { n =>
* Generates a postiive satoshi value that is 'realistic'. This current 'realistic' range
* is from 0 to 1,000,000 bitcoin
def positiveRealistic: Gen[Satoshis] = Gen.choose(0, Bitcoins(1000000).satoshis.toLong).map { n =>
object CurrencyUnitGenerator extends CurrencyUnitGenerator
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomFilter
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.{Block, MerkleBlock, PartialMerkleTree}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.{ Block, MerkleBlock, PartialMerkleTree }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 8/12/16.
* Created by chris on 8/12/16.
abstract class MerkleGenerator {
private val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
@ -17,50 +17,51 @@ abstract class MerkleGenerator {
def merkleBlockWithInsertedTxIds(txs: Seq[Transaction]): Gen[(MerkleBlock, Block, Seq[DoubleSha256Digest])] = for {
block <- BlockchainElementsGenerator.block(txs)
txIds = txs.map(_.txId)
merkleBlock = MerkleBlock(block,txIds)
merkleBlock = MerkleBlock(block, txIds)
} yield (merkleBlock, block, txIds)
/** Returns a [[MerkleBlock]] including the sequence of hashes inserted in to the bloom filter */
def merkleBlockWithInsertedTxIds: Gen[(MerkleBlock,Block,Seq[DoubleSha256Digest])] = for {
def merkleBlockWithInsertedTxIds: Gen[(MerkleBlock, Block, Seq[DoubleSha256Digest])] = for {
//TODO: Revisit this later, I've limited this to increase test speed. If I increase this from 5 tests take a lot longer
rand <- Gen.choose(1,5)
txs <- Gen.listOfN(rand,TransactionGenerators.transaction)
rand <- Gen.choose(1, 5)
txs <- Gen.listOfN(rand, TransactionGenerators.transaction)
result <- merkleBlockWithInsertedTxIds(txs)
} yield result
/** Returns a [[MerkleBlock]] created with a [[org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomFilter]], with the block it was created from
* and the transactions that were matched inside of that block
* NOTE: Since bloom filters can produce false positives, it is possible that there will be
* matches in the parital merkle tree that SHOULD NOT be matched. Bloom filters do not guaratnee no
* false negatives.
* @return
def merkleBlockCreatedWithBloomFilter: Gen[(MerkleBlock, Block,Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], BloomFilter)] = for {
* Returns a [[MerkleBlock]] created with a [[org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomFilter]], with the block it was created from
* and the transactions that were matched inside of that block
* NOTE: Since bloom filters can produce false positives, it is possible that there will be
* matches in the parital merkle tree that SHOULD NOT be matched. Bloom filters do not guaratnee no
* false negatives.
* @return
def merkleBlockCreatedWithBloomFilter: Gen[(MerkleBlock, Block, Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], BloomFilter)] = for {
block <- BlockchainElementsGenerator.block
//choose some random txs in the block to put in the bloom filter
txIds <- Gen.someOf(block.transactions.map(_.txId))
initialFilter <- BloomFilterGenerator.bloomFilter(txIds.map(_.bytes))
(merkleBlock,loadedFilter) = MerkleBlock(block,initialFilter)
} yield (merkleBlock,block,txIds,loadedFilter)
(merkleBlock, loadedFilter) = MerkleBlock(block, initialFilter)
} yield (merkleBlock, block, txIds, loadedFilter)
/** Generates a partial merkle tree with a sequence of txids and a flag indicating if the txid was matched */
def partialMerkleTree: Gen[(PartialMerkleTree, Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)])] = for {
randomNum <- Gen.choose(1,25)
def partialMerkleTree: Gen[(PartialMerkleTree, Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)])] = for {
randomNum <- Gen.choose(1, 25)
txMatches <- txIdsWithMatchIndication(randomNum)
} yield (PartialMerkleTree(txMatches),txMatches)
} yield (PartialMerkleTree(txMatches), txMatches)
/** Generates a transaction ids with a boolean indicator if they match the bloom filter or not
* this is useful for testing partial merkle trees as this is how they are built.
* @return
private def txIdWithMatchIndication: Gen[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)] = for {
* Generates a transaction ids with a boolean indicator if they match the bloom filter or not
* this is useful for testing partial merkle trees as this is how they are built.
* @return
private def txIdWithMatchIndication: Gen[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)] = for {
hash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
bool <- Gen.choose(0,1)
bool <- Gen.choose(0, 1)
} yield (bool == 1, hash)
/** Generates a list of txids with a boolean indicator signifying if it matched the bloom filter or not */
def txIdsWithMatchIndication(num: Int): Gen[Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]] = Gen.listOfN(num,txIdWithMatchIndication)
def txIdsWithMatchIndication(num: Int): Gen[Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]] = Gen.listOfN(num, txIdWithMatchIndication)
object MerkleGenerator extends MerkleGenerator
@ -8,85 +8,84 @@ import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
* Created by chris on 6/16/16.
* Created by chris on 6/16/16.
trait NumberGenerator {
/** Creates a generator that generates positive long numbers */
def positiveLongs: Gen[Long] = Gen.choose(0, Long.MaxValue)
/** Creates a generator for positive longs without the number zero */
def positiveLongsNoZero : Gen[Long] = Gen.choose(1,Long.MaxValue)
def positiveLongsNoZero: Gen[Long] = Gen.choose(1, Long.MaxValue)
/** Creates a number generator that generates negative long numbers */
def negativeLongs: Gen[Long] = Gen.choose(Long.MinValue,-1)
def negativeLongs: Gen[Long] = Gen.choose(Long.MinValue, -1)
def uInt8: Gen[UInt8] = Gen.choose(0,255).map(n => UInt8(n.toShort))
def uInt8: Gen[UInt8] = Gen.choose(0, 255).map(n => UInt8(n.toShort))
def uInt8s: Gen[Seq[UInt8]] = Gen.listOf(uInt8)
* Generates a number in the range 0 <= x <= 2 ^^32 - 1
* then wraps it in a UInt32 */
def uInt32s: Gen[UInt32] = Gen.choose(0L,(NumberUtil.pow2(32)-1).toLong).map(UInt32(_))
* Generates a number in the range 0 <= x <= 2 ^^32 - 1
* then wraps it in a UInt32
def uInt32s: Gen[UInt32] = Gen.choose(0L, (NumberUtil.pow2(32) - 1).toLong).map(UInt32(_))
/** Chooses a BigInt in the ranges of 0 <= bigInt < 2^^64 */
def bigInts : Gen[BigInt] = Gen.chooseNum(Long.MinValue,Long.MaxValue)
def bigInts: Gen[BigInt] = Gen.chooseNum(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue)
.map(x => BigInt(x) + BigInt(2).pow(63))
def positiveBigInts : Gen[BigInt] = bigInts.filter(_ >= 0)
def positiveBigInts: Gen[BigInt] = bigInts.filter(_ >= 0)
def bigIntsUInt64Range : Gen[BigInt] = positiveBigInts.filter(_ < (BigInt(1) << 64))
def bigIntsUInt64Range: Gen[BigInt] = positiveBigInts.filter(_ < (BigInt(1) << 64))
* Generates a number in the range 0 <= x < 2^^64
* then wraps it in a UInt64
def uInt64s : Gen[UInt64] = for {
* Generates a number in the range 0 <= x < 2^^64
* then wraps it in a UInt64
def uInt64s: Gen[UInt64] = for {
bigInt <- bigIntsUInt64Range
} yield UInt64(bigInt)
def int32s: Gen[Int32] = Gen.choose(Int32.min.toLong, Int32.max.toLong).map(Int32(_))
def int32s : Gen[Int32] = Gen.choose(Int32.min.toLong,Int32.max.toLong).map(Int32(_))
def int64s : Gen[Int64] = Gen.choose(Int64.min.toLong, Int64.max.toLong).map(Int64(_))
def int64s: Gen[Int64] = Gen.choose(Int64.min.toLong, Int64.max.toLong).map(Int64(_))
def scriptNumbers: Gen[ScriptNumber] = Gen.choose(Int64.min.toLong, Int64.max.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
def positiveScriptNumbers: Gen[ScriptNumber] = Gen.choose(0L,Int64.max.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
def positiveScriptNumbers: Gen[ScriptNumber] = Gen.choose(0L, Int64.max.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
def compactSizeUInts : Gen[CompactSizeUInt] = uInt64s.map(CompactSizeUInt(_))
def compactSizeUInts: Gen[CompactSizeUInt] = uInt64s.map(CompactSizeUInt(_))
/** Generates an arbitrary [[Byte]] in Scala */
def byte: Gen[Byte] = arbitrary[Byte]
/** Generates a 100 byte sequence */
def bytes: Gen[Seq[Byte]] = for {
num <- Gen.choose(0,100)
num <- Gen.choose(0, 100)
b <- bytes(num)
} yield b
* Generates the number of bytes specified by num
* @param num
* @return
def bytes(num : Int): Gen[Seq[Byte]] = Gen.listOfN(num,byte)
* Generates the number of bytes specified by num
* @param num
* @return
def bytes(num: Int): Gen[Seq[Byte]] = Gen.listOfN(num, byte)
/** Generates a random boolean */
def bool: Gen[Boolean] = for {
num <- Gen.choose(0,1)
num <- Gen.choose(0, 1)
} yield num == 1
/** Generates a bit vector */
def bitVector: Gen[Seq[Boolean]] = for {
vector <- Gen.listOfN(8,bool)
vector <- Gen.listOfN(8, bool)
} yield vector
/** Generates a sequence of bit vectors */
def bitVectors: Gen[Seq[Seq[Boolean]]] = for {
num <- Gen.choose(0,100)
vectors <- Gen.listOfN(num,bitVector)
num <- Gen.choose(0, 100)
vectors <- Gen.listOfN(num, bitVector)
} yield vectors
@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{TransactionSignatureCreator, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits}
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ TransactionSignatureCreator, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.policy.Policy
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{P2SHScriptPubKey, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ P2SHScriptPubKey, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptSettings
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ScriptNumber, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ ScriptNumber, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.HashType
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.signer.{MultiSigSigner, P2PKHSigner, P2PKSigner}
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.signer.{ MultiSigSigner, P2PKHSigner, P2PKSigner }
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 6/22/16.
* Created by chris on 6/22/16.
//TODO: Need to provide generators for [[NonStandardScriptSignature]] and [[NonStandardScriptPubKey]]
sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
private val tc = TransactionConstants
def p2pkScriptSignature : Gen[P2PKScriptSignature] = for {
def p2pkScriptSignature: Gen[P2PKScriptSignature] = for {
digitalSignature <- CryptoGenerators.digitalSignature
} yield P2PKScriptSignature(digitalSignature)
def p2pkhScriptSignature : Gen[P2PKHScriptSignature] = for {
def p2pkhScriptSignature: Gen[P2PKHScriptSignature] = for {
privKey <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
hash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
signature = privKey.sign(hash)
} yield P2PKHScriptSignature(signature,privKey.publicKey)
} yield P2PKHScriptSignature(signature, privKey.publicKey)
def multiSignatureScriptSignature : Gen[MultiSignatureScriptSignature] = {
val signatures : Gen[Seq[ECDigitalSignature]] = for {
def multiSignatureScriptSignature: Gen[MultiSignatureScriptSignature] = {
val signatures: Gen[Seq[ECDigitalSignature]] = for {
numKeys <- Gen.choose(1, ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig)
hash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
} yield for {
@ -44,84 +44,82 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
def emptyScriptSignature = p2pkhScriptSignature.map(_ => EmptyScriptSignature)
* Generates a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.P2SHScriptSignature]]
* WARNING: the redeem script and the script signature DO NOT evaluate to true
* if executed by [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]]
def p2shScriptSignature : Gen[P2SHScriptSignature] = for {
* Generates a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.P2SHScriptSignature]]
* WARNING: the redeem script and the script signature DO NOT evaluate to true
* if executed by [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]]
def p2shScriptSignature: Gen[P2SHScriptSignature] = for {
(scriptPubKey, _) <- randomNonP2SHScriptPubKey
scriptSig <- pickCorrespondingScriptSignature(scriptPubKey)
p2shScriptSig = P2SHScriptSignature(scriptSig, scriptPubKey)
} yield p2shScriptSig
def cltvScriptSignature : Gen[CLTVScriptSignature] = for {
def cltvScriptSignature: Gen[CLTVScriptSignature] = for {
scriptSig <- randomNonLockTimeScriptSig
} yield CLTVScriptSignature(scriptSig)
def csvScriptSignature : Gen[CSVScriptSignature] = for {
def csvScriptSignature: Gen[CSVScriptSignature] = for {
scriptSig <- randomNonLockTimeScriptSig
} yield CSVScriptSignature(scriptSig)
def p2pkScriptPubKey : Gen[(P2PKScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
def p2pkScriptPubKey: Gen[(P2PKScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
privKey <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
pubKey = privKey.publicKey
p2pk = P2PKScriptPubKey(pubKey)
} yield (p2pk,privKey)
} yield (p2pk, privKey)
def p2pkhScriptPubKey : Gen[(P2PKHScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
def p2pkhScriptPubKey: Gen[(P2PKHScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
privKey <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
pubKey = privKey.publicKey
p2pkh = P2PKHScriptPubKey(pubKey)
} yield (p2pkh,privKey)
} yield (p2pkh, privKey)
def cltvScriptPubKey : Gen[(CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def cltvScriptPubKey: Gen[(CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
num <- NumberGenerator.scriptNumbers
(cltv, privKeys, num) <- cltvScriptPubKey(num)
} yield (cltv, privKeys)
def cltvScriptPubKey(num : ScriptNumber) : Gen[(CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey], ScriptNumber)] = for {
def cltvScriptPubKey(num: ScriptNumber): Gen[(CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey], ScriptNumber)] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey
} yield {
val cltv = CLTVScriptPubKey(num, scriptPubKey)
(cltv, privKeys, num)
def csvScriptPubKey(num : ScriptNumber) : Gen[(CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey], ScriptNumber)] = for {
def csvScriptPubKey(num: ScriptNumber): Gen[(CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey], ScriptNumber)] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey
} yield {
val csv = CSVScriptPubKey(num, scriptPubKey)
(csv, privKeys, num)
def csvScriptPubKey : Gen[(CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def csvScriptPubKey: Gen[(CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey
num <- NumberGenerator.scriptNumbers
csv = CSVScriptPubKey(num, scriptPubKey)
} yield (csv, privKeys)
def multiSigScriptPubKey : Gen[(MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def multiSigScriptPubKey: Gen[(MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(privateKeys, requiredSigs) <- CryptoGenerators.privateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs
pubKeys = privateKeys.map(_.publicKey)
multiSignatureScriptPubKey = MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(requiredSigs, pubKeys)
} yield (multiSignatureScriptPubKey, privateKeys)
def smallMultiSigScriptPubKey : Gen[(MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def smallMultiSigScriptPubKey: Gen[(MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(privateKeys, requiredSigs) <- CryptoGenerators.smallPrivateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs
pubKeys = privateKeys.map(_.publicKey)
multiSignatureScriptPubKey = MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(requiredSigs, pubKeys)
} yield (multiSignatureScriptPubKey, privateKeys)
def p2shScriptPubKey : Gen[(P2SHScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def p2shScriptPubKey: Gen[(P2SHScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(randomScriptPubKey, privKeys) <- randomNonP2SHScriptPubKey
p2sh = P2SHScriptPubKey(randomScriptPubKey)
} yield (p2sh, privKeys)
def emptyScriptPubKey : Gen [(ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = (EmptyScriptPubKey, Nil)
def emptyScriptPubKey: Gen[(ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = (EmptyScriptPubKey, Nil)
/** Creates a basic version 0 P2WPKH scriptpubkey */
def p2wpkhSPKV0: Gen[(P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0,Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def p2wpkhSPKV0: Gen[(P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
privKey <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
} yield (P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0(privKey.publicKey), Seq(privKey))
@ -133,44 +131,47 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
p2wpkhSPKV0, p2wshSPKV0
/** Creates an [[UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey]],
* currently this is any witness script pubkey besides [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKeyV0]
* Creates an [[UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey]],
* currently this is any witness script pubkey besides [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKeyV0]
def unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey: Gen[(UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(witV0,privKeys) <- p2wpkhSPKV0
(witV0, privKeys) <- p2wpkhSPKV0
version <- Gen.oneOf(WitnessScriptPubKey.unassignedWitVersions)
unassignedAsm = version +: witV0.asm.tail
} yield (UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey(unassignedAsm),privKeys)
} yield (UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey(unassignedAsm), privKeys)
/** Generates an arbitrary [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey]] */
def witnessScriptPubKey: Gen[(WitnessScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = Gen.oneOf(p2wpkhSPKV0,
p2wshSPKV0, unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey)
def witnessScriptPubKey: Gen[(WitnessScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = Gen.oneOf(
p2wshSPKV0, unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey
def witnessCommitment: Gen[(WitnessCommitment, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
hash <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
} yield (WitnessCommitment(hash),Nil)
} yield (WitnessCommitment(hash), Nil)
def escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey: Gen[(EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(escrow,k1) <- ScriptGenerators.smallMultiSigScriptPubKey
(escrow, k1) <- ScriptGenerators.smallMultiSigScriptPubKey
//We use a p2pkh scriptPubkey here to minimize the script size of EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey
//otherwise we surpass the 520 byte push op limit
(p2pkh,_) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
(p2pkh, _) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
scriptNum <- NumberGenerator.scriptNumbers
timeout = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum,p2pkh)
} yield (EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(escrow,timeout), k1)
timeout = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum, p2pkh)
} yield (EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(escrow, timeout), k1)
def escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey2Of2: Gen[(EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
privKey1 <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
privKey2 <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
escrowPrivKeys = Seq(privKey1, privKey2)
escrow = MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(2,escrowPrivKeys.map(_.publicKey))
escrow = MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(2, escrowPrivKeys.map(_.publicKey))
//We use a p2pkh scriptPubkey here to minimize the script size of EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey
//otherwise we surpass the 520 byte push op limit
(p2pkh,p2pkhPrivKey) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
(p2pkh, p2pkhPrivKey) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
privKeys = escrowPrivKeys ++ Seq(p2pkhPrivKey)
(scriptNum,_) <- TransactionGenerators.spendableCSVValues
timeout = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum,p2pkh)
} yield (EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(escrow,timeout), privKeys)
(scriptNum, _) <- TransactionGenerators.spendableCSVValues
timeout = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum, p2pkh)
} yield (EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(escrow, timeout), privKeys)
def escrowTimeoutScriptSig: Gen[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature] = for {
scriptSig <- Gen.oneOf(lockTimeScriptSig, multiSignatureScriptSignature)
@ -182,21 +183,24 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
Gen.oneOf(p2pkScriptPubKey.map(privKeyToSeq(_)), p2pkhScriptPubKey.map(privKeyToSeq(_)),
multiSigScriptPubKey, p2wpkhSPKV0, unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey, escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey
multiSigScriptPubKey, p2wpkhSPKV0, unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey, escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey)
* This is used for creating time locked scriptPubKeys, we cannot nest CSV/CLTV/P2SH/Witness
* ScriptPubKeys inside of timelock scriptPubKeys
def randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey: Gen[(ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
/** This is used for creating time locked scriptPubKeys, we cannot nest CSV/CLTV/P2SH/Witness
* ScriptPubKeys inside of timelock scriptPubKeys */
def randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey : Gen[(ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
def randomNonLockTimeScriptSig: Gen[ScriptSignature] = {
Gen.oneOf(p2pkScriptSignature, p2pkhScriptSignature, multiSignatureScriptSignature,
emptyScriptSignature, p2shScriptSignature)
def lockTimeScriptPubKey: Gen[(LockTimeScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = Gen.oneOf(cltvScriptPubKey, csvScriptPubKey)
@ -204,28 +208,28 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
def lockTimeScriptSig: Gen[LockTimeScriptSignature] = Gen.oneOf(csvScriptSignature, cltvScriptSignature)
/** Generates an arbitrary [[ScriptPubKey]] */
def scriptPubKey : Gen[(ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
cltvScriptPubKey,csvScriptPubKey,p2wpkhSPKV0, p2wshSPKV0, unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey,
def scriptPubKey: Gen[(ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
Gen.oneOf(p2pkScriptPubKey.map(privKeyToSeq(_)), p2pkhScriptPubKey.map(privKeyToSeq(_)),
multiSigScriptPubKey, emptyScriptPubKey,
cltvScriptPubKey, csvScriptPubKey, p2wpkhSPKV0, p2wshSPKV0, unassignedWitnessScriptPubKey,
p2shScriptPubKey, witnessCommitment, escrowTimeoutScriptPubKey)
/** Generates an arbitrary [[ScriptSignature]] */
def scriptSignature : Gen[ScriptSignature] = {
emptyScriptSignature,p2shScriptSignature, escrowTimeoutScriptSig
//NOTE: This are commented out because it fail serializatoin symmetry
//sicne we cannot properly type CSV/CLTV ScriptSigs w/o it's SPK
//csvScriptSignature, cltvScriptSignature
def scriptSignature: Gen[ScriptSignature] = {
Gen.oneOf(p2pkScriptSignature, p2pkhScriptSignature, multiSignatureScriptSignature,
emptyScriptSignature, p2shScriptSignature, escrowTimeoutScriptSig
//NOTE: This are commented out because it fail serializatoin symmetry
//sicne we cannot properly type CSV/CLTV ScriptSigs w/o it's SPK
//csvScriptSignature, cltvScriptSignature
* Generates a [[ScriptSignature]] corresponding to the type of [[ScriptPubKey]] given.
* Note: Does NOT generate a correct/valid signature
private def pickCorrespondingScriptSignature(scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey): Gen[ScriptSignature] = scriptPubKey match {
* Generates a [[ScriptSignature]] corresponding to the type of [[ScriptPubKey]] given.
* Note: Does NOT generate a correct/valid signature
private def pickCorrespondingScriptSignature(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): Gen[ScriptSignature] = scriptPubKey match {
case _: P2PKScriptPubKey => p2pkScriptSignature
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey => p2pkhScriptSignature
case _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey => multiSignatureScriptSignature
@ -233,19 +237,19 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
case _: CLTVScriptPubKey => cltvScriptSignature
case _: CSVScriptPubKey => csvScriptSignature
case _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey => escrowTimeoutScriptSig
case _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _ : UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey => emptyScriptSignature
case x @ (_: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _ : WitnessCommitment) =>
case _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey => emptyScriptSignature
case x @ (_: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: WitnessCommitment) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pick for p2sh script pubkey, " +
"non standard script pubkey or witness commitment got: " + x)
* Generates a signed [[P2PKScriptSignature]] that spends the [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[P2PKScriptSignature]], the [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the
* [[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign the scriptSig
def signedP2PKScriptSignature: Gen[(P2PKScriptSignature,P2PKScriptPubKey,ECPrivateKey)] = for {
* Generates a signed [[P2PKScriptSignature]] that spends the [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[P2PKScriptSignature]], the [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the
* [[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign the scriptSig
def signedP2PKScriptSignature: Gen[(P2PKScriptSignature, P2PKScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
privateKey <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
publicKey = privateKey.publicKey
@ -253,123 +257,119 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
scriptSig = P2PKScriptSignature(EmptyDigitalSignature)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, scriptSig, outputIndex)
signer = (privateKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),None)
signer = (privateKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), None)
txSigComponent = P2PKSigner.sign(Seq(signer), creditingTx.outputs(outputIndex.toInt), spendingTx, inputIndex, hashType).left.get
//add the signature to the scriptSig instead of having an empty scriptSig
signedScriptSig = txSigComponent.scriptSignature.asInstanceOf[P2PKScriptSignature]
} yield (signedScriptSig,scriptPubKey,privateKey)
} yield (signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privateKey)
* Generates a signed [[P2PKHScriptSignature]] that spends the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[P2PKHScriptSignature]], the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the
* [[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign the scriptSig
* Generates a signed [[P2PKHScriptSignature]] that spends the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[P2PKHScriptSignature]], the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the
* [[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign the scriptSig
def signedP2PKHScriptSignature: Gen[(P2PKHScriptSignature, P2PKHScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
privateKey <- CryptoGenerators.privateKey
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
publicKey = privateKey.publicKey
scriptPubKey = P2PKHScriptPubKey(publicKey)
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(unsignedTx,inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx,EmptyScriptSignature,outputIndex)
signer = (privateKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),Some(privateKey.publicKey))
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(unsignedTx, inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex)
signer = (privateKey.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), Some(privateKey.publicKey))
txSigComponent = P2PKHSigner.sign(Seq(signer), creditingTx.outputs(outputIndex.toInt), unsignedTx, inputIndex, hashType).left.get
signedScriptSig = txSigComponent.scriptSignature.asInstanceOf[P2PKHScriptSignature]
} yield (signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privateKey)
* Generates a signed [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]] that spends the [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]], the [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] it spends and the
* sequence of [[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign the scriptSig
* Generates a signed [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]] that spends the [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] correctly
* ti
* @return the signed [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]], the [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] it spends and the
* sequence of [[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign the scriptSig
def signedMultiSignatureScriptSignature: Gen[(MultiSignatureScriptSignature, MultiSignatureScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(privateKeys, requiredSigs) <- CryptoGenerators.privateKeySeqWithRequiredSigs
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
publicKeys = privateKeys.map(_.publicKey)
multiSigScriptPubKey = MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(requiredSigs,publicKeys)
multiSigScriptPubKey = MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(requiredSigs, publicKeys)
emptyDigitalSignatures = privateKeys.map(_ => EmptyDigitalSignature)
scriptSig = MultiSignatureScriptSignature(emptyDigitalSignatures)
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(multiSigScriptPubKey)
(spendingTx,inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx,scriptSig,outputIndex)
signers = privateKeys.map(p => (p.sign(_: Seq[Byte]),None))
txSigComponent = MultiSigSigner.sign(signers, creditingTx.outputs(outputIndex.toInt), spendingTx,inputIndex,hashType).left.get
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(multiSigScriptPubKey)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, scriptSig, outputIndex)
signers = privateKeys.map(p => (p.sign(_: Seq[Byte]), None))
txSigComponent = MultiSigSigner.sign(signers, creditingTx.outputs(outputIndex.toInt), spendingTx, inputIndex, hashType).left.get
signedScriptSig = txSigComponent.scriptSignature.asInstanceOf[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]
} yield (signedScriptSig,multiSigScriptPubKey,privateKeys)
} yield (signedScriptSig, multiSigScriptPubKey, privateKeys)
* Generates a signed [[P2SHScriptSignature]] that spends from a [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[P2SHScriptSignature]], the [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the sequence of [[ECPrivateKey]]
* used to sign the scriptSig
* Generates a signed [[P2SHScriptSignature]] that spends from a [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[P2SHScriptSignature]], the [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the sequence of [[ECPrivateKey]]
* used to sign the scriptSig
def signedP2SHScriptSignature: Gen[(P2SHScriptSignature, P2SHScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptSig, redeemScript, privateKeys) <- chooseSignedScriptSig
p2SHScriptPubKey = P2SHScriptPubKey(redeemScript)
p2SHScriptSignature = P2SHScriptSignature(scriptSig,redeemScript)
p2SHScriptSignature = P2SHScriptSignature(scriptSig, redeemScript)
} yield (p2SHScriptSignature, p2SHScriptPubKey, privateKeys)
* Generates a signed [[CLTVScriptSignature]] that spends from a [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[CLTVScriptSignature]], the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the sequences of [[ECPrivateKey]]
* used to sign the scriptSig
def signedCLTVScriptSignature(cltvLockTime : ScriptNumber, lockTime : UInt32, sequence : UInt32) : Gen[(CLTVScriptSignature,
CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
* Generates a signed [[CLTVScriptSignature]] that spends from a [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[CLTVScriptSignature]], the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the sequences of [[ECPrivateKey]]
* used to sign the scriptSig
def signedCLTVScriptSignature(cltvLockTime: ScriptNumber, lockTime: UInt32, sequence: UInt32): Gen[(CLTVScriptSignature, CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
cltv = CLTVScriptPubKey(cltvLockTime, scriptPubKey)
} yield scriptPubKey match {
case m : MultiSignatureScriptPubKey =>
val requiredSigs = m.requiredSigs
val cltvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(Some(lockTime), sequence, cltv, privKeys, Some(requiredSigs), hashType)
(cltvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CLTVScriptSignature], cltv, privKeys)
case _ : P2PKHScriptPubKey | _ : P2PKScriptPubKey =>
val cltvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(Some(lockTime), sequence, cltv, privKeys, None, hashType)
(cltvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CLTVScriptSignature], cltv, privKeys)
case _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey | _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot created a witness scriptPubKey for a CSVScriptSig since we do not have a witness")
case _ : P2SHScriptPubKey | _ : CLTVScriptPubKey | _ : CSVScriptPubKey | _ : NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _ : WitnessCommitment | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We only " +
"want to generate P2PK, P2PKH, and MultiSig ScriptSignatures when creating a CSVScriptSignature")
case m: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey =>
val requiredSigs = m.requiredSigs
val cltvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(Some(lockTime), sequence, cltv, privKeys, Some(requiredSigs), hashType)
(cltvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CLTVScriptSignature], cltv, privKeys)
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKScriptPubKey =>
val cltvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(Some(lockTime), sequence, cltv, privKeys, None, hashType)
(cltvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CLTVScriptSignature], cltv, privKeys)
case _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey | _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot created a witness scriptPubKey for a CSVScriptSig since we do not have a witness")
case _: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We only " +
"want to generate P2PK, P2PKH, and MultiSig ScriptSignatures when creating a CSVScriptSignature")
* Generates a signed [[CSVScriptSignature]] that spends from a [[CSVScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[CSVScriptSignature]], the [[CSVScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the sequences of [[ECPrivateKey]]
* used to sign the scriptSig
def signedCSVScriptSignature(csvScriptNum : ScriptNumber, sequence : UInt32) : Gen[(CSVScriptSignature,
CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
* Generates a signed [[CSVScriptSignature]] that spends from a [[CSVScriptPubKey]] correctly
* @return the signed [[CSVScriptSignature]], the [[CSVScriptPubKey]] it spends, and the sequences of [[ECPrivateKey]]
* used to sign the scriptSig
def signedCSVScriptSignature(csvScriptNum: ScriptNumber, sequence: UInt32): Gen[(CSVScriptSignature, CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- randomNonLockTimeNonP2SHScriptPubKey
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
csv = CSVScriptPubKey(csvScriptNum, scriptPubKey)
} yield scriptPubKey match {
case m : MultiSignatureScriptPubKey =>
val requiredSigs = m.requiredSigs
val csvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(None,sequence, csv, privKeys, Some(requiredSigs), hashType)
(csvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CSVScriptSignature], csv, privKeys)
case _ : P2PKHScriptPubKey | _ : P2PKScriptPubKey =>
val csvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(None, sequence, csv, privKeys, None, hashType)
(csvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CSVScriptSignature], csv, privKeys)
case _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey | _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot created a witness scriptPubKey for a CSVScriptSig since we do not have a witness")
case _: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We only " +
"want to generate P2PK, P2PKH, and MultiSig ScriptSignatures when creating a CLTVScriptSignature.")
case m: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey =>
val requiredSigs = m.requiredSigs
val csvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(None, sequence, csv, privKeys, Some(requiredSigs), hashType)
(csvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CSVScriptSignature], csv, privKeys)
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKScriptPubKey =>
val csvScriptSig = lockTimeHelper(None, sequence, csv, privKeys, None, hashType)
(csvScriptSig.asInstanceOf[CSVScriptSignature], csv, privKeys)
case _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey | _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot created a witness scriptPubKey for a CSVScriptSig since we do not have a witness")
case _: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We only " +
"want to generate P2PK, P2PKH, and MultiSig ScriptSignatures when creating a CLTVScriptSignature.")
def signedCSVScriptSignature : Gen[(CSVScriptSignature, CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def signedCSVScriptSignature: Gen[(CSVScriptSignature, CSVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(csv, privKeys) <- csvScriptPubKey
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
scriptSig <- signedCSVScriptSignature(csv.locktime, sequence)
} yield scriptSig
def signedCLTVScriptSignature : Gen[(CLTVScriptSignature, CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def signedCLTVScriptSignature: Gen[(CLTVScriptSignature, CLTVScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(cltv, privKeys) <- cltvScriptPubKey
txLockTime <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
@ -383,67 +383,70 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Generates a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] and [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] where the scriptsig spends the escrow branch */
def signedMultiSigEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(sequence: UInt32, outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput], amount: CurrencyUnit): Gen[(EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature, EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,csvScriptPubkey,_) <- signedCSVScriptSignature
(_, multiSigScriptPubKey,multiSigPrivKeys) <- signedMultiSignatureScriptSignature
csvEscrowTimeout = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(multiSigScriptPubKey,csvScriptPubkey)
r <- signedMultiSigEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(csvEscrowTimeout,multiSigPrivKeys,sequence,outputs,amount)
(_, csvScriptPubkey, _) <- signedCSVScriptSignature
(_, multiSigScriptPubKey, multiSigPrivKeys) <- signedMultiSignatureScriptSignature
csvEscrowTimeout = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(multiSigScriptPubKey, csvScriptPubkey)
r <- signedMultiSigEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(csvEscrowTimeout, multiSigPrivKeys, sequence, outputs, amount)
} yield r
def signedMultiSigEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(escrowTimeout: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, privKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey],
sequence: UInt32, outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput], amount: CurrencyUnit): Gen[(EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature, EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
scriptSig = csvEscrowTimeoutHelper(sequence,escrowTimeout,privKeys,Some(escrowTimeout.escrow.requiredSigs),
} yield (scriptSig,escrowTimeout,privKeys)
scriptSig = csvEscrowTimeoutHelper(sequence, escrowTimeout, privKeys, Some(escrowTimeout.escrow.requiredSigs),
hashType, true, outputs, amount)
} yield (scriptSig, escrowTimeout, privKeys)
/** Generates a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] and [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] where the scriptsig spends the timeout branch */
def timeoutEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(scriptNum: ScriptNumber, sequence: UInt32, outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]): Gen[(EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature, EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,csv,csvPrivKeys) <- signedCSVScriptSignature(scriptNum, sequence)
(multiSigScriptPubKey,_) <- multiSigScriptPubKey
(_, csv, csvPrivKeys) <- signedCSVScriptSignature(scriptNum, sequence)
(multiSigScriptPubKey, _) <- multiSigScriptPubKey
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
csvEscrowTimeout = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(multiSigScriptPubKey,csv)
csvEscrowTimeout = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(multiSigScriptPubKey, csv)
requireSigs = if (csv.nestedScriptPubKey.isInstanceOf[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]) {
val m = csv.nestedScriptPubKey.asInstanceOf[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]
} else None
scriptSig = csvEscrowTimeoutHelper(sequence,csvEscrowTimeout,csvPrivKeys,requireSigs,hashType,false,outputs)
} yield (scriptSig,csvEscrowTimeout,csvPrivKeys)
scriptSig = csvEscrowTimeoutHelper(sequence, csvEscrowTimeout, csvPrivKeys, requireSigs, hashType, false, outputs)
} yield (scriptSig, csvEscrowTimeout, csvPrivKeys)
/** Helper function to generate [[LockTimeScriptSignature]]s */
private def lockTimeHelper(lockTime: Option[UInt32], sequence: UInt32, lock: LockTimeScriptPubKey, privateKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey], requiredSigs: Option[Int],
hashType: HashType): LockTimeScriptSignature = {
hashType: HashType): LockTimeScriptSignature = {
val pubKeys = privateKeys.map(_.publicKey)
val (creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(UInt32(2),lock)
val (creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(UInt32(2), lock)
val (unsignedSpendingTx, inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(UInt32(2), creditingTx,
EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex,lockTime.getOrElse(TransactionConstants.lockTime), sequence)
EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex, lockTime.getOrElse(TransactionConstants.lockTime), sequence)
val txSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(unsignedSpendingTx, inputIndex,
lock, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
val txSignatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = for {
val txSignatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = for {
i <- 0 until requiredSigs.getOrElse(1)
} yield TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(txSignatureComponent,privateKeys(i), hashType)
} yield TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(txSignatureComponent, privateKeys(i), hashType)
lock match {
case csv: CSVScriptPubKey =>
val nestedScriptSig = lockTimeHelperScriptSig(csv,txSignatures,pubKeys)
val nestedScriptSig = lockTimeHelperScriptSig(csv, txSignatures, pubKeys)
case cltv: CLTVScriptPubKey =>
val nestedScriptSig = lockTimeHelperScriptSig(cltv,txSignatures,pubKeys)
val nestedScriptSig = lockTimeHelperScriptSig(cltv, txSignatures, pubKeys)
/** Helper function to generate a signed [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] */
private def csvEscrowTimeoutHelper(sequence: UInt32, csvEscrowTimeout: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey, privateKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey],
requiredSigs: Option[Int], hashType: HashType, isMultiSig: Boolean,
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = Nil, amount: CurrencyUnit = CurrencyUnits.zero): EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature = {
requiredSigs: Option[Int], hashType: HashType, isMultiSig: Boolean,
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = Nil, amount: CurrencyUnit = CurrencyUnits.zero): EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature = {
val pubKeys = privateKeys.map(_.publicKey)
val (creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(
TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, csvEscrowTimeout,amount)
TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, csvEscrowTimeout, amount
val (unsignedSpendingTx, inputIndex) = {
if (outputs.isEmpty) {
creditingTx, EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex, UInt32.zero, sequence)
creditingTx, EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex, UInt32.zero, sequence
} else {
TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx,
EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex, UInt32.zero, sequence, outputs)
@ -452,14 +455,14 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
val txSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(unsignedSpendingTx, inputIndex,
csvEscrowTimeout, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
val txSignatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = for {
val txSignatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = for {
i <- 0 until requiredSigs.getOrElse(1)
} yield TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(txSignatureComponent,privateKeys(i), hashType)
} yield TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(txSignatureComponent, privateKeys(i), hashType)
if (isMultiSig) {
} else {
val nestedScriptSig = lockTimeHelperScriptSig(csvEscrowTimeout.timeout,txSignatures,pubKeys)
val nestedScriptSig = lockTimeHelperScriptSig(csvEscrowTimeout.timeout, txSignatures, pubKeys)
@ -471,32 +474,36 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
} yield (p2shScriptSig, p2shScriptPubKey, privKeys, witness, wtxSigComponent.amount)
def signedP2SHP2WSHScriptSignature: Gen[(P2SHScriptSignature, P2SHScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey], TransactionWitness, CurrencyUnit)] = for {
(witness,wtxSigComponent,privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHTransactionWitness
(witness, wtxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHTransactionWitness
p2shScriptPubKey = P2SHScriptPubKey(wtxSigComponent.scriptPubKey)
p2shScriptSig = P2SHScriptSignature(wtxSigComponent.scriptPubKey)
} yield (p2shScriptSig, p2shScriptPubKey, privKeys, witness, wtxSigComponent.amount)
* This function chooses a random signed [[ScriptSignature]] that is NOT a [[P2SHScriptSignature]], [[CSVScriptSignature]],
* [[CLTVScriptSignature]], or any witness type
* @return the signed [[ScriptSignature]], the [[ScriptPubKey]] it is spending,
* and the sequence of[[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign it
* This function chooses a random signed [[ScriptSignature]] that is NOT a [[P2SHScriptSignature]], [[CSVScriptSignature]],
* [[CLTVScriptSignature]], or any witness type
* @return the signed [[ScriptSignature]], the [[ScriptPubKey]] it is spending,
* and the sequence of[[ECPrivateKey]] used to sign it
def chooseSignedScriptSig: Gen[(ScriptSignature, ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
/** Generates a random [[ScriptSignature]], the [[ScriptPubKey]] it is spending, and the [[ECPrivateKey]] needed to spend it. */
def randomScriptSig : Gen[(ScriptSignature, ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
val witP2SHP2WPKH = signedP2SHP2WPKHScriptSignature.map(x => (x._1,x._2,x._3))
val witP2SHP2WSH = signedP2SHP2WSHScriptSignature.map(x => (x._1,x._2,x._3))
def randomScriptSig: Gen[(ScriptSignature, ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
val witP2SHP2WPKH = signedP2SHP2WPKHScriptSignature.map(x => (x._1, x._2, x._3))
val witP2SHP2WSH = signedP2SHP2WSHScriptSignature.map(x => (x._1, x._2, x._3))
signedMultiSignatureScriptSignature, signedCLTVScriptSignature,
signedCSVScriptSignature, signedP2SHScriptSignature, witP2SHP2WPKH, witP2SHP2WSH
/** Simply converts one private key in the generator to a sequence of private keys */
@ -505,21 +512,20 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
} yield (scriptSig, scriptPubKey, Seq(privateKey))
/** Simply converts one private key in the generator to a sequence of private keys */
private def privKeyToSeq(tuple :(ScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)): (ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey]) = {
val (s,key) = tuple
private def privKeyToSeq(tuple: (ScriptPubKey, ECPrivateKey)): (ScriptPubKey, Seq[ECPrivateKey]) = {
val (s, key) = tuple
(s, Seq(key))
private def lockTimeHelperScriptSig(lock: LockTimeScriptPubKey, sigs: Seq[ECDigitalSignature],
keys: Seq[ECPublicKey]): LockTimeScriptSignature = {
val nestedScriptSig = lock.nestedScriptPubKey match {
case p2pk: P2PKScriptPubKey => P2PKScriptSignature(sigs.head)
case p2pkh: P2PKHScriptPubKey => P2PKHScriptSignature(sigs.head,keys.head)
case p2pk: P2PKScriptPubKey => P2PKScriptSignature(sigs.head)
case p2pkh: P2PKHScriptPubKey => P2PKHScriptSignature(sigs.head, keys.head)
case multisig: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey => MultiSignatureScriptSignature(sigs)
case EmptyScriptPubKey => CSVScriptSignature(EmptyScriptSignature)
case _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _ : UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey =>
case EmptyScriptPubKey => CSVScriptSignature(EmptyScriptSignature)
case _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey =>
//bare segwit always has an empty script sig, see BIP141
case _: LockTimeScriptPubKey | _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey =>
@ -531,7 +537,7 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
lock match {
case _: CLTVScriptPubKey => CLTVScriptSignature(nestedScriptSig)
case _: CSVScriptPubKey => CSVScriptSignature(nestedScriptSig)
case _: CSVScriptPubKey => CSVScriptSignature(nestedScriptSig)
@ -3,27 +3,27 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 6/20/16.
* Created by chris on 6/20/16.
trait StringGenerators {
lazy val validHexChars = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray
* Generates a hex char
* @return
def hexChar : Gen[Char] = Gen.choose(0,validHexChars.length - 1).map(validHexChars(_))
* Generates a hex char
* @return
def hexChar: Gen[Char] = Gen.choose(0, validHexChars.length - 1).map(validHexChars(_))
* Generates a random hex string
* @return
def hexString : Gen[String] = {
val int = Gen.choose(0,100)
val hexStringGen : Gen[List[Char]] = int.flatMap { i =>
* Generates a random hex string
* @return
def hexString: Gen[String] = {
val int = Gen.choose(0, 100)
val hexStringGen: Gen[List[Char]] = int.flatMap { i =>
if (i % 2 == 0) Gen.listOfN(i, hexChar)
else Gen.listOfN(i * 2, hexChar)
@ -31,25 +31,25 @@ trait StringGenerators {
def strChar: Gen[Char] = {
val char : Gen[Gen[Char]] = for {
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0,4)
val char: Gen[Gen[Char]] = for {
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0, 4)
} yield {
if (randomNum == 0) Gen.numChar
else if (randomNum == 1) Gen.alphaUpperChar
else if (randomNum == 2) Gen.alphaLowerChar
else if (randomNum == 3) Gen.alphaChar
else Gen.alphaNumChar
else Gen.alphaNumChar
char.flatMap(g => g)
def genString(size : Int): Gen[String] = {
val l : Gen[Seq[Char]] = Gen.listOfN(size,strChar)
def genString(size: Int): Gen[String] = {
val l: Gen[Seq[Char]] = Gen.listOfN(size, strChar)
def genString: Gen[String] = for {
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0,100)
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0, 100)
randomString <- genString(randomNum)
} yield randomString
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.gen
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int64, UInt32}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits, Satoshis }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ Int64, UInt32 }
import org.bitcoins.core.policy.Policy
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{TransactionInput, TransactionOutPoint, TransactionOutput, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ TransactionInput, TransactionOutPoint, TransactionOutput, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptNumber
import org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter
import org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime.LockTimeInterpreter
@ -15,87 +15,89 @@ import org.scalacheck.Gen
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 6/21/16.
* Created by chris on 6/21/16.
trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Responsible for generating [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionOutPoint]] */
def outPoint : Gen[TransactionOutPoint] = for {
def outPoint: Gen[TransactionOutPoint] = for {
txId <- CryptoGenerators.doubleSha256Digest
vout <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
} yield TransactionOutPoint(txId, vout)
/** Generates a random [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionOutput]] */
def output : Gen[TransactionOutput] = for {
def output: Gen[TransactionOutput] = for {
satoshis <- CurrencyUnitGenerator.satoshis
(scriptPubKey, _) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
} yield TransactionOutput(satoshis, scriptPubKey)
def outputs = Gen.listOf(output)
/** Outputs that only have a positive amount of satoshis, techinically the bitcoin protocol allows you
* to have negative value outputs
* Outputs that only have a positive amount of satoshis, techinically the bitcoin protocol allows you
* to have negative value outputs
def realisticOutput: Gen[TransactionOutput] = CurrencyUnitGenerator.positiveRealistic.flatMap { amt =>
ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey.map(spk => TransactionOutput(amt,spk._1))
ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey.map(spk => TransactionOutput(amt, spk._1))
def realisticOutputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = Gen.choose(0,5).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n,realisticOutput))
def realisticOutputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = Gen.choose(0, 5).flatMap(n => Gen.listOfN(n, realisticOutput))
/** Generates a small list of [[TransactionOutput]] */
def smallOutputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = Gen.choose(0,5).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i,output))
def smallOutputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = Gen.choose(0, 5).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i, output))
/** Creates a small sequence of outputs whose total sum is <= totalAmount */
def smallOutputs(totalAmount: CurrencyUnit): Gen[Seq[TransactionOutput]] = {
val numOutputs = Gen.choose(0,5).sample.get
val numOutputs = Gen.choose(0, 5).sample.get
def loop(remaining: Int, remainingAmount: CurrencyUnit, accum: Seq[CurrencyUnit]): Seq[CurrencyUnit] = {
if (remaining <= 0) {
} else {
val amt = Gen.choose(100,remainingAmount.toBigDecimal.toLongExact).map(n => Satoshis(Int64(n))).sample.get
loop(remaining-1,remainingAmount - amt, amt +: accum)
val amt = Gen.choose(100, remainingAmount.toBigDecimal.toLongExact).map(n => Satoshis(Int64(n))).sample.get
loop(remaining - 1, remainingAmount - amt, amt +: accum)
val amts = loop(numOutputs,totalAmount,Nil)
val spks = Gen.listOfN(numOutputs,ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey.map(_._1))
val amts = loop(numOutputs, totalAmount, Nil)
val spks = Gen.listOfN(numOutputs, ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey.map(_._1))
spks.flatMap { s =>
s.zip(amts).map { case (spk,amt) =>
s.zip(amts).map {
case (spk, amt) =>
TransactionOutput(amt, spk)
/** Generates a random [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionInput]] */
def input : Gen[TransactionInput] = for {
def input: Gen[TransactionInput] = for {
outPoint <- outPoint
scriptSig <- ScriptGenerators.scriptSignature
sequenceNumber <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0,10)
randomNum <- Gen.choose(0, 10)
} yield {
if (randomNum == 0) {
//gives us a coinbase input
} else TransactionInput(outPoint,scriptSig,sequenceNumber)
} else TransactionInput(outPoint, scriptSig, sequenceNumber)
def inputs = Gen.listOf(input)
/** Generates a small list of [[TransactionInput]] */
def smallInputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionInput]] = Gen.choose(0,5).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i, input))
def smallInputs: Gen[Seq[TransactionInput]] = Gen.choose(0, 5).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i, input))
/** Generates a small non empty list of [[TransactionInput]] */
def smallInputsNonEmpty: Gen[Seq[TransactionInput]] = Gen.choose(1,5).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i,input))
def smallInputsNonEmpty: Gen[Seq[TransactionInput]] = Gen.choose(1, 5).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i, input))
* Generates an arbitrary [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction]]
* This transaction's [[TransactionInput]]s will not evaluate to true
* inside of the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]]
* Generates an arbitrary [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction]]
* This transaction's [[TransactionInput]]s will not evaluate to true
* inside of the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]]
def transactions: Gen[Seq[Transaction]] = Gen.listOf(transaction)
/** Generates a small list of [[Transaction]] */
def smallTransactions: Gen[Seq[Transaction]] = Gen.choose(0,10).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i,transaction))
def smallTransactions: Gen[Seq[Transaction]] = Gen.choose(0, 10).flatMap(i => Gen.listOfN(i, transaction))
def transaction: Gen[Transaction] = Gen.oneOf(baseTransaction,witnessTransaction)
def transaction: Gen[Transaction] = Gen.oneOf(baseTransaction, witnessTransaction)
def baseTransaction: Gen[BaseTransaction] = for {
version <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
@ -117,257 +119,259 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
//notice we use the old serialization format if all witnesses are empty
witness <- WitnessGenerators.transactionWitness(is.size).suchThat(_.witnesses.exists(_ != EmptyScriptWitness))
} yield WitnessTransaction(version,is,os,lockTime, witness)
} yield WitnessTransaction(version, is, os, lockTime, witness)
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that spends the [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] correctly
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that spends the [[P2PKScriptPubKey]] correctly
def signedP2PKTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
(signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privateKey) <- ScriptGenerators.signedP2PKScriptSignature
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(signedTx,inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx,signedScriptSig,outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx,inputIndex,
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent,privateKey)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(signedTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, signedScriptSig, outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent, privateKey)
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that spends the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] correctly
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that spends the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] correctly
def signedP2PKHTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, ECPrivateKey)] = for {
(signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privateKey) <- ScriptGenerators.signedP2PKHScriptSignature
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(signedTx,inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx,signedScriptSig,outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx,inputIndex,
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent,privateKey)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(signedTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, signedScriptSig, outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent, privateKey)
* Creates a sequence of [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] from those private keys,
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that spends the [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] correctly
* Creates a sequence of [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] from those private keys,
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that spends the [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] correctly
def signedMultiSigTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privateKey) <- ScriptGenerators.signedMultiSignatureScriptSignature
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(signedTx,inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx,signedScriptSig,outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx,inputIndex,
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent,privateKey)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey)
(signedTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, signedScriptSig, outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent, privateKey)
* Creates a transaction which contains a [[P2SHScriptSignature]] that correctly spends a [[P2SHScriptPubKey]]
* Creates a transaction which contains a [[P2SHScriptSignature]] that correctly spends a [[P2SHScriptPubKey]]
def signedP2SHTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privateKey) <- ScriptGenerators.signedP2SHScriptSignature
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(signedScriptSig.redeemScript)
(signedTx,inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx,signedScriptSig,outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx,inputIndex,
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent,privateKey)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(signedScriptSig.redeemScript)
(signedTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx, signedScriptSig, outputIndex)
signedTxSignatureComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(signedTx, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent, privateKey)
/** Generates a validly constructed CLTV transaction, which has a 50/50 chance of being spendable or unspendable. */
def randomCLTVTransaction : Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
def randomCLTVTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
Gen.oneOf(unspendableCLTVTransaction, spendableCLTVTransaction)
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that CANNNOT spend the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] because the LockTime requirement
* is not satisfied (i.e. the transaction's lockTime has not surpassed the CLTV value in the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]])
* @return
def unspendableCLTVTransaction : Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(cltvLockTime,txLockTime) <- unspendableCLTVValues
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that CANNNOT spend the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] because the LockTime requirement
* is not satisfied (i.e. the transaction's lockTime has not surpassed the CLTV value in the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]])
* @return
def unspendableCLTVTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(cltvLockTime, txLockTime) <- unspendableCLTVValues
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s.suchThat(n => n < UInt32.max)
(scriptSig,scriptPubKey,privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedCLTVScriptSignature(cltvLockTime,txLockTime,sequence)
unspendable = lockTimeTxHelper(scriptSig,scriptPubKey,privKeys,sequence,Some(txLockTime))
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedCLTVScriptSignature(cltvLockTime, txLockTime, sequence)
unspendable = lockTimeTxHelper(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys, sequence, Some(txLockTime))
} yield unspendable
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that can successfully spend the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]]
def spendableCLTVTransaction : Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(cltvLockTime,txLockTime) <- spendableCLTVValues
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[CLTVScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that can successfully spend the [[CLTVScriptPubKey]]
def spendableCLTVTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(cltvLockTime, txLockTime) <- spendableCLTVValues
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s.suchThat(n => n < UInt32.max)
(scriptSig,scriptPubKey,privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedCLTVScriptSignature(cltvLockTime,txLockTime,sequence)
spendable = lockTimeTxHelper(scriptSig,scriptPubKey,privKeys,sequence,Some(txLockTime))
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedCLTVScriptSignature(cltvLockTime, txLockTime, sequence)
spendable = lockTimeTxHelper(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys, sequence, Some(txLockTime))
} yield spendable
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[CSVScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that can successfully spend the [[CSVScriptPubKey]]
def spendableCSVTransaction : Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
* Creates a [[ECPrivateKey]], then creates a [[CSVScriptPubKey]] from that private key
* Finally creates a [[Transaction]] that can successfully spend the [[CSVScriptPubKey]]
def spendableCSVTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(csvScriptNum, sequence) <- spendableCSVValues
tx <- csvTransaction(csvScriptNum,sequence)
tx <- csvTransaction(csvScriptNum, sequence)
} yield tx
/** Creates a CSV transaction that's timelock has not been met */
def unspendableCSVTransaction : Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def unspendableCSVTransaction: Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(csvScriptNum, sequence) <- unspendableCSVValues
tx <- csvTransaction(csvScriptNum, sequence)
} yield tx
def csvTransaction(csvScriptNum: ScriptNumber, sequence: UInt32): Gen[(BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(signedScriptSig, csvScriptPubKey, privateKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedCSVScriptSignature(csvScriptNum, sequence)
} yield lockTimeTxHelper(signedScriptSig, csvScriptPubKey, privateKeys, sequence,None)
} yield lockTimeTxHelper(signedScriptSig, csvScriptPubKey, privateKeys, sequence, None)
/** Generates a [[Transaction]] that has a valid [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that specifically spends the
* [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] using the multisig escrow branch */
* Generates a [[Transaction]] that has a valid [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that specifically spends the
* [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] using the multisig escrow branch
def spendableMultiSigEscrowTimeoutTransaction(outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]): Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = for {
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
amount <- CurrencyUnitGenerator.satoshis
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey,privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedMultiSigEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(sequence,outputs,amount)
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,scriptPubKey,amount)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,creditingTx,scriptSig,
outputIndex, TransactionConstants.lockTime,sequence,outputs)
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.signedMultiSigEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(sequence, outputs, amount)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, scriptPubKey, amount)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx, scriptSig,
outputIndex, TransactionConstants.lockTime, sequence, outputs)
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield baseTxSigComponent
/** Generates a [[Transaction]] that has a valid [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that specfically spends the
* [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] using the timeout branch */
* Generates a [[Transaction]] that has a valid [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that specfically spends the
* [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] using the timeout branch
def spendableTimeoutEscrowTimeoutTransaction(outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]): Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = for {
(csvScriptNum,sequence) <- spendableCSVValues
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey,privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.timeoutEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(csvScriptNum,sequence,outputs)
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,scriptPubKey)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,creditingTx,
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
(csvScriptNum, sequence) <- spendableCSVValues
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.timeoutEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(csvScriptNum, sequence, outputs)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, scriptPubKey)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx,
scriptSig, outputIndex, UInt32.zero, sequence, outputs)
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield baseTxSigComponent
/** Generates a [[Transaction]] that has a valid [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] */
def spendableEscrowTimeoutTransaction(outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = Nil): Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = {
/** Generates a [[Transaction]] that has a valid [[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] */
def spendableEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = {
/** Generates a CSVEscrowTimeoutTransaction that should evaluate to false when run through the [[ScriptInterpreter]] */
def unspendableTimeoutEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = for {
(csvScriptNum, sequence) <- unspendableCSVValues
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey,privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.timeoutEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(csvScriptNum,sequence,Nil)
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,scriptPubKey)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,creditingTx,scriptSig,outputIndex,
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.timeoutEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(csvScriptNum, sequence, Nil)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, scriptPubKey)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx, scriptSig, outputIndex,
TransactionConstants.lockTime, sequence)
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield baseTxSigComponent
def unspendableMultiSigEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = for {
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
(multiSigScriptPubKey,_) <- ScriptGenerators.multiSigScriptPubKey
(lock,_) <- ScriptGenerators.lockTimeScriptPubKey
escrow = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(multiSigScriptPubKey,lock)
(multiSigScriptPubKey, _) <- ScriptGenerators.multiSigScriptPubKey
(lock, _) <- ScriptGenerators.lockTimeScriptPubKey
escrow = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(multiSigScriptPubKey, lock)
multiSigScriptSig <- ScriptGenerators.multiSignatureScriptSignature
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,escrow)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, escrow)
escrowScriptSig = EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.fromMultiSig(multiSigScriptSig)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,creditingTx,
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx,inputIndex,escrow,Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
(spendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx,
escrowScriptSig, outputIndex, TransactionConstants.lockTime, sequence)
baseTxSigComponent = BaseTxSigComponent(spendingTx, inputIndex, escrow, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags)
} yield baseTxSigComponent
def unspendableEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = {
def unspendableEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[BaseTxSigComponent] = {
Gen.oneOf(unspendableTimeoutEscrowTimeoutTransaction, unspendableMultiSigEscrowTimeoutTransaction)
/** Generates a [[WitnessTransaction]] that has all of it's inputs signed correctly */
def signedP2WPKHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponent,Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WPKHTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys)
def signedP2WPKHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WPKHTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys)
/** Generates a [[WitnessTransaction]] that has an input spends a raw P2WSH [[WitnessScriptPubKey]] */
def signedP2WSHP2PKTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHP2PKTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys)
(_, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHP2PKTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys)
/** Generates a [[WitnessTransaction]] that has an input spends a raw P2WSH [[WitnessScriptPubKey]] */
def signedP2WSHP2PKHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHP2PKHTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys)
(_, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHP2PKHTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys)
def signedP2WSHMultiSigTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHMultiSigTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys)
(_, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHMultiSigTransactionWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys)
def signedP2WSHMultiSigEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHMultiSigEscrowTimeoutWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys)
(_, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHMultiSigEscrowTimeoutWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys)
def spendableP2WSHTimeoutEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(_,wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.spendableP2WSHTimeoutEscrowTimeoutWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent,privKeys)
(_, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.spendableP2WSHTimeoutEscrowTimeoutWitness
} yield (wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys)
def signedP2WSHEscrowTimeoutTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
Gen.oneOf(signedP2WSHMultiSigEscrowTimeoutTransaction, spendableP2WSHTimeoutEscrowTimeoutTransaction)
/** Creates a signed P2SH(P2WPKH) transaction */
def signedP2SHP2WPKHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, privKeys, witness, amount) <- ScriptGenerators.signedP2SHP2WPKHScriptSignature
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(signedScriptSig.redeemScript, amount)
(signedTx,inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,creditingTx,
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(signedScriptSig.redeemScript, amount)
(signedTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx,
signedScriptSig, outputIndex, witness)
signedTxSignatureComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(signedTx,inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags,amount)
signedTxSignatureComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(signedTx, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags, amount)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent, privKeys)
def signedP2WSHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw,Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
def signedP2WSHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
Gen.oneOf(signedP2WSHP2PKTransaction, signedP2WSHP2PKHTransaction, signedP2WSHMultiSigTransaction,
/** Creates a signed P2SH(P2WSH) transaction */
def signedP2SHP2WSHTransaction: Gen[(WitnessTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(witness,wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHTransactionWitness
(witness, wBaseTxSigComponent, privKeys) <- WitnessGenerators.signedP2WSHTransactionWitness
p2shScriptPubKey = P2SHScriptPubKey(wBaseTxSigComponent.scriptPubKey)
p2shScriptSig = P2SHScriptSignature(wBaseTxSigComponent.scriptPubKey.asInstanceOf[WitnessScriptPubKey])
(creditingTx,outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(p2shScriptSig.redeemScript, wBaseTxSigComponent.amount)
(creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(p2shScriptSig.redeemScript, wBaseTxSigComponent.amount)
sequence = wBaseTxSigComponent.transaction.inputs(wBaseTxSigComponent.inputIndex.toInt).sequence
locktime = wBaseTxSigComponent.transaction.lockTime
(signedTx,inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion,creditingTx,p2shScriptSig,outputIndex,locktime,sequence,witness)
signedTxSignatureComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(signedTx,inputIndex,
(signedTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx, p2shScriptSig, outputIndex, locktime, sequence, witness)
signedTxSignatureComponent = WitnessTxSigComponent(signedTx, inputIndex,
p2shScriptPubKey, Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags, wBaseTxSigComponent.amount)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent,privKeys)
} yield (signedTxSignatureComponent, privKeys)
* Builds a spending transaction according to bitcoin core
* @return the built spending transaction and the input index for the script signature
def buildSpendingTransaction(version : UInt32, creditingTx : Transaction,scriptSignature : ScriptSignature,
outputIndex : UInt32, locktime : UInt32, sequence : UInt32) : (Transaction,UInt32) = {
val output = TransactionOutput(CurrencyUnits.zero,EmptyScriptPubKey)
* Builds a spending transaction according to bitcoin core
* @return the built spending transaction and the input index for the script signature
def buildSpendingTransaction(version: UInt32, creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature,
outputIndex: UInt32, locktime: UInt32, sequence: UInt32): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
val output = TransactionOutput(CurrencyUnits.zero, EmptyScriptPubKey)
buildSpendingTransaction(version, creditingTx, scriptSignature, outputIndex, locktime, sequence, Seq(output))
def buildSpendingTransaction(version : UInt32, creditingTx : Transaction,scriptSignature : ScriptSignature,
outputIndex : UInt32, locktime : UInt32, sequence : UInt32, outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]): (Transaction,UInt32) = {
def buildSpendingTransaction(version: UInt32, creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature,
outputIndex: UInt32, locktime: UInt32, sequence: UInt32, outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
val os = if (outputs.isEmpty) {
Seq(TransactionOutput(CurrencyUnits.zero, EmptyScriptPubKey))
} else {
val outpoint = TransactionOutPoint(creditingTx.txId,outputIndex)
val input = TransactionInput(outpoint,scriptSignature, sequence)
val tx = BaseTransaction(version,Seq(input),os,locktime)
val outpoint = TransactionOutPoint(creditingTx.txId, outputIndex)
val input = TransactionInput(outpoint, scriptSignature, sequence)
val tx = BaseTransaction(version, Seq(input), os, locktime)
(tx, UInt32.zero)
* Builds a spending transaction according to bitcoin core with max sequence and a locktime of zero.
* @return the built spending transaction and the input index for the script signature
def buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx : Transaction,scriptSignature : ScriptSignature, outputIndex : UInt32) : (Transaction,UInt32) = {
* Builds a spending transaction according to bitcoin core with max sequence and a locktime of zero.
* @return the built spending transaction and the input index for the script signature
def buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, outputIndex: UInt32): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.version, creditingTx, scriptSignature, outputIndex,
TransactionConstants.lockTime, TransactionConstants.sequence)
@ -375,43 +379,43 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Builds a spending [[WitnessTransaction]] with the given parameters */
def buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, outputIndex: UInt32,
locktime: UInt32, sequence: UInt32, witness: TransactionWitness): (WitnessTransaction, UInt32) = {
buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.version, creditingTx, scriptSignature, outputIndex, locktime, sequence, witness)
def buildSpendingTransaction(version: UInt32, creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, outputIndex: UInt32,
locktime: UInt32, sequence: UInt32, witness: TransactionWitness): (WitnessTransaction, UInt32) = {
val outputs = dummyOutputs
buildSpendingTransaction(version, creditingTx, scriptSignature, outputIndex, locktime, sequence, witness, outputs)
def dummyOutputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = Seq(TransactionOutput(CurrencyUnits.zero,EmptyScriptPubKey))
def dummyOutputs: Seq[TransactionOutput] = Seq(TransactionOutput(CurrencyUnits.zero, EmptyScriptPubKey))
def buildSpendingTransaction(version: UInt32, creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, outputIndex: UInt32,
locktime: UInt32, sequence: UInt32, witness: TransactionWitness, outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]): (WitnessTransaction, UInt32) = {
val outpoint = TransactionOutPoint(creditingTx.txId,outputIndex)
val input = TransactionInput(outpoint,scriptSignature,sequence)
(WitnessTransaction(version,Seq(input), outputs,locktime,witness), UInt32.zero)
val outpoint = TransactionOutPoint(creditingTx.txId, outputIndex)
val input = TransactionInput(outpoint, scriptSignature, sequence)
(WitnessTransaction(version, Seq(input), outputs, locktime, witness), UInt32.zero)
def buildSpendingTransaction(creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, outputIndex: UInt32,
witness: TransactionWitness): (WitnessTransaction, UInt32) = {
buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.version, creditingTx, scriptSignature, outputIndex, witness)
def buildSpendingTransaction(version: UInt32, creditingTx: Transaction, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, outputIndex: UInt32,
witness: TransactionWitness): (WitnessTransaction, UInt32) = {
val locktime = TransactionConstants.lockTime
val sequence = TransactionConstants.sequence
buildSpendingTransaction(version, creditingTx, scriptSignature, outputIndex, locktime, sequence, witness)
* Mimics this test utility found in bitcoin core
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/605c17844ea32b6d237db6d83871164dc7d59dab/src/test/script_tests.cpp#L57
* @return the transaction and the output index of the scriptPubKey
def buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey) : (Transaction,UInt32) = {
* Mimics this test utility found in bitcoin core
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/605c17844ea32b6d237db6d83871164dc7d59dab/src/test/script_tests.cpp#L57
* @return the transaction and the output index of the scriptPubKey
def buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
//this needs to be all zeros according to these 3 lines in bitcoin core
@ -420,32 +424,32 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
def buildCreditingTransaction(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, amount: CurrencyUnit): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.version, scriptPubKey, amount)
* Builds a crediting transaction with a transaction version parameter.
* Example: useful for creating transactions with scripts containing OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.
* @return
def buildCreditingTransaction(version : UInt32, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey) : (Transaction, UInt32) = {
* Builds a crediting transaction with a transaction version parameter.
* Example: useful for creating transactions with scripts containing OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.
* @return
def buildCreditingTransaction(version: UInt32, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
buildCreditingTransaction(version, scriptPubKey, CurrencyUnits.zero)
def buildCreditingTransaction(version: UInt32, output: TransactionOutput): (Transaction,UInt32) = {
def buildCreditingTransaction(version: UInt32, output: TransactionOutput): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
val outpoint = EmptyTransactionOutPoint
val scriptSignature = ScriptSignature("0000")
val input = TransactionInput(outpoint,scriptSignature,TransactionConstants.sequence)
val tx = BaseTransaction(version,Seq(input),Seq(output),TransactionConstants.lockTime)
val input = TransactionInput(outpoint, scriptSignature, TransactionConstants.sequence)
val tx = BaseTransaction(version, Seq(input), Seq(output), TransactionConstants.lockTime)
(tx, UInt32.zero)
def buildCreditingTransaction(version: UInt32, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, amount: CurrencyUnit): (Transaction,UInt32) = {
buildCreditingTransaction(version, TransactionOutput(amount,scriptPubKey))
def buildCreditingTransaction(version: UInt32, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, amount: CurrencyUnit): (Transaction, UInt32) = {
buildCreditingTransaction(version, TransactionOutput(amount, scriptPubKey))
private def lockTimeTxHelper(signedScriptSig : LockTimeScriptSignature, lock : LockTimeScriptPubKey,
privKeys : Seq[ECPrivateKey], sequence : UInt32, lockTime: Option[UInt32]) : (BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey]) = {
private def lockTimeTxHelper(signedScriptSig: LockTimeScriptSignature, lock: LockTimeScriptPubKey,
privKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey], sequence: UInt32, lockTime: Option[UInt32]): (BaseTxSigComponent, Seq[ECPrivateKey]) = {
val (creditingTx, outputIndex) = buildCreditingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, lock)
//Transaction version must not be less than 2 for a CSV transaction
val (signedSpendingTx, inputIndex) = buildSpendingTransaction(TransactionConstants.validLockVersion, creditingTx,
@ -456,41 +460,45 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
* Determines if the transaction's lockTime value and CLTV script lockTime value are of the same type
* (i.e. determines whether both are a timestamp or block height)
private def cltvLockTimesOfSameType(num: ScriptNumber, lockTime: UInt32) : Boolean = num.toLong match {
case negative if negative < 0 => false
case positive if positive >= 0 =>
if (!(
(lockTime < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold &&
num.toLong < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong) ||
(lockTime >= TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold &&
num.toLong >= TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong)
)) return false
* Determines if the transaction's lockTime value and CLTV script lockTime value are of the same type
* (i.e. determines whether both are a timestamp or block height)
private def cltvLockTimesOfSameType(num: ScriptNumber, lockTime: UInt32): Boolean = num.toLong match {
case negative if negative < 0 => false
case positive if positive >= 0 =>
if (!(
(lockTime < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold &&
num.toLong < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong) ||
(lockTime >= TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold &&
num.toLong >= TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong)
)) return false
* Determines if the transaction input's sequence value and CSV script sequence value are of the same type
* (i.e. determines whether both are a timestamp or block-height)
private def csvLockTimesOfSameType(sequenceNumbers : (ScriptNumber, UInt32)) : Boolean = {
* Determines if the transaction input's sequence value and CSV script sequence value are of the same type
* (i.e. determines whether both are a timestamp or block-height)
private def csvLockTimesOfSameType(sequenceNumbers: (ScriptNumber, UInt32)): Boolean = {
LockTimeInterpreter.isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(sequenceNumbers._1, sequenceNumbers._2) ||
LockTimeInterpreter.isCSVLockByBlockHeight(sequenceNumbers._1, sequenceNumbers._2)
* Generates a pair of CSV values: a transaction input sequence, and a CSV script sequence value, such that the txInput
* sequence mask is always greater than the script sequence mask (i.e. generates values for a validly constructed and spendable CSV transaction)
def spendableCSVValues : Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = {
* Generates a pair of CSV values: a transaction input sequence, and a CSV script sequence value, such that the txInput
* sequence mask is always greater than the script sequence mask (i.e. generates values for a validly constructed and spendable CSV transaction)
def spendableCSVValues: Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = {
/** To indicate that we should evaulate a OP_CSV operation based on
* blockheight we need 1 << 22 bit turned off. See BIP68 for more details */
* To indicate that we should evaulate a OP_CSV operation based on
* blockheight we need 1 << 22 bit turned off. See BIP68 for more details
private def lockByBlockHeightBitSet: UInt32 = UInt32("ffbfffff")
/** Generates a [[UInt32]] s.t. the block height bit is set according to BIP68 */
@ -501,7 +509,7 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Generates a [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] s.t. the pair can be spent by an OP_CSV operation */
private def validScriptNumberAndSequenceForBlockHeight: Gen[(ScriptNumber,UInt32)] = {
private def validScriptNumberAndSequenceForBlockHeight: Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = {
sequenceForBlockHeight.flatMap { s =>
val seqMasked = TransactionConstants.sequenceLockTimeMask
val validScriptNums = s & seqMasked
@ -509,7 +517,7 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
val scriptNum = ScriptNumber(sn & lockByBlockHeightBitSet.toLong)
(scriptNum, s)
@ -522,7 +530,7 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Generates a valid [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] s.t. the pair will evaluate to true by a OP_CSV operation */
private def validScriptNumberAndSequenceForRelativeLockTime: Gen[(ScriptNumber,UInt32)] = {
private def validScriptNumberAndSequenceForRelativeLockTime: Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = {
sequenceForRelativeLockTime.flatMap { s =>
val seqMasked = TransactionConstants.sequenceLockTimeMask
val validScriptNums = s & seqMasked
@ -530,7 +538,7 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
val scriptNum = ScriptNumber(sn | TransactionConstants.sequenceLockTimeTypeFlag.toLong)
(scriptNum, s)
@ -544,30 +552,30 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
* Generates a pair of CSV values: a transaction input sequence, and a CSV script sequence value, such that the txInput
* sequence mask is always less than the script sequence mask (i.e. generates values for a validly constructed and NOT spendable CSV transaction).
def unspendableCSVValues : Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = ( for {
* Generates a pair of CSV values: a transaction input sequence, and a CSV script sequence value, such that the txInput
* sequence mask is always less than the script sequence mask (i.e. generates values for a validly constructed and NOT spendable CSV transaction).
def unspendableCSVValues: Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = (for {
sequence <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
csvScriptNum <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s.map(x =>
ScriptNumber(x.toLong)).suchThat(x => LockTimeInterpreter.isLockTimeBitOff(x))
} yield (csvScriptNum, sequence)).suchThat(x => !csvLockTimesOfSameType(x))
/** generates a [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] locktime for a transaction such that the tx will be spendable */
def spendableCLTVValues: Gen[(ScriptNumber,UInt32)] = for {
def spendableCLTVValues: Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = for {
txLockTime <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
cltvLockTime <- sameLockTimeTypeSpendable(txLockTime)
} yield (cltvLockTime,txLockTime)
} yield (cltvLockTime, txLockTime)
/** Generates a [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] locktime for a transaction such that the tx will be unspendable */
def unspendableCLTVValues: Gen[(ScriptNumber,UInt32)] = for {
def unspendableCLTVValues: Gen[(ScriptNumber, UInt32)] = for {
txLockTime <- NumberGenerator.uInt32s
cltvLockTime <- sameLockTimeUnspendable(txLockTime)
} yield (cltvLockTime,txLockTime)
} yield (cltvLockTime, txLockTime)
private def sameLockTimeTypeSpendable(txLockTime: UInt32): Gen[ScriptNumber] = {
if (txLockTime < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold) {
Gen.choose(0, txLockTime.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
} else {
Gen.choose(TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong, txLockTime.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
@ -575,9 +583,9 @@ trait TransactionGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
private def sameLockTimeUnspendable(txLockTime: UInt32): Gen[ScriptNumber] = {
if (txLockTime < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold) {
Gen.choose(txLockTime.toLong+1, TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
Gen.choose(txLockTime.toLong + 1, TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
} else {
Gen.choose(txLockTime.toLong+1, UInt32.max.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
Gen.choose(txLockTime.toLong + 1, UInt32.max.toLong).map(ScriptNumber(_))
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.EscrowTimeoutHelper
import org.scalacheck.Gen
* Created by chris on 11/28/16.
* Created by chris on 11/28/16.
sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Generates a random [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptWitness]] */
@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
val spk = if (spkBytes.isEmpty) EmptyScriptPubKey else NonStandardScriptPubKey(cmpctSPK.bytes ++ spkBytes)
Gen.oneOf(p2wpkhWitnessV0, p2wshWitnessV0)
/** Generates a [[TransactionWitness]] with the specified number of witnesses */
def transactionWitness(numWitnesses: Int): Gen[TransactionWitness] = for {
inputWitnesses <- Gen.listOfN(numWitnesses,Gen.option(scriptWitness))
inputWitnesses <- Gen.listOfN(numWitnesses, Gen.option(scriptWitness))
} yield TransactionWitness.fromWitOpt(inputWitnesses)
def transactionWitness: Gen[TransactionWitness] = for {
num <- Gen.choose(1,10)
num <- Gen.choose(1, 10)
wit <- transactionWitness(num)
} yield wit
@ -56,13 +56,12 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
witScriptPubKey = P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0(privKey.publicKey)
unsignedScriptWitness = P2WPKHWitnessV0(privKey.publicKey)
unsignedWTxSigComponent = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey,amount,
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(unsignedWTxSigComponent,privKey, hashType)
unsignedWTxSigComponent = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey, amount,
unsignedScriptWitness, None)
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(unsignedWTxSigComponent, privKey, hashType)
scriptWitness = P2WPKHWitnessV0(privKey.publicKey, createdSig)
(witness,signedWtxSigComponent) = createSignedWTxComponent(scriptWitness,unsignedWTxSigComponent)
} yield (witness,signedWtxSigComponent,Seq(privKey))
(witness, signedWtxSigComponent) = createSignedWTxComponent(scriptWitness, unsignedWTxSigComponent)
} yield (witness, signedWtxSigComponent, Seq(privKey))
def signedP2WSHP2PKTransactionWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkScriptPubKey
@ -70,32 +69,30 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
witScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(scriptPubKey)
unsignedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey)
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey,amount,
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(u,privKeys,hashType)
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey, amount,
unsignedScriptWitness, None)
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(u, privKeys, hashType)
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey, P2PKScriptSignature(createdSig))
oldTx = u.transaction
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt,signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version,oldTx.inputs,oldTx.outputs,oldTx.lockTime,txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx,u.inputIndex,witScriptPubKey,u.flags,u.amount)
} yield (txWitness,signedWtxSigComponent,Seq(privKeys))
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt, signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version, oldTx.inputs, oldTx.outputs, oldTx.lockTime, txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx, u.inputIndex, witScriptPubKey, u.flags, u.amount)
} yield (txWitness, signedWtxSigComponent, Seq(privKeys))
def signedP2WSHP2PKHTransactionWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
def signedP2WSHP2PKHTransactionWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKey) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
amount <- CurrencyUnitGenerator.satoshis
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
witScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(scriptPubKey)
unsignedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey)
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey,amount,unsignedScriptWitness,None)
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(u,privKey,hashType)
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey, P2PKHScriptSignature(createdSig,privKey.publicKey))
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey, amount, unsignedScriptWitness, None)
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(u, privKey, hashType)
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey, P2PKHScriptSignature(createdSig, privKey.publicKey))
oldTx = u.transaction
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt,signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version,oldTx.inputs,oldTx.outputs,oldTx.lockTime,txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx,u.inputIndex,witScriptPubKey,u.flags,u.amount)
} yield (txWitness,signedWtxSigComponent,Seq(privKey))
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt, signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version, oldTx.inputs, oldTx.outputs, oldTx.lockTime, txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx, u.inputIndex, witScriptPubKey, u.flags, u.amount)
} yield (txWitness, signedWtxSigComponent, Seq(privKey))
def signedP2WSHMultiSigTransactionWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(scriptPubKey, privKeys) <- ScriptGenerators.multiSigScriptPubKey
@ -103,21 +100,23 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
witScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(scriptPubKey)
unsignedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey)
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey,amount,
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey, amount,
unsignedScriptWitness, None)
signedScriptSig = multiSigScriptSigGenHelper(privKeys, scriptPubKey, u, hashType)
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey,signedScriptSig)
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey, signedScriptSig)
oldTx = u.transaction
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt,signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version,oldTx.inputs,oldTx.outputs,oldTx.lockTime,txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx,u.inputIndex,witScriptPubKey,u.flags,u.amount)
} yield (txWitness,signedWtxSigComponent,privKeys)
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt, signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version, oldTx.inputs, oldTx.outputs, oldTx.lockTime, txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx, u.inputIndex, witScriptPubKey, u.flags, u.amount)
} yield (txWitness, signedWtxSigComponent, privKeys)
/** Generates a random signed [[TransactionWitness]] with the corresponding [[WitnessTxSigComponent]]
* and [[ECPrivateKey]]s */
* Generates a random signed [[TransactionWitness]] with the corresponding [[WitnessTxSigComponent]]
* and [[ECPrivateKey]]s
def signedP2WSHTransactionWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
Gen.oneOf(signedP2WSHP2PKTransactionWitness, signedP2WSHP2PKHTransactionWitness,
signedP2WSHMultiSigTransactionWitness, signedP2WSHEscrowTimeoutWitness)
def signedP2WSHMultiSigEscrowTimeoutWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
@ -127,51 +126,54 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
witScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(scriptPubKey)
unsignedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey)
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey, amount,
signedScriptSig = csvEscrowTimeoutGenHelper(privKeys,scriptPubKey,u,hashType)
witness = EscrowTimeoutHelper.buildEscrowTimeoutScriptWitness(signedScriptSig,scriptPubKey,u)
unsignedScriptWitness, None)
signedScriptSig = csvEscrowTimeoutGenHelper(privKeys, scriptPubKey, u, hashType)
witness = EscrowTimeoutHelper.buildEscrowTimeoutScriptWitness(signedScriptSig, scriptPubKey, u)
oldTx = u.transaction
wTx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version,oldTx.inputs,oldTx.outputs,oldTx.lockTime,witness)
signedWTxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wTx,u.inputIndex,witScriptPubKey,u.flags,u.amount)
} yield (witness,signedWTxSigComponent,privKeys)
wTx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version, oldTx.inputs, oldTx.outputs, oldTx.lockTime, witness)
signedWTxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wTx, u.inputIndex, witScriptPubKey, u.flags, u.amount)
} yield (witness, signedWTxSigComponent, privKeys)
def spendableP2WSHTimeoutEscrowTimeoutWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = for {
(p2pkh,privKey) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
(p2pkh, privKey) <- ScriptGenerators.p2pkhScriptPubKey
(scriptNum, sequence) <- TransactionGenerators.spendableCSVValues
csv = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum,p2pkh)
(m,_) <- ScriptGenerators.smallMultiSigScriptPubKey
scriptPubKey = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(m,csv)
csv = CSVScriptPubKey(scriptNum, p2pkh)
(m, _) <- ScriptGenerators.smallMultiSigScriptPubKey
scriptPubKey = EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey(m, csv)
amount <- CurrencyUnitGenerator.satoshis
hashType <- CryptoGenerators.hashType
witScriptPubKey = P2WSHWitnessSPKV0(scriptPubKey)
unsignedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey)
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(witScriptPubKey,
amount, unsignedScriptWitness,Some(sequence))
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(u,privKey,hashType)
scriptSig = CSVScriptSignature(P2PKHScriptSignature(createdSig,privKey.publicKey))
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey,EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.fromLockTime(scriptSig))
u = createUnsignedRawWTxSigComponent(
amount, unsignedScriptWitness, Some(sequence)
createdSig = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(u, privKey, hashType)
scriptSig = CSVScriptSignature(P2PKHScriptSignature(createdSig, privKey.publicKey))
signedScriptWitness = P2WSHWitnessV0(scriptPubKey, EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.fromLockTime(scriptSig))
//ScriptWitness(scriptPubKey.asm.flatMap(_.bytes) +: Seq(ScriptNumber.zero.bytes, privKey.publicKey.bytes,
oldTx = u.transaction
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt,signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version,oldTx.inputs,oldTx.outputs,oldTx.lockTime,txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx,u.inputIndex,witScriptPubKey,u.flags,u.amount)
} yield (txWitness,signedWtxSigComponent,Seq(privKey))
txWitness = TransactionWitness(oldTx.witness.witnesses.updated(u.inputIndex.toInt, signedScriptWitness))
wtx = WitnessTransaction(oldTx.version, oldTx.inputs, oldTx.outputs, oldTx.lockTime, txWitness)
signedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(wtx, u.inputIndex, witScriptPubKey, u.flags, u.amount)
} yield (txWitness, signedWtxSigComponent, Seq(privKey))
def signedP2WSHEscrowTimeoutWitness: Gen[(TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponentRaw, Seq[ECPrivateKey])] = {
Gen.oneOf(signedP2WSHMultiSigEscrowTimeoutWitness, spendableP2WSHTimeoutEscrowTimeoutWitness)
/** Helps generate a signed [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]] */
private def multiSigScriptSigGenHelper(privateKeys : Seq[ECPrivateKey],
scriptPubKey : MultiSignatureScriptPubKey,
unsignedWtxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent,
hashType: HashType) : MultiSignatureScriptSignature = {
private def multiSigScriptSigGenHelper(
privateKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey],
scriptPubKey: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey,
unsignedWtxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent,
hashType: HashType
): MultiSignatureScriptSignature = {
val requiredSigs = scriptPubKey.requiredSigs
val txSignatures = for {
i <- 0 until requiredSigs
} yield TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(unsignedWtxSigComponent,privateKeys(i), hashType)
} yield TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(unsignedWtxSigComponent, privateKeys(i), hashType)
//add the signature to the scriptSig instead of having an empty scriptSig
val signedScriptSig = MultiSignatureScriptSignature(txSignatures)
@ -179,24 +181,23 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
def csvEscrowTimeoutGenHelper(privateKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey], scriptPubKey: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey,
unsignedWtxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent,
hashType: HashType): EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature = {
unsignedWtxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent,
hashType: HashType): EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature = {
if (scriptPubKey.escrow.requiredSigs == 0) {
} else if (privateKeys.size == 1) {
val signature = csvEscrowTimeoutGenSignature(privateKeys.head, scriptPubKey, unsignedWtxSigComponent,hashType)
} else if (privateKeys.size == 1) {
val signature = csvEscrowTimeoutGenSignature(privateKeys.head, scriptPubKey, unsignedWtxSigComponent, hashType)
} else {
val multiSig = multiSigScriptSigGenHelper(privateKeys,scriptPubKey.escrow,unsignedWtxSigComponent,hashType)
val multiSig = multiSigScriptSigGenHelper(privateKeys, scriptPubKey.escrow, unsignedWtxSigComponent, hashType)
def csvEscrowTimeoutGenSignature(privKey: ECPrivateKey, scriptPubKey: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey,
unsignedWtxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent, hashType: HashType): ECDigitalSignature = {
unsignedWtxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent, hashType: HashType): ECDigitalSignature = {
val signature = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(unsignedWtxSigComponent,privKey,hashType)
val signature = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(unsignedWtxSigComponent, privKey, hashType)
@ -204,27 +205,27 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
def p2wpkhWitnessV0: Gen[P2WPKHWitnessV0] = for {
publicKey <- CryptoGenerators.publicKey
sig <- CryptoGenerators.digitalSignature
} yield P2WPKHWitnessV0(publicKey,sig)
} yield P2WPKHWitnessV0(publicKey, sig)
/** Generates a random [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.P2WSHWitnessV0]] */
def p2wshWitnessV0: Gen[P2WSHWitnessV0] = for {
(redeem,_) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
(redeem, _) <- ScriptGenerators.scriptPubKey
scriptSig <- ScriptGenerators.scriptSignature
} yield P2WSHWitnessV0(redeem,scriptSig)
} yield P2WSHWitnessV0(redeem, scriptSig)
/** Takes a signed [[ScriptWitness]] and an unsignedTx and adds the witness to the unsigned [[WitnessTransaction]] */
def createSignedWTxComponent(witness: ScriptWitness, unsignedWTxComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent): (TransactionWitness,WitnessTxSigComponent) = {
def createSignedWTxComponent(witness: ScriptWitness, unsignedWTxComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent): (TransactionWitness, WitnessTxSigComponent) = {
val signedTxWitness = TransactionWitness.fromWitOpt(Seq(Some(witness)))
val unsignedSpendingTx = unsignedWTxComponent.transaction
val signedSpendingTx = WitnessTransaction(unsignedSpendingTx.version,unsignedSpendingTx.inputs,unsignedSpendingTx.outputs,
val signedSpendingTx = WitnessTransaction(unsignedSpendingTx.version, unsignedSpendingTx.inputs, unsignedSpendingTx.outputs,
unsignedSpendingTx.lockTime, signedTxWitness)
val signedWtxSigComponent = unsignedWTxComponent match {
case wtxP2SH: WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH =>
WitnessTxSigComponent(signedSpendingTx, unsignedWTxComponent.inputIndex,
wtxP2SH.scriptPubKey, unsignedWTxComponent.flags, unsignedWTxComponent.amount)
case wtxRaw: WitnessTxSigComponentRaw =>
WitnessTxSigComponent(signedSpendingTx, unsignedWTxComponent.inputIndex,
wtxRaw.scriptPubKey, unsignedWTxComponent.flags, unsignedWTxComponent.amount)
(signedTxWitness, signedWtxSigComponent)
@ -236,11 +237,11 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessGenerators extends BitcoinSLogger {
val tc = TransactionConstants
val flags = Policy.standardScriptVerifyFlags
val witness = TransactionWitness.fromWitOpt(Seq(Some(unsignedScriptWitness)))
val (creditingTx,outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(witScriptPubKey,amount)
val (unsignedSpendingTx,inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(tc.validLockVersion,creditingTx,
val (creditingTx, outputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildCreditingTransaction(witScriptPubKey, amount)
val (unsignedSpendingTx, inputIndex) = TransactionGenerators.buildSpendingTransaction(tc.validLockVersion, creditingTx,
EmptyScriptSignature, outputIndex, tc.lockTime,
sequence.getOrElse(tc.sequence), witness)
val unsignedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(unsignedSpendingTx,inputIndex,witScriptPubKey,flags, amount)
val unsignedWtxSigComponent = WitnessTxSigComponentRaw(unsignedSpendingTx, inputIndex, witScriptPubKey, flags, amount)
@ -1,44 +1,46 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.number
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, Factory, NumberUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, Factory, NumberUtil }
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 6/4/16.
* Created by chris on 6/4/16.
/** This abstract class is meant to represent a signed and unsigned number in C
* This is useful for dealing with codebases/protocols that rely on C's
* unsigned integer types
* */
* This abstract class is meant to represent a signed and unsigned number in C
* This is useful for dealing with codebases/protocols that rely on C's
* unsigned integer types
sealed abstract class Number[T <: Number[T]] extends NetworkElement {
type A = BigInt
/** The underlying scala number used to to hold the number */
protected def underlying : A
protected def underlying: A
def toInt : Int = toBigInt.bigInteger.intValueExact()
def toInt: Int = toBigInt.bigInteger.intValueExact()
def toLong: Long = toBigInt.bigInteger.longValueExact()
def toBigInt: BigInt = underlying
/** This is used to determine the valid amount of bytes in a number
* for instance a UInt8 has an andMask of 0xff
* a UInt32 has an andMask of 0xffffffff
* This is used to determine the valid amount of bytes in a number
* for instance a UInt8 has an andMask of 0xff
* a UInt32 has an andMask of 0xffffffff
def andMask: BigInt
/** Factory function to create the underlying T, for instance a UInt32 */
def apply: A => T
def + (num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying + num.underlying))
def - (num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying - num.underlying))
def * (num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying * num.underlying))
def > (num: T): Boolean = underlying > num.underlying
def >= (num: T): Boolean = underlying >= num.underlying
def < (num: T): Boolean = underlying < num.underlying
def <= (num: T): Boolean = underlying <= num.underlying
def +(num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying + num.underlying))
def -(num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying - num.underlying))
def *(num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying * num.underlying))
def >(num: T): Boolean = underlying > num.underlying
def >=(num: T): Boolean = underlying >= num.underlying
def <(num: T): Boolean = underlying < num.underlying
def <=(num: T): Boolean = underlying <= num.underlying
def << (num: Int): T = this.<<(apply(num))
def >> (num: Int): T = this.>>(apply(num))
def <<(num: Int): T = this.<<(apply(num))
def >>(num: Int): T = this.>>(apply(num))
def <<(num: T): T = {
checkIfInt(num).map { _ =>
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ sealed abstract class Number[T <: Number[T]] extends NetworkElement {
def | (num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying | num.underlying))
def & (num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying & num.underlying))
def |(num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying | num.underlying))
def &(num: T): T = apply(checkResult(underlying & num.underlying))
def unary_- : T = apply(-underlying)
private def checkResult(result: BigInt): A = {
require((result & andMask) == result, "Result was out of bounds, got: " + result)
@ -78,66 +80,65 @@ sealed abstract class Number[T <: Number[T]] extends NetworkElement {
* Represents a signed number in our number system
* Instances of this are [[Int32]] or [[Int64]]
* Represents a signed number in our number system
* Instances of this are [[Int32]] or [[Int64]]
sealed abstract class SignedNumber[T <: Number[T]] extends Number[T]
* Represents an unsigned number in our number system
* Instances of this are [[UInt32]] or [[UInt64]]
* Represents an unsigned number in our number system
* Instances of this are [[UInt32]] or [[UInt64]]
sealed abstract class UnsignedNumber[T <: Number[T]] extends Number[T]
sealed abstract class UInt8 extends UnsignedNumber[UInt8] {
override def apply: A => UInt8 = UInt8(_)
override def hex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(toInt.toShort).slice(2,4)
override def hex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(toInt.toShort).slice(2, 4)
override def andMask = 0xff
* Represents a uint32_t in C
* Represents a uint32_t in C
sealed abstract class UInt32 extends UnsignedNumber[UInt32] {
override def apply: A => UInt32 = UInt32(_)
override def hex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(toLong).slice(8,16)
override def hex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(toLong).slice(8, 16)
override def andMask = 0xffffffffL
* Represents a uint64_t in C
* Represents a uint64_t in C
sealed abstract class UInt64 extends UnsignedNumber[UInt64] {
override def hex = encodeHex(underlying)
override def apply: A => UInt64 = UInt64(_)
override def andMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL
* The converts a [[BigInt]] to a 8 byte hex representation
* [[BigInt]] will only allocate 1 byte for numbers like 1 which require 1 byte, giving us the hex representation 01
* this function pads the hex chars to be 0000000000000001
* @param bigInt
* @return
private def encodeHex(bigInt : BigInt): String = {
* The converts a [[BigInt]] to a 8 byte hex representation
* [[BigInt]] will only allocate 1 byte for numbers like 1 which require 1 byte, giving us the hex representation 01
* this function pads the hex chars to be 0000000000000001
* @param bigInt
* @return
private def encodeHex(bigInt: BigInt): String = {
val hex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bigInt)
if (hex.length == 18) {
//means that encodeHex(BigInt) padded an extra byte, giving us 9 bytes instead of 8
hex.slice(2, hex.length)
} else {
val padding = for { _ <- 0 until 16 - hex.length} yield "0"
val padding = for { _ <- 0 until 16 - hex.length } yield "0"
padding.mkString ++ hex
* Represents a int32_t in C
* Represents a int32_t in C
sealed abstract class Int32 extends SignedNumber[Int32] {
override def apply: A => Int32 = Int32(_)
override def andMask = 0xffffffff
@ -145,8 +146,8 @@ sealed abstract class Int32 extends SignedNumber[Int32] {
* Represents a int64_t in C
* Represents a int64_t in C
sealed abstract class Int64 extends SignedNumber[Int64] {
override def apply: A => Int64 = Int64(_)
override def andMask = 0xffffffffffffffffL
@ -154,14 +155,14 @@ sealed abstract class Int64 extends SignedNumber[Int64] {
* Represents various numbers that should be implemented
* inside of any companion object for a number
* Represents various numbers that should be implemented
* inside of any companion object for a number
trait BaseNumbers[T] {
def zero : T
def one : T
def min : T
def max : T
def zero: T
def one: T
def min: T
def max: T
object UInt8 extends Factory[UInt8] with BaseNumbers[UInt8] {
@ -180,10 +181,10 @@ object UInt8 extends Factory[UInt8] with BaseNumbers[UInt8] {
def apply(bigint: BigInt): UInt8 = UInt8Impl(bigint)
def isValid(bigInt: BigInt): Boolean = bigInt >= 0 && bigInt < 256
def isValid(bigInt: BigInt): Boolean = bigInt >= 0 && bigInt < 256
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): UInt8 = {
require(bytes.size == 1,"Can only create a uint8 from a byte array of size one, got: " + bytes)
require(bytes.size == 1, "Can only create a uint8 from a byte array of size one, got: " + bytes)
val res = NumberUtil.toUnsignedInt(bytes)
@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ object UInt8 extends Factory[UInt8] with BaseNumbers[UInt8] {
object UInt32 extends Factory[UInt32] with BaseNumbers[UInt32] {
private case class UInt32Impl(underlying : BigInt) extends UInt32 {
private case class UInt32Impl(underlying: BigInt) extends UInt32 {
require(underlying >= 0, "We cannot have a negative number in an unsigned number, got: " + underlying)
require(underlying <= 4294967295L, "We cannot have a number larger than 2^32 -1 in UInt32, got: " + underlying)
@ -223,9 +224,9 @@ object UInt32 extends Factory[UInt32] with BaseNumbers[UInt32] {
def apply(long : Long): UInt32 = UInt32(BigInt(long))
def apply(long: Long): UInt32 = UInt32(BigInt(long))
def apply(bigInt: BigInt): UInt32 = UInt32Impl(bigInt)
def apply(bigInt: BigInt): UInt32 = UInt32Impl(bigInt)
def checkBounds(res: BigInt): UInt32 = {
if (res > max.underlying || res < min.underlying) {
@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ object UInt32 extends Factory[UInt32] with BaseNumbers[UInt32] {
object UInt64 extends Factory[UInt64] with BaseNumbers[UInt64] {
private case class UInt64Impl(underlying : BigInt) extends UInt64 {
private case class UInt64Impl(underlying: BigInt) extends UInt64 {
require(underlying >= 0, "We cannot have a negative number in an unsigned number: " + underlying)
require(underlying <= BigInt("18446744073709551615"), "We cannot have a number larger than 2^64 -1 in UInt64, got: " + underlying)
@ -255,12 +256,12 @@ object UInt64 extends Factory[UInt64] with BaseNumbers[UInt64] {
} else UInt64(res)
def apply(num : BigInt): UInt64 = UInt64Impl(num)
def apply(num: BigInt): UInt64 = UInt64Impl(num)
object Int32 extends Factory[Int32] with BaseNumbers[Int32] {
private case class Int32Impl(underlying : BigInt) extends Int32 {
private case class Int32Impl(underlying: BigInt) extends Int32 {
require(underlying >= -2147483648, "Number was too small for a int32, got: " + underlying)
require(underlying <= 2147483647, "Number was too large for a int32, got: " + underlying)
@ -271,18 +272,18 @@ object Int32 extends Factory[Int32] with BaseNumbers[Int32] {
lazy val min = Int32(-2147483648)
lazy val max = Int32(2147483647)
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]): Int32 = {
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Int32 = {
require(bytes.size <= 4, "We cannot have an Int32 be larger than 4 bytes")
def apply(int : Int): Int32 = Int32(BigInt(int))
def apply(int: Int): Int32 = Int32(BigInt(int))
def apply(bigInt: BigInt): Int32 = Int32Impl(bigInt)
object Int64 extends Factory[Int64] with BaseNumbers[Int64] {
private case class Int64Impl(underlying : BigInt) extends Int64 {
private case class Int64Impl(underlying: BigInt) extends Int64 {
require(underlying >= -9223372036854775808L, "Number was too small for a int64, got: " + underlying)
require(underlying <= 9223372036854775807L, "Number was too big for a int64, got: " + underlying)
@ -293,12 +294,12 @@ object Int64 extends Factory[Int64] with BaseNumbers[Int64] {
lazy val min = Int64(-9223372036854775808L)
lazy val max = Int64(9223372036854775807L)
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]): Int64 = {
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Int64 = {
require(bytes.size <= 8, "We cannot have an Int64 be larger than 8 bytes")
def apply(long : Long): Int64 = Int64(BigInt(long))
def apply(long: Long): Int64 = Int64(BigInt(long))
def apply(bigInt: BigInt): Int64 = Int64Impl(bigInt)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.policy
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits, Satoshis }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.Int64
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag._
@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ sealed abstract class Policy {
def mandatoryScriptVerifyFlags: Seq[ScriptFlag] = Seq(ScriptVerifyP2SH)
/** The default script verify flags used to validate the blockchain
* and bitcoin transactions */
def standardScriptVerifyFlags : Seq[ScriptFlag] = mandatoryScriptVerifyFlags ++ Seq(ScriptVerifyDerSig, ScriptVerifyStrictEnc,
* The default script verify flags used to validate the blockchain
* and bitcoin transactions
def standardScriptVerifyFlags: Seq[ScriptFlag] = mandatoryScriptVerifyFlags ++ Seq(ScriptVerifyDerSig, ScriptVerifyStrictEnc,
ScriptVerifyMinimalData, ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableNOPs,
ScriptVerifyCleanStack, ScriptVerifyCheckLocktimeVerify, ScriptVerifyCheckSequenceVerify,
ScriptVerifyLowS, ScriptVerifyWitness, ScriptVerifyMinimalIf, ScriptVerifyNullFail,
@ -35,10 +37,11 @@ sealed abstract class Policy {
/** The number of confirmations for a payment to be considered as accepted */
def confirmations: Long = 6
/** Minimum amount of [[org.bitcoins.core.currency.CurrencyUnit]]
* lock in a [[org.bitcoins.core.channels.Channel]]
* Currently set to 1 mBTC
* */
* Minimum amount of [[org.bitcoins.core.currency.CurrencyUnit]]
* lock in a [[org.bitcoins.core.channels.Channel]]
* Currently set to 1 mBTC
def minChannelAmount: CurrencyUnit = CurrencyUnits.oneMBTC
/** The minimum amount of satoshis we can spend to an output */
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol
import org.bitcoins.core.config._
import org.bitcoins.core.config.{MainNet, RegTest, TestNet3}
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ECPublicKey, HashDigest, Sha256Digest, Sha256Hash160Digest}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt8}
import org.bitcoins.core.config.{ MainNet, RegTest, TestNet3 }
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ ECPublicKey, HashDigest, Sha256Digest, Sha256Hash160Digest }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ UInt32, UInt8 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionOutput
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptConstant
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.ScriptParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
sealed abstract class Address {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ sealed abstract class Address {
def networkParameters: NetworkParameters
/** The string representation of this address */
def value : String
def value: String
/** Every address is derived from a [[HashDigest]] in a [[TransactionOutput]] */
def hash: HashDigest
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ sealed abstract class BitcoinAddress extends Address
sealed abstract class P2PKHAddress extends BitcoinAddress {
/** The base58 string representation of this address */
override def value : String = {
override def value: String = {
val versionByte = networkParameters.p2pkhNetworkByte
val bytes = versionByte ++ hash.bytes
val checksum = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes).bytes.take(4)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ sealed abstract class P2PKHAddress extends BitcoinAddress {
sealed abstract class P2SHAddress extends BitcoinAddress {
/** The base58 string representation of this address */
override def value : String = {
override def value: String = {
val versionByte = networkParameters.p2shNetworkByte
val bytes = versionByte ++ hash.bytes
val checksum = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes).bytes.take(4)
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ sealed abstract class P2SHAddress extends BitcoinAddress {
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki
sealed abstract class Bech32Address extends BitcoinAddress {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ sealed abstract class Bech32Address extends BitcoinAddress {
override def networkParameters = hrp.network.get
override def value: String = {
val checksum = Bech32Address.createChecksum(hrp,data)
val checksum = Bech32Address.createChecksum(hrp, data)
val all = data ++ checksum
val encoding = Bech32Address.encodeToString(all)
hrp.toString + Bech32Address.separator + encoding
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ sealed abstract class Bech32Address extends BitcoinAddress {
object Bech32Address {
private case class Bech32AddressImpl(hrp: HumanReadablePart, data: Seq[UInt8]) extends Bech32Address {
verifyChecksum(hrp, UInt8.toBytes(data))
/** Separator used to separate the hrp & data parts of a bech32 addr */
@ -98,29 +98,30 @@ object Bech32Address {
private val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
def apply(witSPK: WitnessScriptPubKey,
networkParameters: NetworkParameters): Try[Bech32Address] = {
def apply(
witSPK: WitnessScriptPubKey,
networkParameters: NetworkParameters
): Try[Bech32Address] = {
//we don't encode the wit version or pushop for program into base5
val prog = UInt8.toUInt8s(witSPK.asmBytes.tail.tail)
val encoded = Bech32Address.encode(prog)
val hrp = networkParameters match {
case _: MainNet => bc
case _: MainNet => bc
case _: TestNet3 | _: RegTest => tb
val witVersion = witSPK.witnessVersion.version.toLong.toShort
encoded.map(e => Bech32Address(hrp,Seq(UInt8(witVersion)) ++ e))
encoded.map(e => Bech32Address(hrp, Seq(UInt8(witVersion)) ++ e))
def apply(hrp: HumanReadablePart, data: Seq[UInt8]): Bech32Address = {
Bech32AddressImpl(hrp, data)
/** Returns a base 5 checksum as specified by BIP173 */
def createChecksum(hrp: HumanReadablePart, bytes: Seq[UInt8]): Seq[UInt8] = {
val values: Seq[UInt8] = hrpExpand(hrp) ++ bytes
val z = UInt8.zero
val polymod: Long = polyMod(values ++ Seq(z,z,z,z,z,z)) ^ 1
val polymod: Long = polyMod(values ++ Seq(z, z, z, z, z, z)) ^ 1
//[(polymod >> 5 * (5 - i)) & 31 for i in range(6)]
val result: Seq[UInt8] = 0.until(6).map { i =>
val u = UInt8(i.toShort)
@ -144,9 +145,11 @@ object Bech32Address {
private def generators: Seq[Long] = Seq(UInt32("3b6a57b2").toLong,
private def generators: Seq[Long] = Seq(
UInt32("26508e6d").toLong, UInt32("1ea119fa").toLong,
UInt32("3d4233dd").toLong, UInt32("2a1462b3").toLong)
UInt32("3d4233dd").toLong, UInt32("2a1462b3").toLong
def polyMod(bytes: Seq[UInt8]): Long = {
var chk: Long = 1
@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ object Bech32Address {
def verifyChecksum(hrp: HumanReadablePart, data: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
val u8s = UInt8.toUInt8s(data)
verifyCheckSum(hrp, u8s)
def verifyCheckSum(hrp: HumanReadablePart, u8s: Seq[UInt8]): Boolean = {
@ -178,33 +181,34 @@ object Bech32Address {
/** Converts a byte array from base 8 to base 5 */
def encode(bytes: Seq[UInt8]): Try[Seq[UInt8]] = {
NumberUtil.convertUInt8s(bytes, u32Eight, u32Five, true)
/** Decodes a byte array from base 5 to base 8 */
def decodeToBase8(b: Seq[UInt8]): Try[Seq[UInt8]] = {
NumberUtil.convertUInt8s(b, u32Five, u32Eight, false)
/** Tries to convert the given string a to a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey]] */
def fromStringToWitSPK(string: String): Try[WitnessScriptPubKey] = {
val decoded = fromString(string)
decoded.flatMap { case (_,bytes) =>
val (v,prog) = (bytes.head,bytes.tail)
val convertedProg = NumberUtil.convertBytes(prog,u32Five,u32Eight,false)
val progBytes = convertedProg.map(UInt8.toBytes(_))
val witVersion = WitnessVersion(v)
progBytes.flatMap { prog =>
val pushOp = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(prog)
witVersion match {
case Some(v) =>
WitnessScriptPubKey(Seq(v.version) ++ pushOp ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(prog))) match {
case Some(spk) => Success(spk)
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to decode bech32 into a witSPK"))
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Witness version was not valid, got: " + v))
decoded.flatMap {
case (_, bytes) =>
val (v, prog) = (bytes.head, bytes.tail)
val convertedProg = NumberUtil.convertBytes(prog, u32Five, u32Eight, false)
val progBytes = convertedProg.map(UInt8.toBytes(_))
val witVersion = WitnessVersion(v)
progBytes.flatMap { prog =>
val pushOp = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(prog)
witVersion match {
case Some(v) =>
WitnessScriptPubKey(Seq(v.version) ++ pushOp ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(prog))) match {
case Some(spk) => Success(spk)
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to decode bech32 into a witSPK"))
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Witness version was not valid, got: " + v))
/** Takes a base32 byte array and encodes it to a string */
@ -212,7 +216,7 @@ object Bech32Address {
b.map(b => charset(b.toInt)).mkString
/** Decodes bech32 string to the [[HumanReadablePart]] & data part */
def fromString(str: String): Try[(HumanReadablePart,Seq[Byte])] = {
def fromString(str: String): Try[(HumanReadablePart, Seq[Byte])] = {
val sepIndexes = str.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == separator)
if (str.size > 90 || str.size < 8) {
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("bech32 payloads must be betwee 8 and 90 chars, got: " + str.size))
@ -220,7 +224,7 @@ object Bech32Address {
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Bech32 address did not have the correct separator"))
} else {
val sepIndex = sepIndexes.last._2
val (hrp,data) = (str.take(sepIndex), str.splitAt(sepIndex + 1)._2)
val (hrp, data) = (str.take(sepIndex), str.splitAt(sepIndex + 1)._2)
if (hrp.size < 1 || data.size < 6) {
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Hrp/data too short"))
} else {
@ -228,15 +232,14 @@ object Bech32Address {
val dataValid = checkDataValidity(data)
val isChecksumValid: Try[Seq[Byte]] = hrpValid.flatMap { h =>
dataValid.flatMap { d =>
if (verifyChecksum(h,d)) {
if (verifyChecksum(h, d)) {
if (d.size < 6) Success(Nil)
else Success(d.take(d.size - 6))
else Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Checksum was invalid on the bech32 address"))
} else Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Checksum was invalid on the bech32 address"))
isChecksumValid.flatMap { d =>
hrpValid.map(h => (h,d))
hrpValid.map(h => (h, d))
@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ object Bech32Address {
} else if (isLower && isUpper) {
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("HRP had mixed case, got: " + hrp))
} else {
loop(t,UInt8(h.toByte) +: accum, h.isLower || isLower, h.isUpper || isUpper)
loop(t, UInt8(h.toByte) +: accum, h.isLower || isLower, h.isUpper || isUpper)
case Nil =>
if (isLower && isUpper) {
@ -262,14 +265,15 @@ object Bech32Address {
loop(hrp.toCharArray.toList,Nil,false,false).flatMap { _ =>
loop(hrp.toCharArray.toList, Nil, false, false).flatMap { _ =>
/** Takes in the data portion of a bech32 address and decodes it to a byte array
* It also checks the validity of the data portion according to BIP173
* Takes in the data portion of a bech32 address and decodes it to a byte array
* It also checks the validity of the data portion according to BIP173
def checkDataValidity(data: String): Try[Seq[Byte]] = {
def loop(remaining: List[Char], accum: Seq[Byte], hasUpper: Boolean, hasLower: Boolean): Try[Seq[Byte]] = remaining match {
@ -283,11 +287,11 @@ object Bech32Address {
} else {
val byte = charset.indexOf(h.toLower).toByte
require(byte >= 0 && byte < 32, "Not in valid range, got: " + byte)
loop(t, byte +: accum, h.isUpper || hasUpper, h.isLower || hasLower)
loop(t, byte +: accum, h.isUpper || hasUpper, h.isLower || hasLower)
val payload: Try[Seq[Byte]] = loop(data.toCharArray.toList,Nil,false,false)
val payload: Try[Seq[Byte]] = loop(data.toCharArray.toList, Nil, false, false)
@ -299,25 +303,27 @@ object Bech32Address {
object P2PKHAddress {
private case class P2PKHAddressImpl(hash: Sha256Hash160Digest,
networkParameters: NetworkParameters) extends P2PKHAddress {
private case class P2PKHAddressImpl(
hash: Sha256Hash160Digest,
networkParameters: NetworkParameters
) extends P2PKHAddress {
require(isP2PKHAddress(value), "Bitcoin address was invalid " + value)
def apply(hash: Sha256Hash160Digest, network: NetworkParameters): P2PKHAddress = P2PKHAddressImpl(hash,network)
def apply(hash: Sha256Hash160Digest, network: NetworkParameters): P2PKHAddress = P2PKHAddressImpl(hash, network)
def apply(pubKey: ECPublicKey, networkParameters: NetworkParameters): P2PKHAddress = {
val hash = CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(pubKey.bytes)
P2PKHAddress(hash, networkParameters)
def apply(spk: P2PKHScriptPubKey, networkParameters: NetworkParameters): P2PKHAddress = {
P2PKHAddress(spk.pubKeyHash, networkParameters)
/** Checks if an address is a valid p2pkh address */
def isP2PKHAddress(address : String) : Boolean = {
val decodeCheckP2PKH : Try[Seq[Byte]] = Base58.decodeCheck(address)
def isP2PKHAddress(address: String): Boolean = {
val decodeCheckP2PKH: Try[Seq[Byte]] = Base58.decodeCheck(address)
decodeCheckP2PKH match {
case Success(bytes) =>
Networks.p2pkhNetworkBytes.find(bs => bytes.startsWith(bs)).isDefined
@ -326,32 +332,34 @@ object P2PKHAddress {
/** Checks if an address is a valid p2pkh address */
def isP2PKHAddress(address : BitcoinAddress) : Boolean = isP2PKHAddress(address.value)
def isP2PKHAddress(address: BitcoinAddress): Boolean = isP2PKHAddress(address.value)
object P2SHAddress {
private case class P2SHAddressImpl(hash: Sha256Hash160Digest,
networkParameters: NetworkParameters) extends P2SHAddress {
private case class P2SHAddressImpl(
hash: Sha256Hash160Digest,
networkParameters: NetworkParameters
) extends P2SHAddress {
require(isP2SHAddress(value), "Bitcoin address was invalid " + value)
/** Creates a [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] from the given [[ScriptPubKey]],
* then creates an address from that [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] */
def apply(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey,network: NetworkParameters): P2SHAddress = {
* Creates a [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] from the given [[ScriptPubKey]],
* then creates an address from that [[P2SHScriptPubKey]]
def apply(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, network: NetworkParameters): P2SHAddress = {
val p2shScriptPubKey = P2SHScriptPubKey(scriptPubKey)
P2SHAddress(p2shScriptPubKey, network)
def apply(p2shScriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, network: NetworkParameters): P2SHAddress = P2SHAddress(p2shScriptPubKey.scriptHash,network)
def apply(p2shScriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, network: NetworkParameters): P2SHAddress = P2SHAddress(p2shScriptPubKey.scriptHash, network)
def apply(hash: Sha256Hash160Digest, network: NetworkParameters): P2SHAddress = P2SHAddressImpl(hash, network)
/** Checks if a address is a valid p2sh address */
def isP2SHAddress(address : String) : Boolean = {
val decodeCheckP2SH : Try[Seq[Byte]] = Base58.decodeCheck(address)
def isP2SHAddress(address: String): Boolean = {
val decodeCheckP2SH: Try[Seq[Byte]] = Base58.decodeCheck(address)
decodeCheckP2SH match {
case Success(bytes) =>
Networks.p2shNetworkBytes.find(bs => bytes.startsWith(bs)).isDefined
@ -360,7 +368,7 @@ object P2SHAddress {
/** Checks if a address is a valid p2sh address */
def isP2SHAddress(address : BitcoinAddress) : Boolean = isP2SHAddress(address.value)
def isP2SHAddress(address: BitcoinAddress): Boolean = isP2SHAddress(address.value)
@ -372,7 +380,6 @@ object BitcoinAddress {
/** Creates a [[BitcoinAddress]] from the given base58 string value */
def apply(value: String): BitcoinAddress = {
val decodeChecked = Base58.decodeCheck(value)
@ -380,10 +387,9 @@ object BitcoinAddress {
case Success(bytes) =>
val network: Option[(NetworkParameters, Seq[Byte])] = matchNetwork(bytes)
if (network.isDefined && P2PKHAddress.isP2PKHAddress(value)) {
else if (network.isDefined && P2SHAddress.isP2SHAddress(value)) {
P2PKHAddress(Sha256Hash160Digest(network.get._2), network.get._1)
} else if (network.isDefined && P2SHAddress.isP2SHAddress(value)) {
P2SHAddress(Sha256Hash160Digest(network.get._2), network.get._1)
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("The address was not a p2pkh or p2sh address, got: " + value)
case Failure(exception) =>
throw exception
@ -409,28 +415,28 @@ object BitcoinAddress {
object Address {
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Try[Address] = {
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Try[Address] = {
val encoded = Base58.encode(bytes)
def fromHex(hex : String) : Try[Address] = fromBytes(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def fromHex(hex: String): Try[Address] = fromBytes(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def apply(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Try[Address] = fromBytes(bytes)
def apply(str : String) : Try[Address] = Try(BitcoinAddress(str))
def apply(str: String): Try[Address] = Try(BitcoinAddress(str))
def fromScriptPubKey(spk: ScriptPubKey, network: NetworkParameters): Try[BitcoinAddress] = spk match {
case p2pkh: P2PKHScriptPubKey => Success(P2PKHAddress(p2pkh,network))
case p2sh: P2SHScriptPubKey => Success(P2SHAddress(p2sh,network))
case witSPK: WitnessScriptPubKey => Bech32Address(witSPK,network)
case p2pkh: P2PKHScriptPubKey => Success(P2PKHAddress(p2pkh, network))
case p2sh: P2SHScriptPubKey => Success(P2SHAddress(p2sh, network))
case witSPK: WitnessScriptPubKey => Bech32Address(witSPK, network)
case x @ (_: P2PKScriptPubKey | _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey | _: LockTimeScriptPubKey
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey) =>
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessCommitment | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey) =>
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a address for the scriptPubKey: " + x))
def apply(spk: ScriptPubKey, networkParameters: NetworkParameters): Try[BitcoinAddress] = {
fromScriptPubKey(spk, networkParameters)
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt64}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ScriptPubKey, ScriptSignature}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ UInt32, UInt64 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ ScriptPubKey, ScriptSignature }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptNumberUtil
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, Factory }
* Created by chris on 7/14/15.
* Compact sized unsigned integer as described in:
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers
* Compact sized unsigned integer as described in:
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers
sealed abstract class CompactSizeUInt extends NetworkElement {
/** The number parsed from VarInt. */
def num: UInt64
override def hex = size match {
case 1 => BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex.slice(14,16))
case 3 => "fd" + BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex.slice(12,16))
case 5 => "fe" + BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex.slice(8,16))
case 1 => BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex.slice(14, 16))
case 3 => "fd" + BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex.slice(12, 16))
case 5 => "fe" + BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex.slice(8, 16))
case _ => "ff" + BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(num.hex)
@ -37,22 +37,22 @@ sealed abstract class CompactSizeUInt extends NetworkElement {
object CompactSizeUInt extends Factory[CompactSizeUInt] {
private case class CompactSizeUIntImpl(num : UInt64, override val size: Int) extends CompactSizeUInt
private case class CompactSizeUIntImpl(num: UInt64, override val size: Int) extends CompactSizeUInt
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CompactSizeUInt = {
def apply(num : UInt64, size : Int): CompactSizeUInt = {
def apply(num: UInt64, size: Int): CompactSizeUInt = {
CompactSizeUIntImpl(num, size)
def apply(num : UInt64): CompactSizeUInt = {
def apply(num: UInt64): CompactSizeUInt = {
val size = calcSizeForNum(num)
CompactSizeUInt(num, size)
private def calcSizeForNum(num : UInt64) : Int = {
private def calcSizeForNum(num: UInt64): Int = {
if (num.toBigInt <= 252) 1
// can be represented with two bytes
else if (num.toBigInt <= 65535) 3
@ -60,48 +60,56 @@ object CompactSizeUInt extends Factory[CompactSizeUInt] {
else if (num.toBigInt <= UInt32.max.toBigInt) 5
else 9
/** This function is responsible for calculating what the compact size unsigned integer is for a
* sequence of bytes
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers. */
def calculateCompactSizeUInt(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : CompactSizeUInt = {
* This function is responsible for calculating what the compact size unsigned integer is for a
* sequence of bytes
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers.
def calculateCompactSizeUInt(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CompactSizeUInt = {
//means we can represent the number with a single byte
if (bytes.size <= 252) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size),1)
if (bytes.size <= 252) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size), 1)
// can be represented with two bytes
else if (bytes.size <= 65535) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size),3)
else if (bytes.size <= 65535) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size), 3)
//can be represented with 4 bytes
else if (bytes.size <= UInt32.max.toBigInt) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size),5)
else CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size),9)
else if (bytes.size <= UInt32.max.toBigInt) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size), 5)
else CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.size), 9)
def calc(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CompactSizeUInt = calculateCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
/** Responsible for calculating what the [[CompactSizeUInt]] is for this hex string. */
def calculateCompactSizeUInt(hex : String) : CompactSizeUInt = calculateCompactSizeUInt(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def calculateCompactSizeUInt(hex: String): CompactSizeUInt = calculateCompactSizeUInt(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
/** Parses a VarInt from a string of hex characters
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers]] */
def parseCompactSizeUInt(hex : String) : CompactSizeUInt = parseCompactSizeUInt(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
* Parses a VarInt from a string of hex characters
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers]]
def parseCompactSizeUInt(hex: String): CompactSizeUInt = parseCompactSizeUInt(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
/** Parses a [[CompactSizeUInt]] from a sequence of bytes
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers]] */
def parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : CompactSizeUInt = {
* Parses a [[CompactSizeUInt]] from a sequence of bytes
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers]]
def parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CompactSizeUInt = {
require(bytes.nonEmpty, "Cannot parse a VarInt if the byte array is size 0")
//8 bit number
if (UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)).toBigInt < 253)
if (UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)).toBigInt < 253)
CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)), 1)
//16 bit number
else if (UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)).toInt == 253) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.slice(1,3).reverse),3)
else if (UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)).toInt == 253) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.slice(1, 3).reverse), 3)
//32 bit number
else if (UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)).toInt == 254) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.slice(1,5).reverse),5)
else if (UInt64(Seq(bytes.head)).toInt == 254) CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.slice(1, 5).reverse), 5)
//64 bit number
else CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.slice(1,9).reverse),9)
else CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(bytes.slice(1, 9).reverse), 9)
def parse(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CompactSizeUInt = parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
/** Returns the size of a VarInt in the number of bytes
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Variable_length_integer. */
def parseCompactSizeUIntSize(byte : Byte) : Long = {
* Returns the size of a VarInt in the number of bytes
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Variable_length_integer.
def parseCompactSizeUIntSize(byte: Byte): Long = {
//8 bit number
if (parseLong(byte) < 253) 1
//16 bit number
@ -112,26 +120,24 @@ object CompactSizeUInt extends Factory[CompactSizeUInt] {
else 9
/** Parses the [[CompactSizeUInt]] from a [[ScriptSignature]].
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers. */
def parseCompactSizeUInt(script : ScriptSignature) : CompactSizeUInt = {
if (script.bytes.size <= 252 ) {
* Parses the [[CompactSizeUInt]] from a [[ScriptSignature]].
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#compactsize-unsigned-integers.
def parseCompactSizeUInt(script: ScriptSignature): CompactSizeUInt = {
if (script.bytes.size <= 252) {
CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(script.bytes.size), 1)
} else if (script.bytes.size <= 0xffff) {
CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(script.bytes.size), 3)
} else if (script.bytes.size <= 0xffffffffL) {
} else CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(script.bytes.size),9)
CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(script.bytes.size), 5)
} else CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(script.bytes.size), 9)
private def parseLong(hex : String): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(hex,16)
private def parseLong(hex: String): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(hex, 16)
private def parseLong(bytes : List[Byte]): Long = parseLong(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
private def parseLong(bytes: List[Byte]): Long = parseLong(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
private def parseLong(byte : Byte): Long = parseLong(List(byte))
private def parseLong(byte: Byte): Long = parseLong(List(byte))
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol
import org.bitcoins.core.config.{MainNet, NetworkParameters, RegTest, TestNet3}
import org.bitcoins.core.config.{ MainNet, NetworkParameters, RegTest, TestNet3 }
/** Represents the HumanReadablePart of a Bech32 address
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki]]
* */
* Represents the HumanReadablePart of a Bech32 address
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0173.mediawiki]]
sealed abstract class HumanReadablePart {
def network: Option[NetworkParameters]
def bytes: Seq[Byte]
@ -32,11 +33,11 @@ object HumanReadablePart {
def apply(str: String) = str match {
case "bc" => bc
case "tb" => tb
case _ => UndefinedHRP(str.map(_.toByte))
case _ => UndefinedHRP(str.map(_.toByte))
def apply(network: NetworkParameters): HumanReadablePart = network match {
case _: MainNet => bc
case _: MainNet => bc
case _: TestNet3 | _: RegTest => tb
@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil }
* Created by chris on 1/14/16.
* This represents a element that can be serialized to
* be sent over the network
* Created by chris on 1/14/16.
* This represents a element that can be serialized to
* be sent over the network
abstract class NetworkElement {
/** The size of the NetworkElement in bytes. */
def size : Int = bytes.size
def size: Int = bytes.size
/** The hexadecimal representation of the NetworkElement */
def hex : String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes)
def hex: String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes)
/** The byte representation of the NetworkElement */
def bytes : Seq[Byte]
def bytes: Seq[Byte]
lazy val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
@ -1,65 +1,69 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt64
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, Transaction, WitnessTransaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ BaseTransaction, Transaction, WitnessTransaction }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.blockchain.RawBlockSerializer
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, Factory }
* Created by chris on 5/19/16.
* Represents a block in our blockchain
* Bitcoin Core implementation:
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/primitives/block.h#L73]]
* Bitcoin Developer Reference link:
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#serialized-blocks]]
* Created by chris on 5/19/16.
* Represents a block in our blockchain
* Bitcoin Core implementation:
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/primitives/block.h#L73]]
* Bitcoin Developer Reference link:
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#serialized-blocks]]
sealed abstract class Block extends NetworkElement {
/** The block header for this block */
def blockHeader : BlockHeader
def blockHeader: BlockHeader
/** The total number of transactions in this block,
* including the coinbase transaction. */
def txCount : CompactSizeUInt
* The total number of transactions in this block,
* including the coinbase transaction.
def txCount: CompactSizeUInt
/** The transactions contained in this block */
def transactions : Seq[Transaction]
def transactions: Seq[Transaction]
override def bytes = RawBlockSerializer.write(this)
/** This is the new computation to determine the maximum size of a block as per BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#block-size]]
* The weight of a block is determined as follows:
* Base size is the block size in bytes with the original transaction serialization without any witness-related data
* Total size is the block size in bytes with transactions serialized as described in BIP144, including base data and witness data.
* Block weight is defined as Base size * 3 + Total size
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/7490ae8b699d2955b665cf849d86ff5bb5245c28/src/primitives/block.cpp#L35]]
* This is the new computation to determine the maximum size of a block as per BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#block-size]]
* The weight of a block is determined as follows:
* Base size is the block size in bytes with the original transaction serialization without any witness-related data
* Total size is the block size in bytes with transactions serialized as described in BIP144, including base data and witness data.
* Block weight is defined as Base size * 3 + Total size
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/7490ae8b699d2955b665cf849d86ff5bb5245c28/src/primitives/block.cpp#L35]]
def blockWeight: Long = transactions.map(_.weight).sum
* Companion object for creating Blocks
* Companion object for creating Blocks
object Block extends Factory[Block] {
private sealed case class BlockImpl(blockHeader : BlockHeader,
txCount : CompactSizeUInt, transactions : Seq[Transaction]) extends Block
private sealed case class BlockImpl(
blockHeader: BlockHeader,
txCount: CompactSizeUInt, transactions: Seq[Transaction]
) extends Block
def apply(blockHeader : BlockHeader, txCount : CompactSizeUInt, transactions : Seq[Transaction]) : Block = {
def apply(blockHeader: BlockHeader, txCount: CompactSizeUInt, transactions: Seq[Transaction]): Block = {
BlockImpl(blockHeader, txCount, transactions)
def apply(blockHeader : BlockHeader, transactions : Seq[Transaction]) : Block = {
def apply(blockHeader: BlockHeader, transactions: Seq[Transaction]): Block = {
val txCount = CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(transactions.size))
Block(blockHeader, txCount, transactions)
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Block = RawBlockSerializer.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Block = RawBlockSerializer.read(bytes)
@ -4,103 +4,100 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.blockchain.RawBlockHeaderSerializer
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, CryptoUtil, BitcoinSLogger, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, CryptoUtil, BitcoinSLogger, Factory }
* Created by chris on 5/19/16.
* Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree,
* and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work
* requirements. When they solve the proof-of-work, they broadcast the block
* to everyone and the block is added to the block chain. The first transaction
* in the block is a special one that creates a new coin owned by the creator
* of the block.
* Bitcoin Developer reference link
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#block-headers
* Bitcoin Core implementation:
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/primitives/block.h#L20
* Created by chris on 5/19/16.
* Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree,
* and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work
* requirements. When they solve the proof-of-work, they broadcast the block
* to everyone and the block is added to the block chain. The first transaction
* in the block is a special one that creates a new coin owned by the creator
* of the block.
* Bitcoin Developer reference link
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#block-headers
* Bitcoin Core implementation:
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/primitives/block.h#L20
sealed trait BlockHeader extends NetworkElement {
* The block version number indicates which set of block validation rules to follow.
* See the list of block versions below.
* See BIP9 for more information on what version number signify
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0009.mediawiki
* @return the version number for this block
def version : UInt32
* The block version number indicates which set of block validation rules to follow.
* See the list of block versions below.
* See BIP9 for more information on what version number signify
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0009.mediawiki
* @return the version number for this block
def version: UInt32
* A SHA256(SHA256()) hash in internal byte order of the previous block’s header.
* This ensures no previous block can be changed without also changing this block’s header.
* @return the previous block's hash
* A SHA256(SHA256()) hash in internal byte order of the previous block’s header.
* This ensures no previous block can be changed without also changing this block’s header.
* @return the previous block's hash
def previousBlockHash : DoubleSha256Digest
def previousBlockHash: DoubleSha256Digest
* A SHA256(SHA256()) hash in internal byte order.
* The merkle root is derived from the hashes of all transactions included in this block,
* ensuring that none of those transactions can be modified without modifying the header.
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#merkle-trees
* @return the merkle root of the merkle tree
* A SHA256(SHA256()) hash in internal byte order.
* The merkle root is derived from the hashes of all transactions included in this block,
* ensuring that none of those transactions can be modified without modifying the header.
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#merkle-trees
* @return the merkle root of the merkle tree
def merkleRootHash : DoubleSha256Digest
def merkleRootHash: DoubleSha256Digest
* The block time is a Unix epoch time when the miner started hashing the header (according to the miner).
* Must be greater than or equal to the median time of the previous 11 blocks.
* Full nodes will not accept blocks with headers more than two hours in the future according to their clock.
* @return the time when the miner started solving the block
def time : UInt32
* The block time is a Unix epoch time when the miner started hashing the header (according to the miner).
* Must be greater than or equal to the median time of the previous 11 blocks.
* Full nodes will not accept blocks with headers more than two hours in the future according to their clock.
* @return the time when the miner started solving the block
def time: UInt32
* An encoded version of the target threshold this block’s header hash must be less than or equal to.
* See the nBits format described below.
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#target-nbits
* @return
def nBits : UInt32
* An encoded version of the target threshold this block’s header hash must be less than or equal to.
* See the nBits format described below.
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#target-nbits
* @return
def nBits: UInt32
* An arbitrary number miners change to modify the header hash in order to produce a hash below the target threshold.
* If all 32-bit values are tested, the time can be updated or the coinbase
* transaction can be changed and the merkle root updated.
* @return the nonce used to try and solve a block
def nonce : UInt32
* An arbitrary number miners change to modify the header hash in order to produce a hash below the target threshold.
* If all 32-bit values are tested, the time can be updated or the coinbase
* transaction can be changed and the merkle root updated.
* @return the nonce used to try and solve a block
def nonce: UInt32
/** Returns the block's hash */
def hash : DoubleSha256Digest = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes)
def hash: DoubleSha256Digest = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes)
override def bytes: Seq[Byte] = RawBlockHeaderSerializer.write(this)
* Companion object used for creating BlockHeaders
* Companion object used for creating BlockHeaders
object BlockHeader extends Factory[BlockHeader] {
private sealed case class BlockHeaderImpl(version : UInt32, previousBlockHash : DoubleSha256Digest,
merkleRootHash : DoubleSha256Digest, time : UInt32, nBits : UInt32, nonce : UInt32) extends BlockHeader
private sealed case class BlockHeaderImpl(version: UInt32, previousBlockHash: DoubleSha256Digest,
merkleRootHash: DoubleSha256Digest, time: UInt32, nBits: UInt32, nonce: UInt32) extends BlockHeader
def apply(version : UInt32, previousBlockHash : DoubleSha256Digest, merkleRootHash : DoubleSha256Digest,
time : UInt32, nBits : UInt32, nonce : UInt32) : BlockHeader = {
def apply(version: UInt32, previousBlockHash: DoubleSha256Digest, merkleRootHash: DoubleSha256Digest,
time: UInt32, nBits: UInt32, nonce: UInt32): BlockHeader = {
BlockHeaderImpl(version, previousBlockHash, merkleRootHash, time, nBits, nonce)
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : BlockHeader = RawBlockHeaderSerializer.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): BlockHeader = RawBlockHeaderSerializer.read(bytes)
@ -4,73 +4,78 @@ import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import org.bitcoins.core.consensus.Merkle
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int64, UInt32}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ScriptPubKey, ScriptSignature}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, Satoshis }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ Int64, UInt32 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ ScriptPubKey, ScriptSignature }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{BytesToPushOntoStack, ScriptConstant, ScriptNumber}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ BytesToPushOntoStack, ScriptConstant, ScriptNumber }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.OP_CHECKSIG
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil }
* Created by chris on 5/22/16.
* CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the
* Bitcoin system. There are three: the main network on which people trade goods
* and services, the public test network which gets reset from time to time and
* a regression test mode which is intended for private networks only. It has
* minimal difficulty to ensure that blocks can be found instantly.
* Mimics this C++ interface
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.h#L42
* Created by chris on 5/22/16.
* CChainParams defines various tweakable parameters of a given instance of the
* Bitcoin system. There are three: the main network on which people trade goods
* and services, the public test network which gets reset from time to time and
* a regression test mode which is intended for private networks only. It has
* minimal difficulty to ensure that blocks can be found instantly.
* Mimics this C++ interface
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.h#L42
sealed abstract class ChainParams {
/** Return the BIP70 network string ([[MainNetChainParams]], [[TestNetChainParams]] or [[RegTestNetChainParams]].) */
def networkId : String
def networkId: String
/** The Genesis [[Block]] in the blockchain. */
def genesisBlock : Block
def genesisBlock: Block
/** Filter transactions that do not match well-defined patterns
* inside of [[org.bitcoins.core.policy.Policy]]. */
def requireStandardTransaction : Boolean = true
* Filter transactions that do not match well-defined patterns
* inside of [[org.bitcoins.core.policy.Policy]].
def requireStandardTransaction: Boolean = true
/** Takes in a [[Base58Type]] and returns its base58 prefix. */
def base58Prefix(base58 : Base58Type) : Seq[Byte] = base58Prefixes(base58)
def base58Prefix(base58: Base58Type): Seq[Byte] = base58Prefixes(base58)
/** The mapping from a [[Base58Type]]to a String.
* Base58 prefixes for various keys/hashes on the network.
* See: [[https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/List_of_address_prefixes]]. */
def base58Prefixes : Map[Base58Type,Seq[Byte]]
* The mapping from a [[Base58Type]]to a String.
* Base58 prefixes for various keys/hashes on the network.
* See: [[https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/List_of_address_prefixes]].
def base58Prefixes: Map[Base58Type, Seq[Byte]]
/** Creates the Genesis [[Block]] for this blockchain.
* Mimics this function in bitcoin core:
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L51]]
* @param time the time when the miner started hashing the block header
* @param nonce the nonce to mine the block
* @param nBits An encoded version of the target threshold this block’s header hash must be less than or equal to.
* @param version the block version
* @param amount the block reward for the genesis block (50 BTC in Bitcoin)
* @return the newly minted genesis block
def createGenesisBlock(time : UInt32, nonce : UInt32, nBits : UInt32, version : UInt32, amount : CurrencyUnit) : Block = {
* Creates the Genesis [[Block]] for this blockchain.
* Mimics this function in bitcoin core:
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/chainparams.cpp#L51]]
* @param time the time when the miner started hashing the block header
* @param nonce the nonce to mine the block
* @param nBits An encoded version of the target threshold this block’s header hash must be less than or equal to.
* @param version the block version
* @param amount the block reward for the genesis block (50 BTC in Bitcoin)
* @return the newly minted genesis block
def createGenesisBlock(time: UInt32, nonce: UInt32, nBits: UInt32, version: UInt32, amount: CurrencyUnit): Block = {
val timestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
val asm = Seq(BytesToPushOntoStack(65), ScriptConstant("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f"), OP_CHECKSIG)
val genesisOutputScript = ScriptPubKey.fromAsm(asm)
createGenesisBlock(timestamp, genesisOutputScript, time, nonce, nBits, version, amount)
* @param timestamp a piece of data to signify when this block was first created - satoshi used an article headline
* @param scriptPubKey the scriptPubKey that needs to be satisfied in able to spend the genesis block reward
* @param time the time when the miner started hashing the block header
* @param nonce the nonce used to mine the block
* @param nBits An encoded version of the target threshold this block's header hash must be less than or equal to
* @param version the block version
* @param amount the block reward for the genesis block (50 BTC in Bitcoin)
* @return the newly minted genesis block
def createGenesisBlock(timestamp : String, scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey, time : UInt32, nonce : UInt32, nBits : UInt32,
version : UInt32, amount : CurrencyUnit) : Block = {
* @param timestamp a piece of data to signify when this block was first created - satoshi used an article headline
* @param scriptPubKey the scriptPubKey that needs to be satisfied in able to spend the genesis block reward
* @param time the time when the miner started hashing the block header
* @param nonce the nonce used to mine the block
* @param nBits An encoded version of the target threshold this block's header hash must be less than or equal to
* @param version the block version
* @param amount the block reward for the genesis block (50 BTC in Bitcoin)
* @return the newly minted genesis block
def createGenesisBlock(timestamp: String, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, time: UInt32, nonce: UInt32, nBits: UInt32,
version: UInt32, amount: CurrencyUnit): Block = {
val timestampBytes = timestamp.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
//see https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/13122/scriptsig-coinbase-structure-of-the-genesis-block
//for a full breakdown of the genesis block & its script signature
@ -78,12 +83,12 @@ sealed abstract class ChainParams {
val scriptSignature = ScriptSignature.fromAsm(Seq(BytesToPushOntoStack(4), ScriptNumber(486604799),
BytesToPushOntoStack(1), ScriptNumber(4)) ++ BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(const) ++ Seq(const))
val input = CoinbaseInput(scriptSignature)
val output = TransactionOutput(amount,scriptPubKey)
val tx = BaseTransaction(TransactionConstants.version,Seq(input), Seq(output), TransactionConstants.lockTime)
val output = TransactionOutput(amount, scriptPubKey)
val tx = BaseTransaction(TransactionConstants.version, Seq(input), Seq(output), TransactionConstants.lockTime)
val prevBlockHash = DoubleSha256Digest("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
val merkleRootHash = Merkle.computeMerkleRoot(Seq(tx))
val genesisBlockHeader = BlockHeader(version,prevBlockHash,merkleRootHash,time,nBits,nonce)
val genesisBlock = Block(genesisBlockHeader,Seq(tx))
val genesisBlockHeader = BlockHeader(version, prevBlockHash, merkleRootHash, time, nBits, nonce)
val genesisBlock = Block(genesisBlockHeader, Seq(tx))
@ -94,44 +99,42 @@ object MainNetChainParams extends BitcoinChainParams {
override def networkId = "main"
override def genesisBlock : Block = createGenesisBlock(UInt32(1231006505), UInt32(2083236893), UInt32(0x1d00ffff), UInt32.one, Satoshis(Int64(5000000000L)))
override def genesisBlock: Block = createGenesisBlock(UInt32(1231006505), UInt32(2083236893), UInt32(0x1d00ffff), UInt32.one, Satoshis(Int64(5000000000L)))
override def base58Prefixes : Map[Base58Type,Seq[Byte]] = Map(
override def base58Prefixes: Map[Base58Type, Seq[Byte]] = Map(
Base58Type.PubKeyAddress -> BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("00"),
Base58Type.ScriptAddress -> BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("05"),
Base58Type.SecretKey -> BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("80"),
Base58Type.ExtPublicKey -> Seq(BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("04"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("88"),
BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("b2"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("1e")),
Base58Type.ExtSecretKey -> Seq(BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("04"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("88"),
BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("ad"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("e4")))
BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("ad"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("e4"))
object TestNetChainParams extends BitcoinChainParams {
override def networkId = "test"
override def genesisBlock : Block = createGenesisBlock(UInt32(1296688602), UInt32(414098458), UInt32(0x1d00ffff), UInt32.one, Satoshis(Int64(5000000000L)))
override def genesisBlock: Block = createGenesisBlock(UInt32(1296688602), UInt32(414098458), UInt32(0x1d00ffff), UInt32.one, Satoshis(Int64(5000000000L)))
override def base58Prefixes : Map[Base58Type,Seq[Byte]] = Map(
override def base58Prefixes: Map[Base58Type, Seq[Byte]] = Map(
Base58Type.PubKeyAddress -> BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("6f"),
Base58Type.ScriptAddress -> BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("c4"),
Base58Type.SecretKey -> BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex("ef"),
Base58Type.ExtPublicKey -> Seq(BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("04"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("35"),
BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("87"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("cf")),
Base58Type.ExtSecretKey -> Seq(BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("04"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("35"),
BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("83"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("94")))
BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("83"), BitcoinSUtil.hexToByte("94"))
object RegTestNetChainParams extends BitcoinChainParams {
override def networkId = "regtest"
override def genesisBlock : Block = createGenesisBlock(UInt32(1296688602), UInt32(2), UInt32(0x207fffff), UInt32.one, Satoshis(Int64(5000000000L)))
override def base58Prefixes : Map[Base58Type, Seq[Byte]] = TestNetChainParams.base58Prefixes
override def genesisBlock: Block = createGenesisBlock(UInt32(1296688602), UInt32(2), UInt32(0x207fffff), UInt32.one, Satoshis(Int64(5000000000L)))
override def base58Prefixes: Map[Base58Type, Seq[Byte]] = TestNetChainParams.base58Prefixes
sealed abstract class Base58Type
object Base58Type {
case object PubKeyAddress extends Base58Type
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.BloomFilter
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt64}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ UInt32, UInt64 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.blockchain.RawMerkleBlockSerializer
import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 8/7/16.
* Created by chris on 8/7/16.
sealed abstract class MerkleBlock extends NetworkElement {
/** The block header for the this merkle block */
@ -33,70 +33,65 @@ sealed abstract class MerkleBlock extends NetworkElement {
def bytes = RawMerkleBlockSerializer.write(this)
object MerkleBlock extends Factory[MerkleBlock] {
private case class MerkleBlockImpl(blockHeader: BlockHeader, transactionCount: UInt32,
partialMerkleTree: PartialMerkleTree) extends MerkleBlock
* Creates a [[MerkleBlock]] from the given [[Block]] and [[BloomFilter]]
* This function iterates through each transaction inside our block checking if it is relevant to the given bloom filter
* If it is relevant, it will set a flag to indicate we should include it inside of our [[PartialMerkleTree]]
* @param block the block that we searching for transactions that match the bloom filter
* @param filter the filter we are comparing transactions in the block against
* @return the merkle block and the bloom filter loaded with information from the relevant txs in the block
def apply(block: Block, filter: BloomFilter): (MerkleBlock,BloomFilter) = {
* Creates a [[MerkleBlock]] from the given [[Block]] and [[BloomFilter]]
* This function iterates through each transaction inside our block checking if it is relevant to the given bloom filter
* If it is relevant, it will set a flag to indicate we should include it inside of our [[PartialMerkleTree]]
* @param block the block that we searching for transactions that match the bloom filter
* @param filter the filter we are comparing transactions in the block against
* @return the merkle block and the bloom filter loaded with information from the relevant txs in the block
def apply(block: Block, filter: BloomFilter): (MerkleBlock, BloomFilter) = {
def loop(remainingTxs: Seq[Transaction], accumFilter: BloomFilter,
txMatches: Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]): (Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)], BloomFilter) = {
if (remainingTxs.isEmpty) (txMatches.reverse,accumFilter)
txMatches: Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]): (Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)], BloomFilter) = {
if (remainingTxs.isEmpty) (txMatches.reverse, accumFilter)
else {
val tx = remainingTxs.head
val newTxMatches = (accumFilter.isRelevant(tx),tx.txId) +: txMatches
val newFilter = accumFilter.update(tx)
val newTxMatches = (accumFilter.isRelevant(tx), tx.txId) +: txMatches
val newFilter = accumFilter.update(tx)
loop(remainingTxs.tail, newFilter, newTxMatches)
val (matchedTxs,newFilter) = loop(block.transactions,filter,Nil)
val (matchedTxs, newFilter) = loop(block.transactions, filter, Nil)
val partialMerkleTree = PartialMerkleTree(matchedTxs)
val txCount = UInt32(block.transactions.size)
(MerkleBlock(block.blockHeader, txCount, partialMerkleTree),newFilter)
(MerkleBlock(block.blockHeader, txCount, partialMerkleTree), newFilter)
/** Creates a merkle block that matches the given txids if they appear inside the given block */
def apply(block: Block, txIds: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): MerkleBlock = {
//follows this function inside of bitcoin core
def loop(remainingTxs: Seq[Transaction], txMatches: Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]): (Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]) = {
def loop(remainingTxs: Seq[Transaction], txMatches: Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]): (Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]) = {
if (remainingTxs.isEmpty) txMatches.reverse
else {
val tx = remainingTxs.head
val newTxMatches = (txIds.contains(tx.txId),tx.txId) +: txMatches
val newTxMatches = (txIds.contains(tx.txId), tx.txId) +: txMatches
loop(remainingTxs.tail, newTxMatches)
val txMatches = loop(block.transactions,Nil)
val txMatches = loop(block.transactions, Nil)
val partialMerkleTree = PartialMerkleTree(txMatches)
val txCount = UInt32(block.transactions.size)
MerkleBlock(block.blockHeader, txCount, partialMerkleTree)
def apply(blockHeader: BlockHeader, txCount: UInt32,
partialMerkleTree: PartialMerkleTree): MerkleBlock = {
MerkleBlockImpl(blockHeader, txCount, partialMerkleTree)
def apply(blockHeader: BlockHeader, txCount: UInt32, hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], bits: Seq[Boolean]): MerkleBlock = {
val partialMerkleTree = PartialMerkleTree(txCount,hashes,bits)
val partialMerkleTree = PartialMerkleTree(txCount, hashes, bits)
MerkleBlock(blockHeader, txCount, partialMerkleTree)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): MerkleBlock = RawMerkleBlockSerializer.read(bytes)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.util._
@ -9,29 +8,29 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.math._
* Created by chris on 8/7/16.
* Represents a subset of known txids inside of a [[Block]]
* in a way that allows recovery of the txids & merkle root
* without having to store them all explicitly.
* See BIP37 for more details
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#partial-merkle-branch-format]]
* Encoding procedure:
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#creating-a-merkleblock-message]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L78]]
* Traverse the tree in depth first order, storing a bit for each traversal.
* This bit signifies if the node is a parent of at least one
* matched leaf txid (or a matched leaf txid) itself.
* In case we are the leaf level, or this bit is 0, it's merkle
* node hash is stored and it's children are not explored any further.
* Otherwise no hash is stored, but we recurse all of this node's child branches.
* Decoding procedure:
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#parsing-a-merkleblock-message]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L96]]
* The same depth first decoding procedure is performed, but we consume the
* bits and hashes that we used during encoding
* Created by chris on 8/7/16.
* Represents a subset of known txids inside of a [[Block]]
* in a way that allows recovery of the txids & merkle root
* without having to store them all explicitly.
* See BIP37 for more details
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#partial-merkle-branch-format]]
* Encoding procedure:
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#creating-a-merkleblock-message]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L78]]
* Traverse the tree in depth first order, storing a bit for each traversal.
* This bit signifies if the node is a parent of at least one
* matched leaf txid (or a matched leaf txid) itself.
* In case we are the leaf level, or this bit is 0, it's merkle
* node hash is stored and it's children are not explored any further.
* Otherwise no hash is stored, but we recurse all of this node's child branches.
* Decoding procedure:
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#parsing-a-merkleblock-message]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L96]]
* The same depth first decoding procedure is performed, but we consume the
* bits and hashes that we used during encoding
sealed trait PartialMerkleTree extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** The total number of transactions in this block */
@ -57,9 +56,11 @@ sealed trait PartialMerkleTree extends BitcoinSLogger {
//TODO: This is some really ugly that isn't tail recursive, try to clean this up eventually
logger.debug("Starting bits for extraction: " + bits)
logger.debug("Starting tree: " + tree)
def loop(subTree: BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest],
remainingBits: Seq[Boolean], height: Int, pos: Int, accumMatches: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Boolean]) = {
if (height == maxHeight) extractLeafMatch(accumMatches,remainingBits,subTree)
def loop(
subTree: BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest],
remainingBits: Seq[Boolean], height: Int, pos: Int, accumMatches: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]
): (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Boolean]) = {
if (height == maxHeight) extractLeafMatch(accumMatches, remainingBits, subTree)
else {
//means we have a nontxid node
if (remainingBits.head) {
@ -67,11 +68,11 @@ sealed trait PartialMerkleTree extends BitcoinSLogger {
subTree match {
case n: Node[DoubleSha256Digest] =>
//since we are just trying to extract bloom filter matches, recurse into the two subtrees
val (leftTreeMatches,leftRemainingBits) = loop(n.l,remainingBits.tail,height+1,(2 * pos), accumMatches)
val (leftTreeMatches, leftRemainingBits) = loop(n.l, remainingBits.tail, height + 1, (2 * pos), accumMatches)
//check to see if we have a right subtree
if (PartialMerkleTree.existsRightSubTree(pos,numTransactions,maxHeight,height)) {
if (PartialMerkleTree.existsRightSubTree(pos, numTransactions, maxHeight, height)) {
val (rightTreeMatches, rightRemainingBits) =
loop(n.r,leftRemainingBits,height+1, (2 * pos) + 1,leftTreeMatches)
loop(n.r, leftRemainingBits, height + 1, (2 * pos) + 1, leftTreeMatches)
(rightTreeMatches, rightRemainingBits)
} else (leftTreeMatches, leftRemainingBits)
case _: Leaf[DoubleSha256Digest] =>
@ -81,96 +82,93 @@ sealed trait PartialMerkleTree extends BitcoinSLogger {
} else (accumMatches, remainingBits.tail)
val (matches,remainingBits) = loop(tree,bits,0,0,Nil)
require(PartialMerkleTree.usedAllBits(bits,remainingBits), "We should not have any remaining matches " +
val (matches, remainingBits) = loop(tree, bits, 0, 0, Nil)
require(PartialMerkleTree.usedAllBits(bits, remainingBits), "We should not have any remaining matches " +
"except for those that pad our byte after building our partial merkle tree, got: " + remainingBits)
/** Handles a leaf match when we are extracting matches from the partial merkle tree */
private def extractLeafMatch(accumMatches : Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], remainingBits: Seq[Boolean],
private def extractLeafMatch(accumMatches: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], remainingBits: Seq[Boolean],
subTree: BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest]): (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Boolean]) = {
if (remainingBits.head) {
//means we have a txid node that matched the filter
subTree match {
case l : Leaf[DoubleSha256Digest] =>
case l: Leaf[DoubleSha256Digest] =>
val newAccumMatches = l.v +: accumMatches
(newAccumMatches, remainingBits.tail)
case x @ ( _ : Node[DoubleSha256Digest] | Empty) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have a " +
case x @ (_: Node[DoubleSha256Digest] | Empty) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have a " +
"Node or Empty node when we supposedly have a txid node -- txid nodes should always be leaves, got: " + x)
} else {
//means we have a txid node, but it did not match the filter
(accumMatches, remainingBits.tail)
object PartialMerkleTree {
private val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
private case class PartialMerkleTreeImpl(tree: BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest], transactionCount: UInt32,
bits: Seq[Boolean], hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]) extends PartialMerkleTree
def apply(txMatches: Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]): PartialMerkleTree = {
def apply(txMatches: Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]): PartialMerkleTree = {
val txIds = txMatches.map(_._2)
val (bits,hashes) = build(txMatches)
val tree = reconstruct(txIds.size,hashes,bits)
val (bits, hashes) = build(txMatches)
val tree = reconstruct(txIds.size, hashes, bits)
PartialMerkleTree(tree, UInt32(txIds.size), bits, hashes)
* @param txMatches indicates whether the given txid matches the bloom filter, the full merkle branch needs
* to be included inside of the [[PartialMerkleTree]]
* @return the binary tree that represents the partial merkle tree, the bits needed to reconstruct this partial merkle tree, and the hashes needed to be inserted
* according to the flags inside of bits
private def build(txMatches: Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]): (Seq[Boolean], Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]) = {
* @param txMatches indicates whether the given txid matches the bloom filter, the full merkle branch needs
* to be included inside of the [[PartialMerkleTree]]
* @return the binary tree that represents the partial merkle tree, the bits needed to reconstruct this partial merkle tree, and the hashes needed to be inserted
* according to the flags inside of bits
private def build(txMatches: Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]): (Seq[Boolean], Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]) = {
val maxHeight = calcMaxHeight(txMatches.size)
logger.debug("Tx matches: " + txMatches)
logger.debug("Tx matches size: " + txMatches.size)
logger.debug("max height: "+ maxHeight)
logger.debug("max height: " + maxHeight)
* This loops through our merkle tree building [[bits]] so we can instruct another node how to create the partial merkle tree
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L78]]
* @param bits the accumulator for bits indicating how to reconsctruct the partial merkle tree
* @param hashes the relevant hashes used with bits to reconstruct the merkle tree
* @param height the transaction index we are currently looking at -- if it was matched in our bloom filter we need the entire merkle branch
* @return the binary tree that represents the partial merkle tree, the bits needed to reconstruct this partial merkle tree, and the hashes needed to be inserted
* according to the flags inside of bits
* This loops through our merkle tree building [[bits]] so we can instruct another node how to create the partial merkle tree
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L78]]
* @param bits the accumulator for bits indicating how to reconsctruct the partial merkle tree
* @param hashes the relevant hashes used with bits to reconstruct the merkle tree
* @param height the transaction index we are currently looking at -- if it was matched in our bloom filter we need the entire merkle branch
* @return the binary tree that represents the partial merkle tree, the bits needed to reconstruct this partial merkle tree, and the hashes needed to be inserted
* according to the flags inside of bits
def loop(bits: Seq[Boolean], hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], height: Int, pos: Int): (Seq[Boolean], Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]) = {
val parentOfMatch = matchesTx(maxHeight,maxHeight - height, pos, txMatches)
val parentOfMatch = matchesTx(maxHeight, maxHeight - height, pos, txMatches)
logger.debug("parent of match: " + parentOfMatch)
val newBits = parentOfMatch +: bits
if (height == 0 || !parentOfMatch) {
//means that we are either at the root of the merkle tree or there is nothing interesting below
//this node in our binary tree
val nodeHash = calcHash(height,pos,txMatches.map(_._2))
val nodeHash = calcHash(height, pos, txMatches.map(_._2))
val newHashes = nodeHash +: hashes
(newBits, newHashes)
} else {
//process the left node
val (leftBits,leftHashes) = loop(newBits, hashes, height-1, pos*2)
if (existsRightSubTree(pos,txMatches.size,height)) {
val (leftBits, leftHashes) = loop(newBits, hashes, height - 1, pos * 2)
if (existsRightSubTree(pos, txMatches.size, height)) {
//process the right node if the tree's width is larger than the position we are looking at
loop(leftBits,leftHashes, height-1, (pos*2) + 1)
} else (leftBits,leftHashes)
loop(leftBits, leftHashes, height - 1, (pos * 2) + 1)
} else (leftBits, leftHashes)
val (bits,hashes) = loop(Nil, Nil, maxHeight,0)
val (bits, hashes) = loop(Nil, Nil, maxHeight, 0)
//pad the bit array to the nearest byte as required by BIP37
val bitsNeeded = if ((bits.size % 8) == 0) 0 else 8 - (bits.size % 8)
val paddingBits = for { _ <- 0 until bitsNeeded} yield false
val paddingBits = for { _ <- 0 until bitsNeeded } yield false
(bits.reverse ++ paddingBits, hashes.reverse)
/** Checks if a node at given the given height and position matches a transaction in the sequence */
def matchesTx(maxHeight: Int, height: Int, pos: Int, matchedTx: Seq[(Boolean,DoubleSha256Digest)]): Boolean = {
def matchesTx(maxHeight: Int, height: Int, pos: Int, matchedTx: Seq[(Boolean, DoubleSha256Digest)]): Boolean = {
//mimics this functionality inside of bitcoin core
val inverseHeight = maxHeight - height
@ -187,73 +185,75 @@ object PartialMerkleTree {
/** Simple way to calculate the maximum width of a binary tree */
private def calcTreeWidth(numTransactions: Int, height: Int) = (numTransactions+ (1 << height)-1) >> height
private def calcTreeWidth(numTransactions: Int, height: Int) = (numTransactions + (1 << height) - 1) >> height
/** Calculates the hash of a node in the merkle tree */
private def calcHash(height : Int, pos : Int, txIds: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): DoubleSha256Digest = {
private def calcHash(height: Int, pos: Int, txIds: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): DoubleSha256Digest = {
//TODO: Optimize this to tailrec function
//follows this function inside of bitcoin core
if (height == 0) txIds(pos)
else {
val leftHash = calcHash(height-1, pos * 2, txIds)
val rightHash = if (existsRightSubTree(pos,txIds.size,height)) {
calcHash(height-1, (pos * 2) + 1, txIds)
val leftHash = calcHash(height - 1, pos * 2, txIds)
val rightHash = if (existsRightSubTree(pos, txIds.size, height)) {
calcHash(height - 1, (pos * 2) + 1, txIds)
} else leftHash
CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(leftHash.bytes ++ rightHash.bytes)
* Function to reconstruct a partial merkle tree
* @param transactionCount the number of transactions inside of the partial merkle tree
* @param hashes the hashes used to reconstruct the partial merkle tree
* @param bits the bits used indicate the structure of the partial merkle tree
* @return
* Function to reconstruct a partial merkle tree
* @param transactionCount the number of transactions inside of the partial merkle tree
* @param hashes the hashes used to reconstruct the partial merkle tree
* @param bits the bits used indicate the structure of the partial merkle tree
* @return
def apply(transactionCount: UInt32, hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], bits: Seq[Boolean]): PartialMerkleTree = {
val tree = reconstruct(transactionCount.toInt,hashes,bits)
PartialMerkleTree(tree,transactionCount, bits,hashes)
val tree = reconstruct(transactionCount.toInt, hashes, bits)
PartialMerkleTree(tree, transactionCount, bits, hashes)
* This constructor creates a partial from this given [[BinaryTree]]
* You probably don't want to use this constructor, unless you manually constructed [[bits]] and the [[tree]]
* by hand
* @param tree the partial merkle tree -- note this is NOT the full merkle tree
* @param transactionCount the number of transactions there initially was in the full merkle tree
* @param bits the path to the matches in the partial merkle tree
* @param hashes the hashes used to reconstruct the binary tree according to [[bits]]
def apply(tree: BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest], transactionCount: UInt32, bits: Seq[Boolean], hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): PartialMerkleTree = {
PartialMerkleTreeImpl(tree,transactionCount, bits, hashes)
* This constructor creates a partial from this given [[BinaryTree]]
* You probably don't want to use this constructor, unless you manually constructed [[bits]] and the [[tree]]
* by hand
* @param tree the partial merkle tree -- note this is NOT the full merkle tree
* @param transactionCount the number of transactions there initially was in the full merkle tree
* @param bits the path to the matches in the partial merkle tree
* @param hashes the hashes used to reconstruct the binary tree according to [[bits]]
def apply(tree: BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest], transactionCount: UInt32, bits: Seq[Boolean], hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest]): PartialMerkleTree = {
PartialMerkleTreeImpl(tree, transactionCount, bits, hashes)
/** Builds a partial merkle tree
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#parsing-a-merkleblock-message]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L96]]
* Builds a partial merkle tree
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#parsing-a-merkleblock-message]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L96]]
private def reconstruct(numTransaction: Int, hashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], bits: Seq[Boolean]): BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest] = {
val maxHeight = calcMaxHeight(numTransaction)
//TODO: Optimize to tailrec function
def loop(remainingHashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], remainingMatches: Seq[Boolean], height: Int, pos: Int) : (BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest],Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Boolean]) = {
def loop(remainingHashes: Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], remainingMatches: Seq[Boolean], height: Int, pos: Int): (BinaryTree[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Boolean]) = {
if (height == maxHeight) {
//means we have a txid node
} else {
//means we have a non txid node
if (remainingMatches.head) {
val nextHeight = height+1
val nextHeight = height + 1
val leftNodePos = pos * 2
val rightNodePos = (pos * 2) + 1
val (leftNode,leftRemainingHashes,leftRemainingBits) = loop(remainingHashes,remainingMatches.tail,nextHeight, leftNodePos)
val (rightNode,rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits) =
if (existsRightSubTree(pos,numTransaction,maxHeight,height)) {
val (rightNode,rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits) =
loop(leftRemainingHashes,leftRemainingBits,nextHeight, rightNodePos)
val (leftNode, leftRemainingHashes, leftRemainingBits) = loop(remainingHashes, remainingMatches.tail, nextHeight, leftNodePos)
val (rightNode, rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits) =
if (existsRightSubTree(pos, numTransaction, maxHeight, height)) {
val (rightNode, rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits) =
loop(leftRemainingHashes, leftRemainingBits, nextHeight, rightNodePos)
if (nextHeight != maxHeight) {
//we cannot the same two hashes as child nodes UNLESS we are the max height in the binary tree
@ -261,35 +261,36 @@ object PartialMerkleTree {
", \nleftRemainingHashes: " + leftRemainingHashes + " \nrightRemainingHashes: " + rightRemainingHashes +
"\nnumTransactions: " + numTransaction + "\nhashes: " + hashes + "\nbits: " + bits)
(rightNode,rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits)
(rightNode, rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits)
} else (leftNode, leftRemainingHashes, leftRemainingBits)
val nodeHash = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(leftNode.value.get.bytes ++ rightNode.value.get.bytes)
val node = Node(nodeHash,leftNode,rightNode)
} else (Leaf(remainingHashes.head),remainingHashes.tail,remainingMatches.tail)
val node = Node(nodeHash, leftNode, rightNode)
(node, rightRemainingHashes, rightRemainingBits)
} else (Leaf(remainingHashes.head), remainingHashes.tail, remainingMatches.tail)
logger.debug("Original hashes: " + hashes)
logger.debug("Original bits: " + bits)
val (tree,remainingHashes,remainingBits) = loop(hashes,bits,0,0)
val (tree, remainingHashes, remainingBits) = loop(hashes, bits, 0, 0)
//we must have used all the hashes provided to us to reconstruct the partial merkle tree as per BIP37
require(remainingHashes.size == 0,"We should not have any left over hashes after building our partial merkle tree, got: " + remainingHashes )
require(remainingHashes.size == 0, "We should not have any left over hashes after building our partial merkle tree, got: " + remainingHashes)
//we must not have any matches remaining, unless the remaining bits were use to pad our byte vector to 8 bits
//for instance, we could have had 5 bits to indicate how to build the merkle tree, but we need to pad it with 3 bits
//to give us a full byte to serialize and send over the network
require(usedAllBits(bits,remainingBits), "We should not have any remaining matches except for those that pad our byte after building our partial merkle tree, got: " + remainingBits)
require(usedAllBits(bits, remainingBits), "We should not have any remaining matches except for those that pad our byte after building our partial merkle tree, got: " + remainingBits)
/** Calculates the maximum height for a binary tree with the number of transactions specified */
def calcMaxHeight(numTransactions: Int): Int = Math.ceil((log(numTransactions) / log(2))).toInt
/** Determines if the right sub tree can exists inside of the partial merkle tree
* This function should only be used to determine if a right sub tree exists when we
* are building a partial merkle tree from bottom up, NOT TOP DOWN. If we are building a
* tree from top down use it's counterpart that does NOT take a maxHeight parameter*/
* Determines if the right sub tree can exists inside of the partial merkle tree
* This function should only be used to determine if a right sub tree exists when we
* are building a partial merkle tree from bottom up, NOT TOP DOWN. If we are building a
* tree from top down use it's counterpart that does NOT take a maxHeight parameter
private def existsRightSubTree(pos: Int, numTransaction: Int, maxHeight: Int, height: Int): Boolean = {
(pos * 2) + 1 < calcTreeWidth(numTransaction, maxHeight - height - 1)
@ -299,13 +300,13 @@ object PartialMerkleTree {
(pos * 2) + 1 < calcTreeWidth(numTransaction, height - 1)
/** Enforces the invariant inside of bitcoin core saying we must use all bits
* in a byte array when reconstruction a partial merkle tree
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L174-L175]]
* Enforces the invariant inside of bitcoin core saying we must use all bits
* in a byte array when reconstruction a partial merkle tree
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b7b48c8bbdf7a90861610b035d8b0a247ef78c45/src/merkleblock.cpp#L174-L175]]
private def usedAllBits(bits: Seq[Boolean], remainingBits: Seq[Boolean]): Boolean = {
val bitsUsed = bits.size - remainingBits.size
((bitsUsed+7) / 8) ==((bits.size + 7) / 8)
((bitsUsed + 7) / 8) == ((bits.size + 7) / 8)
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.ScriptParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
* Created by chris on 12/9/16.
* Created by chris on 12/9/16.
trait ScriptFactory[T] extends Factory[T] {
/** Builds a script from the given asm with the given constructor if the invariant holds true, else throws an error */
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ trait ScriptFactory[T] extends Factory[T] {
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): T = {
val cpmct = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
val (_,noCmpctUInt) = bytes.splitAt(cpmct.bytes.size)
val (_, noCmpctUInt) = bytes.splitAt(cpmct.bytes.size)
val asm = ScriptParser.fromBytes(noCmpctUInt)
@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.Block
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.WitnessTransaction
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptSettings
import org.bitcoins.core.script.bitwise.{OP_EQUAL, OP_EQUALVERIFY}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{BytesToPushOntoStack, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{OP_ELSE, OP_ENDIF, OP_IF, OP_RETURN}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.{OP_CHECKMULTISIG, OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_HASH160}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime.{OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.bitwise.{ OP_EQUAL, OP_EQUALVERIFY }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ BytesToPushOntoStack, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ OP_ELSE, OP_ENDIF, OP_IF, OP_RETURN }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.{ OP_CHECKMULTISIG, OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_HASH160 }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime.{ OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.reserved.UndefinedOP_NOP
import org.bitcoins.core.script.stack.{OP_DROP, OP_DUP}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.{RawScriptPubKeyParser, ScriptParser}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.stack.{ OP_DROP, OP_DUP }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.{ RawScriptPubKeyParser, ScriptParser }
import org.bitcoins.core.util._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 12/26/15.
@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
sealed trait ScriptPubKey extends NetworkElement {
/** The size of the script, this is used for network serialization */
def compactSizeUInt : CompactSizeUInt = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
def compactSizeUInt: CompactSizeUInt = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
* Representation of a scriptPubKey in a parsed assembly format
* this data structure can be run through the script interpreter to
* see if a script evaluates to true
* Note: The first byte(s) inside the byte array is the [[CompactSizeUInt]]
* used to represent the size of the script serialization
lazy val asm : Seq[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(bytes.splitAt(compactSizeUInt.size.toInt)._2)
* Representation of a scriptPubKey in a parsed assembly format
* this data structure can be run through the script interpreter to
* see if a script evaluates to true
* Note: The first byte(s) inside the byte array is the [[CompactSizeUInt]]
* used to represent the size of the script serialization
lazy val asm: Seq[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(bytes.splitAt(compactSizeUInt.size.toInt)._2)
/** The byte representation of [[asm]], this does NOT have the bytes
* for the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt]] in the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey]]
* The byte representation of [[asm]], this does NOT have the bytes
* for the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt]] in the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey]]
lazy val asmBytes: Seq[Byte] = asm.flatMap(_.bytes)
@ -48,16 +48,15 @@ sealed trait ScriptPubKey extends NetworkElement {
sealed trait P2PKHScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
def pubKeyHash : Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160Digest(asm(asm.length - 3).bytes)
def pubKeyHash: Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160Digest(asm(asm.length - 3).bytes)
object P2PKHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2PKHScriptPubKey] {
private case class P2PKHScriptPubKeyImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends P2PKHScriptPubKey {
override def toString = "P2PKHScriptPubKeyImpl(" + hex + ")"
def apply(pubKey : ECPublicKey) : P2PKHScriptPubKey = {
def apply(pubKey: ECPublicKey): P2PKHScriptPubKey = {
val hash = CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(pubKey.bytes)
@ -69,14 +68,14 @@ object P2PKHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2PKHScriptPubKey] {
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2PKHScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm, P2PKHScriptPubKeyImpl(_),isP2PKHScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a p2pkh scriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
buildScript(asm, P2PKHScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isP2PKHScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a p2pkh scriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def apply(asm :Seq[ScriptToken]) : P2PKHScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2PKHScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
/** Checks if the given asm matches the pattern for [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] */
def isP2PKHScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = asm match {
case List(OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, x : BytesToPushOntoStack, y : ScriptConstant, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG) => true
case List(OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, x: BytesToPushOntoStack, y: ScriptConstant, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG) => true
case _ => false
@ -89,14 +88,14 @@ object P2PKHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2PKHScriptPubKey] {
sealed trait MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
/** Returns the amount of required signatures for this multisignature script pubkey output */
def requiredSigs : Int = {
def requiredSigs: Int = {
val asmWithoutPushOps = asm.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[BytesToPushOntoStack])
val opCheckMultiSigIndex = if (asm.indexOf(OP_CHECKMULTISIG) != -1) asmWithoutPushOps.indexOf(OP_CHECKMULTISIG) else asmWithoutPushOps.indexOf(OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY)
//magic number 2 represents the maxSig operation and the OP_CHECKMULTISIG operation at the end of the asm
val numSigsRequired = asmWithoutPushOps(opCheckMultiSigIndex - maxSigs.toInt - 2)
numSigsRequired match {
case x : ScriptNumber => x.toInt
case c : ScriptConstant if ScriptNumber(c.hex).toLong <= ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig =>
case x: ScriptNumber => x.toInt
case c: ScriptConstant if ScriptNumber(c.hex).toLong <= ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig =>
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("The first element of the multisignature pubkey must be a script number operation\n" +
"operation: " + numSigsRequired +
@ -105,28 +104,27 @@ sealed trait MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
/** The maximum amount of signatures for this multisignature script pubkey output */
def maxSigs : Int = {
def maxSigs: Int = {
if (checkMultiSigIndex == -1 || checkMultiSigIndex == 0) {
//means that we do not have a max signature requirement
} else {
asm(checkMultiSigIndex - 1) match {
case x : ScriptNumber => x.toInt
case c : ScriptConstant if ScriptNumber(c.hex).toLong <= ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig =>
case x: ScriptNumber => x.toInt
case c: ScriptConstant if ScriptNumber(c.hex).toLong <= ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig =>
case x => throw new RuntimeException("The element preceding a OP_CHECKMULTISIG operation in a multisignature pubkey must be a script number operation, got: " + x)
/** Gives the OP_CHECKMULTISIG or OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY index inside of asm */
private def checkMultiSigIndex : Int = {
private def checkMultiSigIndex: Int = {
if (asm.indexOf(OP_CHECKMULTISIG) != -1) asm.indexOf(OP_CHECKMULTISIG) else asm.indexOf(OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY)
/** Returns the public keys encoded into the scriptPubKey */
def publicKeys : Seq[ECPublicKey] = {
def publicKeys: Seq[ECPublicKey] = {
asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant]).slice(1, maxSigs + 1).map(key => ECPublicKey(key.hex))
@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptPubK
override def toString = "MultiSignatureScriptPubKeyImpl(" + hex + ")"
def apply(requiredSigs : Int, pubKeys : Seq[ECPublicKey]): MultiSignatureScriptPubKey = {
def apply(requiredSigs: Int, pubKeys: Seq[ECPublicKey]): MultiSignatureScriptPubKey = {
require(requiredSigs <= ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig, "We cannot have more required signatures than: " +
ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig + " got: " + requiredSigs)
require(pubKeys.length <= ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig, "We cannot have more public keys than " +
@ -157,7 +155,7 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptPubK
val pushOps = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(scriptNum)
pushOps ++ Seq(scriptNum)
val pubKeysWithPushOps : Seq[Seq[ScriptToken]] = for {
val pubKeysWithPushOps: Seq[Seq[ScriptToken]] = for {
pubKey <- pubKeys
pushOps = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(pubKey.bytes)
constant = ScriptConstant(pubKey.bytes)
@ -167,13 +165,13 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptPubK
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): MultiSignatureScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm,MultiSignatureScriptPubKeyImpl(_),isMultiSignatureScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a MultSignatureScriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
buildScript(asm, MultiSignatureScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isMultiSignatureScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a MultSignatureScriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def apply(asm :Seq[ScriptToken]) : MultiSignatureScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): MultiSignatureScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
/** Determines if the given script tokens are a multisignature scriptPubKey */
def isMultiSignatureScriptPubKey(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : Boolean = {
def isMultiSignatureScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
val isNotEmpty = asm.size > 0
val containsMultiSigOp = asm.contains(OP_CHECKMULTISIG) || asm.contains(OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY)
//we need either the first or second asm operation to indicate how many signatures are required
@ -194,7 +192,7 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptPubK
val standardOps = asm.filter(op => op.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumber] || op == OP_CHECKMULTISIG ||
val standardOps = asm.filter(op => op.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumber] || op == OP_CHECKMULTISIG ||
op == OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY || op.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant] || op.isInstanceOf[BytesToPushOntoStack])
(hasRequiredSignaturesTry, hasMaximumSignaturesTry) match {
case (Success(hasRequiredSignatures), Success(hasMaximumSignatures)) =>
@ -208,13 +206,14 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptPubK
* Checks that the given script token is with the range of the maximum amount of
* public keys we can have in a [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] */
private def isValidPubKeyNumber(token : ScriptToken): Boolean = token match {
case constant : ScriptConstant =>
* Checks that the given script token is with the range of the maximum amount of
* public keys we can have in a [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]]
private def isValidPubKeyNumber(token: ScriptToken): Boolean = token match {
case constant: ScriptConstant =>
constant.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumber] ||
ScriptNumber(constant.bytes) <= ScriptNumber(ScriptSettings.maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig)
case _ : ScriptToken => false
case _: ScriptToken => false
@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptPubK
sealed trait P2SHScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
/** The hash of the script for which this scriptPubKey is being created from */
def scriptHash : Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160Digest(asm(asm.length - 2).bytes)
def scriptHash: Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160Digest(asm(asm.length - 2).bytes)
object P2SHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptPubKey] {
@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ object P2SHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptPubKey] {
override def toString = "P2SHScriptPubKeyImpl(" + hex + ")"
def apply(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey) : P2SHScriptPubKey = {
def apply(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): P2SHScriptPubKey = {
val hash = CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(scriptPubKey.asmBytes)
@ -246,15 +245,15 @@ object P2SHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptPubKey] {
/** Checks if the given asm matches the pattern for [[P2SHScriptPubKey]] */
def isP2SHScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = asm match {
case List(OP_HASH160, x : BytesToPushOntoStack, y : ScriptConstant, OP_EQUAL) => true
case List(OP_HASH160, x: BytesToPushOntoStack, y: ScriptConstant, OP_EQUAL) => true
case _ => false
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2SHScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm,P2SHScriptPubKeyImpl(_),isP2SHScriptPubKey(_),"Given asm was not a p2sh scriptPubkey, got: " + asm)
buildScript(asm, P2SHScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isP2SHScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a p2sh scriptPubkey, got: " + asm)
def apply(asm :Seq[ScriptToken]) : P2SHScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2SHScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ object P2SHScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptPubKey] {
* Format: <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG
sealed trait P2PKScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
def publicKey : ECPublicKey = ECPublicKey(BitcoinScriptUtil.filterPushOps(asm).head.bytes)
def publicKey: ECPublicKey = ECPublicKey(BitcoinScriptUtil.filterPushOps(asm).head.bytes)
object P2PKScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2PKScriptPubKey] {
@ -272,21 +271,21 @@ object P2PKScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2PKScriptPubKey] {
override def toString = "P2PKScriptPubKeyImpl(" + hex + ")"
def apply(pubKey : ECPublicKey): P2PKScriptPubKey = {
def apply(pubKey: ECPublicKey): P2PKScriptPubKey = {
val pushOps = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(pubKey.bytes)
val asm = pushOps ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(pubKey.bytes), OP_CHECKSIG)
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2PKScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm,P2PKScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isP2PKScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a p2pk scriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
buildScript(asm, P2PKScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isP2PKScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a p2pk scriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def apply(asm :Seq[ScriptToken]) : P2PKScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2PKScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
/** Sees if the given asm matches the [[P2PKHScriptPubKey]] pattern */
def isP2PKScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = asm match {
case List(b : BytesToPushOntoStack, x : ScriptConstant, OP_CHECKSIG) => true
case List(b: BytesToPushOntoStack, x: ScriptConstant, OP_CHECKSIG) => true
case _ => false
@ -294,20 +293,20 @@ object P2PKScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[P2PKScriptPubKey] {
sealed trait LockTimeScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
/** Determines the nested ScriptPubKey inside the LockTimeScriptPubKey */
def nestedScriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey = {
val bool : Boolean = asm.head.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]
def nestedScriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey = {
val bool: Boolean = asm.head.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]
bool match {
case true => ScriptPubKey(asm.slice(3, asm.length))
case true => ScriptPubKey(asm.slice(3, asm.length))
case false => ScriptPubKey(asm.slice(4, asm.length))
/** The relative locktime value (i.e. the amount of time the output should remain unspendable) */
def locktime : ScriptNumber = {
def locktime: ScriptNumber = {
asm.head match {
case scriptNumOp: ScriptNumberOperation => ScriptNumber(scriptNumOp.toLong)
case _: BytesToPushOntoStack => ScriptNumber(asm(1).hex)
case x @ (_ : ScriptConstant | _ : ScriptOperation) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("In a LockTimeScriptPubKey, " +
case _: BytesToPushOntoStack => ScriptNumber(asm(1).hex)
case x @ (_: ScriptConstant | _: ScriptOperation) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("In a LockTimeScriptPubKey, " +
"the first asm must be either a ScriptNumberOperation (i.e. OP_5), or the BytesToPushOntoStack for the proceeding ScriptConstant.")
@ -328,11 +327,11 @@ object LockTimeScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[LockTimeScriptPubKey] {
* Represents a scriptPubKey that contains OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY.
* Adds an absolute/defined locktime condition to any scriptPubKey.
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0065.mediawiki]]
* Format: <locktime> OP_CLTV OP_DROP <scriptPubKey>
* Represents a scriptPubKey that contains OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY.
* Adds an absolute/defined locktime condition to any scriptPubKey.
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0065.mediawiki]]
* Format: <locktime> OP_CLTV OP_DROP <scriptPubKey>
sealed trait CLTVScriptPubKey extends LockTimeScriptPubKey
object CLTVScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[CLTVScriptPubKey] {
@ -340,19 +339,19 @@ object CLTVScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[CLTVScriptPubKey] {
override def toString = "CLTVScriptPubKeyImpl(" + hex + ")"
def fromAsm(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : CLTVScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm,CLTVScriptPubKeyImpl(_),isCLTVScriptPubKey(_),"Given asm was not a CLTVScriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): CLTVScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm, CLTVScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isCLTVScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a CLTVScriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def apply (asm: Seq[ScriptToken]) : CLTVScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): CLTVScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(locktime : ScriptNumber, scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey) : CLTVScriptPubKey = {
def apply(locktime: ScriptNumber, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): CLTVScriptPubKey = {
val scriptOp = BitcoinScriptUtil.minimalScriptNumberRepresentation(locktime)
val scriptNum : Seq[ScriptToken] = if (scriptOp.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]) {
val scriptNum: Seq[ScriptToken] = if (scriptOp.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]) {
} else {
val pushOpsLockTime= BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(locktime.bytes)
val pushOpsLockTime = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(locktime.bytes)
pushOpsLockTime ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(locktime.bytes))
@ -362,46 +361,47 @@ object CLTVScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[CLTVScriptPubKey] {
def isCLTVScriptPubKey(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : Boolean = {
def isCLTVScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
if (asm.head.isInstanceOf[BytesToPushOntoStack]) {
val tailTokens = asm.slice(4, asm.length)
if (P2SHScriptPubKey.isP2SHScriptPubKey(tailTokens) || tailTokens.contains(OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)) return false
asm.slice(0,4) match {
case List(lockTimeBytesToPush : BytesToPushOntoStack, lockTime : ScriptConstant, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
asm.slice(0, 4) match {
case List(lockTimeBytesToPush: BytesToPushOntoStack, lockTime: ScriptConstant, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
case _ => false
} else {
val tailTokens = asm.slice(3, asm.length)
if (P2SHScriptPubKey.isP2SHScriptPubKey(tailTokens) || tailTokens.contains(OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)) return false
asm.slice(0,3) match {
case List(scriptNumOp : ScriptNumberOperation, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
asm.slice(0, 3) match {
case List(scriptNumOp: ScriptNumberOperation, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
case _ => false
/** We need this check because sometimes we can get very lucky in having a non valid
* lock time script that has the first 4 bytes as a valid locktime script
* and then the bytes after the first 4 bytes gets lucky and is parsed by our [[ScriptParser]]
* A good way to see if this is _actually_ a valid script is by checking if we have any
* [[UndefinedOP_NOP]] in the script, which means we definitely don't have a valid locktime script
* See this example of what happened before we added this check:
* [[https://travis-ci.org/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s-core/builds/201652191#L2526]]
* We need this check because sometimes we can get very lucky in having a non valid
* lock time script that has the first 4 bytes as a valid locktime script
* and then the bytes after the first 4 bytes gets lucky and is parsed by our [[ScriptParser]]
* A good way to see if this is _actually_ a valid script is by checking if we have any
* [[UndefinedOP_NOP]] in the script, which means we definitely don't have a valid locktime script
* See this example of what happened before we added this check:
* [[https://travis-ci.org/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s-core/builds/201652191#L2526]]
def validScriptAfterLockTime(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
* Represents a scriptPubKey that contains OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.
* Adds a relative lockTime condition to any scriptPubKey.
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki
* Format: <locktime> OP_CSV OP_DROP <scriptPubKey>
* Represents a scriptPubKey that contains OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.
* Adds a relative lockTime condition to any scriptPubKey.
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki
* Format: <locktime> OP_CSV OP_DROP <scriptPubKey>
sealed trait CSVScriptPubKey extends LockTimeScriptPubKey
object CSVScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[CSVScriptPubKey] {
@ -409,19 +409,19 @@ object CSVScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[CSVScriptPubKey] {
override def toString = "CSVScriptPubKeyImpl(" + hex + ")"
def fromAsm (asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : CSVScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm, CSVScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isCSVScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a CSVScriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): CSVScriptPubKey = {
buildScript(asm, CSVScriptPubKeyImpl(_), isCSVScriptPubKey(_), "Given asm was not a CSVScriptPubKey, got: " + asm)
def apply(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : CSVScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): CSVScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(relativeLockTime : ScriptNumber, scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey) : CSVScriptPubKey = {
def apply(relativeLockTime: ScriptNumber, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): CSVScriptPubKey = {
val scriptOp = BitcoinScriptUtil.minimalScriptNumberRepresentation(relativeLockTime)
val scriptNum : Seq[ScriptToken] = if (scriptOp.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]) {
val scriptNum: Seq[ScriptToken] = if (scriptOp.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]) {
} else {
val pushOpsLockTime= BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(relativeLockTime.bytes)
val pushOpsLockTime = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(relativeLockTime.bytes)
pushOpsLockTime ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(relativeLockTime.bytes))
@ -431,20 +431,20 @@ object CSVScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[CSVScriptPubKey] {
def isCSVScriptPubKey(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : Boolean = {
def isCSVScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
if (asm.head.isInstanceOf[BytesToPushOntoStack]) {
val tailTokens = asm.slice(4, asm.length)
if (P2SHScriptPubKey.isP2SHScriptPubKey(tailTokens) || tailTokens.contains(OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)) return false
asm.slice(0,4) match {
case List(lockTimeBytesToPush : BytesToPushOntoStack, lockTime : ScriptConstant, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
asm.slice(0, 4) match {
case List(lockTimeBytesToPush: BytesToPushOntoStack, lockTime: ScriptConstant, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
case _ => false
} else {
val tailTokens = asm.slice(3, asm.length)
if (P2SHScriptPubKey.isP2SHScriptPubKey(tailTokens) || tailTokens.contains(OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)) return false
asm.slice(0,3) match {
case List(numberOp : ScriptNumberOperation, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
asm.slice(0, 3) match {
case List(numberOp: ScriptNumberOperation, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP) =>
case _ => false
@ -462,10 +462,10 @@ object NonStandardScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[NonStandardScriptPubKey] {
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): NonStandardScriptPubKey = {
//everything can be a NonStandardScriptPubkey, thus the trivially true function
buildScript(asm,NonStandardScriptPubKeyImpl(_), {_ => true }, "")
buildScript(asm, NonStandardScriptPubKeyImpl(_), { _ => true }, "")
def apply(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : NonStandardScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): NonStandardScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
/** Represents the empty ScriptPubKey */
@ -475,10 +475,10 @@ case object EmptyScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
/** Factory companion object used to create ScriptPubKey objects */
object ScriptPubKey extends Factory[ScriptPubKey] {
def empty : ScriptPubKey = fromAsm(Nil)
def empty: ScriptPubKey = fromAsm(Nil)
/** Creates a scriptPubKey from its asm representation */
def fromAsm(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : ScriptPubKey = asm match {
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptPubKey = asm match {
case Nil => EmptyScriptPubKey
case _ if P2PKHScriptPubKey.isP2PKHScriptPubKey(asm) => P2PKHScriptPubKey(asm)
case _ if P2SHScriptPubKey.isP2SHScriptPubKey(asm) => P2SHScriptPubKey(asm)
@ -492,9 +492,9 @@ object ScriptPubKey extends Factory[ScriptPubKey] {
case _ => NonStandardScriptPubKey(asm)
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ScriptPubKey = RawScriptPubKeyParser.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ScriptPubKey = RawScriptPubKeyParser.read(bytes)
def apply(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : ScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
/** This type represents a [[ScriptPubKey]] to evaluate a [[ScriptWitness]] */
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ sealed trait WitnessScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
object WitnessScriptPubKey {
/** Witness scripts must begin with one of these operations, see BIP141 */
val validWitVersions: Seq[ScriptNumberOperation] = Seq(OP_0,OP_1,OP_2,OP_3,OP_4,OP_5,OP_6, OP_7, OP_8,
val validWitVersions: Seq[ScriptNumberOperation] = Seq(OP_0, OP_1, OP_2, OP_3, OP_4, OP_5, OP_6, OP_7, OP_8,
OP_9, OP_10, OP_11, OP_12, OP_13, OP_14, OP_15, OP_16)
val unassignedWitVersions = validWitVersions.tail
@ -520,10 +520,11 @@ object WitnessScriptPubKey {
case _ => None
/** Checks if the given asm is a valid [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey]]
* Mimics this function inside of Bitcoin Core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/14d01309bed59afb08651f2b701ff90371b15b20/src/script/script.cpp#L223-L237]]
* Checks if the given asm is a valid [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey]]
* Mimics this function inside of Bitcoin Core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/14d01309bed59afb08651f2b701ff90371b15b20/src/script/script.cpp#L223-L237]]
def isWitnessScriptPubKey(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
val bytes = asm.flatMap(_.bytes)
val firstOp = asm.headOption
@ -541,20 +542,22 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 extends WitnessScriptPubKey {
object WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 {
/** Mimics the function to determine if a [[ScriptPubKey]] contains a witness
* A witness program is any valid [[ScriptPubKey]] that consists of a 1 byte push op and then a data push
* between 2 and 40 bytes
* Verison 0 witness program need to have an OP_0 as the first operation
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/449f9b8debcceb61a92043bc7031528a53627c47/src/script/script.cpp#L215-L229]]
* */
* Mimics the function to determine if a [[ScriptPubKey]] contains a witness
* A witness program is any valid [[ScriptPubKey]] that consists of a 1 byte push op and then a data push
* between 2 and 40 bytes
* Verison 0 witness program need to have an OP_0 as the first operation
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/449f9b8debcceb61a92043bc7031528a53627c47/src/script/script.cpp#L215-L229]]
def isValid(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
WitnessScriptPubKey.isWitnessScriptPubKey(asm) && asm.headOption == Some(OP_0)
/** Represents the pay-to-witness-pubkeyhash script pubkey type as defined in BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#P2WPKH]]
* */
* Represents the pay-to-witness-pubkeyhash script pubkey type as defined in BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#P2WPKH]]
sealed abstract class P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0 extends WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 {
def pubKeyHash: Sha256Hash160Digest = Sha256Hash160Digest(asm(3).bytes)
override def toString = s"P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0($hex)"
@ -564,13 +567,12 @@ object P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0 extends ScriptFactory[P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0] {
private case class P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0Impl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0
override def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0 = {
buildScript(asm,P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0Impl(_), isValid(_), s"Given asm was not a P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0, got $asm")
buildScript(asm, P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0Impl(_), isValid(_), s"Given asm was not a P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0, got $asm")
def isValid(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
WitnessScriptPubKeyV0.isValid(asm) &&
asm.flatMap(_.bytes).size == 22
asm.flatMap(_.bytes).size == 22
/** Creates a P2WPKH witness script pubkey */
@ -581,9 +583,10 @@ object P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0 extends ScriptFactory[P2WPKHWitnessSPKV0] {
/** Reprents the pay-to-witness-scripthash script pubkey type as defined in BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wsh]]
* */
* Reprents the pay-to-witness-scripthash script pubkey type as defined in BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wsh]]
sealed abstract class P2WSHWitnessSPKV0 extends WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 {
def scriptHash: Sha256Digest = Sha256Digest(asm(3).bytes)
override def toString = s"P2WSHWitnessSPKV0($hex)"
@ -592,14 +595,13 @@ sealed abstract class P2WSHWitnessSPKV0 extends WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 {
object P2WSHWitnessSPKV0 extends ScriptFactory[P2WSHWitnessSPKV0] {
private case class P2WSHWitnessSPKV0Impl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends P2WSHWitnessSPKV0
override def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2WSHWitnessSPKV0 = {
buildScript(asm,P2WSHWitnessSPKV0Impl(_), isValid(_), s"Given asm was not a P2WSHWitnessSPKV0, got $asm")
buildScript(asm, P2WSHWitnessSPKV0Impl(_), isValid(_), s"Given asm was not a P2WSHWitnessSPKV0, got $asm")
def isValid(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
WitnessScriptPubKeyV0.isValid(asm) &&
asm.flatMap(_.bytes).size == 34
asm.flatMap(_.bytes).size == 34
def apply(spk: ScriptPubKey): P2WSHWitnessSPKV0 = {
@ -626,12 +628,13 @@ object UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[UnassignedWitnessScri
def apply(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey = fromAsm(asm)
/** This trait represents the witness commitment found in the coinbase transaction
* This is needed to commit to the wtxids of all of the witness transactions, since the merkle tree
* does not commit to the witnesses for all [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.WitnessTransaction]]
* See BIP141 for more info
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
* This trait represents the witness commitment found in the coinbase transaction
* This is needed to commit to the wtxids of all of the witness transactions, since the merkle tree
* does not commit to the witnesses for all [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.WitnessTransaction]]
* See BIP141 for more info
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
sealed trait WitnessCommitment extends ScriptPubKey {
/** The commitment to the [[WitnessTransaction]]s in the [[Block]] */
def witnessRootHash: DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(asm(2).bytes.splitAt(4)._2)
@ -654,35 +657,37 @@ object WitnessCommitment extends ScriptFactory[WitnessCommitment] {
def apply(hash: DoubleSha256Digest): WitnessCommitment = {
WitnessCommitment(Seq(OP_RETURN, BytesToPushOntoStack(36), ScriptConstant(commitmentHeader + hash.hex)))
/** This determines if the given asm has the correct witness structure according to BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]] */
* This determines if the given asm has the correct witness structure according to BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#commitment-structure]]
def isWitnessCommitment(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
if (asm.size < 3) false
else {
val minCommitmentSize = 38
val Seq(opReturn, pushOp, constant) = asm.take(3)
opReturn == OP_RETURN && pushOp == BytesToPushOntoStack(36) &&
constant.hex.take(8) == commitmentHeader && asm.flatMap(_.bytes).size >= minCommitmentSize
constant.hex.take(8) == commitmentHeader && asm.flatMap(_.bytes).size >= minCommitmentSize
/** Represents a [[ScriptPubKey]] that either times out allowing Alice to spend from the scriptpubkey
* or allows a federation to spend from the escrow
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki#contracts-with-expiration-deadlines]]
* Format: OP_IF <multsig scriptpubkey> OP_ELSE <locktime scriptPubKey> OP_ENDIF
* Represents a [[ScriptPubKey]] that either times out allowing Alice to spend from the scriptpubkey
* or allows a federation to spend from the escrow
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki#contracts-with-expiration-deadlines]]
* Format: OP_IF <multsig scriptpubkey> OP_ELSE <locktime scriptPubKey> OP_ENDIF
sealed trait EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey extends ScriptPubKey {
/** The [[MultiSignatureScriptPubKey]] that can be used to spend funds */
def escrow: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey = {
val escrowAsm = asm.slice(1,opElseIndex)
val escrowAsm = asm.slice(1, opElseIndex)
/** The [[CSVScriptPubKey]] that you can spend funds from after a certain timeout */
def timeout: LockTimeScriptPubKey = {
val timeoutAsm = asm.slice(opElseIndex+1, asm.length-1)
val timeoutAsm = asm.slice(opElseIndex + 1, asm.length - 1)
@ -707,9 +712,9 @@ object EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey
val opElseIndex = asm.indexOf(OP_ELSE)
val correctControlStructure = asm.headOption.contains(OP_IF) && asm.last == OP_ENDIF && opElseIndex != -1
if (correctControlStructure) {
val escrowAsm = asm.slice(1,opElseIndex)
val escrowAsm = asm.slice(1, opElseIndex)
val escrow = Try(MultiSignatureScriptPubKey(escrowAsm))
val timeoutAsm = asm.slice(opElseIndex+1, asm.length-1)
val timeoutAsm = asm.slice(opElseIndex + 1, asm.length - 1)
val timeout = Try(LockTimeScriptPubKey.fromAsm(timeoutAsm))
escrow.isSuccess && timeout.isSuccess
} else false
@ -720,4 +725,3 @@ object EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey extends ScriptFactory[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
sealed trait ScriptPubKeyUpdateIndicator
case class UpdateScriptPubKeyAsm(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) extends ScriptPubKeyUpdateIndicator
case class UpdateScriptPubKeyBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) extends ScriptPubKeyUpdateIndicator
case class UpdateScriptPubKeyAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]) extends ScriptPubKeyUpdateIndicator
case class UpdateScriptPubKeyBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends ScriptPubKeyUpdateIndicator
@ -1,49 +1,47 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ECDigitalSignature, ECPublicKey}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement}
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ ECDigitalSignature, ECPublicKey }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.{RawScriptSignatureParser, ScriptParser}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.{ RawScriptSignatureParser, ScriptParser }
import org.bitcoins.core.util._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 12/26/15.
* Created by chris on 12/26/15.
sealed abstract class ScriptSignature extends NetworkElement {
def compactSizeUInt = CompactSizeUInt.parse(bytes)
* Representation of a scriptSignature in a parsed assembly format
* this data structure can be run through the script interpreter to
* see if a script evaluates to true
* Note: The first byte(s) inside the byte array is the [[CompactSizeUInt]]
* used to represent the size of the script serialization
lazy val asm : Seq[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(bytes.splitAt(compactSizeUInt.size.toInt)._2)
* Representation of a scriptSignature in a parsed assembly format
* this data structure can be run through the script interpreter to
* see if a script evaluates to true
* Note: The first byte(s) inside the byte array is the [[CompactSizeUInt]]
* used to represent the size of the script serialization
lazy val asm: Seq[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(bytes.splitAt(compactSizeUInt.size.toInt)._2)
/** Byte vector for script program WITHOUT the [[CompactSizeUInt]], this is the raw byte vector that can be run */
lazy val asmBytes = asm.flatMap(_.bytes)
* The digital signatures contained inside of the script signature
* p2pkh script signatures only have one sig
* p2pk script signatures only have one sigs
* p2sh script signatures can have m sigs
* multisignature scripts can have m sigs
def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature]
* The digital signatures contained inside of the script signature
* p2pkh script signatures only have one sig
* p2pk script signatures only have one sigs
* p2sh script signatures can have m sigs
* multisignature scripts can have m sigs
def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature]
sealed trait NonStandardScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = Nil
def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = Nil
override def toString = "NonStandardScriptSignature(" + hex + ")"
@ -52,8 +50,8 @@ object NonStandardScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[NonStandardScriptSignatu
def fromAsm(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]): NonStandardScriptSignature = {
buildScript(asm, NonStandardScriptSignatureImpl(_),{ _ => true}, "")
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): NonStandardScriptSignature = {
buildScript(asm, NonStandardScriptSignatureImpl(_), { _ => true }, "")
@ -66,12 +64,12 @@ object NonStandardScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[NonStandardScriptSignatu
sealed trait P2PKHScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
/** P2PKH scriptSigs only have one signature */
def signature : ECDigitalSignature = signatures.head
def signature: ECDigitalSignature = signatures.head
/** Gives us the public key inside of a p2pkh script signature */
def publicKey : ECPublicKey = ECPublicKey(asm.last.bytes)
def publicKey: ECPublicKey = ECPublicKey(asm.last.bytes)
override def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = {
override def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = {
@ -83,24 +81,25 @@ object P2PKHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2PKHScriptSignature] {
private case class P2PKHScriptSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends P2PKHScriptSignature
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2PKHScriptSignature = {
buildScript(asm, P2PKHScriptSignatureImpl(_),isP2PKHScriptSig(_), "Given asm was not a P2PKHScriptSignature, got: " + asm)
buildScript(asm, P2PKHScriptSignatureImpl(_), isP2PKHScriptSig(_), "Given asm was not a P2PKHScriptSignature, got: " + asm)
* Builds a script signature from a digital signature and a public key
* this is a pay to public key hash script sig */
def apply(signature : ECDigitalSignature, pubKey : ECPublicKey) : P2PKHScriptSignature = {
* Builds a script signature from a digital signature and a public key
* this is a pay to public key hash script sig
def apply(signature: ECDigitalSignature, pubKey: ECPublicKey): P2PKHScriptSignature = {
val signatureBytesToPushOntoStack = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(signature.bytes)
val pubKeyBytesToPushOntoStack = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(pubKey.bytes)
val asm : Seq[ScriptToken] = signatureBytesToPushOntoStack ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(signature.hex)) ++
val asm: Seq[ScriptToken] = signatureBytesToPushOntoStack ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(signature.hex)) ++
pubKeyBytesToPushOntoStack ++ Seq(ScriptConstant(pubKey.hex))
/** Determines if the given asm matches a [[P2PKHScriptSignature]] */
def isP2PKHScriptSig(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = asm match {
case List(w : BytesToPushOntoStack, x : ScriptConstant, y : BytesToPushOntoStack,
z : ScriptConstant) =>
case List(w: BytesToPushOntoStack, x: ScriptConstant, y: BytesToPushOntoStack,
z: ScriptConstant) =>
if (ECPublicKey.isFullyValid(z.bytes)) true
else !P2SHScriptSignature.isRedeemScript(z)
case _ => false
@ -116,13 +115,12 @@ object P2PKHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2PKHScriptSignature] {
sealed trait P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
/** The redeemScript represents the conditions that must be satisfied to spend the output */
def redeemScript : ScriptPubKey = {
def redeemScript: ScriptPubKey = {
//for P2SH(P2WSH) the entire scriptSig asm is technically the redeem script
//see BIP141
/** Returns the script signature of this p2shScriptSig with no serialized redeemScript */
def scriptSignatureNoRedeemScript: Try[ScriptSignature] = {
//witness scriptPubKeys always have EmptyScriptSigs
@ -131,37 +129,35 @@ sealed trait P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
val asmWithoutRedeemScriptAndPushOp: Try[Seq[ScriptToken]] = Try {
asm(asm.size - 2) match {
case b: BytesToPushOntoStack => asm.dropRight(2)
case _ => asm.dropRight(3)
case _ => asm.dropRight(3)
val script = asmWithoutRedeemScriptAndPushOp.getOrElse(EmptyScriptSignature.asm)
ScriptSignature.fromScriptPubKey(script, redeemScript)
/** Returns the public keys for the p2sh scriptSignature */
def publicKeys : Seq[ECPublicKey] = {
val pubKeys : Seq[ScriptToken] = redeemScript.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant])
def publicKeys: Seq[ECPublicKey] = {
val pubKeys: Seq[ScriptToken] = redeemScript.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant])
pubKeys.map(k => ECPublicKey(k.hex))
/** The digital signatures inside of the scriptSig */
def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = scriptSignatureNoRedeemScript match {
def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = scriptSignatureNoRedeemScript match {
case Failure(_) => Nil
case Success(nonRedeemScript) =>
val sigs = nonRedeemScript.asm.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptConstant]).filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumberOperation]).filterNot(_.hex.length < 100)
sigs.map(s => ECDigitalSignature(s.hex))
* Splits the given asm into two parts
* the first part is the digital signatures
* the second part is the redeem script */
def splitAtRedeemScript(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : Try[(Seq[ScriptToken],Seq[ScriptToken])] = {
* Splits the given asm into two parts
* the first part is the digital signatures
* the second part is the redeem script
def splitAtRedeemScript(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Try[(Seq[ScriptToken], Seq[ScriptToken])] = {
scriptSignatureNoRedeemScript.map { scriptSig =>
(scriptSig.asm, redeemScript.asm)
@ -170,10 +166,10 @@ sealed trait P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
override def toString = "P2SHScriptSignature(" + hex + ")"
object P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptSignature] {
object P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptSignature] {
private case class P2SHScriptSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends P2SHScriptSignature
def apply(scriptSig : ScriptSignature, redeemScript : ScriptPubKey): P2SHScriptSignature = {
def apply(scriptSig: ScriptSignature, redeemScript: ScriptPubKey): P2SHScriptSignature = {
//we need to calculate the size of the redeemScript and add the corresponding push op
val serializedRedeemScript = ScriptConstant(redeemScript.asmBytes)
val pushOps = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(serializedRedeemScript)
@ -182,17 +178,16 @@ object P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptSignature] {
def apply(witnessScriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey): P2SHScriptSignature = {
P2SHScriptSignature(EmptyScriptSignature, witnessScriptPubKey)
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2SHScriptSignature = {
//everything can be a P2SHScriptSignature, thus passing the trivially true function
//the most important thing to note is we cannot have a P2SHScriptSignature unless
//we have a P2SHScriptPubKey
//previously P2SHScriptSignature's redeem script had to be standard scriptPubKey's, this
//was removed in 0.11 or 0.12 of Bitcoin Core
buildScript(asm, P2SHScriptSignatureImpl(_),{ _ => true}, "Given asm tokens are not a p2sh scriptSig, got: " + asm)
buildScript(asm, P2SHScriptSignatureImpl(_), { _ => true }, "Given asm tokens are not a p2sh scriptSig, got: " + asm)
/** Tests if the given asm tokens are a [[P2SHScriptSignature]] */
@ -203,28 +198,27 @@ object P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptSignature] {
/** Detects if the given script token is a redeem script */
def isRedeemScript(token : ScriptToken) : Boolean = {
val redeemScriptTry : Try[ScriptPubKey] = parseRedeemScript(token)
def isRedeemScript(token: ScriptToken): Boolean = {
val redeemScriptTry: Try[ScriptPubKey] = parseRedeemScript(token)
redeemScriptTry match {
case Success(redeemScript) =>
redeemScript match {
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey | _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey
| _: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKScriptPubKey
| _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey => true
| _: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKScriptPubKey
| _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey
| _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey => true
case _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: WitnessCommitment => false
case EmptyScriptPubKey => false
case EmptyScriptPubKey => false
case Failure(_) => false
/** Parses a redeem script from the given script token */
def parseRedeemScript(scriptToken : ScriptToken) : Try[ScriptPubKey] = {
def parseRedeemScript(scriptToken: ScriptToken): Try[ScriptPubKey] = {
val asm = ScriptParser.fromBytes(scriptToken.bytes)
val redeemScript : Try[ScriptPubKey] = Try(ScriptPubKey(asm))
val redeemScript: Try[ScriptPubKey] = Try(ScriptPubKey(asm))
@ -238,7 +232,7 @@ object P2SHScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2SHScriptSignature] {
sealed trait MultiSignatureScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
/** The digital signatures inside of the scriptSig */
def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = {
def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = {
.map(sig => ECDigitalSignature(sig.hex))
@ -250,8 +244,8 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptS
private case class MultiSignatureScriptSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends MultiSignatureScriptSignature
def apply(signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature]): MultiSignatureScriptSignature = {
val sigsPushOpsPairs : Seq[Seq[ScriptToken]] = for {
def apply(signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature]): MultiSignatureScriptSignature = {
val sigsPushOpsPairs: Seq[Seq[ScriptToken]] = for {
sig <- signatures
constant = ScriptConstant(sig.bytes)
pushOps = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(sig.bytes)
@ -263,18 +257,18 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptS
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): MultiSignatureScriptSignature = {
buildScript(asm, MultiSignatureScriptSignatureImpl(_),isMultiSignatureScriptSignature(_),
buildScript(asm, MultiSignatureScriptSignatureImpl(_), isMultiSignatureScriptSignature(_),
"The given asm tokens were not a multisignature script sig: " + asm)
* Checks if the given script tokens are a multisignature script sig
* format: OP_0 <A sig> [B sig] [C sig...]
* @param asm the asm to check if it falls in the multisignature script sig format
* @return boolean indicating if the scriptsignature is a multisignature script signature
def isMultiSignatureScriptSignature(asm : Seq[ScriptToken]) : Boolean = asm.isEmpty match {
* Checks if the given script tokens are a multisignature script sig
* format: OP_0 <A sig> [B sig] [C sig...]
* @param asm the asm to check if it falls in the multisignature script sig format
* @return boolean indicating if the scriptsignature is a multisignature script signature
def isMultiSignatureScriptSignature(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = asm.isEmpty match {
case true => false
//case false if (asm.size == 1) => false
case false =>
@ -294,10 +288,10 @@ object MultiSignatureScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[MultiSignatureScriptS
sealed trait P2PKScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
/** PubKey scriptSignatures only have one signature */
def signature : ECDigitalSignature = signatures.head
def signature: ECDigitalSignature = signatures.head
/** The digital signatures inside of the scriptSig */
def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = {
def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = {
@ -315,22 +309,22 @@ object P2PKScriptSignature extends ScriptFactory[P2PKScriptSignature] {
def fromAsm(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): P2PKScriptSignature = {
buildScript(asm, P2PKScriptSignatureImpl(_),isP2PKScriptSignature(_),
buildScript(asm, P2PKScriptSignatureImpl(_), isP2PKScriptSignature(_),
"The given asm tokens were not a p2pk script sig: " + asm)
/** P2PK scriptSigs always have the pattern [pushop, digitalSignature] */
def isP2PKScriptSignature(asm: Seq[ScriptToken]): Boolean = asm match {
case List(w : BytesToPushOntoStack, x : ScriptConstant) => true
case List(w: BytesToPushOntoStack, x: ScriptConstant) => true
case _ => false
/** Parent type for all lock time script signatures, these spend [[LockTimeScriptPubKey]] */
sealed trait LockTimeScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
def scriptSig : ScriptSignature = ScriptSignature(hex)
def scriptSig: ScriptSignature = ScriptSignature(hex)
override def signatures : Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = scriptSig.signatures
override def signatures: Seq[ECDigitalSignature] = scriptSig.signatures
sealed trait CLTVScriptSignature extends LockTimeScriptSignature {
@ -340,15 +334,15 @@ sealed trait CLTVScriptSignature extends LockTimeScriptSignature {
object CLTVScriptSignature extends Factory[CLTVScriptSignature] {
private case class CLTVScriptSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends CLTVScriptSignature
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : CLTVScriptSignature = {
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CLTVScriptSignature = {
override def fromHex(hex : String) : CLTVScriptSignature = {
override def fromHex(hex: String): CLTVScriptSignature = {
def apply(scriptSig : ScriptSignature) : CLTVScriptSignature = {
def apply(scriptSig: ScriptSignature): CLTVScriptSignature = {
@ -360,20 +354,19 @@ sealed trait CSVScriptSignature extends LockTimeScriptSignature {
object CSVScriptSignature extends Factory[CSVScriptSignature] {
private case class CSVScriptSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends CSVScriptSignature
override def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : CSVScriptSignature = {
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): CSVScriptSignature = {
override def fromHex(hex : String) : CSVScriptSignature = {
override def fromHex(hex: String): CSVScriptSignature = {
def apply(scriptSig : ScriptSignature) : CSVScriptSignature = {
def apply(scriptSig: ScriptSignature): CSVScriptSignature = {
/** Represents the empty script signature */
case object EmptyScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
def signatures = Nil
@ -382,16 +375,15 @@ case object EmptyScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
object ScriptSignature extends Factory[ScriptSignature] {
/** Returns an empty script signature */
def empty : ScriptSignature = EmptyScriptSignature
def empty: ScriptSignature = EmptyScriptSignature
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ScriptSignature = RawScriptSignatureParser.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ScriptSignature = RawScriptSignatureParser.read(bytes)
/** Creates a scriptSignature from the list of script tokens */
def fromAsm(tokens : Seq[ScriptToken]) : ScriptSignature = tokens match {
def fromAsm(tokens: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptSignature = tokens match {
case Nil => EmptyScriptSignature
case _ if (tokens.size > 1 && P2SHScriptSignature.isRedeemScript(tokens.last)) =>
case _ if (tokens.size > 1 && P2SHScriptSignature.isRedeemScript(tokens.last)) =>
case _ if EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.isEscrowTimeoutScriptSig(tokens) =>
@ -402,46 +394,45 @@ object ScriptSignature extends Factory[ScriptSignature] {
case _ => NonStandardScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens)
* Creates a script signature from the given tokens and scriptPubKey
* @param tokens the script signature's tokens
* @param scriptPubKey the scriptPubKey which the script signature is trying to spend
* @return
def fromScriptPubKey(tokens : Seq[ScriptToken], scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey): Try[ScriptSignature] = scriptPubKey match {
case _: P2SHScriptPubKey => Try(P2SHScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey => Try(P2PKHScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _: P2PKScriptPubKey => Try(P2PKScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
* Creates a script signature from the given tokens and scriptPubKey
* @param tokens the script signature's tokens
* @param scriptPubKey the scriptPubKey which the script signature is trying to spend
* @return
def fromScriptPubKey(tokens: Seq[ScriptToken], scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): Try[ScriptSignature] = scriptPubKey match {
case _: P2SHScriptPubKey => Try(P2SHScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey => Try(P2PKHScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _: P2PKScriptPubKey => Try(P2PKScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey => Try(MultiSignatureScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _: NonStandardScriptPubKey => Try(NonStandardScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case s: CLTVScriptPubKey => fromScriptPubKey(tokens, s.nestedScriptPubKey)
case s: CSVScriptPubKey => fromScriptPubKey(tokens, s.nestedScriptPubKey)
case escrowWithTimeout : EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey =>
case _: NonStandardScriptPubKey => Try(NonStandardScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case s: CLTVScriptPubKey => fromScriptPubKey(tokens, s.nestedScriptPubKey)
case s: CSVScriptPubKey => fromScriptPubKey(tokens, s.nestedScriptPubKey)
case escrowWithTimeout: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey =>
val isMultiSig = BitcoinScriptUtil.castToBool(tokens.last)
if (isMultiSig) {
val multiSig = Try(MultiSignatureScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens.take(tokens.size - 1)))
multiSig.map(m => EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.fromMultiSig(m))
else Try(EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens,escrowWithTimeout))
case _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey => Success(EmptyScriptSignature)
} else Try(EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens, escrowWithTimeout))
case _: WitnessScriptPubKeyV0 | _: UnassignedWitnessScriptPubKey => Success(EmptyScriptSignature)
case EmptyScriptPubKey =>
if (tokens.isEmpty) Success(EmptyScriptSignature) else Try(NonStandardScriptSignature.fromAsm(tokens))
case _ : WitnessCommitment => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot spend witness commitment scriptPubKey"))
case _: WitnessCommitment => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot spend witness commitment scriptPubKey"))
def apply(tokens : Seq[ScriptToken], scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey): Try[ScriptSignature] = {
def apply(tokens: Seq[ScriptToken], scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): Try[ScriptSignature] = {
fromScriptPubKey(tokens, scriptPubKey)
/** [[ScriptSignature]] that spends a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]], the underlying script signature can be
* a [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]] or a [[CSVScriptSignature]] as those are te two underlying scripts
* of a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* If the last element of the [[asm]] evaluates to true, it is a scriptsig that attempts to spend the escrow
* if the last element of the [[asm]] evaluates to false, it is a scriptsig that attempts to spend the timeout
* */
* [[ScriptSignature]] that spends a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]], the underlying script signature can be
* a [[MultiSignatureScriptSignature]] or a [[CSVScriptSignature]] as those are te two underlying scripts
* of a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
* If the last element of the [[asm]] evaluates to true, it is a scriptsig that attempts to spend the escrow
* if the last element of the [[asm]] evaluates to false, it is a scriptsig that attempts to spend the timeout
sealed trait EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
def scriptSig: ScriptSignature = ScriptSignature(bytes.take(bytes.length - 1))
override def signatures = scriptSig.signatures
@ -454,7 +445,6 @@ sealed trait EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature extends ScriptSignature {
override def toString = "EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature(" + hex + ")"
object EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature extends Factory[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature] {
private case class EscrowTimeoutScriptSignatureImpl(bytes: Seq[Byte]) extends EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature
@ -500,7 +490,7 @@ object EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature extends Factory[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature
// is the timeout branch since we can nest ANY scriptPubKey inside of a [[LockTimeScriptPubKey]]
val isValidTimeout = scriptPubKey.map { s =>
val locktimeScript = s.timeout.nestedScriptPubKey
Try(ScriptSignature.fromScriptPubKey(asm, locktimeScript)).isSuccess
} else false
@ -508,21 +498,25 @@ object EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature extends Factory[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature
def apply(scriptSig: ScriptSignature): Try[EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature] = scriptSig match {
case m: MultiSignatureScriptSignature => Success(fromMultiSig(m))
case lock: LockTimeScriptSignature => Success(fromLockTime(lock))
case x @ (_: P2PKScriptSignature | _: P2PKHScriptSignature | _: P2SHScriptSignature | _:NonStandardScriptSignature
case lock: LockTimeScriptSignature => Success(fromLockTime(lock))
case x @ (_: P2PKScriptSignature | _: P2PKHScriptSignature | _: P2SHScriptSignature | _: NonStandardScriptSignature
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature | EmptyScriptSignature) => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature out of " + x))
/** Creates a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that spends the escrow
* branch of a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] */
* Creates a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that spends the escrow
* branch of a [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
def fromMultiSig(multiSigScriptSig: MultiSignatureScriptSignature): EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature = {
val asm = multiSigScriptSig.asm ++ Seq(OP_1)
/** Creates a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that spends the locktime branch
* of the [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]] */
* Creates a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature]] that spends the locktime branch
* of the [[EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey]]
def fromLockTime(l: LockTimeScriptSignature): EscrowTimeoutScriptSignature = {
val asm = l.asm ++ Seq(OP_0)
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ECDigitalSignature, ECPublicKey, EmptyDigitalSignature}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement}
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ ECDigitalSignature, ECPublicKey, EmptyDigitalSignature }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.RawScriptWitnessParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil }
* Created by chris on 11/10/16.
* The witness used to evaluate a [[ScriptPubKey]] inside of Bitcoin
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/57b34599b2deb179ff1bd97ffeab91ec9f904d85/src/script/script.h#L648-L660]]
* Created by chris on 11/10/16.
* The witness used to evaluate a [[ScriptPubKey]] inside of Bitcoin
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/57b34599b2deb179ff1bd97ffeab91ec9f904d85/src/script/script.h#L648-L660]]
sealed abstract class ScriptWitness extends NetworkElement {
/** The byte vectors that are placed on to the stack when evaluating a witness program */
def stack : Seq[Seq[Byte]]
def stack: Seq[Seq[Byte]]
override def bytes = RawScriptWitnessParser.write(this)
@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ case object EmptyScriptWitness extends ScriptWitness {
sealed abstract class ScriptWitnessV0 extends ScriptWitness
/** Represents a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptWitness]] that is needed to spend a
* [[P2WPKHWitnessV0]] scriptPubKey
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wpkh-nested-in-bip16-p2sh]]
* Format: <pubKey> <signature>
* Represents a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptWitness]] that is needed to spend a
* [[P2WPKHWitnessV0]] scriptPubKey
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wpkh-nested-in-bip16-p2sh]]
* Format: <pubKey> <signature>
sealed abstract class P2WPKHWitnessV0 extends ScriptWitness {
def pubKey: ECPublicKey = ECPublicKey(stack.head)
def signature: ECDigitalSignature = stack(1) match {
case Nil => EmptyDigitalSignature
case Nil => EmptyDigitalSignature
case bytes: Seq[Byte] => ECDigitalSignature(bytes)
@ -57,11 +58,11 @@ object P2WPKHWitnessV0 {
* Reprsents a [[ScriptWitness]] that is needed to spend a
* [[P2WSHWitnessV0]] scriptPubKey
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wsh]]
* Format: <redeem script> <scriptSig data1> <scriptSig data2> ... <scriptSig dataN>
* Reprsents a [[ScriptWitness]] that is needed to spend a
* [[P2WSHWitnessV0]] scriptPubKey
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wsh]]
* Format: <redeem script> <scriptSig data1> <scriptSig data2> ... <scriptSig dataN>
sealed abstract class P2WSHWitnessV0 extends ScriptWitness {
def redeemScript: ScriptPubKey = {
val cmpct = CompactSizeUInt.calc(stack.head)
@ -103,12 +104,12 @@ object ScriptWitness {
//TODO: eventually only compressed public keys will be allowed in v0 scripts
val isPubKey = stack.headOption.isDefined && ECPublicKey.isFullyValid(stack.head) && (stack.head.size == 33 || stack.head.size == 65)
if (stack.isEmpty) {
if (stack.isEmpty) {
} else if (isPubKey && stack.size == 2) {
val pubKey = ECPublicKey(stack.head)
val sig = ECDigitalSignature(stack(1))
P2WPKHWitnessV0(pubKey, sig)
} else if (isPubKey && stack.size == 1) {
val pubKey = ECPublicKey(stack.head)
@ -118,10 +119,10 @@ object ScriptWitness {
s match {
case Nil =>
case h :: t =>
case h :: t =>
val cmpct = CompactSizeUInt.calc(h)
val spk = ScriptPubKey(cmpct.bytes ++ h)
P2WSHWitnessV0(spk, t)
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script
/** Represents the transaction digest algorithm for signature verification in Bitcoin Core
* With the implementation of segwit, we have added different algorithm, the first alternative being BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/53133c1c041d113c2a480a18e6ff38681d135dca/src/script/interpreter.h#L120-L124]]
* */
* Represents the transaction digest algorithm for signature verification in Bitcoin Core
* With the implementation of segwit, we have added different algorithm, the first alternative being BIP143
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/53133c1c041d113c2a480a18e6ff38681d135dca/src/script/interpreter.h#L120-L124]]
sealed trait SignatureVersion
/** The original digest algorithm created by Satoshi */
@ -14,5 +14,3 @@ case object SigVersionBase extends SignatureVersion
/** The digest algorithm implemented by BIP143 [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki]] */
case object SigVersionWitnessV0 extends SignatureVersion
@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ECPublicKey, Sha256Digest, Sha256Hash160Digest}
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.{ ECPublicKey, Sha256Digest, Sha256Hash160Digest }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, CryptoUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, CryptoUtil }
import scala.util.Try
* Created by chris on 11/10/16.
* The version of the [[WitnessScriptPubKey]], this indicates how a [[ScriptWitness]] is rebuilt
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#witness-program]]
* Created by chris on 11/10/16.
* The version of the [[WitnessScriptPubKey]], this indicates how a [[ScriptWitness]] is rebuilt
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#witness-program]]
sealed trait WitnessVersion extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** Rebuilds the full script from the given witness and [[ScriptPubKey]]
* Either returns the stack and the [[ScriptPubKey]] it needs to be executed against or
* the [[ScriptError]] that was encountered while rebuilding the witness*/
def rebuild(scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken]): Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey),ScriptError]
* Rebuilds the full script from the given witness and [[ScriptPubKey]]
* Either returns the stack and the [[ScriptPubKey]] it needs to be executed against or
* the [[ScriptError]] that was encountered while rebuilding the witness
def rebuild(scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken]): Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey), ScriptError]
def version: ScriptNumberOperation
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ sealed trait WitnessVersion extends BitcoinSLogger {
case object WitnessVersion0 extends WitnessVersion {
/** Rebuilds a witness version 0 program, see BIP141 */
override def rebuild(scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken]): Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey),ScriptError] = {
override def rebuild(scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken]): Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey), ScriptError] = {
val programBytes = witnessProgram.flatMap(_.bytes)
programBytes.size match {
case 20 =>
@ -46,8 +48,7 @@ case object WitnessVersion0 extends WitnessVersion {
logger.debug("Witness hashes did not match Stack hash: " + stackHash)
logger.debug("Witness program: " + witnessProgram)
else {
} else {
val compactSizeUInt = CompactSizeUInt.calculateCompactSizeUInt(stackTop)
val scriptPubKey = ScriptPubKey(compactSizeUInt.bytes ++ stackTop)
val stack = scriptWitness.stack.tail.map(ScriptConstant(_))
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ case object WitnessVersion0 extends WitnessVersion {
/** The witness version that represents all witnesses that have not been allocated yet */
case class UnassignedWitness(version: ScriptNumberOperation) extends WitnessVersion {
require(WitnessScriptPubKey.unassignedWitVersions.contains(version), "Cannot created an unassigend witness version from one that is assigned already, got: " + version)
override def rebuild(scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken]): Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey),ScriptError] =
override def rebuild(scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken]): Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey), ScriptError] =
@ -80,13 +81,13 @@ object WitnessVersion {
def apply(scriptNumberOp: ScriptNumberOperation): WitnessVersion = scriptNumberOp match {
case OP_0 | OP_FALSE => WitnessVersion0
case x @ (OP_1 | OP_TRUE | OP_2 | OP_3 | OP_4 | OP_5 | OP_6 | OP_7 | OP_8
| OP_9 | OP_10 | OP_11 | OP_12 | OP_13 | OP_14 | OP_15 | OP_16) => UnassignedWitness(x)
| OP_9 | OP_10 | OP_11 | OP_12 | OP_13 | OP_14 | OP_15 | OP_16) => UnassignedWitness(x)
case OP_1NEGATE => throw new IllegalArgumentException("OP_1NEGATE is not a valid witness version")
def apply(token: ScriptToken): WitnessVersion = token match {
case scriptNumberOp : ScriptNumberOperation => WitnessVersion(scriptNumberOp)
case _ : ScriptConstant | _ : ScriptNumber | _ : ScriptOperation =>
case scriptNumberOp: ScriptNumberOperation => WitnessVersion(scriptNumberOp)
case _: ScriptConstant | _: ScriptNumber | _: ScriptOperation =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("We can only have witness version that is a script number operation, i.e OP_0 through OP_16")
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.{RawBaseTransactionParser, RawWitnessTransactionParser}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, CryptoUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.{ RawBaseTransactionParser, RawWitnessTransactionParser }
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, CryptoUtil, Factory }
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 7/14/15.
sealed abstract class Transaction extends NetworkElement {
* The sha256(sha256(tx)) of this transaction
* Note that this is the big endian encoding of the hash NOT the little endian encoding displayed on block explorers
def txId : DoubleSha256Digest = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes)
* The sha256(sha256(tx)) of this transaction
* Note that this is the big endian encoding of the hash NOT the little endian encoding displayed on block explorers
def txId: DoubleSha256Digest = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes)
/** The version number for this transaction */
def version: UInt32
@ -30,40 +30,41 @@ sealed abstract class Transaction extends NetworkElement {
/** The locktime for this transaction */
def lockTime: UInt32
/** This is used to indicate how 'expensive' the transction is on the blockchain.
* This use to be a simple calculation before segwit (BIP141). Each byte in the transaction
* counted as 4 'weight' units. Now with segwit, the [[TransactionWitness]] is counted as 1 weight unit per byte,
* while other parts of the transaction (outputs, inputs, locktime etc) count as 4 weight units.
* As we add more witness versions, this may be subject to change
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#Transaction_size_calculations]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/5961b23898ee7c0af2626c46d5d70e80136578d3/src/consensus/validation.h#L96]]
* */
* This is used to indicate how 'expensive' the transction is on the blockchain.
* This use to be a simple calculation before segwit (BIP141). Each byte in the transaction
* counted as 4 'weight' units. Now with segwit, the [[TransactionWitness]] is counted as 1 weight unit per byte,
* while other parts of the transaction (outputs, inputs, locktime etc) count as 4 weight units.
* As we add more witness versions, this may be subject to change
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#Transaction_size_calculations]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/5961b23898ee7c0af2626c46d5d70e80136578d3/src/consensus/validation.h#L96]]
def weight: Long
* The transaction's virtual size
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#Transaction_size_calculations]]
* The transaction's virtual size
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#Transaction_size_calculations]]
def vsize: Long = Math.ceil(weight / 4.0).toLong
* Base transaction size is the size of the transaction serialised with the witness data stripped
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#Transaction_size_calculations]]
* Base transaction size is the size of the transaction serialised with the witness data stripped
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#Transaction_size_calculations]]
def baseSize: Long = this match {
case btx: BaseTransaction => btx.size
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => BaseTransaction(wtx.version,wtx.inputs,wtx.outputs,wtx.lockTime).baseSize
case btx: BaseTransaction => btx.size
case wtx: WitnessTransaction => BaseTransaction(wtx.version, wtx.inputs, wtx.outputs, wtx.lockTime).baseSize
def totalSize: Long = bytes.size
/** Determines if this transaction is a coinbase transaction. */
def isCoinbase : Boolean = inputs.size match {
def isCoinbase: Boolean = inputs.size match {
case 1 => inputs.head match {
case coinbase : CoinbaseInput => true
case _ : TransactionInput => false
case coinbase: CoinbaseInput => true
case _: TransactionInput => false
case _ : Int => false
case _: Int => false
@ -72,7 +73,6 @@ sealed abstract class BaseTransaction extends Transaction {
override def weight = size * 4
case object EmptyTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
override def txId = CryptoUtil.emptyDoubleSha256Hash
override def version = TransactionConstants.version
@ -84,26 +84,29 @@ case object EmptyTransaction extends BaseTransaction {
sealed abstract class WitnessTransaction extends Transaction {
/** The txId for the witness transaction from satoshi's original serialization */
override def txId: DoubleSha256Digest = {
val btx = BaseTransaction(version,inputs,outputs,lockTime)
val btx = BaseTransaction(version, inputs, outputs, lockTime)
/** The witness used to evaluate [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]]/[[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey]]s inside of a segwit tx
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki]]
* The witness used to evaluate [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]]/[[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey]]s inside of a segwit tx
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki]]
def witness: TransactionWitness
/** The witness transaction id as defined by BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#transaction-id]]
* */
* The witness transaction id as defined by BIP141
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#transaction-id]]
def wTxId: DoubleSha256Digest = CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(bytes)
/** Weight calculation in bitcoin for witness txs
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/5961b23898ee7c0af2626c46d5d70e80136578d3/src/consensus/validation.h#L96]]
* @return
* Weight calculation in bitcoin for witness txs
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/5961b23898ee7c0af2626c46d5d70e80136578d3/src/consensus/validation.h#L96]]
* @return
override def weight: Long = {
val base = BaseTransaction(version,inputs,outputs,lockTime)
val base = BaseTransaction(version, inputs, outputs, lockTime)
base.size * 3 + size
override def bytes = RawWitnessTransactionParser.write(this)
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ sealed abstract class WitnessTransaction extends Transaction {
object Transaction extends Factory[Transaction] {
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Transaction = {
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Transaction = {
val wtxTry = Try(RawWitnessTransactionParser.read(bytes))
wtxTry match {
case Success(wtx) =>
@ -125,25 +128,23 @@ object Transaction extends Factory[Transaction] {
object BaseTransaction extends Factory[BaseTransaction] {
private case class BaseTransactionImpl(version : UInt32, inputs : Seq[TransactionInput],
outputs : Seq[TransactionOutput], lockTime : UInt32) extends BaseTransaction
private case class BaseTransactionImpl(version: UInt32, inputs: Seq[TransactionInput],
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput], lockTime: UInt32) extends BaseTransaction
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): BaseTransaction = RawBaseTransactionParser.read(bytes)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): BaseTransaction = RawBaseTransactionParser.read(bytes)
def apply(version : UInt32, inputs : Seq[TransactionInput],
outputs : Seq[TransactionOutput], lockTime : UInt32) : BaseTransaction = BaseTransactionImpl(version,inputs,outputs,lockTime)
def apply(version: UInt32, inputs: Seq[TransactionInput],
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput], lockTime: UInt32): BaseTransaction = BaseTransactionImpl(version, inputs, outputs, lockTime)
object WitnessTransaction extends Factory[WitnessTransaction] {
private case class WitnessTransactionImpl(version: UInt32,inputs: Seq[TransactionInput],
private case class WitnessTransactionImpl(version: UInt32, inputs: Seq[TransactionInput],
outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput], lockTime: UInt32,
witness: TransactionWitness) extends WitnessTransaction
def apply(version: UInt32, inputs: Seq[TransactionInput], outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput],
lockTime: UInt32, witness: TransactionWitness): WitnessTransaction =
WitnessTransactionImpl(version, inputs, outputs, lockTime, witness)
override def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): WitnessTransaction = RawWitnessTransactionParser.read(bytes)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
* Created by chris on 2/12/16.
* Created by chris on 2/12/16.
trait TransactionConstants {
@ -13,32 +13,32 @@ trait TransactionConstants {
lazy val sequence = UInt32(4294967295L)
* If bit (1 << 31) of the sequence number is set,
* then no consensus meaning is applied to the sequence number and can be included
* in any block under all currently possible circumstances.
* @return the mask that ben used with a bitwise and to indicate if the sequence number has any meaning
* If bit (1 << 31) of the sequence number is set,
* then no consensus meaning is applied to the sequence number and can be included
* in any block under all currently possible circumstances.
* @return the mask that ben used with a bitwise and to indicate if the sequence number has any meaning
def locktimeDisabledFlag: UInt32 = UInt32(1L << 31)
* If a transaction's input's sequence number encodes a relative lock-time, this mask is
* applied to extract that lock-time from the sequence field.
* If a transaction's input's sequence number encodes a relative lock-time, this mask is
* applied to extract that lock-time from the sequence field.
def sequenceLockTimeMask: UInt32 = UInt32(0x0000ffff)
def fullSequenceLockTimeMask: UInt32 = sequenceLockTimeTypeFlag | sequenceLockTimeMask
* If the transaction input sequence number encodes a relative lock-time and this flag
* is set, the relative lock-time has units of 512 seconds,
* otherwise it specifies blocks with a granularity of 1.
* If the transaction input sequence number encodes a relative lock-time and this flag
* is set, the relative lock-time has units of 512 seconds,
* otherwise it specifies blocks with a granularity of 1.
def sequenceLockTimeTypeFlag: UInt32 = UInt32(1L << 22)
* Threshold for nLockTime: below this value it is interpreted as block number,
* otherwise as UNIX timestamp. */
* Threshold for nLockTime: below this value it is interpreted as block number,
* otherwise as UNIX timestamp.
def locktimeThreshold: UInt32 = UInt32(500000000)
@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction
sealed trait TransactionFactoryHelper
case class UpdateTransactionOutputs(outputs : Seq[TransactionOutput]) extends TransactionFactoryHelper
case class UpdateTransactionInputs(inputs : Seq[TransactionInput]) extends TransactionFactoryHelper
case class UpdateTransactionOutputs(outputs: Seq[TransactionOutput]) extends TransactionFactoryHelper
case class UpdateTransactionInputs(inputs: Seq[TransactionInput]) extends TransactionFactoryHelper
@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{EmptyScriptSignature, ScriptSignature}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ EmptyScriptSignature, ScriptSignature }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.RawTransactionInputParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
* Created by chris on 12/26/15.
* Algebraic data type that represents a transaction input
* Algebraic data type that represents a transaction input
sealed abstract class TransactionInput extends NetworkElement {
def previousOutput : TransactionOutPoint
def previousOutput: TransactionOutPoint
def scriptSignature : ScriptSignature
def sequence : UInt32
def scriptSignature: ScriptSignature
def sequence: UInt32
override def bytes = RawTransactionInputParser.write(this)
@ -26,42 +26,40 @@ case object EmptyTransactionInput extends TransactionInput {
* This represents a coinbase input - these always have a EmptyTransactionOutPoint
* and arbitrary data inside the script signature
* This represents a coinbase input - these always have a EmptyTransactionOutPoint
* and arbitrary data inside the script signature
sealed abstract class CoinbaseInput extends TransactionInput {
override def previousOutput = EmptyTransactionOutPoint
override def sequence = TransactionConstants.sequence
object TransactionInput extends Factory[TransactionInput] {
private case class TransactionInputImpl(previousOutput : TransactionOutPoint,
scriptSignature : ScriptSignature, sequence : UInt32) extends TransactionInput
private case class TransactionInputImpl(
previousOutput: TransactionOutPoint,
scriptSignature: ScriptSignature, sequence: UInt32
) extends TransactionInput
def empty: TransactionInput = EmptyTransactionInput
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : TransactionInput = RawTransactionInputParser.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): TransactionInput = RawTransactionInputParser.read(bytes)
def apply(outPoint : TransactionOutPoint, scriptSignature : ScriptSignature,
sequenceNumber : UInt32) : TransactionInput = outPoint match {
def apply(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, scriptSignature: ScriptSignature,
sequenceNumber: UInt32): TransactionInput = outPoint match {
case EmptyTransactionOutPoint => CoinbaseInput(scriptSignature)
case _: TransactionOutPoint => TransactionInputImpl(outPoint,scriptSignature,sequenceNumber)
case _: TransactionOutPoint => TransactionInputImpl(outPoint, scriptSignature, sequenceNumber)
object CoinbaseInput {
private case class CoinbaseInputImpl(scriptSignature : ScriptSignature) extends CoinbaseInput
private case class CoinbaseInputImpl(scriptSignature: ScriptSignature) extends CoinbaseInput
* Creates a coinbase input - coinbase inputs always have an empty outpoint
* @param scriptSignature this can contain anything, miners use this to signify support for various protocol BIPs
* @return the coinbase input
def apply(scriptSignature: ScriptSignature) : CoinbaseInput = {
* Creates a coinbase input - coinbase inputs always have an empty outpoint
* @param scriptSignature this can contain anything, miners use this to signify support for various protocol BIPs
* @return the coinbase input
def apply(scriptSignature: ScriptSignature): CoinbaseInput = {
@ -4,43 +4,44 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.RawTransactionOutPointParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, Factory }
* Created by chris on 12/26/15.
sealed abstract class TransactionOutPoint extends NetworkElement {
/** The transaction id for the crediting transaction for this input */
def txId : DoubleSha256Digest
def txId: DoubleSha256Digest
/** The output index in the parent transaction for the output we are spending */
def vout : UInt32
def vout: UInt32
override def bytes = RawTransactionOutPointParser.write(this)
* UInt32s cannot hold negative numbers, but sometimes the Bitcoin Protocol requires the vout to be -1, which is serialized
* as "0xFFFFFFFF".
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/d612837814020ae832499d18e6ee5eb919a87907/src/primitives/transaction.h
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2711522/what-happens-if-i-assign-a-negative-value-to-an-unsigned-variable
* UInt32s cannot hold negative numbers, but sometimes the Bitcoin Protocol requires the vout to be -1, which is serialized
* as "0xFFFFFFFF".
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/d612837814020ae832499d18e6ee5eb919a87907/src/primitives/transaction.h
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2711522/what-happens-if-i-assign-a-negative-value-to-an-unsigned-variable
case object EmptyTransactionOutPoint extends TransactionOutPoint {
def txId = DoubleSha256Digest(
def vout = UInt32("ffffffff")
def vout = UInt32("ffffffff")
object TransactionOutPoint extends Factory[TransactionOutPoint] {
private case class TransactionOutPointImpl(txId : DoubleSha256Digest, vout : UInt32) extends TransactionOutPoint
private case class TransactionOutPointImpl(txId: DoubleSha256Digest, vout: UInt32) extends TransactionOutPoint
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : TransactionOutPoint = RawTransactionOutPointParser.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): TransactionOutPoint = RawTransactionOutPointParser.read(bytes)
def apply(txId : DoubleSha256Digest, index: UInt32) : TransactionOutPoint = {
def apply(txId: DoubleSha256Digest, index: UInt32): TransactionOutPoint = {
if (txId == EmptyTransactionOutPoint.txId && index == EmptyTransactionOutPoint.vout) {
} else TransactionOutPointImpl(txId,index)
} else TransactionOutPointImpl(txId, index)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.RawTransactionOutputParser
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
sealed abstract class TransactionOutput extends NetworkElement {
def value : CurrencyUnit
def scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey
def value: CurrencyUnit
def scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey
override def size = scriptPubKey.size + 8
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ case object EmptyTransactionOutput extends TransactionOutput {
object TransactionOutput extends Factory[TransactionOutput] {
private case class TransactionOutputImpl(value : CurrencyUnit, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey) extends TransactionOutput
private case class TransactionOutputImpl(value: CurrencyUnit, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey) extends TransactionOutput
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : TransactionOutput = RawTransactionOutputParser.read(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): TransactionOutput = RawTransactionOutputParser.read(bytes)
def apply(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey) : TransactionOutput = {
def apply(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): TransactionOutput = {
TransactionOutputImpl(currencyUnit, scriptPubKey)
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{EmptyScriptWitness, ScriptWitness}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ EmptyScriptWitness, ScriptWitness }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction.RawTransactionWitnessParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSUtil
* Created by chris on 11/21/16.
* The witness data for [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]] in this transaction
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b4e4ba475a5679e09f279aaf2a83dcf93c632bdb/src/primitives/transaction.h#L232-L268]]
* Created by chris on 11/21/16.
* The witness data for [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]] in this transaction
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b4e4ba475a5679e09f279aaf2a83dcf93c632bdb/src/primitives/transaction.h#L232-L268]]
sealed abstract class TransactionWitness extends NetworkElement {
def witnesses: Seq[ScriptWitness]
@ -32,22 +32,23 @@ object TransactionWitness {
/** Creates a [[TransactionWitness]] from a Seq[Option[ScriptWitness]].
* This constructor is for convinience if a certain input does not spend a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey]]
* It simply transforms the `None` types to [[EmptyScriptWitness]] and then calls the normal TransactionWitness constructor
* @param witnesses
* @return
* Creates a [[TransactionWitness]] from a Seq[Option[ScriptWitness]].
* This constructor is for convinience if a certain input does not spend a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.WitnessScriptPubKey]]
* It simply transforms the `None` types to [[EmptyScriptWitness]] and then calls the normal TransactionWitness constructor
* @param witnesses
* @return
def fromWitOpt(witnesses: Seq[Option[ScriptWitness]]): TransactionWitness = {
val replaced: Seq[ScriptWitness] = witnesses.map {
case Some(wit) => wit
case None => EmptyScriptWitness
case None => EmptyScriptWitness
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte], numInputs: Int): TransactionWitness = RawTransactionWitnessParser.read(bytes,numInputs)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte], numInputs: Int): TransactionWitness = RawTransactionWitnessParser.read(bytes, numInputs)
def apply(bytes: Seq[Byte], numInputs: Int): TransactionWitness = fromBytes(bytes,numInputs)
def apply(bytes: Seq[Byte], numInputs: Int): TransactionWitness = fromBytes(bytes, numInputs)
def apply(hex: String, numInputs: Int): TransactionWitness = fromBytes(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex),numInputs)
def apply(hex: String, numInputs: Int): TransactionWitness = fromBytes(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex), numInputs)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime.LocktimeOperation
import org.bitcoins.core.script.reserved.ReservedOperation
import org.bitcoins.core.script.splice.SpliceOperation
import org.bitcoins.core.script.stack.StackOperation
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil }
* Created by chris on 1/8/16.
@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil}
trait ScriptOperationFactory[T <: ScriptOperation] extends BitcoinSLogger {
/** All of the [[ScriptOperation]]s for a particular T. */
def operations : Seq[T]
def operations: Seq[T]
* Finds a [[ScriptOperation]] from a given string */
def fromString(str : String) : Option[T] = {
val result : Option[T] = operations.find(_.toString == str)
* Finds a [[ScriptOperation]] from a given string
def fromString(str: String): Option[T] = {
val result: Option[T] = operations.find(_.toString == str)
if (result.isEmpty) {
//try and remove the 'OP_' prefix on the operations and see if it matches anything.
operations.find(op => removeOP_Prefix(op.toString) == removeOP_Prefix(str))
@ -32,34 +33,34 @@ trait ScriptOperationFactory[T <: ScriptOperation] extends BitcoinSLogger {
* Finds a [[ScriptOperation]] from its hexadecimal representation. */
def fromHex(hex : String) : Option[T] = operations.find(_.hex == hex.toLowerCase)
* Finds a [[ScriptOperation]] from its hexadecimal representation.
def fromHex(hex: String): Option[T] = operations.find(_.hex == hex.toLowerCase)
* Removes the 'OP_' prefix from a given operation.
* Example: OP_EQUALVERIFY would be transformed into EQUALVERIFY
private def removeOP_Prefix(str : String) : String = {
private def removeOP_Prefix(str: String): String = {
str.replace("OP_", "")
/** Finds a [[ScriptOperation]] from a given [[Byte]]. */
def fromByte(byte : Byte) : Option[T] = {
def fromByte(byte: Byte): Option[T] = {
val hex = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(byte)
def apply(byte : Byte) : Option[T] = fromByte(byte)
def apply(byte: Byte): Option[T] = fromByte(byte)
def apply(hex : String) : Option[T] = fromHex(hex)
def apply(hex: String): Option[T] = fromHex(hex)
object ScriptOperation extends ScriptOperationFactory[ScriptOperation] {
lazy val operations = ScriptNumberOperation.operations ++ Seq(OP_FALSE,OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_PUSHDATA2,OP_PUSHDATA4,OP_TRUE) ++ StackOperation.operations ++ LocktimeOperation.operations ++
lazy val operations = ScriptNumberOperation.operations ++ Seq(OP_FALSE, OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_PUSHDATA2, OP_PUSHDATA4, OP_TRUE) ++ StackOperation.operations ++ LocktimeOperation.operations ++
CryptoOperation.operations ++ ControlOperations.operations ++ BitwiseOperation.operations ++
ArithmeticOperation.operations ++ BytesToPushOntoStack.operations ++ SpliceOperation.operations ++
ArithmeticOperation.operations ++ BytesToPushOntoStack.operations ++ SpliceOperation.operations ++
@ -1,36 +1,35 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.CurrencyUnit
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, Transaction, WitnessTransaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ BaseTransaction, Transaction, WitnessTransaction }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlag
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinScriptUtil }
* Created by chris on 2/3/16.
* Created by chris on 2/3/16.
sealed trait ScriptProgram {
* This contains all relevant information for hashing and checking a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]] for a [[Transaction]].
def txSignatureComponent : TxSigComponent
def txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent
/** The current state of the stack for execution of the [[ScriptProgram]]. */
def stack : List[ScriptToken]
def stack: List[ScriptToken]
/** The script operations that need to still be executed. */
def script : List[ScriptToken]
def script: List[ScriptToken]
/** The original script that was given. */
def originalScript : List[ScriptToken]
def originalScript: List[ScriptToken]
/** The alternative stack is used in some Script op codes. */
def altStack : List[ScriptToken]
def altStack: List[ScriptToken]
* [[ScriptFlag]] that are run with the script.
@ -38,16 +37,15 @@ sealed trait ScriptProgram {
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.h#L31]]
* @return
def flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]
def flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]
/** Returns true if the stack top is true */
def stackTopIsTrue = stack.headOption.isDefined && BitcoinScriptUtil.castToBool(stack.head)
/** Returns true if the stack top is false */
def stackTopIsFalse : Boolean = !stackTopIsTrue
def stackTopIsFalse: Boolean = !stackTopIsTrue
* This represents a [[ScriptProgram]] before any script operations have been executed in the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
@ -55,13 +53,13 @@ sealed trait PreExecutionScriptProgram extends ScriptProgram
sealed trait ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram extends ScriptProgram {
/** The index of the last [[org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.OP_CODESEPARATOR]] */
def lastCodeSeparator : Option[Int]
def lastCodeSeparator: Option[Int]
sealed trait ExecutedScriptProgram extends ScriptProgram {
/** Indicates if the [[ScriptProgram]] has encountered a [[ScriptError]] in its execution.*/
def error : Option[ScriptError]
def error: Option[ScriptError]
@ -69,29 +67,34 @@ sealed trait ExecutedScriptProgram extends ScriptProgram {
object ScriptProgram extends BitcoinSLogger {
* Implementation type for a [[PreExecutionScriptProgram]] - a [[ScriptProgram]] that has not yet begun being
* evaluated by the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
private case class PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(txSignatureComponent : TxSigComponent,
stack : List[ScriptToken],script : List[ScriptToken], originalScript : List[ScriptToken], altStack : List[ScriptToken],
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) extends PreExecutionScriptProgram
* Implementation type for a [[PreExecutionScriptProgram]] - a [[ScriptProgram]] that has not yet begun being
* evaluated by the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
private case class PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(
txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent,
stack: List[ScriptToken], script: List[ScriptToken], originalScript: List[ScriptToken], altStack: List[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]
) extends PreExecutionScriptProgram
* Implementation type for a [[ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram]] - a [[ScriptProgram]] that is currently being
* evaluated by the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
private case class ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(txSignatureComponent : TxSigComponent,
stack : List[ScriptToken],script : List[ScriptToken], originalScript : List[ScriptToken], altStack : List[ScriptToken],
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], lastCodeSeparator : Option[Int]) extends ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram
* Implementation type for a [[ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram]] - a [[ScriptProgram]] that is currently being
* evaluated by the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
private case class ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(
txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent,
stack: List[ScriptToken], script: List[ScriptToken], originalScript: List[ScriptToken], altStack: List[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], lastCodeSeparator: Option[Int]
) extends ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram
* The implementation type for a [[ExecutedScriptProgram]] - a [[ScriptProgram]] that has been evaluated completely
* by the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
private case class ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(txSignatureComponent : TxSigComponent,
stack : List[ScriptToken],script : List[ScriptToken], originalScript : List[ScriptToken], altStack : List[ScriptToken],
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], error : Option[ScriptError]) extends ExecutedScriptProgram
* The implementation type for a [[ExecutedScriptProgram]] - a [[ScriptProgram]] that has been evaluated completely
* by the [[org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter.ScriptInterpreter]].
private case class ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(
txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent,
stack: List[ScriptToken], script: List[ScriptToken], originalScript: List[ScriptToken], altStack: List[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], error: Option[ScriptError]
) extends ExecutedScriptProgram
//indicates whether the script or the stack needs to be updated
sealed trait UpdateIndicator
@ -100,250 +103,249 @@ object ScriptProgram extends BitcoinSLogger {
case object AltStack extends UpdateIndicator
case object OriginalScript extends UpdateIndicator
* Sets a [[ScriptError]] on a given [[ScriptProgram]].
* @param oldProgram the program who has hit an invalid state
* @param error the error that the program hit while being executed in the script interpreter
* @return the ExecutedScriptProgram with the given error set inside of the trait
def apply(oldProgram : ScriptProgram, error : ScriptError) : ExecutedScriptProgram = oldProgram match {
case program : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case program : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script,program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags, Some(error))
case program : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script,program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags, Some(error))
* Sets a [[ScriptError]] on a given [[ScriptProgram]].
* @param oldProgram the program who has hit an invalid state
* @param error the error that the program hit while being executed in the script interpreter
* @return the ExecutedScriptProgram with the given error set inside of the trait
def apply(oldProgram: ScriptProgram, error: ScriptError): ExecutedScriptProgram = oldProgram match {
case program: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
ScriptProgram(ScriptProgram.toExecutionInProgress(program), error)
case program: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags, Some(error))
case program: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags, Some(error))
def apply(oldProgram : ScriptProgram, flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : ScriptProgram = oldProgram match {
case program : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case program : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack,program.script,program.originalScript,
def apply(oldProgram: ScriptProgram, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): ScriptProgram = oldProgram match {
case program: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, flags)
case program: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, flags, program.lastCodeSeparator)
case program : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case program: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot update the script flags on a program that has been executed")
def apply(oldProgram : ScriptProgram, tokens : Seq[ScriptToken], indicator : UpdateIndicator) : ScriptProgram = {
def apply(oldProgram: ScriptProgram, tokens: Seq[ScriptToken], indicator: UpdateIndicator): ScriptProgram = {
indicator match {
case Stack =>
oldProgram match {
case program : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, tokens.toList,program.script,program.originalScript,
case program : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case program : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case program: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, tokens.toList, program.script, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags)
case program: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, tokens.toList, program.script, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags, program.lastCodeSeparator)
case program: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot update stack for program that has been fully executed")
case Script =>
oldProgram match {
case program : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack,tokens.toList,program.originalScript,
case program : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case program: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, tokens.toList, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags)
case program: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, tokens.toList, program.originalScript,
program.altStack, program.flags,program.lastCodeSeparator)
case program : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
program.altStack, program.flags, program.lastCodeSeparator)
case program: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot update the script for a program that has been fully executed")
case AltStack => oldProgram match {
case program : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack,program.script,program.originalScript,
case program : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case program: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, program.originalScript,
tokens.toList, program.flags)
case program: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, program.originalScript,
tokens.toList, program.flags, program.lastCodeSeparator)
case program : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case program: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot update the alt stack for a program that has been fully executed")
case OriginalScript => oldProgram match {
case program : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack,program.script,tokens.toList,
case program : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case program: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, tokens.toList,
program.altStack, program.flags)
case program: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(program.txSignatureComponent, program.stack, program.script, tokens.toList,
program.altStack, program.flags, program.lastCodeSeparator)
case program : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case program: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot update the original script for a program that has been fully executed")
def apply(oldProgram : ScriptProgram, stackTokens : Seq[ScriptToken], scriptTokens : Seq[ScriptToken]) : ScriptProgram = {
val updatedStack = ScriptProgram(oldProgram,stackTokens,Stack)
val updatedScript = ScriptProgram(updatedStack,scriptTokens,Script)
def apply(oldProgram: ScriptProgram, stackTokens: Seq[ScriptToken], scriptTokens: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptProgram = {
val updatedStack = ScriptProgram(oldProgram, stackTokens, Stack)
val updatedScript = ScriptProgram(updatedStack, scriptTokens, Script)
require(updatedStack.stack == stackTokens)
require(updatedScript.script == scriptTokens)
/** Updates the last [[org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.OP_CODESEPARATOR]] index. */
def apply(oldProgram : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, lastCodeSeparator : Int) : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
def apply(oldProgram: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, lastCodeSeparator: Int): ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
oldProgram.stack, oldProgram.script, oldProgram.originalScript,
oldProgram.altStack, oldProgram.flags,Some(lastCodeSeparator))
oldProgram.altStack, oldProgram.flags, Some(lastCodeSeparator)
/** Updates the [[ScriptToken]]s in either the stack or script and the last [[org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.OP_CODESEPARATOR]] index */
def apply(oldProgram : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, tokens : Seq[ScriptToken], indicator: UpdateIndicator,
lastCodeSeparator : Int) : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
def apply(oldProgram: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, tokens: Seq[ScriptToken], indicator: UpdateIndicator,
lastCodeSeparator: Int): ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
val updatedIndicator = ScriptProgram(oldProgram, tokens, indicator)
updatedIndicator match {
case e : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case _ : PreExecutionScriptProgram | _ : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case e: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
ScriptProgram(e, lastCodeSeparator)
case _: PreExecutionScriptProgram | _: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
throw new RuntimeException("We must have a ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram to update the last OP_CODESEPARATOR index")
/** Updates the [[Stack]], [[Script]], [[AltStack]] of the given [[ScriptProgram]]. */
def apply(oldProgram : ScriptProgram, stack : Seq[ScriptToken], script : Seq[ScriptToken], altStack : Seq[ScriptToken],
updateIndicator: UpdateIndicator) : ScriptProgram = {
val updatedProgramStack = ScriptProgram(oldProgram,stack, Stack)
def apply(oldProgram: ScriptProgram, stack: Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken], altStack: Seq[ScriptToken],
updateIndicator: UpdateIndicator): ScriptProgram = {
val updatedProgramStack = ScriptProgram(oldProgram, stack, Stack)
val updatedProgramScript = ScriptProgram(updatedProgramStack, script, Script)
val updatedProgramAltStack = ScriptProgram(updatedProgramScript, altStack, AltStack)
* Creates a new [[ScriptProgram]] that can be used to verify if a [[Transaction]] at the given inputIndex
* spends a given [[ScriptPubKey]] correctly. Assumes that the [[Script]] to be executed is the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]]
* @param transaction the transaction that is being checked
* @param scriptPubKey the scriptPubKey for which the input is spending
* @param inputIndex the input's index inside of transaction which we are spending
* @param flags the flags which we are enforcing inside of the script interpreter
* @param amount the amount of [[CurrencyUnit]] we are spending in this input
* @return the script program representing all of this information
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey : P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32,
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) : PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
* Creates a new [[ScriptProgram]] that can be used to verify if a [[Transaction]] at the given inputIndex
* spends a given [[ScriptPubKey]] correctly. Assumes that the [[Script]] to be executed is the [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature]]
* @param transaction the transaction that is being checked
* @param scriptPubKey the scriptPubKey for which the input is spending
* @param inputIndex the input's index inside of transaction which we are spending
* @param flags the flags which we are enforcing inside of the script interpreter
* @param amount the amount of [[CurrencyUnit]] we are spending in this input
* @return the script program representing all of this information
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val script = transaction.inputs(inputIndex.toInt).scriptSignature.asm
ScriptProgram(transaction,scriptPubKey,inputIndex,script.toList,flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(transaction, scriptPubKey, inputIndex, script.toList, flags, amount)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey : WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32,
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) : PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32,
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val script = transaction.inputs(inputIndex.toInt).scriptSignature.asm
ScriptProgram(transaction,scriptPubKey,inputIndex,script.toList,flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(transaction, scriptPubKey, inputIndex, script.toList, flags, amount)
def apply(transaction: Transaction, scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32,
stack : Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken], flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]): ScriptProgram = {
val p = ScriptProgram(transaction,scriptPubKey,inputIndex,flags)
def apply(transaction: Transaction, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32,
stack: Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken], flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): ScriptProgram = {
val p = ScriptProgram(transaction, scriptPubKey, inputIndex, flags)
ScriptProgram(p, stack, script)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey : P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32, script : Seq[ScriptToken],
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) : PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val w = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,flags,amount)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, script: Seq[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val w = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(w, Nil, script, script, Nil)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey : WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32, script : Seq[ScriptToken],
flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit) : PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val w = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,flags,amount)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, script: Seq[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val w = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(w, Nil, script, script, Nil)
def apply(t: TxSigComponent, stack: Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken], originalScript: Seq[ScriptToken],
altStack: Seq[ScriptToken]): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
ScriptProgram(t, stack.toList, script.toList, originalScript.toList, altStack.toList, t.flags)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey : WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32, stack : Seq[ScriptToken],
script : Seq[ScriptToken], flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], witness: ScriptWitness,
amount: CurrencyUnit) : ScriptProgram = {
val program = ScriptProgram(transaction,scriptPubKey,inputIndex,flags, amount)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, stack: Seq[ScriptToken],
script: Seq[ScriptToken], flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], witness: ScriptWitness,
amount: CurrencyUnit): ScriptProgram = {
val program = ScriptProgram(transaction, scriptPubKey, inputIndex, flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(program, stack, script)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey : P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex : UInt32, stack : Seq[ScriptToken],
script : Seq[ScriptToken], flags : Seq[ScriptFlag], witness: ScriptWitness,
amount: CurrencyUnit) : ScriptProgram = {
val program = ScriptProgram(transaction,scriptPubKey,inputIndex,flags, amount)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, stack: Seq[ScriptToken],
script: Seq[ScriptToken], flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], witness: ScriptWitness,
amount: CurrencyUnit): ScriptProgram = {
val program = ScriptProgram(transaction, scriptPubKey, inputIndex, flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(program, stack, script)
def apply(txSignatureComponent: TxSigComponent, stack: Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken],
originalScript: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptProgram = {
ScriptProgram(txSignatureComponent,stack.toList, script.toList,originalScript.toList,Nil)
ScriptProgram(txSignatureComponent, stack.toList, script.toList, originalScript.toList, Nil)
def apply(t: TxSigComponent, stack: Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptProgram = {
val original = t.scriptSignature.asm
ScriptProgram(t, stack, script, original)
/** Creates a fresh [[PreExecutionScriptProgram]] */
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, stack: Seq[ScriptToken],
script: Seq[ScriptToken], originalScript: Seq[ScriptToken], altStack: Seq[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val t = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction,inputIndex,
scriptPubKey,flags, amount)
val t = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(t, stack.toList, script.toList, originalScript.toList, altStack.toList, flags)
def apply(transaction: WitnessTransaction, scriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, stack: Seq[ScriptToken],
script: Seq[ScriptToken], originalScript: Seq[ScriptToken], altStack: Seq[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag], amount: CurrencyUnit): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val t = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction,inputIndex,
scriptPubKey,flags, amount)
val t = WitnessTxSigComponent(transaction, inputIndex,
scriptPubKey, flags, amount)
ScriptProgram(t, stack.toList, script.toList, originalScript.toList, altStack.toList, flags)
def apply(transaction: BaseTransaction, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, stack: Seq[ScriptToken],
script: Seq[ScriptToken], originalScript: Seq[ScriptToken], altStack: Seq[ScriptToken],
flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val t = BaseTxSigComponent(transaction,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,flags)
val t = BaseTxSigComponent(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags)
ScriptProgram(t, stack.toList, script.toList, originalScript.toList, altStack.toList, flags)
def apply(t: TxSigComponent, stack: Seq[ScriptToken], script: Seq[ScriptToken], originalScript: Seq[ScriptToken],
altStack: Seq[ScriptToken], flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
PreExecutionScriptProgramImpl(t, stack.toList, script.toList, originalScript.toList, altStack.toList, flags)
/** Creates a fresh instance of [[org.bitcoins.core.script.PreExecutionScriptProgram]] */
def apply(transaction: Transaction, scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey, inputIndex: UInt32, flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val t = BaseTxSigComponent(transaction,inputIndex,scriptPubKey,flags)
val t = BaseTxSigComponent(transaction, inputIndex, scriptPubKey, flags)
def apply(txSigComponent: TxSigComponent): PreExecutionScriptProgram = {
val script = txSigComponent.scriptSignature.asm
ScriptProgram(txSigComponent, Nil, script.toList, script.toList, Nil, txSigComponent.flags)
/** Changes a [[ScriptProgram]] that is a [[ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram]] and changes it to an [[ExecutedScriptProgram]].*/
def toExecutedProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram) : ExecutedScriptProgram = {
def toExecutedProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram): ExecutedScriptProgram = {
ExecutedScriptProgramImpl(executionInProgressScriptProgram.txSignatureComponent, executionInProgressScriptProgram.stack,
executionInProgressScriptProgram.script, executionInProgressScriptProgram.originalScript, executionInProgressScriptProgram.altStack,
executionInProgressScriptProgram.flags, None)
/** Changes a [[ScriptProgram]] that is a [[PreExecutionScriptProgram]] and changes it to an [[ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram]].*/
def toExecutionInProgress(preExecutionScriptProgram: PreExecutionScriptProgram) : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
def toExecutionInProgress(preExecutionScriptProgram: PreExecutionScriptProgram): ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
toExecutionInProgress(preExecutionScriptProgram, None)
/** Changes a [[ScriptProgram]] that is a [[PreExecutionScriptProgram]] and changes it to an [[ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram]] given the stack state. */
def toExecutionInProgress(preExecutionScriptProgram: PreExecutionScriptProgram, stack : Option[Seq[ScriptToken]]) : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
def toExecutionInProgress(preExecutionScriptProgram: PreExecutionScriptProgram, stack: Option[Seq[ScriptToken]]): ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram = {
stack match {
case Some(stackTokens) => ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(preExecutionScriptProgram.txSignatureComponent,stackTokens.toList,preExecutionScriptProgram.script,
preExecutionScriptProgram.originalScript,preExecutionScriptProgram.altStack,preExecutionScriptProgram.flags, None)
case Some(stackTokens) => ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(preExecutionScriptProgram.txSignatureComponent, stackTokens.toList, preExecutionScriptProgram.script,
preExecutionScriptProgram.originalScript, preExecutionScriptProgram.altStack, preExecutionScriptProgram.flags, None)
case None =>
preExecutionScriptProgram.originalScript,preExecutionScriptProgram.altStack,preExecutionScriptProgram.flags, None)
ExecutionInProgressScriptProgramImpl(preExecutionScriptProgram.txSignatureComponent, preExecutionScriptProgram.stack, preExecutionScriptProgram.script,
preExecutionScriptProgram.originalScript, preExecutionScriptProgram.altStack, preExecutionScriptProgram.flags, None)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ trait ScriptSettings {
* A integer representing the maximum number of public keys you can have in a
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L903
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L903
* @return
def maxPublicKeysPerMultiSig = 20
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.arithmetic
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ControlOperationsInterpreter, OP_VERIFY}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ ControlOperationsInterpreter, OP_VERIFY }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlagUtil
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.{ExecutedScriptProgram, ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, PreExecutionScriptProgram, ScriptProgram}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.{ ExecutedScriptProgram, ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, PreExecutionScriptProgram, ScriptProgram }
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinScriptUtil }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
@ -15,60 +15,60 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** a is added to b. */
def opAdd(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opAdd(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_ADD), "Script top must be OP_ADD")
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program, (x,y) => x + y)
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program, (x, y) => x + y)
/** Increments the stack top by 1. */
def op1Add(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op1Add(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_1ADD), "Script top must be OP_1ADD")
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => x + ScriptNumber.one)
/** Decrements the stack top by 1. */
def op1Sub(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op1Sub(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_1SUB), "Script top must be OP_1SUB")
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => x - ScriptNumber.one )
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => x - ScriptNumber.one)
/** b is subtracted from a. */
def opSub(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opSub(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_SUB), "Script top must be OP_SUB")
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program, (x,y) => y - x)
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program, (x, y) => y - x)
/** Takes the absolute value of the stack top. */
def opAbs(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opAbs(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_ABS), "Script top must be OP_ABS")
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => x match {
case ScriptNumber.zero => ScriptNumber.zero
case _ : ScriptNumber => ScriptNumber(x.toLong.abs)
case _: ScriptNumber => ScriptNumber(x.toLong.abs)
/** Negates the stack top. */
def opNegate(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opNegate(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_NEGATE), "Script top must be OP_NEGATE")
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => -x)
/** If the input is 0 or 1, it is flipped. Otherwise the output will be 0. */
def opNot(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opNot(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_NOT), "Script top must be OP_NOT")
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => if (program.stackTopIsFalse) OP_TRUE else OP_FALSE)
/** Returns 0 if the input is 0. 1 otherwise. */
def op0NotEqual(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op0NotEqual(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_0NOTEQUAL), "Script top must be OP_0NOTEQUAL")
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => if(x.toLong == 0) OP_FALSE else OP_TRUE)
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program, x => if (x.toLong == 0) OP_FALSE else OP_TRUE)
/** If both a and b are not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0. */
def opBoolAnd(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opBoolAnd(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_BOOLAND), "Script top must be OP_BOOLAND")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program,(x,y) => {
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => {
val xIsFalse = (x == ScriptNumber.zero || x == OP_0)
val yIsFalse = (y == ScriptNumber.zero || y == OP_0)
if (xIsFalse || yIsFalse) false else true
@ -76,108 +76,126 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
/** If a or b is not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0. */
def opBoolOr(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opBoolOr(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_BOOLOR), "Script top must be OP_BOOLOR")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x,y) => {
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => {
if (x == y && (x == ScriptNumber.zero || x == OP_0)) false else true
/** Returns 1 if the numbers are equal, 0 otherwise. */
def opNumEqual(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opNumEqual(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_NUMEQUAL), "Script top must be OP_NUMEQUAL")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program,(x,y) => x.numEqual(y))
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => x.numEqual(y))
/** Same as [[OP_NUMEQUAL]], but runs [[OP_VERIFY]] afterward. */
def opNumEqualVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY")
def opNumEqualVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY"
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY requires two stack elements")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val numEqualProgram = ScriptProgram(program, program.stack, OP_NUMEQUAL :: program.script.tail)
val numEqualResult = opNumEqual(numEqualProgram)
numEqualResult match {
case _ : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case _: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
val verifyProgram = ScriptProgram(numEqualResult, numEqualResult.stack, OP_VERIFY :: numEqualResult.script)
val verifyResult = ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(verifyProgram)
case _ : PreExecutionScriptProgram | _ : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case _: PreExecutionScriptProgram | _: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
/** Returns 1 if the numbers are not equal, 0 otherwise. */
def opNumNotEqual(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_NUMNOTEQUAL")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x,y) => {
def opNumNotEqual(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_NUMNOTEQUAL"
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => {
x.toLong != y.toLong
/** Returns 1 if a is less than b, 0 otherwise. */
def opLessThan(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_LESSTHAN")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x,y) => y < x)
def opLessThan(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_LESSTHAN"
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => y < x)
/** Returns 1 if a is greater than b, 0 otherwise. */
def opGreaterThan(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_GREATERTHAN")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x,y) => y > x)
def opGreaterThan(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_GREATERTHAN"
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => y > x)
/** Returns 1 if a is less than or equal to b, 0 otherwise. */
def opLessThanOrEqual(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x,y) => y <= x)
def opLessThanOrEqual(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL"
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => y <= x)
/** Returns 1 if a is greater than or equal to b, 0 otherwise. */
def opGreaterThanOrEqual(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL")
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x,y) => y >= x)
def opGreaterThanOrEqual(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL"
performBinaryBooleanOperation(program, (x, y) => y >= x)
/** Returns the smaller of a and b. */
def opMin(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_MIN")
def opMin(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_MIN"
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("OP_MAX requires at least two stack elements")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
performComparisonOnTwoStackTopItems(program, (x : ScriptNumber, y : ScriptNumber) => if (x < y) x else y)
performComparisonOnTwoStackTopItems(program, (x: ScriptNumber, y: ScriptNumber) => if (x < y) x else y)
/** Returns the larger of a and b. */
def opMax(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_MAX")
def opMax(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_MAX"
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("OP_MAX requires at least two stack elements")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
performComparisonOnTwoStackTopItems(program, (x : ScriptNumber, y : ScriptNumber) => if (x > y) x else y)
performComparisonOnTwoStackTopItems(program, (x: ScriptNumber, y: ScriptNumber) => if (x > y) x else y)
/** Returns 1 if x is within the specified range (left-inclusive), 0 otherwise. */
def opWithin(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_WITHIN")
def opWithin(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_WITHIN"
if (program.stack.size < 3) {
logger.error("OP_WITHIN requires at least 3 elements on the stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val c = ScriptNumber(program.stack.head.bytes)
val b = ScriptNumber(program.stack.tail.head.bytes)
@ -191,7 +209,7 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
logger.error("Cannot perform arithmetic operation on a number larger than 4 bytes, one of these three numbers is larger than 4 bytes: "
+ c + " " + b + " " + a)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else {
val isWithinRange = a >= b && a < c
val newStackTop = if (isWithinRange) OP_TRUE else OP_FALSE
@ -200,23 +218,26 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
/** This function checks if a number is <= 4 bytes in size
* This function checks if a number is <= 4 bytes in size
* We cannot perform arithmetic operations on bitcoin numbers that are larger than 4 bytes.
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/a6a860796a44a2805a58391a009ba22752f64e32/src/script/script.h#L214-L239. */
private def isLargerThan4Bytes(scriptNumber : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = scriptNumber.bytes.size > 4
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/a6a860796a44a2805a58391a009ba22752f64e32/src/script/script.h#L214-L239.
private def isLargerThan4Bytes(scriptNumber: ScriptNumber): Boolean = scriptNumber.bytes.size > 4
/** Performs the given arithmetic operation on the stack head
* Performs the given arithmetic operation on the stack head
* @param program the program whose stack top is used as an argument for the arithmetic operation
* @param op the arithmetic ooperation that needs to be executed on the number, for instance incrementing by 1
* @return the program with the result from performing the arithmetic operation pushed onto the top of the stack
private def performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program : ScriptProgram, op : ScriptNumber => ScriptNumber) : ScriptProgram = {
private def performUnaryArithmeticOperation(program: ScriptProgram, op: ScriptNumber => ScriptNumber): ScriptProgram = {
program.stack.headOption match {
case None =>
logger.error("We need one stack element for performing a unary arithmetic operation")
case Some(s : ScriptNumber) =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
case Some(s: ScriptNumber) =>
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && !BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(s)) {
logger.error("The number you gave us is not encoded in the shortest way possible")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalData)
@ -224,41 +245,42 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
logger.error("Cannot perform arithmetic operation on a number larger than 4 bytes, here is the number: " + s)
//pretty sure that an error is thrown inside of CScriptNum which in turn is caught by interpreter.cpp here
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else {
val newScriptNumber = op(s)
ScriptProgram(program, newScriptNumber :: program.stack.tail, program.script.tail)
case Some(s : ScriptConstant) =>
case Some(s: ScriptConstant) =>
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && !BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(s)) {
logger.error("The number you gave us is not encoded in the shortest way possible")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else {
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(s.hex))
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, interpretedNumber :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, interpretedNumber :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
performUnaryArithmeticOperation(newProgram, op)
case Some(s : ScriptToken) =>
case Some(s: ScriptToken) =>
//pretty sure that an error is thrown inside of CScriptNum which in turn is caught by interpreter.cpp here
logger.error("Stack top must be a script number/script constant to perform an arithmetic operation")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
/** Performs the given arithmetic operation on the top two stack items
* Performs the given arithmetic operation on the top two stack items
* @param program the program whose stack top is used as an argument for the arithmetic operation
* @param op the arithmetic ooperation that needs to be executed on the number, for instance incrementing by 1
* @return the program with the result from performing the arithmetic operation pushed onto the top of the stack
private def performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program : ScriptProgram, op : (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) => ScriptNumber) : ScriptProgram = {
private def performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program: ScriptProgram, op: (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) => ScriptNumber): ScriptProgram = {
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("We must have two elements to perform a binary arithmetic operation")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
(program.stack.head, program.stack.tail.head) match {
case (x : ScriptNumber, y : ScriptNumber) =>
case (x: ScriptNumber, y: ScriptNumber) =>
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && (!BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(x) || !BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(y))) {
logger.error("The constant you gave us is not encoded in the shortest way possible")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
@ -266,46 +288,47 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
//pretty sure that an error is thrown inside of CScriptNum which in turn is caught by interpreter.cpp here
logger.error("Cannot perform arithmetic operation on a number larger than 4 bytes, one of these two numbers is larger than 4 bytes: " + x + " " + y)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else {
val newStackTop = op(x,y)
ScriptProgram(program,newStackTop :: program.stack.tail.tail,program.script.tail)
val newStackTop = op(x, y)
ScriptProgram(program, newStackTop :: program.stack.tail.tail, program.script.tail)
case (x : ScriptConstant, y : ScriptNumber) =>
case (x: ScriptConstant, y: ScriptNumber) =>
//interpret x as a number
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(x.hex)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, interpretedNumber :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(newProgram, op)
case (x : ScriptNumber, y : ScriptConstant) =>
case (x: ScriptNumber, y: ScriptConstant) =>
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(y.hex)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, x :: interpretedNumber :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, x :: interpretedNumber :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(newProgram, op)
case (x : ScriptConstant, y : ScriptConstant) =>
case (x: ScriptConstant, y: ScriptConstant) =>
//interpret x and y as a number
val interpretedNumberX = ScriptNumber(x.hex)
val interpretedNumberY = ScriptNumber(y.hex)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, interpretedNumberX :: interpretedNumberY :: program.stack.tail.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, interpretedNumberX :: interpretedNumberY :: program.stack.tail.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack)
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(newProgram, op)
case (x : ScriptToken, y : ScriptToken) =>
case (x: ScriptToken, y: ScriptToken) =>
//pretty sure that an error is thrown inside of CScriptNum which in turn is caught by interpreter.cpp here
logger.error("The top two stack items must be script numbers to perform an arithmetic operation")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
/** Compares two script numbers with the given boolean operation
* Compares two script numbers with the given boolean operation
* @param program the program whose two top stack elements are used for the comparison
* @param op the operation which compares the two script numbers
* @return the program with either OP_FALSE or OP_TRUE on the stack top
private def performBinaryBooleanOperation(program : ScriptProgram, op : (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) => Boolean) : ScriptProgram = {
private def performBinaryBooleanOperation(program: ScriptProgram, op: (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) => Boolean): ScriptProgram = {
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("We need two stack elements for a binary boolean operation")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val (x,y) = parseTopTwoStackElementsAsScriptNumbers(program)
val (x, y) = parseTopTwoStackElementsAsScriptNumbers(program)
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) &&
(!BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(x) || !BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(y))) {
logger.error("The constant you gave us is not encoded in the shortest way possible")
@ -314,23 +337,26 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
//pretty sure that an error is thrown inside of CScriptNum which in turn is caught by interpreter.cpp here
logger.error("Cannot perform boolean operation on a number larger than 4 bytes, one of these two numbers is larger than 4 bytes: " + x + " " + y)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else {
val newStackTop = if(op(x,y)) OP_TRUE else OP_FALSE
ScriptProgram(program,newStackTop :: program.stack.tail.tail,program.script.tail)
val newStackTop = if (op(x, y)) OP_TRUE else OP_FALSE
ScriptProgram(program, newStackTop :: program.stack.tail.tail, program.script.tail)
/** Takes the top two stack items, parses them to numbers then executes the op function on them and places the result
* Takes the top two stack items, parses them to numbers then executes the op function on them and places the result
* onto the stack top
* @param program the script program whose two top stack items are used as arguments for op
* @param op the operation that needs to be executed on the two stack top items
* @return the program with the result of op pushed onto the top of the stack
private def performComparisonOnTwoStackTopItems(program : ScriptProgram,
op : (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) => ScriptNumber) : ScriptProgram = {
private def performComparisonOnTwoStackTopItems(
program: ScriptProgram,
op: (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) => ScriptNumber
): ScriptProgram = {
performBinaryArithmeticOperation(program, op)
@ -338,22 +364,22 @@ sealed abstract class ArithmeticInterpreter {
* @param program the program whose top two stack elements are being parsed as script numbers
* @return the tuple with the first element being the first stack element, the second element in the tuple being the second stack element
private def parseTopTwoStackElementsAsScriptNumbers(program : ScriptProgram) : (ScriptNumber,ScriptNumber) = {
private def parseTopTwoStackElementsAsScriptNumbers(program: ScriptProgram): (ScriptNumber, ScriptNumber) = {
(program.stack.head, program.stack.tail.head) match {
case (x : ScriptNumber, y : ScriptNumber) => (x,y)
case (x : ScriptConstant, y : ScriptNumber) =>
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(x.hex)
case (x : ScriptNumber, y : ScriptConstant) =>
//interpret y as a number
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(y.hex)
case (x : ScriptConstant, y : ScriptConstant) =>
//interpret x and y as a number
val interpretedNumberX = ScriptNumber(x.hex)
val interpretedNumberY = ScriptNumber(y.hex)
case (x : ScriptToken, y : ScriptToken) =>
case (x: ScriptNumber, y: ScriptNumber) => (x, y)
case (x: ScriptConstant, y: ScriptNumber) =>
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(x.hex)
(interpretedNumber, y)
case (x: ScriptNumber, y: ScriptConstant) =>
//interpret y as a number
val interpretedNumber = ScriptNumber(y.hex)
(x, interpretedNumber)
case (x: ScriptConstant, y: ScriptConstant) =>
//interpret x and y as a number
val interpretedNumberX = ScriptNumber(x.hex)
val interpretedNumberY = ScriptNumber(y.hex)
(interpretedNumberX, interpretedNumberY)
case (x: ScriptToken, y: ScriptToken) =>
//pretty sure that an error is thrown inside of CScriptNum which in turn is caught by interpreter.cpp here
logger.error("The top two stack items must be script numbers to perform an arithmetic operation")
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ case object OP_NUMEQUAL extends ArithmeticOperation {
/** Same as OP_NUMEQUAL, but runs OP_VERIFY afterward. */
case object OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY extends ArithmeticOperation {
override def opCode= 157
override def opCode = 157
/** Returns 1 if the numbers are not equal, 0 otherwise. */
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ case object OP_MAX extends ArithmeticOperation {
/** Returns 1 if x is within the specified range (left-inclusive), 0 otherwise. */
case object OP_WITHIN extends ArithmeticOperation {
case object OP_WITHIN extends ArithmeticOperation {
override def opCode = 165
@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ case object OP_MOD extends ArithmeticOperation {
/** Shifts a left b bits, preserving sign. disabled. */
case object OP_LSHIFT extends ArithmeticOperation {
case object OP_LSHIFT extends ArithmeticOperation {
override def opCode = 152
/** Shifts a right b bits, preserving sign. disabled. */
case object OP_RSHIFT extends ArithmeticOperation {
case object OP_RSHIFT extends ArithmeticOperation {
override def opCode = 153
@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ object ArithmeticOperation extends ScriptOperationFactory[ArithmeticOperation] {
override def operations = Seq(OP_0NOTEQUAL, OP_1ADD, OP_1SUB, OP_ABS, OP_ADD, OP_BOOLAND, OP_BOOLOR,
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.bitwise
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ControlOperationsInterpreter, OP_VERIFY}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ ControlOperationsInterpreter, OP_VERIFY }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.{ExecutedScriptProgram, ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, PreExecutionScriptProgram, ScriptProgram}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.{ ExecutedScriptProgram, ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram, PreExecutionScriptProgram, ScriptProgram }
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
@ -13,31 +12,31 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
sealed abstract class BitwiseInterpreter {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** Returns 1 if the inputs are exactly equal, 0 otherwise. */
def opEqual(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opEqual(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_EQUAL), "Script operation must be OP_EQUAL")
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val h = program.stack.head
val h1 = program.stack.tail.head
val result = (h,h1) match {
case (OP_0,ScriptNumber.zero) | (ScriptNumber.zero, OP_0) =>
val result = (h, h1) match {
case (OP_0, ScriptNumber.zero) | (ScriptNumber.zero, OP_0) =>
OP_0.underlying == ScriptNumber.zero.toLong
case (OP_FALSE,ScriptNumber.zero) | (ScriptNumber.zero, OP_FALSE) =>
case (OP_FALSE, ScriptNumber.zero) | (ScriptNumber.zero, OP_FALSE) =>
OP_FALSE.underlying == ScriptNumber.zero.toLong
case (OP_TRUE,ScriptNumber.one) | (ScriptNumber.one, OP_TRUE) =>
case (OP_TRUE, ScriptNumber.one) | (ScriptNumber.one, OP_TRUE) =>
OP_TRUE.underlying == ScriptNumber.one.toLong
case (OP_1, ScriptNumber.one) | (ScriptNumber.one, OP_1) =>
OP_1.underlying == ScriptNumber.one.toLong
case _ => h.bytes == h1.bytes
val scriptBoolean = if (result) OP_TRUE else OP_FALSE
ScriptProgram(program,scriptBoolean :: program.stack.tail.tail, program.script.tail)
val scriptBoolean = if (result) OP_TRUE else OP_FALSE
ScriptProgram(program, scriptBoolean :: program.stack.tail.tail, program.script.tail)
/** Same as [[OP_EQUAL]], but runs [[OP_VERIFY]] afterward. */
def opEqualVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opEqualVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_EQUALVERIFY), "Script operation must be OP_EQUALVERIFY")
if (program.stack.size > 1) {
//first replace OP_EQUALVERIFY with OP_EQUAL and OP_VERIFY
@ -50,9 +49,9 @@ sealed abstract class BitwiseInterpreter {
else p
case p: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram => p
} else{
} else {
logger.error("OP_EQUALVERIFY requires at least 2 elements on the stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
@ -8,34 +8,33 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptOperationFactory
trait BytesToPushOntoStack extends ScriptOperation
object BytesToPushOntoStack extends ScriptOperationFactory[BytesToPushOntoStack] {
* Represents that zero bytes need to be pushed onto the stack
* this really means we need to push an empty byte vector on the stack
lazy val zero : BytesToPushOntoStack = apply(0)
* Represents that zero bytes need to be pushed onto the stack
* this really means we need to push an empty byte vector on the stack
lazy val zero: BytesToPushOntoStack = apply(0)
private case class BytesToPushOntoStackImpl(num : Int) extends BytesToPushOntoStack {
private case class BytesToPushOntoStackImpl(num: Int) extends BytesToPushOntoStack {
/* //see the 'Constants; section in https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script
require(num >= -1 && num <= 75, "A valid script number is between 1 and 75, the number passed in was: " + num)*/
require(num >= 0, "BytesToPushOntoStackImpl cannot be negative")
override def opCode = num
override def operations : Seq[BytesToPushOntoStack] =
override def operations: Seq[BytesToPushOntoStack] =
(for { i <- 0 to 75 } yield BytesToPushOntoStackImpl(i))
def fromNumber(num : Int) : BytesToPushOntoStack = {
def fromNumber(num: Int): BytesToPushOntoStack = {
if (num > 75) throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have a BytesToPushOntoStack for greater than 75 bytes")
else {
val bytesToPushOntoStackOpt = operations.find(_.opCode == num)
bytesToPushOntoStackOpt match {
case Some(bytesToPushOntoStack) => bytesToPushOntoStack
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have a BytesToPushOntoStack for greater than 75 bytes")
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("We cannot have a BytesToPushOntoStack for greater than 75 bytes")
def apply(num : Int) : BytesToPushOntoStack = fromNumber(num)
def apply(num: Int): BytesToPushOntoStack = fromNumber(num)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.constant
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptProgram
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlagUtil
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
@ -14,54 +14,54 @@ sealed abstract class ConstantInterpreter {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** The next byte contains the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack. */
def opPushData1(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opPushData1(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_PUSHDATA1), "Top of script stack must be OP_PUSHDATA1")
/** The next two bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack. */
def opPushData2(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opPushData2(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_PUSHDATA2), "Top of script stack must be OP_PUSHDATA2")
/** The next four bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack. */
def opPushData4(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opPushData4(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_PUSHDATA4), "Top of script stack must be OP_PUSHDATA4")
/** Pushes the number of bytes onto the stack that is specified by script number on the script stack. */
def pushScriptNumberBytesToStack(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
val bytesNeeded : Long = program.script.head match {
def pushScriptNumberBytesToStack(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
val bytesNeeded: Long = program.script.head match {
case _ : ScriptToken => bytesNeededForPushOp(program.script.head)
case _: ScriptToken => bytesNeededForPushOp(program.script.head)
/** Parses the script tokens that need to be pushed onto our stack. */
def takeUntilBytesNeeded(scriptTokens : List[ScriptToken], accum : List[ScriptToken]) : (List[ScriptToken],List[ScriptToken]) = {
def takeUntilBytesNeeded(scriptTokens: List[ScriptToken], accum: List[ScriptToken]): (List[ScriptToken], List[ScriptToken]) = {
val bytesSum = accum.map(_.bytes.size).sum
if (bytesSum == bytesNeeded) (scriptTokens,accum)
else if (scriptTokens.isEmpty) (Nil,accum)
if (bytesSum == bytesNeeded) (scriptTokens, accum)
else if (scriptTokens.isEmpty) (Nil, accum)
else if (bytesSum > bytesNeeded) throw new RuntimeException("We cannot have more bytes than what our script number specified")
else {
//for the case when a ScriptNumberImpl(x) was parsed as a ByteToPushOntoStackImpl(x)
val scriptToken = scriptTokens.head match {
case x : BytesToPushOntoStack => ScriptNumber(x.opCode)
case x => x
case x: BytesToPushOntoStack => ScriptNumber(x.opCode)
case x => x
takeUntilBytesNeeded(scriptTokens.tail, scriptToken :: accum)
val (newScript,bytesToPushOntoStack) = program.script.head match {
val (newScript, bytesToPushOntoStack) = program.script.head match {
case OP_PUSHDATA1 | OP_PUSHDATA2 | OP_PUSHDATA4 => takeUntilBytesNeeded(program.script.tail.tail, Nil)
case _: ScriptToken => takeUntilBytesNeeded(program.script.tail, Nil)
case _: ScriptToken => takeUntilBytesNeeded(program.script.tail, Nil)
logger.debug("new script: " + newScript)
logger.debug("Bytes to push onto stack: " + bytesToPushOntoStack)
val constant : ScriptToken = if (bytesToPushOntoStack.size == 1) bytesToPushOntoStack.head
val constant: ScriptToken = if (bytesToPushOntoStack.size == 1) bytesToPushOntoStack.head
else ScriptConstant(BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(bytesToPushOntoStack.flatMap(_.bytes)))
logger.debug("Constant to be pushed onto stack: " + constant)
@ -71,36 +71,37 @@ sealed abstract class ConstantInterpreter {
else if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && bytesNeeded == 1 &&
constant.isInstanceOf[ScriptNumber] && constant.toLong <= 16) {
logger.error("We can push this constant onto the stack with OP_0 - OP_16 instead of using a script constant")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalData)
} else if (bytesNeeded != bytesToPushOntoStack.map(_.bytes.size).sum) {
logger.error("Incorrect amount of bytes being pushed onto the stack")
logger.error("Bytes needed: " + bytesNeeded)
logger.error("Number of byte received: " + bytesToPushOntoStack.map(_.bytes.size).sum)
else if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && !BitcoinScriptUtil.isMinimalPush(program.script.head,constant)) {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorBadOpCode)
} else if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && !BitcoinScriptUtil.isMinimalPush(program.script.head, constant)) {
logger.debug("Pushing operation: " + program.script.head)
logger.debug("Constant parsed: " + constant)
logger.debug("Constant size: " + constant.bytes.size)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalData)
} else ScriptProgram.apply(program, constant :: program.stack, newScript)
/** Checks if the MINIMALDATA script flag is set, if so checks if we are using the minimal push operation
* if we are, then we push the bytes onto the stack. */
private def opPushData(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
* Checks if the MINIMALDATA script flag is set, if so checks if we are using the minimal push operation
* if we are, then we push the bytes onto the stack.
private def opPushData(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
//for the case when we have the minimal data flag and the bytes to push onto stack is represented by the
//constant telling OP_PUSHDATA how many bytes need to go onto the stack
//for instance OP_PUSHDATA1 OP_0
val scriptNumOp = program.script(1).bytes match {
case h :: t => ScriptNumberOperation.fromNumber(h.toInt)
case Nil => None
case Nil => None
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && program.script(1).bytes.size == 1 &&
scriptNumOp.isDefined) {
logger.error("We cannot use an OP_PUSHDATA operation for pushing " +
"a script number operation onto the stack, scriptNumberOperation: " + scriptNumOp)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalData)
} else if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && program.script.size > 2 &&
!BitcoinScriptUtil.isMinimalPush(program.script.head, program.script(2))) {
logger.error("We are not using the minimal push operation to push the bytes onto the stack for the constant")
@ -109,22 +110,22 @@ sealed abstract class ConstantInterpreter {
//for the case where we have to push 0 bytes onto the stack, which is technically the empty byte vector
program.script(1) match {
case OP_0 | BytesToPushOntoStack.zero | ScriptNumber.zero | ScriptNumber.negativeZero =>
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags)) ScriptProgram(program,ScriptErrorMinimalData)
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags)) ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalData)
else ScriptProgram(program, ScriptNumber.zero :: program.stack, program.script.tail.tail)
case _ : ScriptToken =>
case _: ScriptToken =>
pushScriptNumberBytesToStack(ScriptProgram(program, program.script, ScriptProgram.Script))
/** Parses the bytes needed for a push op (for instance OP_PUSHDATA1). */
private def bytesNeededForPushOp(token : ScriptToken) : Long = token match {
private def bytesNeededForPushOp(token: ScriptToken): Long = token match {
case scriptNumber: BytesToPushOntoStack => scriptNumber.opCode
case scriptNumOp: ScriptNumberOperation => scriptNumOp.opCode
case scriptNumber: ScriptNumber => scriptNumber.toLong
case scriptConstant : ScriptConstant =>
case scriptNumber: ScriptNumber => scriptNumber.toLong
case scriptConstant: ScriptConstant =>
val constantFlippedEndianness = BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(scriptConstant.hex)
java.lang.Long.parseLong(constantFlippedEndianness, 16)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Token must be BytesToPushOntoStack to push a number of bytes onto the stack")
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.constant
import org.bitcoins.core.number.Int64
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptOperationFactory
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil, Factory }
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 1/6/16.
@ -16,100 +16,105 @@ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
sealed trait ScriptToken {
/** The hexadecimal representation of this [[ScriptToken]]. */
def hex : String
def hex: String
/** The byte representation of this [[ScriptToken]]. */
def bytes : Seq[Byte] = BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex)
def bytes: Seq[Byte] = BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex)
/** The conversion from the byte representation of a [[ScriptToken]] to a number. */
def toLong = ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(hex)
/** A script operation is an instruction that takes an input and gives an output
* Think of these as functions.*/
* A script operation is an instruction that takes an input and gives an output
* Think of these as functions.
trait ScriptOperation extends ScriptToken {
def opCode : Int
override def hex : String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(opCode.toByte)
def opCode: Int
override def hex: String = BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(opCode.toByte)
/** A constant in the Script language for instance as String or a number. */
sealed abstract class ScriptConstant extends ScriptToken {
/** Returns if the [[ScriptConstant]] is encoded in the shortest possible way. */
def isShortestEncoding : Boolean = BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(this)
def isShortestEncoding: Boolean = BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(this)
/** Represents a [[ScriptNumber]] in the Script language. */
sealed abstract class ScriptNumber extends ScriptConstant {
/** The underlying number of the [[ScriptNumber]]. */
protected def underlying : Long
def +(that: ScriptNumber): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying + that.underlying)
def + (that : ScriptNumber) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying + that.underlying)
def unary_- = ScriptNumber(-underlying)
def - (that : ScriptNumber) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying - that.underlying)
def * (that : ScriptNumber) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying * that.underlying)
def < (that : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = underlying < that.underlying
def <= (that : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = underlying <= that.underlying
def > (that : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = underlying > that.underlying
def >= (that : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = underlying >= that.underlying
def -(that: ScriptNumber): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying - that.underlying)
def < (that : Int64) : Boolean = underlying < that.toLong
def <= (that : Int64) : Boolean = underlying <= that.toLong
def > (that : Int64) : Boolean = underlying > that.toLong
def >= (that : Int64) : Boolean = underlying >= that.toLong
def *(that: ScriptNumber): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying * that.underlying)
def <(that: ScriptNumber): Boolean = underlying < that.underlying
def & (that : ScriptNumber) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying & that.underlying)
def & (that : Int64) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying & that.toLong)
def <=(that: ScriptNumber): Boolean = underlying <= that.underlying
def | (that : ScriptNumber) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying | that.underlying)
def >(that: ScriptNumber): Boolean = underlying > that.underlying
/** This equality just checks that the underlying scala numbers are equivalent, NOT if the numbers
def >=(that: ScriptNumber): Boolean = underlying >= that.underlying
def <(that: Int64): Boolean = underlying < that.toLong
def <=(that: Int64): Boolean = underlying <= that.toLong
def >(that: Int64): Boolean = underlying > that.toLong
def >=(that: Int64): Boolean = underlying >= that.toLong
def &(that: ScriptNumber): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying & that.underlying)
def &(that: Int64): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying & that.toLong)
def |(that: ScriptNumber): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(underlying | that.underlying)
* This equality just checks that the underlying scala numbers are equivalent, NOT if the numbers
* are bitwise equivalent in Script. For instance ScriptNumber(0x01).numEqual(ScriptNumber(0x00000000001)) == true
* but (ScriptNumber(0x01) == (ScriptNumber(0x00000000001))) == false. */
def numEqual(that : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = underlying == that.underlying
override def toLong = underlying
* but (ScriptNumber(0x01) == (ScriptNumber(0x00000000001))) == false.
def numEqual(that: ScriptNumber): Boolean = underlying == that.underlying
def toInt = {
val l = toLong
require(l <= Int.MaxValue && l >= Int.MinValue)
override def toLong = underlying
/** The underlying number of the [[ScriptNumber]]. */
protected def underlying: Long
object ScriptNumber extends Factory[ScriptNumber] {
/** This represents a [[ScriptNumber]] inside of bitcoin
* @param underlying the number being represented
* @param hex the hex representation of the number - this can be different than the obvious value for
* the number. For instance we could have padded the number with another word of zeros
private case class ScriptNumberImpl(underlying : Long, override val hex : String) extends ScriptNumber
/** Represents the number zero inside of bitcoin's script language. */
lazy val zero : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(0,"")
lazy val zero: ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(0, "")
/** Represents the number one inside of bitcoin's script language. */
lazy val one : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(1)
lazy val one: ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(1)
/** Represents the number negative one inside of bitcoin's script language. */
lazy val negativeOne : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(-1)
lazy val negativeOne: ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(-1)
/** Bitcoin has a numbering system which has a negative zero. */
lazy val negativeZero : ScriptNumber = fromHex("80")
lazy val negativeZero: ScriptNumber = fromHex("80")
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) = {
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]) = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) zero
else ScriptNumberImpl(ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(bytes), BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
def apply(underlying : Long) : ScriptNumber = {
def apply(underlying: Long): ScriptNumber = {
if (underlying == 0) zero else apply(ScriptNumberUtil.longToHex(underlying))
def apply(hex : String, requireMinimal : Boolean) : Try[ScriptNumber] = {
def apply(bytes: Seq[Byte], requireMinimal: Boolean): Try[ScriptNumber] = apply(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes), requireMinimal)
def apply(hex: String, requireMinimal: Boolean): Try[ScriptNumber] = {
if (requireMinimal && !BitcoinScriptUtil.isShortestEncoding(hex)) {
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("The given hex was not the shortest encoding for the script number: " + hex))
} else {
@ -118,16 +123,29 @@ object ScriptNumber extends Factory[ScriptNumber] {
def apply(bytes : Seq[Byte], requireMinimal : Boolean) : Try[ScriptNumber] = apply(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes),requireMinimal)
* This represents a [[ScriptNumber]] inside of bitcoin
* @param underlying the number being represented
* @param hex the hex representation of the number - this can be different than the obvious value for
* the number. For instance we could have padded the number with another word of zeros
private case class ScriptNumberImpl(underlying: Long, override val hex: String) extends ScriptNumber
/** Companion object for [[ScriptNumberImpl]] that gives us access to more constructor types for the
* [[ScriptNumberImpl]] case class. */
* Companion object for [[ScriptNumberImpl]] that gives us access to more constructor types for the
* [[ScriptNumberImpl]] case class.
private object ScriptNumberImpl {
def apply(underlying : Long) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(underlying, ScriptNumberUtil.longToHex(underlying))
def apply(hex : String) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(hex), hex)
def apply(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(bytes))
def apply(int64: Int64) : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(int64.toLong)
def apply(hex: String): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(hex), hex)
def apply(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(ScriptNumberUtil.toLong(bytes))
def apply(underlying: Long): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(underlying, ScriptNumberUtil.longToHex(underlying))
def apply(int64: Int64): ScriptNumber = ScriptNumberImpl(int64.toLong)
/** The next byte contains the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack. */
@ -154,8 +172,10 @@ case object OP_PUSHDATA4 extends ScriptOperation {
def max = 4294967295L
/** Represents a [[ScriptNumberOperation]] where the the number in the operation is pushed onto the stack
* i.e. OP_0 would be push 0 onto the stack, OP_1 would be push 1 onto the stack. */
* Represents a [[ScriptNumberOperation]] where the the number in the operation is pushed onto the stack
* i.e. OP_0 would be push 0 onto the stack, OP_1 would be push 1 onto the stack.
sealed abstract class ScriptNumberOperation extends ScriptNumber with ScriptOperation {
override def hex = opCode.toHexString
@ -163,143 +183,170 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptNumberOperation extends ScriptNumber with ScriptOper
/** An empty array of bytes is pushed onto the stack. (This is not a no-op: an item is added to the stack.) */
case object OP_0 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 0
override def hex = "00"
override def underlying = 0
/** An empty array of bytes is pushed onto the stack. (This is not a no-op: an item is added to the stack.) */
case object OP_FALSE extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = OP_0.opCode
override def hex = OP_0.hex
override def underlying = OP_0.underlying
override def bytes = OP_0.bytes
/** The number 1 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_TRUE extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 81
override def underlying = 1
/** The number -1 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_1NEGATE extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 79
override def underlying = -1
/** The number 1 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_1 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = OP_TRUE.opCode
override def underlying = OP_TRUE.underlying
/** The number 2 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_2 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 82
override def underlying = 2
/** The number 3 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_3 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 83
override def underlying = 3
/** The number 4 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_4 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 84
override def underlying = 4
/** The number 5 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_5 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 85
override def underlying = 5
/** The number 6 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_6 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 86
override def underlying = 6
/** The number 7 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_7 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 87
override def underlying = 7
/** The number 8 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_8 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 88
override def underlying = 8
/** The number 9 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_9 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 89
override def underlying = 9
/** The number 10 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_10 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 90
override def underlying = 10
/** The number 11 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_11 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 91
override def underlying = 11
/** The number 12 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_12 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 92
override def underlying = 12
/** The number 13 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_13 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 93
override def underlying = 13
/** The number 14 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_14 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 94
override def underlying = 14
/** The number 15 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_15 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 95
override def underlying = 15
/** The number 16 is pushed onto the stack. */
case object OP_16 extends ScriptNumberOperation {
override def opCode = 96
override def underlying = 16
object ScriptNumberOperation extends ScriptOperationFactory[ScriptNumberOperation] {
def operations = Seq(OP_0,OP_1, OP_1NEGATE, OP_2,OP_3,OP_4,OP_5,OP_6,OP_7,OP_8,OP_9,OP_10,OP_11,OP_12,OP_13,OP_14,OP_15,OP_16)
/** Finds the [[ScriptNumberOperation]] based on the given integer. */
def fromNumber(underlying : Long) : Option[ScriptNumberOperation] = operations.find(_.underlying == underlying)
def fromNumber(underlying: Long): Option[ScriptNumberOperation] = operations.find(_.underlying == underlying)
def operations = Seq(OP_0, OP_1, OP_1NEGATE, OP_2, OP_3, OP_4, OP_5, OP_6, OP_7, OP_8, OP_9, OP_10, OP_11, OP_12, OP_13, OP_14, OP_15, OP_16)
object ScriptConstant extends Factory[ScriptConstant] {
/** Represent a public key or hash of a public key on our stack.*/
private case class ScriptConstantImpl(hex : String) extends ScriptConstant {
def this(bytes : List[Byte]) = this(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
lazy val zero = ScriptConstant("00")
lazy val negativeZero = ScriptConstant("80")
lazy val negativeOne = ScriptConstant("81")
/** Creates a [[ScriptConstant]] from a sequence of bytes. */
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : ScriptConstant = ScriptConstantImpl(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): ScriptConstant = ScriptConstantImpl(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
/** Represent a public key or hash of a public key on our stack. */
private case class ScriptConstantImpl(hex: String) extends ScriptConstant {
def this(bytes: List[Byte]) = this(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
@ -3,78 +3,118 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.constant
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSUtil
* Created by chris on 6/5/16.
* Numbers in script are unique in the fact that they don't follow a conventional signed numbering system
* such as ones complement or twos complement. The bitcoin protocol uses little endian notation which means the most
* significant bit indicates the sign on the number we are interpreting. The rest of the bits are used to determine
* what that number is. See this irc log for more info
* https://botbot.me/freenode/bitcoin-core-dev/2016-06-06/?tz=America/Chicago
* Created by chris on 6/5/16.
* Numbers in script are unique in the fact that they don't follow a conventional signed numbering system
* such as ones complement or twos complement. The bitcoin protocol uses little endian notation which means the most
* significant bit indicates the sign on the number we are interpreting. The rest of the bits are used to determine
* what that number is. See this irc log for more info
* https://botbot.me/freenode/bitcoin-core-dev/2016-06-06/?tz=America/Chicago
trait ScriptNumberUtil {
* Takes a hex number and converts it into a signed number
* used in the bitcoin script's numbering system.
* This function interprets the bytes as little endian numbers
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param hex
* @return
def toLong(hex : String) : Long = toLong(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
* Takes a hex number and converts it into a signed number
* used in the bitcoin script's numbering system.
* This function interprets the bytes as little endian numbers
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param hex
* @return
def toLong(hex: String): Long = toLong(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
* Takes a sequence of bytes and converts it in to signed number inside of bitcoin
* script's numbering system
* This function interprets the bytes as little endian numbers
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param bytes
* @return
def toLong(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Long = {
* Takes in a hex string and converts it into a signed number
* This function interprets the bytes as little endian numbers
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param hex
* @return
def toInt(hex: String): Int = toInt(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
* Takes in a sequence of bytes and converts it into a signed number
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param bytes
* @return
def toInt(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Int = {
require(bytes.size <= 4, "We cannot have an integer with more than 4 bytes (32 bits)")
* Takes a sequence of bytes and converts it in to signed number inside of bitcoin
* script's numbering system
* This function interprets the bytes as little endian numbers
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param bytes
* @return
def toLong(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Long = {
val reversedBytes = bytes.reverse
if (bytes.size == 1 && bytes.head == -128) {
//the case for negative zero
} else if (isPositive(bytes)) {
if (firstByteAllZeros(reversedBytes.toList) && reversedBytes.size > 1) {
parseLong(reversedBytes.slice(1, reversedBytes.size))
} else parseLong(reversedBytes)
} else {
//remove the sign bit
val removedSignBit = changeSignBitToPositive(reversedBytes.toList)
if (firstByteAllZeros(removedSignBit)) -parseLong(removedSignBit.slice(1,removedSignBit.size))
if (firstByteAllZeros(removedSignBit)) -parseLong(removedSignBit.slice(1, removedSignBit.size))
else -parseLong(removedSignBit)
* Takes in a sequence of bytes and converts it into a signed number
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param bytes
* @return
def toInt(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Int = {
require(bytes.size <= 4, "We cannot have an integer with more than 4 bytes (32 bits)")
* Determines if a byte array is a positive or negative number
* @param bytes
* @return
def isPositive(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) false
else {
val result: Int = bytes(bytes.size - 1) & 0x80
if (result == 0x80) false else true
* Takes in a hex string and converts it into a signed number
* This function interprets the bytes as little endian numbers
* This should only be used for numbers inside of Script
* @param hex
* @return
def toInt(hex : String) : Int = toInt(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
* Change sign bit to positive
* @param bytes
* @return
def changeSignBitToPositive(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Seq[Byte] = {
val newByte: Byte = (bytes.head & 0x7F).toByte
(newByte :: bytes.tail.toList)
def firstByteAllZeros(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
val lastByte = bytes.head
(lastByte & 0xFF) == 0
private def parseLong(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Long = parseLong(bytes.toList)
private def parseLong(bytes: List[Byte]): Long = parseLong(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
private def parseLong(hex: String): Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(hex, 16)
* Converts a long number to the representation of number inside of Bitcoin script's number system
* @param long
* @return
def longToHex(long : Long) : String = {
* Converts a long number to the representation of number inside of Bitcoin script's number system
* @param long
* @return
def longToHex(long: Long): String = {
if (long > -1) {
val bytes = toByteSeq(long)
@ -87,73 +127,34 @@ trait ScriptNumberUtil {
* Determines if a given hex string is a positive number
* @param hex
* @return
def isPositive(hex : String) : Boolean = isPositive(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def toByteSeq(long: Long): Seq[Byte] = BigInt(long).toByteArray
* Determines if a byte array is a positive or negative number
* @param bytes
* @return
def isPositive(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Boolean = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) false
else {
val result: Int = bytes(bytes.size-1) & 0x80
if (result == 0x80) false else true
* Determines if a given hex string is a positive number
* @param hex
* @return
def isPositive(hex: String): Boolean = isPositive(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def isNegative(hex: String): Boolean = isNegative(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def isNegative(hex : String) : Boolean = isNegative(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def isNegative(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Boolean = {
def isNegative(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Boolean = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) false else !isPositive(bytes)
* Change sign bit to positive
* @param bytes
* @return
def changeSignBitToPositive(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Seq[Byte] = {
val newByte : Byte = (bytes.head & 0x7F).toByte
(newByte :: bytes.tail.toList)
def changeSignBitToPositive(hex: String): Seq[Byte] = changeSignBitToPositive(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def changeSignBitToPositive(hex : String) : Seq[Byte] = changeSignBitToPositive(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def changeSignBitToNegative(hex: String): Seq[Byte] = changeSignBitToNegative(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def changeSignBitToNegative(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Seq[Byte] = {
def changeSignBitToNegative(bytes: Seq[Byte]): Seq[Byte] = {
val newByte = (bytes.head | 0x80).toByte
(newByte :: bytes.tail.toList)
def changeSignBitToNegative(hex : String) : Seq[Byte] = changeSignBitToNegative(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def firstByteAllZeros(hex: String): Boolean = firstByteAllZeros(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def firstByteAllZeros(hex : String) : Boolean = firstByteAllZeros(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def firstByteAllZeros(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Boolean = {
val lastByte = bytes.head
(lastByte & 0xFF) == 0
def toByteSeq(long : Long) : Seq[Byte] = BigInt(long).toByteArray
private def parseLong(hex : String) : Long = java.lang.Long.parseLong(hex,16)
private def parseLong(bytes : List[Byte]) : Long = parseLong(BitcoinSUtil.encodeHex(bytes))
private def parseLong(byte : Byte) : Long = parseLong(List(byte))
private def parseLong(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : Long = parseLong(bytes.toList)
private def parseLong(byte: Byte): Long = parseLong(List(byte))
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.constant
* Created by chris on 3/28/16.
trait StackPushOperationFactory {
* Determines if the given token is a stack push operation
* @param token the token to be checked to see if it is a stack push operation
* @return a boolean indicating if the given token was a stack push operation
def isPushOperation(token: ScriptToken): Boolean = operations.contains(token)
* Gives back all of the script operations that can push data onto the stack
* The operations are determined according to BIP62
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki#push-operators
* @return
def operations = Seq(OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_PUSHDATA2, OP_PUSHDATA4) ++ BytesToPushOntoStack.operations ++
Seq(OP_0,OP_1,OP_1NEGATE, OP_2,OP_3,OP_4,OP_5,OP_6,OP_7,OP_8,
* Determines if the given token is a stack push operation
* @param token the token to be checked to see if it is a stack push operation
* @return a boolean indiciating if the given token was a stack push operation
def isPushOperation(token : ScriptToken) : Boolean = operations.contains(token)
private def operations = Seq(OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_PUSHDATA2, OP_PUSHDATA4) ++ BytesToPushOntoStack.operations ++
Seq(OP_0, OP_1, OP_1NEGATE, OP_2, OP_3, OP_4, OP_5, OP_6, OP_7, OP_8,
OP_9, OP_10, OP_11, OP_12, OP_13, OP_14, OP_15, OP_16, OP_FALSE, OP_TRUE)
@ -8,29 +8,30 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptOperation
sealed trait ControlOperations extends ScriptOperation
/** If the top stack value is not 0, the statements are executed. The top stack value is removed. */
case object OP_IF extends ControlOperations {
override def opCode = 99
/** If the top stack value is 0, the statements are executed. The top stack value is removed. */
case object OP_NOTIF extends ControlOperations {
override def opCode = 100
/** If the preceding OP_IF or OP_NOTIF or OP_ELSE was not executed then these statements are and
* if the preceding OP_IF or OP_NOTIF or OP_ELSE was executed then these statements are not. */
* If the preceding OP_IF or OP_NOTIF or OP_ELSE was not executed then these statements are and
* if the preceding OP_IF or OP_NOTIF or OP_ELSE was executed then these statements are not.
case object OP_ELSE extends ControlOperations {
override def opCode = 103
/** Ends an if/else block. All blocks must end, or the transaction is invalid.
* An OP_ENDIF without OP_IF earlier is also invalid. */
* Ends an if/else block. All blocks must end, or the transaction is invalid.
* An OP_ENDIF without OP_IF earlier is also invalid.
case object OP_ENDIF extends ControlOperations {
override def opCode = 104
override def opCode = 104
/** Marks transaction as invalid if top stack value is not true. */
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.control
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{SigVersionWitnessV0, SignatureVersion}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ SigVersionWitnessV0, SignatureVersion }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptProgram
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlagUtil
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed abstract class ControlOperationsInterpreter {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** If the top stack value is not 0, the statements are executed. The top stack value is removed. */
def opIf(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opIf(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_IF), "Script top was not OP_IF")
val sigVersion = program.txSignatureComponent.sigVersion
val flags = program.flags
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ sealed abstract class ControlOperationsInterpreter {
logger.debug("Parsed binary tree: " + binaryTree)
if (!checkMatchingOpIfOpNotIfOpEndIf(program.originalScript)) {
logger.error("We do not have a matching OP_ENDIF for every OP_IF we have")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnbalancedConditional)
} else if (program.stack.isEmpty) {
logger.error("We do not have any stack elements for our OP_IF")
} else if (isNotMinimalStackTop(stackTop,sigVersion,minimalIfEnabled)) {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnbalancedConditional)
} else if (isNotMinimalStackTop(stackTop, sigVersion, minimalIfEnabled)) {
logger.error("OP_IF argument was not minimally encoded, got: " + stackTop)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalIf)
} else if (program.stackTopIsTrue) {
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ sealed abstract class ControlOperationsInterpreter {
val newScript = newTreeWithoutOpElse.toList
logger.debug("New script after removing OP_ELSE branch " + newScript.tail)
logger.debug("New stack after removing OP_ELSE branch: " + program.stack.tail)
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail,newScript.tail)
} else {
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail, newScript.tail)
} else {
logger.debug("OP_IF stack top was false")
//remove the OP_IF
val scriptWithoutOpIf : BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = removeFirstOpIf(binaryTree)
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail,scriptWithoutOpIf.toList)
val scriptWithoutOpIf: BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = removeFirstOpIf(binaryTree)
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail, scriptWithoutOpIf.toList)
/** Checks if the stack top is NOT minimially encoded */
@ -57,126 +57,130 @@ sealed abstract class ControlOperationsInterpreter {
val isNotMinimal = stackTopOpt.map { stackTop =>
(sigVersion == SigVersionWitnessV0 && minimalIfEnabled
&& (stackTop.bytes.size > 1 ||
(stackTop.bytes.size == 1 && stackTop.bytes.head != 1)))
(stackTop.bytes.size == 1 && stackTop.bytes.head != 1)))
isNotMinimal.isDefined && isNotMinimal.get
/** If the top stack value is 0, the statements are executed. The top stack value is removed. */
def opNotIf(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opNotIf(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_NOTIF), "Script top was not OP_NOTIF")
val minimalIfEnabled = ScriptFlagUtil.minimalIfEnabled(program.flags)
val sigVersion = program.txSignatureComponent.sigVersion
val oldStackTop = program.stack.headOption
if (isNotMinimalStackTop(oldStackTop,sigVersion,minimalIfEnabled)) {
if (isNotMinimalStackTop(oldStackTop, sigVersion, minimalIfEnabled)) {
//need to duplicate minimal check, we cannot accurately invert the stack
//top for OP_IF otherwise
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorMinimalIf)
} else {
val script = OP_IF :: program.script.tail
val stackTop = if (program.stackTopIsTrue) ScriptNumber.zero else ScriptNumber.one
val stack = if (program.stack.nonEmpty) stackTop :: program.stack.tail else Nil
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program,stack,script)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, stack, script)
/** Evaluates the [[OP_ELSE]] operator. */
def opElse(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opElse(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_ELSE), "First script opt must be OP_ELSE")
if (!program.script.tail.contains(OP_ENDIF)) {
logger.error("OP_ELSE does not have a OP_ENDIF")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnbalancedConditional)
} else {
val tree = parseBinaryTree(program.script)
val treeWithNextOpElseRemoved = tree match {
case Empty => Empty
case leaf : Leaf[ScriptToken] => leaf
case node : Node[ScriptToken] =>
case Empty => Empty
case leaf: Leaf[ScriptToken] => leaf
case node: Node[ScriptToken] =>
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack,treeWithNextOpElseRemoved.toList.tail)
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack, treeWithNextOpElseRemoved.toList.tail)
/** Evaluates an [[OP_ENDIF]] operator. */
def opEndIf(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opEndIf(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_ENDIF), "Script top must be OP_ENDIF")
if (!checkMatchingOpIfOpNotIfOpEndIf(program.originalScript)) {
//means we do not have a matching OP_IF for our OP_ENDIF
logger.error("We do not have a matching OP_IF/OP_NOTIF for every OP_ENDIF we have")
} else ScriptProgram(program, program.stack,program.script.tail)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnbalancedConditional)
} else ScriptProgram(program, program.stack, program.script.tail)
/** Marks transaction as invalid. A standard way of attaching extra data to transactions is to add a zero-value output
* Marks transaction as invalid. A standard way of attaching extra data to transactions is to add a zero-value output
* with a [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey]] consisting of [[OP_RETURN]] followed by exactly one pushdata op. Such outputs are provably unspendable,
* reducing their cost to the network. Currently it is usually considered non-standard (though valid) for a transaction to
* have more than one OP_RETURN output or an OP_RETURN output with more than one pushdata op. */
def opReturn(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
* have more than one OP_RETURN output or an OP_RETURN output with more than one pushdata op.
def opReturn(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorOpReturn)
/** Marks [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction]] as invalid if top stack value is not true. */
def opVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_VERIFY), "Script top must be OP_VERIFY")
program.stack.nonEmpty match {
case true =>
logger.debug("Stack for OP_VERIFY: " + program.stack)
if (program.stackTopIsFalse) ScriptProgram(program,ScriptErrorVerify)
else ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail,program.script.tail)
if (program.stackTopIsFalse) ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorVerify)
else ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail, program.script.tail)
case false =>
logger.error("OP_VERIFY requires an element to be on the stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Parses a list of [[ScriptToken]]s into its corresponding [[BinaryTree]] */
def parseBinaryTree(script : List[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def parseBinaryTree(script: List[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def loop(remaining: List[ScriptToken], parentTree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): (BinaryTree[ScriptToken], List[ScriptToken]) = {
if (remaining.isEmpty) (parentTree,Nil)
if (remaining.isEmpty) (parentTree, Nil)
else {
if (parentTree.right.isDefined && parentTree.right.get.value == Some(OP_ELSE)) {
//for the case of OP_IF OP_1 OP_ELSE OP_2 OP_ELSE OP_3 ... OP_ELSE OP_N OP_ENDIF
val (elseTree,newRemaining) = loop(remaining, parentTree.right.getOrElse(Empty))
(Node(parentTree.value.get, parentTree.left.getOrElse(Empty), elseTree),newRemaining)
val (elseTree, newRemaining) = loop(remaining, parentTree.right.getOrElse(Empty))
(Node(parentTree.value.get, parentTree.left.getOrElse(Empty), elseTree), newRemaining)
} else {
val (tree, newRemaining) = parse(remaining,parentTree)
val (tree, newRemaining) = parse(remaining, parentTree)
loop(newRemaining, tree)
val (t, remaining) = loop(script,Empty)
val (t, remaining) = loop(script, Empty)
require(remaining.isEmpty, "Should not have any script tokens after parsing a binary tree, got: " + remaining)
/** The loop that parses a list of [[ScriptToken]]s into a [[BinaryTree]]. */
private def parse(script : List[ScriptToken],
tree : BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): (BinaryTree[ScriptToken], List[ScriptToken]) = script match {
private def parse(
script: List[ScriptToken],
tree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]
): (BinaryTree[ScriptToken], List[ScriptToken]) = script match {
case OP_ENDIF :: t =>
val ifTree = insertSubTree(tree,Leaf(OP_ENDIF))
val ifTree = insertSubTree(tree, Leaf(OP_ENDIF))
(ifTree, t)
case h :: t if (h == OP_IF || h == OP_NOTIF) =>
val (ifTree,remaining) = parse(t, Leaf(h))
val fullTree = insertSubTree(tree,ifTree)
val (ifTree, remaining) = parse(t, Leaf(h))
val fullTree = insertSubTree(tree, ifTree)
(fullTree, remaining)
case h :: t if h == OP_ELSE =>
val (subTree,remaining) = parse(t,Node(OP_ELSE,Empty,Empty))
val (subTree, remaining) = parse(t, Node(OP_ELSE, Empty, Empty))
val opElseTree = tree match {
case Empty => subTree
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => Node(l.v,Empty,subTree)
case n: Node[ScriptToken] => Node(n.v,n.l,insertSubTree(n.r,subTree))
case Empty => subTree
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => Node(l.v, Empty, subTree)
case n: Node[ScriptToken] => Node(n.v, n.l, insertSubTree(n.r, subTree))
case h :: t => parse(t,insertSubTree(tree,Leaf(h)))
(opElseTree, remaining)
case h :: t => parse(t, insertSubTree(tree, Leaf(h)))
case Nil =>
logger.debug("Done parsing tree, got: " + tree)
logger.debug("Done parsing tree, got: " + tree)
(tree, Nil)
@ -186,109 +190,110 @@ sealed abstract class ControlOperationsInterpreter {
* @return the full parse tree combined
private def insertSubTree(tree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken],
subTree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = tree match {
private def insertSubTree(
tree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken],
subTree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]
): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = tree match {
case Empty => subTree
case leaf: Leaf[ScriptToken] =>
if (subTree == Empty) leaf
else if (subTree == Leaf(OP_ENDIF)) Node(leaf.v,Empty,subTree)
else Node(leaf.v,subTree,Empty)
case node : Node[ScriptToken] if (node.v == OP_IF || node.v == OP_NOTIF || node.v == OP_ELSE || node.v == OP_ENDIF) =>
if (subTree.value.isDefined && Seq(OP_ELSE,OP_ENDIF).contains(subTree.value.get)) {
} else if (node.r != Empty && Seq(OP_ELSE,OP_ENDIF).contains(node.r.value.get)) {
else if (subTree == Leaf(OP_ENDIF)) Node(leaf.v, Empty, subTree)
else Node(leaf.v, subTree, Empty)
case node: Node[ScriptToken] if (node.v == OP_IF || node.v == OP_NOTIF || node.v == OP_ELSE || node.v == OP_ENDIF) =>
if (subTree.value.isDefined && Seq(OP_ELSE, OP_ENDIF).contains(subTree.value.get)) {
Node(node.v, node.l, insertSubTree(node.r, subTree))
} else if (node.r != Empty && Seq(OP_ELSE, OP_ENDIF).contains(node.r.value.get)) {
Node(node.v, node.l, insertSubTree(node.r, subTree))
} else {
Node(node.v, insertSubTree(node.l, subTree), node.r)
case node: Node[ScriptToken] =>
Node(node.v,insertSubTree(node.l,subTree), node.r)
Node(node.v, insertSubTree(node.l, subTree), node.r)
/** Checks if an [[OP_IF]]/[[OP_NOTIF]] [[ScriptToken]] has a matching [[OP_ENDIF]] */
def checkMatchingOpIfOpNotIfOpEndIf(script : List[ScriptToken]) : Boolean = {
def checkMatchingOpIfOpNotIfOpEndIf(script: List[ScriptToken]): Boolean = {
def loop(script : List[ScriptToken], counter : Int) : Boolean = script match {
case _ if (counter < 0) => false
case OP_ENDIF :: t => loop(t,counter-1)
case OP_IF :: t => loop(t, counter + 1)
case OP_NOTIF :: t => loop(t, counter + 1)
def loop(script: List[ScriptToken], counter: Int): Boolean = script match {
case _ if (counter < 0) => false
case OP_ENDIF :: t => loop(t, counter - 1)
case OP_IF :: t => loop(t, counter + 1)
case OP_NOTIF :: t => loop(t, counter + 1)
case (_: ScriptToken) :: t => loop(t, counter)
case Nil => counter == 0
case Nil => counter == 0
loop(script, 0)
/** Returns the first index of an [[OP_ENDIF]]. */
def findFirstOpEndIf(script : List[ScriptToken]) : Option[Int] = {
def findFirstOpEndIf(script: List[ScriptToken]): Option[Int] = {
val index = script.indexOf(OP_ENDIF)
index match {
case -1 => None
case _ => Some(index)
case _ => Some(index)
/** Finds the last [[OP_ENDIF]] in the given script. */
def findLastOpEndIf(script : List[ScriptToken]) : Option[Int] = {
def findLastOpEndIf(script: List[ScriptToken]): Option[Int] = {
val lastOpEndIf = findFirstOpEndIf(script.reverse)
if (lastOpEndIf.isDefined) Some(script.size - lastOpEndIf.get - 1)
else None
/** Returns the first index of an [[OP_ENDIF]]. */
def findFirstOpElse(script : List[ScriptToken]) : Option[Int] = {
def findFirstOpElse(script: List[ScriptToken]): Option[Int] = {
val index = script.indexOf(OP_ELSE)
index match {
case -1 => None
case _ => Some(index)
case _ => Some(index)
/** Removes the first [[OP_ELSE]] expression encountered in the script. */
def removeFirstOpElse(script : List[ScriptToken]) : List[ScriptToken] = {
def removeFirstOpElse(script: List[ScriptToken]): List[ScriptToken] = {
/** Removes the first [[OP_ELSE]] in a [[BinaryTree]]. */
def removeFirstOpElse(tree : BinaryTree[ScriptToken]) : BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def removeFirstOpElse(tree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
def loop(child: BinaryTree[ScriptToken], parent: Node[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = child match {
case Empty => Empty
case Empty => Empty
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => l
case Node(OP_ELSE,_,r) => r
case Node(OP_ELSE, _, r) => r
case n: Node[ScriptToken] =>
Node(n.v, n.l, loop(n.r, n))
tree match {
case Empty => Empty
case Empty => Empty
case l: Leaf[ScriptToken] => l
case n: Node[ScriptToken] =>
val result = Node(n.v,n.l,loop(n.r, n))
val result = Node(n.v, n.l, loop(n.r, n))
/** Removes the first [[OP_IF]] encountered in the script. */
def removeFirstOpIf(script : List[ScriptToken]) : List[ScriptToken] = {
def removeFirstOpIf(script: List[ScriptToken]): List[ScriptToken] = {
/** Removes the first occurrence of [[OP_IF]] or [[OP_NOTIF]] in the [[BinaryTree]]. */
def removeFirstOpIf(tree : BinaryTree[ScriptToken]) : BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
require(tree.value.isDefined && (tree.value.get == OP_IF || tree.value.get == OP_NOTIF) , "Top of the tree must be OP_IF or OP_NOTIF to remove the OP_IF or OP_NOTIF")
def removeFirstOpIf(tree: BinaryTree[ScriptToken]): BinaryTree[ScriptToken] = {
require(tree.value.isDefined && (tree.value.get == OP_IF || tree.value.get == OP_NOTIF), "Top of the tree must be OP_IF or OP_NOTIF to remove the OP_IF or OP_NOTIF")
/** Finds the indexes of our [[OP_ELSE]] (if it exists) and our [[OP_ENDIF]]. */
def findFirstIndexesOpElseOpEndIf(script : List[ScriptToken]) : (Option[Int],Option[Int]) = {
def findFirstIndexesOpElseOpEndIf(script: List[ScriptToken]): (Option[Int], Option[Int]) = {
val indexOpElse = findFirstOpElse(script)
val indexOpEndIf = findFirstOpEndIf(script)
(indexOpElse, indexOpEndIf)
/** Returns the index of the matching [[OP_ENDIF]] for the [[OP_IF]] statement. */
def findMatchingOpEndIf(script : List[ScriptToken]) : Int = {
/** Returns the index of the matching [[OP_ENDIF]] for the [[OP_IF]] statement. */
def findMatchingOpEndIf(script: List[ScriptToken]): Int = {
val matchingOpEndIfIndex = findLastOpEndIf(script)
require(matchingOpEndIfIndex.isDefined, "Every OP_IF must have a matching OP_ENDIF: " + script)
@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ControlOperationsInterpreter, OP_VERIFY}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control.{ ControlOperationsInterpreter, OP_VERIFY }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlagUtil
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.{ScriptProgram, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinScriptUtil, CryptoUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.{ ScriptProgram, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinScriptUtil, CryptoUtil }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 1/6/16.
@ -19,33 +18,33 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** The input is hashed twice: first with SHA-256 and then with RIPEMD-160. */
def opHash160(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opHash160(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_HASH160), "Script operation must be OP_HASH160")
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(_ : Seq[Byte]))
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.sha256Hash160(_: Seq[Byte]))
/** The input is hashed using RIPEMD-160. */
def opRipeMd160(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opRipeMd160(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_RIPEMD160), "Script operation must be OP_RIPEMD160")
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.ripeMd160(_ : Seq[Byte]))
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.ripeMd160(_: Seq[Byte]))
/** The input is hashed using SHA-256. */
def opSha256(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opSha256(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_SHA256), "Script operation must be OP_SHA256")
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.sha256(_ : Seq[Byte]))
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.sha256(_: Seq[Byte]))
/** The input is hashed two times with SHA-256. */
def opHash256(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opHash256(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_HASH256), "Script operation must be OP_HASH256")
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(_ : Seq[Byte]))
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.doubleSHA256(_: Seq[Byte]))
/** The input is hashed using SHA-1. */
def opSha1(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opSha1(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_SHA1), "Script top must be OP_SHA1")
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.sha1(_ : Seq[Byte]))
executeHashFunction(program, CryptoUtil.sha1(_: Seq[Byte]))
@ -54,17 +53,17 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
* The signature used by [[OP_CHECKSIG]] must be a valid signature for this hash and public key.
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/528472111b4965b1a99c4bcf08ac5ec93d87f10f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L880]]
def opCheckSig(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opCheckSig(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_CHECKSIG), "Script top must be OP_CHECKSIG")
program match {
case preExecutionScriptProgram : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case preExecutionScriptProgram: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case executedScriptprogram : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case executedScriptprogram: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case executionInProgressScriptProgram : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case executionInProgressScriptProgram: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
if (executionInProgressScriptProgram.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("OP_CHECKSIG requires at lest two stack elements")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val pubKey = ECPublicKey(executionInProgressScriptProgram.stack.head.bytes)
val signature = ECDigitalSignature(executionInProgressScriptProgram.stack.tail.head.bytes)
@ -73,85 +72,91 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
logger.debug("Program before removing OP_CODESEPARATOR: " + program.originalScript)
val removedOpCodeSeparatorsScript = BitcoinScriptUtil.removeOpCodeSeparator(executionInProgressScriptProgram)
logger.debug("Program after removing OP_CODESEPARATOR: " + removedOpCodeSeparatorsScript)
val result = TransactionSignatureChecker.checkSignature(executionInProgressScriptProgram.txSignatureComponent,
removedOpCodeSeparatorsScript, pubKey, signature, flags)
val result = TransactionSignatureChecker.checkSignature(
removedOpCodeSeparatorsScript, pubKey, signature, flags
handleSignatureValidation(program, result, restOfStack)
/** Runs [[OP_CHECKSIG]] with an [[OP_VERIFY]] afterwards. */
def opCheckSigVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY")
def opCheckSigVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY"
if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("Stack must contain at least 3 items for OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val newScript = OP_CHECKSIG :: OP_VERIFY :: program.script.tail
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program,newScript, ScriptProgram.Script)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, newScript, ScriptProgram.Script)
val programFromOpCheckSig = opCheckSig(newProgram)
logger.debug("Stack after OP_CHECKSIG execution: " + programFromOpCheckSig.stack)
programFromOpCheckSig match {
case _ : PreExecutionScriptProgram | _ : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case _: PreExecutionScriptProgram | _: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case _ : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram => ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(programFromOpCheckSig)
case _: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram => ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(programFromOpCheckSig)
/** All of the signature checking words will only match signatures to the data
* after the most recently-executed [[OP_CODESEPARATOR]]. */
def opCodeSeparator(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
* All of the signature checking words will only match signatures to the data
* after the most recently-executed [[OP_CODESEPARATOR]].
def opCodeSeparator(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_CODESEPARATOR), "Script top must be OP_CODESEPARATOR")
val e = program match {
case e : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case e: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case e : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case e: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
val indexOfOpCodeSeparator = program.originalScript.size - program.script.size
case e : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
ScriptProgram(e, program.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script, indexOfOpCodeSeparator)
case e: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
ScriptProgram(e, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
* Compares the first signature against each public key until it finds an ECDSA match.
* Starting with the subsequent public key, it compares the second signature against each remaining
* public key until it finds an ECDSA match. The process is repeated until all signatures have been
* checked or not enough public keys remain to produce a successful result.
* All signatures need to match a public key.
* Because public keys are not checked again if they fail any signature comparison,
* signatures must be placed in the scriptSig using the same order as their corresponding public keys
* were placed in the scriptPubKey or redeemScript. If all signatures are valid, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.
* Due to a bug, one extra unused value is removed from the stack.
* Compares the first signature against each public key until it finds an ECDSA match.
* Starting with the subsequent public key, it compares the second signature against each remaining
* public key until it finds an ECDSA match. The process is repeated until all signatures have been
* checked or not enough public keys remain to produce a successful result.
* All signatures need to match a public key.
* Because public keys are not checked again if they fail any signature comparison,
* signatures must be placed in the scriptSig using the same order as their corresponding public keys
* were placed in the scriptPubKey or redeemScript. If all signatures are valid, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.
* Due to a bug, one extra unused value is removed from the stack.
final def opCheckMultiSig(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
final def opCheckMultiSig(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_CHECKMULTISIG), "Script top must be OP_CHECKMULTISIG")
val flags = program.flags
program match {
case preExecutionScriptProgram : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case preExecutionScriptProgram: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
case executedScriptProgram : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case executedScriptProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case executionInProgressScriptProgram : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case executionInProgressScriptProgram: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
if (program.stack.size < 1) {
logger.error("OP_CHECKMULTISIG requires at least 1 stack elements")
ScriptProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
//these next lines remove the appropriate stack/script values after the signatures have been checked
val nPossibleSignatures : ScriptNumber = BitcoinScriptUtil.numPossibleSignaturesOnStack(program)
val nPossibleSignatures: ScriptNumber = BitcoinScriptUtil.numPossibleSignaturesOnStack(program)
if (nPossibleSignatures < ScriptNumber.zero) {
logger.error("We cannot have the number of pubkeys in the script be negative")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorPubKeyCount)
} else if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(flags) && !nPossibleSignatures.isShortestEncoding) {
logger.error("The required signatures and the possible signatures must be encoded as the shortest number possible")
ScriptProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else if (program.stack.size < 2) {
logger.error("We need at least 2 operations on the stack")
ScriptProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val mRequiredSignatures: ScriptNumber = BitcoinScriptUtil.numRequiredSignaturesOnStack(program)
@ -166,8 +171,10 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
logger.debug("nPossibleSignatures: " + nPossibleSignatures)
val (pubKeysScriptTokens, stackWithoutPubKeys) =
(program.stack.tail.slice(0, nPossibleSignatures.toInt),
program.stack.tail.slice(nPossibleSignatures.toInt, program.stack.tail.size))
program.stack.tail.slice(0, nPossibleSignatures.toInt),
program.stack.tail.slice(nPossibleSignatures.toInt, program.stack.tail.size)
val pubKeys = pubKeysScriptTokens.map(key => ECPublicKey(key.bytes))
logger.debug("Public keys on the stack: " + pubKeys)
@ -175,8 +182,10 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
logger.debug("mRequiredSignatures: " + mRequiredSignatures)
//+1 is for the fact that we have the # of sigs + the script token indicating the # of sigs
val signaturesScriptTokens = program.stack.tail.slice(nPossibleSignatures.toInt + 1,
nPossibleSignatures.toInt + mRequiredSignatures.toInt + 1)
val signaturesScriptTokens = program.stack.tail.slice(
nPossibleSignatures.toInt + 1,
nPossibleSignatures.toInt + mRequiredSignatures.toInt + 1
val signatures = signaturesScriptTokens.map(token => ECDigitalSignature(token.bytes))
logger.debug("Signatures on the stack: " + signatures)
@ -193,43 +202,45 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
logger.error("OP_CHECKMULTISIG must have a remaining element on the stack afterk execution")
//this is because of a bug in bitcoin core for the implementation of OP_CHECKMULTISIG
ScriptProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireNullDummy(flags) &&
(stackWithoutPubKeysAndSignatures.nonEmpty && stackWithoutPubKeysAndSignatures.head.bytes.nonEmpty)) {
logger.error("Script flag null dummy was set however the first element in the script signature was not an OP_0, stackWithoutPubKeysAndSignatures: " + stackWithoutPubKeysAndSignatures)
ScriptProgram(executionInProgressScriptProgram, ScriptErrorSigNullDummy)
} else {
//remove the last OP_CODESEPARATOR
val removedOpCodeSeparatorsScript = BitcoinScriptUtil.removeOpCodeSeparator(executionInProgressScriptProgram)
val isValidSignatures: TransactionSignatureCheckerResult =
removedOpCodeSeparatorsScript, signatures,
pubKeys, flags, mRequiredSignatures.toLong)
pubKeys, flags, mRequiredSignatures.toLong
//remove the extra OP_0 (null dummy) for OP_CHECKMULTISIG from the stack
val restOfStack = stackWithoutPubKeysAndSignatures.tail
handleSignatureValidation(program, isValidSignatures, restOfStack)
/** Runs [[OP_CHECKMULTISIG]] with an [[OP_VERIFY]] afterwards */
def opCheckMultiSigVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opCheckMultiSigVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY), "Script top must be OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY")
if (program.stack.size < 3) {
logger.error("Stack must contain at least 3 items for OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
val newScript = OP_CHECKMULTISIG :: OP_VERIFY :: program.script.tail
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program,newScript, ScriptProgram.Script)
val newProgram = ScriptProgram(program, newScript, ScriptProgram.Script)
val programFromOpCheckMultiSig = opCheckMultiSig(newProgram)
logger.debug("Stack after OP_CHECKMULTSIG execution: " + programFromOpCheckMultiSig.stack)
programFromOpCheckMultiSig match {
case _ : PreExecutionScriptProgram | _ : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case _: PreExecutionScriptProgram | _: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case _ : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram => ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(programFromOpCheckMultiSig)
case _: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram => ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(programFromOpCheckMultiSig)
@ -242,18 +253,17 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
* @param hashFunction the hash function which needs to be used on the stack top (sha256,ripemd160,etc..)
* @return
private def executeHashFunction(program : ScriptProgram, hashFunction : Seq[Byte] => HashDigest) : ScriptProgram = {
private def executeHashFunction(program: ScriptProgram, hashFunction: Seq[Byte] => HashDigest): ScriptProgram = {
if (program.stack.nonEmpty) {
val stackTop = program.stack.head
val hash = ScriptConstant(hashFunction(stackTop.bytes).bytes)
ScriptProgram(program, hash :: program.stack.tail, program.script.tail)
} else {
logger.error("We must have the stack top defined to execute a hash function")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
private def handleSignatureValidation(program: ScriptProgram, result: TransactionSignatureCheckerResult, restOfStack: Seq[ScriptToken]): ScriptProgram = result match {
case SignatureValidationSuccess =>
//means that all of the signatures were correctly encoded and
@ -281,9 +291,9 @@ sealed abstract class CryptoInterpreter {
case SignatureValidationErrorHashType =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorSigHashType)
case SignatureValidationErrorWitnessPubKeyType =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorWitnessPubKeyType)
case SignatureValidationErrorNullFail =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorSigNullFail)
@ -37,16 +37,20 @@ case object OP_HASH256 extends CryptoOperation {
override def opCode = 170
/** All of the signature checking words will only match signatures to
* the data after the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR. */
* All of the signature checking words will only match signatures to
* the data after the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR.
case object OP_CODESEPARATOR extends CryptoOperation {
override def opCode = 171
/** The entire transaction's outputs, inputs, and script
* The entire transaction's outputs, inputs, and script
* (from the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR to the end) are hashed.
* The signature used by OP_CHECKSIG must be a valid signature for this hash and public key.
* If it is, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise. */
* If it is, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.
case object OP_CHECKSIG extends CryptoSignatureEvaluation {
override def opCode = 172
@ -56,7 +60,8 @@ case object OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY extends CryptoSignatureEvaluation {
override def opCode = 173
/** Compares the first signature against each public key until it finds an ECDSA match.
* Compares the first signature against each public key until it finds an ECDSA match.
* Starting with the subsequent public key, it compares the second signature against each remaining public key
* until it finds an ECDSA match.
* The process is repeated until all signatures have been checked or not enough public keys remain to produce a successful result.
@ -64,7 +69,8 @@ case object OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY extends CryptoSignatureEvaluation {
* Because public keys are not checked again if they fail any signature comparison,
* signatures must be placed in the scriptSig using the same order as their corresponding public keys
* were placed in the scriptPubKey or redeemScript. If all signatures are valid, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.
* Due to a bug, one extra unused value is removed from the stack. */
* Due to a bug, one extra unused value is removed from the stack.
case object OP_CHECKMULTISIG extends CryptoSignatureEvaluation {
override def opCode = 174
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptOperationFactory
* Created by chris on 3/24/16.
trait CryptoSignatureEvaluationFactory extends ScriptOperationFactory[CryptoSignatureEvaluation] {
trait CryptoSignatureEvaluationFactory extends ScriptOperationFactory[CryptoSignatureEvaluation] {
/** The current [[CryptoSignatureEvaluation]] operations. */
@ -8,26 +8,24 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.Factory
* Created by chris on 1/18/16.
sealed trait HashType {
def num : Int32
def byte : Byte
def num: Int32
def byte: Byte
object HashType extends Factory[HashType] {
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : HashType = {
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): HashType = {
val num = Int32(bytes)
def fromByte(byte: Byte) : HashType = fromBytes(Seq(byte))
def fromByte(byte: Byte): HashType = fromBytes(Seq(byte))
def fromNumber(num : Int32) : HashType = {
def fromNumber(num: Int32): HashType = {
if (isSIGHASH_NONE(num)) {
else if (isSIGHASH_SINGLE(num)) {
} else if (isSIGHASH_SINGLE(num)) {
else if (isSIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY(num)) {
} else if (isSIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY(num)) {
else {
@ -37,33 +35,33 @@ object HashType extends Factory[HashType] {
/** Returns a hashtype's default byte value */
def byte(hashType : HashType) : Byte = hashType match {
case _ : SIGHASH_ALL => sigHashAllByte
case h : HashType => h.byte
def byte(hashType: HashType): Byte = hashType match {
case _: SIGHASH_ALL => sigHashAllByte
case h: HashType => h.byte
def isSIGHASH_ALL_ONE(num : Int32) : Boolean = (num & Int32(0x1f)) == Int32(1)
def isSIGHASH_NONE(num : Int32) : Boolean = (num & Int32(0x1f)) == Int32(2)
def isSIGHASH_SINGLE(num : Int32) : Boolean = (num & Int32(0x1f)) == Int32(3)
def isSIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY(num : Int32) : Boolean = (num & Int32(0x80)) == Int32(0x80)
def isSIGHASH_ALL(num : Int32) : Boolean = {
def isSIGHASH_ALL_ONE(num: Int32): Boolean = (num & Int32(0x1f)) == Int32(1)
def isSIGHASH_NONE(num: Int32): Boolean = (num & Int32(0x1f)) == Int32(2)
def isSIGHASH_SINGLE(num: Int32): Boolean = (num & Int32(0x1f)) == Int32(3)
def isSIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY(num: Int32): Boolean = (num & Int32(0x80)) == Int32(0x80)
def isSIGHASH_ALL(num: Int32): Boolean = {
else false
def isONLY_ANYONE_CANPAY(num : Int32) : Boolean = {
def isONLY_ANYONE_CANPAY(num: Int32): Boolean = {
/** Checks if the given hash type has the ANYONECANPAY bit set */
def isAnyoneCanPay(hashType: HashType): Boolean = hashType match {
lazy val hashTypes = Seq(sigHashAll, sigHashNone, sigHashSingle, sigHashAnyoneCanPay,
@ -71,11 +69,11 @@ object HashType extends Factory[HashType] {
lazy val hashTypeBytes: Seq[Byte] = Seq(sigHashAllByte, sigHashSingleByte, sigHashNoneByte, sigHashAnyoneCanPayByte,
sigHashNoneAnyoneCanPayByte, sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPayByte, sigHashAllAnyoneCanPayByte)
def apply(num : Int32) : HashType = fromNumber(num)
def apply(num: Int32): HashType = fromNumber(num)
def apply(int : Int) : HashType = HashType(Int32(int))
def apply(int: Int): HashType = HashType(Int32(int))
def apply(byte : Byte) : HashType = fromByte(byte)
def apply(byte: Byte): HashType = fromByte(byte)
/** The default byte used to represent [[SIGHASH_ALL]] */
val sigHashAllByte = 1.toByte
@ -83,15 +81,16 @@ object HashType extends Factory[HashType] {
/** The default [[SIGHASH_ALL]] value */
val sigHashAll = SIGHASH_ALL(sigHashAllByte)
/** The default num for [[SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY]]
* We need this for serialization of [[HashType]]
* flags inside of [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.TransactionSignatureSerializer]]
* Have to be careful using this value, since native scala numbers are signed
* We need this because this serializes to 0x00000080 instead of 0xffffff80
* If we try to use Int32(sigHashAnyoneCanPayByte) we will get the latter serialization
* because all native scala numbers are signed
* */
* The default num for [[SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY]]
* We need this for serialization of [[HashType]]
* flags inside of [[org.bitcoins.core.crypto.TransactionSignatureSerializer]]
* Have to be careful using this value, since native scala numbers are signed
* We need this because this serializes to 0x00000080 instead of 0xffffff80
* If we try to use Int32(sigHashAnyoneCanPayByte) we will get the latter serialization
* because all native scala numbers are signed
val sigHashAnyoneCanPayNum = Int32(0x80)
val sigHashAnyoneCanPayByte = 0x80.toByte
@ -127,19 +126,19 @@ object HashType extends Factory[HashType] {
val sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPay = SIGHASH_SINGLE_ANYONECANPAY(sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPayNum)
* Checks if the given digital signature has a valid hash type
* Mimics this functionality inside of Bitcoin Core
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b83264d9c7a8ddb79f64bd9540caddc8632ef31f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L186
* Checks if the given digital signature has a valid hash type
* Mimics this functionality inside of Bitcoin Core
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b83264d9c7a8ddb79f64bd9540caddc8632ef31f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L186
def isDefinedHashtypeSignature(sig: ECDigitalSignature): Boolean = {
sig.bytes.nonEmpty && hashTypeBytes.contains(sig.bytes.last)
* defaultValue is the underlying value of the HashType. The last byte of a signature determines the HashType.
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/OP_CHECKSIG
* defaultValue is the underlying value of the HashType. The last byte of a signature determines the HashType.
* https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/OP_CHECKSIG
case class SIGHASH_ALL(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
require(HashType.isSIGHASH_ALL(num), "SIGHASH_ALL acts as a 'catch-all' for undefined hashtypes, and has a default " +
"value of one. Your input was: " + num + ", which is of hashType: " + HashType(num))
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ object SIGHASH_ALL {
case class SIGHASH_NONE(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
require(HashType.isSIGHASH_NONE(num), "The given number is not a SIGHASH_NONE number: " + num)
override def byte : Byte = HashType.sigHashNoneByte
override def byte: Byte = HashType.sigHashNoneByte
case class SIGHASH_SINGLE(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
@ -166,15 +165,15 @@ case class SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
case class SIGHASH_ALL_ANYONECANPAY(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
require(HashType.isSIGHASH_ALL_ANYONECANPAY(num), "The given number was not a SIGHASH_ALL_ANYONECANPAY number: " + num)
override def byte : Byte = HashType.sigHashAllAnyoneCanPayByte
override def byte: Byte = HashType.sigHashAllAnyoneCanPayByte
case class SIGHASH_NONE_ANYONECANPAY(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
require(HashType.isSIGHASH_NONE_ANYONECANPAY(num), "The given number was not a SIGHASH_NONE_ANYONECANPAY number: " + num)
override def byte : Byte = HashType.sigHashNoneAnyoneCanPayByte
override def byte: Byte = HashType.sigHashNoneAnyoneCanPayByte
case class SIGHASH_SINGLE_ANYONECANPAY(override val num: Int32) extends HashType {
require(HashType.isSIGHASH_SINGLE_ANYONECANPAY(num), "The given number was not a SIGHASH_SINGLE_ANYONECANPAY number: " + num)
override def byte : Byte = HashType.sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPayByte
override def byte: Byte = HashType.sigHashSingleAnyoneCanPayByte
@ -7,34 +7,37 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.flag
trait ScriptFlagFactory {
/** All the [[ScriptFlag]]s found inside of bitcoin core
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.h#L31. */
* All the [[ScriptFlag]]s found inside of bitcoin core
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.h#L31.
private def flags = Seq(ScriptVerifyNone, ScriptVerifyP2SH, ScriptVerifyStrictEnc,
ScriptVerifyDerSig, ScriptVerifyLowS, ScriptVerifySigPushOnly, ScriptVerifyMinimalData,
ScriptVerifyNullDummy, ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableNOPs, ScriptVerifyCleanStack,
ScriptVerifyCheckLocktimeVerify, ScriptVerifyCheckSequenceVerify,ScriptVerifyWitness,
ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableWitnessProgram, ScriptVerifyMinimalIf,ScriptVerifyNullFail,
ScriptVerifyCheckLocktimeVerify, ScriptVerifyCheckSequenceVerify, ScriptVerifyWitness,
ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableWitnessProgram, ScriptVerifyMinimalIf, ScriptVerifyNullFail,
/** Takes in a string and tries to match it with a [[ScriptFlag]]. */
def fromString(str : String) : Option[ScriptFlag] = {
def fromString(str: String): Option[ScriptFlag] = {
flags.find(_.name == str)
/** Parses the given list into[[ScriptFlag]]s
* the strings that do not match a [[ScriptFlag]] are discarded. */
def fromList(list : Seq[String]) : Seq[ScriptFlag] = {
* Parses the given list into[[ScriptFlag]]s
* the strings that do not match a [[ScriptFlag]] are discarded.
def fromList(list: Seq[String]): Seq[ScriptFlag] = {
/** Parses a list of [[ScriptFlag]]s that is separated by commas. */
def fromList(str : String) : Seq[ScriptFlag] = {
def fromList(str: String): Seq[ScriptFlag] = {
/** Empty script flag. */
def empty : Seq[ScriptFlag] = Nil
def empty: Seq[ScriptFlag] = Nil
object ScriptFlagFactory extends ScriptFlagFactory
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ trait ScriptFlagUtil {
* @param flags
* @return
def requiresStrictDerEncoding(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = {
def requiresStrictDerEncoding(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = {
flags.contains(ScriptVerifyDerSig) || flags.contains(ScriptVerifyStrictEnc)
@ -21,30 +21,30 @@ trait ScriptFlagUtil {
* @param flags
* @return
def requireStrictEncoding(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyStrictEnc)
def requireStrictEncoding(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyStrictEnc)
* Checks if the script flag for checklocktimeverify is enabled
* @param flags
* @return
def checkLockTimeVerifyEnabled(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = {
def checkLockTimeVerifyEnabled(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = {
* Checks if the p2sh flag is enabled
* @param flags
* @return
def p2shEnabled(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyP2SH)
* Checks if the p2sh flag is enabled
* @param flags
* @return
def p2shEnabled(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyP2SH)
* Checks if the script flag for checksequenceverify is enabled
* @param flags
* @return
def checkSequenceVerifyEnabled(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = {
* Checks if the script flag for checksequenceverify is enabled
* @param flags
* @return
def checkSequenceVerifyEnabled(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = {
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ trait ScriptFlagUtil {
* @param flags
* @return
def discourageUpgradableNOPs(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = {
def discourageUpgradableNOPs(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = {
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ trait ScriptFlagUtil {
* @param flags
* @return
def requireMinimalData(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyMinimalData)
def requireMinimalData(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyMinimalData)
* Checks to see if the script flag is set to require low s values in digital signatures
@ -74,24 +73,22 @@ trait ScriptFlagUtil {
* @param flags
* @return
def requireLowSValue(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyLowS)
def requireLowSValue(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyLowS)
* Checks to see if the script flag is set to require we only have push operations inside of a scriptSig
* @param flags
* @return
def requirePushOnly(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifySigPushOnly)
def requirePushOnly(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifySigPushOnly)
* Checks to see if the script flag is set to require that we need a NULLDUMMY to be OP_0 for
* @param flags
* @return
def requireNullDummy(flags : Seq[ScriptFlag]) : Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyNullDummy)
* Checks to see if the script flag is set to require that we need a NULLDUMMY to be OP_0 for
* @param flags
* @return
def requireNullDummy(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyNullDummy)
/** Checks to see if we have segwit enabled */
def segWitEnabled(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyWitness)
@ -102,10 +99,11 @@ trait ScriptFlagUtil {
def requireScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType)
/** Requires that the argument to OP_IF/OP_NOTIF be minimally encoded
* See: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2016-August/013014.html */
* Requires that the argument to OP_IF/OP_NOTIF be minimally encoded
* See: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2016-August/013014.html
def minimalIfEnabled(flags: Seq[ScriptFlag]): Boolean = flags.contains(ScriptVerifyMinimalIf)
object ScriptFlagUtil extends ScriptFlagUtil
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.flag
sealed trait ScriptFlag {
/** The flag's representation represented as an integer. */
def flag : Int
def flag: Int
/** The name of the flag as found in bitcoin core. */
def name : String
def name: String
case object ScriptVerifyNone extends ScriptFlag {
@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ case object ScriptVerifyP2SH extends ScriptFlag {
override def name = "P2SH"
/** Passing a non-strict-DER signature or one with undefined hashtype to a checksig operation causes script failure.
* Passing a non-strict-DER signature or one with undefined hashtype to a checksig operation causes script failure.
* Evaluating a pubkey that is not (0x04 + 64 bytes) or (0x02 or 0x03 + 32 bytes) by checksig causes script failure.
* (softfork safe, but not used or intended as a consensus rule). */
* (softfork safe, but not used or intended as a consensus rule).
case object ScriptVerifyStrictEnc extends ScriptFlag {
override def flag = 1 << 1
override def name = "STRICTENC"
@ -39,8 +41,10 @@ case object ScriptVerifyDerSig extends ScriptFlag {
override def name = "DERSIG"
/** Passing a non-strict-DER signature or one with S > order/2 to a checksig operation causes script failure
* (softfork safe, BIP62 rule 5). */
* Passing a non-strict-DER signature or one with S > order/2 to a checksig operation causes script failure
* (softfork safe, BIP62 rule 5).
case object ScriptVerifyLowS extends ScriptFlag {
override def flag = 1 << 3
override def name = "LOW_S"
@ -58,33 +62,39 @@ case object ScriptVerifySigPushOnly extends ScriptFlag {
override def name = "SIGPUSHONLY"
/** Require minimal encodings for all push operations (OP_0... OP_16, OP_1NEGATE where possible, direct
* Require minimal encodings for all push operations (OP_0... OP_16, OP_1NEGATE where possible, direct
* pushes up to 75 bytes, OP_PUSHDATA up to 255 bytes, OP_PUSHDATA2 for anything larger). Evaluating
* any other push causes the script to fail (BIP62 rule 3).
* In addition, whenever a stack element is interpreted as a number, it must be of minimal length (BIP62 rule 4).
* (softfork safe). */
* (softfork safe).
case object ScriptVerifyMinimalData extends ScriptFlag {
override def flag = 1 << 6
override def name = "MINIMALDATA"
/** Discourage use of NOPs reserved for upgrades (NOP1-10)
* Discourage use of NOPs reserved for upgrades (NOP1-10)
* Provided so that nodes can avoid accepting or mining transactions
* containing executed NOP's whose meaning may change after a soft-fork,
* thus rendering the script invalid; with this flag set executing
* discouraged NOPs fails the script. This verification flag will never be
* a mandatory flag applied to scripts in a block. NOPs that are not
* executed, e.g. within an unexecuted IF ENDIF block, are *not* rejected. */
* executed, e.g. within an unexecuted IF ENDIF block, are *not* rejected.
case object ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableNOPs extends ScriptFlag {
override def flag = 1 << 7
override def name = "DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS"
/** Require that only a single stack element remains after evaluation. This changes the success criterion from
* Require that only a single stack element remains after evaluation. This changes the success criterion from
* "At least one stack element must remain, and when interpreted as a boolean, it must be true" to
* "Exactly one stack element must remain, and when interpreted as a boolean, it must be true".
* (softfork safe, BIP62 rule 6)
* Note: CLEANSTACK should never be used without P2SH. */
* Note: CLEANSTACK should never be used without P2SH.
case object ScriptVerifyCleanStack extends ScriptFlag {
override def flag = 1 << 8
override def name = "CLEANSTACK"
@ -132,4 +142,3 @@ case object ScriptVerifyWitnessPubKeyType extends ScriptFlag {
override def name = "WITNESS_PUBKEYTYPE"
@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.script.interpreter
import org.bitcoins.core.consensus.Consensus
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits}
import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{ CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnits }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, EmptyTransactionOutPoint, Transaction, WitnessTransaction}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ BaseTransaction, EmptyTransactionOutPoint, Transaction, WitnessTransaction }
import org.bitcoins.core.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.arithmetic._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.bitwise._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ScriptToken, _}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ ScriptToken, _ }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.control._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime.{LockTimeInterpreter, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime.{ LockTimeInterpreter, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.reserved._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.splice._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.stack._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, BitcoinScriptUtil }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 1/6/16.
@ -42,42 +42,42 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
* Runs an entire script though our script programming language and
* returns a [[ScriptResult]] indicating if the script was valid, or if not what error it encountered
def run(program : PreExecutionScriptProgram) : ScriptResult = {
def run(program: PreExecutionScriptProgram): ScriptResult = {
val scriptSig = program.txSignatureComponent.scriptSignature
val scriptPubKey = program.txSignatureComponent.scriptPubKey
val flags = program.flags
val p2shEnabled = ScriptFlagUtil.p2shEnabled(flags)
val segwitEnabled = ScriptFlagUtil.segWitEnabled(flags)
val executedProgram : ExecutedScriptProgram = if (ScriptFlagUtil.requirePushOnly(flags)
val executedProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram = if (ScriptFlagUtil.requirePushOnly(flags)
&& !BitcoinScriptUtil.isPushOnly(program.script)) {
logger.error("We can only have push operations inside of the script sig when the SIGPUSHONLY flag is set")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorSigPushOnly)
} else if (scriptSig.isInstanceOf[P2SHScriptSignature] && p2shEnabled &&
!BitcoinScriptUtil.isPushOnly(scriptSig.asm)) {
logger.error("P2SH scriptSigs are required to be push only by definition - see BIP16, got: " + scriptSig.asm)
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorSigPushOnly)
} else {
val scriptSigExecutedProgram = loop(program,0)
val scriptSigExecutedProgram = loop(program, 0)
val t = scriptSigExecutedProgram.txSignatureComponent
val scriptPubKeyProgram = ScriptProgram(t, scriptSigExecutedProgram.stack, t.scriptPubKey.asm,
val scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram : ExecutedScriptProgram = loop(scriptPubKeyProgram,0)
val scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram = loop(scriptPubKeyProgram, 0)
if (scriptSigExecutedProgram.error.isDefined) {
} else if (scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.error.isDefined || scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.stackTopIsFalse) {
} else {
scriptPubKey match {
case witness : WitnessScriptPubKey =>
case witness: WitnessScriptPubKey =>
//TODO: remove .get here
if (segwitEnabled) executeSegWitScript(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram,witness).get
if (segwitEnabled) executeSegWitScript(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, witness).get
else scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram
case p2sh : P2SHScriptPubKey =>
case p2sh: P2SHScriptPubKey =>
if (p2shEnabled) executeP2shScript(scriptSigExecutedProgram, program, p2sh)
else scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram
case _: P2PKHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKScriptPubKey | _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey
| _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: WitnessCommitment
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey =>
| _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: WitnessCommitment
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey =>
@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
//as the 'executedProgram' may have had the scriptPubKey value changed to the rebuilt ScriptPubKey of the witness program
else if (executedProgram.stackTopIsTrue && flags.contains(ScriptVerifyCleanStack)) {
} else if (executedProgram.stackTopIsTrue && flags.contains(ScriptVerifyCleanStack)) {
//require that the stack after execution has exactly one element on it
if (executedProgram.stack.size == 1) ScriptOk
else ScriptErrorCleanStack
@ -99,35 +98,35 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
* P2SH scripts are unique in their evaluation, first the scriptSignature must be added to the stack, next the
* p2sh scriptPubKey must be run to make sure the serialized redeem script hashes to the value found in the p2sh
* scriptPubKey, then finally the serialized redeemScript is decoded and run with the arguments in the p2sh script signature
* a p2sh script returns true if both of those intermediate steps evaluate to true
* @param scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram the program with the script signature pushed onto the stack
* @param originalProgram the original program, used for setting errors & checking that the original script signature contains push only tokens
* @param p2shScriptPubKey the p2sh scriptPubKey that contains the value the redeemScript must hash to
* @return the executed program
private def executeP2shScript(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram : ExecutedScriptProgram, originalProgram : ScriptProgram, p2shScriptPubKey : P2SHScriptPubKey) : ExecutedScriptProgram = {
* P2SH scripts are unique in their evaluation, first the scriptSignature must be added to the stack, next the
* p2sh scriptPubKey must be run to make sure the serialized redeem script hashes to the value found in the p2sh
* scriptPubKey, then finally the serialized redeemScript is decoded and run with the arguments in the p2sh script signature
* a p2sh script returns true if both of those intermediate steps evaluate to true
* @param scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram the program with the script signature pushed onto the stack
* @param originalProgram the original program, used for setting errors & checking that the original script signature contains push only tokens
* @param p2shScriptPubKey the p2sh scriptPubKey that contains the value the redeemScript must hash to
* @return the executed program
private def executeP2shScript(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram, originalProgram: ScriptProgram, p2shScriptPubKey: P2SHScriptPubKey): ExecutedScriptProgram = {
/** Helper function to actually run a p2sh script */
def run(p: ExecutedScriptProgram, stack : Seq[ScriptToken], s: ScriptPubKey): ExecutedScriptProgram = {
def run(p: ExecutedScriptProgram, stack: Seq[ScriptToken], s: ScriptPubKey): ExecutedScriptProgram = {
logger.debug("Running p2sh script: " + stack)
val p2shRedeemScriptProgram = ScriptProgram(p.txSignatureComponent,stack.tail,
val p2shRedeemScriptProgram = ScriptProgram(p.txSignatureComponent, stack.tail,
if (ScriptFlagUtil.requirePushOnly(p2shRedeemScriptProgram.flags) && !BitcoinScriptUtil.isPushOnly(s.asm)) {
logger.error("p2sh redeem script must be push only operations whe SIGPUSHONLY flag is set")
} else loop(p2shRedeemScriptProgram,0)
ScriptProgram(p2shRedeemScriptProgram, ScriptErrorSigPushOnly)
} else loop(p2shRedeemScriptProgram, 0)
val scriptSig = scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.txSignatureComponent.scriptSignature
val scriptSigAsm : Seq[ScriptToken] = scriptSig.asm
val scriptSigAsm: Seq[ScriptToken] = scriptSig.asm
//need to check if the scriptSig is push only as required by bitcoin core
if (!BitcoinScriptUtil.isPushOnly(scriptSigAsm)) {
ScriptProgram(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, ScriptErrorSigPushOnly)
} else if (scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.error.isDefined) {
} else {
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
val c = CompactSizeUInt.calculateCompactSizeUInt(redeemScriptBytes)
val redeemScript = ScriptPubKey(c.bytes ++ redeemScriptBytes)
redeemScript match {
case w : WitnessScriptPubKey =>
case w: WitnessScriptPubKey =>
val pushOp = BitcoinScriptUtil.calculatePushOp(redeemScriptBytes)
val expectedScriptBytes = pushOp.flatMap(_.bytes) ++ redeemScriptBytes
val flags = scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.flags
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
// reintroduce malleability.
logger.debug("redeem script was witness script pubkey, segwit was enabled, scriptSig was single push of redeemScript")
//TODO: remove .get here
executeSegWitScript(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, w).get
} else if (segwitEnabled && (scriptSig.asmBytes != expectedScriptBytes)) {
logger.error("Segwit was enabled, but p2sh redeem script was malleated")
logger.error("ScriptSig bytes: " + scriptSig.hex)
@ -159,13 +158,13 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
} else {
logger.warn("redeem script was witness script pubkey, segwit was NOT enabled")
//treat the segwit scriptpubkey as any other redeem script
run(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, stack, w)
case s @ (_ : P2SHScriptPubKey | _ : P2PKHScriptPubKey | _ : P2PKScriptPubKey | _ : MultiSignatureScriptPubKey
| _ : CLTVScriptPubKey | _ : CSVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _ : WitnessCommitment
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey) =>
case s @ (_: P2SHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKHScriptPubKey | _: P2PKScriptPubKey | _: MultiSignatureScriptPubKey
| _: CLTVScriptPubKey | _: CSVScriptPubKey | _: NonStandardScriptPubKey | _: WitnessCommitment
| _: EscrowTimeoutScriptPubKey | EmptyScriptPubKey) =>
logger.debug("redeemScript: " + s.asm)
run(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, stack, s)
case false =>
logger.warn("P2SH scriptPubKey hash did not match the hash for the serialized redeemScript")
@ -175,39 +174,38 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
/** Runs a segwit script through our interpreter, mimics this functionality in bitcoin core:
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/528472111b4965b1a99c4bcf08ac5ec93d87f10f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1441-L1452]]
* @param scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram the program with the [[ScriptPubKey]] executed
* @return
* Runs a segwit script through our interpreter, mimics this functionality in bitcoin core:
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/528472111b4965b1a99c4bcf08ac5ec93d87f10f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1441-L1452]]
* @param scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram the program with the [[ScriptPubKey]] executed
* @return
private def executeSegWitScript(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram, witnessScriptPubKey: WitnessScriptPubKey): Try[ExecutedScriptProgram] = {
scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.txSignatureComponent match {
case b: BaseTxSigComponent =>
val scriptSig = scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.txSignatureComponent.scriptSignature
if (scriptSig != EmptyScriptSignature && !b.scriptPubKey.isInstanceOf[P2SHScriptPubKey]) {
Success(ScriptProgram(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, ScriptErrorWitnessMalleated))
} else {
witnessScriptPubKey.witnessVersion match {
case WitnessVersion0 =>
logger.error("Cannot verify witness program with a BaseTxSigComponent")
Success(ScriptProgram(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, ScriptErrorWitnessProgramWitnessEmpty))
case UnassignedWitness(_) =>
case w: WitnessTxSigComponent =>
val scriptSig = scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram.txSignatureComponent.scriptSignature
val (witnessVersion,witnessProgram) = (witnessScriptPubKey.witnessVersion, witnessScriptPubKey.witnessProgram)
val (witnessVersion, witnessProgram) = (witnessScriptPubKey.witnessVersion, witnessScriptPubKey.witnessProgram)
val witness = w.witness
//scriptsig must be empty if we have raw p2wsh
//if script pubkey is a P2SHScriptPubKey then we have P2SH(P2WSH)
if (scriptSig != EmptyScriptSignature && !w.scriptPubKey.isInstanceOf[P2SHScriptPubKey]) {
else if (witness.stack.exists(_.size > maxPushSize)) {
Success(ScriptProgram(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, ScriptErrorWitnessMalleated))
} else if (witness.stack.exists(_.size > maxPushSize)) {
Success(ScriptProgram(scriptPubKeyExecutedProgram, ScriptErrorPushSize))
else {
} else {
verifyWitnessProgram(witnessVersion, witness, witnessProgram, w)
case _: WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt =>
@ -215,8 +213,10 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
/** Verifies a segregated witness program by running it through the interpreter
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f8528134fc188abc5c7175a19680206964a8fade/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1302]]*/
* Verifies a segregated witness program by running it through the interpreter
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f8528134fc188abc5c7175a19680206964a8fade/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1302]]
private def verifyWitnessProgram(witnessVersion: WitnessVersion, scriptWitness: ScriptWitness, witnessProgram: Seq[ScriptToken],
wTxSigComponent: WitnessTxSigComponent): Try[ExecutedScriptProgram] = {
@ -224,22 +224,22 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
def postSegWitProgramChecks(evaluated: ExecutedScriptProgram): ExecutedScriptProgram = {
logger.debug("Stack after evaluating witness: " + evaluated.stack)
if (evaluated.error.isDefined) evaluated
else if (evaluated.stack.size != 1 || evaluated.stackTopIsFalse) ScriptProgram(evaluated,ScriptErrorEvalFalse)
else if (evaluated.stack.size != 1 || evaluated.stackTopIsFalse) ScriptProgram(evaluated, ScriptErrorEvalFalse)
else evaluated
witnessVersion match {
case WitnessVersion0 =>
val either: Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey),ScriptError] = witnessVersion.rebuild(scriptWitness, witnessProgram)
val either: Either[(Seq[ScriptToken], ScriptPubKey), ScriptError] = witnessVersion.rebuild(scriptWitness, witnessProgram)
either match {
case Left((stack,scriptPubKey)) =>
val newWTxSigComponent = rebuildWTxSigComponent(wTxSigComponent,scriptPubKey)
val newProgram = newWTxSigComponent.map(comp => ScriptProgram(comp,stack,scriptPubKey.asm, scriptPubKey.asm,Nil))
val evaluated = newProgram.map(p => loop(p,0))
case Left((stack, scriptPubKey)) =>
val newWTxSigComponent = rebuildWTxSigComponent(wTxSigComponent, scriptPubKey)
val newProgram = newWTxSigComponent.map(comp => ScriptProgram(comp, stack, scriptPubKey.asm, scriptPubKey.asm, Nil))
val evaluated = newProgram.map(p => loop(p, 0))
evaluated.map(e => postSegWitProgramChecks(e))
case Right(err) =>
val program = ScriptProgram(wTxSigComponent,Nil,Nil,Nil)
val program = ScriptProgram(wTxSigComponent, Nil, Nil, Nil)
Success(ScriptProgram(program, err))
case UnassignedWitness(_) =>
@ -247,234 +247,232 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
* The execution loop for a script
* @param program the program whose script needs to be evaluated
* @return program the final state of the program after being evaluated by the interpreter
* The execution loop for a script
* @param program the program whose script needs to be evaluated
* @return program the final state of the program after being evaluated by the interpreter
private def loop(program : ScriptProgram, opCount: Int) : ExecutedScriptProgram = {
private def loop(program: ScriptProgram, opCount: Int): ExecutedScriptProgram = {
logger.debug("Stack: " + program.stack)
logger.debug("Script: " + program.script)
if (opCount > maxScriptOps && !program.isInstanceOf[ExecutedScriptProgram]) {
logger.error("We have reached the maximum amount of script operations allowed")
logger.error("Here are the remaining operations in the script: " + program.script)
loop(ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorOpCount), opCount)
} else if (program.script.flatMap(_.bytes).size > 10000 && !program.isInstanceOf[ExecutedScriptProgram]) {
logger.error("We cannot run a script that is larger than 10,000 bytes")
program match {
case p : PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
loop(ScriptProgram(ScriptProgram.toExecutionInProgress(p), ScriptErrorScriptSize),opCount)
case _ : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram | _ : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
loop(ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorScriptSize),opCount)
case p: PreExecutionScriptProgram =>
loop(ScriptProgram(ScriptProgram.toExecutionInProgress(p), ScriptErrorScriptSize), opCount)
case _: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram | _: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
loop(ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorScriptSize), opCount)
} else {
program match {
case p : PreExecutionScriptProgram => loop(ScriptProgram.toExecutionInProgress(p,Some(p.stack)),opCount)
case p : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case p: PreExecutionScriptProgram => loop(ScriptProgram.toExecutionInProgress(p, Some(p.stack)), opCount)
case p: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
val countedOps = program.originalScript.map(BitcoinScriptUtil.countsTowardsScriptOpLimit(_)).count(_ == true)
logger.debug("Counted ops: " + countedOps)
if (countedOps > maxScriptOps && p.error.isEmpty) {
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorOpCount), opCount)
} else p
case p : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
case p: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram =>
p.script match {
//if at any time we see that the program is not valid
//cease script execution
case _ if p.script.intersect(Seq(OP_VERIF, OP_VERNOTIF)).nonEmpty =>
logger.error("Script is invalid even when a OP_VERIF or OP_VERNOTIF occurs in an unexecuted OP_IF branch")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode),opCount)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode), opCount)
//disabled splice operation
case _ if p.script.intersect(Seq(OP_CAT, OP_SUBSTR, OP_LEFT, OP_RIGHT)).nonEmpty =>
logger.error("Script is invalid because it contains a disabled splice operation")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode),opCount)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode), opCount)
//disabled bitwise operations
case _ if p.script.intersect(Seq(OP_INVERT, OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_XOR)).nonEmpty =>
logger.error("Script is invalid because it contains a disabled bitwise operation")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode),opCount)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode), opCount)
//disabled arithmetic operations
case _ if p.script.intersect(Seq(OP_MUL, OP_2MUL, OP_DIV, OP_2DIV, OP_MOD, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT)).nonEmpty =>
logger.error("Script is invalid because it contains a disabled arithmetic operation")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode),opCount)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode), opCount)
//program cannot contain a push operation > 520 bytes
case _ if (p.script.exists(token => token.bytes.size > maxPushSize)) =>
logger.error("We have a script constant that is larger than 520 bytes, this is illegal: " + p.script)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorPushSize),opCount)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorPushSize), opCount)
//program stack size cannot be greater than 1000 elements
case _ if ((p.stack.size + p.altStack.size) > 1000) =>
logger.error("We cannot have a stack + alt stack size larger than 1000 elements")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorStackSize),opCount)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorStackSize), opCount)
//stack operations
case OP_DUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opDup(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_DUP))
case OP_DEPTH :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opDepth(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_DEPTH))
case OP_TOALTSTACK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opToAltStack(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_TOALTSTACK))
case OP_FROMALTSTACK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opFromAltStack(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_FROMALTSTACK))
case OP_DROP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opDrop(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_DROP))
case OP_IFDUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opIfDup(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_IFDUP))
case OP_NIP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opNip(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NIP))
case OP_OVER :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opOver(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_OVER))
case OP_PICK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opPick(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_PICK))
case OP_ROLL :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opRoll(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_ROLL))
case OP_ROT :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opRot(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_ROT))
case OP_2ROT :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Rot(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_2ROT))
case OP_2DROP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Drop(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_2DROP))
case OP_SWAP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opSwap(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_SWAP))
case OP_TUCK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opTuck(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_TUCK))
case OP_2DUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Dup(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_2DUP))
case OP_3DUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op3Dup(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_3DUP))
case OP_2OVER :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Over(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_2OVER))
case OP_2SWAP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Swap(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_2SWAP))
case OP_DUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opDup(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_DUP))
case OP_DEPTH :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opDepth(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_DEPTH))
case OP_TOALTSTACK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opToAltStack(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_TOALTSTACK))
case OP_FROMALTSTACK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opFromAltStack(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_FROMALTSTACK))
case OP_DROP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opDrop(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_DROP))
case OP_IFDUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opIfDup(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_IFDUP))
case OP_NIP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opNip(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NIP))
case OP_OVER :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opOver(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_OVER))
case OP_PICK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opPick(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_PICK))
case OP_ROLL :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opRoll(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_ROLL))
case OP_ROT :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opRot(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_ROT))
case OP_2ROT :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Rot(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_2ROT))
case OP_2DROP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Drop(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_2DROP))
case OP_SWAP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opSwap(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_SWAP))
case OP_TUCK :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.opTuck(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_TUCK))
case OP_2DUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Dup(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_2DUP))
case OP_3DUP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op3Dup(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_3DUP))
case OP_2OVER :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Over(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_2OVER))
case OP_2SWAP :: t => loop(StackInterpreter.op2Swap(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_2SWAP))
//arithmetic operations
case OP_ADD :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opAdd(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_ADD))
case OP_1ADD :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.op1Add(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_1ADD))
case OP_1SUB :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.op1Sub(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_1SUB))
case OP_SUB :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opSub(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_SUB))
case OP_ABS :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opAbs(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_ABS))
case OP_NEGATE :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNegate(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NEGATE))
case OP_NOT :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNot(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NOT))
case OP_0NOTEQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.op0NotEqual(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_0NOTEQUAL))
case OP_BOOLAND :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opBoolAnd(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_BOOLAND))
case OP_BOOLOR :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opBoolOr(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_BOOLOR))
case OP_NUMEQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNumEqual(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NUMEQUAL))
case OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNumEqualVerify(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY))
case OP_NUMNOTEQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNumNotEqual(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NUMNOTEQUAL))
case OP_LESSTHAN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opLessThan(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_LESSTHAN))
case OP_GREATERTHAN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opGreaterThan(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_GREATERTHAN))
case OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opLessThanOrEqual(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL))
case OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opGreaterThanOrEqual(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL))
case OP_MIN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opMin(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_MIN))
case OP_MAX :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opMax(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_MAX))
case OP_WITHIN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opWithin(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_WITHIN))
case OP_ADD :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opAdd(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_ADD))
case OP_1ADD :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.op1Add(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_1ADD))
case OP_1SUB :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.op1Sub(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_1SUB))
case OP_SUB :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opSub(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_SUB))
case OP_ABS :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opAbs(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_ABS))
case OP_NEGATE :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNegate(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NEGATE))
case OP_NOT :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNot(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NOT))
case OP_0NOTEQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.op0NotEqual(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_0NOTEQUAL))
case OP_BOOLAND :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opBoolAnd(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_BOOLAND))
case OP_BOOLOR :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opBoolOr(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_BOOLOR))
case OP_NUMEQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNumEqual(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NUMEQUAL))
case OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNumEqualVerify(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY))
case OP_NUMNOTEQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opNumNotEqual(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NUMNOTEQUAL))
case OP_LESSTHAN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opLessThan(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_LESSTHAN))
case OP_GREATERTHAN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opGreaterThan(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_GREATERTHAN))
case OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opLessThanOrEqual(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL))
case OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opGreaterThanOrEqual(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL))
case OP_MIN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opMin(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_MIN))
case OP_MAX :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opMax(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_MAX))
case OP_WITHIN :: t => loop(ArithmeticInterpreter.opWithin(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_WITHIN))
//bitwise operations
case OP_EQUAL :: t => loop(BitwiseInterpreter.opEqual(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_EQUAL))
case OP_EQUAL :: t => loop(BitwiseInterpreter.opEqual(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_EQUAL))
case OP_EQUALVERIFY :: t => loop(BitwiseInterpreter.opEqualVerify(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_EQUALVERIFY))
case OP_EQUALVERIFY :: t => loop(BitwiseInterpreter.opEqualVerify(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_EQUALVERIFY))
case OP_0 :: t => loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptNumber.zero :: p.stack, t),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_0))
case (scriptNumberOp : ScriptNumberOperation) :: t =>
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptNumber(scriptNumberOp.toLong) :: p.stack, t),calcOpCount(opCount,scriptNumberOp))
case OP_0 :: t => loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptNumber.zero :: p.stack, t), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_0))
case (scriptNumberOp: ScriptNumberOperation) :: t =>
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptNumber(scriptNumberOp.toLong) :: p.stack, t), calcOpCount(opCount, scriptNumberOp))
case (bytesToPushOntoStack: BytesToPushOntoStack) :: t =>
loop(ConstantInterpreter.pushScriptNumberBytesToStack(p), calcOpCount(opCount, bytesToPushOntoStack))
case (scriptNumber: ScriptNumber) :: t =>
loop(ScriptProgram(p, scriptNumber :: p.stack, t),calcOpCount(opCount,scriptNumber))
case OP_PUSHDATA1 :: t => loop(ConstantInterpreter.opPushData1(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_PUSHDATA1))
case OP_PUSHDATA2 :: t => loop(ConstantInterpreter.opPushData2(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_PUSHDATA2))
case OP_PUSHDATA4 :: t => loop(ConstantInterpreter.opPushData4(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_PUSHDATA4))
loop(ScriptProgram(p, scriptNumber :: p.stack, t), calcOpCount(opCount, scriptNumber))
case OP_PUSHDATA1 :: t => loop(ConstantInterpreter.opPushData1(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_PUSHDATA1))
case OP_PUSHDATA2 :: t => loop(ConstantInterpreter.opPushData2(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_PUSHDATA2))
case OP_PUSHDATA4 :: t => loop(ConstantInterpreter.opPushData4(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_PUSHDATA4))
case (x : ScriptConstant) :: t => loop(ScriptProgram(p, x :: p.stack, t),calcOpCount(opCount,x))
case (x: ScriptConstant) :: t => loop(ScriptProgram(p, x :: p.stack, t), calcOpCount(opCount, x))
//control operations
case OP_IF :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opIf(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_IF))
case OP_NOTIF :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opNotIf(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NOTIF))
case OP_ELSE :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opElse(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_ELSE))
case OP_ENDIF :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opEndIf(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_ENDIF))
case OP_RETURN :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opReturn(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_RETURN))
case OP_IF :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opIf(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_IF))
case OP_NOTIF :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opNotIf(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NOTIF))
case OP_ELSE :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opElse(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_ELSE))
case OP_ENDIF :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opEndIf(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_ENDIF))
case OP_RETURN :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opReturn(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_RETURN))
case OP_VERIFY :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_VERIFY))
case OP_VERIFY :: t => loop(ControlOperationsInterpreter.opVerify(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_VERIFY))
//crypto operations
case OP_HASH160 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opHash160(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_HASH160))
case OP_CHECKSIG :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opCheckSig(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKSIG))
case OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opCheckSigVerify(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY))
case OP_SHA1 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opSha1(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_SHA1))
case OP_RIPEMD160 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opRipeMd160(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_RIPEMD160))
case OP_SHA256 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opSha256(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_SHA256))
case OP_HASH256 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opHash256(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_HASH256))
case OP_CODESEPARATOR :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opCodeSeparator(p), calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CODESEPARATOR))
case OP_HASH160 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opHash160(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_HASH160))
case OP_CHECKSIG :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opCheckSig(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKSIG))
case OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opCheckSigVerify(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY))
case OP_SHA1 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opSha1(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_SHA1))
case OP_RIPEMD160 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opRipeMd160(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_RIPEMD160))
case OP_SHA256 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opSha256(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_SHA256))
case OP_HASH256 :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opHash256(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_HASH256))
case OP_CODESEPARATOR :: t => loop(CryptoInterpreter.opCodeSeparator(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CODESEPARATOR))
CryptoInterpreter.opCheckMultiSig(p) match {
case newProgram : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case newProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
//script was marked invalid for other reasons, don't need to update the opcount
case newProgram @ (_ : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram | _ : PreExecutionScriptProgram) =>
val newOpCount = calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKMULTISIG) + BitcoinScriptUtil.numPossibleSignaturesOnStack(program).toInt
loop(newProgram, opCount)
case newProgram @ (_: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram | _: PreExecutionScriptProgram) =>
val newOpCount = calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKMULTISIG) + BitcoinScriptUtil.numPossibleSignaturesOnStack(program).toInt
loop(newProgram, newOpCount)
CryptoInterpreter.opCheckMultiSigVerify(p) match {
case newProgram : ExecutedScriptProgram =>
case newProgram: ExecutedScriptProgram =>
//script was marked invalid for other reasons, don't need to update the opcount
case newProgram @ (_ : ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram | _ : PreExecutionScriptProgram) =>
val newOpCount = calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY) + BitcoinScriptUtil.numPossibleSignaturesOnStack(program).toInt
loop(newProgram, opCount)
case newProgram @ (_: ExecutionInProgressScriptProgram | _: PreExecutionScriptProgram) =>
val newOpCount = calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY) + BitcoinScriptUtil.numPossibleSignaturesOnStack(program).toInt
loop(newProgram, newOpCount)
//reserved operations
case OP_NOP :: t =>
//script discourage upgradeable flag does not apply to a OP_NOP
loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.stack, t),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_NOP))
loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.stack, t), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_NOP))
//if we see an OP_NOP and the DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_OP_NOPS flag is set we must fail our program
case (nop: NOP) :: t if ScriptFlagUtil.discourageUpgradableNOPs(p.flags) =>
logger.error("We cannot execute a NOP when the ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableNOPs is set")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs),calcOpCount(opCount,nop))
case (nop: NOP) :: t => loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.stack, t),calcOpCount(opCount,nop))
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs), calcOpCount(opCount, nop))
case (nop: NOP) :: t => loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.stack, t), calcOpCount(opCount, nop))
case OP_RESERVED :: t =>
logger.error("OP_RESERVED automatically marks transaction invalid")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_RESERVED))
case OP_VER :: t =>
logger.error("Transaction is invalid when executing OP_VER")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_VER))
case OP_RESERVED1 :: t =>
logger.error("Transaction is invalid when executing OP_RESERVED1")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_RESERVED1))
case OP_RESERVED2 :: t =>
logger.error("Transaction is invalid when executing OP_RESERVED2")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_RESERVED2))
case (reservedOperation : ReservedOperation) :: t =>
case (reservedOperation: ReservedOperation) :: t =>
logger.error("Undefined operation found which automatically fails the script: " + reservedOperation)
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorBadOpCode), calcOpCount(opCount, reservedOperation))
//splice operations
case OP_SIZE :: t => loop(SpliceInterpreter.opSize(p),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_SIZE))
case OP_SIZE :: t => loop(SpliceInterpreter.opSize(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_SIZE))
//locktime operations
//check if CLTV is enforced yet
if (ScriptFlagUtil.checkLockTimeVerifyEnabled(p.flags)) {
//if not, check to see if we should discourage p
loop(LockTimeInterpreter.opCheckLockTimeVerify(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY))
} //if not, check to see if we should discourage p
else if (ScriptFlagUtil.discourageUpgradableNOPs(p.flags)) {
logger.error("We cannot execute a NOP when the ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableNOPs is set")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY))
//in this case, just reat OP_CLTV just like a NOP and remove it from the stack
else loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY))
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY))
} //in this case, just reat OP_CLTV just like a NOP and remove it from the stack
else loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY))
//check if CLTV is enforced yet
if (ScriptFlagUtil.checkSequenceVerifyEnabled(p.flags)) {
//if not, check to see if we should discourage p
loop(LockTimeInterpreter.opCheckSequenceVerify(p), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY))
} //if not, check to see if we should discourage p
else if (ScriptFlagUtil.discourageUpgradableNOPs(p.flags)) {
logger.error("We cannot execute a NOP when the ScriptVerifyDiscourageUpgradableNOPs is set")
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY))
//in this case, just read OP_CSV just like a NOP and remove it from the stack
else loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script),calcOpCount(opCount,OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY))
loop(ScriptProgram(p, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY))
} //in this case, just read OP_CSV just like a NOP and remove it from the stack
else loop(ScriptProgram(p, p.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script), calcOpCount(opCount, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY))
//no more script operations to run, return whether the program is valid and the final state of the program
case Nil => loop(ScriptProgram.toExecutedProgram(p),opCount)
case Nil => loop(ScriptProgram.toExecutedProgram(p), opCount)
case h :: t => throw new RuntimeException(h + " was unmatched")
/** Checks the validity of a transaction in accordance to bitcoin core's CheckTransaction function
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f7a21dae5dbf71d5bc00485215e84e6f2b309d0a/src/main.cpp#L939. */
def checkTransaction(transaction : Transaction) : Boolean = {
* Checks the validity of a transaction in accordance to bitcoin core's CheckTransaction function
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f7a21dae5dbf71d5bc00485215e84e6f2b309d0a/src/main.cpp#L939.
def checkTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Boolean = {
val inputOutputsNotZero = !(transaction.inputs.isEmpty || transaction.outputs.isEmpty)
val txNotLargerThanBlock = transaction.bytes.size < Consensus.maxBlockSize
val outputsSpendValidAmountsOfMoney = !transaction.outputs.exists(o =>
o.value < CurrencyUnits.zero || o.value > Consensus.maxMoney)
val outputValues = transaction.outputs.map(_.value)
val totalSpentByOutputs : CurrencyUnit = outputValues.fold(CurrencyUnits.zero)(_ + _)
val totalSpentByOutputs: CurrencyUnit = outputValues.fold(CurrencyUnits.zero)(_ + _)
val allOutputsValidMoneyRange = validMoneyRange(totalSpentByOutputs)
val prevOutputTxIds = transaction.inputs.map(_.previousOutput.txId)
val noDuplicateInputs = prevOutputTxIds.distinct.size == prevOutputTxIds.size
@ -491,28 +489,30 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
/** Determines if the given currency unit is within the valid range for the system */
def validMoneyRange(currencyUnit : CurrencyUnit) : Boolean = {
def validMoneyRange(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit): Boolean = {
currencyUnit >= CurrencyUnits.zero && currencyUnit <= Consensus.maxMoney
/** Calculates the new op count after the execution of the given [[ScriptToken]] */
private def calcOpCount(oldOpCount: Int, token: ScriptToken):Int = BitcoinScriptUtil.countsTowardsScriptOpLimit(token) match {
case true => oldOpCount + 1
private def calcOpCount(oldOpCount: Int, token: ScriptToken): Int = BitcoinScriptUtil.countsTowardsScriptOpLimit(token) match {
case true => oldOpCount + 1
case false => oldOpCount
/** Checks if the transaction contained a witness that we did not use
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/528472111b4965b1a99c4bcf08ac5ec93d87f10f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1515-L1523]]
* Return true if witness was NOT used, return false if witness was used. */
private def hasUnexpectedWitness(program: ScriptProgram): Boolean = {
* Checks if the transaction contained a witness that we did not use
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/528472111b4965b1a99c4bcf08ac5ec93d87f10f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1515-L1523]]
* Return true if witness was NOT used, return false if witness was used.
private def hasUnexpectedWitness(program: ScriptProgram): Boolean = {
val txSigComponent = program.txSignatureComponent
logger.debug("TxSigComponent: " + txSigComponent)
val unexpectedWitness = txSigComponent match {
case b : BaseTxSigComponent =>
case b: BaseTxSigComponent =>
b.transaction match {
case wtx : WitnessTransaction =>
case wtx: WitnessTransaction =>
case _ : BaseTransaction => false
case _: BaseTransaction => false
case _: WitnessTxSigComponentRaw => false
case w: WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH =>
@ -529,16 +529,18 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
/** Helper function used to rebuild a [[WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt]]
* this converts a [[WitnessScriptPubKey]] into it's corresponding [[ScriptPubKey]] */
* Helper function used to rebuild a [[WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt]]
* this converts a [[WitnessScriptPubKey]] into it's corresponding [[ScriptPubKey]]
private def rebuildWTxSigComponent(old: WitnessTxSigComponent, rebuildScriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): Try[WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt] = old match {
case wTxSigComponentRaw: WitnessTxSigComponentRaw =>
rebuildScriptPubKey, wTxSigComponentRaw.scriptPubKey, old.flags,old.amount))
Success(WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt(old.transaction, old.inputIndex,
rebuildScriptPubKey, wTxSigComponentRaw.scriptPubKey, old.flags, old.amount))
case wTxSigComponentP2SH: WitnessTxSigComponentP2SH =>
wTxSigComponentP2SH.witnessScriptPubKey.map { wit: WitnessScriptPubKey =>
rebuildScriptPubKey, wit, old.flags,old.amount)
WitnessTxSigComponentRebuilt(old.transaction, old.inputIndex,
rebuildScriptPubKey, wit, old.flags, old.amount)
@ -547,13 +549,13 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptInterpreter {
logger.warn("Unassigned witness inside of witness script pubkey")
val flags = txSigComponent.flags
val discourageUpgradableWitnessVersion = ScriptFlagUtil.discourageUpgradableWitnessProgram(flags)
val program = ScriptProgram(txSigComponent,Nil,Nil, txSigComponent.scriptPubKey.asm, Nil)
val program = ScriptProgram(txSigComponent, Nil, Nil, txSigComponent.scriptPubKey.asm, Nil)
if (discourageUpgradableWitnessVersion) {
Success(ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram))
} else {
//if we are not discouraging upgradable ops, we just trivially return the program with an OP_TRUE on the stack
//see: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/b83264d9c7a8ddb79f64bd9540caddc8632ef31f/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1386-L1389
val evaluated = loop(ScriptProgram(program,Seq(OP_TRUE),ScriptProgram.Stack),0)
val evaluated = loop(ScriptProgram(program, Seq(OP_TRUE), ScriptProgram.Stack), 0)
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.locktime
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int64, UInt32}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ Int64, UInt32 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionConstants
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptProgram
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ScriptConstant, ScriptNumber, ScriptToken}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.{ ScriptConstant, ScriptNumber, ScriptToken }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlagUtil
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
@ -27,9 +26,11 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
* The precise semantics are described in BIP 0065
final def opCheckLockTimeVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
"Script top must be OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY")
final def opCheckLockTimeVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
val input = program.txSignatureComponent.transaction.inputs(program.txSignatureComponent.inputIndex.toInt)
val transaction = program.txSignatureComponent.transaction
if (program.stack.size == 0) {
@ -40,76 +41,76 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime)
} else {
program.stack.head match {
case s : ScriptNumber if (s < ScriptNumber.zero) =>
case s: ScriptNumber if (s < ScriptNumber.zero) =>
logger.error("OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY marks tx as invalid if the stack top is negative")
case s : ScriptNumber if (s >= ScriptNumber(500000000) && transaction.lockTime < UInt32(500000000)) =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorNegativeLockTime)
case s: ScriptNumber if (s >= ScriptNumber(500000000) && transaction.lockTime < UInt32(500000000)) =>
logger.error("OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY marks the tx as invalid if stack top >= 500000000 & tx locktime < 500000000")
case s : ScriptNumber if (s < ScriptNumber(500000000) && transaction.lockTime >= UInt32(500000000)) =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime)
case s: ScriptNumber if (s < ScriptNumber(500000000) && transaction.lockTime >= UInt32(500000000)) =>
logger.error("OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY marks the tx as invalid if stack top < 500000000 & tx locktime >= 500000000")
case s : ScriptNumber =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime)
case s: ScriptNumber =>
if (s.bytes.size > 5) {
//if the number size is larger than 5 bytes the number is invalid
} else if (checkLockTime(program,s)) {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else if (checkLockTime(program, s)) {
ScriptProgram(program, program.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script)
} else {
logger.error("Stack top locktime and transaction locktime number comparison failed")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime)
case s : ScriptConstant =>
case s: ScriptConstant =>
opCheckLockTimeVerify(ScriptProgram(program, ScriptNumber(s.hex) :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack))
case _ : ScriptToken => ScriptProgram(program,ScriptErrorUnknownError)
case _: ScriptToken => ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
* When executed, if any of the following conditions are true, the script interpreter will terminate with an error:
* 1.) the stack is empty; or
* 2.) the top item on the stack is less than 0; or
* 3.) the top item on the stack has the disable flag (1 << 31) unset; and
* the transaction version is less than 2; or
* the transaction input sequence number disable flag (1 << 31) is set; or
* the relative lock-time type is not the same; or
* the top stack item is greater than the transaction sequence (when masked according to the BIP68);
* Otherwise, script execution will continue as if a NOP had been executed.
* See BIP112 for more information
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki]]
* When executed, if any of the following conditions are true, the script interpreter will terminate with an error:
* 1.) the stack is empty; or
* 2.) the top item on the stack is less than 0; or
* 3.) the top item on the stack has the disable flag (1 << 31) unset; and
* the transaction version is less than 2; or
* the transaction input sequence number disable flag (1 << 31) is set; or
* the relative lock-time type is not the same; or
* the top stack item is greater than the transaction sequence (when masked according to the BIP68);
* Otherwise, script execution will continue as if a NOP had been executed.
* See BIP112 for more information
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki]]
final def opCheckSequenceVerify(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
final def opCheckSequenceVerify(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
if (program.stack.isEmpty) {
logger.error("Cannot execute OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY on an empty stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
} else {
program.stack.head match {
case ScriptNumber.negativeOne => ScriptProgram(program,ScriptErrorNegativeLockTime)
case s : ScriptNumber if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && !s.isShortestEncoding) =>
case ScriptNumber.negativeOne => ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorNegativeLockTime)
case s: ScriptNumber if (ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags) && !s.isShortestEncoding) =>
logger.error("Sequence number is not encoded in the shortest way possible")
case s : ScriptNumber if (!isLockTimeBitOff(s)) =>
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
case s: ScriptNumber if (!isLockTimeBitOff(s)) =>
//see BIP68 for semantic of locktimeDisableFlag
logger.info("Locktime disable flag was set so OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY is treated as a NOP")
case s : ScriptNumber if (isLockTimeBitOff(s) && program.txSignatureComponent.transaction.version < UInt32(2)) =>
ScriptProgram(program, program.script.tail, ScriptProgram.Script)
case s: ScriptNumber if (isLockTimeBitOff(s) && program.txSignatureComponent.transaction.version < UInt32(2)) =>
logger.error("OP_CSV fails if locktime bit is not set and the tx version < 2")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime)
case s : ScriptNumber =>
case s: ScriptNumber =>
if (s.bytes.size > 5) {
//if the number size is larger than 5 bytes the number is invalid
logger.error("The OP_CSV value in the script was larger than 5 bytes in size.")
} else if (checkSequence(program,s)) {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
} else if (checkSequence(program, s)) {
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack, program.script.tail)
} else {
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime)
case s : ScriptConstant =>
case s: ScriptConstant =>
opCheckSequenceVerify(ScriptProgram(program, ScriptNumber(s.hex) :: program.stack.tail, ScriptProgram.Stack))
case token : ScriptToken =>
case token: ScriptToken =>
throw new RuntimeException("Stack top must be either a ScriptConstant or a ScriptNumber, we got: " + token)
@ -117,21 +118,21 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
* Mimics this function inside of bitcoin core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/e26b62093ae21e89ed7d36a24a6b863f38ec631d/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1196]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0068.mediawiki#specification]]
* @param program the program whose transaction input's sequence is being compared
* @param nSequence the script number on the stack top to compare to the input's sequence number
* @return if the given script number is valid or not
def checkSequence(program : ScriptProgram, nSequence : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = {
* Mimics this function inside of bitcoin core
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/e26b62093ae21e89ed7d36a24a6b863f38ec631d/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1196]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0068.mediawiki#specification]]
* @param program the program whose transaction input's sequence is being compared
* @param nSequence the script number on the stack top to compare to the input's sequence number
* @return if the given script number is valid or not
def checkSequence(program: ScriptProgram, nSequence: ScriptNumber): Boolean = {
val inputIndex = program.txSignatureComponent.inputIndex.toInt
logger.debug("inputIndex: " + inputIndex)
val transaction = program.txSignatureComponent.transaction
// Relative lock times are supported by comparing the passed
// in operand to the sequence number of the input.
val txToSequence : UInt32 = transaction.inputs(inputIndex).sequence
val txToSequence: UInt32 = transaction.inputs(inputIndex).sequence
// Fail if the transaction's version number is not set high
// enough to trigger BIP 68 rules.
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
// to get around a CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY check.
if (!isLockTimeBitOff(Int64(txToSequence.toLong))) return false
val (nSequenceMasked,txToSequenceMasked) = (maskScriptNumber(nSequence),maskSequenceNumber(txToSequence))
val (nSequenceMasked, txToSequenceMasked) = (maskScriptNumber(nSequence), maskSequenceNumber(txToSequence))
logger.debug("tx sequence number: " + transaction.inputs(inputIndex).sequence)
logger.debug("txToSequenceMasked: " + txToSequenceMasked)
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
// We want to compare apples to apples, so fail the script
// unless the type of nSequenceMasked being tested is the same as
// the nSequenceMasked in the transaction.
if (!(isCSVLockByBlockHeight(nSequence,txToSequence) || isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(nSequence,txToSequence))) {
if (!(isCSVLockByBlockHeight(nSequence, txToSequence) || isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(nSequence, txToSequence))) {
logger.error("The txSequence and nSequence (OP_CSV value) are not of the same type (timestamp/block-height).")
return false
@ -177,19 +178,22 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
/** Checks if the given [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] are valid values for spending
* a OP_CSV value by block height */
* Checks if the given [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] are valid values for spending
* a OP_CSV value by block height
def isCSVLockByBlockHeight(scriptNumber: ScriptNumber, sequence: UInt32): Boolean = {
isCSVLockByBlockHeight(scriptNumber) && isCSVLockByBlockHeight(sequence)
def isCSVLockByBlockHeight(sequence: UInt32): Boolean = !isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(sequence)
def isCSVLockByBlockHeight(scriptNumber: ScriptNumber): Boolean = !isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(scriptNumber)
/** Checks if the given [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] are valid values
* for spending an OP_CSV value by time based relative lock time */
* Checks if the given [[ScriptNumber]] and [[UInt32]] are valid values
* for spending an OP_CSV value by time based relative lock time
def isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(number: ScriptNumber, sequence: UInt32): Boolean = {
isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(number) && isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(sequence)
@ -199,7 +203,7 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
scriptNumber.toLong) == TransactionConstants.sequenceLockTimeTypeFlag.toLong
def isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(sequence: UInt32): Boolean = {
def isCSVLockByRelativeLockTime(sequence: UInt32): Boolean = {
val result = (TransactionConstants.sequenceLockTimeTypeFlag &
sequence) == TransactionConstants.sequenceLockTimeTypeFlag
@ -207,19 +211,20 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
/** Masks the given [[ScriptNumber]] according to BIP112 */
def maskScriptNumber(scriptNumber: ScriptNumber): ScriptNumber = {
val nSequenceMasked : ScriptNumber = scriptNumber & Int64(TransactionConstants.fullSequenceLockTimeMask.toLong)
val nSequenceMasked: ScriptNumber = scriptNumber & Int64(TransactionConstants.fullSequenceLockTimeMask.toLong)
def maskSequenceNumber(sequence: UInt32): Int64 = {
val txToSequenceMasked : Int64 = Int64((sequence & TransactionConstants.fullSequenceLockTimeMask).toLong)
val txToSequenceMasked: Int64 = Int64((sequence & TransactionConstants.fullSequenceLockTimeMask).toLong)
/** Mimics this function inside of bitcoin core for checking the locktime of a transaction
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1160]]. */
private def checkLockTime(program : ScriptProgram, locktime : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = {
* Mimics this function inside of bitcoin core for checking the locktime of a transaction
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1160]].
private def checkLockTime(program: ScriptProgram, locktime: ScriptNumber): Boolean = {
// There are two kinds of nLockTime: lock-by-blockheight
// and lock-by-blocktime, distinguished by whether
@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
locktime.toLong < TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong) ||
(transaction.lockTime >= TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold &&
locktime.toLong >= TransactionConstants.locktimeThreshold.toLong)
)) return false
)) return false
// Now that we know we're comparing apples-to-apples, the
// comparison is a simple numeric one.
@ -256,9 +261,9 @@ sealed abstract class LockTimeInterpreter {
/** The [[ScriptNumber]] on the stack has the disable flag (1 << 31) unset. */
def isLockTimeBitOff(s : ScriptNumber) : Boolean = (s.toLong & TransactionConstants.locktimeDisabledFlag.toLong) == 0
def isLockTimeBitOff(s: ScriptNumber): Boolean = (s.toLong & TransactionConstants.locktimeDisabledFlag.toLong) == 0
def isLockTimeBitOff(num : Int64) : Boolean = isLockTimeBitOff(ScriptNumber(num.hex))
def isLockTimeBitOff(num: Int64): Boolean = isLockTimeBitOff(ScriptNumber(num.hex))
object LockTimeInterpreter extends LockTimeInterpreter
@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ case object OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY extends LocktimeOperation {
* When executed, if any of the following conditions are true, the script interpreter will terminate with an error:
* 1.) the stack is empty; or
* 2.) the top item on the stack is less than 0; or
* 3.) the top item on the stack has the disable flag (1 << 31) unset; and
* the transaction version is less than 2; or
* the transaction input sequence number disable flag (1 << 31) is set; or
* the relative lock-time type is not the same; or
* the top stack item is greater than the transaction sequence (when masked according to the BIP68);
* Otherwise, script execution will continue as if a NOP had been executed.
* See BIP112 for more information
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki
* When executed, if any of the following conditions are true, the script interpreter will terminate with an error:
* 1.) the stack is empty; or
* 2.) the top item on the stack is less than 0; or
* 3.) the top item on the stack has the disable flag (1 << 31) unset; and
* the transaction version is less than 2; or
* the transaction input sequence number disable flag (1 << 31) is set; or
* the relative lock-time type is not the same; or
* the top stack item is greater than the transaction sequence (when masked according to the BIP68);
* Otherwise, script execution will continue as if a NOP had been executed.
* See BIP112 for more information
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki
case object OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY extends LocktimeOperation {
override def opCode = 178
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ case object OP_RESERVED1 extends ReservedOperation {
* Transaction is invalid unless occuring in an unexecuted OP_IF branch
case object OP_RESERVED2 extends ReservedOperation {
case object OP_RESERVED2 extends ReservedOperation {
override def opCode = 138
@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ case object OP_NOP10 extends NOP {
override def opCode = 185
case class UndefinedOP_NOP(opCode : Int) extends ReservedOperation
case class UndefinedOP_NOP(opCode: Int) extends ReservedOperation
object ReservedOperation extends ScriptOperationFactory[ReservedOperation] {
lazy val undefinedOpCodes = for {i <- 0xba to 0xff} yield UndefinedOP_NOP(i)
OP_NOP, OP_NOP1,OP_NOP4,OP_NOP5,OP_NOP6,OP_NOP7,OP_NOP8, OP_NOP9, OP_NOP10) ++ undefinedOpCodes
lazy val undefinedOpCodes = for { i <- 0xba to 0xff } yield UndefinedOP_NOP(i)
OP_NOP, OP_NOP1, OP_NOP4, OP_NOP5, OP_NOP6, OP_NOP7, OP_NOP8, OP_NOP9, OP_NOP10) ++ undefinedOpCodes
@ -1,191 +1,179 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.result
sealed trait ScriptResult {
def description : String
def description: String
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/test/script_tests.cpp#L61]]
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/test/script_tests.cpp#L61]]
sealed trait ScriptError extends ScriptResult
case object ScriptOk extends ScriptResult {
override def description : String = "OK"
override def description: String = "OK"
case object ScriptErrorUnknownError extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "UNKNOWN_ERROR"
override def description: String = "UNKNOWN_ERROR"
case object ScriptErrorEvalFalse extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "EVAL_FALSE"
override def description: String = "EVAL_FALSE"
case object ScriptErrorOpReturn extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "OP_RETURN"
override def description: String = "OP_RETURN"
/* Max sizes */
case object ScriptErrorScriptSize extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SCRIPT_SIZE"
override def description: String = "SCRIPT_SIZE"
case object ScriptErrorPushSize extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "PUSH_SIZE"
override def description: String = "PUSH_SIZE"
case object ScriptErrorOpCount extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "OP_COUNT"
override def description: String = "OP_COUNT"
case object ScriptErrorStackSize extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "STACK_SIZE"
override def description: String = "STACK_SIZE"
case object ScriptErrorSigCount extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SIG_COUNT"
override def description: String = "SIG_COUNT"
case object ScriptErrorPubKeyCount extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "PUBKEY_COUNT"
override def description: String = "PUBKEY_COUNT"
/* Failed verify operations */
case object ScriptErrorVerify extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "VERIFY"
override def description: String = "VERIFY"
case object ScriptErrorEqualVerify extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "EQUALVERIFY"
override def description: String = "EQUALVERIFY"
case object ScriptErrorCheckMultiSigVerify extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY"
override def description: String = "CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY"
case object ScriptErrorCheckSigVerify extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "CHECKSIGVERIFY"
override def description: String = "CHECKSIGVERIFY"
case object ScriptErrorNumEqualVerify extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "NUMEQUALVERIFY"
override def description: String = "NUMEQUALVERIFY"
/* Logical/Format/Canonical errors */
case object ScriptErrorBadOpCode extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "BAD_OPCODE"
override def description: String = "BAD_OPCODE"
case object ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "DISABLED_OPCODE"
override def description: String = "DISABLED_OPCODE"
case object ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "INVALID_STACK_OPERATION"
override def description: String = "INVALID_STACK_OPERATION"
case object ScriptErrorInvalidAltStackOperation extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "INVALID_ALTSTACK_OPERATION"
override def description: String = "INVALID_ALTSTACK_OPERATION"
case object ScriptErrorUnbalancedConditional extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "UNBALANCED_CONDITIONAL"
override def description: String = "UNBALANCED_CONDITIONAL"
case object ScriptErrorNegativeLockTime extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "NEGATIVE_LOCKTIME"
override def description: String = "NEGATIVE_LOCKTIME"
case object ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "UNSATISFIED_LOCKTIME"
override def description: String = "UNSATISFIED_LOCKTIME"
/* BIP62 */
case object ScriptErrorSigHashType extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SIG_HASHTYPE"
override def description: String = "SIG_HASHTYPE"
case object ScriptErrorSigDer extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SIG_DER"
override def description: String = "SIG_DER"
case object ScriptErrorMinimalData extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "MINIMALDATA"
override def description: String = "MINIMALDATA"
case object ScriptErrorSigPushOnly extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SIG_PUSHONLY"
override def description: String = "SIG_PUSHONLY"
case object ScriptErrorSigHighS extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SIG_HIGH_S"
override def description: String = "SIG_HIGH_S"
case object ScriptErrorSigNullDummy extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "SIG_NULLDUMMY"
override def description: String = "SIG_NULLDUMMY"
case object ScriptErrorPubKeyType extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "PUBKEYTYPE"
override def description: String = "PUBKEYTYPE"
case object ScriptErrorCleanStack extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "CLEANSTACK"
override def description: String = "CLEANSTACK"
/* softfork safeness */
case object ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS"
override def description: String = "DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS"
case object ScriptErrorCount extends ScriptError {
override def description : String = "ERROR_COUNT"
override def description: String = "ERROR_COUNT"
@ -237,21 +225,19 @@ case object ScriptErrorWitnessPubKeyType extends ScriptError {
override def description = "WITNESS_PUBKEYTYPE"
* Factory companion object for creating ScriptError objects
object ScriptResult {
def results : Seq[ScriptResult] = Seq(ScriptOk,ScriptErrorUnknownError,ScriptErrorEvalFalse, ScriptErrorOpReturn,
def results: Seq[ScriptResult] = Seq(ScriptOk, ScriptErrorUnknownError, ScriptErrorEvalFalse, ScriptErrorOpReturn,
ScriptErrorPushSize, ScriptErrorScriptSize, ScriptErrorOpCount, ScriptErrorStackSize, ScriptErrorSigCount,
ScriptErrorPubKeyCount,ScriptErrorVerify, ScriptErrorEqualVerify,ScriptErrorCheckSigVerify, ScriptErrorCheckMultiSigVerify,
ScriptErrorNumEqualVerify, ScriptErrorBadOpCode,ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode,ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation,
ScriptErrorPubKeyCount, ScriptErrorVerify, ScriptErrorEqualVerify, ScriptErrorCheckSigVerify, ScriptErrorCheckMultiSigVerify,
ScriptErrorNumEqualVerify, ScriptErrorBadOpCode, ScriptErrorDisabledOpCode, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation,
ScriptErrorInvalidAltStackOperation, ScriptErrorUnbalancedConditional, ScriptErrorNegativeLockTime,
ScriptErrorUnsatisfiedLocktime, ScriptErrorSigHashType, ScriptErrorSigDer, ScriptErrorMinimalData, ScriptErrorSigPushOnly,
ScriptErrorSigHighS, ScriptErrorSigNullDummy,ScriptErrorPubKeyType, ScriptErrorCleanStack, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs,
ScriptErrorCount, ScriptErrorMinimalIf, ScriptErrorSigNullFail,ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram, ScriptErrorWitnessProgramWrongLength,
ScriptErrorWitnessProgramWitnessEmpty,ScriptErrorWitnessProgramMisMatch, ScriptErrorWitnessMalleated,
ScriptErrorWitnessMalleatedP2SH,ScriptErrorWitnessUnexpected, ScriptErrorWitnessPubKeyType )
def apply(str : String) : ScriptResult = results.filter(_.description == str).head
ScriptErrorSigHighS, ScriptErrorSigNullDummy, ScriptErrorPubKeyType, ScriptErrorCleanStack, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradableNOPs,
ScriptErrorCount, ScriptErrorMinimalIf, ScriptErrorSigNullFail, ScriptErrorDiscourageUpgradeableWitnessProgram, ScriptErrorWitnessProgramWrongLength,
ScriptErrorWitnessProgramWitnessEmpty, ScriptErrorWitnessProgramMisMatch, ScriptErrorWitnessMalleated,
ScriptErrorWitnessMalleatedP2SH, ScriptErrorWitnessUnexpected, ScriptErrorWitnessPubKeyType)
def apply(str: String): ScriptResult = results.filter(_.description == str).head
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ sealed abstract class SpliceInterpreter {
} else {
val scriptNumber = program.stack.head match {
case ScriptNumber.zero => ScriptNumber.zero
case x: ScriptToken => ScriptNumber(x.bytes.size)
case x: ScriptToken => ScriptNumber(x.bytes.size)
ScriptProgram(program, scriptNumber :: program.stack, program.script.tail)
@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptOperation
sealed trait SpliceOperation extends ScriptOperation
case object OP_CAT extends SpliceOperation {
override def opCode = 126
override def opCode = 126
case object OP_SUBSTR extends SpliceOperation {
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.script.stack
import org.bitcoins.core.script.ScriptProgram
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.ScriptFlagUtil
import org.bitcoins.core.script.result._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
* Created by chris on 1/6/16.
@ -17,106 +16,107 @@ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
sealed abstract class StackInterpreter {
private def logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** Duplicates the element on top of the stack
* expects the first element in script to be the OP_DUP operation. */
def opDup(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
* Duplicates the element on top of the stack
* expects the first element in script to be the OP_DUP operation.
def opDup(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_DUP), "Top of the script stack must be OP_DUP")
program.stack match {
case h :: t => ScriptProgram(program, h :: program.stack, program.script.tail)
case Nil =>
logger.error("Cannot duplicate the top element on an empty stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** If the top stack value is not 0, duplicate it. */
def opIfDup(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opIfDup(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_IFDUP), "Top of the script stack must be OP_DUP")
if (program.stack.nonEmpty) {
if (program.stack.head == ScriptNumber.zero) return ScriptProgram(program, program.stack, program.script.tail)
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.head :: program.stack, program.script.tail)
} else {
logger.error("Cannot duplicate the top element on an empty stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Puts the number of stack items onto the stack. */
def opDepth(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opDepth(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_DEPTH), "Top of script stack must be OP_DEPTH")
val stackSize = program.stack.size
val numberToPush : ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(stackSize)
val numberToPush: ScriptNumber = ScriptNumber(stackSize)
ScriptProgram(program, numberToPush :: program.stack, program.script.tail)
/** Puts the input onto the top of the alt stack. Removes it from the main stack. */
def opToAltStack(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opToAltStack(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_TOALTSTACK), "Top of script stack must be OP_TOALTSTACK")
if (program.stack.nonEmpty) {
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail,
program.script.tail, program.stack.head :: program.altStack, ScriptProgram.AltStack)
} else {
logger.error("OP_TOALTSTACK requires an element to be on the stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Puts the input onto the top of the main stack. Removes it from the alt stack. */
def opFromAltStack(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opFromAltStack(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_FROMALTSTACK), "Top of script stack must be OP_FROMALTSTACK")
if (program.altStack.nonEmpty) {
ScriptProgram(program, program.altStack.head :: program.stack,
program.script.tail, program.altStack.tail, ScriptProgram.AltStack)
} else {
logger.error("Alt Stack must have at least one item on it for OP_FROMALTSTACK")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidAltStackOperation)
/** Removes the top stack item. */
def opDrop(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opDrop(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_DROP), "Top of script stack must be OP_DROP")
if (program.stack.nonEmpty) {
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail, program.script.tail)
} else {
logger.error("Stack must have at least one item on it for OP_DROP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Removes the second-to-top stack item. */
def opNip(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opNip(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_NIP), "Top of script stack must be OP_NIP")
program.stack match {
case h :: _ :: t => ScriptProgram(program, h :: t, program.script.tail)
case h :: t =>
case h :: t =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least two items on it for OP_NIP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
case Nil =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least two items on it for OP_NIP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Copies the second-to-top stack item to the top. */
def opOver(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opOver(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_OVER), "Top of script stack must be OP_OVER")
program.stack match {
case _ :: h1 :: _ => ScriptProgram(program, h1 :: program.stack, program.script.tail)
case h :: t => logger.error("Stack must have at least two items on it for OP_OVER")
case h :: t =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least two items on it for OP_OVER")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
case Nil =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least two items on it for OP_OVER")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** The item n back in the stack is copied to the top. */
def opPick(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opPick(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_PICK), "Top of script stack must be OP_PICK")
executeOpWithStackTopAsNumberArg(program, { number : ScriptNumber =>
executeOpWithStackTopAsNumberArg(program, { number: ScriptNumber =>
logger.info("Script number for OP_PICK: " + number)
//check if n is within the bound of the script
if (program.stack.size < 2) ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ sealed abstract class StackInterpreter {
/** The item n back in the stack is moved to the top. */
def opRoll(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opRoll(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_ROLL), "Top of script stack must be OP_ROLL")
executeOpWithStackTopAsNumberArg(program, (number : ScriptNumber) =>
executeOpWithStackTopAsNumberArg(program, (number: ScriptNumber) =>
if (program.stack.size < 2) ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
else if (number.toLong >= 0 && number.toLong < program.stack.tail.size) {
val newStackTop = program.stack.tail(number.toInt)
@ -142,80 +142,80 @@ sealed abstract class StackInterpreter {
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
} else {
logger.error("The index for OP_ROLL would have caused an index out of bounds exception")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** The top three items on the stack are rotated to the left.
* Ex: x1 x2 x3 -> x2 x3 x1 */
def opRot(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
* The top three items on the stack are rotated to the left.
* Ex: x1 x2 x3 -> x2 x3 x1
def opRot(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_ROT), "Top of script stack must be OP_ROT")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: h2 :: t =>
val newStack = h2 :: h :: h1 :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack,program.script.tail)
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least 3 items on it for OP_ROT")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** The fifth and sixth items back are moved to the top of the stack.
* Ex. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2 */
def op2Rot(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
* The fifth and sixth items back are moved to the top of the stack.
* Ex. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2
def op2Rot(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_2ROT), "Top of script stack must be OP_2ROT")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: h4 :: h5 :: t =>
val newStack = h4 :: h5 :: h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack,program.script.tail)
val newStack = h4 :: h5 :: h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("OP_2ROT requires 6 elements on the stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Removes the top two stack items. */
def op2Drop(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op2Drop(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_2DROP), "Top of script stack must be OP_2DROP")
if (program.stack.size > 1) {
ScriptProgram(program, program.stack.tail.tail, program.script.tail)
} else {
logger.error("OP_2DROP requires two elements to be on the stack")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** The top two items on the stack are swapped. */
def opSwap(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opSwap(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_SWAP), "Top of script stack must be OP_SWAP")
if (program.stack.size > 1) {
val newStack = program.stack.tail.head :: program.stack.head :: program.stack.tail.tail
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
} else {
logger.error("Stack must have at least 2 items on it for OP_SWAP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** The item at the top of the stack is copied and inserted before the second-to-top item. */
def opTuck(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def opTuck(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_TUCK), "Top of script stack must be OP_TUCK")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: t =>
val newStack = h :: h1 :: h:: t
val newStack = h :: h1 :: h :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least 2 items on it for OP_TUCK")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Duplicates the top two stack items. */
def op2Dup(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op2Dup(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_2DUP), "Top of script stack must be OP_2DUP")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: t =>
@ -223,46 +223,46 @@ sealed abstract class StackInterpreter {
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least 2 items on it for OP_2DUP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Duplicates the top three stack items. */
def op3Dup(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op3Dup(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_3DUP), "Top of script stack must be OP_3DUP")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: h2 :: t =>
val newStack = h :: h1 :: h2 :: h :: h1 :: h2 :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least 3 items on it for OP_3DUP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Copies the pair of items two spaces back in the stack to the front. */
def op2Over(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op2Over(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_2OVER), "Top of script stack must be OP_2OVER")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: t =>
val newStack = h2 :: h3 :: h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack,program.script.tail)
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least 4 items on it for OP_2OVER")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
/** Swaps the top two pairs of items. */
def op2Swap(program : ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
def op2Swap(program: ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
require(program.script.headOption.contains(OP_2SWAP), "Top of script stack must be OP_2SWAP")
program.stack match {
case h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: t =>
case h :: h1 :: h2 :: h3 :: t =>
val newStack = h2 :: h3 :: h :: h1 :: t
ScriptProgram(program, newStack, program.script.tail)
case _ =>
logger.error("Stack must have at least 4 items on it for OP_2SWAP")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorInvalidStackOperation)
@ -272,17 +272,17 @@ sealed abstract class StackInterpreter {
* @param op the operation that is executed with the script number on the top of the stack
* @return the program with the result of the op pushed onto to the top of the stack
private def executeOpWithStackTopAsNumberArg(program : ScriptProgram, op : ScriptNumber => ScriptProgram) : ScriptProgram = {
private def executeOpWithStackTopAsNumberArg(program: ScriptProgram, op: ScriptNumber => ScriptProgram): ScriptProgram = {
program.stack.head match {
case scriptNum : ScriptNumber => op(scriptNum)
case _ : ScriptToken =>
case scriptNum: ScriptNumber => op(scriptNum)
case _: ScriptToken =>
//interpret the stack top as a number
val number : Try[ScriptNumber] = ScriptNumber(program.stack.head.bytes, ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags))
val number: Try[ScriptNumber] = ScriptNumber(program.stack.head.bytes, ScriptFlagUtil.requireMinimalData(program.flags))
number match {
case Success(n) => op(n)
case Failure(_) =>
logger.error("Script number was not minimally encoded")
ScriptProgram(program, ScriptErrorUnknownError)
@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptOperation
sealed trait StackOperation extends ScriptOperation
* Puts the input onto the top of the alt stack. Removes it from the main stack.
@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ case object OP_DEPTH extends StackOperation {
* Removes the top stack item
case object OP_DROP extends StackOperation {
override def opCode = 117
override def opCode = 117
@ -144,9 +142,8 @@ case object OP_2SWAP extends StackOperation {
object StackOperation extends ScriptOperationFactory[StackOperation] {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil }
import org.slf4j.Logger
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import org.slf4j.Logger
abstract class RawBitcoinSerializer[T] {
/** Reads a hexadecimal value and transforms it into the native scala type T. */
def read(hex : String) : T = read(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
def read(hex: String): T = read(BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(hex))
/** Reads in bytes and transforms it into the appropriate scala type T. */
def read(bytes : List[Byte]) : T
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): T
/** Reads in bytes and transforms it into the appropriate scala type T. */
def read(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : T = read(bytes.toList)
def read(bytes: Seq[Byte]): T = read(bytes.toList)
/** Takes a type T and writes it into the appropriate hexadecimal serialization for type T. */
def write(t : T) : Seq[Byte]
def write(t: T): Seq[Byte]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt64
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.{ CompactSizeUInt, NetworkElement }
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
@ -10,25 +10,26 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSLogger
sealed abstract class RawSerializerHelper {
private val logger = BitcoinSLogger.logger
/** Used parse a byte sequence to a Seq[TransactionInput], Seq[TransactionOutput], etc
* Makes sure that we parse the correct amount of elements
* */
def parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq[T <: NetworkElement](bytes: Seq[Byte], constructor: Seq[Byte] => T): (Seq[T],Seq[Byte]) = {
* Used parse a byte sequence to a Seq[TransactionInput], Seq[TransactionOutput], etc
* Makes sure that we parse the correct amount of elements
def parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq[T <: NetworkElement](bytes: Seq[Byte], constructor: Seq[Byte] => T): (Seq[T], Seq[Byte]) = {
val count = CompactSizeUInt.parse(bytes)
val payload = bytes.splitAt(count.size.toInt)._2
def loop(accum: Seq[T], remaining: Seq[Byte]): (Seq[T],Seq[Byte]) = {
def loop(accum: Seq[T], remaining: Seq[Byte]): (Seq[T], Seq[Byte]) = {
if (accum.size == count.num.toInt) {
(accum.reverse, remaining)
} else {
val parsed = constructor(remaining)
val (_,newRemaining) = remaining.splitAt(parsed.size)
loop(parsed +: accum,newRemaining)
val (_, newRemaining) = remaining.splitAt(parsed.size)
loop(parsed +: accum, newRemaining)
val (parsed,remaining) = loop(Nil,payload)
val (parsed, remaining) = loop(Nil, payload)
require(parsed.size == count.num.toInt, "Could not parse the amount of required elements, got: " + parsed.size + " required: " + count)
(parsed, remaining)
/** Writes a Seq[TransactionInput]/Seq[TransactionOutput]/Seq[Transaction] -> Seq[Byte] */
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.currency.Satoshis
import org.bitcoins.core.number.Int64
* Created by chris on 6/23/16.
* Created by chris on 6/23/16.
trait RawSatoshisSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[Satoshis] {
def read(bytes : List[Byte]): Satoshis = Satoshis(Int64(bytes.reverse))
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): Satoshis = Satoshis(Int64(bytes.reverse))
def write(satoshis: Satoshis): Seq[Byte] = {
@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.BlockHeader
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawBitcoinSerializer
* Created by chris on 5/19/16.
* Serializes block headers
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#block-headers
* Created by chris on 5/19/16.
* Serializes block headers
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#block-headers
sealed abstract class RawBlockHeaderSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[BlockHeader] {
/** Converts a list of bytes into a block header */
def read(bytes : List[Byte]) : BlockHeader = {
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): BlockHeader = {
//version first 4 bytes
val version = UInt32(bytes.take(4).reverse)
//previous header hash next 32 bytes
val prevBlockHashBytes = bytes.slice(4, 36)
val prevBlockHash : DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(prevBlockHashBytes)
val prevBlockHash: DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(prevBlockHashBytes)
//merkle hash next 32 bytes
val merkleRootBytes = bytes.slice(36, 68)
val merkleRoot : DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(merkleRootBytes)
val merkleRoot: DoubleSha256Digest = DoubleSha256Digest(merkleRootBytes)
//time 4 bytes
val timeBytes = bytes.slice(68,72)
val timeBytes = bytes.slice(68, 72)
val time = UInt32(timeBytes.reverse)
//nbits 4 bytes
val nBitsBytes = bytes.slice(72,76)
val nBitsBytes = bytes.slice(72, 76)
val nBits = UInt32(nBitsBytes.reverse)
//nonce 4 bytes
val nonceBytes = bytes.slice(76,80)
val nonceBytes = bytes.slice(76, 80)
val nonce = UInt32(nonceBytes.reverse)
BlockHeader(version,prevBlockHash, merkleRoot, time, nBits, nonce)
BlockHeader(version, prevBlockHash, merkleRoot, time, nBits, nonce)
/** Serializes the BlockHeader to a byte array */
def write(blockHeader: BlockHeader): Seq[Byte] = {
def write(blockHeader: BlockHeader): Seq[Byte] = {
val version = blockHeader.version.bytes.reverse
val prevHash = blockHeader.previousBlockHash.bytes
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.blockchain
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.{Block, BlockHeader}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.{ Block, BlockHeader }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.{RawBitcoinSerializer, RawSerializerHelper}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.{ RawBitcoinSerializer, RawSerializerHelper }
* Created by chris on 5/20/16.
* Responsible for serializing blocks in our blockchain
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#serialized-blocks
* Created by chris on 5/20/16.
* Responsible for serializing blocks in our blockchain
* https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#serialized-blocks
sealed abstract class RawBlockSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[Block] {
/** Takes a list of bytes and converts it into a Block */
def read(bytes : List[Byte]) : Block = {
val blockHeader : BlockHeader = BlockHeader(bytes.take(80))
val txBytes : Seq[Byte] = bytes.splitAt(80)._2
val (transactions,_) = RawSerializerHelper.parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq[Transaction](txBytes, Transaction(_: Seq[Byte]))
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): Block = {
val blockHeader: BlockHeader = BlockHeader(bytes.take(80))
val txBytes: Seq[Byte] = bytes.splitAt(80)._2
val (transactions, _) = RawSerializerHelper.parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq[Transaction](txBytes, Transaction(_: Seq[Byte]))
Block(blockHeader, transactions)
/** Takes in a block and converts it to a byte array */
def write(block : Block): Seq[Byte] = {
def write(block: Block): Seq[Byte] = {
val writtenHeader = block.blockHeader.bytes
val txBytes = RawSerializerHelper.writeCmpctSizeUInt(block.transactions, { tx: Transaction => tx.bytes})
val txBytes = RawSerializerHelper.writeCmpctSizeUInt(block.transactions, { tx: Transaction => tx.bytes })
writtenHeader ++ txBytes
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.blockchain
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt64}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{ UInt32, UInt64 }
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.MerkleBlock
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawBitcoinSerializer
@ -11,25 +10,26 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSUtil
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 8/15/16.
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#merkleblock]]
* Created by chris on 8/15/16.
* [[https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#merkleblock]]
sealed abstract class RawMerkleBlockSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[MerkleBlock] {
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): MerkleBlock = {
val blockHeader = RawBlockHeaderSerializer.read(bytes.take(80))
val bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing = bytes.slice(blockHeader.bytes.size, bytes.size)
val transactionCount = UInt32(bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.slice(0,4).reverse)
val transactionCount = UInt32(bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.slice(0, 4).reverse)
val hashCount = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(
bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.slice(4, bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.size)
val txHashStartIndex = (4 + hashCount.size).toInt
val bytesAfterHashCountParsing = bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.slice(txHashStartIndex,bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.size)
val bytesAfterHashCountParsing = bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.slice(txHashStartIndex, bytesAfterBlockHeaderParsing.size)
val (hashes, bytesAfterTxHashParsing) = parseTransactionHashes(bytesAfterHashCountParsing,hashCount)
val (hashes, bytesAfterTxHashParsing) = parseTransactionHashes(bytesAfterHashCountParsing, hashCount)
val flagCount = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytesAfterTxHashParsing)
val flags = bytesAfterTxHashParsing.slice(flagCount.size.toInt, bytesAfterTxHashParsing.size)
val matches = BitcoinSUtil.bytesToBitVectors(flags).flatMap(_.reverse)
MerkleBlock(blockHeader, transactionCount, hashes, matches)
def write(merkleBlock: MerkleBlock): Seq[Byte] = {
@ -43,24 +43,22 @@ sealed abstract class RawMerkleBlockSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[Merk
merkleBlock.hashes.flatMap(_.bytes) ++ flagCount.bytes ++ byteVectors
* Parses a sequence of transactions hashes from inside of a merkle block message
* @param bytes the bytes from which the tx hashes are parsed from
* @param hashCount the amount of tx hashes we need to parse from bytes
* @return the sequence of tx hashes and the remaining bytes to be parsed into a MerkleBlockMessage
private def parseTransactionHashes(bytes : Seq[Byte], hashCount : CompactSizeUInt) : (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Byte]) = {
* Parses a sequence of transactions hashes from inside of a merkle block message
* @param bytes the bytes from which the tx hashes are parsed from
* @param hashCount the amount of tx hashes we need to parse from bytes
* @return the sequence of tx hashes and the remaining bytes to be parsed into a MerkleBlockMessage
private def parseTransactionHashes(bytes: Seq[Byte], hashCount: CompactSizeUInt): (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Byte]) = {
def loop(remainingHashes : Long, remainingBytes : Seq[Byte],
accum : List[DoubleSha256Digest]) : (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Byte]) = {
if (remainingHashes <= 0) (accum.reverse,remainingBytes)
else loop(remainingHashes-1, remainingBytes.slice(32,remainingBytes.size), DoubleSha256Digest(remainingBytes.take(32)) :: accum)
def loop(remainingHashes: Long, remainingBytes: Seq[Byte],
accum: List[DoubleSha256Digest]): (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], Seq[Byte]) = {
if (remainingHashes <= 0) (accum.reverse, remainingBytes)
else loop(remainingHashes - 1, remainingBytes.slice(32, remainingBytes.size), DoubleSha256Digest(remainingBytes.take(32)) :: accum)
loop(hashCount.num.toInt, bytes, Nil)
/** Parses a sequence of bits to a sequence of bit vectors grouped into bytes */
private def parseToBytes(bits: Seq[Boolean]): Seq[Seq[Boolean]] = {
@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ sealed abstract class RawMerkleBlockSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[Merk
loop(t, newBits +: accum.tail)
loop(bits, Seq(Nil))
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.bloom
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.{BloomFilter, BloomFlag}
import org.bitcoins.core.bloom.{ BloomFilter, BloomFlag }
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawBitcoinSerializer
* Created by chris on 8/4/16.
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#new-messages]]
* Created by chris on 8/4/16.
* [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0037.mediawiki#new-messages]]
sealed abstract class RawBloomFilterSerializer extends RawBitcoinSerializer[BloomFilter] {
override def read(bytes: List[Byte]): BloomFilter = {
val filterSize = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
val filter = bytes.slice(filterSize.size.toInt, filterSize.size.toInt + filterSize.num.toInt)
val hashFuncsIndex = (filterSize.size + filterSize.num.toInt).toInt
val hashFuncs = UInt32(bytes.slice(hashFuncsIndex,hashFuncsIndex + 4).reverse)
val hashFuncs = UInt32(bytes.slice(hashFuncsIndex, hashFuncsIndex + 4).reverse)
val tweakIndex = hashFuncsIndex + 4
val tweak = UInt32(bytes.slice(tweakIndex, tweakIndex + 4).reverse)
val flags = BloomFlag(bytes(tweakIndex+4))
val flags = BloomFlag(bytes(tweakIndex + 4))
BloomFilter(filterSize, filter, hashFuncs, tweak, flags)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{EmptyScriptPubKey, ScriptPubKey}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.{ EmptyScriptPubKey, ScriptPubKey }
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptToken
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawBitcoinSerializer
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.util.Try
trait RawScriptPubKeyParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[ScriptPubKey] {
override def read(bytes : List[Byte]) : ScriptPubKey = {
override def read(bytes: List[Byte]): ScriptPubKey = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) EmptyScriptPubKey
else {
val compactSizeUInt = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ trait RawScriptPubKeyParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[ScriptPubKey] {
//but scala collections don't allow you to use 'slice' with longs
val len = Try(compactSizeUInt.num.toInt).getOrElse(Int.MaxValue)
val scriptPubKeyBytes = bytes.slice(compactSizeUInt.size.toInt, len + compactSizeUInt.size.toInt)
val script : List[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(scriptPubKeyBytes)
val script: List[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(scriptPubKeyBytes)
override def write(scriptPubKey : ScriptPubKey): Seq[Byte] = scriptPubKey.bytes
override def write(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): Seq[Byte] = scriptPubKey.bytes
object RawScriptPubKeyParser extends RawScriptPubKeyParser
@ -13,19 +13,21 @@ import scala.util.Try
sealed abstract class RawScriptSignatureParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[ScriptSignature] {
def read(bytes : List[Byte]) : ScriptSignature = {
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): ScriptSignature = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) EmptyScriptSignature
else {
val compactSizeUInt = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
//TODO: Figure out a better way to do this, we can theoretically have numbers larger than Int.MaxValue,
val scriptSigBytes = bytes.slice(compactSizeUInt.size.toInt,
compactSizeUInt.num.toInt + compactSizeUInt.size.toInt)
val scriptTokens : List[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(scriptSigBytes)
val scriptSigBytes = bytes.slice(
compactSizeUInt.num.toInt + compactSizeUInt.size.toInt
val scriptTokens: List[ScriptToken] = ScriptParser.fromBytes(scriptSigBytes)
def write(scriptSig : ScriptSignature): Seq[Byte] = scriptSig.bytes
def write(scriptSig: ScriptSignature): Seq[Byte] = scriptSig.bytes
object RawScriptSignatureParser extends RawScriptSignatureParser
@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSUtil
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Created by chris on 12/14/16.
* Created by chris on 12/14/16.
sealed abstract class RawScriptWitnessParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[ScriptWitness] {
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): ScriptWitness = {
//first byte is the number of stack items
val stackSize = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(bytes)
val (_,stackBytes) = bytes.splitAt(stackSize.size.toInt)
val (_, stackBytes) = bytes.splitAt(stackSize.size.toInt)
def loop(remainingBytes: Seq[Byte], accum: Seq[Seq[Byte]], remainingStackItems: UInt64): Seq[Seq[Byte]] = {
if (remainingStackItems <= UInt64.zero) accum
else {
val elementSize = CompactSizeUInt.parseCompactSizeUInt(remainingBytes)
val (_,stackElementBytes) = remainingBytes.splitAt(elementSize.size.toInt)
val (_, stackElementBytes) = remainingBytes.splitAt(elementSize.size.toInt)
val stackElement = stackElementBytes.take(elementSize.num.toInt)
val (_,newRemainingBytes) = stackElementBytes.splitAt(stackElement.size)
val (_, newRemainingBytes) = stackElementBytes.splitAt(stackElement.size)
loop(newRemainingBytes, stackElement +: accum, remainingStackItems - UInt64.one)
//note there is no 'reversing' the accum, in bitcoin-s we assume the top of the stack is the 'head' element in the sequence
val stack = loop(stackBytes,Nil,stackSize.num)
val stack = loop(stackBytes, Nil, stackSize.num)
val witness = ScriptWitness(stack)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ sealed abstract class RawScriptWitnessParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[Script
loop(remainingStack.tail, serialization +: accum)
val stackItems: Seq[Seq[Byte]] = loop(scriptWitness.stack.reverse,Nil)
val stackItems: Seq[Seq[Byte]] = loop(scriptWitness.stack.reverse, Nil)
val size = CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(stackItems.size))
(size.bytes +: stackItems).flatten
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.script._
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant._
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, Factory}
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{ BitcoinSLogger, BitcoinSUtil, Factory }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Try
@ -14,23 +14,24 @@ import scala.util.Try
sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
/** Parses a list of bytes into a list of script tokens */
def fromBytes(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : List[ScriptToken] = {
val scriptTokens : List[ScriptToken] = parse(bytes)
def fromBytes(bytes: Seq[Byte]): List[ScriptToken] = {
val scriptTokens: List[ScriptToken] = parse(bytes)
/** Parses an asm output script of a transaction
* Parses an asm output script of a transaction
* example: "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 e2e7c1ab3f807151e832dd1accb3d4f5d7d19b4b OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
* example: ["0", "IF 0x50 ENDIF 1", "P2SH,STRICTENC", "0x50 is reserved (ok if not executed)"] (from script_valid.json) */
def fromString(str : String) : List[ScriptToken] = {
if (str.size > 1 && str.substring(0,2) == "0x" && str.split(" ").size == 1) {
* example: ["0", "IF 0x50 ENDIF 1", "P2SH,STRICTENC", "0x50 is reserved (ok if not executed)"] (from script_valid.json)
def fromString(str: String): List[ScriptToken] = {
if (str.size > 1 && str.substring(0, 2) == "0x" && str.split(" ").size == 1) {
//parse this as a byte array that is led with a 0x for example
val hex = str.substring(2,str.size)
val hex = str.substring(2, str.size)
} else {
val scriptTokens : List[ScriptToken] = parse(str)
val scriptTokens: List[ScriptToken] = parse(str)
@ -38,49 +39,49 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
* Parses a string to a sequence of script tokens
* example: "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 e2e7c1ab3f807151e832dd1accb3d4f5d7d19b4b OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
* example: ["0", "IF 0x50 ENDIF 1", "P2SH,STRICTENC", "0x50 is reserved (ok if not executed)"] (from script_valid.json) */
private def parse(str : String) : List[ScriptToken] = {
* example: ["0", "IF 0x50 ENDIF 1", "P2SH,STRICTENC", "0x50 is reserved (ok if not executed)"] (from script_valid.json)
private def parse(str: String): List[ScriptToken] = {
def loop(operations : List[String], accum : List[Byte]) : List[Byte] = {
/* logger.debug("Attempting to parse: " + operations.headOption)
def loop(operations: List[String], accum: List[Byte]): List[Byte] = {
/* logger.debug("Attempting to parse: " + operations.headOption)
logger.debug("Accum: " + accum)*/
operations match {
//for parsing strings like 'Az', need to remove single quotes
//example: [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/test/data/script_valid.json#L24]]
case h :: t if (h.size > 0 && h.head == ''' && h.last == ''') =>
val strippedQuotes = h.replace("'","")
val strippedQuotes = h.replace("'", "")
if (strippedQuotes.size == 0) {
loop(t, OP_0.bytes.toList ++ accum)
} else {
val bytes : Seq[Byte] = BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(strippedQuotes.getBytes.toList))
val bytes: Seq[Byte] = BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(strippedQuotes.getBytes.toList))
val bytesToPushOntoStack : List[ScriptToken] = (bytes.size > 75) match {
val bytesToPushOntoStack: List[ScriptToken] = (bytes.size > 75) match {
case true =>
val scriptNumber = ScriptNumber(BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(ScriptNumberUtil.longToHex(bytes.size)))
bytes.size match {
case size if size < Byte.MaxValue =>
List(scriptNumber, OP_PUSHDATA1)
case size if size < Short.MaxValue =>
List(scriptNumber, OP_PUSHDATA2)
case size if size < Int.MaxValue =>
List(scriptNumber, OP_PUSHDATA4)
case false => List(BytesToPushOntoStack(bytes.size))
loop(t, bytes.toList ++ bytesToPushOntoStack.flatMap(_.bytes) ++ accum)
loop(t, bytes.toList ++ bytesToPushOntoStack.flatMap(_.bytes) ++ accum)
//if we see a byte constant in the form of "0x09adb"
case h :: t if (h.size > 1 && h.substring(0,2) == "0x") =>
loop(t,BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(h.substring(2,h.size).toLowerCase).toList.reverse ++ accum)
case h :: t if (h.size > 1 && h.substring(0, 2) == "0x") =>
loop(t, BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(h.substring(2, h.size).toLowerCase).toList.reverse ++ accum)
//skip the empty string
case h :: t if (h == "") => loop(t,accum)
case h :: t if (h == "") => loop(t, accum)
case h :: t if (h == "0") => loop(t, OP_0.bytes.toList ++ accum)
case h :: t if (ScriptOperation.fromString(h).isDefined) =>
val op = ScriptOperation.fromString(h).get
loop(t,op.bytes.toList ++ accum)
loop(t, op.bytes.toList ++ accum)
case h :: t if (tryParsingLong(h)) =>
val hexLong = BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(ScriptNumberUtil.longToHex(h.toLong))
val bytesToPushOntoStack = BytesToPushOntoStack(hexLong.size / 2)
@ -94,14 +95,13 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
case Nil => accum
if (tryParsingLong(str) && str.size > 1 && str.substring(0,2) != "0x") {
if (tryParsingLong(str) && str.size > 1 && str.substring(0, 2) != "0x") {
//for the case when there is just a single decimal constant
//i.e. "8388607"
val scriptNumber = ScriptNumber(parseLong(str))
val bytesToPushOntoStack = BytesToPushOntoStack(scriptNumber.bytes.size)
else if (BitcoinSUtil.isHex(str) && str.toLowerCase == str) {
List(bytesToPushOntoStack, scriptNumber)
} else if (BitcoinSUtil.isHex(str) && str.toLowerCase == str) {
//if the given string is hex, it is pretty straight forward to parse it
//convert the hex string to a byte array and parse it
val bytes = BitcoinSUtil.decodeHex(str)
@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
* Parses a byte array into a the asm operations for a script
* will throw an exception if it fails to parse a op code */
private def parse(bytes : List[Byte]) : List[ScriptToken] = {
* will throw an exception if it fails to parse a op code
private def parse(bytes: List[Byte]): List[ScriptToken] = {
def loop(bytes : List[Byte], accum : List[ScriptToken]) : List[ScriptToken] = {
def loop(bytes: List[Byte], accum: List[ScriptToken]): List[ScriptToken] = {
//logger.debug("Byte to be parsed: " + bytes.headOption)
bytes match {
case h :: t =>
val op = ScriptOperation(h).get
val parsingHelper : ParsingHelper[Byte] = parseOperationByte(op,accum,t)
val op = ScriptOperation(h).get
val parsingHelper: ParsingHelper[Byte] = parseOperationByte(op, accum, t)
loop(parsingHelper.tail, parsingHelper.accum)
case Nil => accum
@ -136,74 +136,73 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
private def parse(bytes : Seq[Byte]) : List[ScriptToken] = parse(bytes.toList)
private def parse(bytes: Seq[Byte]): List[ScriptToken] = parse(bytes.toList)
/** Parses a redeem script from the given script token */
def parseRedeemScript(scriptToken : ScriptToken) : Try[List[ScriptToken]] = {
val redeemScript : Try[List[ScriptToken]] = Try(parse(scriptToken.bytes))
def parseRedeemScript(scriptToken: ScriptToken): Try[List[ScriptToken]] = {
val redeemScript: Try[List[ScriptToken]] = Try(parse(scriptToken.bytes))
* Slices the amount of bytes specified in the bytesToPushOntoStack parameter and then creates a script constant
* from those bytes. Returns the script constant and the byte array without the script constant */
private def sliceConstant[T](bytesToPushOntoStack: BytesToPushOntoStack, data : List[T]) : (List[T], List[T]) = {
* from those bytes. Returns the script constant and the byte array without the script constant
private def sliceConstant[T](bytesToPushOntoStack: BytesToPushOntoStack, data: List[T]): (List[T], List[T]) = {
val finalIndex = bytesToPushOntoStack.opCode
val dataConstant = data.slice(0,finalIndex)
val dataConstant = data.slice(0, finalIndex)
(dataConstant, data.slice(finalIndex, data.size))
* Parses the bytes in string format, an example input would look like this
* "0x09 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x10"
* see [[https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/test/data/script_valid.json#L21-L25]]
* for examples of this */
def parseBytesFromString(s: String) : List[ScriptConstant] = {
* for examples of this
def parseBytesFromString(s: String): List[ScriptConstant] = {
//logger.debug("Parsing bytes from string " + s)
val scriptConstants : List[ScriptConstant] = (raw"\b0x([0-9a-f]+)\b".r
val scriptConstants: List[ScriptConstant] = (raw"\b0x([0-9a-f]+)\b".r
.map(g =>
// 1 hex = 4 bits therefore 16 hex characters * 4 bits = 64
// if it is not smaller than 16 hex characters it cannot
//fit inside of a scala long
//therefore store it as a script constant
if (g.group(1).size <= 16) {
} else {
// 1 hex = 4 bits therefore 16 hex characters * 4 bits = 64
// if it is not smaller than 16 hex characters it cannot
//fit inside of a scala long
//therefore store it as a script constant
if (g.group(1).size <= 16) {
} else {
private sealed case class ParsingHelper[T](tail : List[T], accum : List[ScriptToken])
private sealed case class ParsingHelper[T](tail: List[T], accum: List[ScriptToken])
* Parses an operation if the tail is a List[Byte]
* If the operation is a bytesToPushOntoStack, it pushes the number of bytes onto the stack
* specified by the bytesToPushOntoStack
* i.e. If the operation was BytesToPushOntoStackImpl(5), it would slice 5 bytes off of the tail and
* places them into a ScriptConstant and add them to the accumulator. */
private def parseOperationByte(op : ScriptOperation, accum : List[ScriptToken], tail : List[Byte]) : ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
* places them into a ScriptConstant and add them to the accumulator.
private def parseOperationByte(op: ScriptOperation, accum: List[ScriptToken], tail: List[Byte]): ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
op match {
case bytesToPushOntoStack : BytesToPushOntoStack =>
case bytesToPushOntoStack: BytesToPushOntoStack =>
//logger.debug("Parsing operation byte: " +bytesToPushOntoStack )
//means that we need to push x amount of bytes on to the stack
val (constant,newTail) = sliceConstant(bytesToPushOntoStack,tail)
val (constant, newTail) = sliceConstant(bytesToPushOntoStack, tail)
val scriptConstant = ScriptConstant(constant)
ParsingHelper(newTail,scriptConstant :: bytesToPushOntoStack :: accum)
case OP_PUSHDATA1 => parseOpPushData(op,accum,tail)
case OP_PUSHDATA2 => parseOpPushData(op,accum,tail)
case OP_PUSHDATA4 => parseOpPushData(op,accum,tail)
ParsingHelper(newTail, scriptConstant :: bytesToPushOntoStack :: accum)
case OP_PUSHDATA1 => parseOpPushData(op, accum, tail)
case OP_PUSHDATA2 => parseOpPushData(op, accum, tail)
case OP_PUSHDATA4 => parseOpPushData(op, accum, tail)
case _ =>
//means that we need to push the operation onto the stack
ParsingHelper(tail,op :: accum)
ParsingHelper(tail, op :: accum)
* Parses OP_PUSHDATA operations correctly. Slices the appropriate amount of bytes off of the tail and pushes
* them onto the accumulator.
@ -212,20 +211,20 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
* @param tail the bytes to be parsed still
* @return
private def parseOpPushData(op : ScriptOperation, accum : List[ScriptToken], tail : List[Byte]) : ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
private def parseOpPushData(op: ScriptOperation, accum: List[ScriptToken], tail: List[Byte]): ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
def parseOpPushDataHelper(numBytes : Int) : ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
def parseOpPushDataHelper(numBytes: Int): ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
//next numBytes is the size of the script constant
val scriptConstantHex = tail.slice(0,numBytes)
val scriptConstantHex = tail.slice(0, numBytes)
val uInt32Push = UInt32(BitcoinSUtil.flipEndianness(scriptConstantHex))
//need this for the case where we have an OP_PUSHDATA4 with a number larger than a int32 can hold
//TODO: Review this more, see this transaction's scriptSig as an example: b30d3148927f620f5b1228ba941c211fdabdae75d0ba0b688a58accbf018f3cc
val bytesForPushOp = Try(uInt32Push.toInt).getOrElse(Int.MaxValue)
val bytesToPushOntoStack = ScriptConstant(scriptConstantHex)
val scriptConstantBytes = tail.slice(numBytes,bytesForPushOp + numBytes)
val scriptConstantBytes = tail.slice(numBytes, bytesForPushOp + numBytes)
val scriptConstant = ScriptConstant(scriptConstantBytes)
val restOfBytes = tail.slice(bytesForPushOp + numBytes,tail.size)
val restOfBytes = tail.slice(bytesForPushOp + numBytes, tail.size)
buildParsingHelper(op, bytesToPushOntoStack, scriptConstant, restOfBytes, accum)
op match {
@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
case OP_PUSHDATA4 =>
case _ : ScriptToken => throw new RuntimeException("parseOpPushData can only parse OP_PUSHDATA operations")
case _: ScriptToken => throw new RuntimeException("parseOpPushData can only parse OP_PUSHDATA operations")
@ -248,22 +247,26 @@ sealed abstract class ScriptParser extends Factory[List[ScriptToken]] {
* @param accum the accumulator filled with script tokens that have already been parsed
* @return
private def buildParsingHelper(op : ScriptOperation, bytesToPushOntoStack : ScriptConstant,
scriptConstant : ScriptConstant, restOfBytes : List[Byte], accum : List[ScriptToken]) : ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
private def buildParsingHelper(op: ScriptOperation, bytesToPushOntoStack: ScriptConstant,
scriptConstant: ScriptConstant, restOfBytes: List[Byte], accum: List[ScriptToken]): ParsingHelper[Byte] = {
if (bytesToPushOntoStack.hex == "00") {
//if we need to push 0 bytes onto the stack we do not add the script constant
bytesToPushOntoStack :: op :: accum)
} else ParsingHelper[Byte](restOfBytes,
scriptConstant :: bytesToPushOntoStack :: op :: accum)
bytesToPushOntoStack :: op :: accum
} else ParsingHelper[Byte](
scriptConstant :: bytesToPushOntoStack :: op :: accum
/** Checks if a string can be cast to an int */
private def tryParsingLong(str : String): Boolean = Try(parseLong(str)).isSuccess
private def tryParsingLong(str: String): Boolean = Try(parseLong(str)).isSuccess
private def parseLong(str : String) = {
if (str.substring(0,2) == "0x") {
val strRemoveHex = str.substring(2,str.size)
private def parseLong(str: String) = {
if (str.substring(0, 2) == "0x") {
val strRemoveHex = str.substring(2, str.size)
} else str.toLong
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{BaseTransaction, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.{RawBitcoinSerializer, RawSerializerHelper}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ BaseTransaction, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.{ RawBitcoinSerializer, RawSerializerHelper }
* Created by chris on 1/14/16.
@ -12,27 +12,32 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.{RawBitcoinSerializer, RawSerializerHelper}
sealed abstract class RawBaseTransactionParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[BaseTransaction] {
val helper = RawSerializerHelper
def read(bytes : List[Byte]): BaseTransaction = {
def read(bytes: List[Byte]): BaseTransaction = {
val versionBytes = bytes.take(4)
val version = UInt32(versionBytes.reverse)
val txInputBytes = bytes.slice(4,bytes.size)
val (inputs,outputBytes) = helper.parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq(txInputBytes,RawTransactionInputParser.read(_))
val (outputs,lockTimeBytes) = helper.parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq(outputBytes,
val txInputBytes = bytes.slice(4, bytes.size)
val (inputs, outputBytes) = helper.parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq(txInputBytes, RawTransactionInputParser.read(_))
val (outputs, lockTimeBytes) = helper.parseCmpctSizeUIntSeq(
val lockTime = UInt32(lockTimeBytes.take(4).reverse)
BaseTransaction(version, inputs, outputs, lockTime)
def write(tx : BaseTransaction): Seq[Byte] = {
def write(tx: BaseTransaction): Seq[Byte] = {
val version = tx.version.bytes.reverse
val inputs: Seq[Byte] = helper.writeCmpctSizeUInt[TransactionInput](tx.inputs,
val outputs: Seq[Byte] = helper.writeCmpctSizeUInt[TransactionOutput](tx.outputs,
val inputs: Seq[Byte] = helper.writeCmpctSizeUInt[TransactionInput](
val outputs: Seq[Byte] = helper.writeCmpctSizeUInt[TransactionOutput](
val lockTime = tx.lockTime.bytes.reverse
version ++ inputs ++ outputs ++ lockTime
object RawBaseTransactionParser extends RawBaseTransactionParser
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptSignature
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{TransactionInput, TransactionOutPoint}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{ TransactionInput, TransactionOutPoint }
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawBitcoinSerializer
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.RawScriptSignatureParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSUtil
@ -13,26 +13,23 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.util.BitcoinSUtil
sealed abstract class RawTransactionInputParser extends RawBitcoinSerializer[TransactionInput] {
override def read(bytes : List[Byte]) : TransactionInput = {
override def read(bytes: List[Byte]): TransactionInput = {
val outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(bytes.take(36))
val scriptSigBytes = bytes.slice(36,bytes.size)
val scriptSigBytes = bytes.slice(36, bytes.size)
val scriptSig: ScriptSignature = RawScriptSignatureParser.read(scriptSigBytes)
val endOfScriptSigBytes = 36 + scriptSig.bytes.size
val lastInputByte = endOfScriptSigBytes + 4
val sequenceBytes = bytes.slice(endOfScriptSigBytes,lastInputByte)
val sequenceNumber : UInt32 = UInt32(sequenceBytes.reverse)
val txInput = TransactionInput(outPoint,scriptSig,sequenceNumber)
val sequenceBytes = bytes.slice(endOfScriptSigBytes, lastInputByte)
val sequenceNumber: UInt32 = UInt32(sequenceBytes.reverse)
val txInput = TransactionInput(outPoint, scriptSig, sequenceNumber)
/** Writes a single transaction input */
def write(input : TransactionInput): Seq[Byte] = {
def write(input: TransactionInput): Seq[Byte] = {
input.previousOutput.bytes ++ input.scriptSignature.bytes ++ input.sequence.bytes.reverse
object RawTransactionInputParser extends RawTransactionInputParser
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