Bitcoin-S contains RPC clients for interacting with both Bitcoin Core and Eclair.
-diff --git a/docs/0.1.0/contributing-website.html b/docs/0.1.0/contributing-website.html
index 584eb3d6ac..7b1732948b 100644
--- a/docs/0.1.0/contributing-website.html
+++ b/docs/0.1.0/contributing-website.html
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ the id
specified in the page metadata (see the existing pages for a
files, build the site and push them to GH pages.
Before running those commands, you might have to change a few constants in
. These are specifed in the comments of that file.
Bitcoin-S contains RPC clients for interacting with both Bitcoin Core and Eclair.
-Bitcoin-S contains RPC clients for interacting with both Bitcoin Core and Eclair.