mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:39:18 +01:00
2022 03 09 label refactor (#4175)
* Rename existing getaddresslabels -> getaddresslabel * Fix missing rename of GetAddressLabel * Modify pk constraint on wallet_address_tags to be tag_name rather than tag_type * Add dropaddresslabel for a specific address * Fix migrations * Add unit tests and fix existing tests * Add docs
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 254 additions and 43 deletions
@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ object ConsoleCli {
case other => other
.action((_, conf) => conf.copy(command = GetAddressLabels(null)))
.action((_, conf) => conf.copy(command = GetAddressLabel(null)))
.text("Get all the labels associated with this address")
@ -329,14 +329,17 @@ object ConsoleCli {
.action((addr, conf) =>
conf.copy(command = conf.command match {
case getAddressLabels: GetAddressLabels =>
case getAddressLabels: GetAddressLabel =>
getAddressLabels.copy(address = addr)
case other => other
.action((_, conf) => conf.copy(command = GetAddressLabels))
.text("Returns all labels in wallet"),
.action((_, conf) => conf.copy(command = DropAddressLabels(null)))
.text("Drop all the labels associated with this address")
.text("Drop the label associated with the address")
.text("The address to drop the associated labels of")
@ -348,6 +351,29 @@ object ConsoleCli {
case other => other
.action((_, conf) => conf.copy(command = DropAddressLabel(null, null)))
.text("Drop all the labels associated with this address")
.text("The address to drop the associated labels of")
.action((addr, conf) =>
conf.copy(command = conf.command match {
case dropAddressLabel: DropAddressLabel =>
dropAddressLabel.copy(address = addr)
case other => other
.text("The label to drop")
.action((label, conf) =>
conf.copy(command = conf.command match {
case dropAddressLabel: DropAddressLabel =>
dropAddressLabel.copy(label = label)
case other => other
// TODO how to handle null here?
@ -1852,8 +1878,13 @@ object ConsoleCli {
Seq(up.writeJs(address), up.writeJs(label)))
case GetAddressTags(address) =>
RequestParam("getaddresstags", Seq(up.writeJs(address)))
case GetAddressLabels(address) =>
RequestParam("getaddresslabels", Seq(up.writeJs(address)))
case GetAddressLabel(address) =>
RequestParam("getaddresslabel", Seq(up.writeJs(address)))
case GetAddressLabels =>
case DropAddressLabel(address, label) =>
Seq(up.writeJs(address), ujson.Str(label)))
case DropAddressLabels(address) =>
RequestParam("dropaddresslabels", Seq(up.writeJs(address)))
case Rescan(addressBatchSize,
@ -2355,7 +2386,12 @@ object CliCommand {
case class GetAddressTags(address: BitcoinAddress) extends AppServerCliCommand
case class GetAddressLabels(address: BitcoinAddress)
case class GetAddressLabel(address: BitcoinAddress)
extends AppServerCliCommand
case object GetAddressLabels extends AppServerCliCommand
case class DropAddressLabel(address: BitcoinAddress, label: String)
extends AppServerCliCommand
case class DropAddressLabels(address: BitcoinAddress)
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ class RoutesSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with MockFactory {
"get address labels" in {
"get address label" in {
.getAddressTags(_: BitcoinAddress, _: AddressTagType))
.expects(testAddress, AddressLabelTagType)
@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ class RoutesSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with MockFactory {
val route =
ServerCommand("getaddresslabels", Arr(Str(testAddressStr))))
ServerCommand("getaddresslabel", Arr(Str(testAddressStr))))
Get() ~> route ~> check {
assert(contentType == `application/json`)
@ -762,6 +762,41 @@ class RoutesSpec extends AnyWordSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with MockFactory {
"get address labels" in {
(mockWalletApi.getAddressTags: () => Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]])
Future.successful(Vector(AddressTagDb(testAddress, testLabel))))
val route =
walletRoutes.handleCommand(ServerCommand("getaddresslabels", Arr()))
Get() ~> route ~> check {
assert(contentType == `application/json`)
responseAs[String] == """{"result":[{"address":"1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa","labels":["test"]}],"error":null}""")
"drop address label" in {
val labelName = "label"
.dropAddressTagName(_: BitcoinAddress, _: AddressTagName))
.expects(testAddress, AddressLabelTagName(labelName))
val route =
Arr(Str(testAddressStr), Str(labelName))))
Get() ~> route ~> check {
assert(contentType == `application/json`)
responseAs[String] == """{"result":"""" + "1 label dropped" + """","error":null}""")
"drop address labels with no labels" in {
.dropAddressTagType(_: BitcoinAddress, _: AddressTagType))
@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ object GetAddressTags extends ServerJsonModels {
case class GetAddressLabels(address: BitcoinAddress)
case class GetAddressLabel(address: BitcoinAddress)
object GetAddressLabels extends ServerJsonModels {
object GetAddressLabel extends ServerJsonModels {
def fromJsArr(jsArr: ujson.Arr): Try[GetAddressLabels] = {
def fromJsArr(jsArr: ujson.Arr): Try[GetAddressLabel] = {
jsArr.arr.toList match {
case addrJs :: Nil =>
Try {
val addr = jsToBitcoinAddress(addrJs)
case other =>
@ -134,6 +134,25 @@ object GetAddressLabels extends ServerJsonModels {
case class DropAddressLabel(address: BitcoinAddress, label: String)
object DropAddressLabel extends ServerJsonModels {
def fromJsArr(jsonArr: ujson.Arr): Try[DropAddressLabel] = {
jsonArr.arr.toList match {
case address :: label :: Nil =>
Try {
val addr = jsToBitcoinAddress(address)
DropAddressLabel(addr, label.str)
case other =>
new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Bad number of arguments: ${other.length}. Expected: 2"))
case class DropAddressLabels(address: BitcoinAddress)
object DropAddressLabels extends ServerJsonModels {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package org.bitcoins.server
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server._
import akka.stream.Materializer
@ -12,7 +13,11 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.currency._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.tlv._
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.Transaction
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.fee.SatoshisPerVirtualByte
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{AddressLabelTagType, TxoState}
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{
import org.bitcoins.crypto.NetworkElement
import org.bitcoins.keymanager._
import org.bitcoins.keymanager.config.KeyManagerAppConfig
@ -228,9 +233,9 @@ case class WalletRoutes(wallet: AnyDLCHDWalletApi)(implicit
case ServerCommand("getaddresslabels", arr) =>
withValidServerCommand(GetAddressLabels.fromJsArr(arr)) {
case GetAddressLabels(address) =>
case ServerCommand("getaddresslabel", arr) =>
withValidServerCommand(GetAddressLabel.fromJsArr(arr)) {
case GetAddressLabel(address) =>
complete {
wallet.getAddressTags(address, AddressLabelTagType).map { tagDbs =>
val retStr = tagDbs.map(_.tagName.name)
@ -239,20 +244,38 @@ case class WalletRoutes(wallet: AnyDLCHDWalletApi)(implicit
case ServerCommand("getaddresslabels", _) =>
complete {
val allTagsF = wallet.getAddressTags()
for {
allTags <- allTagsF
grouped = allTags.groupBy(_.address)
} yield {
val json: Vector[ujson.Obj] = grouped.map { case (address, labels) =>
val tagNames: Vector[ujson.Str] =
labels.map(l => ujson.Str(l.tagName.name))
ujson.Obj(("address", address.toString),
("labels", ujson.Arr.from(tagNames)))
case ServerCommand("dropaddresslabel", arr) =>
withValidServerCommand(DropAddressLabel.fromJsArr(arr)) {
case DropAddressLabel(address, label) =>
complete {
val tagName = AddressLabelTagName(label)
val droppedF = wallet.dropAddressTagName(address, tagName)
case ServerCommand("dropaddresslabels", arr) =>
withValidServerCommand(DropAddressLabels.fromJsArr(arr)) {
case DropAddressLabels(address) =>
complete {
wallet.dropAddressTagType(address, AddressLabelTagType).map {
numDropped =>
if (numDropped <= 0) {
Server.httpSuccess(s"Address had no labels")
} else if (numDropped == 1) {
Server.httpSuccess(s"$numDropped label dropped")
} else {
Server.httpSuccess(s"$numDropped labels dropped")
val droppedF =
wallet.dropAddressTagType(address, AddressLabelTagType)
@ -898,4 +921,14 @@ case class WalletRoutes(wallet: AnyDLCHDWalletApi)(implicit
private def handleTagResponse(numDropped: Int): HttpEntity.Strict = {
if (numDropped <= 0) {
Server.httpSuccess(s"Address had no labels")
} else if (numDropped == 1) {
Server.httpSuccess(s"$numDropped label dropped")
} else {
Server.httpSuccess(s"$numDropped labels dropped")
@ -17,7 +17,12 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{FutureUtil, StartStopAsync}
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.fee.FeeUnit
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{AddressTag, AddressTagType, TxoState}
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{
import org.bitcoins.crypto.DoubleSha256DigestBE
import java.time.Instant
@ -218,7 +223,7 @@ trait WalletApi extends StartStopAsync[WalletApi] {
address: BitcoinAddress,
tagType: AddressTagType): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
def getAddressTags: Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
def getAddressTags(): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
def getAddressTags(tagType: AddressTagType): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
@ -230,6 +235,10 @@ trait WalletApi extends StartStopAsync[WalletApi] {
address: BitcoinAddress,
addressTagType: AddressTagType): Future[Int]
def dropAddressTagName(
address: BitcoinAddress,
tagName: AddressTagName): Future[Int]
/** Generates a new change address */
protected[wallet] def getNewChangeAddress()(implicit
ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BitcoinAddress]
@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ class DbManagementTest extends BitcoinSAsyncTest with EmbeddedPg {
val result = walletDbManagement.migrate()
walletAppConfig.driver match {
case SQLite =>
val expected = 14
val expected = 15
assert(result == expected)
val flywayInfo = walletDbManagement.info()
assert(flywayInfo.applied().length == expected)
assert(flywayInfo.pending().length == 0)
case PostgreSQL =>
val expected = 12
val expected = 13
assert(result == expected)
val flywayInfo = walletDbManagement.info()
@ -306,9 +306,13 @@ the `-p 9999:9999` port mapping on the docker container to adjust for this.
- `message` - Peer's message or note (optional)
- `"offer-remove` `hash` - Remove an incoming offer from inbox
- `hash` - Hash of the offer TLV
- `offer-send` `offerOrTempContractId` `peerAddress` `message` - Sends an offer to a peer. `offerOrTempContractId` is either an offer TLV or a temporary contract ID.
- `offers-list` - List all incoming offers from the inbox
- `getdlcoffer` `tempContractId` - Gets a DLC offer by temporary contract ID.
- `offer-send` `offerOrTempContractId` `peerAddress` `message` - Sends an offer to a peer. `offerOrTempContractId` is either an offer TLV or a temporary contract ID.
- `offers-list` - List all incoming offers from the inbox
- `getdlcoffer` `tempContractId` - Gets a DLC offer by temporary contract ID.
- `getaddresslabel` `address` - gets all labels for an address
- `getaddresslabels` - returns all addresses with labels in the wallet
- `dropaddresslabel` `address` `label` - drops the label for a given address
- `dropaddresslabels` `address` - drops all labels for the given address
### Network
- `getpeers` - List the connected peers
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class AddressHandlingTest extends BitcoinSWalletTest {
for {
_ <- addressF
_ <- wallet.clearAllUtxosAndAddresses()
tags <- wallet.getAddressTags
tags <- wallet.getAddressTags()
} yield {
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import org.bitcoins.testkit.wallet.BitcoinSWalletTest
import org.bitcoins.testkit.wallet.FundWalletUtil.FundedWallet
import org.scalatest.FutureOutcome
import java.sql.SQLException
class AddressLabelTest extends BitcoinSWalletTest {
type FixtureParam = FundedWallet
@ -14,18 +16,18 @@ class AddressLabelTest extends BitcoinSWalletTest {
behavior of "Address tags"
it must "add two labels to the database" in { fundedWallet =>
it must "add two tags to the database" in { fundedWallet =>
val wallet = fundedWallet.wallet
val tag1 = UnknownAddressTag("test_tag_name_1", "test_tag_type_1")
val tag2 = UnknownAddressTag("test_tag_name_2", "test_tag_type_2")
val addressF = for {
address <- wallet.getNewAddress(Vector(tag1))
//add another tag to address
tagDb1 <- wallet.tagAddress(address, tag1)
tagDb1 <- wallet.getAddressTags(address)
tagDb2 <- wallet.tagAddress(address, tag2)
} yield {
assert(tagDb1.address == address)
assert(tagDb1.tagName == tag1.tagName)
assert(tagDb1.head.address == address)
assert(tagDb1.head.tagName == tag1.tagName)
assert(tagDb2.tagName == tag2.tagName)
assert(tagDb2.address == address)
@ -33,4 +35,21 @@ class AddressLabelTest extends BitcoinSWalletTest {
it must "fail if we tag the address with the same tag twice" in {
fundedWallet =>
val wallet = fundedWallet.wallet
val tag1 = UnknownAddressTag(tagName = "test_tag_name_1",
tagType = "test_tag_type_1")
val tag2 = UnknownAddressTag(tagName = "test_tag_name_1",
tagType = "test_tag_type_2")
val resultF = for {
address <- wallet.getNewAddress()
//add another tag to address
_ <- wallet.tagAddress(address, tag1)
_ <- wallet.tagAddress(address, tag2)
} yield ()
@ -83,4 +83,29 @@ class AddressTagDAOTest extends WalletDAOFixture {
daos =>
testInsertion(daos, HotStorage)
it must "delete a tag by name" in { daos =>
val accountDAO = daos.accountDAO
val addressDAO = daos.addressDAO
val addressTagDAO = daos.addressTagDAO
for {
createdAccount <- {
val account = WalletTestUtil.firstAccountDb
createdAddress <- {
val addressDb = WalletTestUtil.getAddressDb(createdAccount)
createdAddressTag <- {
val tagDb =
AddressTagDb(createdAddress.address, exampleTag)
dropped <- addressTagDAO.dropByAddressAndName(createdAddress.address,
} yield {
assert(dropped == 1)
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
--changes pk to (address,tag_name) rather than (address,tag_type)
ALTER TABLE wallet_address_tags DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS "pk_address_tags";
ALTER TABLE wallet_address_tags ADD CONSTRAINT pk_address_tags PRIMARY KEY (address, tag_name);
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- This changes the primary key to (address, tag_name)
CREATE TABLE "wallet_address_tags_temp" ("address" VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,"tag_name" VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,"tag_type" VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO "wallet_address_tags_temp" SELECT "address", "tag_name", "tag_type" FROM "wallet_address_tags";
DROP TABLE "wallet_address_tags";
CREATE TABLE "wallet_address_tags" ("address" VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,"tag_name" VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,"tag_type" VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,constraint "pk_address_tags" primary key ("address", "tag_name"), constraint "fk_address" foreign key("address") references "addresses"("address") on update NO ACTION on delete NO ACTION);
INSERT INTO "wallet_address_tags" SELECT "address", "tag_name", "tag_type" FROM "wallet_address_tags_temp";
DROP TABLE "wallet_address_tags_temp";
@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{AddressTag, AddressTagType}
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.{
import org.bitcoins.crypto.ECPublicKey
import org.bitcoins.wallet._
@ -414,7 +418,7 @@ private[wallet] trait AddressHandling extends WalletLogger {
address: BitcoinAddress,
tag: AddressTag): Future[AddressTagDb] = {
val addressTagDb = AddressTagDb(address, tag)
val f = addressTagDAO.upsert(addressTagDb)
val f = addressTagDAO.create(addressTagDb)
@ -428,7 +432,7 @@ private[wallet] trait AddressHandling extends WalletLogger {
addressTagDAO.findByAddressAndTag(address, tagType)
def getAddressTags: Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]] = {
def getAddressTags(): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]] = {
@ -451,6 +455,12 @@ private[wallet] trait AddressHandling extends WalletLogger {
addressTagDAO.dropByAddressAndTag(address, addressTagType)
override def dropAddressTagName(
address: BitcoinAddress,
addressTagName: AddressTagName): Future[Int] = {
addressTagDAO.dropByAddressAndName(address, addressTagName)
private lazy val addressRequestQueue = {
val queue = new java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue[AddressRequest](
@ -125,6 +125,16 @@ case class AddressTagDAO()(implicit
def dropByAddressAndName(
address: BitcoinAddress,
tagName: AddressTagName): Future[Int] = {
val query = table
.filter(_.address === address)
.filter(_.tagName === tagName)
def findTx(
tx: Transaction,
network: NetworkParameters): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]] = {
@ -201,7 +211,7 @@ case class AddressTagDAO()(implicit
(address, tagName, tagType).<>(fromTuple, toTuple)
def primaryKey: PrimaryKey =
primaryKey("pk_address_tags", sourceColumns = (address, tagType))
primaryKey("pk_address_tags", sourceColumns = (address, tagName))
/** All tags must have an associated address */
def fk_address = {
Add table
Reference in a new issue